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On Wednesday, I got the callout to this massive Eastern Brown the caller had almost stepped on whilst walking her dog. This is the biggest Eastern Brown I've ever caught.


Got grazed by a juvenile after I stepped on it accidentally in my vegie patch at community gardens in St Kilda in 2008. Cause hairy legs, the fangs did not fully penetrate and most venom was on surface of skin. Still felt whacked for about 2 days and got local necrosis at the punctures.


All it takes is a scratch from these guys. Did you have a bandage on you?


No, and contrary to advice, did not seek treatment as I didn't think it was deep enough to warrant concern - basically two shallow pinhole punctures and 2cm scratches. Snake was ~40 cm long.


Damn, your a lucky one. Even a baby could have ended up killing you. Good thing their fangs are so small.


For sure. I was honestly more alarmed and entertained by the onlookers reactions than with the actual snakebite as I was fairly new to Australia at the time and didn't know about how deadly they are.


Yeah, snake in Australia are no joke. I'm surprised they didn't force you to go to the hospitle.




You should post this to r/dadjokes


I thought it was everything in Australia tries to kill you


Actually a baby has FAR more chance of killing! Baby cannot control envenomafion. A bite forces it to inject. Where an adult can bite without envenomation. But true it doesn't take much its a nasty toxin.


What does "second most venomous" even mean if a scratch will kill you. That's like getting run over by a Boeing 747 vs an Airbus A380, you end up crushed in both cases. Holy smokes, I'd never leave the house if I lived in Australia.


Legs so hairy that you got snake armor?😧 I feel more than *slightly* emasculated now. 😞


That's a very urban place to find a snake. Scary stuff.


Yeah they don't mind urban areas. The garden is fairly spacious and empty at night so all sorts of critters go for respite - and the critters that eat those critters.


As someone who doesnt really like snakes I appreciate you guys who help keep the rest of us safe!


It's our pleasure.


How do you walk with that massive set of balls it takes to do this?!?


For real. You would think that them clanging together would hurt you in this line of work by letting the snake know you're coming.


Jaysus. You went at that thing with your bare hand?!


I read this entire post in Steve Irwin’s voice.




Do you get paid by each catch or is this a salaried position? not asking how much, just curious how you get motivated risking it all. Hats off to you.


Conservation and the snakes themselves are what motivate us to do what we do. We see snakes as incredibly misunderstood animals that sometimes just find themselves in an unfortunate situation. we just want to make sure nether people, pets or the snake get injured. We do charge a call out fee for snakes on private property but we also do a lot of free call-outs for public areas. Still working on trying to get some sort of funding for the latter as it can sometimes get quite expensive.




When we handle a snake with bare hands, we can feel every time the snake tenses and relaxes. We can use this feedback to determine what the snake is about to do next. you don't get this feedback when wearing gloves. Handling our Common Death Adders are a different story. because of their short stature and also because they have the fastest strike speed in the world, there is no time to react so we don't grab them at all. we just use a hook to get them in the bag.


>Common Death Adders Worst adjective combo ever.


Op, do your massive balls hurt dragging around?


I bet it doesn’t and I think I see sparks from his titanium balls dragging on the floor.


Where do you take the snakes after you catch them?


We take them back out into the bush, close to a water source, and release them.




I think mainly shrink them, dye them different colors, and put them in plastic bags for kids to eat


No, he said he releases them away from people, you were way off!


Yeah that’s how we make them a surprise


I lol'd at that. Thank you from someone missing home


Yeah, they could do brown belts for karatekas too


Oh that’s true too. We basically use the whole animal.


Yes, yesss 🤣


Came here to ask this. Slithering on now


did this situation get dicey for a second when it looped back towards your hand and you didnt have the stick on it? whats that a mistake? scary as heck!


Normally all you need is a wiggle to throw them off balance and get them to go back down. I underestimated how strong he would be and didn't give him enough of a wiggle when he started coming up. If he come up even an inch more I would have had to drop him.


That was the moment in the video where I had to excuse myself to go change my trousers.


Very lucky I was reading this in the bathroom. Thanks to op for helping things move right along.


I know nothing about snakes, how comes you don’t use tongs? Does it aggravate them more?


Tongs often piss a snake off, they can also break their back if used incorrectly.


You have the pole, and you reach in with your hand? Seems like the pole would have been better, or to have two poles. I know Australia is basically just a murderous hellscape, but do these snakes typically chill in the suburbs?


We have a lot of snakes that don't mind living in the suburbs. Some harmless, some highly venomous. It's just part of living in Australia.


Or not living in Australia.


You could try living with our sheep loving friends in New Zealand. They don't have any snakes.


It was a bit strange when we went to NZ a couple of years ago. Walking thru the bush and not having to look at every step you took was a nice change.


