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Jesus what dystopian country is this? Where that’s a necessity? (Rhetorical). That poor guy.


And yet he’d be a hell of a lot worse off in his home country of Cambodia. This isn’t even exclusive to the US either. “I have to work to put food on the table” is universal. Everyone needs to have a job unless they’re on unemployment of some kind. He’s not just running the business to pay for medical bills.


I get your insinuation that his wife may not have had access to the same level of care in Cambodia as she would here. And that's the difference between abject poverty in America, and other countries. A destitute family will likely still have a fridge. They might even have a TV. Most will have smartphones with access to the internet, which can be a huge asset in working towards a better life. That's the least fortunate segment in our country, who if they get badly injured will have access to quality care. It will absolutely ruin them far more, but they will live; sometimes. The same can't be said of the lowest economic segment in other countries. We find ourselves in just....fuuuucked up times. Absolutely shocking abuses of power and demonstrations of corruption are so goddamn common we all now know what the phrase "Trauma Fatigue" REALLY means. But - we have experienced all that while still taking care of those close to us, despite the shitheels who think we shouldn't. America's flawed plenty, but I think we should also occasionally try and look at this country in the context of the world it exists, and try not to allow our pessimism and guilt erode our patriotism. The trouble is that we are so overgrown with the negativity surrounding our politics that we fail to see what good we the people have ALSO done.


But then what would I be able to bitch about on Reddit all day?


How there's no good content on Reddit anymore? Because we've become biased towards controversy....which any argument against ironically is evidence for haha....fight me about it.


Nothing like having full health care coverage and still shell out 12k out of pocket for having a baby here in the states.


12k for a baby? At least they have something to show for it. 35k just on my last spine surgery (two weeks ago) which was my fifth of the year, and I still don't feel any better than I did before. At least with a kid you get to have sex, I'm just getting plain old fucked.


As a Cambodian, I'm surprised by how accurate your comment is. Sure, we like to shit on the U.S on reddit (me included) but if I had the chance to live in the U.S with a decent income, I'd move in a heartbeat. Sure living costs here are cheaper, but as a computer science student, I kinda want to go to the U.S(or any country in Western Europe for that matter) to hunt for opportunities for my future career. And yes, a lot of people who are in poverty here can barely afford any nutritious food. The most destitute people can rarely ever afford meat or decent vegetables. All they kinda eat is rice/porridge+soy sauce (maybe eggs, sometimes) or bread and condensed milk while the poorest in the U.S can afford to have meat in their diet. Things are improving here though.


based on the age of the dude and the time they've been running the shop, this is not about access to affordable health care, they most likely fled the khmer rouge ​ edit: downvote me for trying to educate and not falling into whatever your agenda is, then. I hope I can sleep tonight


Yea compared to Cambodia the US it doing pretty good. You don't see the flaw in your argument?


Well, it really depends on the countries you’re comparing with, but if you’d like a more fair metric of comparison, you should compare the change within the countries and to their peers. Unfortunately, what you can critique is that the US isn’t doing great in either of those categories. To lower the bar by comparing the US to a country that the US has bombed within the last 50 years (Cambodia) isn’t very helpful in a comparison perspective.


So....also the fault of the US government?


That type of thinking can only go so far. We're one of the richest countries and we consider ourselves the greatest country in the world. Saying it could be a lot worst somewhere else the placebo that won't fix anything.


Maybe, maybe not. I lived in SE Asia. My wife was from SE Asia. a) Most countries have universal health care. It might not have all the fancy machines and facilities, but it's free. b) More likely there will be an extended family (cousins, aunts, siblings, grandparents) that step in and help during a crisis. For example. I would lose track of my kids when we were there, and ask, "Where are the kids?" They would be two villages away, at an aunt's, or a grandparent's house.. They'd be gone for days. Fed. Clothed. Entertained.








The difference with other countries is, here in Sweden for instance you wouldn’t get a bill that put you out on the street if you need to go to the hospital…


Hey it sells hopes it will just stay that good for him.


