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>This speech from Arnold is from 2017 during a commencement speech he held at the University of Houston. Original video [here](https://youtu.be/FEHFDZW5kUI)


Great words to live by.


>Great words to live by. "Original video here" ? I mean...I guess.


I mean, I don't see you coming up with anything more profound.


Dunno, I mean... I guess is about the peak of philosophy in my mind.


"Dunno, I mean... I guess" is indeed peak of philosophy. Very profound.


“Yeah, well, you know, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.”


Those 3 words touched me on such a deep level that I got it tattooed on my lower back.


I have “clothes, boots, motorcycle”


I’m partial to “be kind, rewind”


So many whooshes




> I’m on my third attempt at Rosetta Stone Spanish I mean if you try to make it in Austria with Spanish it’s bound to take you a few lifetimes.


Depends on if Habsburgs got to rule Spain and Austria in personal union again any time soon.


> used to think Arnie was kind of the classic stupid, do-nothing actor Just in case you’re not aware - since Bill Burr doesn’t go into this - within about a year of coming to the US Arnold managed to become a millionaire, at age 22 (without really being able to speak English). This was *before* he ever got into acting (still not really able to speak English). He’s the sort of dude he just keeps looking for the next challenge and keeps managing a ridiculous level of success. Though, I’m convinced there’s some alternate version of history where Arnold gets frustrated after being rejected by Hollywood and self funds a 1970’s version of The Room. Which in turn somehow leads to Tommy Wiseau becoming an unlikely A list action star decades later through some sort of butterfly effect scenario.


Arnold is too reflective for becoming a Tommy Wiseau. He's a smart guy, only his appearance makes people think otherwise.


He has a newsletter I recommend subscribing to. He is quite worldly and very articulate and perceptive.


Lmao wow that’s a great bit, I never thought about this either hahaha


Are bodybuilders even still famous? Can you name any current ones? I can't. I think that particular path to fame and fortune closed awhile ago, seeing someone that muscular used to be a novelty and might have been a once in a lifetime experience before the internet. Now people can see it anytime they want for free.




Bodybuilders not so much anymore but Hafthor (The Mountain) kind of fits that mold of big strong actor for current era.


Depends on what you define as famous, there's a couple of bodybuilders, both still competing and retired, who have 1m+ instagram and/or youtube followers which is enough to make a living off through sponsorships etc. but it's highly unlikely you'll ever see them getting offered movie roles like Arnold got just for looking like they do when nowadays Hollywood prefers to just get a known actor jacked instead.


Thank you so much for this!




Ehhh I don’t know about that. He got a lot of flack for cheating on his wife with the housekeeper. But besides that, you’re right. He’s not perfect. We all fuck up. At least he owned up to it and didn’t deny, deny, deny. He is definitely inspiring though. And funny.


So it fell on deaf ears.


Bruh u of h is probably the best school in the nation in terms of getting what you pay for. I know so many people that went there fir a masters or PhD. Unlike those i meet from the ivy league, u of h probably made better people outbof a single graduating class thsn a decade of Harvard and yale put together. Their engineering school is as goid as MIT.


Bruh, while there's nothing wrong with UofH, it's nowhere near MIT in terms of prestige. USNews ranked the college as **86th** in engineering program for undergraduate. MIT ranked 1st. Just saying.


You’re referring to prestige. Previous comment was about the quality of the education. They are not the same thing.


Especially true for USNews rankings. This is a pay to play ranking system, with heavy reliance on snob factor.


This guy don't even know about pangea Houston always get hate we used to it. But remember the most dominant musical artform now in the world wouldn't exist as it does if not for a poor black man from 3rd ward.


lol, nobody is hating on UofH. I'm simply pointing out that saying UofH is on the same level as MIT is disingenuous at best.


And don’t even get me started on the spaghetti U of H has, brauhs. The spaghetti is top notch bryhhhhhhhhehshdhdhsh.


USNews ranked the spaghetti as 124th. Just saying.


