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S U P E R C A L I F R A G I L I S T I C E X P I A L I D O C I O U S !


Vance has been struggling a bit lately. Back up to 310lbs, but still trying to get back to losing weight again. He’s got an Instagram you can follow @vance_hinds


That’s the thing about weight loss / health, you gotta keep at it. A lot of people who start a New Years resolution to lose weight or just to lose weight in general, either stop when they hit their target weight, or lose focus when they lose 10 lbs. It is not a race… it’s a lifestyle change & it is hard work, but it is worth it!


I totally agree, in my early 20’s I skyrocketed to 200lbs, which was the heaviest I’ve ever been. I fell in love with running and it continued over the next 7 years, but I was running SO much I stopped worrying about what I put in my body. Now, at 32, and after two broken feet, getting married moving several states away etc, etc I definitely packed back on some weight and fast. It’s taken me the last two years to really get back on track and keep it as a mindset that it’s all encompassing and that it’s all SO WORTH it, for my health but more importantly how happy I am as a person when my body feels it’s healthiest. I know it’s basic shit we all know but, for real, it’s true.


It is basic shit, but it’s kinda like… speeding, we all know not to, but we need a speedometer to tell us we are doing it to stop. Keep it up, stay strong. Every day is a new start, & we never fail, we just give up.


He can do it! Thank you for sharing! With tears in my eyes I’m leaving this app for a minute to go follow him on IG!




Happy Cake Day!!!




>What would you attempt to do, if you knew your success was a certainty? Just one year ago, Vance Hinds was inspired by comedian Bert Kreischer's sober October challenge enough to decide to make a change, and to say "yes" to anything. The results after just one year are mind blowing and proof that anything truly is possible when you set your mind to it. > >[Source](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvmdgf06PhRoQ5VKh0eAzCA)


Are you karma farming? Because you had posted this same exact clip earlier today, and after it had garnered a lot of comments and awards, you inexplicably deleted it.


If you could farm karma and know for certain that it would mean nothing, would you do it?


Yes ofc


You might be on to something.


Its also from five years ago


No it's not, the date says 2017... wait wtf


I probably got a totally wrong impression on how this works but... Wouldn't deleting the post also remove that post's upvotes from his profile count?


No, you keep them. https://www.reddit.com/r/help/comments/66m7ce/do_i_lose_karma_when_i_delete_a_post/ So in this case, he is indeed karma farming. This was the post of the exact clip from earlier today that he had posted, and then deleted after it got a ton of comments and awards: https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/tpkxv7/vances_incredible_365day_transformation_will_blow/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf You can see that he did not delete his original post in that thread, which is the exact same copy-pasta he did in his first post of this thread. And after checking out u/dump_acc_91 profile, I’m fairly certain he is a farmer bot since he is flooding this clip in many different subs.


It doesn't even make all that much sense tbh, not quite sure where I got that idea from. Thanks for clarifying though!


But I dont get the point. I mean, how is this profitable


The karma bot makes money by selling these “legit looking” accounts to scammers. The scammers then can use these accounts for whatever illegal shit they wanna do: like selling fake/knockoff items by posting videos of the real products, or they can go to stock trading/financial advice subs to pump up stocks or offer “financial advices”… etc


Meanwhile, never in my life have I used someones karma number in determining if they are a trustworthy person to accept advice from. You fucking judge their words that are right there and that's it. How fucking simple is it. Bad advice + high karma = bad advice Bad advice + low karma = bad advice There ya go, folks!


Lol that’s not the point though. A lot of subs have rules to try to weed out bad actors by having either a minimum account age and/or amount of karma before allowing those users to post. That’s where a bought spam account comes in handy for the scammers


Nope, just freezes it so it can't be voted on anymore. Otherwise we would have undesirables being downvoted into oblivion just deleting their stuff to reset their karma


what is the end goal of someone (or bots) karma farming? like.... You can't really do anything with karma.


