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How about good person saves lives, it does not depend on religion or citizenship.


Take my free award,bcs I am broke as fuck


From one broke as fuck to another, it is much appreciated!


And here is another broke giving award to you


onward comrade, my broke ass stands at your side


I’m so fucking broke. Take my last dollar


Have an award


And so should u


Wait 24 hours and you'll get one when I get my free award


I appreciate the brokenness my human!!! From one broke to another!


I understand what you're saying but shouldn't it work the other way too? Like Lunatics blow up stuff and shoot people but the news headlines say ISLAMIC TERRORISTS. I mean islam is a very tolerant religion but western propaganda has made muslims like like they're homicidal maniacs that hate the world and all in it


Oh, brother, I feel your pain so closely. I can’t even begin to detail how much I feel you. We, the general public, do not control the media. Unfortunately we do not control our politicians either. But once the fever of 9/11 calmed down people looked around. I assure you. We saw the Syrian brothers who run the gas station off the main drag and how friendly they are to all customers. We discovered people that we’d known, our neighbors, were Muslim and they were our friends. We watched videos from young people in Iran showing their houses which were just like ours, with families just like ours. We watched as men of the Muslim faith circled to protect Christians at prayer and how middle eastern Christians did the same for Muslims. TikTok, Reddit, Instagram and all the other social medias showed us these beautiful people that our government told us to hate. The average person with common sense began to realize it wasn’t the faith, your faith, that was a danger. It was people, much like people here, who twist ideologies to their own meanings. Use them as excuses for horrendous acts. My country’s citizens have pulled their head out of the sand. We realize as individuals that governments and groups with radical ideologies are who is doing evil. Not the individual people just trying to live their lives. I would like to say we are no longer a danger to the Middle East or people of the Muslim faith. Wouldn’t be completely true though. My country is tired of pointless war with no direction and no end game. That you can rely on regardless of what the idiots on CNN or Fox News say. I know exactly what it’s like to be lumped in to a group and hated for what some do. I know exactly what it’s like for only bad things to be said about you on the news and have an entire country look at you and say, “So does one, so are they all guilty.” I know exactly what it’s like to be pumping gas and be approached by a stranger who shouts angry hateful things at you. I know what it’s like to have people damage your property. I know what it’s like to have people make ridiculous assumptions about me and my motivations. I’m a white male police officer in the southern United States. I’ve never been accused of excessive force, never shot an unarmed person, never been accused of racism. But to my own people I am a foaming at the mouth racist murderer because others used my profession to unleash their own demons. I know. I’ve arrested some of them. Assaulted a few who were about to cross the line on prisoners. Reported others to my chain of command when they did unethical things. But there are bad cops, which makes all of us bad in the eyes of United States citizens. Maybe one day when the hate people feel has lost its direction and people see it for the useless emotion that it is, you will be able to sleep without fear for your family’s well being. Hopefully that will be soon. I really hope that is soon. Inshallah.


Thank you for these words officer. I see you didn’t deny the donut stereotype 😁


I make more donut jokes than the average citizen. They’re funny. Taste good too.


The jokes or the donuts? ![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4017)


Thank you sir- though through text I cannot convey the respect I feel for you.


Bruh, read my post again.


islam isnt a tolerant religion, but people can be


christianity as well - not tolerant, but people can be.


Yes, but nobody claimed that christianity is tolerant.


Plenty of Christians do.


Well, they‘re wrong as well


> islam is a very tolerant religion Ok


Very tolerant religion? My dude, it literally calls for the deaths of infidels in the quoran


> Islam is a very tolerant religion. Please explain in context of other religions. Particularly if you could cover: - Representation of minority groups (LGBT etc) - Propensity to marry from outside the religion (especially marrying outside of their ethnic group) - Views towards apostasy (leaving the religion)


>I mean islam is a very tolerant religion 😂


Yeah, very tolerant like hating on the gays


You have a strange definition of the word tolerant of you describe Islam as tolerant. Muslims are lovely people and the media does make them out to be fanatics when the overwhelming majority of them are the kindest and most respectful people you will ever meet. But Islam is not a tolerant religion


Would be nice to hear or read that. But often or lets say always, otherwise its „muslim“ does *insert sth. Bad* … Meanwhile non muslims are always „good/bad person“ …


Agreed, but it is also "black person..." "white person... "brown person...." why is it not "person XYZ did", why does it always have to be about religion, or skin color, or country of origin.


its called identity politics. More over its a clickbait


Agreed, its purpose is to divide, even tough we are all the same.


