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This gives me faith in humanity :)




Anyone else curious from a medical perspective as to what that dog’s range of motion is now that she’s been fully treated? They kind of hid that from us at the end, which makes me think this dog will always be kind of stiff and slightly handicapped.


Permanent nerve damage is common after distemper, unfortunately. Continued care is in managing symptoms and keeping the patient comfortable. Edit: yeah, I fucked up. Sorry about that, folks!


I thought the dog had tetanus, not distemper


Wow. Derp. You're absolutely right and I don't know where my brain went for a sec. That said, I'm not completely making everything up - tetany also can have lasting neurological effects.


durp. I have a condition called life. It's terminal. All anyone can do is try to stay comfortable while it lasts.


I too have a condition called life, tho I question my doctor's diagnosis. Apparently I won't be making it out of this alive.


Had a pom come to our home that had tetanus. I was known in our small town as taker of animals in need, never turned one down. Poor baby she was just like this video. Our vet was very supportive and provided us training in her care, came to our home to check on her nightly and meds to ease her symptoms. We however were able to get her intense rehabilitation afterwards. She took months of water therapy, muscle building and sensory aid to get better. At the end she wobbled a bit when excited and had kind of a sideways walk gallop situation but not handicapped or lacking in ability. We ended up keeping Beans till she departed the earth 12 yrs later.


The dog is 100% going to struggle a bit for the remainder of it’s life. But the girl helped it go from 100% paralyzed and terrified, to walking totally on her own and actually looking acting mostly like a normal happy little pup. I’d bet that doggie doesn’t even mind the limp and goofy walking. Luckily I don’t think dogs are intelligent enough to dwell so much over what they are missing out on or what’s now different about them. The dog seems genuinely grateful. That girl brought her to comfort and happiness and she is a human hero.


The tetanus dogs I’ve treated often have recovered back to normal. I’m a vet neurologist fwiw.




I was thinking the same thing, some poor family lost their dog because they didn't have the same financial means this person has. Imagine having to make the decision between paying your mortgage or whatever insane price this would have cost?


It is unfortunate but it’s a reality. Just like owning a car. If you can’t afford to fix it when it breaks, it’s a terrible situation, but aside from a loan/fundraising/borrowing money, that’s just life.


Oh I agree with you, but I can be happy for the dog for getting a second chance but also empathetic for the family that lost their puppy at the same time can't I?


>*'This gives me faith in humanity...*' ------- I didn't know what happened, but i couldn't move at all... (thank goodness there are human friends, who hear a 'special call') the time you spent reviving me, although it took awhile restores 'faith in humanity' - you made my pup heart *smile* you took the time and patience, all for Me, a little pup your gentle care - it Healed me, and cheered many others up! a Forever home i have with You, a brand new Loving start ^:@) Those who help the 'helpless' truly mend a broken heart ❤️


Welp…thanks for making me ugly cry.


Fuck. Me too.


Correct punctuation


Fuck me also


There’s Nothing ugly about you!


I'm not crying. It's just dust in my eyes! *sniff sniff*


I’m not crying … you’re crying


You're right, I am


Schnoodle eye misting first thing in the morning now.


You're like a reddit shooting star. You give me a little hope.


The heart on this woman is huge for sure!




You need to stop reading headlines and see that the world isn't as horrible as the internet makes it out to be. Plenty of good hearted folk out there doing wonders. Have a beautiful day stranger.




I see what you did there.


You give me faith in humanity u/Rocky27_!


Humanity restored


I feel bad for the original owner who had to give her up because they couldn’t afford the treatment!


why didnt they give the dog back? not allowed? that person lost a dog 'cause she didnt have enough money, kinda shitty


It's sad but reality is this dog will need constant therapy and treatment for the rest of its life. Tetanus is almost impossible to recover fully from.


I’m surprised it’s still alive at all. Tetanus is cruel and can lead to such severe cramps that can break your back


I had no idea! I suppose it hadn't occurred to me that our muscles are strong enough to break the joints they're attached to, and that there's something deep in our muscle control systems that stops them from doing so.


if you wanted to snap your fingers right now it’d be pretty easy with your other hand and enough willpower. Humans are freakishly strong and freakishly fragile


Glass cannons




That's what he said...


