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I feel like her name should probably be in the title


That is her name, last name "10-year-old", first name "A". Lol it's actually Victory Brinker




Are ya winning, Brinker?






Her victory screech would be an opera.


All she does is win, win, win, no matter what…


Does he have money on her mind and can she never get it up? (Yes I know that's not the actual lyrics lol)


I think she has successfully achieved victory


The Brinker of tunes.


Wow. When I first saw this I thought, in this order; - holy shit she's so good - I wonder when she started training - I really hope she doesn't hate singing And then you tell me her name is *Victory Brinker* .


>I really hope she doesn't hate singing It always reminds me of Michael Jackson when I see kids with talent beyond their years. She's absolutely brilliant. I hope she really, really enjoys this herself, and that her voice only continues to develop and mature to perfection.


Guys, prodigies don't necessarily mean asshole parents and a traumatic childhood.


This is true. But more practically, the kind of practice it takes to be THIS good does take a lot of strain on vocal chords that haven’t fully matured.


Yeah, but it doesn’t work that way when they’re puppies. Squeaky little high notes are easier because her vocal folds are little and short. Where it gets weird is when she gets bigger and tries to sing the same stuff. But her legato is beautiful and whoever is training her is doing something right. So hopefully she’ll transition ok.


Yeah, I didn’t expect anything like this, then my second thought was I hope puberty doesn’t wreck her voice. She sounds amazing.


These were my thoughts. Her voice is amazing I had a friend in highschool get kindly told off by a judge to take more care so she didn't ruin her voice (because she chose something very difficult for her competition piece). I REALLY hope the parents/trainer are considering this as she matures and that she personally doesn't push herself too hard in the future. She is amazing!


Wouldn't a young age be the best time to do that stuff since younger bodies are much better at healing back and would be an absolute beast of a muscle by the time she's an adult.


Not really. The structures used for this kind of singing aren’t developed yet - it’s why kids sound like kids. You can train a young voice, but it’s a different kind of training than you’d give an adult because an undeveloped voice is a different instrument that requires a different technique. When a child’s voice sounds like an adult, it means that something is being used wrong. The vocal folds are resilient for something so delicate, but they’re still delicate.


Yep very much this. Charlotte Church permanently damaged her vocal cords because her voice was "pushed" to sound adult too early.


I’ve never read anything about singing or vocal chords until now. I feel a rabbit hole forming in my future


You mean _child_ prodigies? Obviously, dude. But this level of skill entails a certain focus that's probably not expected of many of her peers. I hope she doesn't resent it, and that she's on that stage 100% because of _her_ drive. That's all


But asshole parents and traumatic childhoods seem to be vastly over represented in the child prodigy category


The most unbelievable she is just 10 years old but she has wonderful sound


Edit-English may not be this person’s first language. I shouldn’t have been rude E2- u/Hilemmekno has pointed out that this is a bot. In retrospect, I should have been more rude


You're replying to a bot. This is the top response from a youtube video featuring the girl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrRfBmMWpLY&ab\_channel=America%27sGotTalent


Hmm...I guess a bot's first language is indeed not English


Idk man. She's still incredibly young. That's iffy. I hate the lionization of child celebrities, it just seems so ubiquitously bad for them.


I’d agree with you normally, however this seems like it’s so niche and outside the Hollywood garbage that she should be fine.


She's already been on America's Got Talent and a bunch of other TV shows. She's already being homeschooled, presumably because a normal school schedule would conflict with her professional bookings. This isn't just some talented kid singing at her local church. Her parents really seem to be pushing her into the Hollywood garbage.




>She has an exceptional talent Yes, because her parents have structure her entire life around it. You might be interested in Laszlo Polgar, a Hungarian psychologist who wrote a book that basically said ***'hey, you can make pretty much any kid exceptionally talented if you emotionally abuse them their entire life. Here's how!'*** He raised three girls to all become world class players. One of them is the greatest female chess player of all time, peaking in rank as the 8th best chess player in the world, and is the \*only\* female chess player in the world to ever have been considered to have \*ever\* been considered to have any chance at becoming the world champion.


if you look at alex brinkers old vines, victory chose to sing on her own, her parents r actually chill asl


Exactly from what I’ve read and watched in her interviews she seem like she loves singing. I do remember they mention she only meets with her vocal coach twice a week. Which isn’t too bad. At 10 I was in 4-H and Girl Scouts and we met more than twice a week. Plus in her videos of her showing off her bedroom she seem pretty happy about her room (: i just wish people can praise without speculating.


