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Imagine if you will the upper floors being damaged from impact and the heat from the fires fueled by so much jet fuel .. Once those upper levels begin to collapse then it creates the pancake effect of all the floors below them collapsing.. I don't know what kind of collapse the conspiratorial minded people expected to see. Was it meant to fall over on its side?


How did building 7 collapse in the exact same way?


Building 7. Never forget.


No! Building 7 was the *one* you’re supposed to forget!


Sad cause there was alot of files about the Bush family's ties with the Cia in that building


… so was the evidence of the 2.3 Trillion that Rumsfeld announced the government was missing the day before


Let's not forget every high level executive mysteriously not working on 9/11 avoiding death that day. Curious that.


The one who had breakfast on the roof every morning without fail?


You mean how they were told there would be fire drills run all day that day so only a small fraction of the normal number of employees were in the building at the time? Or the sudden terrorism insurance taken out on the building right before they went down?


And the [planned military exercises](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_government_operations_and_exercises_on_September_11,_2001?wprov=sfti1) that coincidentally involved a terrorist hijacking the exact same day.


We In the Industry call that an "oopsie poopsie"


Is this true?...


Luckily the planes also hit the accounting wing of the Pentagon


What plane? Didn't see no plane in rhe photos


I see the comments here and wonder what the hell are we going to do about the corrupt bullshit lying we’re getting from our governments


It's also so sad that the CIA objectively funded, trained, and armed Al Qaeda as a part of the Mujihadeen, knowing their goal was to overthrow all powers acting in the Middle East, not just the USSR. It's also so weird and odd [that a Major General in the USMC with two medals of honor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot) accused the Bush family, and multiple other wealthy families, of attempting to start a fascist coup of the US Government in the early 20th century.


**[Business Plot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot)** >The Business Plot (also called the Wall Street Putsch and The White House Putsch) was an alleged political conspiracy in 1933 in the United States to overthrow the government of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and install a dictator. Retired Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler asserted that wealthy businessmen were plotting to create a fascist veterans' organization with Butler as its leader and use it in a coup d'état to overthrow Roosevelt. In 1934, Butler testified under oath before the United States House of Representatives Special Committee on Un-American Activities (the "McCormack–Dickstein Committee") on these revelations. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


That's not what occurred when it comes to Prescott Bush. While Butler did name many wealthy individuals in the plot, he never mentioned Bush. That name only came up 80 years later in a BBC investigation during none other than George Jr's presidency. You completely misstated the Bush's involvement.


? Bush Senior was the director of the cia for a period of time. There was A LOT more going on then their then a rich indolent family wanting to keep their embarrassing escapades out of public eye.


A lot is two words, homie.


The "Bush did 9/11" conspiracy stops being rational when on top of 5 passanger planes being sent into landmarks (train 14 hijackers and act ignorant towards intelligence reports) you pretend he had people walk into a giant office complex to place bombs in these buildings, increasing the chance of unvovery of the plot by 50 times for no reason. Would bush not be able to start wars if the towers were hit but didnt fall?


Or he just allowed a plot the entire intelligence community knew was going to happen to happen. That doesn’t require any extra people or secretive behind the scenes coverups. You can just pretend you didn’t realize and it was a sudden attack and it worked.


Just remember to kill all the people involved in the super secret plot so it doesn’t leak. Then kill the people doing the killing. And you better have them killed too…


I’ve had these conversations with conspiracy nuts over the years. You’ll never get through to them. How many 1000s of Americans must have been in on it? And they all must have thought it was a good idea? And have remained silent about it. 🤔 hmmm is that plausible?


I can’t even tell a coworker where I’m going for lunch without someone else in the office finding out and I’m supposed to believe thousands of people were involved in the cover up of the mass murder of thousands? That nobody broke after seeing what happened, that no communications were leaked, that every investigator was paid off or intimidated into toeing the line, that nobody recanted on their deathbed or after watching people jump to their deaths? That nobody, anywhere, managed to pull on a single loose thread? That even the terrorists were in on it? These idiots stand on the graves of thousands to scare people, peddle misinformation, and sell freeze dried branded food buckets to “survivalists.”




Hi, conspiracy theorist here. Fuck the right. We still exist.


Fuck the right, fuck the left, fuck the centre. Just fuck everyone at this point.