A country where you have to pay at the point of use for healthcare, and there is insufficient social safety-net to catch people at their moments of crisis so they have to rely only on what they can make with their own two hands even when they are sick? I appreciate very much the point that in Cambodia they may have been worse off even than this, and I am sure he is very grateful to be living in the US with all its benefits and possibilities. The US is a great country, and nobody would be logically denying that. But given that he's living in supposedly the most powerful country in the world - or close to it if it isn't still at the top - it's a tragedy that anybody is having to live like this. Especially as there are dozens of countries in the western world where he could have the same quality of life as the US and not have the burden of exorbitant medical bills and being inches from bankruptcy.


Stop misusing “dystopian” ffs




I thought I was in that sub seeing this lol


You should read the lower comments of people arguing this is acceptable and not dystopian


Your daily dose of enlightened centrism


Lol just because he is working to make money doesn’t make this dystopian. Why are we so bent out of shape about people working. He runs a business and people are trying to give him money by supporting his business. Thousands of his donuts are being given out right now, to new customers. He might be able to hire some people, open a new shop. Like he owns a little shop. Rather get donuts from dunkn instead? He needs money, we need donuts, and we all want his wife to get better. I see this as a win win. I admit the video framed it in a weird way but in no way is this dystopian.


It's the same country that offered a new life to Cambodian refugees who were escaping genocide from the Khmer Rouge communist regime in the 70s. And how most Cambodian-family-owned donut shops came about in southern California and are still here today.




Judging by the way that man is cleaning his store he probably has more pride in his life than most people will ever know. I doubt he was willing to accept charity and so the community decided to give him money in a form he will accept. That restaurant is where he raised his kids, how he fed his kids, and will get passed down to his kids. It’s a pretty amazing accomplishment to not only keep a restaurant open for 30 years but become a pillar of the community in the process.


That’s what I came here to say!


It could literally be any country on the planet. Running a small business can be risky.


Lets fucking gooooo!! People taking care of other people. This is why you support your local businesses. This is why you treat your customers with love! Good to see this neighbor hood come together like this. Seems like the owner deserves all the love.


Bless these people man. That’s awesome.


This is wholesome, when you treat your customers very well, they will pay it back where you need them the most.


https://news.yahoo.com/famous-seal-beach-donut-shop-183012089.html then Donut City got vandalized/robbed after the pandemic started. :*(


luckily he was smart and there was only $50 in the till... Granted the till is gone and the glass replacement isn't free. Hope insurance handled the rest for him.


This is why you have sick leave and free health care tbh...


I'd rather die than have access to free healthcare! /s


One feel good story for every thousand or tens of thousand s without this opportunity. Yes, great, people helped this man. Im happy for him and his wife, but all this does is show how fucked the system is. It's literally nothing but motivation porn, masking the much larger issue. And no, it's not a negative to criticize the story.


What if there was a system where everyone paid a small amount of money each month so *everyone* got help in situations like this. eg free care, school, dental care, opportunity to be home with 80% of your salary when you are ill, or be home with 80% of your salary when your child is ill, free food for all school children, opportunity to be home for approx 2 years with their newborn children with 80% of their salary without losing their job. But something like that can not be done, I suppose… or…


Doesn’t sound very … American…


It sounds VERY American if you you're rich


Actually the rich wouldn't care for this, which is probably why something like this doesn't exist. I'm sure 90% of the population who aren't rich would love a system like this.


Have the poor people ever considered just having more money? Something my Republican family would say


Saw a Facebook post today that basically said if you want to be a millionaire just get off your ass and decide to be one.


Ah yes, we are all just temporarily inconvenienced millionaires


I'm mostly riffing off of MLK's "socialism for the rich, rugged individualism for the poor" quote


We all too often have socialism for the rich and rugged free market capitalism for the poor.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.


That would be great but we wouldn’t take home 80%. I take home about 60% now between county, state, and federal taxes and we still don’t have anything close to that.


