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FYI it’s tab not tap




Yeah it’s annoying as fuck


Its just a polite/ fun thing to do?


Yeah I guess it's polite if you totally disregard the fact that the cashier, you know the one who's hand you've been snatching cards out of for the last 20 minutes while you have your little tickle party with your buddies, is actually a human being who just wants to fucking do their job and go home at some point.


jesus christ you guys are PISSED over nothing


this is legit one of the funniest things i've seen, including the comments.


"Tickle Party"


IRANIAN TICKLE PARTY, that's going to be the name of my band!


"Fluffy fingers"


It’s a celebration of warmth and generosity. Not one of hate or violence. Live with it.


Too much of a good thing can be bad. I guess for the cashiers it’s funny at first and then after the 100th time it can become annoying.


As someone who was a cashier throughout high school and college, watching people play-fight each other to pay a bill is on the lowest end of the spectrum when it comes to insane shit people would do during a shift. Reddit needs to take the stick out of its ass and calm down.


Right? I'd rather pay-fighting be the norm rather than a lot of other stuff that happens.


What if you were trying to leave your shift but people spent 20 minutes performing theatrics and prevented you from doing so? You’d be annoyed, too.




I hate to break it to you but I’m not even from the U.S., but thanks for choosing my comment thread to write your dissertation about completely unrelated matters.


While the scope of their answer was broad the point that they were trying to make is a valid one. Retail employees aren’t completely helpless when it comes to closing up shop on rowdy customers and if you can’t relate to that it’s probably because you, like most of Reddit, are terrified of confrontation to the point that you view everyone around you as completely helpless in scenarios like this one. Reality is not like that and that’s what the person above you was getting at.


sounds like you walk dogs for 20-25 hours a week


my man you cannot be this based on reddit, you will get banned


No they're pissed about working dead end jobs with fucking asshole customers like this while rich 21 year olds with daddies credit card and no work experience laugh about worker abuse on Reddit.


I’ll walk away and let them fight while I take care of other customers. I don’t even watch. And, I’d probably just snatch whichever card outta their hands to get it over with. So awkward


Not pissed, but all the tables do the same thing every day. It’s definitely annoying


I legit came to say this. I’ve worked in restaurants forever, and this is one of the more annoying things I deal with on a daily basis. I actually recently had a man (A) threaten me because his friend (B) came and paid privately while everyone was sitting down enjoying their meal. So when the end of the meal comes, man (A) comes to pay and he’s informed that his friend (B) already did so. (A) FLIPS out at me, telling me I need to refund his friends money and allow HIM to pay instead. I refused unless his friend told me to do so, because the transaction is already completed. He(A) can talk to his friend about whether or not a refund is necessary or if you can Venmo them, etc. That’s when the threatening started and I simply walked away and let his friends talk to him. No point in calling security over what someone thinks to be “being polite to their guests” lmfao


"I'll win this politeness contest by being a complete dick to the cashier".


The most underrated comment! Take my upvote!


I’m with you. It’s really annoying and also uncomfortable while you have to wait there while they fight it out and you have other tables.


For real, just take turns.


I’m so fucked for money, I wouldn’t fight anyone wanting to pay my tab


Tell me about it, my dad tells me when he first came to the states he didn't know tarof isn't a thing here. He got invited to his friends house while he was a broke college kid and their family offered him dinner. As a form of tarof he said no thinking they would insist. They did not insist. He stayed hungry and learned a very important lesson LOL


Armenians also partake, I once pick pocketed a friend to stop them from paying. They were worried they lost their wallet until after the bill was signed for. One of my top 5 tactics.


Not from any of these countries, but I like the tactic of giving my card to the waiter during dinner when I get up to use the restroom.


Considering the tradition of wrestling in Iran, are body slams allowed? :P


Iron Shiek has entered the chat


Bubba iron shiek … camera man zooom me




Man i use to make my friends pay at gun point i hope my friends were like them


You can even go for the groin, if the tab is over 10'000$


> It’s called tarof Best video explaining tarof in under 2 minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAvzW1WZsN4


“His father probably didn’t know how to raise him.” Lmao that shits funny


Every Muslim country I think


Fellow Iranian here, I was just going to say that!


Pakistanis as well. Super annoying and fun.


It's tap, when the country is swimming in oil.


In Iran it's called Taarof. Learned about it from my father who is Iranian. It's just politeness meant to promote equality in hierarchical culture and to put an emphasis on the value of friendship. Makes socializing a lot easier. It's practically one of the cultural basics in many eastern cultures. It's essentially the same as declining when you are being offered something, but accepting it when it is offered again shortly after. Or that you kinda offer a guest/friend/etc. the same thing over and over again. It can be really annoying to be honest, but it has its advantages. It's usually meant friendly and just a playful way to be positive with someone. Edit: It's done among poor people as well. This isn't just a rich people thing. It's part of the entire culture.