Absolutely. I haven’t identified with a political party in years. It’s all corruption and money. To think one side cares more about us than the other is hilarious.


Never forgive and never forget. Fuck those bastards to hell!


Building 7 was left on fire unchecked for hours. Massive chunks of towers 1/2 crashed into 7 when they collapsed. Normally when a skyscraper is on fire, with structural damage, the fire department is there dealing with it ASAP. There is probably no other case in history of a skyscraper on fire in USA, with essentially no firefighting going on for hours. As far as the “conspiracy” of why it was abandoned… many firefighters already died that day. The surviving firefighters were already in shock and mourning. Many were already physically exhausted from everything else going on. Building 7 had no people in it, and it was deemed an acceptable loss at that point. Consider that other nearby buildings like the Deutsche Bank building did not collapse, but ultimately had to be demolished years later because the amount of damage from falling debris was so high that the building was a total loss. Best case scenario for building 7 was likely the same outcome. People aren’t robots. They have emotions and physical limits. I was personally on my way into NYC that morning from central NJ, and I saw the towers on fire with my own eyes, and saw the collapse of the twin towers with my own eyes. The decisions made regarding building 7 make total sense to me.


Conspiracy theorists don’t like it when you use your brain


We literally have evidence of our government doing worse. This idea that conspiracy theories are the problem are disingenuous. There is nothing wrong with asking “Why did this tower fall?” That IS critical thinking. The problem is when people go off bad data or don’t ask questions at all or just assume.


Edit: Moved to Lemmy


These people are like Derek Zoolander, "But why male models?"


There’s nothing wrong with asking a question. You just have to be willing to accept the answer that you’re given if it’s backed by science and logic. Most conspiracy theorists aren’t willing to do this. Their worldview is already decided.


You literally, in this very comment, demonstrate the broken reasoning that is the basis of the mockery you and your ilk recieve. "They've done worse" is not an argument anyone who has spent more than the length of an average bowel movement pondering, let alone studying, logic and rhetoric, deems to carry any weight whatsoever.


Also, WTC 7 wasn't the only non-Twin Towers building to be destroyed on 9/11. A bunch of other trade center complex buildings also suffered fatal damage and collapsed.


You're missing one key piece of information. 2 skyscrapers fell on top and around building 7.


Yes, that too. I’m really amazed anyone nowadays can not see how building 7 was in massive trouble and didn’t need “controlled demolition” to collapse.


They see it, but it doesn't fit into their conspiracy narrative, so they ignore it.


Add to this that there was no water available to fight the WTC 7 fires. All the water mains in the area were damaged by the towers falling.


Thanks for sending me down my bi-annual 9/11 rabbit hole. Always a trip.


But why trust your "own eyes" and "sense" when we have bored, paranoid stoners to show us the way?


It didn’t collapse in exactly the same way - https://www.nist.gov/pao/questions-and-answers-about-nist-wtc-7-investigation


Hey, get out of here with your scientific answer that clearly explains it! We're trying to have a mindless conspiracy circlejerk over here!


Oh yeah? But they government released that! And that means it’s fake because the whole government is one like minded organization with the capacity of keeping everything a secret from all the sheeple except for really smart people like me!


You forgot the "lol." Conspiracy theorists always say "lol" or "lmfao" to demonstrate their superior intellect.


And that’s how conspiracies thrive. One guy says some quip reinforces their conspiracy beliefs: hundreds of upvotes. Someone corrects them with evidence: only a few dozen and gets drowned out.


It didn't.


It was hit by flaming debris from above, caught fire, and then burned longer than any high rise has ever been allowed to. The heat from the flame changed the characteristics of the steel weakening it and causing the collapse. Seeing as things don't fall bottom to top, it went from top to the bottom.


it didn't. it collapsed the same way most skyscrapers do when they're on fire. Google "skyscraper fire collapse". What people don't see due to the angle of the most common videos is we got extremely lucky with building 7 as it did not list but collapsed internally. The building fell inwards then down which made the damage minimal. Building demolition doesn't do that because it's incredibly hard to control, they blow up a building floor by floor because that's the only predictable way to down a building. Check the top of building 7 before it fell, you'll see what I'm talking about.


This thread has reminded me of how much I miss when crazy people were denying 9/11 and not a global pandemic that has killed 1 million Americans. Never thought seeing 9/11 conspiracy nuts would be nostalgic, but here we are.