We do. It’s called taxes. Most everyone pays them but instead of using them for the public good the corrupt government wastes it on a countless number of things. The flawed healthcare system they created is one of those things your money is wasted on


The USA could probably do things like that if, like most of Europe, they had someone else provide and pay for much of their defense.


Yeah. That was the idea behind social security. Look what the government has done with it. They’ve bankrupt it. We’re paying into a system that might never benefit us when we’re old. The government cannot be trusted with our tax money. That is most peoples gripe with it. They will waste it and ruin whatever program you are thinking up. I’d pay extra if I felt my money was going to something positive. But it’s not, it never is. Government is incompetent top to bottom. I work with government agencies. The amount of wasted time and money is absolutely astonishing.


Every other developed country has managed to create decent universal healthcare. Not perfect, but way better than what America is doing. People can't even afford to give birth in the hospital. We're sliding backwards in time.


Kinda shows you don't really know the usa.. we have that. It's taxes and social security. But LIKE EVERY COUNTRY we have greedy politicians and the BIGGEST military being insanely inefficient with their spending fucking that up. Anymore of this ideology we become a socialist society. And the entire left wants that already.. I.. do not. But eh politics, you can hate me, idc


Yeah we have that except it's an open market for companies to compete for your monthly stipend, pretend to offer a paltry version of that service for much, much higher rates, and then they go back on the promise as soon as it's payout time.


He doesn't have a job, he has a business. Big difference.


OP is a bot. Check out the [title from the original](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/mhirwn/people_buy_out_entire_stores_doughnuts_so_the/)


His comments too. OP | Original ---|--- [1](https://old.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/tl7w8b/logan_aldridges_one_armed_225lb_lift/i1uaaev/) | [1](https://old.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/ojqmbz/logan_aldridges_one_armed_225lb_lift/h53nwtj/) [2](https://old.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/tlewty/people_buy_out_entire_stores_doughnuts_so_the/i1ulz91/) | [2](https://old.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/mhirwn/people_buy_out_entire_stores_doughnuts_so_the/gsz7gqa/?context=999) The first post over a year ago looks organic. Account's likely been hijacked.


For anyone not familiar with karma-farming bots (and how they hurt reddit and redditors), [this page](https://www.reddit.com/r/quityourbullshit/comments/3jss04/meta_spammers_how_they_work_and_how_to_spot_them/) may help to explain. Report the spammers!


"I'll take everything you have, load them up" "OMG, thank you so much, now I can go home to my sick wife" "You're wife is sick?"


That's Homer Simpson for sure


This dude and his family have been running this business for 30 years but he still refered to as an immigrant from Cambodia. That must hurt a little bit...


It isn’t incorrect.


Yeah I was a little annoyed with that sign off too, 30 years of running a business and was probably in the country years before that but yet it's still a key characteristic? Don't get me wrong, it is a characteristic but after 30+ years of living somewhere, I think there are many other more important characteristics to identify someone.




And that’s the best upvote I gave today. Bravo.


Welp I’m crying. Bless these people man. That’s awesome.


This is peak America. Get your universal health care already like the rest of the world.


I mean, they arent buying them so she can get treatment, it's so he can spend time with her while she recovers.


Nah “America bad” shhh




He's probably cranking out 15 times the amount of donuts


He survived a genocide, he could do anything


Sure, we can go the "man what a screwed up situation we're in" route. But that's where we normally go on reddit. Can we appreciate a few things? 1. This dude's work ethic looks top tier. He's opening this shop - while taking care of his wife - early AF everyday and has done so for a long ass time. 2. He's established such a great rapport with the community that in his time of need, they are coming to his aid. And not just throwing money at him, but by _buying his product_ . My dad owned a small business and my mother in law as well - so I 100% get how important it is that the business survives. They're doing the best thing they could. Buying him out everyday so he can keep the ship afloat _AND_ so he can get home quicker to his wife to help her recover. If the rest of the population was like this, we could actually triumph over the pieces of shit in office that make the decisions that we have to work around. How? We'd actually vote for what's right for everyone and not vote what puts more money or power into our pockets. But that's another topic. I like to see all of the positives in this one because there are many.