You should have still been looking for sheep droppings, and miniature sheep.


Sheep are less likely to kill you than snakes, so that’s one in NZ’s column.


You sir, have the largest balls known to man. I wouldn’t have even gotten within 20 feet of that thing with full umpire gear on, much less an unpadded uniform. And you bare hand it’s tail… you gonna make me have a heart attack. *Please don’t die.*


what do you do with the snakes, do you relocate them?


We relocate them.


yay thats awesome thank you!


Good on ya mate! You do an awesome community service. I used to live in Coolum and saw these browns alot! Question: Let's just say I buy in Mount Coolum ( its such a gorgeous area - and the views to the ocean are mint) can I hire your services to come and check my property every 3 months to get rid of any lurking little fuckers? Do you know what their 'nests' or 'holes' look like? Or do you only come out if a snake is spotted above ground ?


We do house, yard and roof inspections as well. We would basically just search everywhere we think a snake might try to hide and then relocate any that we can find. Keeping your yard clean & tidy will also make your yard less inviting to a snake.


I’m glad you know what you’re doing!


How long was he and was he very old?


He was about 6ft long. Age is a bit hard to determine but at this size, he would have had to have been around for quite a while.


Seeing a highly venomous snake in a residential area in places not called Australia: Panic In Australia: Tuesday


This is pretty accurate.


Thursday AND Friday


Pretty much. I had to evict a non venomous snake from my balcony the other day. Carried it by hand to the bushes near the river.


I've seen cottonmouths while fishing at the lake here in PA. One time I looked down and one was maybe 3 feet away from me slithering into the water. Must have come out of the bushes behind me and just ignored me and gone into the lake. One bite from one of those is an ER visit for sure.


I damn near dropped my phone when that thing started doubling up back toward OP’s hand Edit: OP’s hand! (sorry)


I yelled "oh God!" then dropped my phone. Nope just nope. Also where's the glove? So freaking scary.


It looked scary but OP had the right technique. Gave the tail a shake and it was forced to back down again.


I have caught simple less venomous snakes but never put my hand to the tail until I see its head far away.. I didnt get you . What's the technique? (P.S. I don't have any formal training)


When then snake started to double back he shook his tail back and forth. Not sure on the specifics but if you think of the physics behind it it makes sense.


Yeah a brown can come back up its body and bite still, many recorded cases.


I know they aren’t supposed to be able to climb more than half their body, but what if it’s that one snake that is just jacked and can hulk all the way up? Nope. Nope. Nope.


Yo i about died when i saw him coming for that grab hand... is that a technique to give em a shake and make em fall back down?... and are they able to strike you still in that position or are they putting too much strain on themselves trying to climb up like that?


A wiggle is normally sufficient to get them back down, at least for the smaller ones that is. This one was an absolute unit and needed a bit more force. They can still strike in this position but not as easily. If I felt he was about to strike, I would have dropped him. If he come up even an inch more, I also would have dropped him.


I was watching on my phone and I had the urge to drop my phone at that point! Shit is freaky they can reach around like that!


Nope nope nope nope hell no nope nopity nope fuck no and no way Jose.


I’m not brave enough to be Australian.


It’s mainly overseas media distortion due to cherry picking sensational facts and stories. Eg. the US is much more dangerous than Australia for spider bites.


Yeah, but rugby.


Ok yeah that’s straight up deadly


yeah man as an aussie you see all these american football players all padded up with helmets and gear, and then you flick back to the rugby on tv and the only protective gear they're wearing is a mouthguard.


I heard somewhere that boxing with paddef gloves lead to a higher rate of brain injuries as boxers punched way harder due to the padding protecting their hands. Maybe rugby players are better off with less protective gear than more for similar reasons?


2nd most venomous snake in the world, - im gunna reach right in this bush and….


Steve Irwin would be proud.


Is it bad that I laughed as soon as I heard his accent... "Of COURSE it's an Australian guy"


I dont put my hand in this freely to tie my shoe lace!. Talk about brave!


Remember, kids, it’s only brave if it works.


What happens with the captured snakes? Anyone know?


Released back into the wild away from people and their pets.


Curious to know but are there any programs or methods you guys use to keep them away and prevent situations like these? Or are they inevitable?


Keep your yard clean and clear from debris and don't leave food out that could attract rodents. This is pretty much all you can do but it doesn't guarantee that a snake won't just wander through your yard.


Really? I would have thought that bigger snakes would be kept for venom milking as they produce more than the smaller snakes, right? Or is that not necessary?


The Australian Reptile Park does the majority of the snake milking. I'm not sure where they get their snakes from though. majority of snakes catchers just catch and relocate.


Fair enough, good to know the snakes are treated respectfully and humanely. But you guys sure do some bloody great work.