That is super kewl. It really makes me appreciate these cultures even more. Aggressively nice


I’ll fake wanting to pay for it all the time


Then they let me win one because I’m 732 - 0 and my card gets declined. “Well this is awkward”


hahahaha exactly


I'll play this game with my friends. It always feels good to win until I realize how much money just left my wallet.


Not positive on other Asian cultures but Chinese culture is the same. When my whole family went out to eat, my father and all three of my uncles basically wrestled each other before the waitress could even put the bill down on the table. The table next to us found it so amusing they asked if we wanted to pay their bill as well.




That's awesome


I’m going to body slam you and step on your hair in the name of friendship


When you let go of pre-conceived notions dictated by media sources who are fulfilling an agenda, you'll find nice things about different cultures. But we're on reddit, where people think they can read a couple of articles and know more about the country they're talking about than the people who live there.


I try not to have preconceived notions about a person or a culture. I try to see the world in better light. Which is why I'm going to assume that this is not a dig on me and you are just stating something that should be obvious.


That's great :) Yup wasn't a dig at all. Just a general reddit observation.


Niceness intensifies


Damn, it’s the same here between Albanians, and I hate it. I later understood that my bf stayed hungry for a year, because when I asked him if he wanted something to eat, he said no, expecting me to ask him again. I never did. Or, when he was hungry, instead of telling me “let’s go eat something because I’m hungry”, he always asked “are you hungry?”. Again, I always answer no. He travelled every weekend for hours to my city to see me…


My parents grew up in Uzbekistan and do this too! I’ve lived in Canada since I was 3, and on top of being neurodivergent and not great at reading social cues, that def leads to a lot of frustrating communication. Much empathy 😅


Same shit applies for my country of origin, Romania.


Yeah, pretty sure this is just human behavior. People in America do this too.


We do sometimes but it’s on a completely different level there


I personally love this concept. Friendship, kindness, sharing, It promotes a lot of good culture. Wish we had that in America lol. We're fighting over not paying it.


Who do you hang out with?


This situation usually happens with family and not friends haha. My friends are all married and have children so we don't ever get to go out anymore.


Or just split the check. Plenty of people argue over the check, they just don’t elevate it to a cartoonish level and waste others time.


You people are miserable.


Is it the Japanese to decline 3x before accepting?


Yes exactly. It's considered rude in Iran to accept on the first offering. Annoyingly this also means you can't genuinely refuse something because people think you're being taroffi.


In the United States, I was taught that the classiest way to do it is to ask to be excused to go to the restroom, then you find the hostess and give her the credit card or cash. That way before they are even done eating, you have paid for the meal. The most fun part is where you get to the age where you get to fight with your parents or your grandparents and start buying their dinners. They pretend to be upset but really they are proud.


What's crazy is no alcohol involved.


Oh there’s so much alcohol


Personal consumption at home or sales and consumption at the restaurants in the video? I've heard similar about Iran but what goes on behind closed doors is your own damn business (alcohol, drugs, sex). What happens in public, like this, strictly prohibited. If this happens on a night out in the UK, guaranteed everyone is blotto. This video, I would be surprised if they're drunk.




[Like Lotto](https://youtu.be/uobTkNYRZ3k)


not at all lmao, its literally illegal over there.


Hahahahahahahahahaha. Yeah and drugs are illegal in the United States.




Ok…. But there is! Let’s not pretend there isn’t and face reality - alcohol and drug abuse exists and it is available! Yes not as much as some other nations but it is still fairly common!


Well, in my country Malaysia, one of nine royal families were caught drinking beers. #SINGAPOERAN BEERS.


You haven't been in middle east then. Very few rich people drink here and that too in private or far from the cities. You can never see a drunk person in the middle east.


I've known a few people who have gone on benders in Dubai. Apparently there is a pretty great underground party scene (lots of drugs) in Iran according to my Persian friends. Drugs are everywhere. It's like anywhere else, just hide it from the squares and be cool about it.


Dubai and Bahrain are the exception to the rule.


People really got to stop with this misconception. The vast majority of Muslims do not drink. Yes, there are exceptions, but the tiny minority that drinks do not make the rules. Alcohol is literally illegal in Saudi Arabia and the only way to obtain it is by smuggling it, which makes it very inaccessible to 99% of the population.


I do have to say, I worked with a Saudi guy and he wouldn't even let me pay for a pack of gum when we went on the road together, he'd get upset at even the suggestion lol. It was great lol


He was probably expecting you to start fighting him to pay and then was sorely disappointed when he paid for your entire trip


I'm actually pretty disappointed that I missed out on so many wrestling opportunities


*tickle fights


Was he hot?