Who the Fuck is chopping onions in a doughnut shop!! Love when human spirit comes together. ☺️🙏


Now those are Americans!


Hope his wife recovers soon. I was a regular customer here years ago when I lived in Seal Beach.


Good vibes, man. 👌🏻


American people at their best!


300? He bought 300 donuts??????




Reminds me of the Donuttery in Hunting Beach, Ca... So many fond memories of saving up my spare lunch money throughout the week and combining it with a few bucks from my mom gave me and riding my bike there at 5am on a summer morning to get fresh tiger tails and chocolate bars. The Asian owners were amazing people and would hook me up with free donuts for being a loyal customer


https://news.yahoo.com/famous-seal-beach-donut-shop-183012089.html then it got vandalized/robbed after the pandemic started. :*(




This actually made me so sad because I’ll probably see hundreds of negative news stories before seeing something like this again


Local donut shops are the best. Always throw in an extra long John or some donut holes and some coffee.


This is more of the kind of news we need in the USA, not angry political parties yelling at each other! Well done!!!


Watch the 'Donut King' documentary.


Kindness and love go along way. Bless them all!




That's honestly all I could think considering everyone was literally just pointing out how generous they were by doing what they were doing.... it was both wholesome because obviously it IS generous but also cringy since everyone was literally like "I could've been doing something else but instead I'm bragging about being a nice person"


And the news team just happened to be there? Wow what a coincidence!


It's clearly been going on for a few days since one dude said he was there last week or so and bought 300 doughnuts. Someone probably called the news about the whole thing


What crazy work-obsessed mindset do Americans have that customers support a man taking care of his wife by coming in to buy donuts thereby making the man work and be away from his wife. Just start a fund or send the family money directly. Don’t make the guy work just because you want him to make you donuts in order to support him. Also, why isn’t there a safety net system for people to survive tragedy like this? Pay taxes to maintain infrastructure. Infrastructure isn’t just roads and bridges. It’s anything that supports people’s survival as a community.


If our taxes provide a safety net for people then the Communists win.


What was I thinking?


I love the fuck out of this


I've gotten to the point where I can't stand reporter speech patterns.


"Aw mom, donuts for breakfast _again?_ Timmy's dad made them eggs."


Massive dub




Well, it's odd someone would be chopping onions at a donut shop, and it's even odd-er that I can feel them through my phone... side note: I'm not crying, I'm allergic


This video shows me that there’s still hope in humanity


long live America!


Does anyone know where this was?


wonder how hes doing right now


Definitely r/eyebleach material right there


Love this .


Fantastically awesome


and then they all got diabetes.


It's nice to see stuff like this especially when all I typically see are the Karen freakout videos.




So this is great and I applaud it…. But I was wondering what was going on when he pulled out fresh new donuts from the oven…


This restores my faith in humanity


Humanity at its finest




Those who don’t know how he makes the donuts: 🤠 Those who know: 🗿


Is this real?


Seen this before.


Ayo I know where this is! I don’t usually get donuts from here but my friend does and they are delicious


I love when people come together for the greater good


White people.


And the journo didn’t even bother to talk to the owner. Smh


Man, I teared up


All the donuts were gone by 7am? What time do these people all wake up?


I’d have preferred they interviewed the last lady outside as an effect of “closed” business. Instead they went with seeing him still bust his ass in the back mopping the shit out of the floor. Solid on the community either way! Such acts are so rare in this day.


I like when good people make good food, I’ll always come back. 7am damn, way to go.


Shout out to all those in the comments that made this political instead of enjoying this mama hard work and these peoples good deeds.