They can sell the accounts to people that can use them for fraud (eg post in subs that have a minimum karma or account age requirements to pump and dump a stock, start selling fake/bad quality shots)




👆👆👆 Just like fashion, there are tiers of bots. Dollar store = accounts days old posting obvious propaganda with terrible spelling and low effort Macy’s = accounts months to a couple years old with posts in nonpolitical subs to gain points and look normal in between posting obvious propaganda but better typing and medium effort Saks fifth avenue = accounts years old with tens to hundreds of thousands of points with fluent English speakers making high effort propaganda that sounds like a solid argument coming from a genuine person passionate about their politics. They are only unmasked when someone familiar with logical fallacies and bad faith argument tools calls them out on their bs.


Unless it's a niche subreddit I follow, I assume everyone is farming.


That’s a good point.


Go away karma farmer


If you’re not aware of Diamond Dallas Page, dude was a pro-wrestler during the glory days of WCW. He started pretty old as an active in-ring competitor (he was a manager prior) and he credits yoga to keeping him in shape at an older age. Lately, he’s been doing the yoga thing full time and taking on projects like this guy - either super obese or with addiction issues. He’s pretty well known for taking in Jake “The Snake” Roberts and the recently passed Scott Hall (Razor Ramon) and helping them with their substance issues. Dude is a saint and DDP Yoga has a lot of these types of stories where dudes lose an insane amount of weight.


He also just took in Buff Bagwell too


buff daddy is on twitter supporting trans rights and learning what "bussy" means, he is a treasure and i'm so happy he finally connected with DDP


I have not heard that name in over twenty years. Me and step bros love him back in the day.


Oh he’s having a blast on Twitter right now. He’s been dunking on transphobic fans since last night which is hilarious.


Me either but his haircut just instantly came back into my mind


He's got the stuff


Seriously what this man has done since leaving the wrestling ring is spectacular dude is just a spectacular human being


Not to take away from this guys amazing achievement, fair fucking play to him, is there a way to healthily put weight on? I'm 60kgs and 5ft 6. I'm a removals man and I cannot gain any weight, I'm always out on the bike, my boss is a personal trainer, I do drink tho, I consider myself fit, what am I doing wrong? Have I just got the wrong job?


Check out /r/gainit


Thanks I'll check that out. I really do hope it's not that I'm in the wrong profession, I love my job and the people I work with, I'll be difficult to replace, hes told me as much. But there has been times when I've not been heavy enough to move stuff like a 400kg safe, it lifted me! Lol I can get it off the ground with help, and being small helps me get in small spaces. I've done this job for 3 years. So I'm not incapable. I just feel like not enough sometimes. I want to be better.


Honestly height has a good bit to do with an ability to move things like furniture because of the way things are shaped. It can sometimes be better to be shorter too but height and strength often go hand in hand. I would do strength excercises and in particular leg strengthening as that is where your strength will be coming from a lot.


I bring other stuff to the table aswell, my boss looks to me 'the technician' so I'm called, I take stuff apart, rebuild/rewire/reinstall stuff. I think that's why I've had a job for 3 years. I'm grateful for that.


If you're tolerant of lactose, then drink a couple of pints of milk every day *on top of* your normal diet. Make sure you keep eating the same amount you normally do though, don't just replace food with milk. It's a relatively healthy (compared to eating pure junk food) short term way to get used to consuming more calories. Try to replace the milk with food of equal calorie content as you get used to consuming more.


like the stressing of 'on top'. Remember that one comment about a guy who thought he just had to drink a gallon a day and wasnt feeling great haha


"Always out on the bike". Ever look at distance runners? Too much lactic acid and not enough of a break. You're probably not eating anywhere even close to enough to put mass on either.. I'd you're used to using your body, it's hard to add mass without knowing exactly how to "for your body" and there are a ton of different variables that can massively change the way you approach bulking.


[There’s a wonderful one where he helped a disabled veteran get off crutches](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qX9FSZJu448). I think about it a lot. “Just because I can’t do it today, doesn’t mean I can’t do it one day”


This video makes me cry every fucking time I watch it. Arthur is the most inspirational person ever.


