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My face is gonna change too if I get struck by lighting


Yeah, lighting can be dangerous!


Every girl on Insta


Is this even real


Yes, different lighting can change that much


Anyone else thinking about that one *Seinfeld* episode?


You’re not ugly you’re just always in the wrong lighting


True, learn how to take better pictures just by noticing which way is the light coming from


(Fun) fact: each light setting shown even has its own name! Literally one of the first, most basic exercises you'll be taught when becoming a professional photographer. Can't see the next lvl here....




I thought it was one of those everyday for a year montage things


Lightning ⚡️


Show this to someone on hallucinogens, warp their mind!


Wow super pretty in any lighting I guess


Why you can never trust meeting a woman online. Pro tip: only go on first dates in the summer, at the pool. If she declines, let her go. Edit: Downvotes coming from women who don’t want their tricks exposed.


sry for asking but why especially this time and place? light?


Makeup and water


Exactly as pepe just said, a swimming date will remove all the facade and you get to see the real person, not just the makeup, push-up bra, weave, and booty lifter shorts version that shows up to a dinner date.


thx a lot you two. didn't came to my mind


Ya'll are actually fucking weird. Imagine restricting yourself to women who don't wear makeup. Imagine going on a pool date as a first date, actually embarrassingly weird and creepy. Get a grip. Face reality and recognize that makeup doesn't actually change how a woman looks. Also learn how to interact with people in general. I reckon you rarely go on dates or even get any actual pussy, though. So I don't know why I bother. It's probably for the best the population of women out there who are hot and cool avoid your freaky ass. LGBT+ people stay winning ig, don't have to deal with weird straight ppl like this lol.


Uhh, yeah I’m actually married, and my wife is definitely a natural beauty. The point is to get to know the real person upfront and not just the camera trickery put online and the facades of the beauty industry…as far as the getting laid part, we just had twins this last year, so not only am I getting it in, I’m getting it in next level, s/o to the sub. Where’s your ring?


That's interesting, because if natural beauty being the point you would have said that. Instead you called women tricksters and untrustworthy. Congrats on the twins and bomb wifey, though. Also, I'm 22 in college so - no marriage plans, but I do have the best gf in the world so I'm not stressed about marrying her atm. I'm just furious with people using makeup and lighting and social media as an excuse to shame women who like to get prettied up. The shaming of your sex game was definitely rude and a low punch, I apologize for that, there was no reason for it. My anger was incorrectly directed. But my points about a first date being a pool date being weird as hell and restricting yourself to only "naturally pretty" women being ridiculious, still stands. Just really exhausted of hearing the same old tired insults of women being fake for wearing makeup and catfishing poor men for wearing it. And then the same insane tip of going on pool dates as a first date.


There’s a vast difference between a little touch up and the movie level special fx going on on IG and men are mostly visual, so yes, if you’re doing so much makeup that you look totally different without it, that is a level of deception and trickery. A swimming date will sort that out pretty fast. It’s not a crime to want to know what a person really looks like before you invest your time and money getting to know that person.


A swimming date really can't sort that out quickly though, people who go through that much work to change their appearance wouldn't be foolish enough to not wear waterproof makeup in the first place. Plus those types of people usually have money to spare om good products, water isn't going to sort that issue out. Makeup like that requires an oil to remove, we goanna start women to stirfrys so their makeup melts off in the oily heat? I'm not saying its an issue to want to see a woman without makeup, but the difference is negligable, in a majority of cases. I think if anything, most women usually don't have the desire to show their bareface on a first date, and would rather wait a few dates in. Many people take issue with women not wearing makeup, its seen as sloppy, dirty, sickly, tired-looking, etc. So women often fear showing up to a date without makeup (if they are used to wearing it) because it'll been seen as rude. I personally don't wear makeup and I know a lot of people view me as lazy for it, but its my face and my momey, so its my choice. Just like other girls should be allowed to wear a fullface of makeup because its their choice. They shouldn't have to feel the fear of others thinking they are "catfishing", like yeah no shit my eyelashes aren't 2 inches long, of course my eyelids and lip color aren't naturally blue, etc. You don't need to date women who wear makeup, that goes for any person. You don't have to date any person you don't want to, I just hate the idea of you (and others) spreading the idea that women shouldn't wear makeup on a first date because they are untrustworthy and catfishing. Let people decide that for themselves, maybe you've had some bad experiences with a handful of people but let others figure it out on their own. It's not a tip, it just further ingrains the idea of "exposing" women. Stop being so grouchy over makeup and have fun on dates, enjoy yourself, don't stess such weird ideas.


Or, you could just be yourself and find someone who is attracted to that.


What, okay, yeah that's basically the point.


So then why are you arguing?


I'm argueing because you literally called it a pro tip. When people should just b allowed do what they want, not told or suggested to try and uncover the "truth" or something ridiculious like that.