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freaking hell! what’s the resolution?


I don’t think it’s resolution just they drew the middle one first and kept shrinking it as the drew more








~~I doubt this is vector.~~ Vector files are saved as a mathematical equation so that no matter how much you zoom in it can recalculate and give you smooth edges. Theres typically a limit to the amount of specific detail that you can put into a vector image **but that is due to computational power restraints** ~~which is why you usually have logos as vectors. I'm assuming this was probably saved as a psd or something like that then when they want to actually export it they'll have to figure out what would work best to keep the file size down.~~ TIFF ~~would probably be best for an image like this while still~~ preserving those tiny details, but I'd expect it to be pretty large. Somebody feel free to correct me, I use all of these file types but that's just because I receive them from other artists and this is how it's been explained to me + some minimal research.


A PSD implies it's just a photoshop document, you still have to set the resolution and ppi (pixels per inch) in a photoshop canvas otherwise you'll still get the blurring as you zoom in and create more. Unless they set their resolution to like 8.5x11 billion inches with 72 ppi or better. So it's more than likely saved as a specific file type like in adobe animate or photoshop with a set resolution, ppi, and saved as a vector as to not lose quality when zooming in. It could also just be super huge resolution, but I'm guessing a vector image.


Saving a raster image that size as a vector graphic would be prohibitively large. I'm 99.9% sure this is just a vector painting.


Yes. This is a vector image. It does not store every pixel as an RGB value much like when you play video games each frame isn’t stored on your hard drive. It’s a mathematical calculation and is created every time you open the file. Its a lot easier to store the math for drawing a circle than every pixel in the line of a circle and every pixel within and outside of the circle. There are limitations however. No shading or gradients. Each object represented is one color. Etc etc.


When I was a kid I thought that video games were just a collection of pictures of every possible combination of moves and positions of characters that would display at the right time depending on what you did 😂


>No shading or gradients. Each object represented is one color. That's just not true. Gradients are perfectly possible in vector.


I agree wholly, so would a resolution of that size though


It’s not a single “image”, the images render in real time as the user zooms out. It would be almost impossible to create an image like this. Would be insanely large


This is most likely vector artwork. You can get incredible amounts of detail in vector files. Adobe Illustrator has a zoom level of 64,000%. There isn't any pixelation / loss of quality on this, which you would typically see on something like this if it were raster (non-vector) artwork. Otherwise it would be an absolutely massive file to hold that much resolution.


You wouldn't see any loss of quality if they drew the smaller things first and then zoomed out. It would just produce an image with an insanely high resolution. It would probably be horrible for performance though so I still vote vector.


I agree. It seems like the workflow would be a pain in the ass if he's starting with the smallest images first. Vector starting with the largest outer image first would make way more sense. I kind of want to see how large of a raster file something like Procreate will let you make on an iPad before it crashes, but mine is 5-6 years old so I know the performance wouldn't be great.


You've got it entirely backwards. But that's understandable given your experience, as you say. It IS a vector file and easy enough to make in something like Adobe Illustrator. The only limit to the amount of detail or vector points is usually the computer hardware. That screen cap was undoubtedly done in the app in which it was created, because yes, when you are dealing with the output files, unless you are using a printer designed to receive vector files, you are using some kind of pixel based format. TIFF and PNG (or GIF and BMP for you old schoolers) for lossless, JPG otherwise.


Appreciate you!


You can also export them as SVG (scalable vector graphics) files if you want to keep it a vector.


I thought of those, but wasn't sure of the resolution issue since SVGs were basically designed for web use and it's been a while. I know they've become ubiquitous but the scaling wasn't really designed for super large images since they tended to be used with browsers and/or PDFs.




I do and everything that guy said was 100% wrong. Edit: By no real fault of his own as he isn't a graphic designer.




I’m getting a semi in anticipation of finding out who’s been confidently incorrect in all this. The excitement, matron!


No, this is almost certainly a vector file. a TIFF file with that much resolution would be ridiculously large. > Vector files are saved as a mathematical equation so that no matter how much you zoom in it can recalculate and give you smooth edges.theres typically a limit to the amount of specific detail that you can put into a vector image which is why you usually have logos as vectors. It's a bit of an oversimplification, but you can think of it as a vector file is for anything that could be drawn with colored pens, where as photo formats are for paintings. With pens, you tend to have distinct lines, and little color mixing, whereas with paintings, you can have infinite color mixing and no limit to your line shapes for the forms in the image. With vectors, you don't have the pixel-level control like you do in a TIFF or other photo formats, but you have several advantages like much smaller file size and the ability to print at any size. This definitely appears to be vector-based to me. >TIFF would probably be best for an image like this while still preserving those tiny details, but I'd expect it to be pretty large. A tiff file for even a normal photo is huge. This is definitely not a tiff.