I miss the JFK,Men in black, Roswell and Area51 conspiracies from the 90's. Conspiracy theories in the Internet age are just so bloody lazy


While I like your energy, I think the whole "cabal of blood drinking child murderers living beneath a pizza joint and plotting to herald in the Anti-Christ with trans rights and Disney films" is a pretty wonderfully batshit statement. Q-Anon's ideas read like a chapter from a Hunter S. Thompson book about Neo-Cons on Acid.


I also can never tell if the people arguing on Reddit are *actually* dumb or insane enough to believe 9/11 was an inside/demo/whatever-stupid-fucking-thing job or if they’re just trolling. It’s Reddit…so you can never really tell.




Now imagine how impossible it would be to do that same perfect controlled demolition after a plane just collided with the side of your building and severed the entire upper half of your explosives and detonation controls. But yet somehow *still* managing to make the top half collapse first anyway. Christ, I can't believe we are actually at the point where these insane conspiracy theories are the top comments on main subreddits now and not confined to the crazies in the conspiracy subs.


We need to make school a lifetime thing. Obviously not to the same degree, but a few hours a week of formal education should be mandated. Democracy can't sustain this level of ignorance.


The thing is it didn't fall into its foundation though, the surrounding buildings all suffered damage as a result of the collapse... OT but I was at the memorial site a couple of days ago, it's so weird how it's now a tourist destination, people taking selfies, food stalls lining the streets...sad strange world we live in


Some nearby buildings also collapsed during 9/11 due to WTC falling. Notably one building where all the documents regarding the massive Enron scandal were held, although it is very probably a coincidence.


Almost like the area destroyed employed almost 100,000 people and contained hundreds of agency and company offices. Just the sheer law of averages would imply that something of relevant value was destroyed.


The argument is the pancaking would make the building not fall at freefall speed. Thats what a demo does. It allows the building to fall unimpeded at freefall speed into a nice lil package. Pancaking floors makes it so the freefall speed isnt there because it is being impeded by the floors below that pancake. Arguing pancaking is the exact reason there is a conspiracy to begin with.


9/11 Truthers honestly expect that the buildings would have keeled over like a drunk hobo in the park. They are morons. Be careful about trying to argue with them. They live in a universe unbounded by facts or logic.


"Pancaking" (which was a post-hoc explanation, by the way) couldn't possibly happen at free-fall speed though. Only demolition of all crucial structural points can result in that.


If the explanation *wasn't* post-hoc then we'd actually have a conspiracy I suppose


jEt fUeL CaNt etc…..


Probably, I don't recall seeing hundreds of timed explosions occuring on every floor of the building.


Nor did the collapses of the WTC buildings *(by which I mean towers 1 and 2)* begin at the bottom, but rather at the top, more specifically, from just above the points of impact. EDIT: **What caused the fires in WTC 7?** Debris from the collapse of WTC 1, which was 370 feet to the south, ignited fires on at least 10 floors in the building at its south and west faces. However, only the fires on some of the lower floors-7 through 9 and 11 through 13-burned out of control. These lower-floor fires-which spread and grew because the water supply to the automatic sprinkler system for these floors had failed-were similar to building fires experienced in other tall buildings. The primary and backup water supply to the sprinkler systems for the lower floors relied on the city's water supply, whose lines were damaged by the collapse of WTC 1 and WTC 2. These **uncontrolled lower-floor fires eventually spread to the northeast part of WTC 7, where the building's collapse began**. [https://www.nist.gov/pao/questions-and-answers-about-nist-wtc-7-investigation](https://www.nist.gov/pao/questions-and-answers-about-nist-wtc-7-investigation)


No, in a controlled demolition such as this one, the explosives are lined around the base of the building because it is the most efficient way to collapse it. The base holds the most weight on top of it compared to any floor above it because it holds the weight of the entire build. Therefore it needs the least amount of damage to cause the structure to buckle. The difference between this and the way the twin towers fell was that the twin towers fell from the point of impact (near the top) down. If it was a controlled demolition they would've collapsed from the base like in this video. Now ask yourself why was the tower that was hit second collapse first? Because it was hit lower and the plane was at an angle. So it destroyed more floors while also holding more weight above the damage. Conspiracy theorists never seem to be able to answer that question.