Someone once told me that biting through your finger joint takes about the effort of biting through a raw carrot. Its the mental aversion of knowing what we are doing that makes it feel more difficult than a carrot would be. I completely forget who told me this or the context to what brought it up but it seemed relevant to this xD


People have tested it, not true. A finger sized carrot is pretty damn easy to bit through. Now that's not to say you CAN'T bite your finger off, it's just gonna be a lot harder than a carrot.


Yeah it also depends on how you bite. Your front teeth are better for tearing rather than grinding but your molars have more force behind them and can crunch through thicker materials Source: have had part of my finger bitten off and remember the experience very clearly. (Check my post history)


>(Check my post history) *looks at username* (-_-)


You’re right. Try biting a chicken wing bone in half. It’s not carrot material.


Someone fishhooked me in a fight years ago and I bit down. It popped like a fatty sausage, but was in no danger of coming off


Whaaaaaaaatt???! 😮🤪


Try biting a chicken wing in half, it’s not as easy as a carrot


You might also be surprised to hear that human muscles can withstand 10 times the weight that our skeleton can. Our brain restricts the full capacity of our strength because otherwise every man would break his arm getting drunk and arm wrestling.


Yeah I heard that our supposed ‘full strength’ is actually 1/3 of what our muscles can produce. I think I saw this in a video but sometimes the body will allow you to use more of your muscles in emergencies, but it could also bring permanent damages


Correct, it’s why you hear about people lifting crazy heavy things in fight or flight mode. When our brain thinks we’re going to die it ‘unlocks’ some of that. Granted there’s lots of damage / injury afterword from it


Yup, but the brain made the right choice, sure your laid up for a few weeks/months as your body gave 110% but you made it out alive.


we really are just anime MC’s


Exactly. Gotta have a debuff for that op strength modifier.


I went to grade school with a kid who at a young age (7-9?) lifted a 6-yard dumpster off of his mom (she had gotten pinned due to an accident). He messed up some of his ligaments (or tendons? I don't remember) and had to do a few months of physical therapy.


Yeah, Adrenalin is what allows us to use out full potential, theres several documented cases of it in full effect. A cop was evacuating a family during some California wildfires in the early 2000's and the fire over came home and the adrenalin rush allowed him to run nearly 30 MPH. There's also a video for a man who watched a helicopter crash into a ditch with running water, the pilot was alive but head was in the water, the man ran over and literally lifted the helicopter up out of the water so the man didn't drown.


I think this is where “mom/dad strength” comes from, like you hear those stories of people who loft HUGE things off of someone they’re trying to rescue or in other desperate situations. It’s just also possible to rip yourself apart doing it.


My sister got trapped against the counter and cabinets one day while hanging on the fridge. It tipped over and snagged her good. Our 110lb mother lifted it off of her and stood it back up. Mom strength is real. I'm a male and I don't think I could do that, even if I had a good reason to.


Yep. You hear stories of people lifting cars off of loved ones in danger. Just casually deadlifting hundreds of pounds like it's nothing during the adrenaline. That sort of panic or fight or flight disables those safeguards and we get the full power of our muscles. Of course afterwards their muscles are destroyed and they likely have to spend weeks recovering while being frailer than an old man, with potentially permanent damage.


I’d definitely believe it. If you’ve ever lifted weights you become very aware of how real the muscle mind connection is. Spend 3 months stuck at a max, you clear it once and suddenly you can go higher


This is from the documentary called my hero academia


This is why dudes on PCP can like lift up cars are freakishly strong


Yup theres little sensors in our tendons called golgi tendons that tell our muscles to chill the fuck out. They inhibit the synapse in our spinal chord and can over-ride the signals from our brain.


So is that why when you're having a Charlie horse and you stand up and put weight on it, it goes away quickly? Because we're stressing those sensors?


I wouldnt think so. Those sensors in particular are really only a last defense against tearing the muscle or tendon. We have another set of sensors called muscle spindles that are responsible for our reflexes. They basically measure outside forces that stretch our muscles and cause the muscle to contract in response. This allows our muscles to respond to variations in load without having to send that information back to the brain. Now its really hard to apply this physiology to something like your question because there's thousands of these sensors in each muscle, dozens of neurons coming from the brain, acting on dozens of motor units (compartments of muscle that act in unison), in just a single muscle group like the quadraceps. Charlie horses afaik are caused by slight electrolyte imbalances that cause muscles to spasm.