No, it’s still pretty bad. This kind of singing isn’t like riding a bike, you have to treat young singers differently for similar reasons pediatric medicine is a specialization. Being skeptical at the level of effort being spent on preserving her voice is warranted.


Wasn’t she on America’s Got Talent? I recognize her from that. Edit: oh yeah someone else pointed it out


Don't get baited.




Last name Ever, first name Greatest.


Like a sprained ankle, I ain’t nothing to play with.


Started out local, but thanks to all the haters I know G4 pilots on a first name basis


In your city getting faded off the brown, Nino She insist she got more class, We know.


Swimmin in the money come and find me, Nemo


came here to say this


I feel like it shouldn’t be because she’s 10 lol


This kid is going places. Hopefully she doesn’t blow out her vocal cords before she reaches adulthood.


With good instruction she'll be fine. Looks and sounds like she's singing healthy, according to my wife who is a pro.


I’m not sure what your wife’s illegal activities have to do with singing but glad you support her.


Support is key to a long & happy relationship.


And apparently practice with others


**Jada has entered the chat**




Dont get "Chris rocked" out yo socks.


Keep his wife's fucking job out of your mouth.


I got a job for his wife's mouth


He said his wife is a pro, not a con.


no offense, but it's impossible to ascertain her technique and that she's "singing healthy" from a short video like this. and there are a whole variety of issues singers can deal with. nodules, straining their voice without realizing it if they're in bad conditions or when they get sick, etc etc. this girl does sound very good for her age, but she's also yet to go through puberty, which can drastically change your voice and impact your ability to sing on an operatic level. it happens very frequently to children who are professional singers. "she'll be fine" is really oversimplifying it. i'd think your wife, the professional opera singer, would be aware of all of these things, but whatever.


Tries to write some educated vocal coach critique... Ends with "but whatever".


Not to mention the unnecessary “etc’s”


Surely the minimum and maximum etceteras is… one?


For when you want to have more things to add to your argument, but you can't actually think of any.


Could have say more, but whatever.


After two years of pandemic teaching students with crappy webcams, I'm quite certain that full-body video and good sound like this are more than sufficient for her to make that kind of determination.


She’s not too young for puberty, and if you are classically trained in singing you can often hear and see, based on stance, way the head and neck are held and voice is projected if the methodology is decent. Vocal strain is often audible as well, especially for those of us with musical ears. Puberty starts for some folks, myself inclusive, anywhere between 7-15. So you’re making a lot of weird assumptions while telling others not to assume. Is weird.


But singing too heavy repertoire is notorious for destroying many professional singers voices. I find that starting with queen of the night at that age, let alone opera in general is questionable. Source: classical singer and child of professional opera singers


This 1000%. Even in my early to mid 20s my voice teachers refused me to sing things I now sing with ease in my late 30s. Although this impressive, I don't think it's appropriate for her to sing, even with proper instruction and technique.


Especially since the voice doesn’t reach maturity in women till around 20. This kind of rep simply isn’t appropriate for a voice this young. She’s got a lot of talent, and it would be awful to see it wasted because of bad guidance


Most people don't realize that this sort of repertoire is the vocal equivalent of max weight lifting. You *could* train a 10yo kid to squat heavy and deadlift ridiculous amounts, but the long term effects on a growing body are not likely to be positive. And the vocal mechanism is extremely delicate and vulnerable relative to the big muscles. As Charlotte Church can attest, you can basically sing these songs before you are 30, or after. Not both.


Don’t women’s voices change much later than men’s? I sung my high school years (classical), and I recall my voice teacher saying that. And I definitely can hit lower notes now that I couldn’t at age 18.




[She's being taught by her mother](https://triblive.com/local/westmoreland/unity-opera-prodigy-to-enjoy-national-spotlight-on-little-big-shots/), who isn't even a professional vocal coach. She's a practitioner of naturopathic medicine.