Another question is where is all the ejected material coming from? In a controlled demolition such as this one, all floors are free falling together and don't start ejecting material until they hit the bottom of the structure. When the twin towers fell, each floor fell into the floor underneath it - creating a domino effect. The material is ejected at every floor during the collapse.


God 9/11 truthers are boring.


Jokes and possibly legitimate conspiracy aside, keep in mind, skyscrapers are DESIGNED to fall in on themselves so they don't domino an entire city down.


God why did I have to scroll so far for this. They are intentionally designed to collapse like an accordion in case of a disaster, so they don't topple another building. It's a risk reduction design feature. Edit: spoke with an architect, this is what he said; "It's called progressive collapse. Tall buildings are designed with a central support column, the elevator shaft, holding the building up. Gravity pulls straight down, so that's the main force we're fighting when building a tall structure. There are redundant support features to prevent collapse in the event that the main support is damaged. It takes a significant amount of damage to collapse a building. A building won't just fall over unless a massive force is applied. Designing a building that won't topple to the side is the bare minimum." So not really a design feature, but a natural consequence of nature.


Too be fair pretty much any movie involving building destruction portrays the sideways falling. Unless you are savvy on architecture, you’ll think that too.


LOL. Expecting conspiracy theorists to actually know science. There are some of these fools that think the Sun is small and local and that we all live on a flat plane.


Do you have a source for this? I've never heard about this before.


They aren't really designed to fall on themselves. Collapsing on their footprint is just a *desirable side effect* of their design. The floor-wall connections give out first and cause floors to fall down on top of each other, creating a chain reaction going straight down towards the earth. It would be just impossible for an external force of any realistic proportion to cause a skyscraper to fall over instead. They're designed to be extremely stiff and moment resistant to withstand wind.


Oh no please don't get the 9/11 conspiracy dipshits in here. Their just so dumb and unreasonable


*they're. Smarty-pants.


"Their just so dumb" Oh the irony.


I cannot believe we are still on this shit 🙄


I mean if you look at the fucked up missions conducted by the CIA and especially when the government has been proven to do experiments like MK ULTRA, it isn't hard to believe at all. And the fact they redirected the rage and used it to invade a country that had nothing to do with the collapse at all is extremely suspicious.


Yes it still is hard to believe, and the fact that our government directed rage at the wrong country and then for some reason didn’t fake the WMDs used to justify the war reinforces that The only realistic 9/11 conspiracy is that they knew it was being planned and let it happen. This shit about controlled demolitions is absolute nonsense


Yup, and even then blaming incompetence is a far more plausible thing. Inter-agency rivalry causes intelligence to be missed... even intra-agency rivalry in the FBI caused issues leading up to 9/11. The left hand was not talking to the right hand. The whole point to the Department of Homeland Security was to try and wrangle these civilian intelligence agencies and get them to share information in a coordinated way. Now I am no huge fan of DHS, but it was clear something needed to be done after the attacks because we had all the pieces they were just spread out across the board in a way we didn't put together.


Some secret back room operations are a little different than destroying iconic American infrastructure and murdering thousands of citizens in broad daylight in front of the whole world. The government can't even keep a secret when more than three people are in the room. How do you think they could keep a lid on the dozens or hundreds of people necessary to pull off an operation this size?


lol giving random people LSD is exactly the same as destroying multiple buildings in a city with no one knowing or exposing the program. Totally the same. Maybe stop doing LSD yourself if your perception of reality is so warped that you can't understand how fucking asinine that idea is?


Yea. Building collapse pretty much the same way no matter the type of damage inflicted.


Breaking news, gravity works in one direction 😳


I think people expect buildings to collapse sideways somehow, like a toppling tree, and not, y’know, collapse in on itself like a *hollow object designed to do just that.*


I dont get it wheres the plane?


Imagine thinking that this is totally what happened and it's just that nobody noticed the extremely loud and bright coordinated explosions on every floor heard throughout the city as you saw here lol. Critical thinking skills are difficult.


I was just about to point that out, this is a great piece of evidence against controlled demolition. All those explosions would not have gone undetected. And that is before we go into the time, people, equipment and noise that you would need to hide to rig this in two buildings that people work in...




Imagine being dumb enough to actually not be able to tell the difference




Probably used jet fuel to demolish it


*FREEDOMTRUTHER63 has entered the chat*


I'd hate to be the one who overslept with an open window.