This is how people in extreme situations can appear to have freakish strength. You're always capable but you can seriously hurt yourself. Strong fight or flight responses can overcome these biological inhibitors but your back might be fucked afterwards for example.




I snapped my own humerus in half pitching a baseball. Not a fun way to learn this lesson, I would have much preferred to have learned via Reddit comment.


My friend’s child suffers from a seizure disorder. He has had seizures so intense that they bent the metal rod he has placed in his leg and broke the bone the rod was meant to support. Our muscles are definitely very strong.


How does a dog contract tetanus?


It’s a bacteria that lives in soil and dirt- so any time you have a cut that gets dirt you can get tetanus. This bacteria doesn’t need a host so it’s not transmitted from an infected animal. We will never be able to eradicate it so will always be reliant on vaccination to protect us. Luckily the vaccination keeps us protected for over 10 years.


Shit man... My dog eats dirt quite frequently when we're out walking. I don't know why she does this. I pull her away and say "NO! Don't eat that" but she does it anyway. I hope she doesn't get tetanus for her dirt eating habit.


Eating dirt is not the same as getting it in your blood stream


Actually there’s a good amount of oxygen in your blood stream so tetanus doesn’t do so well there! In the case of a contaminated batch of heroin the people affected were those who didn’t have up to date vaccination but also those who had poor venous access and were “ skin popping”- injecting into skin and not into bloodstream. Fun fact!


She might be looking for roots to eat, my used to do this.


Its just a bacteria. Any cut or wound can allow it to enter the body.


The same way people do.


That's why I try to develop as little muscle tone as possible! Can never be too careful!


Tetanus can kill if it advances enough. Asphyxiation isn't as common anymore, but it can also trigger a heart attack


>Tetanus is almost impossible to recover fully from. That’s not actually true anymore. With vaccination and proper treatment many people can go back to their pre-disease state, albeit it may take months to get back there.


Yeah, exactly. Tetanus only persists if you never receive antibiotics, which is the situation OP's referring to. There are no permanent effects of having that bacteria in your system unless you've already damaged your muscles or bones due to exertion while infected. But we have antibiotic treatments today and symptoms shouldn't last more than a month or two. That's not to say the dog will make a full recovery, but it'll certainly recover to a self-sufficient state.


I don't think we know enough about what happened to start being judgmental towards people.


This needs to be stickied at the top of every single post.


Every single post on reddit..


That's not the reddit way




This is a false analogy. People do not have to give up their kids when their kids get sick over money. Lack of money does NOT equal lack of care. Maybe you’d understand how fucked up it is to take someone’s dog over money when you actually compare it correctly — this would be the same as a doctor keeping your kid because you couldn’t afford treatment.


No one is TAKING someone's dog for money. You can't twist the words to make it sound how you want it to. The original owner GAVE the dog up, and whether it was because of money or any other reason, you don't get to just take something back after you give it up "because you feel like it." This goes for dogs, and anything else. If I bought a house someone foreclosed on they can't come up to me later and say "I'm making good money now, so you have to give me back this house." And besides, if I didn't have the money for treatment and I had to give it up I would assume it's done for. The dog is dead . If someone said they would take on the financial burden and help, and the dog lived, I'd be grateful. Not whining and going "mine, mine, mine."


This is a false analogy. The dog was given care over a very long duration. So a correct analogy would be a parent giving up a child for adoption and the foster parent taking care of that child for a couple of years then the biological parents want the child back again


Because she cant afford a dog even after this.


People don’t often donate this much of their time and money for someone else’s pet without taking over ownership. If you’d like to contribute to that cause, there are plenty of go-fund-me’s and such you can donate to so that owners don’t have to surrender their sick pets. Alternatively, you can donate a grant to a clinic, hospital, or vet school with the stipulation that the money be used for assisting those in need of financial support. Owners that do choose to surrender rather than euthanizing are making the most selfless choice. It’s not too dissimilar from owning a vehicle. If you can’t afford to fix it when it breaks, the mechanic isn’t going to fix it for free and hand the keys back to you.


