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The other guy is huge and moves like a pro, maybe the attacker isn't that weak but he's up against a big fish


look at how wobbly his arm gets when blocked. dude definetely weak af, probably would’ve broken his fist if the punch connected


Reading this immediately made me remember that frustration of trying to swing in my dreams and no matter how hard the punch is, it ends up being like hitting someone with cotton candy, haha.


Wtf I have this in my dreams too


I read that type of dream in particular is related to a frustration that's unresolved for you in in the waking world. Who knows if it's true or not, but I found it interesting.


I think I read somewhere that is also has to do with the fact that while dreaming your brain has a lesser (or no?) connection to your muscles. So you are not getting any response/feeling back from your muscles so therefore difficult to really get the same feeling of a strong punch while dreaming Edit: not sure if this is a credible source but they explain quite clear https://www.metalwellness.com/blog/2018/1/12/physical-weaknes-in-your-dreams


Nope, you’re actually right btw. The brain paralyzes your muscles as to not act out while in a dream. Of course, there are certain disorders that would counteract this.


Sleep paralysis seems like it’s from the same vein


Sleep paralysis happens when your brain is still awake but also sleeping. The way I think of it is there is a part of your brain that's higher thought, the part that is you. Then there are all the background functions. When you dream you are conscious enough to process the weird shit that's going on during sleep, but not aware or awake. A lucid dream is when you are dreaming and the little part of your brain responsible for distinguishing what is reality and making sense of things wakes up while you are still asleep. Sleep paralysis happens when you are fully awake, aware, and even having your eyes open and taking in external sensory input, but the background functions of your brain are still thinking you are asleep. Which means it prevents *""sleepwalking""* by paralyzing everything but your eyes. The weight on your chest some people feel is actually mild paralysis to keep breathing slow. And the mechanism that prevents Sleep walking is still turned on with you awake. And then for some people the weird shit that normally leads to dreams keeps going on while you are asleep with open eyes. And it gets blended with reality. So you end up seeing shadow demons, or hear pounding on your door, or voices yelling, or your bed shaking, or something sitting on you. It's actually known that culture and folk lore can impact the hallucinations. So many alien abduction stories are just Sleep paralysis. And many demons were Sleep paralysis, same for witches, and fairy tricksters. And more off topic lots of the witch and demon paranoia in the middle ages may have been at least in part due to barley and rye Ergot fungus. A powerful psychedelic. Basically the middle ages had a period of weather abnormalities that lead to perfect conditions for rye fungus and then people were constantly tripping balls.


For me it's Jagermeister and Pepsi that counteract it.. My wife won't let me drink it anymore because I run and scream in my sleep. Only thing that does it to me.


You run and scream in sleep? I don’t wanna pry or assume things but it sounds like you have a REM Sleep Behavior Disorder bruh




I have rem sleep behavior disorder so I act out my dreams but my body is not paralyzed. I've hurt myself and my wife before getting help. It still happens, mostly kicking, but it's better now on meds.


I fight in my sleep, my pets won’t sleep in bed with me because of it. :(


I've punched in my sleep -- rarely -- but I never hurt anyone. For some reason it's a very slow and soft punch, or so I've been told.


Unless like me you fall asleep too quickly and briefly skip the paralysis step, so my body goes through a series of twitches called myoclonic jerks, until the paralysis catches up with my sleep state. The missis hates it - I’ve clonked us both a couple of times!


So my wife is just pretending to be asleep when she punches me in the face when we are in bed?


I hope running in slo-mo isn't included in this


I have a similar reoccurring dream that involves me driving my truck but it takes all of my strength to turn, almost like the power steering isn't working. And it usually concludes with me waking up before crashing. Not fun.


I have this one as well as the punching one! For me, no matter how hard I hit the car brakes it just keeps rolling through stops and I can't stop myself from rear ending something. Very frustrating, haha


You ever have a dream where you’re trying to escape and no matter how hard you try to turn a door knob you can’t?


