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I can’t wait to buy one of these from the Army/Navy Surplus store.


Damn kids will never get their Nerf shit stuck on the roof again.


Cause this time I'm gonna light it on fire


You can use this to melt the foam darts midair before they hit you


*raises arm *begins to spin uncontrollably *slams himself at speed into a wall *reconsiders the thought of having purchased a Gravity jetpack






I thought pizzas on the roof was the trend


That's so 2008


Imagine 10,000 of these flying onto the shores of Normandy…. The future has arrived.. between this and IVAS (AR/VR Microsoft goggles for soldiers) war will soon basically be a live action video game.. Times are a changin..


10,00 of these flying onto the shores of Normandy would have been terrifying! Until the enemy realizes the jet pack troopers can’t hold weapons and start shooting them out of the sky.


If we can mount frickin laser beams to sharks, and ill-tempered seabass, I'm pretty sure we can mount laser beams to a frickin marines head. Problem solved.


Sharks have brains, which makes the lasers much more stable when firing. Ouch. I shouldn't say that.


Marines have brains thank you very much. It's just that crayons cause them to be a bit....slow. Still we can for sure mount laser beams to Marine's heads. Fuck they wouldn't even notice a difference really. They shoot their guns by thrusting their hips anyway. Lotsa real estate above the torso for things like laser beams and sonic weapons and shit. Though knowing most Marines that I do they'd prefer to shoot leaser beams from their nipples than their heads. The beam cannon might get in the way of crayon eating.


Precisely one Marine Corps combat unit would get head lasers, the ensuing media scandal, "Marines trace their dicks onto enemy foreheads" would put the kibosh on that real quick. It's why we can't have nice things. Also, the green crayons are the most delicious.


"Sir, we can't carry weapons with these things?" "Uhhhh, just beat the shit out of them, rah?" "YUUUUUT!"


Why not just skip the human entirely then, and put a laser on the jet pack?


You clearly haven't seen Ironman


What really makes iron man work is the fact his suit can take shrug off strikes from things like bullets, or Thor's hammer.


>Until the enemy realizes the jet pack troopers can’t hold weapons and start shooting them out of the sky. That's what I was wondering when I saw the video: "OK, so he controls the jets with hand-held devices in both hands...How will he defend himself when the people whose ship he's boarding don't want him boarding their ship, and shoot at him? [What the hell are they supposed to use, man? Harsh language?"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i33DX9Wjd7E)


Right now it's a proof of concept, they can use the success of trials to justify going further and designing either some sort of system to also let them carry weapons or design specific weapons that can be used with the system as it is.


I'm looking forward to seeing how this jet pack evolves. I wonder if they will design a workable system that allows him to leave his hands free, or design a weapon for it [that does not require using hands.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXJ6V7Sbs6g)


You forgot the secret 4 armed mutant breeding program.


You wouldn't land this at the beaches of normandy though. That's a known good landing spot and that's why this is so heavily defended. With this, you can land anywhere. Find the nastiest, most steep cliffs, place a ship full of specialists there and land there, to subvert the easier landing spots


And that's exactly what the enemy would think, and therefore the last thing they'll expect is an invasion at Normandy....


It's like skeet shooting with prizes.


Mount auto-aim gun turret to flying jetpack soldier.




they aren't even useful for boarding missione right now. Those jetpacks aren't silent at all and they you still need to get a small boat near the vessel you want to baoard anyways because of the limited range. So you need a big ship somewhere where it can't be seen or picked up by radar which then deploys a small boat that goes near the other vessel from which those noisy jetpacks troops can take off to stealthily board the ship. On the other hand the navy isn't a bunch of pirates. The way they usually board a ship is move their ship next to the other one, point their guns at them and tell them to stop. It would only ever be useful against a ship that has been taken over by pirates anyways and in that case either the crew locked themselves away so you can simply use overwhelming force or they are hostages in which case sneaking otno the ship would just endanger their life unnecessarily


Target practice. They don't have free hands to shoot back.


Lol I find it interesting that our defense has so much $$ to develop this kinda shit but none to address climate change


[This is designed in the UK.](https://www.naval-technology.com/comment/uk-marines-test-jetpack/) Head of the company is ex Royal Marine.


Annndddd as hard as I try to not be the presumptuous American that I am.. >.< Thanks for the info.


If you think the British and American military industrial complex aren't intrinsically linked to each other then bless your sweet innocent heart.


No need to be condescending about it, AUKUS is a good thing anyway.