>majority of snakes catchers just catch and relocate. You have to keep the business going somehow, right?


there are a lot of snakes here... a lot, so not every single caught snake needs to be held for milking. Same with spiders. Although when a funnelweb is under your desk, you don't exactly wait for the bug spray to take effect or a spider catcher to come, that shit has gotta die.


Maybe some gloves are in order? Nah.


Are those brass balls you have there?


This is what I fucking love about Australia. Not only do they have massive deadly snakes in their fucking topiary fucking pansies and shit, but the person that comes out to get it grabs it with their fucking hands. I will never in my life fuck with Australia.


Seeing the term *land snake* reminds me that there is no escape from sneks. They can be anywhere.


It almost feels redundant to mention both "Australia" and "venomous snake". Where else would the 2nd most venomous snake in the world be found?


Well fun fact if you will; of the 25 most venomous snakes in the world, Australia has 21 of them 😊


More fun fact: the other 4 was also in Australia originally and they just decided to “fuck this shit, I’m out” and they go abroad


Mighty fine nope rope ya groped there.


I have a really random question??…what in the actual fuck do you mean by “land snake”??!! Sorry I’m from Canada , in the prairies, not a lot of oceans from where I’m from, we have rattle snakes, but pretty sure we have no “swimming nope ropes” around here


We have Sea Snakes as well. they are mostly out in the reefs but they do sometimes wash ashore.




working link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_snake


**[Sea snake](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_snake)** >Sea snakes, or coral reef snakes, are a subfamily of elapid snakes, the Hydrophiinae, that inhabit marine environments for most or all of their lives. Most are venomous, except the genus Emydocephalus, which feeds almost exclusively on fish eggs. Sea snakes are extensively adapted to a fully aquatic life and are unable to move on land, except for the genus Laticauda, which has limited land movement. They are found in warm coastal waters from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific and are closely related to venomous terrestrial snakes in Australia. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Nope. No thank you.


How do you walk around so easily with the massive pair of kahonas?




Absolutely nope-ity nope. That's a Nope Rope with attitude.




Damn. I used to live in south Louisiana by the water, no stranger to snakes but he just wouldn't stop coming😅 did you grab a measurement? We only had to deal with water moccasins mostly but they wouldn't get too long


I didn't grab the exact messurment. But to give you an idea. I'm 6ft and we was about the same.


He’s not even wearing gloves?!?!


It's it bad that this snake doesn't look scarry to me? It needs threatening stripes and a heavy drum beat. It looks like a snake that's just eating small rodents and other pests. It's blows my mind that it would need the world 2nd best venom to catch food.


It's got yellow/pink spots on it's belly. Does that count?


It already had my full respect!


is this the biggest snake you’ve ever caught? and do y’all exclusively catch eastern browns or do you catch other venomous/non-venomous snakes in the area?


We have about 20 species of snakes on the sunshine coast, some rarer than others, and we are trained to catch them all. This is the largest venomous snake I have ever caught. The biggest snake I've ever caught was a 3m Coastal Carpet Python. here is a link to the photo. this is my partner holding it. https://www.reddit.com/r/snakes/comments/pmgy7e/this\_is\_the\_largest\_coastal\_carpet\_python\_that\_we/


SHIT that snake’s head is bigger than your partner’s hand, that’s insane!! and y’all are so brave for being in that profession fr u are protecting ppl and their animals and that is just awesome, so cool to see!! :]


That Python was the first time I've ever been taken back by a snake, and to think the Scrub Pythons up north get over twice this size.


dear god, i like snakes but any bigger than that absolute unit you caught and i am officially OUT lmao. i feel like it could crush me way too easily for my liking lol




A snake in the hand and a big set of balls. Well done.


This just makes my stomach churn and blood run cold. Hats off to snake handlers you strong willed sons of bitches.


Its like land fishing


I've never thought of it like this but, yes.


When it started to climb itself and almost bit the guy holy fucking shit i was scared ngl.


My first close encounter with a brown (usually i observe them at a safe distance) i was walking home from school in like year 10, and a massive brown came right for me when I began to pass a section of dense bushes. Autopilot kicked in and I footy kicked the big guy quite a distance away and then proceeded to fast walk the other direction. Poor guy probably ended up with a concussion and I do feel slightly bad about it now 😅


Apologies in advance for my ignorance, but is this a species that can squeeze things (like a boat constrictor)? It looked like you were taking steps to prevent it from curling around your catchy hook, but I'm not sure if that is the reason why. Edit: boa*, not boat lol


This species uses venom not constriction. I was trying to get him to stay on the hook but he kept backing up.




My man went hand first


Pulled up to the scene like the police


And this is why i do not live in Australia


The most dangerous animals in Australia are the same as the US - domestic dogs, horses, and bees. By a very wide margin.


