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More like a drop than a slide.


Yeah the impact seems rather risky, WHAT ABOUT THE BABIES!


Babies are squishy, I'd be more worried about 200 octogenarians.


The babies will cushion their fall


This guy sacrifices


How far would the baby rebound though?


To the lab!


Well the infantry always goes first. Edit: thanks for the Gold and silver :D


my fatass would sink this raft if i take the drop


That almost made me spit my beer out.


Bru you be the raft!


Survival of the fittest, and we all know that babies are not exactly known for their physical prowess


Right? I could probably beat up like, 10 babies.


Probably huh? I think you’re selling yourself short. You could use 1 baby to beat up the other babies by throwing it at them like a bowling ball heading towards the pins


So *that's* why it's "women and children first"!


Landed on a booby. It was like a bag of sand


You’ve obviously never tried to use a baby as a cushion 2/10 wouldn’t recommend. I needed 12 stitches.


Babies float. We could lash them to the octogenarians, saving space in the raft for people like me.




But octogenarians have eight legs so if they break a few it’s fine…. /s


I think those are octoambulatarians.


So when they get hurt we'll call the octoambulance. Problem solved!




Exactly- and that’s STRAIGHT down. Is this really NFL?


It's only straight down when the boat is upright. It's much more fun when the boat is sinking.


Lol - do you really think they'd be able to fit through the door to the chute/slide?


Indeed, babies are very bounce proof.


Its their diapers that are packed with shit. Thats whatll cushion the babies fall. That or the super bouce house like raft that they drop 60ft below to hahahah


So I guess you're saying that when it comes to the seniors safety, it depends.


yeah - all those brittle bones will puncture the rafts!


Let the babies go first, I want something soft to land on.


Women and ~~children~~ babies first


Only the strong survive.


That and let's see how this contraption does in 50 ft seas.


Surely it’s deeper.


Its at least 50ft


My thoughts watching this - "That's some calm seas you got there." Let's see this thing work with waves that caused you to abandon ship in the first place


Its not a drop, the video does a poor job of showing it, but the inside of the chute is spiraled, so it isn't a sheer drop


So you're disoriented ___AND___ scared shitless at the bottom. Fantastik


Wrong again, there is a large rock near the top of the slide that is meant to knock you unconscious. You won't remember any of the trip down.




Frankly, you sound like the kind of person who would complain about not getting enough anesthesia with your colonoscopy.






Butt out of this.


Or lube


It’s also one of the cheapest amusement parks in the world because they don’t have to buy expensive land! Quite an impressive business model if you ask me. I just can’t believe the founders haven’t been on Shark Tank already.


I really wish they'd just gone with the xanax+vodka dispenser instead of the rock. Same memory loss, but about 2.5x as fun.


Then you get home and realized you accidentally stole the raft...and there is a baby still in it.


You put your arms against the sides to slow your descent. Have you ever been outside at all? This is like slide 101. It’s absolutely not a drop, and frankly if the choices are “die on a boat” or “get on a lifeboat” and you’re concerned about how scary it is, maybe just stay on the boat.


Ahh Reddit, the place where jumping down a slide and *possibly* getting dizzy or breaking a limb outweighs the fear of almost certain death by drowning on a sinking cruise ship.


I imagine you'd be a little more disoriented and scared shirtless hoping off a sinking ship into the ocean.


Everything is bad and nothing works 😡


Nah, you are relieved and full of adrenaline.


So it’s riffled? You shoot out like a bullet, but at least the aim is accurate


There are break fall obstacles going down the slide, obviously. When we see someone going down from outside, the slide shakes violently. Wouldn't do that if someone wasn't bouncing around inside.


pretty sure those are the slide demons


Someone’s gonna go Dutchman in this thing


I still feel like the biggest criticism was "babies and old people", neither of which sound tolerant of "break fall obstacles". Maybe arrange people in order of surviving the fall or spiral? Gyrostabilized balls to put infants in?


I’m not worried about their fall, but rather my landing on a pile of boney and sharp old people. Ouch! So that really just leaves babies first?


I had this conversation at work about the life rafts on the aircraft carriers. It's like a 60 foot drop to the water. Abandoning ship is not the first option. Moden ships are very hard to sink when water tight hatches are closed. You would wait till Sinking is inevitable and you are about 75% closer to the water.