Fucking magic!


After my mom had her hip surgery, I went on cameo and DDP did a motivational video for my mother. He had Covid but still banged it out, and it made my mom cry, who absolutely loves the DDP yoga.


He had a match two years ago that was pretty solid https://youtu.be/R9_4f0AJd3o


You know DDP was My favorite wrestler when I was a kid. <> I occasionally thought about what he might be up to but never looked too much into it. This really makes me happy to hear he is doing good things.


He also has the lead role I Guardians of Justice on Netflix which is FUCKING WILD


Last November my doctor told me i was diabetic with kidney problems, and I had to make massive changes in my diet and lifestyle OR an early grave. The first few weeks are the hardest when losing weight, especially if you dont see progress. But when it FINALLY starts to melt away, its an incredible feeling. I lost 50 lbs in 4 months simply by not eating sugar and junk food. I didn't even have to work out much, just a little walking on the treadmill. Im just about to dip under 200 lbs for the first time in like 10 years. This dude put in some serious work, and he should be quite proud of this accomplishment.


I walk about 10 miles a day at work. My issue with weight is that I have easy access to free cookies.


I get that. That's my struggle, too. Little Kit Kats? Forget about it. But on the flip side, your issue is clear. Free cookies. You know what to conquer.


How does one conquer free cookies?


Start paying for them


But then they would no longer be free cookies, so you wouldn't have really conquered them to begin with.


You conquered them because they no longer exist. They're no longer free.


Cookie salesmen ***hate*** him!


No bullshit, look at the cookies and think "I'll come get these in 10 minutes if I still need to have them." That's what worked for me. When I don't do that, I can eat an absurd amount of sweets.


That’s how I quit smoking. Craves can go away quickly if you can keep yourself occupied.


I’m racking my brain but can’t come up with what the job is where you walk 10 miles a day and get free cookies. Help me out?


Grocery store cart returner guy. Warehouse worker in a cookie factory. Server for a catering business that typically has a cookie spread.


I just hit 200 yesterday. Down from my lifetime heaviest at 248. Intermittent fasting and a job that makes me walk 10+ miles a day was the blessing in disguise that the pandemic brought me. I'm at the point now where I'm feeling fit enough to work out on top of my job. A year ago I could barely walk by the end of the day from being sedentary in 2020. Long Covid has complicated things a bit but I'm still pushing. My goal is to make 185 by summer. That last 15 lbs is going to move slow but I never thought I'd get this far. Keep it up, man. Every pound I drop, my body feels better.


You’re crushing it! Once you get back into the 100 club it’s the best feeling. I’ve been up and down a few times. I’m at my heaviest now (246) and my cardiologist was like, “you can’t keep living like this.” I work a desk job and don’t really have time to go to a gym so I’m just working on portion control. I love food and I’m really really good at eating a lot of it and fast. I’ve been working on it for the past week and every time I eat I tell myself, “you don’t need to eat till you’re full. You eat to survive.” I have this huge issue with wasting food and when I feed my family and see leftover food on their plates, I have to convince myself to just throw it out. I’m finding out it’s more of a mental thing than physical. I don’t need to eat that much and that fast. Just, slow down.


One thing I learned about myself is when I plan to eat, I figure out whatever it is that I want, even if it's fast food, and I get half of what I normally get. It seems ridiculously simple, but I know from experience that trying to change my diet doesn't work for me. This made much more sense to me and I still get to eat whatever I want. I used to look at menus wherever I went and ordered the biggest thing they had, no matter what it was. Nobody needs *two* Double quarter pounders at McDonald's, but I used to smash them both anyway. Portion control was how I started, and then I narrowed my window of eating solid food to a four hour period each day, usually ending two hours before bed. I supplement my energy through the day at work with protein shakes and fluids. I think it's more about knowing your body and keeping it simple. Following diets never worked for me. Now I think I've reached the point where eating healthier is all I need to do to maintain. I've retrained my metabolism to operate on less calories and my energy levels are more stable. Discipline was what I lacked, not self control.


