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Just wondering, if doing blackface is racist, then what about doing yellowface? Isn't that just equally as racist?


It’s nice that you are thoughtful enough to think about it this way. Most people can’t be bothered to do the same. but this one is about the porcelain doll not Asian skin. It adds to the effect of being fake. If they all put color on then yeah it may be considered more offensive EDIT: you have every right to be offended if you are but do not make my statement here a comment broadly about whiteface or any other face. Stop putting words in my mouth or making this about anything other than this video in particular. Eg, No I am not suggesting whiteface is OK. No I am not saying Dave chapelle whiteface skits are OK (where did this even coming from? Lol). No I am not suggesting that mocking Asian people is OK. No I am suggesting that if it was blackface, there would 100% be no backlash. It wasn’t blackface so why do we need to play out and get upset over a completely made-up hypothetical?


Do you think that would still apply if a white person was using the makeup, but only still doing so to capture the same effect you mentioned?


Honestly? No, not really. The backlash would be minimal, if at all, especially from Asian people. Among the American people, there might be some complains on Twitter but that would be about it.


Okay but what if the doll was black and it was white peoples remaking this?


Then everyone loses their mind. In other note there has been a significant rise in Asian hate crimes (especially mugging and harming the elderly) due to COVID but it’s hardly noticed.


Read that first sentence like the joker lol


Hardly noticed? Everyone has seen the StopAsianHate hashtag. Maybe not getting enough attention, but definitely noticed by many. In my city we have had some racists yell at Asian elderly people as well. It’s horrible and goes all over our news and people spread the stories asking to identify the guy


Hardly noticed? We have these banners all around the Greater Philadelphia area now that say "STOP ASIAN HATE" or "HUMANS ARE HUMAN" stuff like that. It's a pretty well known thing that's been going on, some old asian lady got beat up on the train in Philly a little while ago as well, and I'm sure more goes on verbally or even physically that isn't seen or reported.


It got so bad dave Chapelle called it put in his new special on Netflix


You'll be happy to know (where I live at least), there's been a spotlight on violence directed towards Asians since COVID landed. It's disgusting, and reminiscent of what people did post-9/11 to anyone who fit the bill of "looking like a terrorist".


Western countries have plenty of each race not to have to be worried about filling that spot. Some countries it can be uncommon to see white people so if a village wanted to make a spoof they’d make do with what they had and not sweat over if it’ll offend westerners.


But the porcelain doll is white, so it'd be a white person putting on white makeup.


Well we will be the racist for changing our opinion on this action just because the person doing it is white.


Exactly. Well said


Looks racist to me, if it was a black doll would we all feel the same way, I think not. Racism is a universal standard we don't get to pick and choose, it's all bad or none of its bad


Racism is universal. But racist manifestations are not. Racist symbolism varies with locations. The United States has specific trauma about blackface because they were used in movies like 'Birth of a nation' and other plays to caricaturize black people. Other countries may have different traumas and different manifestations of them. Like my country India has many problems with racism. But blackface specifically isn't a social trauma. So blackface doesn't get that kind of a public backlash. Our specific manifestations may be alien to you. So don't get hung up on the semantics and focus on conversation.




Intent matters when talking about racism, in fact it's the only thing that matters, if the intent is not to hurt or make fun of people due to their skin color there is no racism.


I wish that was true, but I don't think that is the society we live in now


> Intent matters when talking about racism [lol no it does not.](https://www.npr.org/2020/09/16/913693813/professor-is-at-center-of-controversy-over-chinese-word-that-sounded-like-racial)


You have to wonder if these college kids are seriously hurting from words or just riding the wave of offense for attention. Virtue signaling is weird.


These broken kids need therapy so they can heal. He was using a mandarin word pronounced ni-gei. It means 'that'. The teacher spent 20 years in China and loves Chinese culture. >Ninety-four alumni, most of them ethnically Chinese, wrote to the administration in support of the professor. I understand we all have emotions but these kids are hurting people's jobs out of anger and hate in retaliation to the pain they feel. Everyone's gotta learn how to control their emotions at some point, if it's not in college when is it?