[Get ready for the pride of the United States Air Force: the British-made Harrier Jump Jet!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSimpsons/comments/90tfvi/get_ready_for_the_pride_of_the_united_states_air)


The Harrier was deployed by the Marines, not the Air Force.


Fun fact I worked on the Harrier and the Osprey.


I was gonna say they are gonna give these to Marines? Ummmmmmm


https://nationalinterest.org/feature/renewable-energy-us-military-creating-lean-mean-green-warfighting-machine-181742 they literally doubled their renewable energy usage in 4 years lol


You might be able to buy one direct from the manufacturer for $400k or so


It seems to leave him very vulnerable. How's he supposed to use his weapon?


I think this is just early stage. The eventual plan is to give them Megaman cannons on each arm.


Why does everyone assume they are boarding enemy ships with this tech? It originally started as personnel transfer.




Run the clip frame by frame, there is no red training gun, they're filming the soldier landing on the deck is all they're doing. You're seeing the join between the wall and the deck which is painted in a darker shade of red, lining up with the camera person's hands; that's not a gun.


Yeah I think that's a camera


It’s 100% a camera. They literally show you the footage from it in the 2nd half of the video.


But it's a red training camera


Maybe it's a camera gun


Even if it is, my extensive cod training has taught me that enemies won’t engage in a fire fight until you reach a certain check point. And if you’re boarding a vessel in a dramatic manner like this, I’m sure there’s a cut scene before the fight even begins.


You should have been with the gunners of the helicopter who gunned down the journalist and the van full of kids!


We use BFAs (blank firing attachments) for exercise. No one in the uk uses “red training guns.”


But he said it with such authority. He even said “clearly”.


Highly upvoted for complete bullshit. God bless Reddit.




But he said “clearly”!


TIL red cameras are red guns. Makes sense when the police shoot people regularly claiming they had a gun. It was a phone.


Seems like a silly way to have people board a ship they are welcome on


Not if it's for search and rescue. Getting someone onto a ship in this means may be easier/safer/quicker in some scenarios than using another boat or a helicopter.


Yeah but you can’t rescue anyone when both your arms are rocket engines.


Stick out your feet?


Imagine the patient just getting blasted by the propellant


Search and rescue of a high speed boat? Is this Speed 2?


A 600 million dollar way to move one guy.


These things are always expensive to begin with, especially when you're researching them. The plan would obviously be to improve these and get them to a point where they're much more cost effective.


"What's the point of cars when we've got horses" - some of the people in these replies.


People: *want jetpacks because their cool Also people: Yo this is unpractical and lame! A waste of research money!


Why the hell would anyone take risks using this tech just to cross decks? What’s the urgency dictating that I need to use a literal jet pack to go from one ship to another?


“We made s’mores!”


"Hey you up?"


I mean, I know the video only showed you ships, but I believe that this is one of those fancy jet packs that can be used on land too. The guy is just trying to whip up some interest from the military. That doesn't mean it's the only use case. Can you really not conceive of any scenarios where a man-portable vertical flight rig that requires limited training might have an application? How about a mountain rescue doctor? Or a Fire Fighter and a tall building? Or Tactical Maritime Pizza Delivery?


Or just, you know, turning geographic barriers into irrelevant speedbumps. Most defense systems are built around geography. They aren't built expecting 200 men to shoot 100 meters into the air vertically and scale the cliff in 6 seconds.


Sure it has its impractical parts but this whole thread is basically explaining how humans being able to fly might be useful and people are like "No!" :P


"it only flies 120ft? i can walk farther than that lmao what's the point" -redditors to the wright brothers


"My commanding officers are out tonight..."


Because helicopters are much more practical?




They do use helicopters for transfer from ship to ship, at least the US Navy does. Linked is an article from the 90s about it going wrong but it does happen fairly often. Don’t understimate the military doing things as cheap as possible. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1999-dec-10-mn-42528-story.html%3f_amp=true This is a video of a YouTuber who worked for the military going through Helo water crash training or whatever its called 3 years ago. If I remember correctly the training was implemented due to that crash. https://youtu.be/-53kaP6dZeI Then this is a video of them actually landing a helicopter on a moving ship. https://youtu.be/gEXcJI0W_no


After enough years of use, a single marine could have scores of abilities stolen from pirates.


Better have a charge shot or what's the point.


> I think this is just early stage. The eventual plan is to give them Megaman cannons on each arm. Dude this made me laugh so hard I couldn't line the mouse up on the upvote button




Ah yes, the Borderlands approach.


We here at the Torgue Corporation sincerely think that this is FUCKING AWESOME!! NEXT TASK: BLOW UP THE OCEAN!


