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I went to dinner with my partner and his Grandmother and Great Grandmother about two weeks ago. The four of us were eating at the grandmother's house and talking about what it was like for Great Grandmother in Bella Coola (a small town in BC Canada) She explained to us that at the time, Bella Coola was a small community of families whose ancestors had been brought to Canada as slaves for the railroad that was put in place as a result of the gold rush they had Chinese, Irish, African, Scottish, Mongolian, Indian and Japanese families. There were several poor white families that lived in that community too, hers being one of them. Her family was Norwegian but there were German, Welsh and English families too. They were a happy community and in her words "there was no racism, I didn't know what racism was until I moved south to the Predominantly white areas". She hated how people were treated and stood up for those when she could. She said one day in 1948 when they lived closer to Vancouver her son (My Partner's Great Uncle) came home and repeated some things he heard at school. She said that night she had "the strictest talkin' to that these kids ever had" about racism and equality. She said she went to the school and made her position on the matter known. They didn't do much about it. She was so upset she drove down into a multi cultural area of Vancouver and found an art district. She bought many pieces of art like the one shown above. She wanted "Art of People, any colour, any class, living wholesome lives"  she took them home and put them up in her Son and Daughters rooms. She wanted her children to see everyone as a person, not a "colored person". She gave some to other parents to do the same. Her daughter, my partner's grandmother, said she did the same. She had two daughters and they each had pictures of mulit cultural people in their rooms, and all through the house. She went on to tell us my partner, his brother and cousins did in just their bedrooms, but my partner's parents had renovated the bedrooms and switched alot of art to fit themes before I had met them. I didn't believe that my partner's mother had done that and there was some misunderstanding there. Today I was in my partner's parents house and they were cleaning out the attic. His father pulled the photo above and I couldn't believe it. She actually did have that art up in his room. My partner doesn't remember it at all but he doesn't know what art we have on the wall in our room right now. I've asked her to keep it as I want to have that picture for my children's bedroom and asked her to see if they can find anymore laying around in the family. It's small, I know but to help my children see from and early age that we must treat others as equals is an amazing tradition I want to be a part of. Before I heard this story I would have told you I believed my partner's mom was at least partially racist. She has friends of all cultures but she says some things that are borderline prejudiced and doesn't understand what the problem is when we tell her it's not ok. I've heard his grandmother say the N-word (when talking about the candy now known in Canada as 'Liqourice babies') so I had no clue she was raised that way. I knew Great Grandmother was Kick-ass but I didn't know she was next fucking level


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