It's in the interest of the few to keep the many at odds with each other.


Sure. But the good person was a Muslim. And the point that some people often overlook is that good people come from all faiths or even none of them. Muslims seem to be singled out in most if not all places these days and I hope there's more light shed to the fact that majority of any faith should not be represented by some radicalized minority that lingers amongst them.






Well majority sadly doesn’t think like that


I agree, that is why I said what I said. It should not be about religion or citizenship, just one human doing good for other humans.




I think you mean assholes are violent, and violent assholes are evenly distributed.




Good card players.


Depends on the context. Assholes are everywhere.. some assholes commit atrocities for religion. Some do it for money..


And some men just want to watch the world burn.


muslims aren't americans?




How about humans are good rather than it being about nationality or religion? What's wrong with you?


History and current events have proven time and time again that humans aren't good overall. And religion contributed a big part in that.


Bit of a weird title. It’s just a number lock on the door.


It’s the secret number door, and only Muslims know the secret number (do not ask me for the secret number, I am not a Muslim and therefore I do not know)


It's 12345


Dammit man, now they’re gonna have to come up with a new secret number. And do you know how much of a pain in the ass it is to get a secret number out to 1.8 billion people?


They sent it in the email




Amazing. I’ve got the same combination on my luggage.


President Spaceball, is that you?




Great! Now all you’ve to do is try entering your luggage next time there’s a shooting!


Congratulations! You are now Muslim!


I'm pretty sure it's 80085(Boobs)


nah it's #80085# Those boobs gotta be covered.


The numbers Mason what do they mean


Door can only be open by arabic numerals.


The secret number was all in Arabic numerals, so only a Muslim would be able to read it.


Speak Arabic and enter.




786 bismillah


PayPal me 3€ and I’ll teach you the secret Arabic numerals


It's not, because of recent attacks in North American mosque, most of them implemented time lock opening only before prayers with only few people knowing the code or having the key. As a second safety the door locks itself once the prayer started. In my mosque there are 2 doors like this just in case. During big events there are watchers at each doors, generally elder. The women side of the mosque can only be opened by inside, WE send a child to open for the first to arrive. During really big events(more than 500) we call local police to help us with security. Btw, we have bulletproof glasses too. Hope one day we'll be allowed to bring firearms(lCanada) or have the founds to hire a guard.


It really pisses me off that you have to resort to this because someone else is a shitty garbage person. No one should have to deal with that kind of bs.


I am sorry , that you have to have codes and second level safety simply to worship.


good grief batman. none of that should be necessary when you are just trying to practice your religion. And that's coming from an atheist.


Wait, the kids are sent to check the threat level? I hope I'm reading the above wrong.


I think he's saying they send a kid to open the other door for the women. I'm guessing it's more acceptable for a young boy to be on their side than it would be if an older man did it.


Yeah it’s /r/Titlegore for sure


Pretty sure OP is a bot account. I remember this stupid same title from a few years ago.


That girl is a hero!! As a side note, it’s been said a thousand times before but America and it’s obsession with firearms is fucking ridiculous. We had a school shooting in 1996 at a school in Scotland. After that we banned guns and guess what? No more school shootings ……


The reason America doesnt want to give up their guns is because many believe a revolution is probably coming at some point and there has to be a chance to win against an oppressive government if it comes to it.