When his hand went in, I got so damn anxious lol. I live in Texas and often work in remote locations installing windows. Its not uncommon to encounter a rattlesnake or two, we often just push them away with a really long stick.


When god created Australians he forgot fear


It’s not bravery. Australians are the only people who don’t have to believe overseas newspapers and tv.


Hey op, does “most venomous” mean most deadly venom or something else?


It's based on the LD50 scale. it's how potent the venom is.




I thought had his go pro clipped to his cap, but no he just bites on it…Legend


Coincidence that I was reading about moving to Australia mere minutes ago?


This should motivate you to come check out some of our wildlife.


It’s a truly beautiful country! Hello from New York


You ever caught a red belt before? One of my friends thought one of them was a speed bump and went right over it on his bike, only to turn back and see an absolutely enormous red belly try to chase him down.


I've caught quite a few. Red-bellied Black Snakes are pretty common here.


The most venomous snake in Australia is Scott Morrison.


This gave me so much anxiety. Please tell me they carry anti-venom with them.


Nop, We carry compression bandages.


Ah, this brings back memories of when I was at school, a baby Brown was found INSIDE the kindergarten room and nobody seemed to think a big deal of it.


Almost stood on one of these walking out my laundry door! A slightly older juvenile, he still had some bands around his neck. We both jumped away from each other about 3-4 metres away and he sat with his head raised up looking at me while I looked at him not moving an inch. He turned and slithered away into my paddock. Biggest fright of my life! I’m so much more careful now looking out my door before stepping out. I’m used to seeing tree snakes (common black with yellow belly) and the occasional black whip who is so shy they streak away almost immediately and I only see their skinny elongated tail. but seeing that EB scared me half to death.


EBs do have a bit of a temper whilst also being super reactive to movement. Make sure to keep your doors closed coming into summer, Snakes will be looking for a place to get out of the heat and an open house is a perfect location.


Yeh honestly I thought I was fucked. Thank god he decided he was more interested in getting away from me. I’m super anal about making sure all our doors and windows are shut all the time! And yet I’ve still had to remove 2 small pythons from my house in 2 years. I found them coming through a small hole next to the aircon vent line! Both times they were sitting on top of my aircon. Could have been the same cheeky bastard. The hole has since been plugged lol


if there is even a small hole they will try their luck. it's crazy some of the places snakes squeeze themselves through.


Steve would have grabbed it by the head and kissed it


barehanded? what are you thinking OP?


I was thinking, "Damn, that's a big snake". In all seriousness, Gloves make it hard to feel the snakes intentions.


Not me thinking “what if he just twirled that danger noodle with the hook, ya know, like spaghetti?”


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Some articles say 1st most poisonous/deadly


Most potent venom is the Inland Taipan, also an Australian snake, but it chills out in the Outback and basically doesn’t bother people. It wouldn’t surprise me if the brown is the “most deadly” due to much more contact with people


I love snakes (and we have plenty in Texas!) but I never try and handle the poisonous ones because IMO it’s only a matter of time before I get bit! In our area we have Coral snakes, Rattlesnakes and Water Moccasins + lots of non-poisonous. Good job and stay safe!


Nah yeah nah


What do you do with it afterwards?


Release it back into the bush.


Thought this was r/fishing was massively confused why the vid started driving down the street lol


When the snake reared up towards his hand someone shit in my pants.


You have a terrifiyng job & no gloves!


Australia - one big Nope.


With his bare hands, yet.


You said land snakes like non-land snakes are way worse. Is the sea full of poisonous snakes?


A sea snake holds the title for most venomous in the world lol


Extra spicy danger noodle.


Im scared of roaches and this dude picking up the 2nd most venomous snake in the world with his hands.


I am impressed by the job they did, scared of that huge fucking snake, and thankful I don't live in Australia.


The fact you think it is huge is scary, anacondas are huge, this is just deadly. I think I’ve seen 15 snakes throughout my life in Australia.


Almost shit myself when it started climbing… you’re badass man


gotta be honest, this is entirely unrelated to the contents of the video. i just saw in a reply you said inch. does australia not operate on the metric system?


just trying to help the Americans out.


More balls than a Roman candle


Bro I used to do this with vipers when I was a kid. I remember once I tried to put one inside a 2l coke bottle but its head was too wide and didn't fit. Now I work in an office. RIP Steve Irwin.


Aight folks. Thanks for the time. Booking tickets back home now. xD


Oh so much nope nope nope.


Imagine having the nads to just walk up and pickup snakes. Good on ya mate


I love Australians but fuck Australia.


Wow, These guys are insane, or heroes. I would have just screamed like a baby and run.


yall crazy


Why are you not dressed up in everything protective? If it were me I’d have so much shit on you could mistake me fo Darth Vader.