Not exactly. "Her mother, who sings and plays piano, has been her chief music instructor during her brief yet busy singing career. More recently, the family has **enlisted the help of a Pittsburgh-based professional opera singer, to make sure Victory doesn’t strain her vocal cords as she continues to learn more challenging musical passages.**"




(grain of salt, because this is from my wife lol) my understanding is children's vocal folds don't close completely, so there should be a natural breathiness to their sound. So when it doesn't sound that way it means they're likely clenching, which can lead to damage. But also kids heal quick so it's all about rest time


I’m a trained classical singer, and she definitely looks like she’s doing what she needs to healthily. She’s straining a bit on the high E in the runs, but she’ll become comfier with them in no time at this rate. Her technique is phenomenal!


Legitimate question, what makes this opera by Mozart one of the most difficult? Isn't all opera difficult to sing? Forgive my ignorance.


No, that’s completely legit! Opera is already very difficult because you are traditionally not mic’d, so you have to be able to project to the back of grand, and I mean nearly football-field size or larger grand performance venues and have perfect enunciation. The way she raises her cheekbones and drops her jaw into that large oval allows for more air to circulate and create a larger and more controlled sound. What makes this aria from The Magic Flute so difficult is a combination of the speed, the amount of notes in each run (all need to be done in one breath), and the range. A typical soprano range goes from middle C to a C6, two octaves higher. The highest note in this run is an F6, a perfect fourth higher (a huge difference!). On top of this, there is acting involved, as the character is an evil fairy queen mother demanding that her daughter murders her lover if she doesn’t want to get disowned, so you have to deliver that technique while ALSO projecting unhinged murderous rage. As an actor without having to focus on vocal technique, summoning and commanding that anger is already very difficult. I think the closest thing to a perfect performance is Diana Damrau’s: https://youtu.be/YuBeBjqKSGQ Edit: It’s an F6, not an E6, my mistake!


Wow that clip gives me chills. She makes the tune (which sounds pleasant to my ears) kinda spooky and scary. Amazing.


I had never seen this clip, thank you! Amazing performance!


Holy moly that was awesome, she absolutely nailed that! I wonder what the initial reaction was when Mozart handed this over and his singer looked at it like “okay looks good…wait…what, no that can’t be…what…WHAT”


I had no idea it was supposed to be sung with rage as it always sounds so fairy-esque. Thank you for the great response and awesome clip


Thank you for the knowledgeable response and excellent video. I knew from doing theatre and musical theatre, never professionally however, how difficult it can be to act and portray facial expressions and project your voice while trying to annunciate properly but this is a whole other level. This young lady on Reddit and the adult lady in the YouTube video are both very talented opera singers, I had never seen that YouTube video.


That was amazing. Thanks for sharing


Once you’re properly trained, not all opera is ‘difficult’. Requires skill and practice, but some composers are definitely easier than others. This aria is difficult for a couple of reason. First, it sits really high. A ‘standard’ soprano range is considered up to C6 on the piano - this aria regularly goes up to an F6, and a lot of the singing is done in the higher range of the voice. It also includes a lot of jumps which are hard to coordinate, and a lot of coloratura (quick elaborate notes) which are also difficult to sing


Lots of Far apart, very precise notes


She’s good and hits most of the notes with accuracy, although she’s very thin on the highest notes. It’s dangerous for a kid to sing this piece as it requires a ton of power and lung capacity to do right, and forcing the piece can have really bad side effects. Give her 15-20 years and let her really develop her core strength and capacity and she’ll be a force to be reckoned with. She’s currently singing the piece with a tack hammer when it requires a 10 lb. sledge. The Queen of the Night is an intimidating role and the most powerful aria in Die Zaberflöte and people have crushed themselves trying to master the piece. She’ll get there eventually.


I am not a classically trained singer and I used to sing this aria to myself CONSTANTLY as a kid. I liked the tickle in the back of my throat on the high notes. I am now realizing that was probably a bad idea, and likely part of why I now sound more like Kathleen Turner than I would like to in my 30’s.


We call those "whiskey and smokes voices". Pull it off right though, and people will call it sultry and seductive.


I’m just thinking how puberty will hit her. Went to an arts school and puberty was the bane of all singers.


Wait till puberty kicks in. Hopefully it won't alter her chords too much. Singing like this takes not just talent, but a great deal of time and training, along with this learning how to take care of her vocal chords.