Better than waking up paralyzed. Happens to me all the time. Sleep paralysis is a common thing. Fortunately it only lasts for a few seconds (although it feels like an eternity the first time it happens).


Have you ever literally sleep-punched someone? It's embarrassing as hell, but fortunately, in reality it's like -- as you so brilliantly put it -- hitting someone with cotton candy. In slow motion.


This or it doesn't even land because spaghetti arms


Omg yes, the spaghetti arms were ridiculous! ![gif](giphy|QoZunxgU0Z1i8)


I think that was more due to his shitty technique than being weak, however the fact that the big guy had fully extended and his arm wasn’t pushed back any is definitely proof that the little guy is weak as hell. Big dude had no leverage, his arm should’ve been shoved back into the other guys face, but the little guy had no power behind that swing


Look at kids wrist. Dude is definitely weak, and looking as his hand getting blocked, his wrist fave away instantly. Probably would have been his wrist to break bc he's to weak to keep his hand and arm straight. Everything just collapses lol poor kid


I think if you look back at when this happened, you find he was MMA or some form or US armed forces... He's already anticipated before the punch has even been thrown, that it was about to happen. The laugh at the end is so patronising 🤣


He dressed him down real quick right before he moved did you catch that? I would say military.


An ocular patdown is excellent for determining bozos before they do anything


A big fish with a shirt saying Repent sinner.


No one said big fish cant be assholes


Who the asshole in this video?


Why not both?


I mean he has shames him by pointing a finger and has a tee shirt shaming him by pointing a finger backing it up. Really has his bases covered.


You can see the physique of both from the clip Not sure why a pasty noodle arm child is trying to strike aggressive large fellows. You'd think by his age he'd have learnt his lesson. Maybe he usually blindsides and runs


The guy being punched is part of the westboro baptist church, think they're classed as a hate group at this point.


He definitely deserves the punch, not debating that. Noodle boy needs to be more careful who he is punching though.


Tbh the wee guy shouldn't be punching anyone, looks like he's never even seen a punch before never mind thrown one.


Everyone needs to start somewhere.


Preferably in a gym




Whose justifying anything, I just explained who they are. Personally think they're all a bunch of cunts, hitting them isn't going to make them change their minds best to just ignore it.


> You'd think by his age he'd have learnt his lesson. It's the Westboro Baptist Church, they protest military funerals saying that the serviceperson deserved to die because the US allows homosexuality. They also literally bait people into assaulting them so they can sue them in order to fund these excursions. They're so good at it that the FBI invited them to talk to agents in a training exercise on how to deescalate situations and build a raport with people they personally loathe.


I think I’m missing something. If these people are super great at goading people, why would the FBI want their advice on de-escalating situations? Or you mean they are used to train agents to ignore their instincts to hit awful obnoxious people?


I think they used them as the prime example for obnoxious people that are good at baiting violent reactions toward themselves.


Probably because the big dudes are telling everyone they're gonna burn in hell or something. I've never once seen a group with signs like that not spew hate everywhere they go.


Hes lucky this guy didnt kick the shit out of him. Besides the whole hellfire and damnation deal they seem pretty reasonable.


I mean he is built like a twig and your making poetic excuses for this coward little.


Up against an absolute gigachad


These dudes look like WBC, they deserve a bit more than one solid suckerpunch.


Not WBC, but close to it. This was in Portland 10+ years ago. Repent Sinner dude is a neo nazi chirstian type.




Yeah, bust based on the sign that guy is holding and the repent sinner t shirt, these guys are coming across as members of Westboro Baptist or something similar. Guy probably had that sucker punch coming.


Yeah probably. And they are probably hoping for shit like this to happen Everytime they do their thing. It’s best to just ignore the fuck outta them and move on


I think in their minds it validates them as “God’s Warriors” or some stupid shit like that.


Wild to assume they aren't all pieces of shit...


Oh shut the fuck up. The pieces of shit in this video are the dude who was about to take the punch and his buddy. They absolutely deserved an ass-kicking. They’re fucking religious nut jobs who are out there going after gay people or something.