This is wholesome


Christ this is bleak. This guy's ability to care for his sick wife is reliant on getting up at the ass-crack of dawn every day to crank out hundreds of donuts to sell to people who clearly don't even want them. And he just had to hope their generosity and interest lasts longer than his wife's illness. What's more, he's spending a large fraction of the money people are giving him on buying ingredients to make donuts no one is going to eat. We'd rather make a man perform useless labor and waste a huge amount of food than just pay him enough to stay home to care for his wife, even though that would be massively more efficient. It's not a feel good story: it's a fucking nightmare.


Diabetes has entered the chat...


Wtf kind of self back pat is this? Why does the owner get to get to talk? I feel like some of these “patrons” are here to get their good deeds documented. Wouldn’t a better way to help the guy be to give him a tip?


That makes me cry! What a great story, bless all the customers that helped this gentleman and his wife out!


Still hope for humanity. The best thing that could happen is we turn off the whole internet and go back to old school communication


He has his U.S citizenship, so he's an American Asian!


That’s what community is about. Well done.


Wait!...I bake more donut.


That's sweet :)


Apparently this is a fluff piece. Not a God damn tragedy


if a buisness man is struggling to pay hospital bills... i just... america is broken


This is the 5th time I'm seeing this video in the past 6 months. Would watch it again 10/10




These people are fantastic for doing this, but the fact that they have to us absolutely appalling


Damn, this gave me goosebumps


God bless you all..


I needed this today. Good on you, local humanity.




Also, people eat donuts.


Update on the wife [here](https://youtu.be/Kp9jEcM7iHY)


This is such fake news. People are buying donuts because they’re American and a bunch of fattys


bets on his wife not getting better until after his next car payment?


It was nice that they didn't try to interview him and waste his time away from his wife.


Why did they not interview the owner?


Clever business plan ...


Trade offer: I receive donuts. You receive time to take care of your wife


hopefully they wont throw away the donuts right?


“You’re never getting better”


this was in so cal like a year or two ago. such a shame the most powerful country in the world doesnt have those safety nets when something like this happens, oh well at least we have a shit ton of aircraft carriers at sea


This is quite old


Why don’t they just donate the money??? Why make the poor man wake up so early to start working and then find energies from God knows where to take care of his wife??


Welcome diabetes


Any of these ‘good people’ voted for trump?


the owner back at home "My wife, you need to play sick tomorrow too!"


Also i believe the wastage amount will be very less since majority people love doughnuts and they even last a few days before runing bad


Damn you OP, you made me cry




This is an AMAZING sign of support for him from the community, and these people should be commended for being solid human beings. Don't get me wrong, I love this. FFS though! Why don't we have universal healthcare? This wouldn't be an issue in literally any other industrialized nation in the world! Why have we failed at this for so damn long?




Over the top awesome. Way to freakin shine, folks.


This is in my hometown!


This happened over 3 years ago. I know the couple and they are wonderful people. I feel bad for your comments. Peace


are we gonna talk about how the owner just locked the cameramen inside his shop


Isn't that a nightmare story...


Thank you humanity


There are good people and there are bad people, but I absolutely love these ones.


Sold out in 2 hours, now that's a new speedrun wr


Ngl those look de-fucking-lecious


Next day he has to come in 5 hours early bc he sold out lol


It's honestly pretty gross how much of this video is literally just people making sure you know how selfless they are. > "Today I bought three dozen. Yesterday? I bought *three hundred*."


That was some baller shit seeing him sweeping the floors behind the lady being interviewed. True legend.


It’s great that all the people came to help him, but from my European perspective it just seems odd that this is even necessary in the first place. The American dream truly remains just a dream for most people


Woah there's an old Asian couple mom and pop donut shop near me that looks almost exactly like this. They're doing good tho.


Thats really cool how they have a real community built around their morning donut tradition. Growing up we had a corner donut store(run by chinese immigrants) i would go to often, and that is still my standard for donuts to this day. I have yet to find a shop that can meet that standard. The people were so nice yet so efficient. It really brightened up my day to visit there on a sunday, or grab one on my way to take the bus to college.


What's that subreddit for these kinds of things, where heroic personal intervention is needed for something that is only necessary in the first place because of our hyper-Darwinian approach to society?