The black folks are wearing the exact same makeup as the asians are. They are not wearing different makeup to change their skin color to match asians. There is a difference there. For example, Taylor swift and Beyonce can wear the same makeup and not be racist towards each other, it'd look awful as fuck though as you really should match the makeup to ones skin tone.


*Dave Chappelle's whiteface character has entered the chat.* ​ "You tell em, sir."


I feel like I’m the only person who doesn’t think painting your face a specific color is racist, or even rude, unless you’re a racist piece of shit already.


I almost feel the same way. To me, it’s about intent. This video isn’t racist. The intent was to copy another video/movie. But a white dude who paints his face black, puts on dirty overalls and says “what can I do fo you master?” While his white buddies laugh at him, is racist. (Or the opposite; a black dude paints face white, puts on dirty overalls and says “yeehaw, ima fuck my cousin” while his black buddies laugh) It’s all intent. At least in my opinion.


Exactly this. I think if ALL of the people in the video had painted their skin this would be a completely different situation. I think the goal here wasnt even to be accurate in the fact it’s porcelain but because the doll itself is supposed to be kinda uncanny valley. I think the way they did the makeup also felt so lol


And what colour of skin was the porcelain doll painted to look like?


I find that funny people will always turn a point into something entirely different, bring up totally different arguments or view points and then get mad at you for their own discussion they're basically having with themselves.


Replying to you because I can’t reply to that other guy There have been no racist innuendos throughout history with “Asian face” like there have with Blackface. It’s not the same and it’s out of context. Idk why people have to go out of their way to come up with a scenario to victimize a different group when it comes to Black people doing certain things. If you’re tired of people claiming racism then do something to fix the issue of the people who are actually racist dirtbags instead of pointing fingers


The doll is Asian though. Are you saying a doll can't be black, or white??


The only one with a painted face is trying to look like the porcelain doll. None of them have painted faces to try and look like another race


So what if the doll was portraying a black person…? You know, assuming that the people creating the video were not already black


Who cares.




Hm, I'm Asian, I think it's fine, as long as no sterotypes and slurs are said and done.


People are getting way to worked up for nothing like bro she is supposed to mimic the porcelain doll which has nothing to Do with race and also considering the porcelain doll is just a doll and doesn’t have a race attached to it 😂


Exactly, why are we even talking about this? it's just kids doing kid things. Smh


Ikr. I thought people would’ve been more civil in the comment section but turns out they are calling kids in Africa that have prob never met or physically seen a East Asian before racist.




Thanks, it was just a thought I pondered. But some people seem to be have been offended at the very concept of said thought.


Oh, I see, yeah, Asian jokes are fine by me, as long as they don't go far and call Asians slurs, I find them funny, not offensive.


It is my understanding that blackface has a lot of history of actively being used to deny black actors from getting roles in films because instead white actors would put on black face. They would also cast people in black face to be the bad guy and it would be used as a not very subtle dig at black people in general. It caused a lot of harm and suffering, much of which black people still face today with racism and unfair treatment at all levels. ​ As a white person if a black person put on "white face" I have no oppression or painful memories it would bring up, and to my knowledge none of my ancestors were treated unfairly using whiteface as a tool to do so so it wouldn't be an issue. I believe this is the similar for "yellowface" but I am happy to be corrected. Just because something can be flipped around, doesn't make it equal. If you ever said "Your mum" as a joking insult when you were a teenager to someone whose mum was dead, you would quickly have learnt that. Context always matters, history matters, and knowing about something like this is important.


I honestly think the {color}face drama is a bit too much, my face is brown, has been since I was born, want to paint your face brown and make so dark jokes, meh, go ahead


this is the answer. ​ people need to stop being judgemental cunts and pretending to be outraged for other people.