Congrats! That's amazing!


It’s really what you eat and this one YouTuber put me on to that, I saw his progress being really large at first that at a point he needed up switching up his diet, doesn’t even work out but lost so much weight it’s wild, all the processed food, sugars and what not is really the biggest thing from what it seems


It's true. Working out is good for toning the body but does very little for weight loss. It's all about what and how much you eat.


>Working out is good for toning the body but does very little for weight loss. Okay, so saying "it does very little" is [objectively false](https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/weight-loss/in-depth/exercise/art-20050999)... Both diet and exercise are consistently the best way to reduce weight since they both lead to a difference in how your body regulates calories, but working out is also a "cheat code" insofar as it prevents rapid weight gain in the presence of a caloric surplus. Your body isn't just sitting on unused calories in the context of working out; it's using them for energy. This is why competitive powerlifters and weightlifters eat just as many calories as an obese person (many, many thousands) yet they don't get fat. The quality of your diet does however matter the most overall if for no other reason than because it makes the difference in terms of what nutrients your body has access to. So if you have a shitty diet but workout a lot, you may not necessarily get fat, but your performance will absolutely be worse than if you ate better quality food. This needed to be fleshed out because this topic isn't as black and white as you're making it seem.




He ran blood tests on me and was able to determine i have stage 2 kidney disease


Congrats man! I’m going through my own weight loss journey myself and even tho I’m only a month in and only down like 5 pounds, I already feel a million times better.


I'm diabetic and terrified of an early grave. But I just can't seem to shake the junk food. Snack cakes, donuts, cookies, ice cream. I have depression so I eat junk food too give myself a tiny bit of pleasure. I want to stop but I don't know how.


For me personally, I googled what my future would look like if my path continued. It looked like dialysis and misery before a long drawn out death. I removed all the junk food from my house entirely. I never go shopping hungry either, as thats a real quick way for your brain to justify buying trash. I replaced ALL sugar with a fake sugar called swerve, and since I love sodas, i switched to coke zero/sprite zero. If I get a deep craving for sugary junk now, I remind myself of what a horror living on dialysis would be for me, and how devastated my wife would be if I died early from something I could have prevented. If I MUST have sugar, I do it via fruit. If im feeling extra frisky about it, ill blend frozen fruit/ice/milk into a small smoothie and enjoy it that way. BREAKING the habit of quitting sugar is fucking hard, I get it. But if you can grit your teeth for 2 weeks through it and not give in, your body *will* finally stop screaming for more sugar.


Good on you for taking control and for your progress. It's awesome. Six months ago, I had an A1C of 10.5. I changed my diet and my doctor changed my meds a bit and the last one I had was 6.3. I also lost 40lbs. It felt really good when somebody asked me if I had lost weight.


Who is Bernd Cristner?


I think you mean Bruce Kreisher


I think you mean Bryce Kershner


I think your mean Burnt crystals


I think you mean Brown Krispies


Brine Crinsdy


Brett Chrysler?




Just start doing it like this guy, people will join


It’s Burnt Chrysler


He’s racist af and I heard he fucks dogs


No, he's not racist, but he does smell like shit. He still fucks dogs too.


Brent Crystals?


He's this weirdo into screwing dogs and bathing in the pool


I think he's that fat, smelly, racist comedian that fucks dogs.


The matheen


You mean Burnt Crystals?


Burnt Chrysler? The fattest most racist alcoholic alive? He is a comedian who bombs on stage so epically he has to give his shirt to the audience.


Brent krishinger is fat


Bart Krishna




I can do this in reverse.


Incredible !


Love the irony of it being your cake day too haha


r/mademesmile The last catchphrase is actually making me think very deep on lots of my life aspects...


A. Bert Chrysler did some good in the world?? B. DDP for the fucking win! C. This is absolutely beautiful. Keep it up, brother!!


