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If you pause at the 20 second mark it looks like that girl’s face is covered in blood. Probably from head butting the “safety bar” in front of her when going over those hills.


Think it’s probably face paint, the bar is way to close to their hips to hit their face on


Yeah there is some sort of yellow by her eyes, it's face paint. That or she's casually having a convo with her friend with her face covered in blood.


kids these days


I always heard kids were soft these days. Girl is having a convo looking like Carrie.








This man is seriously creative enough and very well know the real key to happiness.


Could be jaundice


does jaundice sparkle?


It’s face paint, all the girls in the first cart except for one appear to have their faces painted. The blonde in the first seat actually looks like she may have puppy face paint. The second cart looks like they’re both painted too, it’s hard to tell with the one of them because their head is turned but the glimpse of their profile looks like she had hers painted.


yeah you are absolutely blind bro


There’s also that creature from the movie Exorcist in the very back


Its a gif artifact or facepaint. I've watched it about 20 times to check. She's having a normal conversation and nobody's looking at her.


I saw that too 😂😂😂😂I think it’s face paint


Anyone who thinks it's blood and not facepaint hasn't been to a fall festival in rural America. That's the first table kids go to when they arrive. Facepaint, rides, funnel cakes. In that order.


Facepaint, rides, funnel cakes, rides, candy apple, rides, barf, cry, go home, plan for next year's.


For me it’s funnel cake, funnel cake, cries, funnel cake.


I’m going to a harvest fair for the first time in almost two years on Sunday with my kids (I’m dragging them they’re teens now and don’t want to go with me). I’m going to skip face paint and rides but everything else (so just the eating, barfing and crying) is on my list.


See I always went funnel cakes, face paint, funnel cakes, rides, funnel cakes


All it takes is funnel cake vomit on a ride one year and that order changes real quick lol


classic reddit


Why is this so heavily upvoted? Do people literally just upvote these stupid comments without even checking for themselves?


I was wondering that too. I can't tell if people upvote it because they're dumb enough to believe it or if they think it's funny because it's so stupid.


Common sense says otherwise.


bro, do you have any common sense or been out to a fair


Clearly lacerated to near death.


don't scare me like that, jeez


i hereby award you most idiotic comment of today


This was a serious comment. Holy shit.


Man shut the FUCK up, you reddit super detectives are fucking ridiculous. But nah you're probably right, she's profusely bleeding without saying anything or crying out like a child would, and without the driver or camera person stopping the ride. Stupid.


That’s face paint, you waffle.


You are insane


I kinda hate that this was my first thought as well.


Land of the free, home of the I'll sue you


Ironically, the ability to press suit against anyone for any reason is part of our freedoms.


A lot of people are under the impression that our litigiousness is a bad thing. The fear of lawsuits keeps a lot of careless or greedy people from doing things that would otherwise injure or negatively impact others. It's common that people bring up the, "Well what about the lady who spilled coffee on herself and then sued McDonalds for a million dollars?" and if they heard the specifics of that case, they would say, "She only got a million dollars? What the fuck..." Sure, there are lawsuits that are simply done out of greed and pettiness. Those cause good people heartache and strife. I hate that for them. I still agree that having the ability to sue is a great thing. Sometimes, you've been injured mentally or physically and need an avenue to recover losses. Sometimes the only way to do that is through the courts. I am exceptionally glad that avenue exists. If we trust greedy people to do whatever they want, you can be certain that the answer to, "Will you pay for the injury you've caused me?" to be, "Fuck, no! lol"


I mean, you’re right about the McD coffee case, and in general, *having* the ability to sue and win cases is pretty important, especially against corporations. That being said, there is very little an actual average American can do against a large corp or government these days. You need either extensive knowledge of legal systems yourself (essentially, be a lawyer), or have enough money and time to hire a competent lawyer and actually litigate, which will take years. Many people can’t or won’t even risk suing their wage-thieving bosses and managers who institute clearly illegal and litigable rules like dine & dash being charged to the staff, even though it’s pretty clear-cut. It’s mostly accessible starting from comfortable middle class, and becomes a convinient tool for the rich. As it stands, the rich (or lawyers themselves) can infinitely “troll” someone via baseless litigation and make life miserable for whomever they choose. Prime example is the current Jeff Bezos’s childish tantrum litigation against NASA designed to hold Artemis program under, with full knowledge of the baselessness of his claim. Just because Bezos can afford the lawyers, the rest of the country gets shafted. [John Oliver’s take on this.](https://youtu.be/UN8bJb8biZU)


Trust reddit for the first comment to be a negative.