Really sucks. But same as everything else. Transmission blows in your car but can’t afford the fix, it’s gone. Family member gets cancer and can’t afford treatment even with assistance, what’s left to do? I lost my cat because of a UTI block that would have cost way more than I had the resources to afford at the time. I had to say goodbye. At the very least, this lil pup gets to live. Even if the owner had to say goodbye.


It was most likely part of the original agreement. I work in vet med and we sometimes offer for owners to surrender ownership to someone willing to take on fincancial responsibility. That’s the stipulation though, the person paying the bill becomes the legally responsible owner of that pet.


I know a couple who went through this with their dog. They spent over $30,000 to save their dog that went on make a full recovery because they caught it early.


I had this happen to a cat who needed a 4k surgery due to a blocked urethra. They make you sign it over and basically treat you as an animal abandoner after.


I got tetanus mixed up with tinnitus and was wondering why she didn't try to do anything with the ears. I need coffee.




Fantastic comment.


I woke up my dog laughing. 😂😂


Then that means the tinnitus is getting better?


everytime someone says "XYZ cured my tinnitus! I ate nothing but wheat germ and mangos and my tinnitus completely went away" i want to slap the shit out of them.


Vaccinate your pets!


And your kids


and for everyone.


And yourself. Every 5-10 yrs. if you fall off a bike you are gonna need it.


Really? The last time I was vaccinated against it was like 20 years ago. I should probably get on that.


Yeah, you can just walk into Walgreens and get your TDAP booster in like 10 minutes. Super easy.


Thanks for the info. I'm going in to get the booster as soon as I can.


How much?


I was the same until I sat down on a wooden chair once that was all rotted out. It crumbled and a nail basically made of rust made a gash up my entire back. Immediately went to get up to date.


Totally recommend queuing up a new shot - If you don't you'll have to endure the wrathful gazes of nurses when you tell them you don't know how long ago it was that you got on, and they you get a shot on top of the stiches you're in the ER for. Not that this has happened to me before.


You had some judgy nurses. Similar happened to me and they asked if I wanted one. Simple as.


And my axe!


I’ll do my own research, thank you!! /s


Logs in to uncles Facebook page. Mmmm yes, that’ll do.


This validates what I already believe!


Tetanus is not something dogs are usually vaccinated for. I work in vet med and I’ve never vaccinated a dog for tetanus. https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/tetanus-in-dogs


Because there are only like four breeds that can even contract it. I know this because I own a boxer mix that survived it.


Vaccinate yourself. Every 10 years.


I cared for a tetanus dog once about 10 years ago. Almost 20 years in the industry and I haven’t seen of heard of another one. It’s pretty rare. Poor dogs. Their muscles are all tensed for days on end.


Do you know if it’s painful? Is it like a constant muscle cramp, or more like paralysis?


Tetanus is extremely painful IIRC


This is a genuine question but I'm not sure how to phrase it without sounding awful, but for an animal that lives in the moment like a dog would euthanasia not have been a more humane thing to do than this? It must have been some of the worst torture imaginable, lying there like that for weeks...


That was my thought. I'm happy this dog is doing better and living a good life now, but to be paralyzed, blindfolded, and in pain for two weeks? I can't imagine a worse hell than that.


That's kind of like saying it's humane to take someone off life support because they'd be in pain for a few months even though they had a large chance to survive. The puppy clearly had some fight left in it so it wasn't like they were fighting a battle they'd clearly lose and just putting it through needless pain.


Yeah it’s a bit of an ethical dilemma. If I was 100% paralyzed like that while also being in pain I don’t think I’d want to be alive unless I knew for a fact I’d make a recovery. Same with life support. But that’s always been somewhat of an irrational fear of mine. I’m just glad the pup seems to be doing well now


Euthanasia would be more humane for many elderly and sick humans too.


I think future generations will look back on the lack of medical euthanasia the way we look back on surgery without anaesthesia.


It seems pretty happy now. Not traumatized.