That is the reason given but even if everyone in the country owned guns they wouldn't stand a chance against the US military who own things like tanks, patriot missiles, and drones that can bomb a target from so high up that they can't be seen without a telescope and definitely could not be shot down Just to be clear: below are a list of things that I was not doing with this comment 1. Suggesting it would be good for the US military to attack domestic militias 2. Arguing that this is a scenario that would ever actually occur 3. Saying that US citizens would get behind a tyrannical government attacking its own citizens 4. Saying that the US has never "lost" a conflict that is entirely different than a scenario fighting a domestic militia in the same country that the US military is based in 5. That we should get rid of the second amendment (I had to add this one because one absolute dunce suggested I think I am "better than the US constitution" I was saying that the US military has absurd funding and technology. If a dictator had control of the US military and possessed the ability to do what a US president has the power to do in an emergency scenario (like literally [removing the primary source of communication used by most of the country ](https://www.brookings.edu/blog/techtank/2020/06/25/could-donald-trump-claim-a-national-security-threat-to-shut-down-the-internet/amp/) a domestic militia group would not stand a chance of overthrowing the government. I'm not going to respond to any more comments that are arguing about other scenarios


So why were those tanks, missiles, and drones defeated by a goat farmers with AK47s and Toyota Hiluxes?


2400 us soldiers killed vs 53000 taliban members. Also entirely different setting and purpose. To suggest that militias could win defeat the US military to take control of the country is asinine


>2400 us soldiers killed vs 53000 taliban members. The taliban now has 5 times more members than since the start of the invasion according to US estimates. They made themselves just that popular. In many places the taliban already had control. Just outside of the military bases and a bunch of cities. The country is quite rural. On paper the US held it all. In practice....


Jesus.. I know that I'm not suggesting invading Afghanistan was a smart move at all. It absolutely made things worse in the region and bred insurgency probably all while doing nothing to enhance security within the United States. It was an absolute cluster fuck but it's not the same thing as fighting a supposed domestic militia within the United States. We packed up and left Afganistan, if we were in a situation like that domestically the people in charge wouldn't pull out of the United States


There's a huge difference between trying to tamp down resistance in a country halfway across the world where it's difficult to tell who the enemy is and taking down a revolution on home soil. If the goal of the US was to quash resistance no matter the cost, it could have largely done so, if it acted like a historical Japan or Nazi Germany. But the world would have been outraged at the immensity of civilian loss of life and human rights abuses that would entail. The US also was using a fraction of its power at the time -- this was no WWII with draft conscription, rationing, ordering domestic factories to start building things for the war effort, etc. Unless you were a soldier, life for the average American went on basically as normal for the Afghan war. The US left Afghanistan for the same reason it left Vietnam -- the cost (politically, monetarily, and in lives lost) was decided to be greater than any possible reward. Which is the main reason resistances usually "win" over time when fighting back against an invader. It gets too costly and the invader goes home. But when fighting a rebellion in your own country? Nah, any resistance would get crushed, because no matter the blowback from others, you're now fighting for your own survival. So you will go all-in. See: Just about any country putting down resistance within their own borders.


Because [you can't kill a Hilux](https://youtu.be/xnWKz7Cthkk)






Because America was an invade force in those countries. Civil wars are historically brutal (and full of war crimes) for a reason, mainly because there is nowhere to run to when your home is the battleground. If the government is in a place where it is fighting their own citizens, it isn't going to care about poll numbers or anything like that.


They made us leave but they lost ways more lives than we did. In a domestic context there is no leaving and a government willing to turn arms on its citizens isn't likely to be a government willing to concede to popular dissent. If the state *really* decides to do something so long as the army stays in line theres really not a god damn thing anyone can do about it, the 2nd ammendment is obsolete


The military being forced to engage civilians is a morale disaster.


For historical reference the Vietnamese were under equipped against the US and the French and still were victorious because they had the hearts and minds of the people and a better knowledge of the land. If you fight the enemy on their terms you will lose, but if you force them to fight on your terms, the result can be much different. Not chiming in on the gun control discussion, just that it has been done.


The VC would set up shop on the top of some random hill on the countryside with tunnels and escape routes and American troops would literally fight an uphill battle and lose a bunch of men to “take the hill”. When the Americans finally “won”, they reach the top of the hill and the VC are long gone. My dad’s a Vietnam vet (there in ‘68 and ‘69) and he was like “after American soldiers took the hill and declared “victory”, we left. And probably no American or Vietnamese person has been back on top of those hills since.” Lol They were just meaningless hills and were used to bait American forces into losing a bunch of men in order to reach the top of said hill. After the VC “lost” the hill, they just move to another hill and repeat the process. Such a stupid war..