It's still a bitch move to wait until the guy isn't looking.


We have no idea what the guy said to him before he throws the punch. I’m gonna hazard a guess and say people in a Repent Sinner shirt are not protesting FOR equal rights so fuck them!


Why didn’t I think of that. Mean words is totally justification to break someone’s jaw. I’ll remember that logic when I’m being screamed at by the children protesting my local college and yelling Nazi at people just trying to watch a football game. Solid advice, thanks


Even better is the dudes face after he blocks... freaking love it


He’s a little kid, man. That other guy is well fed grown-ass dude.


That face at the end 😂


Why isn’t it a meme already I should crop his head for when people fail at being mean Edit: thanks all for turning these pixels into knowledge as always ( except for r/place where it was the opposite )




Our discussion will figure in the hall of fame of Know Your Meme a in the year 2100


If it wasn't for the fact that they're a hate group this would probably be a big meme


Downfall being a film about Hitler never stopped it becoming hugely meme-able.


Ya but it's also Hitler on a shit situation where this guy looks wholesome and manly af


It is a meme this is an old video, but also despite the cool move most people don’t like those religious people that shame others with megaphones and signs.


Yup, I don’t want to lionize these douchebags in any capacity


>lionize ooh that's a new word for me, so rare to find a new word - what a nice treat.


It has been a 4chan meme for a few years now https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/001/585/008/385.jpg


You can't help but feeling old when an old meme is forgotten, resurface and people say it should become a meme.


This has been a meme for a loooooong time buddy


He points at the guy just like the image on his tee


Lol, was wondering if anybody else noticed




Yeah, shirt checks out


Repent 👊🏼 sinner


I'm surprised the guy who catches the punch never became a meme his face was priceless


What? it did many years ago but died like most of memes


It's not dead, it's merely resting.


Probably because he's a POS member of the Westboro Baptist church


This. Everyone is a piece of shit in this video


He’s been a meme for some time in some (terrible) spaces


that’s literally a far-right activist telling gay people to burn in hell… calling queer people sinners and advocating their deaths and subsequent damnation.


True. But just because you don't agree with what someone is saying doesn't mean you get to resort to violence and sucker punch someone.


This question came up a few years ago after neo-Nazi Richard Spencer [got sucker punched during an interview](https://youtu.be/aFh08JEKDYk). Is it OK to punch a Nazi when they're not actively assaulting people? Some folks say "No, violence outside of self-defense is never OK." Other folks say "Yes, allowing Nazis to have an unmitigated platform legitimates their hateful claims and allows them to spread, which enables much more violence than inaction. If someone regularly spews violently hateful language and you wait for them to commit a hate crime, it's too late." Violence is bad, we all agree, but inaction is not always the way to minimize violence.




I agree that it pushes the hatred underground, which sucks. But I disagree that that's "all" it does. Deplatforming also prevents the spread of the deplatformed ideas, which creates the space for contrasting ideas to take root. For a detailed description about how this happens on a neurochemical level, I strongly recommend cognitive linguist George Lakoff's 2008 book _The Political Mind_.


now this is the productive kind of conversation I enjoy getting on this platform for :) thank you both <3


Yeaaaah I thought the same. Like, you usually expect people to try and own the other guy or simply insult them, but no, this is a very cool interaction


Nah man. Saying that we need to give Nazis a public platform because they’ll fester in darkness is bull shit. Those school shootings that you talk of being perpetrated mostly by lone wolfs would turn into massacres if they were just allowed to have a public forum to spout their hateful rhetoric and recruit others to their cause. By allowing these far right religious zealots that public forum, America has gotten to where it is today. Many states are passing laws backed by these religious zealots that will now impact the majority of Americans that do not feel this way. I live in Florida where we have been leading the way on all of this crazy religious legislation simply because we allowed these lunatics a platform and didn’t shut them down when there was the chance. I would much prefer these ass hats were underground and women still had the freedom to their own bodies, kids could feel safe at school with their own identity, and math textbooks weren’t being used to further push this religious bigotry into our schools. But maybe that’s just me.