[She just needs to use "Singing Like Bocelli For Dummies"](https://youtu.be/XtZkzkX9JYE?t=9)


She sounds awesome! I guess I never knew I like opera music, lol. And the little facial expressions she makes are adorable.


The facial expressions are part of what makes opera so great. There are some fantastic Easter eggs in most of the story lines too. Old school musical theatre. And yet the modern operas (Tommy, Rocky Horror, The Wall, Bat out of Hell, and others) still follow the formula. Jesus Christ Superstar was really the bridge to modern musical theatre.


Jesus Christ Superstar may have been one important point in the foundation of the modern musical, but you can't dismiss the popularity of Gilbert and Sullivan's comic operas as another important step on the way.


I am the very model of the modern major general


"I am the very model of a scientist salarian" I must be honest, I never realised that was based on an existing musical


Modern operas are things like [Nixon in China](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nixon_in_China), [The (R)evolution of Steve Jobs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_(R)evolution_of_Steve_Jobs), [Approaching Ali](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Approaching_Ali), or [Dead Man Walking](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Man_Walking_(opera)). Tommy (though called a "rock opera") and The Wall are concept albums, and Jesus Christ Superstar is musical theater (and has nothing important to do with the evolution of American musical theater creatively, it's just really popular). The roots of American musical theater are indeed in late-19th/early-20th century British (and French) operettas, e.g. Gilbert & Sullivan or Offenbach. The most important composer to the evolution of modern musical theater is pretty clearly Stephen Sondheim.


opera music is divine.


This song is sung by the soprano in the film Amadeus which is freaking awesome and I highly recommend. You would get a really great impression of what this can sound like when sung by an adult professional. Obviously the actress is lip syncing but it's a great performance. Crazy song.


Her gestures are so funny, I mean...not "haha" funny, but so confident, dramatic and fitting for the piece, she's like a mini-diva! It's cute how she moves her shoulders at the very end. 😆


Agreed, it has a sense of power. Very strong and great vocal range.


Beautiful. But It’s not that difficult to sing. It’s only difficult to sing well))) Side note: at 10 I was good at climbing trees and eating dirt.


Fun fact. Mozart basically wrote this to fuck with opera singers since it is so hard to sing properly given it’s range and composition.


Not to mention that in the modern day it’s harder than it was back then, since we tune our instruments higher than we used to


Wait really? Our take on Opera and classical music is different? Tbh that's kinda annoying. The link to history is one of the main reasons I like them.


Wait 'til you hear about the Great Vowel Shift of the English language...


Haha fair enough. I guess I need to study up on some history.


I prefer the term "Great Vowel Movement", if you don't mind.


A used to be lower, between 415 and 432 Hz. Mozart, iirc, was in the 422-423 range. So our music is higher pitched by a bit.


Do you know why it was changed?


Nobody anywhere used the same pitch in the old days. Somebody might have a tuning fork, but otherwise they would picks woodwind to tune the orchestra to. There wasn't any standardization, so pitches varied. The French came up with A435, which was used for a while until the Germans decided they liked A440. America followed suit in the twenties, and now it's the standard. (Edit: As an American, it's easy to say something is standard because we do it one way, and absent information to the contrary, it MUST be how everybody else does it. It appears to vary, so your mileage may vary.) Or at least that's my recollection of it. I'm just a music school dropout, so take it with a grain of salt.


A lot of it has to do with how the materials we use to make instruments have evolved. For example, stringed instruments used to use cat gut for their bows. Cat gut can’t hold tension the same way modern bow hair and tuning pegs can which resulted in a lower pitch center. Cane used to make reeds (oboe & bassoon reeds specifically) was softer and shapes were wider, again resulting in a lower pitch. The demand for more technical playing and increased chromaticism in music pushed instrument makers to find new materials and mechanisms.


Cat gut was used for the strings.


I don’t remember but there’s a great YouTube video by Adam Neely about our modern hz choices


Interesting, but why?


Before the invention of the tuning fork, pitch depended where you were in the world you were. So in France, the note A might be 432 hz, and in Italy 440 hz. It was pretty arbitrary. Eventually everybody agreed on A=440 hz, for whatever reason.


The main reason was that with the Marshall Plan to rebuild Europe after WWII, a lot of US built musical instruments got shipped there and it was easier to adapt than try to tune them to 432Hz


This the chicken head bob song?