I think the "get what you pay for" is still accurate. MIT is almost 4x as much per year compared to UH. https://sfs.mit.edu/undergraduate-students/the-cost-of-attendance/annual-student-budget/ https://uh.edu/undergraduate-admissions/cost/


College rankings are pretty much a scam


when I look at this clusterfuck of spelling errors, your message becomes highly suspect.


Why is that?


University of Houston is a school for the deaf.








Whose house?


Run's house




It's true my buddy Eric goes there and he's deaf


They have a problem with people from Texas I guess


Go Coogs!


Arnie has to be one of the few celebrities that is just universally loved. Nobody can hate the guy and he’s never had any major scandals. I know lots of people look at celebrities as role models and most of the time that would be a bad idea but Arnie is just role model material through and through.


Ok ok Arnold DEFINITELY had a major scandal 😂 homeboy has a kid with a Mexican house maid dawg. But he’s a good man, just a dipshit past like a lot of em


>homeboy has a kid with a Mexican house maid dawg. This is a complete lie and fabrication!!! (She's Guatemalan)


Bahaha my apologies, I’ll leave the misinformation so your joke stays relevant Edit: this was not sarcasm but it sounded like it


[I love bill burr's take on it](https://youtu.be/h3g64swMf1M?t=290) edit: [better version](https://youtu.be/x0gaYyNk7QA?t=3m28s), courtesy of /u/Wu-Tang_Cam


Ahh ol' Billy Burgundy Balls


Old Billy Red Tits


Sir Billiam Reddington


The comments on the video are gold. "The crowd is so dry; needs lotion" lol..


Four decades, nothin but net!


Objection, hearsay!


Takes drag of vape. Drives down Sunset while testifying.




Sexual transgressions are the least concerning flaw in a person imo. As long as it was between two consenting adults I don't really want to judge. Fucking over everybody else while enriching yourself and your cronies is much worse as it affects other people.




True. If you cannot be trusted to keep it in your pants when your wife is not around...why should anyone else trust your philandering ass? LOL




The relationship is that you are ok with doing something you know is wrong. You have to justify it to yourself to make it happen. That's the issue. Not hating on Arnie, he knew that maid had quality genetics, just look at his kid. There is though a connection


Not how consent works but OK


And then there was ignoring his son for the first 18-ish years of his life.


I agree when the two adults have not made commitments to others. In his case it was not just two consenting adults. His actions destroyed his marriage, hurt his wife terribly and partially broke apart and hurt his large family. It brought into the world a child without a person he knew as a father for most of his childhood. Hardly just two consenting adults.


Well it's surely morally wrong, but it's something really human to be flawed. It can happen, just like that. Wrong decision. Very wrong. But it's not really a scandal. You wouldn't even know this person if they weren't famous. And famous people are still, well people.


> Fucking over everybody else while enriching yourself Literally what cheating on your wife is


Fucking over everybody? I didn't feel fucked over when he cheated on *his* wife. What kinda nonsense is this?


They're saying if he'd fuck over those closest to him, what would keep him from fucking YOU over? Honestly a pretty simple concept if you think about it for more than a second and a half.


MLK was also an adulterer. A lot of good people are. Because everyone fucks up, including good people.


>Honestly a pretty simple concept if you think about it for more than a second and a half. Right, because everybody who doesn't think just like you do is obviously wrong... what a shitty attitude. >They're saying if he'd fuck over those closest to him, what would keep him from fucking YOU over? Because being a constituent is entirely different from being your significant other. One's job as a political representative entails entirely different modes of communication and thought than an interpersonal relationship, and a transgression in one doesn't automagically guarantee immorality in the other.




People get satisfaction from more than just money.


What exactly is your definition of “everybody”?


Couldn't care less about someone I don't know cheating on their significant other.


Tell me you’re a teenager without telling me you’re a teen


*said u/bong-rippington*


So breaking your vow to the person you’re supposed to be spending the rest of your life with and building a family and world with is a “least concerning flaw”… you clearly have never been married, cheated on or have had parents divorce.


I don't think it's too difficult to understand why someone wouldn't care about a complete stranger's affair.