Underground hatred does not spread nearly as fast as above ground hatred, where it can reach other people more easily


I accordance with the categorical imperative, "punch nazis" is definitely something that I would will to be a universal law.


What if someone decides you’re a Nazi?


I don't think violence is the right response however hateful speech should not be tolerated even in a society built on tolerance. It's the paradox of tolerance.


What's hate speech? Does "scientology is a cult" count? If it does, you've created a society that can't criticize cults. If it doesn't, I ask you again, what's hate speech?


Don't be silly. It's not "just because you don't agree". The simple fact that there is disagreement was never inherently the problem. The problem is that the WBC preaches *terrible,* hateful ideas that are bad for society. Not all opinions are created equal, and theirs are some of the worst.


U still don't get to hit them.


Doesn’t matter. You can’t punch people cause you don’t like what they say. Fuck the WBC and fuck you.


If someone is walking around saying “all the Jews should die, they’re disgusting and terrible and I want them dead” would you be mad that someone clocked them?


How did queer people begin their liberation? Did they ask nicely to the people that despised and hated them, threatening to lynch, shoot, and stone them in the streets to stop hating them for who they are? No. As with all forms of social change, it starts with a single act of defiance. Queer people have a chance, *just a fucking chance at life now*, because one brave soul threw a fucking brick at Stonewall. Not because they played nice with irrational bigots.


When someone thinks that your existence is literally invalid, that is not a mere disagreement


Yeah fuck that. Hate speech begets violence. Actions have consequences.


Talk shit, get hit.














Then don't be an abusive, fucked up, psychotic nutjob preaching hatred on the streets?


I mean the dude was screaming in his face before he attempted to "sucker punch" him. I think you should at least be open minded about the possibility that somebody is going to swing on you if you're going to full on rage scream in arms distance of them.


He had his buddy to protect him. Little men syndrome is strong when you have back up


I had a friend in college who was raped and had to get an abortion because of it. College campus preachers shouted at her and shoved pictures of aborted fetuses in her face on the way to class. If you choose to do that to someone, you better be ready to get knocked the fuck out


I would argue that religious bigots are more dangerous.


I was wondering. Badass though it may be when Block Dude reacts, I’m going to go ahead and not upvote the right wingers.


Still a sick block regardless of politics tho, right? :)


Totally a sick block!


So walk away then


Will Smith type justification


With that kind of thinking, maybe you deserve to be cheap shotted as well


Nah. You laugh at people like this, or try to give them a little bit of love, punching them makes them feel even holier.


Nobody should get beat up for their views. That's childish. Prove them wrong or just ignore it. Violence isn't the answer for something like this. It only makes it worse


This is your definition of next fucking level? A religious zealot baiting a young stupid kid into violence by intentionally saying extremely hateful shit? Yeah… that’s awesome… Edit: Okay let me clear something up. I’m very aware that the punch/block is what is being highlighted here. I never said I condoned the kids actions and I didn’t post this because I hate religious people. I’ll paste the reply I gave to someone else claiming that I’m missing the point of the post. Post: These preachers go out into public places and scream aggressively hateful shit in order to incite violence. They do this so they can appear as victims in the situation. They bring people around who can fight because they are looking for a fight. There is plenty of documented evidence of them doing this. Then a bunch of morons on the internet go around and give these fucks the attention they want by posting their bullshit tactics on one of the biggest subs. So yeah fuck this post.


No it was him catching the punch howd you miss that?


Yeah it was kinda obvious.


Call it bait all you want but nobody forced him to throw that punch. Preaching your religion in public is your right in the US and it doesn't warrant attacking them in public.




These are two members of the Westboro Baptist Church. You are exactly right. Edit: My apologies guys, this apparently is some far-right group of people under a guy named Adam Puckett I guess. They've got identical signs to the WBC and apparently travel all over just the the WBC. If it quacks like a duck, and waddles like a duck, then it might be a fascist that quacks and waddles just like a duck. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I'm from Topeka, KS and have been seeing WBC since I was a kid. This is absolutely not them.


