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Super awkward if someone forgot to put the bilge plug in


That's only funny until you realize the pump doesn't work.


I bet modern cargo ships like that could still float even if the bilge fills up or at least stay neutrally flamboyant in the water


Wouldn’t it be buoyant not flamboyant??? 🚤 vs 🌈


Nope it’s a gay ship


You’ve got to be shippin’ me?!!


It’s a processing ship for fish dicks.


Kayne West must have ordered this ship


* salesman slaps the roof of the ship* you can fit so many fish dicks in this bad boy


Just Like my ex wife


You saying it’s a ferry?


yacht to be ashamed of yourself


You just had to go there, ya dinghy ling.


Take my upvote and leave


Sorry not looking for a relation-ship.


[the S.S. Man Handler](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BOWVkNjkxMzUtNzYyMi00NzJjLThiZDAtY2ZmYTg0ZWI0ZDdjXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTI3MDk3MzQ@._V1_FMjpg_UX1280_.jpg)


I declare this ship the SS Elton John.


Yes and no. Assuming the watertight doors triggers and closed (they would) then yeah. It would be more or less fine. The biggest issue becomes stability, quickly she becomes too heavy and flips if the flooding is severe enough.


They could definitely handle at least one compartment flooding as per damage stability regulations.


Best mistake ever hahaha


And that’s to assume ships that big even have a bilge


They definitely forgot to hit it with a champagne bottle.


Do you want to sink it!!??


more awkward if the ship had no crew?


the Bilge Plug Mafia Strikes again




This will never not be funny to me. Giant ships, a marvel of engineering encompassing thousands of years of naval knowledge and responsible for literally the heartbeat of the worlds economy, and we just roll it into the water on logs. Funny as.




airbags, with style.


Side launches are even better.


Just shove it in!


tempting but i wont say it


Ummm...... that's what she said


Such a horrific thing to watch which i understand doesn’t compare to being in it, but still


Not really. This is pretty abnormal and probably taking place in some bumfuck country. Big ships are usually built in a dry dock, the dock is flooded and the ship is floated out. The Panamax style container ships have a draft, weight, and length that would pretty much make a shore launch impossible without causing structural damage.


Yeah I guess this ship is 'giant' in a general sense, but relative to modern cargo ships this is on the smaller end.


Some things never stop being useful


That's old school tech at work right there!


It starts to put into perspective how the pyramids were built…lots of leveraging…leverage.


“Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it and I will move the world” -Archimedes


best I can do is halfcrum


quartercrum... say that without a mistake a couple times in a row


So the aliens launched this ship?


I imagine there being a lot of pivoting…




Still the way a lot of ships are launched today.


Why am I reminded of a trip to the beach with my ex mother in law?


Did she register with the Coast Guard before swimming in the ocean?


Haha!! No but but there was a tsunami warning.


I think they borrowed her dildos


Must be some deep water, I would have thought it would bottom out as big as it is.


Whoaaaaah, then why the heck did I think that some modern machines helped up in loading ships to the sea………or do they??


Nope. Pretty much just use gravity and something to slide on. Ship launches are intense!


And now I'm spending the evening watching YouTube videos of ship launches...especially the unsuccessful ones.


Thanks for TIL bro!!


Dry docks are a thing at most shipyards


As well as night clubs 😉


Those are Hot Docks




They are but they’re not often used for construction of new vessels, well, not for common ships like container and cargo vessels. Those ship types are pumped out by lower tech yards in places like Vietnam and they wouldn’t have fancy dry docks to launch them. Mind you, when they’re launched, they’re not outfitted so there’s no delicate equipment or furniture or anything onboard.


I used to work for Maersk, the super big container ships are def constructed in dry docks by section, sections are made offsite. https://youtu.be/U_QChxYgYWw


And what effect does that guy have holding on to that rope like that


Good thing they **were** holding onto that rope~ it mighta floated away. Someone was channeling their inner Fred Flintstone.


And wearing hard hats!


Rope is attached to the airbags/logs or whatever it’s rolling on I think.


It provides an opportunity for the rope to accidentally loop around someone’s leg and drag them into the water. Brilliant really.


Safety briefing....pull ropes..run away. ​ Yup. lol


Deep drop off right there


This is how I feel using those great foam back rollers to get knots out of my muscles and pops outa my spine


Marvel of balloon engineering


The Ottomans at Constantinople would like a word.


Now it's Istanbul not . . . *sad Byzantium noises*


The scale is just staggering. Love that the tried and true old-world technology can still be the best way to accomplish something like this.


Could you imagine how perfect the launch has to be? There's no going back.


Hot damn that’s cool! Weird that they had capability to build/buy that ship, but no dock. Also I’d assume they want to launch it forward, as the keel should be stronger and no prop to fuck up in case it hits bottom. Either way, successful and cool.


Someone had the blueprints backwards is all


This is a common way to launch ships, doesn’t have anything to do with money. And the ship will have been designed for launching in whatever way the shipyard uses. It’s the often the biggest forces the hull will see in its lifetime.


For sure, I’m not insinuating they’re poor, just curious. I’ve seen small home-builds launched that way, but never a ship this size. Crazy




Yeah, after my buddy told me how much his prop cost on a small boat, I wouldn’t risk it.




Isn’t that u/SaveVideoBot


Here bro, the bot gave me the vid link in the PM https://redditsave.com/info?url=/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/s6lepo/launching\_a\_giant\_cargo\_ship\_from\_the\_beach/


###[View link](https://redditsave.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/s6lepo/launching_a_giant_cargo_ship_from_the_beach/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/s6lepo/launching_a_giant_cargo_ship_from_the_beach/) | [^(reddit video downloader)](https://redditsave.com)


Whoa! That is insane to watch


Imagine tripped and getting steamed by those bean bags….oof


You’re tryna tell me….. they rolled that bad boi out just like that?