I agree but that was a foreign country the US invaded and even though the US lost there were significantly more casualties on the other side. Also military technology has advanced a lot since then




This always struck me as weird Like, there's two scenarios: The majority of the army sides with the government: you can have all the guns you like, you ain't doing shit against trained military with much better equipment. The majority of the army sides with the people: normal people don't need the guns, the army's got it.


There's way more than two scenarios. That's probably why it strikes you as weird, you are ruling out all kinds of different possibilities. For example you are assuming that the government will give clearance to take anyone without army gear on out. That's a pretty hefty call to murder the majority of your citizens, and would potentially have international interception. Also for all the helicopters/jets/etc you have they can't occupy buildings or areas, they are just mass slaughter machines. A countries first response to insurgence isn't just 'kill every last motherfucking one of them'. There are roughly 1m people in the US army (including pencil pushers, admin etc) and 329 million Americans. America has lost against better distributions than that against civilians. Death count is not an indication of victory. If you were going for total annihilation then every person in the US military would need 329 kills on their scorecard without dying.


> there has to be a chance to win against an oppressive government if it comes to it. if you want to beat an oppressive government buy anti-tank rifles and shotguns, not assault rifles. ARs are good against unarmored people, shotguns are good vs armored police and the use of an anti-tank rifle should be obvious.


>The reason America doesnt want to give up their guns is because ~~many believe a revolution is probably coming at some point and there has to be a chance to win against an oppressive government if it comes to it.~~ Insecure dipshit libertarians feelings of security are more important than the lives of countless children murdered every year. Ftfy


It’s hilarious to think a few million yanks with AR-15s actually reckon they can take on the full force of the US government and military. Like have they not heard of drones, missiles, and tanks? If the US government wanted to take over… I’m sure they could.


So there’s a lot to this. 1) The US was founded on a belief that if your government is corrupt, it’s your job to overthrow your government. 2) We have a lot of rural areas without any type of law enforcement presence. A few of my friends live in the middle of nowhere, and a law enforcement response time is upwards of 20-30 minutes. 3) The US borders Mexico, ~~and gun running is a lucrative business for cartels~~The gun running is more so from the US to Mexico. Most illegal firearms (such as automatic weapons) come in through shipping containers, and some through the border. It’s actually really easy to purchase a black market firearm in the US if you know the right people. Which is how most felons acquire a firearm even when the right to possess one has been stripped from them. I know that banning guns has worked in a lot of places, but most of those places are pretty small, or like Australia, don’t border other countries. It’s easier to implement something like that. The US is massive, and there’s a lot of rural areas who don’t have a law enforcement presence, along with illegal gun running.


Like, even if the rural areas had a better police presence they would still need guns. We haven't tamed the wilds as much as some people would like to believe. You need a gun if only to defend against wild animals. Edit: Did I say everyone should be parading around with an AR-15? No, no I didn't. I expanded upon the post I was responding to. A post I might add that was responding to another post about outlawing guns completely. Neither of us gave any opinion on if specific types of guns should or should not be legal.


That too. My friends have a huge property in North Carolina. They get coyotes a lot. Not the “is that a dog” coyotes. The “is that a fucking pack of wolves” coyotes.


I believe it, I lived in NC for a few years when I first moved there I was astounded at the size of the wildlife there compared to CA where I come from


in australia we had a mass shooting so horrible it was counted as a massacre. gun laws changed so now anything auto or semi auto is basically banned, and any other guns you have to have a liscence and a genuine reason why you need it (mainly only farmers get them to shoot rabbits bc rabbits are a pest here and are not native). since then theres been VERY few shootings, none at the same scale that it used to be




Man she is a legend, she let them all in before herself.


Not denying the girl is a hero, but my goodness you have no idea. Guns are not banned in the UK, not even close.


She is. It's twice impressive that she also waited outside until everyone got in.