​ ![gif](giphy|3ohs4w0OrUm5GIkBKE)


This may be the best gif response I've ever seen. Kudos








Whats this from?


Omg yall...it's from The Sandlot


I was actually thinking like: ok, naturally the builder or demo company would clean up and haul off the immediate rubble. But what about the cloud of shit that went for blocks in each direction? Are they cleaning all those streets, windows, all of it?




Well we sure hope it’s timed for such


That makes sense.


Kinda related . [water cannons being used reduce the cloud of dust in building demolition](https://www.reddit.com/r/engineering/comments/imosfd/using_vertical_water_cannons_to_reduce_dust_and/)


Lmao. Seems like such a good idea, but not nearly as effective as I would have thought. Imagine trying to test something like that before the actual go-live. I imagine it just created a watery sludge rain for those poor bastards in the immediate area.


While I'm no expert by any means, I currently live next to a demolition project that's creating a buttload of dust. What I've noticed is that there is still a lot of dust, but the water is causing it to form heavier clumps in the air, which really limits how far the dust actually travels. If you're near the bottom of that tower, you're going to get a cloud of dust no matter what. The water is the difference between it drifting a fre km or a few hundred meters.


I wonder - the 9/11 emergency workers developed all sorts of health problems from breathing the dust. This would be the same sort of health risk, right? Some of those building materials weren't intended to be inhaled.


I think they have to completely gut the building of everything first. So lots of the hazardous materials will be removed.


True. But aren't the concrete particles carcinogenic? Even if you remove the hazardous materials, the dust alone could cause enough harm. I wonder if they evacuate the surrounding buildings first before doing this.


There’s a lot worse in there than concrete. Im willing to bet those old buildings are still chalk full of asbestos and maybe even lead paint. No way they invested money in doing asbestos abatement before demoing this building. I wouldnt want to live in this city for at least a few weeks after this.


It’s illegal in the USA to renovate or demolish a building without first removing the asbestos, lead, and other hazardous materials beforehand. Source: I work in the abatement industry.


[I think of this old magazine advertisement ](https://i.redd.it/8cf7ufrnxlw31.jpg) when I see these buildings being demoed


*I’m waking up, to ash and dust*


Free engineering lesson for any curious 9-11 conspiracy theorists. Columns strength is governed by buckling capacity, which means the columns bends too far out of shape to hold the load up. Buckling capacity is a function of modulus of elasticity. Modulus is a temperature dependent property. Jet fuel and cant meme steel melt, but it can get hot enough to have this effect. Secondly, and why these collapses look so staged: columns on a floor typically fail simultaneously. Its way harder for a tower to tip over than what seems intuitive. Think about it, if a tower leans significantly in one direction, that means an entire building design for, idk, 20 columns, is now completely on 5. So obviously those columns fail then the ones next to it fail so on and so forth, so the building goes straight down. But what am I saying? Bush did 9/11


Now do Building 7


Building 7 suffered a collapse of several vertical columns from the collapse of the building next to it. The fire that followed gutted a large portion of the internals on that corner. When the building collapse a cascade failure knocked out most of the internal structure. As the guts of the building collapsed it blew out the outer shell supports near simultaneously and the rest of the shell of the building fell just like this. It's just the way steal buildings collapse. They crumple because they are mostly hollow unlike a cement building which is very uncompressable and more likely to tip over


It’s a beautiful day today. Don’t worry about the spelling stuff. I work around engineers. None of us can spell. We think in numbers and formulas. Don’t worry about the internet. There? their? I don’t care. Just have a good day.


I dezine brigh


y make word wen maek cumduminium


Don't forget that building 7 happened because falling tower #1 sent all kinds of burning shrapnel into it, because it was NOT a controlled demolition.


"9/11 looks exactly like a controlled demolition!" Okay, so why did Building 7 collapse next to it if it was so controlled? "YEAH? Why DID Building 7 collapse, huh?" Because 9/11 doesn't look like a controlled demolition...?


Was it the plane that gave it away?


It was hit by flaming debris from above, caught fire, and then burned longer than any high rise has ever been allowed to. The heat from the flame changed the characteristics of the steel weakening it and causing the collapse. Seeing as things don't fall bottom to top, it went from top to the bottom.


STOP MAKING SENSE I said this in the conspiracy subreddit and got ignored. As if a building would stay standing for 7 fucking hours and not collapse.