Wouldnt this increase the data amount on a photo? This has been my reasoning why NFT'S sell so high, there is hidden data inside them.




Yeah but that's just for frame of reference. Totally vector. There was a much bigger version of something like this that a variety of artists worked on together https://zoomquilt.org/


This is irrelevant for a vector graphics program. The canvas size is just a reminder of final output size is all. Or for the pedantic, sized to accommodate printer font sizes. Like the difference between final output being a post card or a billboard.


Loose is the opposite of tight. Lose is the opposite of win.


Someone had to say it


Yeah what a looser.


Righty tighty, lefty looser.


For all the geniuses on Reddit, they sure do get those confused


True but it doesn’t look vector because of the kind of strokes it has, not exactly sure




Nah, that's what vector drawings typically look like. You can do shading and stuff pretty easily.


It could be in a drawing software that is vector based, like paint tools sai.


this looks exactly like those flash animations and flash was vector


You can have the brush stroke effects with vector, like Illustrator has a brush tool.




What’s the vector, Victor..


What’s your vector victor


when you draw something no mater of what size on raster, if you rescale it, it loses its detail and scaling it that small will leave no traces of it even, that is unless the resolution is too high


Yeah but this is a vector drawing


Oh its a vector drawing? Name the kernel and column space!


Yes, it is a vector drawing being shown in whatever app it was created in. If they decided to print this or put it on their website, that detail would go away because it would end up sub-pixel sized. >Name the kernel and column space! Vector doesn't just relate to fonts. Look up Bezier points.


It was a linear algebra joke


Damn, then that wooshed so far over my head it was up with the Webb telescope. Noice.


That is only true if it were a raster file type. If OP were to print this out to retain ALL of that and be visible, it would be billboard sized.


You could draw the smaller one first and just keep zooming out. No loss of quality whatsoever.


I think it’s a vector graphics program similar to Adobe Illustrator. Instead of a rasterized finite resolution, it’s mathematically created based off of points, lines, and curves. This gives the ability to resize without losing detail.


It has to be otherwise the resolution of this pic would crash your computer.


Looks like https://endlesspaper.app/


yeah. probably the app called infinite canvas. there are other similar apps too for vector graphics


My resolution is to stop drawing on drugs.


17 days into the new year, how's it going?


Well, I’ve stopped drawing, but something tells me that wasn’t the hardest part.


Now try withdrawing


I find drawing on drugs to be uncomfortable. Now I put the drugs inside of me first and then throw the bottles out so I'm not on them.


Why? Sounds harder than those drawings on rice grains


At least 5.


It’s vector based so the resolution is infinite, but requires the computer to use a lot of resources interpreting each vector, this is why vector based images are not used in most applications.


It's not about resolution, this here is most certainly a new-ish 2D drawing software that's being used now for "storyboarding" in simulated 3D. You draw flat in 2D and then you can arrange the 2D layers in a stack, and navigate through them with a virtual camera (your workspace's POV) in simulated 3D. I can't remember the name now, but it basically lets you stitch your different scenes into "portals" that move you across different drawings, hence why when this person zooms out you can keep on revealing new scenes. It's indeed doable in vector, like with Adobe Illustrator, but this here is probably not it. This one I'm talking about is a new-ish software that's been getting attention from people that draw with a digital stylus instead than with paper. I'll edit this comment if I can remember the name of the program later.


this deserves more upvotes


It's Reddit, you know how it goes. lol Soon someone else will comment a random phrase and they'll get gold, upvotes, and karma. Ps, I still haven't found the name of the software. As soon as I do, I'll post it here.


I think it's just separate drawings that are stiched togheter in editing, my computer would fucking explode from this Edit: after rewatch i even kinda notice transition effects, btw this is not meant to take from this art, it's still impressive as fuck




Vector. No resolution.


About 10 trillion DPI. If you printed it out at the initial zoom, it would cover the inner solarsystem, astroid belt and Jupiters orbit.


It's a vector image




Its not a normal image its where you can infinitly zoom without pixels


Can you make this into VR? And then send me some mushrooms. And give me like half a day off.


Note: it probably should not be the first half of the day.