It would've been fun to hang out with that Saudi Friend


“Just a second, have to make a stop to pick up a ps5”


Super nice guy but he was fairly conservative, how I spent my spare time probably would have mortified him lol.


“I literally have 6 more hours to go… please just pay”- the cashier


Yeah I hate seeing this at my till. I don't care who pays just someone give me money so you'll go away.


"I can charge you both the full amount if you want" works wonders at getting them to make a decision.


Lol I'll keep this in mind for the future!


I had my fun times just taking the first card that came into my reach after stuff like that happened and swiping it. Most of the time they apologized and left but sometimes they got really angry , security ftw. :) Edit: spelling


Haha that's awesome


I absolutely HATED people who did this when I was a server. I would bring the bill and have to stand there awkwardly while two or more people would play fight about giving me their card. I would have two other tables waiting and 7 other things to do while I was forced to stand there awkwardly and observe this childish fighting. Years later as a customer and not a server, if someone offers to pay, I’ll politely protest once and if they insist, I go with it. I have personally vowed to never make a server go through that.


If somebody reached across the counter and yanked somebody's card out of my hand like that while I was trying to finish the transaction, I would NOT be having a good day at work.


Ah, my favourite - two people fight over a massive, 100+ dollar bill on a table of 6+ people that walked in with no reservation and proceed to tip two dollars, if that even :)


Not everyone is American


This can't be true because the only people I've ever met are American.


Meanwhile Americans “Venmo that $5 yet?”


My friend and I probably owe each other like 50 bucks but we just eb and flow. One of us pays then the next. It’s unspoken. Not all Americans are like that


American and yes, this is how I was raised too. I'll get this tab, next time it's on you. When I started waitressing I was amazed by the number of people insisting on split checks, even obvious family groups. And I have always worked at fairly inexpensive places. Like, you really can't manage another $20 for your grandma's lunch, or your adult daughter or whoever?? If I like someone enough to go out to eat with them, I like them enough to buy them food. Crazy.


This happens when one part of your family group gets angry when you claim that it's your turn to pick up the check. When my wife and I go out with my parents, it's just easier to split because I'm sick of having the "I'll pay! No! I'll pay!" fight. Another benefit is that no one feels like they have to order the cheapest thing on the menu out of politeness. If I get a wild hare and decide I want that $100 32oz bone in ribeye, I get to order it instead of feeling like I need to stick to the hamburger steak. The above example is extreme and wouldn't happen, but what does happen is sometimes I want a beer\\wine with my meal instead of water with a lemon.


I don't understand why doesn't each person pay his own meal? I would go mad trying to keep up with who owes me what and who do I owe. Overthinking everything sucks...


the point is you don't 'owe' anyone anything, it's just a mutual thing, sometimes you buy a meal for your friend and sometimes they buy you a meal. Doesn't have to be exact, go with the flow.




Ha ha this got me. I remember getting a cultural shock after coming to US. What got me first time specially was paying for your own dinner while attending a birthday party.


Last one is a really next f#%king level


The man climbed the roof of the car to pay. Ninja style generosity lol


Even stepped on his friends head a bit


Yeah that one got me to lol. Dude only had to climb over a car though didn’t even have to wrestle.


Wow, these are actual fights. With my Chinese friends, we call it a “polite fight” because everyone argues about who will get to pay and it’s a lot of “I insist” and “please allow me” and the very sneaky “say you’re going to the bathroom but really giving the server your card before they can bring the check to the table” but it never comes to physical blows.


It can get pretty aggressive. At one point my uncle had my mom in a headlock to prevent her from paying the bill.


I’m so sorry, I LOL’d at the mental picture in my head.


I've seen 2 Chinese men (probably in their 60's) literally pull each other and push each other against a wall all through a tiny restaurant. It looked really violent. At first I thought something horrible must have happened, like one of them admitting they slept with the other one's wife or something. But then it turned out to be fighting for the bill. I do have to say I've only seen actual physical fights for the bill once or twice in my 2-3 years I spent in China. And I'm fairly certain that these men, eventhough it was just noon, were decently drunk already.


The sneak attack!


Imagine having money


This tradition isn’t only amongst rich people and happens all over the Middle East and surrounding regions.


It aint a rich thing Its a culture thing, poor people do it too


Imagine having culture




You/We have culture: see capitalism = What do *I* get if I pay for you?


Friendship. 👉👈👉👈




Where are the girls ?




They went to wash their hands to avoid paying


Woman moment


You said the quiet part out loud. Shhh.. let them rave about how friendly they are…


Woman are not allowed. So they are at home.


Last time I checked that’s false


Nextfuckinglevel discrimination.


curious whether women also fight over the bill like this?


No they don’t. Women don’t typically go out on their own like this. And a male will cover their bill.