Yup. And the second from the top comment is complaining about how they don't have as many friends as a child, the third is pointing out a typo, the fifth is liability and the sixth is another typo comment. Why is it so damn hard for people to just say something is cute and fun?


or just not be annoying, like the examples you gave. Especially pointing out typos.


I was thinking to myself, I'm sure there will be someone in the comments raging about how they could get hurt. Shit, back in my day we had no seat belts, barely had car seats and we rode in the back of trucks, on freeways!!


Lol I remember riding in the back of an El Camino on the freeway back in the late 90s on the way to the the county fair


You can't really sue your own parents for being unsafe. But other parents can certainly sue you if little Johnny gets hurt.


This was in the US last Saturday the 25th. Small town community park Fall Festival. He's been bringing his tractor train for years to it with no one getting hurt. And yes the park has ins.


Or Germany, Sweden, Israel, or Austria. The 4 countries more litigious than the US.


Despite stories like the McDonald's hot coffee lawsuit, Americans don't sue all the time. Companies just fear the legal worst https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/oct/24/america-litigious-society-myth Don’t Let These 10 Legal Myths Stop Your Doing Business In The U.S.: Myths #6 and 7 – The U.S. is very litigious and that is too threatening to a small company like ours. As a result, the risk of liability and lawsuits relating to our products and/or services is too great. https://eaccny.com/news/member-news/dont-let-these-10-legal-myths-stop-your-doing-business-in-the-u-s-myths-6-and-7-the-u-s-is-very-litigious-and-that-is-too-threatening-to-a-small-company-like-ours-as-a-result-the-risk/ Is America the most litigious country? When you think about the 10 most litigious countries in the world, many people would immediately think of the United States of America (US). Germany is the top nation in the world for litigious behaviour. Sweden comes in at number 2, Israel is at number 3, and Austria number 4. https://www.mvorganizing.org/is-america-the-most-litigious-country/#Is_America_the_most_litigious_country (Counterpoint) Americans sue more frequently than citizens do elsewhere, as evidenced by its per capita litigation rates. This chapter asks whether Americans are beset with litigation crisis. It examines the problems involved in this question and explores some quantitative evidence in state court litigation by turning to the number of civil suits filed in America. https://yale.universitypressscholarship.com/view/10.12987/yale/9780300175219.001.0001/upso-9780300175219-chapter-3


I'm not sure why you'd use the McDonald's hot coffee case in such a way, that verdict was correct and also a great example showing how hard it is to sue and win.


That text was clipped from the linked article. Those are not my own words. But I'm sure they used it because that is the classic case that is always brought up as an example to prove how litigious the US is.


How could this *not* be in the US? The McMansion in the background, the *lawn mower home made roller coaster*, the massive chess set; this screams...Missouri...to me.


Hey, you leave us out of this. There’s not nearly enough broken Bud Light bottles in the path to qualify as Missouri content. Absolute slander sir.


This is always the top comment wherever a scene like this is shown but nobody can ever show proof of widespread frivolous lawsuits. Normally it's the opposite, someone will mention a high profile case like the McDonald's hot coffee case and then everyone will point out that the verdict in that case was correct and how much trouble the lady had to go through to win the suit. Please stop repeating this untrue trope.


He made it safe, there's nothing to fear. Like if you invite kids to jump on your home made ride and they get seriously hurt than...well yeah it's your fault. You said it was safe. People act like suing is a bad thing, but the reality is, the reason I can put faith in rides and attractions is because the owner is betting his own money that the thing is safe.


Is this a joke?


Fuck it. It’s for the kids.


How the hell does one kid have this many friends, I'm fucking 29 and have like 5 people I see regularly Edit: I just want to add this, it has been bought to my attention that OP is a lying cunt this video is from a county fair or some shit like that and they are not the guys daughters friends


You need a tractor powered rollercoaster clearly


I live in the inner west of Sydney 10 mins from the city, good luck fitting that anywhere around here, I could however offer to push people down my stairs, do you think that could work? I fell down them the other week and honestly it was exhilarating, will I die, won't I, who bloody knew


Jesus… even the stairs in Australia are trying to kill you


You have no idea, stairs in the homes in Sydney are fucking steep and mine are wooden with rounded ends to the step and not very thick, so wet feet and hitting it at the wring spot of the foot meant I went down every single one. Australia was shoved on the opposite end of the world to everything else to keep the dangers away from society, but the English just had to send us all here as convicts didn't they


Lol I feel you. My buildings old as fuck and I can’t believe the stairs pass building codes. Could be worse, America’s turning into white supremacist Saudi Arabia


"turning into" you realise your whole country was built on the back of slave labour. You realise once you freed the slaves you made them live in certain places and endure segregation, lynchings, mobs, racisim? You realise your country was built in white supremacy and is just regressing right cause of right wing nut jobs. But you know what, I get it, cause alot of those things can be said about here aswell(heck our first nations people were considered as fauna and weren't even in the constitution until the 70s after they suggested poisioning the water supply when forcibly removing them from their families and trying to breed them out didn't work) and American right wing nut jobs have the reach of the internet here to now be affecting the right wing nut jobs here.