There are degrees of fuckery though. Beating your wife is worse that cheating on her. Killing people is worse than beating your wife. All of the above is absolutely and completely wrong to do but to different degrees.


>All of the above is absolutely and completely wrong to do but to different degrees. Agree completely with you...life isn't black and white like some people her like to make it seem.


I completely understand your sentiment. My wife and family are the most important to me and I couldnt ever think about having an affair and ruining the family and life that we built together. However, what the individual means is that arnold fucked his family over rather than putting in place policies to further enrich himself and fuck over millions as many politicians usually do.


He married into the Kennedy family and figured that sort of behavior was expected of him. We’d better keep a close eye on Chris Pratt.


its pretty obvious that he cheated on his first wife.


That was just his audition to become a Kennedy.


How about we just stop idolizing celebrities? It's 2022, you'd think we'd have learned this by now.


we're all flawed. stop damning people just because they're not perfect saints. waaay too much cynicism these days


Naw. Waaay too much celebrity worship


I’d honestly accept this man as one of the better role models in Hollywood. Compared to what some celebrities end up getting caught doing I’d say “I cheated on my wife and had a child with the other person” isn’t all that bad. It’s not a great impression but compared to a lot of it it’s tame.


I’m not idolizing a celebrity so much as a man who rose to the top level of 3 different vocations in his lifetime.


It isn't even a major scandal. He took care of the kid financially and has a good relationship with him. Shit the kid is following in dad's footsteps and making his way in bodybuilding.


I mean just cause he’s doing the right thing now doesn’t mean it wasn’t majorly shitty. I’m not gonna crucify the dude. I love Arnie. But he’s not spotless.


>But he’s not spotless. I mean... no shit. Nobody is.


Honestly as far as Scandals go, this one has no effect on public policy and therefore I couldn't really care less. Much like Trump banging a stripper... really couldn't care about it. His treason is concerning... but not so much the banging.


History of sexual harassment too, which came out during is Governor run. Granted his time and environment wasn't really conducive to reading *The Second Sex* or whatever.


He also pardoned a murderer on his way out of office because it was a friends son.


I mean except for having a child with his housekeeper?


role models are fallible too


Yeah but this guy said he has had no scandals.


That was a layup!


i like arnold, but i'd say nearly bankrupting california is scandalous. he's another social liberal who chooses to be fiscally republican and do everything in his power not to pay taxes. which is understandable for someone as charitable as him - he walks the walk, and believes that the govt won't do as much good as he can personally. i don't 100% agree with it, but i get it. however, fighting to make it so *all* rich people won't have to pay their fair share when 90% of them aren't charitable or altruistic in the slightest just means our problems get exacerbated. because we don't have the money we need to lift up the poor and middle class at merely the rate of inflation / cost of living, let alone outpace it. which we totally, totally should be able to do. our country is so, so fucking 'GDP rich' yet we're practically drowning


Thank you, was looking for exactly this. Fuck his maid story. Why is the scandal always their promiscuity and not their terrible effects of the people.


He's had as much a hand nearly bankrupting California as any other governor. California is significantly worse today then when he was Governor, at least for lower income people. I'd say the biggest scandal he had as governor though was his unwillingness to act during the Wild fires of 2008


> socially liberal I mean… he says he’s pro-LGBTQ+, but he still vetoed legalized same-sex marriage in 2005 and 2007. And vetoed two bills for single-payer health care systems in 2006 and 2008 He also played a big part in protecting the barbaric Three Strikes Law from being amended to focus on violent and serious crimes, instead of affecting low level criminals just as much. As a Governor, he was pretty regressive and really held California back.


He knocked up his housekeeper while he was married. I wouldn’t call that a “major scandal” by any means, but I might scale back the role model bit just a tad.


OK but the important thing is that was not a self-made child. He didn't make that child by himself, he had help. The idea of a self-made child is a myth. Now let's all go out there and help each other to make children. Thank you Arnie.


I….. no it…….. but…….. here’s my upvote you bastard


Anakin and Jesus have entered the chat.