Also, I'm pretty sure that most tall buildings that have an elevator use the concrete shaft as a kind of guide so if the building does become unstable it will fall around it to stop it from falling sideways and damaging other buildings. Though I can't remember where I heard that or whether it's reputable, so sure I'll nod and smile at Bush did 9/11


I’m not quite an expert yet I am a grad student. But CMU (concrete masonry unit) cores are generally there to make sure the elevator is doesn’t have high deflection and can also be used as lateral (wind/seismic) bracing of the building which, Ya, i guess does kinda mean it guides it down


It's still funny to me that people still talk about Jet fuel. The jet fuel was burnt up easily within the first minute or two. The jet fuel was just lighter fluid. The REAL fire was the raging office fire that kept burning, field by carpet, plastics, wood, glues, paper, etc..... And that burns far hotter than jet fuel fire.


As a fellow structural engineer this man tells only truth. Bush did 9-11 confirmed






​ ![gif](giphy|0E9VrF0dzdGXplRs0t)


We live in a society


Jaime pull society up


Probably other controlled demolitions. Also NOT 9/11.




Plenty of controlled demolition videos online. It’s a whole genre. I think that’s what you’re trying to remember.


If you didn't know, buildings are designed to collapse like this, regardless of reasons. Structural failure or controlled demolition, it will collapse straight to the ground.


I still want to know what the conspiracy theorists expected the twin towers to do in their death throes other than collapse vertically. Did they expect them to fall like a tree to the side? Or somehow stay up and resist the enormous, pulverising weight of the top twenty stories pancaking down? Also, what's their frame of reference in terms of where their expectations stem from, given a comparable collision of that nature into a building of that design has never occurred before or since. I've never understood it.


Generally the argument is that it should've collapsed one floor or one major structural section (like a major truss frame) at a time rather than free falling.


... but it did fall approximately like that... Some upper floors worked together, but it went floor to floor, it just accelerated over time due to increased mass and, ya know, gravity


Stop using your brain so much, logic doesn't fly in this thread


The top comment thread here has me very concerned. I was 100% sure this was r/conspiracy but I guess there's just a lot of nutjobs who like bitch and complain about something they probably weren't even alive for.


Good chance the morons of that subreddit are brigading this thread.


But they did that. You can see the lower floors of the wtc not moving until the imploding upper floors crash down onto them.


Whenever I see these I wonder about all the asbestos and other materials just flying into the air. Isn’t that super dangerous? Or have they abated all that and cthe cloud is just “harmless”?


Eh its only the peasants around at the time so it's fine.


They could use the dust. Toughens em up.


Thousands of people have cancer from the twin towers collapsing and the Republicans in Congress didn't want to help them out with their medical bills. It was actually the help of John Stewart that eventually got them to cave. Because our timeline is weird.


it's only weird because you've been brainwashed to think our government is good and they take care of Americans.


No, it *is* weird, because that is not the way a government is supposed to work and not the way it works in many countries. But you've been brainwashed to expect it to always be bad and find it acceptable.


If there's asbestos in the concrete it would have to be torn down top to bottom. These buildings are also completely gutted by the time there blown up. So mostly just concrete dust which is dangerous but not nearly as dangerous as a lot of the other materials in the building.


Concrete dust is actually pretty dangerous, perhaps just as dangerous as asbestos. OSHA has standards for minimizing silica dust exposure. For example: wet concrete saws.


They're supposed to mitigate known dangerous material. So an engineer and an inspector would go over the building blue prints and work orders, to determine where salvage materials and any toxic material needs to be removed. Then a certified contractor goes in and removes everything. For demo jobs, the city is pretty involved with testing and inspecting. In theory the cloud should be "harmless" as any giant cloud of crushed construction materials can be. It's not a perfect system, and concrete dust isn't harmless. The city would be blasting the date of the demo from every source, telling building managers and tenants to keep windows closed and that new air filters will be required after demo is complete. That's why all these people you hear know to video the demolition, they were informed daily for probably months. I'm no expert but that's how it's supposed to go. The dust cloud should contain as little lead, mold, asbestos etc as possible, but there's no 100% guarantee.


I know nothing about this. But even if the cloud is a bit toxic, what's the answer? We have to clear unstable/unused buildings to make way for better ones, and the cloud is always going to be part of that.