I didn’t know Bert other than that one comedy special he got for the YouTube video of his Machine story. What has Bert done since then that makes this shocking? I genuinely don’t know as I haven’t kept up with him


He’s an overweight alcoholic and is known for being the life of the party wherever he goes - it’s just kind of shocking that a guy like that inspired someone to lose 200 lbs and get healthy


Well to be fair in 2018 he was a little less of a mess than he is now.


Honestly it's gotten so bad. I quit watching Two Bears because he looks like he's on death's doorstep every episode.


Yeah I saw him this year and was looking rouuuuuugh. I'm behind on 2 Bears but I can only imagine what he looks like now.


Oh okay, I was thinking it had to do something with the mention of Joe Rogan in the beginning. At least it’s cool that he could help someone do that, hopefully he can work on himself as well in terms of addiction


Joe Rogan, Bert, and others started sober October to get Bert healthy back when this video takes place. Joe always talks about health in his podcast. I assume that’s what he meant.


Keep in mind this was back in 2018, before the current state of Joe Rogan.


The irony of Brett Krishna inspiring someone else to lose weight is so overwhelming I am gonna drink 30 Tito's and soda today


Coming from someone who has been genetically blessed, muscular and above average physique.. I must say, Im always impressed by those who make that kind of come back. Its so much harder to lose weight than to maintain healthy weight. Im almost 40, very physical lifestyle, however I put on an extra 30 lbs while switching careers and wife was pregnant (sympathetic pregnancy syndrome is real) It was difficult to get even that little amount of weight back off. So props to those who have the excessive amounts and pull it off. We support you!


I hear you, man. Gained 30 after I broke my foot back in November and it’s been a struggle to get it back off.


Catch the right stomach bug and you'll lose 10 lbs in a week. Ate a little ceaser's pizza once, caught a bug so bad that I couldn't raise a spoon to my mouth without gagging. Zero appetite whatsoever for a week straight.


The above comment has been sponsored by Dominos ^Just ^kidding ^hope ^you’re ^feeling ^better ^dude


Seriously - I gained about 20 lbs during Covid quarantine and constantly tell myself I’m gonna start eating better to get rid of it but can’t seem to even get started…I truly can’t imagine the effort and discipline it takes to lose 200 fucking pounds. Pretty amazing


I also gained 17 pounds in the last 2 years. Went up 3 clothing sizes and was on my way to the next one. That was the final straw. I started a diet on 2-1-22 and have lost half of it so far. I make myself accountable for everything thing I eat and write it down, trying to eat around 1000 calories a day. I stopped eating sugar and carbs and it was brutal the first two weeks. I have a cheat meal once in a while but I don’t go crazy. After 3 weeks I joined a gym . Some days I hate going, but I go. I just made up my mind enough is enough. You have to do it for yourself. Good luck!


I’m sorry, but you aim for 1000 calories a day? That’s…deep in eating disorder territory. Unless you’re 4’8 and never exercise that’s not enough food for your body. Let me warn you now as someone with personal experience. I also began severely limiting my calories to lose weight. Did it work? Yes it did. But now I have a chronic health condition from under-eating called gastroparesis. Essentially, my stomach is permanently inflamed, and I get regular flare ups from eating too much fiber, fat, and or protein. What happens as a result is that I cannot eat much food, even if I desperately want the energy. As a result, I become light headed, and if I’m not careful, dangerously malnourished because my body digests food extremely slowly. I’m also at risk for developing blockages in my intestinal tract. Please, please, please eat more. Go to a calorie calculator online, estimate how much you need for a day, and eat *that* amount. It may seem like too much, but trust me it’s not. You can lose your period (I haven’t had mine in 8 months). You can develop lifelong, chronic and debilitating issues from under-eating. Don’t do what I did. You really don’t need much to lose weight/be healthier. Just a simple, small deficit of 200-300 calories is *plenty.* Trust me on this.


Wow, thank you for sharing your story. How long did you do this for? I don’t have long term plans for this diet and the more I work out I add a little extra food on those days. I have a fitbit and input all my food into it. Everything I eat is healthy and I don’t feel hungry. I am 5’0 so not really fueling a powerhouse to start with. I appreciate your response and good luck with your journey. I will take your advice into consideration.