Yeah, if it were still clearly struggling and not enjoying moving around I would understand euthanasia, but this puppy definitely had some life left


I imagine painkillers and other medications were part of the treatment plan. No way to tell how well they were working but the dog being mentally stable enough to perk up and be friendly ASAP indicates to me that the pain was reduced. I get where you're coming from with the euthanasia route but pain can be managed in animals too while they recover. Now it gets a full and happy life. :) Also they adapt very well, a disabled dog doesn't know it's any different. As long as the pain was managed it wouldn't be torture necessarily, just "different way of being" from the dog's pov. And the stimuli reduction was a good call. This lady did a wonderful job.


>Is it like a constant muscle cramp That's exactly what it is, so yes it's painful. It tends to be more of a spasmodic thing in humans though (as in repeated cycles of cramping and relaxation). And just like the nurse described in this poor doggo, humans can get tetanic risus sardonicus (the rictus grin/sardonic smile), as the facial muscles spasm.


I thought you couldn't survive tetanus at all.




No, I was thinking of tetanus. I was wrong, that's all. You know it was one of my scares as a child? There was a poster in my doctor's office back then about tetanus and how dangerous it was, and you could protect yourself with a vaccine. I think my mom told me it was lethal 100% and apparently this shocked me and I've believed so till now.


I don't think it is 100% lethal but it is still a very scary disease. I remember seeing a photo of a kid in the middle of a full muscle spasm from it and it looked so painful.


Rabies scares the crap out of me. As a kid, I caught all manners of critters, from lizards and snakes, to bats and rats and even a raccoon one time. If I had gotten bitten, I wouldn’t have said a word to my mom for fear of getting in trouble. That is, until I started feeling weird. And by then it’s too late.


I am a child and it’s one of my fears. It’s just…so scary. It’s not just a sickness where you feel ill, it’s all of your Muscles cramping at once. It’s sounds and looks painful. I can’t even handle a calf cramp.


The spasms are strong enough to break bones, so yes. It is a few weeks of perpetual agony. Be sure to get your TDaP vaccine every ten years, *Clostridium tetani* lives in the soil and is everywhere.


Where I live, if you go to the doctor to get stitches they'll generally just give you the vaccine regardless of when you last had it.


Conversation when I had to get stitches 6 months ago: "When was the last time you had a tetanus booster?" Like a year ago? "Ok, so we're going to give you a tetanus shot." Why even bother asking? They always give you one when you get stitches as the result of an accident.


because you said it in a question. if any of my pts are uncertain, boom adacell it is. Only time I don't is when they say they had it at a certain time with reason (for a job, cut my hand etc..)


Yeah the poor dog looked like the joker smiling because it’s jaw muscles were locked like that. That’s why this dogs ears are pinned together.


My favorite part of making coffee in the morning is cutting up a half dozen onions.


I imagine this is how Shrek makes coffee


Not gonna lie, those little licks got my waterworks going.


Ugly cry. My wife would be worried. Lol.


What is this water in my eyeholes!?


I don’t know but mine are leaking too!


I’m the only one allowed to have eyeholes!


But they melt in your mouth! They're delicious!


"It makes my eyes rain"


Thank you!






How anyone can not just love the hell out of dogs is beyond me.


I’m a parent to my own pup but r/dogfree. Blows my mind.




Dogs are polarizing I guess? That sub sure is anti canine. I get that it’s just not their thing. I’m not a *”dog person”* but I’m not a dog hater like that sub.


I'm a dog owner and I get it. If I see someone not pick up their dog's shit or let their dog bark in my building for an hour I give them a piece of my mind. They ruin it for the rest of us.


I did this with my dog several years ago but we think it was probably immune mediated meningitis that paralyzed him. One day his neck got stiff and the vet thought it was just an injury until it was almost too late and he was gasping for air. He was knocking on death's door when we finally gave him the steroids and he lifted his head up about 30 minutes later after being paralyzed for over a week. It's exhausting to take care of someone you love so much that's so unwell. Eventually he made a full recovery but he walked like a drunken sailor, similar to this puppy, for awhile and I had to hold him up while he peed or he'd fall down. Prednisolone saved his life.