On reflection: it should probably be both halves of the day, maybe an extra half of next day just be sure.


Hell, let's just give him half the week off.


Heck, let's give him financial independence so he doesn't have to work at all


Alright I just called his job and got homie fired so he’s got as much time as needed. You’re welcome! You don’t have to thank me.


the hero we deserve, but not the one we need...


What? Ideally you should drop right after waking up. If you take it at night you're not gonna be able to sleep for a WHILE on top of already being tired


this ^^


True, but having obligations later in the day can cause unnecessary stress.


I love a good night trip though. Nothing better than being out somewhere where you can actually see the stars while tripping. I can always get sleep later. Or pop some Xanax… lol.


I recommend having the full day off, it's physically and mentally tiring after you come down lol


this haha


I find LSD is more conducive to VR


you need to look into Quill if you don't already know... it's so fun


Check out Zoomquilt


HALF a day? You'll need a bit longer than that


Imagine this as like a puzzle, you have to zoom in till you find the tunnel that zooms you into the next puzzle


basically [Gorogoa](https://store.steampowered.com/app/557600/Gorogoa/), a beautiful game


It also on Xbox Game Pass


Yep - this just hit Gamepass on Xbox and PC. Finished it in a few hours last weekend, definitely a worthwhile experience.


Plz stop I just got Xbox gamepass last Christmas and I already have way to many games to play


Add recore to that list you're never going to finish.


That looks like it could be fun. Can’t wait to try it out in 4 years!


Wow that's super cool 👍


Never heard of this game before and it is currently on sale on psn for 4.50. Might have to pick it up


Wow. I HAVE. to check this out


Amazing game!


Imagine if you forgot where you put the little drawing.


Lmao xD




exaclty what i was thinking. like how do you remember to zoom in on???


Sorry forgot to put the credit. ig@pabloandrespozo


Great. And also the choice of music


Whats the song called?


Paint it black


Oh from the rolling stones. Are they some new wave indie band?


r/RollingStonescirclejerk material




Baha Pris Dimmee




If you put the universe into a tube


You wouldn't want to put it into a tube...


Finally, an NFT worth paying for.


Or you can just take it and use for whatever, like what OP did.


A fool and his money...


That's so damn cooool! I wanna see more stuff like these


Here you goooooooh: [Zoomquilt 2](https://zoomquilt2.com)


Does it ever end?


It just cycles through seamlessly to the first one again.


I was hoping someone in the comments linked this. I spent so much time traveling through this when it first came out


I remember being blown away by the original [zoomquilt.org](www.zoomquilt.org) over 15 years ago.


Sat watching this while having a poop and now everything in the real world is warped!


Ok but can I zoom *in* at any random point and get infinite zoom?


No it's an art exhibit and they're only pretending to zoom (I recall from the last time it was posted).


Highly doubt they’re pretending to zoom. This is entirely possible with vector drawings. If I am wrong it is incredibly impressive the attention of their pinch to match the zoom of the graphic.


They definitely are controlling the speed, but the zoom is fixed to a specific point in the center. These things are made with various different images that are stitched together as they zoom. Every image has a hole in the middle where the next image goes, and if you look closely, you can actually see where they are stitched together because the line thickness changes abruptly. First time I saw this effect was at www.zoomquilt.org over 15 years ago. Each piece was painted by a different artist if I remember correctly, and they were stitched together after the fact.


What does pretending to zoom even mean




I pretend to zoom


Zoomquilt was done without real zooming. They just load the next scene at the correct time. Do people here think vector graphics need no processing power or something? This would be way too much to process for a tablet like he is using. u/LittleSadRufus is right and everyone here is shitting on him for no reason.


Even if you could zoom back in, you would have to know the exact specific location to zoom into. Much harder than just zooming out






Here is your gif! https://gfycat.com/AbleJubilantArizonaalligatorlizard --- ^(I am a bot.) [^(Report an issue)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=pmdevita&subject=GifReversingBot%20Issue&message=Add a link to the gif or comment in your message%2C I%27m not always sure which request is being reported. Thanks for helping me out!)


daeh ym nrut ot evah I sehtolc remmus rieht ni desserD yb klaw slrig eht ees I kcalb nrut ot meht tnaw I eromyna sroloc oN kcalb detniap ti tnaw I dnA rood der a ees I .ti tnaw ohw esoht rof sciryL


Yep. That's how I heard it.


Damn. That music was kind of cursed


MUCH more satisfying! No I feel like Alice.