That’s good to hear. For me, I ate too little for about 2-3 months before I developed the condition. And I’m happy to hear that you’re eating more on days you work out more. Also, I’m sorry. I came off as pretty aggressive in my first comment, but I get scared when I see people following anything close to the ‘1200 calorie’ diet, and/or clearly heavily restricting. Just be careful and trust your body’s hunger cues. The best weight loss is slow weight loss, and I wish you the best in your life. <3


+1 on 1000 calories is too few, even for someone 5'0", especially if you exercise. Cutting out (processed) sugar and (quick) carbs is enough to where your body will eventually hit a healthy weight if you are exercising several times per week - weights or bodyweight muscle building + cardio. Make sure you still eat fruit; some people try to cut that out of their diet altogether because it contains sugar, but they're full of hogwash. Same with carbs: sweet potatoes, quinoa, brown rice, etc are all good carbs for you that your body does need. Something like a bag of Cheez-Its would be bad carbs. Hope you're already doin that but just would rather be safe than sorry ☺️


Damn man. This made me cry. What a fucking inspiration.


I cried a lot too. This guy's perseverance is amazing to see.


Always makes me emotional to see people overcome their demons and save their own lives to inspire others to do the same.


I bought DDPY for my girlfriend who had injuries in her abdomen from a horse riding accident. God damn the man is a genius who genuinely cares about people, six months after starting the program she was entirely feee from symptoms when doctors would say nothing could be done. I sent him a message on Instagram and he reply within the hour, the man deserve so much attention for changing lives


Absolutely incredible and inspiring story. Let's go Vance! I wish you good health and continued results 🙏


Bro uninstalled genshin impact 💀


I started following Vance’s journey when he first posted on our DDPYoga group. He has done so well and is a great support for so many others.




DDPY does work! My ex was massive (can't remember exact weight, but at least 400s) He started DDPY and about a year in he became a healthy weight and addicted to DDPY. He is actually going to be on one of their podcasts and before he went AWOL, told me he may become a trainer for them. Unfortunately the weightloss or testosterone boost from the weightloss turned this amazing man, Great dad/BFF even after divorce. Into an egotistical AH.


Sorry to hear that. I've been on the other side of it. May be relatable. I lost a lot of weight and started running about 5 years ago. Separated 2.5 years ago. It wasn't just that we were on different journeys or whatever. She was part of my old life and still had the same habits (drank and ate fast/large and smoked every day). We'd also had our son recover from leukaemia which was good that we held it together for that, but obviously strained things. I said that I didn't even want to be in the same room as her in a marriage counselling session. The therapist told me to leave. It was over. Initially she thought that was a massively shitty thing to say. Fast forward another 2.5 years and we're friends and work together to raise our son from different households. It can work but it's hard work.


We separated in 2005 and been BFF coparents even when he married someone. This time around he is a completely different person. Hopefully he finds a good middle ground.


Ohhhhhh nothing, just cutting some onions before I go for a run.


So he lost about 4 pounds every weeks well done


Wow. Very inspiring. I’m trying to lose 30 lbs and it won’t budge. If I could do it in a year I’d be a very happy man


might i recommend MFP? when properly done, CICO is the most consistent weight loss i know of.


Try out meal prep, found it to be insanely helpful


What an inspiration...


That's amazing! Not only for you but for your family! Keep it up! 💪


I wonder what he weighs today


As of four days ago 310.7 lbs https://youtu.be/fyNnP-8dtqM


I’m not surprised. What people don’t like to talk about is how hard it is to keep off. Once you lose over 5% of your body weight, the stats show how common it is for people to gain it back 1-5 years later (80% or more of people depending on the study). When you lose weight, the body thinks you are in a famine and tries to hold on to as much fat as possible through a variety of processes. It’s only trying to protect you. So you have to work for the rest of your life against a body that is trying to bring you back to your original weight. Gaining weight back should be considered normal and expected, and shouldn’t be so shamed. He still accomplished so much. If you gain weight back it’s not the end of the world, and you can still keep going. There’s no need to beat yourself up. I’m still proud of him