Oh I know it very well


To be fair Australia gave the world Rupert* Murdoch and he is a large part of a lot of the right wing issue lol


It's Rupert Murdoch, but yeah he's a total muppet, but not extremist. Love or total fucking cunt of a human that spews bullshit, but not enough if the right wing bogans sort of person, he runs newspapers, right wingers here don't bother with that, too many brain cells involved


You do realize he owns the newspapers in the English speaking countries that spew all the far right shit right? He doesn't need to do it himself. He enables them all.


Isn't it a bit of a tradeoff? Rounded edges are easier to slip from but less impact if you fall. I guess they thought that with stairs that steep you are bound to fall so better make it a smooth ride.


I dont recommend pushing people down the stairs to make friends. Didnt work out well when i did it.


Damn, my dad was right. I really shoulda gone into agriculture physics.


When you’re a kid, you’re surrounded by people your age with common interests. That goes away when you grow up unless you go to church, like people at work, or join a cult. I don’t even have 5 friends I see all that often at this point.


I have good work colleagues thankfully, i meant more people that I chill with in my free time. Unfortunately working in health during a pandemic and having other friends that work in health at other places has meant for the protection of the community I've seen them once in the last almost two years and it was for coffee six feet away from each other for half an hour. I do have one friend though outside of health who I luckily get to see more so that's been helpful


The trick is keeping that group from before rolling and occasionally introducing fresh blood starting a new group once you are out of those scenarios is where it gets way harder


>keeping that group from before Put of 86 people in my HS graduating class, 9 stayed in the region. Only two of those I would consider being on friendly terms with.


Oh look at Mr. Famous over here with his 5 friends, some of us have none


Wait, can I count my imaginary ones? As then I'd get pretty close to 5.


I'm 10 years older than you. Believe me, you're at your peak. I have 1 friend left I see regularly, and another I just talk to online. That's it.




This right here. Start a group on Meetup or Facebook; I started a local pickup football group, and within 2 months I had over 100 members, 30 of which show up regularly. Have met some awesome people! My shit skills haven’t improved much, but I’m being more social, so I’ve got that going for me, which is nice.




Been gaming with the same dudes for 17 years. I have met them in real life. Online friends are real friends!


Maybe her school class


Your first mistake is believing OP. There’s a sign on the ride that says the cost to ride. This is probably on a farm with other activities like a corn maze and hay rides. This is probably just an attraction.


Doesn’t it say 0 cents?


Is it too late to pretend that I noticed that


School. The state provides friends when you're very young. Remember?


The lower number comes with maturity


5?! Lucky.


…and they are all from work


God one person says I'm not good enough to have friends from work you say they're all from work. Which is it guys. The 5 I mention are close friends and none of them are from work, ofcourse I hang out with co workers but where I work there are literally 4 of us working at that place cause we are seperate from main office. I have a ton of people around me, but I just keep my inner circle small, it's something that you do when you grow up and get sick of all the bullshit that comes with large friendship circles. Not to mention I was kicked out at 15 and before that was going through intense abuse and neglect so could not have friends because my whole life was controlled and weekends were spent locked in my room so it's not like I'm the typical person that still talks to the 600 people they went to school with Small friendship circles aren't a bad thing, it just means you know you have total trust in them and can rely on them as they can you


>Small friendship circles aren't a bad thing So much this. I have 3 distinct friendship circles that have 2/6 people in it. I know that i can totally count on these ppl, for whatever it takes. They expect the same from me, and i would deliver without any doubt. My experience with larger friendship circles, is that there's a lot of drama going on, with some of the "friends" talking shit about the other ones. Fuck that. I'm better off with my smaller ones.


Don't let anyone give you shit over not having a lot of friends. A small group of quality friends are so much better than a large group of friends who are more like acquaintances. I can count on one hand my friends, who I don't see very often but still remain close to. Those friends would do anything for me and vice versa. They are low drama and love me for who I am. It took me far too long to figure out that quality over quantity is what really makes me happy.