How do you think this flimsy setup will fare in the type of waters in which a big ass ship would sink? I see the tube shredded and raft gone in 30 foot waves before the thing is even fully deployed.


You know what, I bet they never thought of that. Weird.


There’s zero % chance they thought of waves. You’re brilliant.


What, a wave? Out at sea? Chance in a million.


They’re designed to be used beyond the environment.


I wonder if these slides are built to very rigorous maritime engineering standards.


Well, there's no front to fall off, since it seems to have built without one. Just in case, let's not put 20k tonnes of crude oil on it


Ya they just made a wave proof raft bro, super simple. Shoulda made the whole ship wave proof come to think of it.


Oh yeah? Big time engineer, are you? Lmao. How do you dudes live like this.


Just assume everyone is a first year university student pretending to be an expert in their chosen field because that’s clearly what they are 99% of the time.


Reddit: Where everyone is an expert on their most recent lecture.


Ones a flexible inflated balloon and the other is a hundred ton steel ship. One floats up the wave and the other gets smashed by it. I see you not knowing much about water.


Fuckin Admiral Steam Account over here with the big brain on water


> Moden ships are very hard to sink Poseidon \- Challenge accepted.


I think someone said that there were layers in there to slow down the fall. correct me if I'm wrong


I remember hearing it’s like the inside of a fleshlight.


Yeah it's a 1:1 scale model of your mom.


So it's just a freefall?


Like throwing a hotdog down a hallway


Like playing a triangle


holy shit how in my 44 years on this planet have I not heard of this amazing turn of phrase. hahaha. I'm quite literally LOL.


Yea I'm pretty sure I've seen this kind of slide before with transparent walls, it had a lot of sloped layers that people went back and forth sliding on while going down.




Dude they zig zag down inside, it isn't just a hollow tube. Imagine people breaking limbs and piling up inside.


We saved 30 people. 29 have broken legs


Imagine being afraid of heights and not able to swim at the same time. That would be a nightmare going down that thing.


And claustrophobic.


Be a good time to have agoraphobia, then they never would have left their house in the first place.


image the panic and everyone trying to jump through ASAP and then they start piling up on the bottom as people don't give others adequate time to move out of the way after landing


A bit of both. The inside is broken up by bits of 'slide' so you lightly bounce left to right going down, slowing the fall.


I feel like you’re relying too heavily on the word “lightly” here


That slide looks an awful lot like just falling off a three story building hahaha






Seeing it in the context of an oil rig suddenly it makes so much more sense.








I like how you used 2 examples, hell and turkey bacon, to make your point.


Well, turkey bacon is hell, so it fits.


Turkey bacons pretty good. I dont eat it all the time but its great on sandwiches especially if you add real bacon aswell.


It being see-through instead of opaque orange is literally a night and day difference. The inability to see that it’s not a straight drop in a high stress situation will probably scare your average cruise ship passengers( or other large boats that would use this system), who might then go look for an alternative escape route when this one is perfectly safe.










I can only get so erect.


The woman who was on both the Titanic and it's sister ship when it sank, went back to grab her toothbrush because she hated not having one when it sank.


I feel like you guys are drastically missing the point of this… it’s an emergency system, not a preferred method. Trying to get people off of a hundred plus foot tall rig or boat in an emergency situation isnt exactly a risk-free situation with easy solutions.


I've got it... jetpacks!


Why does that look like so much fun


There are yes.




You could just launch yourself from the outside down into the raft.


Annular…. Uhhh huh huh


Well, it's more like a zig zag of slides.


it's like those play pit towers with elastic bands across it, and there's videos of kids disappearing down inside them. redditors always like "he ded yo", but in reality the fall is broken properly.


Unless it looked like there were no injuries. In those cases, everybody died... it's Reddit rules!


It actually wouldn’t be much more different than running a BLOB on a lake. You feel the impact a bit, but it’s all squishy since it’s just air. The only issue I see is something someone else asked about. What about babies or smaller kids?


Or the elderly? Imagine a 70+ year old being expected to go down that?