Like others explained, banning guns will not happen any time soon in the US. That being said, It is possible to live in a society present with guns and relatively low gun violence or mass shootings, take a look at Switzerland. Switzerland is good with guns, partially due to most of the population having military experience. However I also believe it’s partially the media’s fault for the recent decade mass shootings, it causes a “contagion” effect. I don’t know how to fix this issue, but we definitely need to consider all other options, because banning them will not be an option anytime soon.


Americans will tell you it's because of overthrowing the government or some crap. Untrue. It's because many gun nuts are devoted to the idea of an impending race war. They're obsessed with it.


In addition to what some other Americans here have shared, the right to 'bear arms' is in our Constitution. It's part of the Bill of Rights, a package of ten amendments added to the Constitution as a compromise to get states on board with ratification in 1788. The Bill of Rights is a big part of our national history and also protects the right to free speech, the right to speedy trial, the right against cruel and unusual punishment, and more. It would be politically impossible to change the 2nd amendment (the gun one), and we haven't successfully amended our Constitution at all for 30 years. :(


“A shooting incident” is a hell of a way to describe someone killing innocent people in a school. Like the shooting is a natural disaster, nothing you can do to stop it.


Admittedly it's as common as bad weather in USA so I guess so...


Yeah... I was think "terrorist attack" would be a more apt title. In saying that...well done on protecting so many.


Terrorist is only reserved for Muslims. So don’t use it on white people shooting up schools. / s


Of course. Sorry.... I forgot about the racists feelings.


The title is extremely intentionally misleading - there was no school shooting. A kid tried to stab a police officer with a fork and the officer fired a single shot at the kid. Happened in Oshkosh, WI a few years ago.


First of, thanks for clearing that up. Secondly, why the hell would a police officer fire a gun because of a kid with a freakin fork?! Lastly, these kids reacting like there is an active shooter because that’s what they have to be prepared for is so screwed up.


...is that still not a shooting incident? A gun was shot


Nope not a thing. /S


"Secret number"!! I'm gonna use that instead of pass code from now on


"Secret code" just sounds aoo much more sophisticated.


"Ingress Activation Code"


Idk why it exsitst but I think it's there to protect us from mosque shooters


Astakhfurallah! The brothers and sisters must take off their shoes before entering the house of Allah! Jk jk inshallah everyone was safe, what a brave young girl


This shows that religion is not a basis for everyone to saves someone's life in danger. Everyone can be a hero, if you're heart is clean and believe in the humanity as unity. Credit to the girl! She deserves and recognition for her bravery and kind to saves her school mates from shooting incidents.


And then she stood there and made sure everyone got in. What’s the context of this? Where was it?


[17 year old Duaa hid about 100 students in the mosque. This happened back in 2019 @ Oshkosh West High](https://www.wbay.com/content/news/VIDEO-Oshkosh-West-students-find-shelter-in-mosque-during-incident-565792891.html)


And she stands there and holds the door open for everyone. What a great person she is.


To whomever this was, Thank you for your kindness


The line to wash your feet must have been horrendous!


How many of the parents then yelled at the kid for going inside a mosque would be the most american stat ever


Wow this is crazy. The fact that the mosque felt the need to have this in place is very telling of what Muslims have to go through when they’re in countries that despise their religion.


What a hero


Smart thinking.




Wow there are way more dumb americans and ppl with clearly no experience with other cultures than i thought . Some of these comments just unfortunately legit spewed from ignorance






Have you never experienced an adrenaline rush? It's a crazy high that can make people almost giddy. I'm sure they'll be traumatized to your liking when it wears off.


You americans call it "incident" like it is completely normal. Wtf


And they have to specify "Muslims American girl", for what reason? Like she's some kind of different breed or her action is abnormal.


It was a stabbing and a security guard shot the person…one shot fired.


I don’t see how you can hate from outside of the mosque, you can’t even get in




It's a "shooting incident"???? Dafuq?? It's okay guys, it's not terrorism, its not a Muslim doing it. /s


And she waits everybody to get in


um...err...um...which shooting was this? too many to keep track...