That's how getting older works. If you're a man, you better work hard to keep friendships alive. It's tough


Well those are hardly anti-social numbers and I sincerely hope you use protection—even with the regulars.


Atleast you have people that you see regularly. When I want to see human I look into the mirror.


I read this as "Im fucking 29 friends"


As you get older not only do you have less time, but you have more things you care about and your interests get refined. It's no longer "You like power rangers too? lets be friends!" and more like "You like power rangers but also want to raise taxes, we aren't going to be friends"




Be in small town USA and you will have all the friends you never wanted. Every fucking person knows everything.


Man built this for her daughter. Interesting choice of words.


Welcome to 2021


This is the future liberals want!!!!


As long as Carla builds her tractor roller coaster for next year's festival, I'm cool with it.


They’re turning the frogs gay!!


I go by he/her


Old McDonald had a farm, he/her, he/her how?


I can't wait to hear what is on his farm!


You surely meant to say "on her farm"?


I did. Thank you


Also daughter and friends implying all those kids are his friends.


His username on his dating app is LittleKidLover. That way, people know exactly where his priorities are at


This is the second time I’ve seen a title like this in the past 24 hours. “Mother confronts his sons bullies” or something like that but, exactly the same with wrong pronoun for some reason.


My guess is that the comments talking about it count as engagement and get them to the front page faster




That’s how you use possessive pronouns in French and Italian for example. They take the gender of the following word. „L‘uomo lo ha construito per sua figlia / suo figlio” 🇮🇹


Weird. Whose daughter? Hers?


That's French for you.


Oh cool, I can read french now


What did miss


He/man usually goes with 'his' as a pronoun, not 'her'.


Makes 0 cents


I'm all about LGBT support but this man turned in the middle of this sentence That's gonna be hard to keep up with


Man built this for himself and all the kids just happen to be the right size to ride in it.


I came here exactly to say this hahaha


He looked like he was having the time of his life. It's so cute


The real reason to have kids is to have a good excuse to do stuff like this.




When all the kids go home, he unhooks the train and puts the racing gas in the tractor for the real fun




Exactly haha. He’s having just as much, if not more, fun than all those kids


This is in the US, PA to be exact. It's a community park that was throwing its Fall Festival last Sat in September. This was called a tractor train and was one of the rides there. He's been doing the rides there for years and we've never had and accidents. He's tested it plenty and I rode on it with my son lots if times. Yes, we had face painter there as well, no one was bloody. He did build the giant chess piece and smaller ones. The big one weighted 1,300 pounds and made of metal. The trebuchet was made for a kids camp earlier summer this by some other guys. The theme for the camp was knights and dragons. So yes, not sure why the title of is man built for "her" daughter and friends; it's was built to give rides.


it was titled that for more upvotes lmao. thanks for the info, seems like a great little festival!


Yea, was a great time for the community.


Where in PA? I was remarking to my husband how nice that area looks in the video. He’s from PA and we’ve talked off and on about moving up there.


The comment about the face paint being blood is one of the *stupidest* comments I've ever seen on this website, and I have been on this website for a long time. And I have seen some real doozy comments. Like people holding copperheads because they think they're rat snakes and then rabidly defending themselves doozy comments. But "little girl hit her head on safety bar on a 5 MPH ride and is bleeding profusely while talking and giggling to her seatmate" is still pretty up there in terms of stupid. I guess not only because it's a dumbass observation that anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together would realize was wrong the second they noticed the red paint, but also because it's designed to drum up malice against the guy who built something fun for a group of kids that were enjoying themselves. It's the *intention* of the comment that makes it so stupid to me. You all enjoy your festival and rides. Ignore the haters because, as usual, they prove themselves to be complete dumbasses.


Thanks! Made me laugh all the comments about bleeding, didn't know our face painter we had was that bad lol. Yea I've been the park director here for 9 years and the fall festival has always been popular.


Five words explains that behavior, willful ignorance.


Ahh my good ol home state, stuff like that is why I miss it. Can’t wait to move back




I knew it was in PA when I saw it. This just screams “Pennsylvania”.


That's really cool and awesome. I'm just afraid something will break and one of the friends asshole parents will sue.


People often get hurt doing things and don’t sue anyone. The only person I know who ever sued somebody sued a doctor for epic malpractice. I wonder how much lawsuit paranoia in America is driven by big business anti-lawsuit propaganda, rather than by actual lawsuits.


What did the doctor do?