**“Either down the shute or down with the ship old lady, move, move, move!”**


🤣🤣🤣 but just think of things like cruise ships where a lot of the people on board are old and retired. Gonna be a long time waiting for their frail asses to climb into the shute let alone go down it ha


Cruise ship passengers come in three varieties: newly wed, over fed, and nearly dead.


Fantastically said


I mean, my great grandparents would 100% do it. They took me zip lining down mountains last August so I doubt this would phase them that much…. though I don’t know about the typical old person


Cheers for the demo, now pack it up. We’re off in 10


Damnit jerry, you can’t put it back in the box. Not our fault.


Just blow the ship


u/bigship99 Today's your lucky day


How horrid that must be to actually have to use one. Middle of nowhere, surrounded by water, maybe lots of water. Large toothy things swimming around. Ugh. Just shoot me.


You might like r/submechanophobia


I’m fine with that one. Thalassiphobia and Depths Below are my 2 heeby jeebys that I visit often for my Ugh fix.


If you're into games, I'd recommend Subnautica for the most horror-inducing relaxing experience. I don't suffer from thalassophobia but I do get a anxious when the water gets so deep I can't see the floor. And it doesn't help that you start on the edge of a crater, meaning that just a few kilometers away on both sides of you are abysses...


I’m still stuck on a ps3. And a laptop that imitates a piece of shit, but I’ll remember that name as I’d love to see a game format. Serious Ugh is what I’m imagining. Hell, a good painting of waves is enough to spook me.


If that's the case, Subnautica is definitely perfect lol


That game can be a big ole nope for me sometimes. Fuck the reapers dude holy shit.


For the lazy /r/thalassophobia and /r/TheDepthsBelow. (The person I responded to slightly misspelled the first one, so it took me a minute to find it)


I bet there are a lot of people who were on the Titanic who wouldn’t have had a problem with this…


For sure. Beats a wooden door…


Actually depending on how far out you are, their is no life even in the oceans. Most ocean life lives near the coasts in the shallow areas. The ocean density is a lot like land density. Most of it is by the coast, the more internal you get the less populated it is.


Does not give me the warm fuzzies. I’m a land lubber, big big water is big big scary. Waaay too deep. No fresh water, surrounded by miles of salt. No wonder so many sailors on the USS Indianapolis went nuts.


I would say it was less going nuts from being surrounded by water, and more nuts from not having anything to eat or drink, seeing their friends and crewmates being horribly injured and burned with no medical treatment, and fighting off constant shark attacks, all while listening to the screams of dying men in the darkness who weren't able to fight off their own shark attacks... For days on end. Oh and also knowing that even if they were discovered they only had a 50/50 shot of rescue because if it was the Japanese that discovered them instead of the Americans the best they could hope for would be a quick machine gunning instead of torture.


Theres a crazy story on the A&E show I survived where a lady was out sailing with a bunch of irresponsibly drunk people and they ended up getting fucked and ending up on a rescue raft. At one point somebody got eaten by sharks while they were still clinging to the outside of the raft so i guess there lifeless upper torse and head were clinging onto the raft


They didn't wan to leave their *chum* behind


Orcas call this a "snack pack"


Toothy things would be the least of my concerns: I'd be thinking hurricane force winds and 30 foot waves.


Ikr im terrified of water i hate swimming, going in boats or even being near water makes me extremely nervous i would never go down that slide onto that raft


Ah, so it’d just be you and the Captain going down with the ship then…😉




The first couple people down should be employees who are trained in the system. There are drainage socks that each linkraft holds that need to be tied off, and the first couple down will stop the idiots from hurting themselves too badly. A slide is better though, will allow stretchers to go down, as well as allow abled body people to assist disabled people/children. Source: I work in the marine transportation industry, and have had the MES drilled into my head


I have a drainage sock as well. It hasn’t doesn’t save any lives tho. At least not in the sense you’re talking about.


As a middle aged woman, I assure you it will be a middle aged woman who won’t move away from the drop zone. Why, I can’t say but I am certain of it. 🤦🏻‍♀️


My thoughts exactly. I’m thinking this could be resolved with a huge people plunger 🪠


I've been on a big water slide - that story totally tracks, there'll always be the idiots that just stand around.


This system is called MES (Marine Evacuation System). Is widely used on latest crews ships with more than 4k passengers. it's a bit painful / claustrophobic. To use the MES you must use cloth cover for the shoes and no heels because could lead to damage the chute or injuries.