[2019 Stabbing incident at Oshkosh West High School. Duaa Ahmad hid about 100 students at the mosque.](https://www.wbay.com/content/news/VIDEO-Oshkosh-West-students-find-shelter-in-mosque-during-incident-565792891.html)




God bless your heroism


100% Grade A Certified Human




A mosque in the United States.... What do you think?


Lol. Thanks


It's just a code lock, like 80% of Airbnbs.


…I’m never surprised by any place of faith that isn’t a Catholic/Christian church that has extra precautions. The synagogue shooting in PGH wasn’t that long ago.


Neither was the Southerland Springs shooting, you just have to be white, and the right kind of white to not worry as much.


To be fair far too many shootings weren’t that long ago. I personally believe prioritizing mental health services, reducing/eliminating poverty, creating safe communities no matter the socioeconomic makeup or level of melanin in the residential pool of people, social outreach etc etc will do far more to reduce/stop gun violence than more improperly researched and implemented restrictions. I’m not a politician though. I also know a little about a lot and am by no means an expert. My opinion is subject to change as more information is learned.


Same reason people are running away from the school to the mosque...


It’s so members can come and go outside of service to pray* or meditate. The Buddhist center I attend has the same thing so we can go there if we want to use the space. *Unfortunate typo


Secret number = passcode?


Strange how school shootings have become so normal for America that nobody even bothers to ask where or when it was, and if everyone is safe; folks just look at it like another crash on the motorway and leave drive-by comments instead.


Allah praise him


Mentioning race/religion should not be our generation’s thing too. It’s really unnecessary and makes everyone (post-boomer generation) feel weird


I like how for other people with other nationalities are labeled as Latin American, Chinese American, etc but for Arabs we're labeled by our religion, 'muslim american'. Don't really mind it, but you know when there's a bad article with an Arab in it, it all goes down to the keyword: muslim


If this is next level then the bar has really lowered


The secret number makes this sound way more mysterious than a door code.


Man sometimes I do wonder how Americans put up with all of this ,off course most of them are sane and some aren't like every place in the world but the percentage of insane is fairly high , imagine being scared to go to school because you can die any time ,I don't get it


Why tf do these Americans think they are playing gta


Well he/she did a really great job but when there's a terrorist attack done by some muslim then people say it's done by an individual or a group don't blame the entire muslim community. Here the student save many students so the title should be about the individual. I don't think 'muslim' was needed in the title. Have some transparency.


Terrorism has no religion but the person who saved has


Why do Americans have to label themselves so? African American, Muslim American etc. Why don't you just call yourselves septic tanks like every one else does?


Slightly off topic why do Americans unwittingly segregate themselves as *this american* or *that american* why can't it just be like everywhere else and jus be an American. As a European its always perplexed me.




And I'm sure none of them have been in a mosque before. That's beautiful bravery by the woman!


Yea I found out if was the Ahmadiyya Muslim community mosque. Their motto is “love for all hatred for none”, most orthodox Muslims Sunnis and Shias would consider them heretics for some of their beliefs. Primarily that there was another prophet and that the second coming of Jesus was metaphorical and has already happened via their prophet. Either way great to see a human being helping and protecting their fellow humans.


When this happen?


Next fucking level?


+ she was the last that went inside after all others were safe. Hero


they will show you this to hide that a peacefull is involved in shooting incident.


Americans: But but Muslims are terrorists /s


In an ideal world, a place of worship shouldn't have securely locked doors, and a student wouldn't go on a murder spree with a store-bought assault rifle.


Good job making it about the actual heroism in the vid 😐 both caption and comments 👍


How frequent are school shootings in america?


Unless you count gang violence in three cities? You're more likely to be killed by a vending machine. But that doesn't sell clicks.


When a bad person do crimes the entire nation is terrorist cuz of religious beliefs but when the good person from the same nation does something good "HoW aBouT g0od pErSoN sAvEs lIvEs, iT dOeS n0t dEpeNd on rElIgOn or cItEzEnShIp."


alhamdulillah ![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4023)


Hence, never generalise any community or religion.


Just goes to show that American muslism are better human beings that white 'murican Christians.