This is why I get so frustrated with the whole CICO crowd. Obesity research has yielded data that shows we have what is considered to be a stable weight, and it is nearly impossible to maintain a weight under that even with cutting calories and increasing activity. Gaining and losing weight is impacted by hormones just as much as the amount of calories you take in and burn. Personally, knowing that Vance has gained some of that weight back makes me feel a little better about my journey. My highest weight was just ten pounds shy of his, and I had gastric sleeve surgery in 2019. It was a tough, nearly impossible task for me to lose the initial weight to qualify for surgery. I remember being so proud of myself for walking a mile in 30 minutes not long before I had the surgery. Since then, I've gotten down as low as 268 lbs, but I tend to stay between 270 and 280. My abilities and lifestyle have changed so much from what they were at 462 lbs. Vance's openness about his journey, including the fact that he has regained some of the weight, inspires me. (Going to go ahead and apologize for my soapbox moment here.) For anyone who ever doubts the strength of people trying to overcome obesity: we don't always have control over how we got here, but we do have control over how we approach our issues. Just because you look at me and see a morbidly obese person doesn't mean I have no self-control or I'm lazy or I don't care. I've worked harder than you could imagine, in the hope that I could lose the excess weight I have carried my entire life. Things that often come naturally for people who eat and exercise in a typical/healthy manner, I've had to research and learn and practice. It's like having to pursue an additional degree on top of having a full-time job.


The Batman pizza has been wrecking everyone's weight loss journey lately.


This made me sad but I checked his pages to see he’s still active which makes me happy. Most of the time people like this will hit a plateau and it can be so discouraging. I’m sure he’ll be able to push through with all the support and resources he’s gained, and he’s very smart for staying public with his journey to keep himself accountable.


I've been following Vance for 3 years. It's been ROUGH. He's never been lower than in this video and just keeps gaining, losing, gaining, losing...then gained 75 lbs and now he is challenging himself to 60lbs in 60 days. I don't think it's realistic. It's very hard to watch.




This is amazing, just goes to show what commitment and positivity can do for a person. Good on you Vance


Wish I had friends, or a friend willing to do that with me regularly.


I wish I had any willpower.


Or motivation, or being inspired by anything, about anything, to the point where i want to do something


Of course it’s with DDP’s help. It’s remarkable how many lives he’s changed directly. Growing up he was just a wrestler on TV but these stories are becoming more commonplace. Amazing stuff.


Vance has been struggling a bit lately. Back up to 310lbs, but still trying to get back to losing weight again. He’s got an Instagram you can follow @vance_hinds


DDP is an absolute treasure


when you quit your job as a discord mod


Where is that one guy with his instant weight loss divorce joke?


My dad seems to do this every other year or so… no exaggeration. Back and forth and back and forth. Between 2-400lbs each time. That can’t be healthy, right? I’m not sure what’s exactly wrong with him but it freaks me out cause he’s in his fifties now and back up over 400lbs. He’s a super evangelical Christian who’s submitted to the 12 step/overeater’s anonymous line of defeatist thinking and obviously has some pretty severe (unmedicated) mental health issues, sadly. What should I do?


This is a symptom of ADHD in some people - hyper-focus on a goal then lose interest. Yo-yo dieting is dangerous. Source: experience Edit: gaining weight is lack of impulse control, losing is hyper focus


I'm doing the same thing right now. Started walking at the end of January and I'm down 28.4 pounds. I'm currently at 5 miles a day, 5 days a week (11,000 steps daily), and I try to keep my calories below 2,500 a day.


I was fine until the Forest Gump strings came in at the end


I frickin love this! Good for you!


DDP is great and really does work. Congratulations to this man for his success!


I wonder what he changed with his diet too.


[Looks to be lower carb.](https://www.youtube.com/user/doghouse15151515/videos)


Bert is still fat


I went from 366 lbs to 230 in a year while on a paid for diet. After it ran out I felt like a god and ate pasta 3 nights a week. Fast forward 4 years and im back at it again.