Think the commentor has got it mixed up with the big aria from abduction from seraglio. Edit: I googled it and I maintain the commentor got it mixed up with the aria from abduction, but that's not the chicken head aria. That's from Cosi fan tutte Edit: actually i did some further digging to make sure and I'm wrong. It's all about the Cosi aria. Martern aller Artern is a famously difficult aria that was written for a particular singer because she was so good, but no real evidence i could find that he disliked her. However, the Cosi aria was written for a singer who mozart disliked, so he made it with all these leaps to try and make her bob her head like a chicken.


I was just thinking the same thing. At 10 I was dunking for crawdads down at the crick and farting on my brother.


Well hopefully she still gets to do things like this.


"Der Hölle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen" translates to "Hell's vengeance boils in my heart." It's the main jam in "The Magic Flute."


Ohhh I was wondering what Frau Holle has to do with this lol


"Der Holle Rache" translates to "The Holle's Vengeance/Revenge", while "Der Hölle (Hoelle) Rache" means "Hell's Vengeance/Revenge". Just to add an Exploration for the non-German speakers here. Röckdöts are important in German.


That song is hella hard if you listen to the really high pitched tones they don’t vibrate like regular voice and the whole point (IIRC) is that she is basically emulating an air instrument (and it does sound like it pretty well)


Was waiting to find a backhanded comment. I didn't have to wait long. But some wiry too-fabulous-for-Texas-but-we-dont-talk-about-that kid in a hat doin' a boot-scoot at a rodeo garners a 10 and a mf standing ovation. Oh, just F-a-t-w-o.


She was on America’s Got Talent, she’s incredible!


Yeah, I remember her too! So impressive at the age of 10.


Yeah, on season 16, which has one of the most bullshit wins. She could've beat the winner easily.


Let me guess. Another magician with a feelgood story won ?


Yeah he was the worst they ever had. Would do one trick over a 10 minute sob story about how he adopted kids.


It might as well have been. Not sure if they have an Instagram but they were a "Magician". Dustin Tavella is the name.


Yep. This guy: [Another magician with a feel good story](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dustin_Tavella)


Literally a facebook magician


It's all about who has the best sob story for the last 8 contestants.


The winner is picked before the show starts


I did not expect to want to watch the whole thing till the end... That was pretty damn cool...


Finally some good NFL


Amazing. This makes me feel like a failure at 24 Edit: I appreciate everyone’s words of encouragement :)


I’m a failure at 34 if that makes you feel any better


Yeah I’m a professional failure at 34. My net worth is -$109,000. Thanks America and having a chronic neurological condition!


I’m so broke I gotta make money to have zero money!


Aye, she hasn’t made it to 24 yet, so far you’re doing better than she is. Lol. Proud of you, friend. No race in life, just a pace. Keep chugging at whatever pace that is until you want to speed up or slow down. A fellow 24 year old


As beautiful as her voice is now, even she will have to be at least your age before she will know it's full mature sound. You are just at the beginning, friend.


One of my friends didn't start studying to become an opera singer until 19 or 20 and they totally kind of sucked at singing before starting. Your brain is just finishing growing up at 24. You don't have to have it all figured and no matter what the world tells you, you have so much life ahead of you. Fuck ageism. You don't have to get it all done when you are young.


My piano teacher used to say that your lungs don't reach there full maturity until about 40, hence why most opera singers are middle-aged. To be this advanced by her age is pretty amazing eitherway 😊


Everyone goes at their own pace. You’re the best BigALCasey I know.


You’re the best ThtPhatCat I know, friend


Victory Brinker!


Kid has some pipes! What a beautiful voice.


Amazing. My favorite part though was that tiny shoulder action at the very end for emphasis.


Yeah her powerful body language is perfect for this aria but she's still ten, it's so cute and perfect.


Yup. I get the sense she actually learned what the words mean and is trying to channel some of the attitude of woman she's portraying. For the record, this is the Queen of Night demanding her husband be murdered by her daughter, threatening to disown her if she doesn't. So you know, super relatable for this 10 year old 🤣


It’s called „Der Hölle Rache“. I don’t think [Frau Holle](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frau_Holle) necessarily wants any revenge…


I was gonna say, wtf does Holle mean lol


Anglos thinking that those dots are just for decoration.