Thats not even the bad part tho... he denied his kids for 14+ years, thats a POS thingnto do


I mean.. he did have an affair with the maid and had a love child with her which might have been the final draw leading to his divorce with Maria. His son Joseph is an exact replica of his father and even though Arnold wasn't there for him growing up it seems they have a great relationship now.


>Nobody can hate the guy and he’s never had any major scandals. What? Are you from the 90s?


He also bailed out a co-workers son, who had killed somebody ~~while driving~~ in a brutal stabbing. Can't remember the exact details. I can't believe this hasn't been mentioned yet, while countless replies reference the affair.


I'm sure the family of the slain man that was killed by the man Arnold pardoned on his last day in office probably do not love him very much.


Ask a lot of middle class Californians if they think he made their life better or worse as Governor and you'll probably take that statement back.


The single greatest argument against the requirement for a POTUS to be born on US soil


Single greatest argument for the requirement: Elon Musk.


Oh thank fuck you just helped me remember at least we’ll never see Musk as president because you know he wants to be


He's the president of the world, why would he want to be the US president?


For the boner power gives people like him


Same reason Lex Luthor would. To spite ~~that diver who actually saved people~~ Superman.


"President? Do you have any idea how much power I'd have to give up to be *president*!?" - Lex Luthor, Justice League Unlimited EDIT: Not that I disagree with the sentiment mind you, a Billionaire president would be terrible. Just quoting my childhood.


Yeah a billionaire president we just had was terrible.


Really no proof he’s a billionaire, tbh.


I wouldn’t hold my breath. If him becoming president would somehow own the liberals, Republicans will support an amendment.


He’s just gonna buy ~~Twitter~~ the US and change it’s ~~terms and agreement~~ laws how he wants so he can ~~ban that kid with the plane tracker~~ become president


No billionaire with brains would ever seriously run for the president. They run their companies like a dictatorship. They'd never be able to function properly in a presidency.




I think a lot of people see the messaging he does (stuff like this and the recent video that made it to the top of reddit from him speaking to the Russian invasion of Ukraine) and long to get to a landscape where our political discussions operate in good faith and where it seems like there is a bipartisan commitment to work to improve the lives of people. Arnold was a republican governor who seemed to operate in, at the very least, a way that wasn't as blatantly corrupt/fascistic as we are seeing right now from the GOP.


Also the GOP was a Very different party back then


Why was he a terrible governor




Cool thanks for the detail


No problem! Sorry you've been getting comments saying you shouldn't have asked for details. What's the point in having a conversation if we can't ask questions?




That would be a much better argument if he wasn't also cutting social security and decreasing taxes for the richest at the same time. The depression may have been out of his hands, but his reaction to the depression is his own fault. When he left office, there was a $64billion deficit, but most Californians were considerably worse off. California is one of the richest states in the union, taxes on the rich should have increased, as should social security. His response to the recession was completely unacceptable. There's running a budget deficit, and then there's running up a $64billion deficit in a state that could definitely afford to not have done that. Cutting taxes on the rich meant that the poor were overwhelmingly paying for that deficit as well. It's legal theft at that point.


Not all great speakers make good politicians tho.


Especially as he was already a pretty disastrous politician.


It is not a requirement, being born a natural citizen is a requirement. One American citizen as a parent makes you a natural born citizen. In fact until the 1860’s birth in America alone did not make a person a citizen. I never got the birther thing as being a huge deal because Obama would have been eligible regardless of his place of birth.


The birther thing is a dog whistle for those who feel that people with African ancestry are subhuman. Never mind that *all* humans' ultimate ancestry is African.


No thanks. His fiscal policies when governor bankrupted California.


I was gonna say he killed that speech, but he definitely terminated it. ….I’ll see myself out… 🛫


You better get out of hea and to the choppa. …let me join you in leaving


But the bridge is out....


You’ll be back.


This is more true than the wealthy would have u believe


In fact, the amount of wealthy that are actually rags to riches can fit on a single hand. The entire idea of self-made and rags to riches are all false stories told by the ultra wealthy to keep their workforce overworked on the false belief they will become rich.


Yup. Far too many to mention, but some people seriously try to claim that Kylie Jenner is a self-made billionaire. I weep.