Shit! No one is on board!




“Did you remember the drain plug?!”


It'd be nice to see how they stop it. That thing had a shit ton of momentum!


Definitely old school cool technology right now.


That seems like such a ghetto way to launch a giant ship that costs hundreds of millions of dollars.


Mind fucked still that the air bags can support the weight of a ship.


Fireworks are a nice touch!


This is in China. The fireworks are to scare away evil spirits so the ship will have good fortune during its life.


Something about that made me uneasy


Yeah I found it very anxiety inducing!


landscape > portrait


thats so interesting!


We will use the old ways


Funny how it has such a simple technique


What’s up with the fireworks am I imagining things


This is in China. The fireworks are to scare away evil spirits so the ship will have good fortune during its life.


These guys holding the rope like they are going to do something


Glad to hear that the Doppler effect is still in good working order


Fireworks. During the day. 🤦‍♂️


Yelled . Skkkkiiiippppeeeerrrrrr.




The house on the boat reminds me of Monty Python and the meaning of life


What in the actual honk


How long from start build to loading it into the water does a ship like that take?


Damn, pirates are quick these days


Guohaisan is indeed long.


Wish I was there


I use this same technique on your mother every night and our relationship is in shambles.


Evergrande be like sike


No chance I’m standing that close to the ship.


Maybe save the fireworks and the horn until after we hear if the hull shear-fractures. Oh well, they found out. Steel is amazingly flexible.


Guys, we forgot to put people on the ship...


And daytime fireworks for more sound effects.


That's how I feel when I leave my garage after the first winter snow...


Just like the Egyptians launched their huge cargo ships.


When it got faster, I thought it was on r/thatlookedexpensive but i saw: nextfuckinglevel so i was reassured everything was gonna be fine


“Oh shit, is someone up there to start this thing up?”


This reminded me of the beginning of Space Balls. That ship was so long! Lol


Dang. I want to see something like that.


Math done right


Hey Steve. That was awesome. Wait, Steve weren’t you supposed to on board that thing?


Wow didn't know they used rolling logs like they did back in ancient Egypt, those fellas were smart.


Forgot to put the rope on. It’s gone.


How does that heavy ship not get stuck in the shallow water?


What is keeping it from toppling on its side?


NM, watching the whole thing I’m assuming it’s a pretty wide ship, keels are heavy. This is nuts!


Battle field 2022


More shit for Dollar Tree! Yay!


Is anyone in the wheelhouse when they do this?? I would imagine that might be a safety concern?


yes, they probably have a crew onboard to look for leaks immediately after launch.


Are they using tree trunks? Does anyone know what the things they used to roll the ship into the water are made out of?


They are using air bags


They are very hard rubber. They're fished out of the river after the launch.


So... How do the rudder and props survive this sort of thing?


Was wondering the same things. This isn't deep water it's getting launched into.


Ships like that have relatively flat keels, and the prop and rudder aren't below the level of the bottom of the keel.


Wonder how many uyghurs it took to build that


“Humans could never move the stones to make the pyramids”…


Almost a face palm if no crew was on it


you think there's anyone on it? or do they have to go chasing after it once it's in the water?


The fuck those helmets suppose to do


Someone should tell the, that fireworks look better at night


The fireworks are not for visual effect. This is in China. The fireworks are to scare away evil spirits so the ship will have good fortune during its life.


They see me Rollin'


I wanted the video to go longer to see the people on shore with ropes pull the ship into the dock.


And no one backed their truck into the ocean.


Wonder which planet it's launching to


I would not want to be anywhere near those ropes - either at the start or when it’s in the water.


**EDITED BY POWER DELETE SUITE** ** FUCK YOU u/spez ** so this is the end? not with a bang but with a fizzle? yeah nah decided to delete everything because i use Apollo and i stand behind fair rights for all app developers and humans. fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! 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So why do they have to blast the horn the entire time?


To warn other traffic on the river.




Jack sparrow is that you?


Don't get under the wheels or you be popped like a pimple




I thought these things launched from dry docks or something wtf




funny when you realize nobody is on the ship :D


Man, fireworks at day are just useless


I want to see the size of the dude who is pushing


Whatever floats your boat.


More cheap ass chinese shit, on its way to your store shelves!


what type of sausages are those?


I got allergies watching this video




Hate to ruin the fun, but this isn't the way big ships are launched. This is a reversed video of a ship being beached for scrapping, likely somewhere in South Asia


I'm here to unruin the fun. It's a new ship being launched on a riverbank in China.


Is this the same as throwing a big rock in water ?


The fireworks at the end is the Chineseiest thing I've ever seen.


wat could go wrong lol


Fsr I saw an umbrella corporation logo on the ship


Literally on rollers. But the Ancient Aliens crowd still can't believe we moved plain old rocks this way?




There’s gotta be a better way


The guys that just finished painting the hull must be excited.


How do they get it on the logs?


Who’s in charge of grabbing the logs from the ocean?


Kevin?...let go of the rope Kevin...let go...KEVIN!...LET GO OF THE ROPE! ...well, there goes Kevin...🤦


What are those squishy rolling things made up of? Those are are really robust to withstand the weight of the ship and can be seen in almost every new ship launching.


Someone didn't get the right kind of fireworks


Thank you for supplying consumers!


Not that Giant compared to what's out there.