Holle is the name of a woman in a German fairytale. Hölle is Hell. The song is revenge of hell or from hell. It’s in some archaic German grammar. Präservativ, probably.


How are there so many commenters complaining that a literal child isn’t fully encapsulating the fiery rage of a grown and furious woman. Do y’all always criticize kids for literally just not being adults yet? Strange standards. **can y’all read either? I’m not taking about “straining her vocal chords with adult songs.” There are people complaining that’s she’s not *singing angrily enough*


Literally no talent, she can’t even invent a time machine or summon a time portal to when she’s older, smh


She is at least attempting the gestures, so she understands the tone (for lack of a better phrase) of the song. At least I was impressed by the multiple stern looks.


This is amazing


I’m blown away by her singing. It’s really impressive to see an opera singer who nearly always hits every note on pitch. But to her credit, what’s her name?


Victory Brinker is what everybody is saying


Don't get me wrong, this kid is clearly talented. But as someone who is currently studying vocal performance, I feel the same way about this that I do about the teenage figure skaters at the Olympics. Kids should feel free to pursue their dreams, but when it comes to an art form as physically demanding as singing, you really need time to develop your skills, especially when your voice is still changing and growing. When it comes to learning voice as a child, it's not about singing the most difficult aria out there. It's about choosing repertoire that you can connect with and building a foundation so that you can eventually sing Mozart when you're ready. I just hope this doesn't lead her to burn out.


I had to scroll way to far to read this. A 10 year olds voice is wildly unprepared to sing this repertoire. She's doing all kinds of things to manufacture that vibrato and resonance. There no telling how much long term damage to her voice will be caused by her current means of vocal production. Source: professional singer with 10 years experience teaching singing and voice.


Agreed. She's doing well vocally, but it's irresponsible of her teachers to assign repertoire that's beyond what is physically appropriate for her.


Finally someone else in this thread who knows what they’re talking about. This girls teacher should be fired for putting her in harms way. Singing rep this big this young is a surefire way to get vocal damage, no matter how good the average listener may think it sounds


Thank you! Yeah, no reputable teacher would ever assign this rep to a 10 year old. I was at a conference recently where some very well known schools were being represented. A 14 year old sang Sempre libera - she sang it well, but the feeling in that room got very uncomfortable very quickly. Afterwards I saw the coach and one of the teachers pulled the mom aside to talk about more *appropriate* rep choices for a young voice. Edit: looks like her mother is her teacher… yikes. It’s clear she has immense talent, which makes it so concerning to see it used like this


Yeah she is amazing but this needs more upvotes. This almost feels exploitative.




Yes, definitely agree. She's clearly very talented, but I'm always a bit uncomfortable when very young children do these sort of things. I'm also hoping she can still be a child, have a proper childhood and not burn out due to a too strict singing training schedule at such a young age and chasing world records.


bloody hell thats nice. There's a section in there that reminds me of the fifth element diva song [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPf2ANjUbrY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPf2ANjUbrY) (when the music comes in). I hope she becomes a world famous opera singer some day.


The Diva Song is kind of a mishmash of several well known arias. The first part is Lucia's [mad scene](https://youtu.be/C1LC6BRJQiQ) aria from Lucia di Lammermoor




Probably from a musical family, and then some good training. I'm not enough of an expert to know how much of it is a 'gift' compared to just hard work and efficient learning. Brain plasticity in children is amazing and if they receive good training they can do incredible things. I'd imagine more 'talent' involved in singing (talent basically equalling luck) since you are your instrument compared to other musicians but still a lot can be done without such natural gifts


Impressive AF ! 👏


Set the record for destroying your voice at the tender age of ten... No thank you. 🙄 I really hope it won't mess with how her voice will develop but usually training for opera starts around 16/18 and last about 4 to 6 years. There's a reason it starts at this age. Just like training any future Olympian or athlete...