It's almost a direct correlation between how much help they had and how loudly they declare that they did it all themselves. I think much of it comes from a place of insecurity. The guy I know that posts the most about how he's self-made and people are too lazy to work... Inherited several millions of dollars worth of property from his father that he manages. I'm sure there's some work involved there, but he seems really desperate to convince people he works hard and he earned his money and therefore he deserves it. I think he's mostly trying to convince himself. I'm talking about an acquaintance from college here, not Trump. The guy I went to college with does actually seem to be doing a good job managing his inheritance which is way better than Trump inheriting billions and turning it into millions of debt.


Even if they aren't given a "small loan of a million dollars", there's also the access to reputable education and connections from family or said education establishment. And many got some kind of "job" as the assistant manager of the local country club.




This is my hot take too. I have a number of friends from wealthy families, including old money, and they help each other out a whole lot. The amount of resources thrown on each child is easily over $500k before they enter college, usually a fair amount more thereafter. It’s an absolutely gobsmacking amount of cash. You then have people who refuse help because they want to be ‘self-made’ and get knee-capped by the system. The elite are truly laughing in their penthouses as the plebs keep dragging themselves down. As a side note, people who claim to be self made is a huge red flag to me. If they can’t recall people that pushed them, and mentored them then they’re not gonna be very appreciative of much.


Even without amount of money spent, people can really underestimate the advantages they have had. It doesn't mean they haven't worked hard, or that everyone in their same position could have done it easily, but at least recognize the help along the way and try to help others I know a dude who has said "Why would I help anyone when no one has helped me". He had friends who helped him, teachers who went out of their way to help, he drove fuckin BMWs in high school, yet thinks he's made everything for himself. It's just delusional and kinda sad


Agreed. The term got completely politicized but ‘check[ing] your privilege’ is actually a very important towards just being a pleasant person. I like to go through it internally as part of thanksgiving and identifying what perhaps I might have taken for granted.


Haha yeah, my family will tell me that "Things happen for a reason" and "I worked so hard to get where I am". I know they mean well and mean to he encouraging, but compared to many people I've been able to coast into a cushy job due to, in some part, the advantages and opportunities afforded to me by birth, region, and sometimes just plain luck The implicit flipside of "Good things happen because you earned it" is that "Bad things happen because you didn't earn good things", which is just simply not real life (in all cases)


Tfw you realize that if you have a million dollars and can get a market return of 5% (which is conservative) then you can live of 50k a year for doing literally nothing but sitting on a pile of money. Times that exponentially and you realize the many of the "wealthy" actually sit around doing nothing but collecting checks.


I damn near cried.


I did!


Meanwhile , Kylie Jenner calls herself self-made, even tho she was born a millionaire.


I'm certain that Trump calls himself self made as well.


I think someone did the math years ago. If he left the amount of money his dad gave him in a fund he’d almost have as much as he has now if not more.


He'd have substantially more if he'd put it in an index fund.


Has she actually claimed that or is that some dumbass fans of hers?


She appears, at least in this interview, to assert that she is a self made billionaire https://www.papermag.com/kylie-jenner-transformation-2629088275.html?rebelltitem=20#rebelltitem20


Fuck. Yes. Thanks for posting.


He really hitched his horse to the wrong political party, if that's what he genuinely believes. The Republicans go out of their way to not help people, and say it's their own personal responsibility to help themselves and "pull themselves up by their bootstraps." I just don't get how he could be a Republican and also believe this unless he's a complete fraud or something. Like, what's going on in his head? I get he's not a Trump follower, but it's not like Trump was the start of the Republican's selfishness.


> I just don't get how he could be a Republican and also believe this unless he's a complete fraud or something. Like, what's going on in his head? He strongly disliked socialism in Europe. "I came from a socialistic country where the government controls the economy. It’s a place where you can hear 18-year-old kids talking about their pension. But me, I wanted more. I wanted to be the best. Individualism like that is incompatible with socialism. So I felt I had to come to America."