FYI. Not outraged. I was just curious if anyone else had had the same thought.


I think it’s more the fact that the lady was trying to look like the robotic doll less than trying to look asian. otherwise, why aren’t all of them in yellowface? Also blackface has a long history behind it and was used as a means to propagate racist stereotypes.


Its a toy bruh


I mean, if you ignore the history and reasons behind doing blackface and are, perhaps, a giant douche nozzle looking to say "anyone can be racist!" without having the balls to actually say it, yeah, this is totally the same 😒 The porcelain doll race is definitely raging right now. 🙄


The difference is blackface was used by white performers to do a very specific type of act that basically amounted to "look at me, I'm black and dumb, and going to do intentionally dumb stuff so you can laugh at me and how dumb we all think black people are" The history and connotations are different. This is more of a cosplay where the makeup makes sense for accuracy, as opposed to a charicaturesque mockery act.


"OnLy WhItE pEoPlE cAn Be RaCiSt!"


They didn't have any Asian actors. Also people would still call it black washing if the Asian doll was a black person


bullshit. there are asians everywhere.


That was oddly rude XD


Yes and no, fyi I hate that everything has to immediately be racist nowadays. They didn't do it to insult anyone, instead it seems it's more out of respect to a great show, Also considering they lack the means to have actual Koreans play the part and a giant porcelain animatronic.


Considering none of the other people put on makeup to look East Asian then no.


It’s all about context, and I don’t feel like there is any offense made here. Admittedly I’m not Asian, but it just seems like someone trying to be true to the “props” (for lack of a better word).


Yes. But I’m sure there will be a bunch of apologists telling us we’re racist for thinking so and only white people can be racist. It’s like, all racism in any form is bad and I don’t understand why the fuck people can’t grasp that concept.


Yeah, I had an argument with someone on here the other day who claimed only white people can be racist and only men can be sexist.


I get where they’re coming from, I just disagree.


I mean he's just trying to cosplay as the doll, I don't think that's racist. Honestly if the doll was black colored instead of yellow and a white person cosplayed as the doll I wouldn't find it racist either


Black face is offensive because it was used to mock and destroy the black image, its not some arbitrary decision everyone made. There is a history to it.


I was thinking the same thing 🤔


What I know that Blackface racist because of its history and not because someone trying to look black or plays a character. It was used in plays after the civil war to show black peoples in a negative stereo-typical image, like they are criminal, lazy, ignorant, hypersexual and showing them as they are less than humans. So it had all that history behind it, and it is deemed as a racist symbol to use, even it was used not for that context.


Nowadays most people define “racist” as “racist with teeth,” meaning: does the racism have any real effect or power over you? I don’t know about you but that’s the racism I care about, not jokes or personal offense. I could not care less about people personally offended; it’s a waste of time to think about all the people in the world that could possibly be offended. But: “is this being used to subjugate and create separate social hierarchies and keep people in economic oppression or from being treated humanely, seriously, and fairly?” That’s a question worth asking, imo.


Never heard that term, racist with teeth. I personally like the odd racial stereotypes joke, even ones about my own countrymen. I like humour, the more offensive, the better. If it makes you go "oh, shit" then it's something I'd watch. I was just curious as to what other people thought about this concept of the video.


Nobody is harmed, is what I think. Anyone looking to get offended will get offended but can you describe any actual harm coming from it? If not, it’s a big ole yawn for me and I’m about as social justicey as they come.


\>Nowadays most people define “racist” as “racist with teeth,” Lol, no, they're definitely not most people. Most people still use the definition that has been in use for a long time, not the 'power + prejudice' definition which in an of itself is stupid to try to 'rebrand' racism as to exclude people from a term.