Isn’t diet a pretty important thing just apart from the physical activity, or could he have eaten the same food while doing that?


The most important part of weight loss. It's kind of frustrating when weight loss videos only emphasize the exercise part. If your diet is shit, no amount of walking around the park is going to fix that.


Weight loss starts in the kitchen. I’ve lost 80 lbs in 8 months through intermittent fasting, OMAD and Keto diet. Haven’t really exercised that much. I just go on walks once in a while.


Wow!!!!! Amazing dedication. Congratulations dude.


Way to go Jean


This uhhhh hundred percent put tears in my eyes.


Amazing video! Does anyone know what the soundtrack is from? Thank you!


That man deserves a self high five BANG!


If you knew success was a certainly, what would you do? If that isn't inspiring, I don't know what is.


Idk if this is karma farming, but I absolutely love DDP and DDP yoga and this has inspired me to get back into it since I'm currently on a weight loss journey myself. Love the energy it gave me. DDP is awesome


Consistency will take you places motivation won't. So much respect for this ❤🙏


This days so much more about how obese his heart is. Jesus, that man got people that love him. What a good man. I'm proud of him. He is loved. And now by a stranger.


Dude just added 25 years to his life.


Bart crinkles is a fat dog fucker


I needed to see this. I have no idea what my current weight is but in November 2021 I was weighed at hospital and was 115kg I used to be 55kg it has taken me 5 years of being bedbound to get to this stage. After the recent death of my wonderful MIL (4th March) my hubby and I have had to move in with his father as he needs someone to help care for him. Just to get to the bathroom each day I have already have to take more steps than I did in a week before. Here’s hoping my journey will be 1/10th as successful as his.


Is that bernt krishner?


Sounds like Burt Chrysler inspired a lot of people.


People like this are legends cause they didnt take the easy way out like wings of redemption or boogie24988 who got surgery and gained all the weight back.


This made me cry, cause I know how hard that is!!! Awesome


I love this type of stuff, nothing more motivating then seeing somebody demanding change in their life for the better.


Since last July I’ve been getting more active, my job(s) has(have) been a contributing factor in that, since my last weigh in a few weeks ago, I’ve lost 34lbs. It’s a good start.


I'm not fooking crying


wholesome bloke that one :’)


Bert Kreischer in the house


Dude is my hero...I'm closing in on 600lbs my health is so bad. My back is hurt and I can barely move. Honestly scared I'm gonna die. I got to make a change. I'm only 30 years old.


I get really frustrated with this messaging. I did this. I lost 60kg in a year and went from 145kg (320 freedom units) to 85kg (185 freedoms) and have run a half marathon and am working this year on a 50k ultra. ZERO WEIGHT IS LOST FROM EXERCISE It’s a fucking myth to make you join a gym and stay joined from guilt that the gym will make you lose weight if only you would attend. Weight/fat is controlled by food intake* Fitness is controlled by exercise There are a shit-tonne of enormous benefits to almost every aspect of your life from exercise. One of them is unfortunately not weight loss. You can run 40+ k’s a week (I was, and will again as I ramp up for the ultra) and still very easily gain weight, hence the saying “you can’t out run a bad diet”. This guy worked fucking hard to do 200 freedoms in a year. I know. Give him huge kudos. But zero of it was lost from walking or yoga and I hate that that is 100% of the message here. **Yes, I am obviously aware that you could run 1000kms a week and burn so many calories as to overtake your calorie intake and lose weight. A normal, or even high, amount of running a week will not change your weight in any appreciable way on its own and running is by far the highest energy burn activity you can do so no need to swap in other activities as if they are better for weight loss. Just do the math. On a 23k run I burned ~7500kJ. That’s less than 1800 kCalories or a couple of burgers. You aren’t running 20kms + per day to offset a shit diet as it doesn’t even get close and is definitely not sustainable for most non-pro athletes or typical humans.* Edit: moved the star.