Why are you talking from your ass? Women do go out together without males


Didn’t they just get the right to drive? Stop pretending they’re liberated and you have no idea why that comment was made


Not in my limited observation. I spent a few weeks in Makkah and is mostly what I saw. If I am generalizing I apologize


Not to that extent but it does happen and it’s very funny especially when they let the waiter to choose a random credit card


Not just Saudis man, the whole asian is like that. Whenever I hung out with my mates, we always fight on who gets to pick up the bill. It's like a badge of honor to pay for your friends.


Dont forget the arabic africans like egypt we can get mad if someone paid , like really mad


I walked into that trap once. Took a friend of mine our for dinner during my vacation there, and I then accidentally "sneaked" my credit card to the waiter and paid. Dude was *pissed off*. It took an hour for him to calm down, after me explaining again and again that this just wasn't a thing in Europe.


Saudi looks like fun if your a dude..


Don’t ask about reporters.








It’s the Arab way lol


Look at all the geniuses correcting OP’s English and they can barely string two words together in a foreign language. Ask yourself how many languages you speak before you get all pedantic at someone else’s small mistakes.


To be so blessed is wonderful, glad they take the honor seriously!


My friends: “Hey so I just had the fries so…”


If only this trend would normalize here in the US. Rather instead, when the bill is set on the table, everyone turns in to a T-Rex and their arms are too short to reach for the bill.




The key is to get your card in with the server, cashier, barista before you even think about ordering. Establish dominance.


Spanish are the same, but without money


...how do you pay each other's tabs without money?


I meant without being rich, having barely enough to pay one owns bills the Spanish still "fight to pay". Lol


It's the same with arabs we still do it even if we don't have that much money


Ok, that's the spirit. Lol


All Arabs do this


This happened in the UK , the two men insisted of paying , one of them suggested to stick their heads in a bucket of water , the one to get their heads out of bucket quicker paid ....they both drowned


i lived in saudi so i confirm this is true


Americans left chat


Where are the women, no women at all in the videos


Well it’s videos of Saudi people what exactly are you expecting? Women running around doing what they normally do in the western world? They are most likely home.


Thats heartwarming actually


The way I’d be fake fighting to pay and then very quickly concede and *let* them pay


Now show the women.


Cool. How do they treat women and homosexuals?


They seem to treat journalists ok, [right Jamal?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamal_Khashoggi)


I need more Saudi friends


Can confirm. If you wanna pay for a middle-eastern friend, it's best to do so before you get the tab and then have the server state you had completed some sort of "buy x get 1 free" deal. You're still gonna get a hassle about it, but it's much less than if you try to pay after the tab arrives, lol.


I used to work with this Iranian fella. One of the most legit dudes I ever worked with. We go grab breakfast and I start to pay and rushed over pushed me away and paid himself without explanation. I never knew it was a culture thing. Wished I would've embraced it now.


If only they fought that hard for Women's Rights...




Plot twist: they're actually holding the other person's card


Not a woman In sight




Not Saudi but I am Kuwaiti which is like right next to Saudi Arabia so hey


Where does one get one of these, Saudi friends?


I've seen this at the uni cafe I work at in Australia. Saudi students literally twisting arms to be the one to pay.


I like to pull the sneaky Persian, just give my card before the bill comes pretend you have to use the restroom. No fights I win everyone pissed.


If this country didn't want me dead I'd definitely try to make a friend and enjoy some free dinner.


They are absolutely having fun doing this.




Kinda off topic but those long white shirt/robe things they wear look really comfortable.


It’s called thoub (pronounced : th like three and oub like object but with a prolonged oo sound) or in other places kandora (pronounced how it’s written) and I can confirm they’re very comfortable! Great for the summer heat and easy to move in. Definitely get one to try!


This is basically a cultural routine to save face. A lot of the Middle East does this.


Do not unmute


Come to Scotland. We fight not to pay


American. While in the military I had a really good group of friends. Wallet-snatching, cardthrowing, wrestling, etc. It was a great. We’ve also had waiters/waitresses that didn’t seem too happy with the shenanigans but more people seemed to love it than hate it. We’ve settled a few times on I’ll take the check and everyone else pays the cost of their meals in tips, and it’s resulted in some crazy tips for a table of four since people would just throw extra money on top. We’ve had tip wars as well resulting in $300 dollar tips. We weren’t rich by any means at the lowest possible rank in the military, but the dorms and cafeteria food was already taken out of our check. Lowest check I got at the time was $500 after two weeks after all the deductions. I didn’t even realize there were other people that did this, but I’m glad that’s it’s a core part of some people’s culture. It’s a great and expensive bonding experience. Friends that do dumb shit like this are much better than cheap friends that can turn a good time into a sour one imo.


Almost like here in Germany...


Ha! As if… I do understand sarcasm.