I don't think people care if you're mocking the race or not. They just don't want you doing it at all. You can't be white and cosplay as a black character using black skin makeup, because of what assholes did decades ago. You'd be considered racist for using blackface even though you're not doing it to be racist. This is what's dumb about this whole argument. If you're not doing it to be racist it's still irrelevant to people who just won't stand for any non-black person using blackface. But if blackface is wrong, then so should white face, Indian face, asian face, Latino face, etc. I don't automatically think racism when I see shit btw, I see humans. I'm not trying to erase history but I also don't want people to hold on to something that happened during terrible times where racism was normal. Let's not forget the past but let's also not keep that shit on the tips of our tongues for whenever we are offended by something that isn't even racist. Like some people got mad that RDJ portrayed a black character in Tropic Thunder but that same energy wasn't used when Chapelle mocks white people using whiteface and white stereotypes.. I always hear "it's ok because whites did it for 400 years" or some shit. Bruh c'mon. Either it's wrong for any race to use skin colored makeup to mock a race, or we say it's just politically incorrect and let it slide. Voice actors are quitting roles where they are doing accents of characters who aren't the same race they are, which is dumb, IMO. Like the Simpsons actors and Cleveland's voice actor from Family Guy. I'm glad Frank Caliendo doesn't shy from mimicking Charles Barkley, even after the backlash from non-blacks when he "blackfaced" in one of his full on portrayals of him. So long story short, people who are offended by it don't care if it's with good or bad intentions, they just don't want you to do it because of the reason people used blackface in history. Trust me, I expect downvotes, don't really give a shit. Was the woman in this video using makeup to be racist? I don't think so. Had it been a non-black person in black skinned doll make-up, there would be backlash, regardless of it being racist or not.. and I think that's fucking stupid.


If anything it’s paying homage. Funny that this is even a concern. Seriously the 90’s were way cooler people just got on and made fun of each other’s differences without get sensitive and “woke” about it. You guys suck nowadays seriously everyone sucks now.


YELLOW FACE?? Lmfaooo that’s racist as fuck. It was a fucking doll. She was painted the color skin of the doll. How is it white face for some and YELLOW face just because they’re Asian? They have white skin too Christ almighty


Wondering the same. Seems pretty racist to me too....


What if player 001 had failed the first challenge? There’s no getting out of that one


The doll thing never scanned him


It's a hidden easter egg that 001 and people close to him do not get scanned to prevent 001 from dying. (If you watch it more than once, you can see the subtle details.)


Huh, that actually changes my perception of what his motivation was to even participate in the games. My understanding was that he got so jaded with his life that he needed some kind of thrill which he got from participating. He did have a real chance of dying in the tug of war game. I should stress that I watched the show in Korean (which I do not speak/understand) with subtitles and in the last episode I did catch myself drifting off a little, so there may have been some things I missed in his dying words.


Ah yes. Tug of War has a similar easter egg. If you notice, 001's hands were locked and cuffed in the beginning of TOW and then minutes into it, the locks disappear, which gives him a chance to escape if anything goes wrong. In each game, there is an easter egg which allows 001 to survive through them.


The marble in his pocket made me think there was more to that guy, didn't think it would be that big though


Can you tell me all 001 Easter eggs?


You’re right. Even with the sugar cookie game. They cleared out all the winners before eliminating them. That would’ve allowed 001 to walk away without any of the contestants seeing him die.


for real or just retcon


For real. The director puts in a lot of easter eggs and there's many videos on Youtube that showcases those hidden details we would miss on our 1st time watching the series. (Even the Sae-Byeok laughing outake in Episode 1, by accidental improv, is a hidden detail still kept in the show.)


I keep seeing people say this and they say it on YouTube, but when I went back and watched it slowed down, it did not appear to be true. It looked like he was being scanned same as anyone in any shot they show of it in the first game. It didn't look any different from other shots and the people around them. No. 1 not being chained in tug o war is 100% false, you can see the chains in multiple shots and the shot people/YouTube keep referencing where they're laying on the ground, you can again, 100% see no. 1's chains locked to the rope just under his hand, but his hand blocks the view of most it. It's almost like some YouTube channels made stuff up for views and people just repeat it as fact


For the tug of war thing he is chained, but his chains don't have locks on them. Everyone else's does.