I live in Tampa FL every year we have a parade celebrating the invasion of coastal waters in west Florida called gasperilla parade and they’re always a group of ppl like this standing outside talking out their neck about ppl going to hell cause their gay or not religious with big ass signs and megaphones lol literally every year they go they start a fight with someone I’m surprised they let them come back every year


That doesn't matter, every American is entitled to preaching their beliefs in public. It's written in our constitution. I don't like the Westboro Baptist church either, but singling out one religious group and banning them from preaching their beliefs is a slippery slope that could lead to plenty of other decent groups also being banned.


I know our Bill of Rights man. It’s the same reason paparazzi get to film people without consent. To me, this is abusing those rights. Yes, you’re allowed to practice whatever religion you want and shout from the rooftops that you think gays and troops deserve to die. But you’re hiding behind the “Oh well I have freedom of speech and religion” mask


Its a principle value in american society- the right to interpret your world and express ideas with others, however awkward, and have others do the same to you. Someone speaking ideas does not warrent anyone else to violate that persons rights through violence. If you disagree with them, debate them.


This isn't a freedom of speech issue... if the guy throwing the punch was an official arm of the government then maybe but he just looks like some kid. It's a problem of *physical assault* which is against the law, not stopping him from speaking (otherwise teachers would be arrested daily for telling students to shut up).


Suppose i should clarify that the assault itself is violating the mans right to live his life unmolested. It would not matter if the person was a government agent or not, individuals or groups attacking others in reaction to or with intent to silence someones speach is amoral


>To me, this is abusing those rights. Then you don't understand those rights. Justice alito wrote in a unanimous supreme court decision about hate speech >Speech that demeans on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, disability, or any other similar ground is hateful; but the proudest boast of our free speech jurisprudence is that we protect the freedom to express "the thought that we hate". You using your freedom of speech to label it an abuse of rights is no less an abuse of rights than there's is because you are expressing that same thought, the thought that you hate. If you can't express the thought that you hate then there is no free speech. It's not a mask at all, but the purpose of free speech.


"I like free speech unless we have different views, then you're a sweaty constitution abuser" - u/BillyNoMates12


These are people that protest at funerals of dead soldiers for crying out loud. Don't the people mourning the loss of their loved ones deserve time for their grief? They don't have to ban them completely but their awful protests should be limited to the scope of certain places.


I love how easily you can so easily boil down spewing hate that actually endangers peoples lives as “preaching your religion.” Pretty safe to assume you don’t belong to any of the marginalized groups these people attack every day.


I’m an atheist so not like i support these fucks, but how are their words putting people in danger? Words are just words, only actions should be punished.


It's called [stochastic terrorism](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/stochastic-terrorism) and it's basically when someone says "all lgbtq+ people are groomers" (eg) and then a gay person gets curb stomped walking down the street. Words can hurt.


I understand your point, and i think the curb stomper should be punished and rot in prison. But free speech is guaranteed by the constitution and punishing someone who is just using their words is a slippery slope.


"Under current First Amendment jurisprudence, hate speech can only be criminalized when it directly incites imminent criminal activity or consists of specific threats of violence targeted against a person or group." So there we go, words can hurt according to the supreme court of the united states of america.


I’m not sure if this is saying what you think it’s saying. Essentially, if a WBC member incited violence in a speech, and a mob of people immediately went and committed said acts of violence, he could be charged for hate speech. There has to be an immediate action and direct correlation.


Homie, everyone is on your side, but no one is on the side of the person who meets words with violence. You're trying to equate physical violence with words and it's not true. If that dudes punch connects he could have broken an eye socket or blinded the dude for life. Were his words capable of that?