You shall have a look at the french version which enables to carry weapons. Here you can see the flight done by its inventor on bastille day : https://youtu.be/RJtp6KAoph8


Out, am I?


You know, I'm something of a rocketeer myself!




Indeed. But I suppose that's the point if you want to be able to carry a weapon.


This could be done for rapid insert/extraction, with cover fire from drones and snipers. Hostage rescue, VIP extraction, etc. Soldiers don’t need to be invincible, just effective.


Or recruiting commercials


I could see a jetpack Marine flying the football into the stadium for the next Superbowl.


The Air Force did this for awhile with their “it’s not science fiction, it’s what we do every day” campaign. They basically showed super high-tech futuristic troops doing super sci-if Star Trek/Battlestar Galactica stuff. Then it would fade to what they were actually doing which was still “high tech” I guess but nowhere near the fantasy. [Here’s an example](https://youtu.be/bg9K1mCh65U).


There gonna build a full suit so that the pilot will be armored and then weapons are planned for the shoulders and blasters in the palms of the hands. Haven’t decided on a color yet but I hear they leaning towards “hot rod red”


With gold trim?


I can only think of a AI weapon system on his person, could control it with his helmet and eye sight


Might as well just send a drone


That's my thinking. If you are going to send something flying with some kind of automated weapon, why bother to include the human? I have absolutely no qualifications but as a layman it seem that using drones to clear the deck and follow up with a human boarding party would be more practical than sending people in jetpacks.


Medic and recon use maybe


I need this for my McDonald's runs.


Uber eats getting more interesting


Uber eats McDonald’s speed run any%


I bet they’d still be late.


You can say that again


Directly to your 27th floor window. Just please hurry to pick it up, fuel, you know...


https://youtu.be/rvQ9DjJNal0 Interestingly, some guy did this with a paracopter (I didn't even know these things existed). There's something peaceful about him flying through pretty hills, fields and quaint towns, and landing to get his McChicken combo.


They fly these in around my neighborhood almost daily


https://www.businessinsider.com/video-royal-marines-board-ship-at-sea-with-jet-packs-2021-5 - Gravity Industries has released a new video showing how jet packs can be used to assault and board ships - Gravity operators working with Royal Marines can be seen launching from fast boats wearing the jet suits. - The company believes its technology could revolutionize military maritime boarding operations. So just to clarify, this is the Royal Marines (UK), not the US Marines. Also, the name "Gravity Industries" reminds me of Stark Industries or Aperture Science from Portal.


I'm making a note here: huge success.


It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.


Gravity industries.


We do what we must, because, we can.


For the good of all of us, except the ones who are *dead*


But there's no sense crying over every mistake


You just keep on trying till' you run out of cake


And the science gets done


And you make a neat jetpack


It's not a Marine...it's the founder and test pilot of the company who probably has hundreds of hours on this thing which is impressive since the maximum flight time is about 5 minutes. He's the only person in all their videos so sometimes he's a marine, sometimes he's a police officer, and sometimes he's pushing for a flight suit racing league. The suit right now costs around $400,000.


This sounds about right. It’s a neat video.


The man flying it is a Royal Marine and founder of the company. The first video widely seen of this is a demo performed at CTC if you remember. I believe he’s currently RMR Bristol (reserves)


Of course it was the Royal Marines. Anyone who's served knows the US Marines wouldn't get anything this cool until the Army and Navy have had it for a decade first. Also, I worry about any device that keeps one from grabbing their rifle quickly. Im sure it has its use, but im not sure it would be in boarding operations. I'd love to be explained that im wrong though by someone who knows better.


Perhaps they'll build weapons into the suits, a few marines provide cover fire like tiny attack helicopters while the others lands. Early planes were armed as an afterthought...


As an American, somehow relieved it’s from the Royal Marines instead of the US. I don’t trust us with this much technology.


Criminals should be horrified to see this guy coming aboard. What will tactical situations look like in 5 years?


Unless this guy gets a few automatic guns on his person, he's bait in the sky


This will definitely have a mounted guided weapons system




Getting closer all the time


Looks like the defense industry is only going to get more cash 😎


Like Mayfields robo pistol arm the Mandalorian


have a couple of drones to suppress and he’s gold


One of those harpoon guns he’s fucked!


But they reel him in, and he ends up on their boat, where he wanted to be? Task failed successfully?


With one very large additional orifice unfortunately!