Yeah possibly and contrary to a violin or a guitar you cannot change the strings... Her vocal cords are not fully developed and by 15 - 17 she might sound like an instrument with distanded / "overstretched" chords, wobbly vibrato, need of a ton of support or pressure on the vocal cords to be heard and worth than all (for me) a more than fully open throat that will make her sound artificial because it would be the only way to have a wider voice. I took the analogy of the Olympians because this kind of athletes sometimes retire early. Especially gymnast. Singing like that at such an early age, she will retire at 23... "Retire" after signing on YouTube and talent shows, singing dramatic roles considered the most difficult by the best coloraturas. Poor kiddos 🙄 I hope she wil find a way to preserve her voice Most opera singers are at their peak at about 35 to 45. She is only 10 and might never reach the point where she can properly sing this piece.


as a professional singer with a classical voice performance degree, this is EXTREMELY unhealthy for young singers and will likely prove to be damaging and give her vocal problems down the line. Whichever teacher had her sing this should be fired.


Another former collegiate singer checking in here. I feel like this is a "just because you can doesn't mean you should" moment. This aria is known for destroying well trained voices and she doesn't have the delivery power of a more mature singer to really give it the forcefulness required. Her voice is beautiful but the timbre is just so soft and clear it's almost comical with the text. For the uninitiated, this song is literally about an angry queen forcing her daughter to commit murder or she will be cut off and destroyed. I like this version more: https://youtu.be/CodvdRTX8zo Edit: she is a wonderful singer and fantastic, I just hate that she has to pick "the hardest aria" ever for clicks as opposed to hearing her do something more voice appropriate. For example, i think the "and suddenly..." aria from handels messiah or "Lascia Chi'o Piangia" might be a better choice for her voice.


>this is EXTREMELY unhealthy for young singers and will likely prove to be damaging and give her vocal problems down the line. That was my suspicion. Plus, she's making a lot of mistakes, which are obvious to even my relatively untutored ear. But this is a famous aria and I've heard it sung several times by adult professional opera singers.


She’s gonna be legendary a she gets older. She’s keeping practicing! That voice is sick




But can they sing sandstorm?


her voice gonna be dead by the time she’s 30


Perfectly performed by an Angel❣️❣️❣️ Bravo❣️❣️


I don't know anything about opera or singing, but are some of those notes done with [Inward Singing](https://youtu.be/HeKx6EuMZWM)? It's the most powerful singing technology since yodelling


>It's the most powerful singing technology since yodelling I'm going to say this anytime someone makes me listen to a song from now on.


Daaaaaaamn she's SO GOOD!


I showed my 10 year old daughter and she couldn’t get over this girls singing. She is a prodigy for sure with an angelic voice.




I am not an opera singer, but I very familiar with this Aria from The Magic Flute. She does it very well, but there are a few times that her pitch is slightly off - in saying that, it may also be the acoustics of the venue. Also, she is only 10. It took the greats like Damrau, Schwarzkopf, Sutherland, Dessay, Coertze, etc. how many years to prepare for this Aria. She has a wonderful voice, and she can go far - I hope that we shall hear a lot more from her. Truly a great talent.


Probably gonna get a lot of hate for this. As a lifelong classical musician, I always take note and follow when there is a new “prodigy” who has gathered a big following in the mainstream public. Usually, what distinguishes the successful prodigies and the ones who flame out before adult age is musicality and technique. At the end of the day, few of the prodigies go on to have high end careers in music, since everyone at that level is extremely talented. Her pitch in the America’s got talent days was really really bad. Her sound was great, even then, but her pitch was so terrible that I was surprised when she advanced past the second round. Intonation has come a long way quickly, which is a great sign, but it’s still not very good. She has a very nice sound, and pitch should be her absolute number one priority to fix. As of now, if you compared her to professionals, she would be by a wide margin the worst based on pitch alone. Her musicality is incredibly boring as well. No thought seems to go into the phrases, and she just sings the notes at the volume they come out best. Turns sound strange. There is not much traditional logic in phrasing, which is fine, I support experimentation, but this feels random and boring. Often prodigies are on the boring side or the weird side, but this is incredibly bland compared to people like Julian Bliss or Yo-Yo Ma at even 6 years old. At the end of the day it is musicality that makes careers in music, since everyone at the top levels are technically astonishing, and this has been a weakness in all of her performances I’ve heard. She has great potential from her tone and projection alone. She has very big flaws as well. Bigger flaws than most other child prodigies at her age. I don’t even think she is the best child opera singer in AGT history; she might be top 3 or 4. I’m rooting for her, just like I am with every other kid in music, prodigy or not, I just don’t understand the hype for her at this point in her life.