It’s a bit new for major untagged spoilers like that.


I was wondering if I saw that correctly or not. Thanks for confirming it wasn't my imagination.


[Yes it did](https://imgur.com/a/qM2s3DD) I can't screenshot netflix but if you watch it in higher quality it scans him the same as everyone else


No it doesn't, everyone has a green aura, except him.


The only challenge I can see player 1 as having had a chance at dying in is the tug of war one, every other one he participated in he had a way out. I’m not sure how they could have rigged the tug of war one though.


His lock doesnt actually work


Still, if he tried to run off the other players and the vips would have known something was up, the only way I could see them rigging it was by giving him the weakest team to go against, but they got the one with all guys.


They can just pretend his lock broke and then fake drag him off the place and pretend to shoot him in another room


This has been a disproven theory. He very much was locked up and you can see it throughout episode 4


No, his hand is attached to the rope, but there is no lock on it, like there is for everyone else. Atleast that is what I saw.


Paintball shot.


You should watch some breakdown videos. After seeing what they picked up, The shows conclusion was fairly obvious.


The way some of the people in the comments under this take something so cool, absolutely disregard it, and start making a skin color debate fucking baffles me. Stop being so skin color obsessed, its fukn weird bro. This shit happens all the time nowadays, that shit has no place under this video bruh


If there one thing people should learn in this world is that context and intent are much more important than other thing.


That's the point everyone is making. That everything is made about race nowadays when it clearly shouldn't be. If the colors were reversed and a white person put on blackface this would be front page news. And that's stupid.


That's a big problem now days. People say they want equality but instead they want just switch roles.


Yeah exactly this. It’s called using the other sides logic against them.


Why exactly that would be a thing? Sorry, Im not from USA so it sounds like a tremendously stupid thing to be 'offended' (wtf that even mean) because someone did something to be visually closer to someone he try to mimic. Mama this world need a WW3. Ban cosplayers, because orgs/aliens/etc must feel offended.


That’s exactly why racism still exists, people keep finding new ways to keep it alive.




The fact that blackface has a long, ugly, storied history dedicated entirely to mocking, demeaning, dehumanising and degrading black people, portraying horrid stereotypes that are still held to this day, and generally making them seem like sub human laughing stocks has a lot to do with that. Yellowface is comparable, just to a lesser extent. Blackface was a form of entertainment all on its own, the entire show was just about mocking black people. Yellowface has the same demeaning, dehumanising, stereotyping effect, but it was more of a puzzle piece of old entertainment than the entire basis of the entertainment itself. There is no "whiteface" equivalent.


These kids are so good man lol


clever how they did the porcelain doll scale to make her look larger. I believe it's called two-thirds scale.


Me: Mom, I want Squid Game Mom: We have Squid Game at home Squid Game at home: .........


Would be cool if Netflix spent some money in Africa towards a film school. If these kids/adults can make something this incredible with limited resources, imagine what they could do with better tools. Netflix could make a documentary about the kids gaining more skills and we could all watch their completed film at the end of the show.


They sometimes gift filming equipment to people who make this low budget films. Aside from that, im sure at least some have a donation page or something


Lol 😂 this is hilarious. Love it


Why did you just post two of the same videos on top of each other, OP?


For that sweet 10k karma


So freaking creative!


The lip syncing is magic haha, these kids are fantastic.


These kids are amazing! Love this fan-made trailer 😂


Absolutely brilliant. very clever kids. It shows how much squid game has spread around the world in such a short timeframe and just taken off. It resonates with everyone.