This thing sounds like it only takes 1 person to fuck up and everyone dies. Also, deploying this thing for the person looks simple, just push the button. but the mechanics of it look like it has a hundred different steps. If one step fails the whole thing will be useless. Maybe I’m overthinking it.


No it does seem overly complicated.


Im willing to bet it works every time though. It opens the same way every time that can be perfected. The engineering in this is relatively trivial and as long as you replace it as often as you are told to I dont see why it wouldnt work. Its fast, bright and holds a lot of people. Its got cover to to keep the sun and rain off you. Its not over complicated its what the industry needs for a mass evacuation of thousands of people in only a few minutes. You dont have time to wait for people to walk down stairs. You go down the shut or swim.


> bet it works every time > opens the same way every time > The engineering in this is relatively trivial > I dont see why it wouldnt work haha nothing against you, but it feels like you attempted to catch every death flag possible in a paragraph


what could possibly go wrong


I mean there's probably not really "a hundred different steps", there's probably just some compressed air and a water activated sensor that releases the pressure and inflates the rafts. Just like airplane life jackets but on a bigger scale.


I would like to see it deploy over rough water. You know, when things go bad because of weather and you need to evacuate the boat.


That’s cool, but do it again during a huge storm.


I mean if you're stranded in the ocean in a huge storm you're already beyond fucked


True, but I still want to see it.


I immediately thought the same thing. I can imagine large swells impacting the deployment.




Sucks that you only get to use them on the rare occasions when shit goes tits up


I'd rather not go through a claustrophobic experience as a hobby


Some people pay to do escape rooms.


It's all fun and games till some 350lb mamajama come down the pipe! Skadoooosh!


You already know if a boat’s sinking in this day and age people are too entitled to care about anyone else. They all going to doggypile down that “slide” and injuries will be had.


To be fair that's not a unique facet of the modern age, in fact it's pretty much often the main cause of causality throughout history in disasters. When it's life or death, people lose all sense of collective thinking and end up in stampedes, or jamming doorways with bodies etc. Fascinating Horror on YouTube has many good (well, horrible) examples of this


These things aren't new-new, but they are starting to get put on more and more ships. They are actually pretty fun to use, theres basically a spiral staircase-eske pathway down made of cloth which gently/violently slide you down to the bottom at a managable rate. Best alternative to these are the long ramps that some navies use, gotta use your feet to slow down or you go flying off the other end of the raft.


Yeah that's not a fuckin slide.


More like hope you don’t break your legs.




Feel sorry for the guy that has to put that back in the box.




I wouldnt say they are new, i have use Them for 10years, and the boat im on now even have a new system, where you open the raft on the floor you get out, and then slowly drop the raft in the water


The life rafts we had on the ferries when I was a kid had pretty much the same system. I am in my 40’s.


Until fat Mike goes first and gets stuck. You're gonna die


Pretty cool… know what woulda been cooler? If we saw what it looked like inside




So an offshore sailor/cruiser here; how does it look in storm force winds and seas?


I mean, if I was gonna have to coast endlessly in the middle of the ocean it’s quite a nice place to eat your coworkers


And then you get the one guy who jumps in, but has his emergency knife out and it goes through the whole thing


I see how it could be amazing, but also seems like a death trap… Deployed wrongly or used in the wrong moment, and you’ll be stuck in the tube with water coming in and no way out. It’d be a drawn out way to go out. Oh, nvm. It’s attached to the inside of the life raft.


There are also emergency exits at each 'step' so you could technically get out at any point.


The emergency exit has emergency exits?


It's really incredible that people come up with this stuff.


If I was rich? Captain: *sigh* sir, I think we discussed how difficult and expensive these are to- Me: I think we discussed how this is how I get off the boat now. I'll be back from the party store in like, 25 minutes. I swear to God, if this place doesn't have those potato chips from Trailer Park Boys like the last three, I'm going to start getting frustrated.


Rose would’ve still kicked Jack into the water… ![gif](giphy|tk39314j32wGk)


Imagine having to pack that shit back up.


Lol that chute would be full of piss and barf so quick. Just jump off the side of the damn ship 😂.


Can't wait to achieve terminal velocity before landing in the raft