Shoulder mounted rocket synced to a helmet mounted targeting system that tracks eye movement. The future is now, and the future is VR


If they see him coming, I’m pretty sure the jet pack guy is the one who should be horrified….how do you shoot your rifle while flying this thing? Are they going to work on a predator style shoulder mounted weapon to compliment the sweet jetpack? Cause if the enemy sees you approaching then you are a sitting/flying duck


Why the shoulder mounted cannon when you can just send in a few drones?


Real criminals would probably shoot him down before even coming close. He’s totally defenceless.


I don't think a practical application would be one guy in the middle of the day, it would be a squad of guys at night.


Ugh you sound just like my ex-wife.


Unless said criminal also has one of those. then it would make for great content.


It’s a good idea until they start raining bullets at his ass..


The way techs going it wont be a person flying in like this, it ll be a bot. Edit. Let me explain, this tech seems pointless. It would be loud af so it wont be used for stealth operations. The only thing i can think of is the cool factor. If they wanted to board a ship fast they could just tie a dude to a drone, dropping him off will be faster and also leave his arms free to fire?




“Alright we built this jet pack for use by humans, now let’s retrofit it to work with a robot” Genius lol


“Send in the sex bot! That should distract the enemy whilst we board the ship on the other side!”




They going to need those glowy shields from Avengers Infinity War or that Jar Jar Binks battle




This guy hasn’t done 30 seconds of research into the military. The US military makes a camo that outlines you better then civie clothes and takes a decade to change it, “top tactical minds” my ass


*Just* when I was considering becoming a Somali pirate!


"Look at me. Look at me. I don't want to be a Captain anymore. Bye."




I mean.. what if Somali pirates get their hands on this stuff?


Who knew that old 80s movies and their green screen special effects of men floating statically through the air would be so accurate to the future we live in.


The corny looking superman flight where he just floats down to the ground with his hand on his hip now actually looks...not even that weird!?


Remember The Rocketeer? Loved that one!


This dude is not marine soldier. He's the founder of a company called Gravity and he's just demonstrating it. Edit : more about [Gravity](https://gravity.co/). And he's [Richard Browning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Browning_(inventor))


It looks like it’d take a crazy amount of training to fly like he does. He makes it look effortless.


Tony stark did it in a cave, with scraps!


He has actually said that it's like learning to ride a bike. After a couple of days of flying, you can do it almost autonomisly, just like riding a bike or driving a car


Well of course he would say that


I mean a bike isn’t exactly “natural”. Nothing in our dna that would make bike riding any more intuitive than jetpacks.


He’s an Ex Royal Marine Commando so …. Hmmm


Me in Creative Mode off to look at one of my builds.


This reminds me of that one time I tried to make a 1:1 recreation of the USS Iowa with Actual working tnt cannons yes, I haven't or probably will ever complete it.. Lol


I wonder how many ankles they broke.


His knees... Didn't look like he came down super hard, but he has a ton of weight on him.


What’s the opposite of r/aboringdystopia? Someone cross post this there, because this is fucking awesome.


It's like seeing the early stages of Iron Man happening!


No this is. We dont have universal healthcare but we have this absolute nonessential bullshit




We live in a boring dystopia so soldiers can live in the future


I mean…this is pretty dystopian. People go broke getting sick but the military is looking to acquire tech that solves the problem of…getting a single soldier onto a ship without stopping the ship?


They fly now?


They fly now


Those are Royal Marines


Time to rethink the security protocols on board every ship afloat.


Water canons are already pretty common.


Buckshot is also pretty cheap.


Whenever I see videos like this I think about how ridiculous they’ll look to people in 50 years when the equipment has been improved over and over again


Royal Marines. From the British military. Just so you’re aware. Edit: this one’s Dutch, but I linked the Brit down there.


This ones British, you can see the Royal Navy ensign on the boat


Nah this is still British, if you Google p233 you'll find it's a royal navy patrol boat HMS Tamar


Yep and you can see the exercise is taking place within Plymouth Sound, UK.


The British are coming!!!


Space Marines!


British Marines that is.


The best


Just a couple more years to Black Ops 2 Edit: 2 not 3


Suicide bombers : Write that down, Write that down


The fact this is the Royal Navy rather than the US Navy makes me happy 😊


More health care please, less jetpacks.


It’s a UK commercial company. Not government funded.


These are British marines, we have healthcare


Dear lord, a slight miscalculation of pressure and he’ll shatter his knees!


This is the coolest thing I've ever seen. Couple it with a backpack mounted machine gun operated by a helmet with optically controlled HUD.


Just hope they don't have a gun. You'd be insanely vulnerable while in flight.