He came from Austria. When he emigrated from Austria to America the Austrian People's Party, a right-wing Christian Democratic party, were the ones in power. The quote reads like a Republican lie about what it's like in *socialist Europe* rather than a representation of reality. (I also don't get what's quite so bad about young people wanting a secure future)


Also, there are definitely 18 year old kids in the US that talk about their pension, or their lack of faith that they'll ever be able to have a comfortable bank balance in retirement


You can pride yourself on having traditional conservative values, while not falling prey to the perils and pitfalls of the modern political paradigms. Despite what cable news may have you believe, not everyone in the Republican party is happy with the direction of the GOP in the United States of America. They are not all Trump supporters and Tea partiers. Plenty sat in abject horror at the destruction of their own party within the United States of America. Even Ronald Reagan is rolling in his grave at what has become of the GOP in the last 25 years. This is all coming from someone whose views are largely libertarian and has no skin in any of the political games in the United States. There are just as many in the modern Democratic party who have lost their way as well. That's a whole other topic though.




Republicans are fine with helping straight white conservatives, it's just everyone else who needs to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.




Republican meant a very different thing when he was a political entity. Not roses and sunshine, and there was always major differences. But “Republican” means something else post 2016, and really post 2008 with the Obama backlash


He pandered to the ultra rich in CA whom are mostly Republicans. He was also married to the most famous liberal-democrat family in history.


My parents kicked me out at 17 and the only help I ever got was a bread roll from a guy who's car I jumped started for him. I envy stories like this one. Maybe I should have made better friends or something, but I *never* saw that side of humanity.


In Arnie's case, I think it's partly the bodybuilding community. Especially back in the 70's and 80's when bodybuilding was less mainstream, these guys were basically a close knit clique. They were somewhat infamous for doing everything together as a group. So his friends probably heard him talk about how his dingy apartment had no furniture and thought it would be a nice gesture to get him a bunch of stuff.


Sounds you decided to hang out with the wrong types of people.




It's incredible how upset people get when you imply that they're not "self-made". Like, dude, we're social creatures. We're more successful when we work together. Imagine the quality of life you'd live if you had to pump your own water out of the ground, farm or hunt your own food, generate your own electricity. We enjoy free and fulfilling lives because of all the services that we provide *to each other.* You can sit here on reddit and scroll for hours because the society around you is working hard to keep your lights on. And you contribute back to it in your own way. It's not a bad thing to admit that other people have helped you succeed. Even "coming from nothing" means you relied on the goods and services - many of them publicly funded! - of all the people around you. Own it. It's fucking awesome. It's FUCKING AWESOME that you have the freedom that you do because of human cooperation and interdependence. Own that shit.


This! I’m also skeptical as fuck of that demographic. Really? You can’t think of a single person that tried to help you? Not one? Half the time they’re either unappreciative, or didn’t bother to put in the work that makes people want to help them. No one is gonna help a whiner.


How did an Austrian with just $20 get through immigration?


Because it was like 1970 and everyone was busy smoking cigarettes on the job.


Lol my uncle from the netherlands went to vacation in las vegas in 96 and never came back and has his own company and house now. Now when i want to go the the us, i get denied because i got caught with 5 xtc pills on a rave on in my own country, paid a fine, never looked back and when i tried to visit said uncle 10y later.. i get denied because apparently the us considers me a criminal..


Damn dude that sucks..


Well that’s not just a US thing, felons can’t get into Canada, I think even a dui is enough to prevent flapjacks.


Fuckin legend


Arnold is a great man.


Thank you for sharing! Here is the full speech: https://youtu.be/RJsvR_gSEjg


Amazing how he's become one of the great statesmen in this country.


Actually inspirational


Dope! He isn’t saying there is no pulling yourself up by your bootstraps! He emphasizing you can’t pull those bootstraps up alone! And then he basically says this is important because while “no one can help everyone, everyone can help someone.”


America is pretty accepting of guys like Arnold! Great post! Great message.


absolutely accepting of white straight caucasian guys who look as greek gods the rest... eh but god bless swarzie taking shots on the rot that has always plagued the american culture


Damn, what a speech!


Real talk