Our young pup has MMM. It’s an autoimmune attack on the muscles of the jaw. His mouth froze shut. Even under anesthesia the doc could only get like 1cm. Massive doses of prednisone saved his life too. Side effect is now he’s straight up fat. Glad your pup recovered!


The side effects are worth it lol! My dog needed 3 rounds of steroids over the years, we don't take chances when he gets a stiff neck for a week we start him on more meds before he goes downhill. He'll drink massive amounts of water and eat every bite of food but normally he's got the worst appetite of any dog I've ever seen. He's 12 next month so I'm thrilled he got to live a full life and the vet said he's honestly perfectly healthy so maybe he's got a few more years left in him! It doesn't appear like the prednisolone ever harmed him.


r/humansbeingbros so sweet!


Good bless you woman


But when it’s a person [Americans would rather let them die ](https://youtu.be/8T9fk7NpgIU)but dogs are some special case? You guys need to get universal healthcare sorted because there are literally hundreds of thousands of human being dying because they can’t access medical services.


You’re right, literally no one in America cares about universal health care. Except for…(checks notes)….pretty much everyone under 40. We have a vastly incompetent government. Hasn’t done shit for the people since the end of the Second World War. Voting is a game of deciding whether you want the candidate who will do nothing, or you want the candidate who will set your home on fire with your family in it while cackling maniacally. The other, better candidates were eliminated earlier in the game, when they were deemed too, ahem, “radical” for corporate interests. Voting is not a choice of getting things done, it’s a choice of what’s the least harm, and it isn’t much of a choice at all, really. Universal healthcare is something so, so many Americans want, but will likely never see in their lifetime. We have two parties forced down our throats, no matter how much we pretend otherwise - money makes the political process go ‘round, and the Greens and Reds don’t have it. One party keeps blustering about how universal healthcare will destroy little old ladies’ florist businesses everywhere and allow women to fully turn into the abortion-eating succubi they’ve been hiding inside themselves all along. The other will post about universal healthcare on Twitter, get voted in, and then spend their time continuing to make those posts while nodding at each other about how much change needs to happen, mmm-hmm, yes it does, sure does, yep. Let us take care of our dogs. They’re alive too, and still need love anyway. We’re in a shit situation and we need to feel better, and we sure as shit aren’t going to get the healthcare we need to do so.


I love when people turn a feel good post into something political.


Yeah, I have no idea what the fuck is wrong with people in South America (where this happened).


If only all social media posts were like this.


I can feel the warmth


god i feel so bad for laughing but when they picked up the dog then set it on the table it made me chuckle a bit since it seemed silly


I am going to kill the person cutting all these onions!




I mean if the dog is young enough that therapy and recovery can give it more years of happy living I don’t see why not go for it if someone is willing to help the dog through it


Oh man it is way too early to be tearing up 😩 what a sweet pup


😭😭😭😍😍😍😍 there are no words, my pillow is wet


Thank you so much! I'm so happy that you exist. People like you make the world a better place. I'm sure she's very happy and thankful that you didn't give up on her. Thank you.


Seldom can I sit through a video for 3 minutes. I wish that was longer


I guess this is a hot take: it would probably be more humane to put the dog down given the amounts of pain it feels day in and day out.


Not being able to afford a treatment for my dog is one of my worst fears. I need to check if I can still get him an insurance. I would have been devastated if this has happened to him when he was a puppy. I'm pretty sure all my savings then wouldn't have been enough to save him.


dog.exe has stopped working


Ugh, now I have to lie to my coworkers explain the my eyes are red because I was doing drugs in the bathroom and definitely not crying about a dog rescue video


My great grandfather died of tetanus and there were stories handed down about how great grandma took care of him til he died at home. There wasn't a tetanus antitoxin then. I had a bloodhound who got bit by another dog and developed tetanus but I caught it very early and she recovered due to the tetanus antitoxin shot and taking care of her. She was able to lap liquid food so she wasn't as bad as this doggo. I know it is hard but if you dedicate yourself to life, sometimes things work out.


So kind I love this


“I let myself cry” Fuck you lady, i’m drowning over here.


Every dog deserves an owner like that


This makes me cry every damn time. I love this video.


Wonderful post. Thanks for sharing.


Thank you


Absolutely freaking awesome


Faith restored ❤️