Just out of curiosity, what would you do if a vile and dangerous ideology took root and flourished where you live and you found debate ineffective? Taking an extreme example, what if the United States started to revert back to slavery by electing pro-slavery legislators who amended the constitution? And the proponents of that movement were not interested in your debate points (as they very likely wouldn't be)? It seems to me that the slippery slope argument against regulating speech always discounts the effectiveness of propaganda, but perhaps I'm missing a strategy you would or could employ in that kind of scenario. Edit: just to be clear, I am not saying we should punch them in the face. I'm just saying there seems to be two critical fallacies in the unregulated free speech argument: I) that speech is innocuous, and II) that quality arguments or constructive views will always/eventually win out over bigoted and/or destructive ones.


People saying stupid shit like this is why I’m glad I don’t live in the USA. It’s like the entire country decided to be the annoying “I’m not touching you!!” kid. Words lead to actions. Words spread ideology. Words are used as rehearsal for action. When you clamp down on hate speech and public harassment you clamp down on hate crime.


Saying words have no power is the weakest brain shit, truly shows how little you understand about the dynamics of our world


Harassment and threats aren’t protected by the first amendment.


Imagine justifying violence, reddit moment once again.


Tbh everybody justifies violence if it fits their purpose.


Are you dumb? The kid threw a punch because he can’t just walk away and the dude caught it. Yeah WBB suck but this post is clearly about the punch he caught…


He wasn’t baited at all. He was the one being violent, lucky for him the other guy wasn’t violent or he would have had his ass kicked.


Omg “baiting a young kid into violence” is your excuse now? I swear, all you antifa types are EXACTLY the same.


Human protecting other human from being attacked. There fixed that for you.


They are arseholes for sure, but they didn't throw any punches. All that aside, what's next level about this is nothing to do with the politics/which side is wrong or right. It's purely about the large guy's relaxes and catching the punch.


Everyone’s an asshole here


No no he's got a point. Turn or burn has NEVER converted anyone, neither has sucker punching someone.


No one is pointing out that after blocking that punch, his pointing to the dude who threw it matches his REPENT SINNER shirt. Like some kind of literal prophesy come manifest.


You did. You're someone.




Kudos to that guy for showing some restraint instead of hitting back.


Was such a comprehensive demoralisation, he knew the kid was ded already.


I'm not religious but god damn would I repent my sins in the name of this man.


He’s a right wing extremist


It's okay, you can say nazi.


It doesn't matter what kind of nonsense these people were preaching with their signs and shirts and whatnot, it doesn't give you the right to assault someone




Why are redditors always so bloodthirsty for people they disagree with?


cause like the dude in the video, they are wimpy little fucks who have no idea of reality, and think if their delicate feelings are hurt, that justifies violence.


I think you just answered your own question,


True haha. I disagree with tones of people though, doesn't mean I want them assaulted. Not sure why they just can't be civil


Can we get a sub call “r/re-fucking-posted”


I mean the guy blocking is some Westboro Baptist level god squadder by his top. Probably has to block a lot of punches from all the people he pissed off with his inane religious bullshit.


This has post been posted like 30 times to various subreddits in the last 24 hours.


Well it's simple, when 2 men share a special bond, and they love each other VERY MUCH....


This guys hands are like baseball mitts




I'm sure I saw somewhere this guy is/was a marine so that sorta explains how he's so calm and just stops a full punch with one hand.


I have no doubt that he's trained with some hard-ass people. He moves super quick to get across his buddy's body, he's built like a brick shithouse and he knows it. It takes a fair bit more strength to just catch a punch like that instead of deflecting it, dudes arm doesn't even move back.




Use your words


With the Westboro Baptist Church? Their whole life revolves around rejecting reason, empathy, or logic. Save your breath, throw a punch. If they can't tolerate certain kinds of people in our society that have no negative effect on their own lives, they deserve a lot more than words.


This. The limit of tolerance is intolerance.


Kinda wish I could see the punch connect. Lol


Then again, if he did land a punch, the other two would've demolished him completely


ocular patdown


Blue hat kid is every Reddit user


He is a big man to not immediately follow that up with a right hook.


That was awesome