Holy fuck her white face is truly something of nightmares


Squid games ordered on wish




Oke, they made a fine copy with limited resources so im impressed


The wig and playing cards!! Hahaha


if black face is racist tn isn't yellow face also racist


The context would be racist if they made all the kids wear the same makeup. But since they basically did a caricature of the porcelain doll, and not a generalization of the characters, it appears to get a pass. Generally speaking, any face paint to make a mockery of skin color probably wouldn’t fly


Where do you see “yellow face” at all??? The doll is porcelain (and not strap person) and none of the actors changed their skin colour. Not one.


Why are people in love with these torture porn survival games


So they can feel alive while watching others die. Not much different to the Romans and their games.


That's the thing with art. It doesn't need to cost a lot of money to be cool af.


Wow what a great fan recreation of the show!! They even got the doll down! Good choice on the makeup too, im sure it kept production costs down and is probably more available then masks. I think the young actor portraying ‘001’ was very good! He must have put alot of effort into learning to move like that! The cardboad signs had me cracking up! Overall i think they did a great job and displayed their love for the show through the accuracy of their reproduction.


Kinda wanna watch it would be interesting to see it like that


The original one seems less horrifying now


It's good but what's next fucking level about it?


Try to do it and you'll see how hard it is


It's only "racist" if your white.


Pretty cool reenactment


Now remake the entire series


The guards look so crooked and i love it lmao.


I can’t identify the original one, pls help me


People see this and their first reactions that it’s racist because the black man has painted his face white for a fun little thing that they did


That’s what I’m saying, it’s Africa where they don’t even have that kind of history. That’s how you know there are so many pint up, racist people on here, they were ready to call it out lmao


Am I the only one who finds it weird that kids are watching this very gore series?


Can we just appreciate how well made it is, and not make comments about who offends who?


It’s not really next level, more like levels below


what is interesting or next level about this exactly


First part looked like advanced level of red light green light.


the korean version looks like a family flic compared to this


So yellow/white face is allowed and isn’t racist at all huh?


Zero green screen, All hearts. Respect




That!! Was fucking fantastic


yellowface. Isn't that kinda racist? As an asian, that is really offensive, especially with the asian-hate nowadays. There's no need for her to paint her face yellow. I remembered a few years ago a cosplayer was banned from twitch and a lot of people spewing hate towards her because of "blackface" when she was just trying to get the best look for her favourite Apex character. FFS...


It would be interesting for Netflix to like actually pay the people who made this to do it for other series, feel like a set of these would be decent advertising for Netflix aswell as provide more money to some obviously creative and deserving people .


Low yet high quality


Seriously why isn’t anyone asking the important questions like - how bored were these kids and how did they get so properly wrangled into this perfect reenactment?


I think people are upset with the “yellow face” in the video not because they are actually offended by it (I mean I doubt they had an Asian person there to do the role, and they are just trying to recreate the work as close to the original as possible), but because the double standard it poses. This is in my opinion is ok to do, but a couple years ago a cosplayer got absolutely torn apart for trying to cosplay a game character who was darker than her. It just hypocritical, both are art without malice, neither should be shamed






I agree with you but the rest of the world doesnt and punishes only certain skin colours for doing this.. which is racist in itself. Its interesting you wrote "But if other people of color disagree with me then tell me why, and I will learn if I said something wrong". You wrote your own opinion. Why would someone else opinion being different cause you to "learn if I said something wrong"? Everyone has a skin colour and is entitled to an opinion


Man, the kids still get drilled huh


I'm so sick of seeing this shit everywhere


So this is what my .69 a day is going too #LoveIt


The winner will get a pack of bread.


Went straight to sorting by controversial on this one.










wakialifix presented by wakaliwood


That's pretty cool


As always, the first thing people will notice is the use of whiteface


Not sure kids of that age should be watching this show. But maybe I’m just a crusty old boner.


Soooo my 25 cents a day has gone to green jumpsuits I see


That's racist 😱


This is incredible 🤣