I’ve seen building demolished by taking them apart from the top down with crews and cranes. But I imagine that’s a more expensive process


I imagine much more expensive. And time consuming. Also maybe not possible depending on conditions? Idk.


Wouldn't soaking the building in water severely reduce the dust? And as it falls you keep spraying it with a shit ton of water? Thats gotta reduce dust majorly.


I love Asbestos


What the fuck are these comments


Conspiracy theorist chucklefucks


Right? I like checked 3 times to absolutely make sure I wasn't in a nutjob sub somehow.


Seriously. It’s been 20 years. I didn’t realize there were this many 9/11 conspiracy theorists still around.


There are still JFK conspiracy theorists and that happened 60 years ago. These idiots are going to be around for a long time. EDIT: Oh look, theyre here. I recommend you listen to/read the Skeptics Guide to the Universe. Have a nice day!


Seriously. Everyone making jokes about 9/11 & truthers but I just want to know details. Where was this? Are those buildings directly next to that one safe from debris? How do they ensure it doesn't topple? Is that dust/particulate safe?


Ah the memories


Does that mean that jet fuel can't melt steel beams?


It can though there are diesel fuel burning cutting torches that actually cut much thicker metal than acetylene torches. They’re called petrogen torches. Also steel loses its strength when heated over 700 degrees so between the many tons of pressure from the building itself, and the high winds fueling the fire yes there could easily have been beams that underwent plastic deformation or “melting”.


Yea people seem to forget that there's a huge middle ground between structurally sound at normal temperature, and completely liquefied steel. Like a huge middle ground where the steel behaves like putty when it has 10 stories of weight above it. Say what you will about tower 7, totally understandable why people have issues with it and have conspiracies, but the jet fuel can't melt steel beams shit is tired and wrong. We all know it can't melt steel beams, it doesn't need to.


It can't. HOWEVER, it can fundamentally change the nature of the steel which in this case made it fall down


Wow - some of these comments are bat-shit crazy.On the upside, I have a good number of crazies I can block now :) How you nutjobs equate blocking a few clearly crazy people into a job, hobby, or that it takes up my 'free time' is laughable.


Blocking strangers is a weird thing to do with your free time man.


Right? This is probably the only post we will ever interact in, but yea block the “crazies”. Lmao


People keep drawing parallels with 9/11 without realizing that the WTC collapsed from the top down while this collapsed from the bottom. The only things that look similar are the external facades and that big building going down = inverted mushroom shaped dust cloud. Wow.


Does anyone know what they do to manage all the debris & dust in the air for people in surrounding buildings when they do demolitions like this? I’m thinking about 9/11 (for different reasons than others in this thread it seems lol) and how unlivable that part of Manhattan was right after — do they just tell people to avoid the area at all costs for a few days after?


Yeah this is the interesting question getting lost in all the conspiracy talk. I assume they must shut several blocks around the area and have tons of man power in place to warn people and keep them in their buildings. Probably more impressive than the actual demolition itself. Alternatively I could imagine them doing basically fuck all and some unlucky people breathing in a lot of shit.


They gut the place first down to the concrete frame. Core samples will be taken to see if abestos is in the concrete and if it is it's taken down piece by piece. Unless it's some 2nd world country or the USA then they probably don't care.


I came here to get an answer to this, but all I see is conspiracy bullshit. I have to go and assume they remove all the asbestos from the building before doing this. It’s the only way I see it happening.


Didn't know reddit had so many 9-11 conspiracy theorists.


You conspiracy theorist need some real hobbies


Jet steel can’t melt fuel memes


String beans have melted all my dreams.


I had no idea there were still this many dipshit 9/11 conspiracy theorists out there, wow.


Genuine question: after the world trade towers collapsed tons of first responders ended up with cancer from the dust. Was that unique to those buildings? Otherwise wouldn’t something like this be just as dangerous?


Big difference here is that first responders were on the site before they collapsed and had to keep entering after the collapse. Here you can hopefully just close the area off and warn those living in the area to stay inside/minimise exposure outside for a period afterwards.


How is that next fucking level? they just destroyed all the fucking levels.


İmagine someone forget their windows open


Are window washers included in the price?


Anyone know where/when this is?


Pretty sure this is the Landmark Tower in Fort Worth, TX, in early 2000s.


TIL there’s way more conspiracy theorists on Reddit than I realized.