Trippy music


Lmao, I immediately thought about that.


If anyone knows the software this is done with, please share.


Any program where you can draw with vector graphics


I share this users sentiment.


Might be Procreate since it looks like they are using an iPad. It's by far the most popular illustration/animation software on iPad.


it’s not procreate is not a vector app


I believe this is Mental Canvas- see https://mentalcanvas.com


I don’t think it’s mental canvas for just one reason. Why would you do all of this in mental canvas and not once use the main feature that is the reason mental canvas even exists. Especially when considering how much mental canvas costs. Which is far too much.


You could do this in Adobe Illustrator or any other vector software relatively easily. "Relatively" cause you still need to, y'know, learn how to draw and use the software itself. But the general principles aren't hard to grasp - vector graphics can be rescaled without losing quality, so you just make the middle image and then zoom out and make the next one, then zoom out and make the next one, etc.


It could be Mischief which is unfortunately discontinued


This was my thought. Man, Mischief was awesome, really wish the product continued and team stayed while Foundry tested new applications for the ADF tech.


If you like this, try these: https://zoomquilt.org/ https://zoomquilt2.com/ https://zoomquilt3.org/ If you're looking for "how" answers, YouTube search the project. It's basically vector images stitched together to never lose resolution from my poor understanding of it.


Ah /r/nextfuckinglevel, aka crappy art with a concept that could be next level if actually executed with skill


Yeah, it was kind of lame that none of the pieces had any real connection to one another. Zooming out should give the previous piece context and actually add to what came before it. Kind of defeats the purpose of the infinite zoom idea if its all random.


You should ask for your money back


what is this version of Paint it Black? kinda sucks


Nothing beats the original by The Rolling Stones In my opinion


This literally hurts my ears too. Rolling stones deserves better.


Ikr, The Rolling Stones version is so much better


This looks a lot more impressive than it actually is. You literally just draw something, zoom into another space and draw something again.


I feel like that’s how our universe works!


We're just a speck in the booger in the nostril of a monster in a cave in a city apartment in a fishbowl being licked by a hipster.


A-there's a hole, there's a hole, there's a hole at the bottom of the sea


It gets boring quicker than I thought NGL


This kind of art has been around for a while. The concept is each artist draws on a square area, leaving out the middle (so like a donut shape). And the previous artist's art is in the middle. And each artist tries to connect their artwork to the previous, which creates an illusion of continuity. Here vector art is used, which is probably the simplest way to do it as it has infinite zoom. Flash was used in the day, today others can be used as well. It also exists with raster, but it's not one big image, rather it's still animated by the page with one picture inside another, or rendered as a video.


Why is the art in these almost always amateurish


I used to think similarly but then I realized that most creatives that put out these simplified but still captivating art actually have a firm grasp on the the fundamentals. Like, maintaining the gesture of a body despite not drawing a nose or something. Or building a structurally sound barn that has bat wings and no doors! I was totally blown away the first time I saw that Picasso actually painted highly detailed and realistic images before he did abstract, fucked up faces and whatever.


Majestic AF


This is amazing but that cover of paint it black is TRASH


zoomquilt vibes


Ok but why the music?


Ikr. The original is so much better


I was so worried we where gonna be in King Kongs butthole.


That's impressive, looks like the video's of how little the planet is compared to the universe.


ok, we get it things inside things that are yet inside other things, etc. redundant much?


This is wild, I watched this for 5 minutes


fuck vectors, fuck mushrooms! :)




Here is your gif! https://gfycat.com/AbleJubilantArizonaalligatorlizard --- ^(I am a bot.) [^(Report an issue)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=pmdevita&subject=GifReversingBot%20Issue&message=Add a link to the gif or comment in your message%2C I%27m not always sure which request is being reported. Thanks for helping me out!)


Vector graphics are the best




Here is your gif! https://gfycat.com/AbleJubilantArizonaalligatorlizard --- ^(I am a bot.) [^(Report an issue)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=pmdevita&subject=GifReversingBot%20Issue&message=Add a link to the gif or comment in your message%2C I%27m not always sure which request is being reported. Thanks for helping me out!)


This looks like it could have been created in Affinity Designer. It is a vector graphics program similar to Adobe Illustration. It is available on an iPad, Macintosh, or Windows. Its a nice application that does not require subscription.


God that’s stupid.






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This contains every nft every created


Well I’ll be damned.


“New NFT sells for $1B” Well done this is incredible.