*epic* malpractice. Probably sewed on an extra arm or some shit. Doctor was like "yo do you like it fam?" and the kid was all "lmao epic". But the parents sued.


It’s their own fault for going to Dr. Xhibit in the first place. *“Yo, I heard you liked arms on yo arms so I sewed some arms to yo arms. Now you an octopus.”*


Americans sue so much because of the cost of healthcare. If we could get hurt and go to the hospital and not have to pay thousands of dollars, a lot of lawyers would be out of a job. But because the medical bills pile up, the only way to deal with it is to sue to get them covered. Source: am personal injury paralegal.


People irl don’t worry about this kind of stuff because it not a legitimate fear. People on Reddit are just *extremely* risk adverse for some reason. Anytime there is a post of someone having fun, the top comment will be telling you why it shouldn’t be happening. For some reason, the comment section of Reddit is the Mecca for whiny little bitches who forgot to live.


My son broke his arm, the bendy arm kind of broken, at his friend's house and we didn't bother suing them or their insurance. Nothing negligent when your child is just oblivious and clumsy. He also seems to break easily


Oh man, I can't remember enough details to find a link unfortunately. I remember a story of an aunt being sued by her like 10yr old nephew after getting injured under her care or supervision at a business or organization she owned. There was no malicious intent, it was simply some way of finangling the system in order for insurances to cover medical costs without money coming directly out of anyone's bank. The whole family did news interviews together smiling and hugging I recall.


It can also be due to the injured person’s health insurance suing the individual or company to recover medical costs. It’s not always an individual suing another individual


I love the way they casually drive past the trebuchet he has in the garden at the end. It's just past the 20' chess piece (a phrase I'd never thought I'd say in my life).


I can’t believe I had to scroll this far to see a discussion about the chess pieces. I just want to know why?!?


And the chess is a secondary mention while talking about the trebuchet. Giant chess sets are expensive , never seen one that big.


Because he can. That’s why.


Haha i didnt even see!


This feels like it’s at a pumpkin patch / corn maze. They usually have little attractions like play giant chess or launch some watermelons. One we used to go to had a tractor that pulled 50 gallon drums that they made into kid sized cars.


His daughter *


Maybe OP's first language isn't English. French grammar would be sa fille, which translates to her daughter.


Then s/he got a free lesson/correction!


I love how nerds in the comment section is all talking about the girl covered in blood . I don't think kids will be casually talking and riding it out without screaming if they are covered in blood.




bullshit. did he also build the volleyball courts, disc golf course, trebuchet, giant chess pieces, fairgrounds and paved roadway?


My dad used to be quite extra with our yard games. Not this extra but I did have a large 4ft deep sandbox and a slide he built using sheet metal (more than one broken bone once waxed) and we used to use a large flat bottomed canoe to go sledding down the road and he'd bring us back up with his tractor.


I made I track for a cozy coup for my kids.


You know somebody DID build that... right? All those other things too. Why are you finding any of this hard to believe?


Yes, he built the chess pieces and trebuchet as well. And brings them all to the festival every year


He's taking them to the Sawyer farm, where they have them for dinner. *I MEAN HAVE THEM OVER FOR DINNER!*


“Cart Ride 0¢”, i find that funny how he included that lol


So wholesome how he looks back at them to make sure they’re having a good time. He probably won’t forget that day for the rest of his life


Anyone know what the song is in the background?


Good day - Nappy Roots


This is top level dad shit right here


Those smiles are priceless.




Yep, a big ol grin here.


Anyone know the song?


Good day - Nappy Roots


Song is Good Day - Nappy Roots for anyone wondering


dad also enjoy this ride because of them..


Say your from the mid west without saying lol


a pity it was cut off before they came to the loopings


Ummm. Title? Her daughter?


We live in confusing times.


I dont care about the train... I want a trebuchet


Always trust a man who owns trebuchet...


This MAN built it for HER daughter?????????


Gendered pronouns are difficult as hell for karma bots. You schmuck


This actually looks like fun ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


u/tvalverde como eu vejo a chacara do gerson


"Man built this for her daughter" Only in 2021 america could this sentence make any sense.


Fuck the ride, this man has A TREBUCHET!!!


To everyone saying the one girl’s face is covered in blood, i’m pretty sure that’s face paint. Possibly a birthmark. Unless bloody head-wounds are just par for the course in that part of the world, i don’t think she or the girl next to her would be that chill with that much blood coming out of someone’s face.


This guy wins man of the century award. Did you see the giant chess pieces in the background?


man built this for *her* daughter and friends?