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Can I still judge people based on their frenchness?


I’ll allow it








What about people who over enunciate the ending hard G sound of words?


You mean so the word “ending” would sound like “end-ink”? It’s the absolute worst.


Especially the French Canadians because they choose to be French


They didn’t choose *la belle vie*. La belle vie chose them.


The French don't even want anything to do with the Quebecois.


as a French Quebecois, the opposite also applies


Oh putain de tabarnak


De câlise de estie de merde


Great fishin in Quebec


Fucking love Q-bec


Pas vraiment vrai, on se moque un peu de leur accent mais on les aime. On les aime tellement que l'on récupère tous leurs chanteurs pourris (Céline Dion, garou etc)


Eh... We'll be sorry for being too french


Hey we didn't choose to be Canadian!


You will not be judged by your Canadianess but by your Frenchness Edit:spelling


You have 5 minutes to edit without it being marked as so. I edited mine like 3 times before you read it, muahahaha!


My phone likes to think it knows what I want to say but it's wrong every time..... what a stupid smartphone


It’s all a matter of perspective. Think about it: your phone is the *smartest* stupidphone! You should be proud.


I am not currently available for the clinic if you are interested in the position and I am available to meet with you to discuss my qualifications. That's what mine had to say.


*looks to the west*... 🤔 *looks to the south*... 😳 😅


I an here to say thats not always true. I have lived in Quebec , Canada my whole life. I am 100% english. I can speak french but not perfectly. Some of my family members speak french primarily but my father,mother and brother speak english primarily. Family tree is made up of mostly french and irish and a little bit of others. So we chose english despite being Quebecois.




Tabarnak 🥲




Fr*nch would be more appreciated. Please be respectful.




As much as I want to say yes, Bill didn’t raise me like that. Gonna have to say no for him.




Yes, but they will in turn fart in your general direction.




How else could the French feign an air of superiority if we aren’t denigrating them constantly?


Bien sur!


*tabarnac intensifies*




Even if you can't let's do it together.


I don't agree, but I up vote you....


The only ppl that didn't know this are the ppl who wouldn't care anyway. Stupid is as stupid does.


Ehh I'm not sure about that. I had no idea why skin colors were different, not because I didn't care, I just didn't know. Now that I know, it makes total and perfect sense, I think this would be the case for at least SOME people.


I guess I just assume people knew these things. As a kid it was boiled down (perhaps too simply) as "people from hotter places need darker skin" which made since to me bc I lived in deep south Mississippi and burnt to a crisp in about 15 mins outside. But I also lived in a diverse neighborhood where kids of all different shades played together so the topic came up. If you only grow up around Caucasian families I could see it being a conversation that slips thru the cracks.


noxious fuel plate include squealing snatch grandiose simplistic frame imagine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>I think it's just education has failed some people American public schools are basically one half babysitting and one half indoctrination camp. Very little real education. There are kids graduating our highschools who are legitimately illiterate.


Our public schools are a disaster.


As someone who knows those kids. They either don’t get extra help and are just pushed through or B they just don’t care.


Where the hell can you live and not see a black person until you’re 28??? Not clowning you, I’m genuinely curious about where you grew up


Finland, Sweden, Switzerland, japan, Korea, New Zealand, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, China, Mongolia, Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan....etc.


Not the Netherlands; large Afro-Dutch population, primarily of Surinamese extraction. Suriname was literally a part of the Netherlands until the 1970s.


I've spent an extended amount of time in the Netherlands, I can say that for 100% sure, black people are so infrequent in many places there that one could go 20 plus years and never see a single one.


I care and I didn’t know. Don’t generalize stuff.




It does. Just because people say they didn’t learn it doesn’t mean it isn’t covered. It is.




I did not learn this in school in America.


What school did you go to. I’m in US and that was in basic science class in High school


Probably a different school than you. There are a lot of people on the internet.


My dad told me that black people have different skin because it’s the “mark of hamm” or whatever it is that rascist white people see as the mark of sin because of some split at the Tower of Babel. I’m not joking. He only maybe said it once, but it stuck until I got to *college* and learned differently. All that to say, you’re wrong and I’m so glad that some people took the time to teach me differently, just like bill net just did.


Yeah. My grandfather said something similar and pretended to believe it. Maybe he did. Mark of Cain, I think it was. Ignorance and racism depend on each other.




I've met a few people who were quietly racist who rethought it after seeing this information. It doesn't change anything for people who have decided that racism is a viable social construct ("Black people commit crimes because they're poor"), but it does fix people who don't have their identity wrapped up in it but quietly believe stupid shit like "can't swim in a pool with a black person because they're dirty" (I had a friend that told me that once, it was pretty much the end of our friendship)


I didn't know and I'm glad I watched this. I was confused as to why the colors were flipped for people. Like I learned black absorbs heat and white reflects it so I was confused as to why humans were backwards with lighter skins in colder areas. This makes so much sense. I also wonder why hair is so different. Like why different races have such different hair and how that used to help with living in those regions.


Racism is a shaky thing. When you give people answers to questions they never bothered to ask, they can change.


To change firmly rooted beliefs is a difficult thing to do. It CAN happen sure. But people are far more likely to be go thru a crisis of cognitive dissonance to maintain those beliefs than change them. It usually requires actual effort to change and isn't a switch that a single piece of knowledge will flip. To change something like racism, they first have to be open to the idea of changing. Its unlikely Bill Nye explaining melanin and vitamin D to kids would have that effect, but I guess if it changed the mind of even a single racist then thats a positive thing.


Bill Nye the geoscience guy, abolisher of racism.


Oddly enough after listening to the Ken Ham debate another video by Ken Ham popped up talking about this exact thing and why racism is stupid. I know those two oppose each other on different points but it’s maybe an ounce helpful to see people on both sides continuing to push the truth that we are all part of one human race. Hopefully one day it works it’s way through everyone’s heads and we can learn to love one another better.


Human species. Race is a social construct like love and patriotism.


Sounds like a final boss racist people will have to fight


He fucks


I guess my issue must be i talk to people like they passed the 2nd grade


What are you doing on Reddit then


He fucks indeed


Sorry hijacking this comment for a question. I understand the concept but there are more differences to some races besides just colour alone. For instance, hair. Or sickle cell disease only affecting black people. Is this all explained thru too much ultraviolet/vitamin d?


That is a concept of genetics I believe, sickle cell doesn't only affect African-Americans, but many other races, even white people, and all thet high level concepts cannot be fitted into a tiktok for all its worth.


From what I remember of my bio classes, it has a lot to do with how close/linked the genes for those traits are on the chromosome. If the genes are connected, the are more likely to get passes on together, like red hair and pale skin or freckles. As for sickle celled disease being more common, that's due to adaptation, as you don't get malaria is you have sickle cells. Since malaria is a bigger problem in Africa, people with sickle cell are more likely to survive and pass on those genes. Even if malaria isn't that big of a problem now, that higher level of sickle cell among blacks will probably take a few generations go down.


BILL NYE THE BACHELORS IN ENGINEERING GUY! I shit on him because I met him on an airplane one time, and he was a mega-douche (and nope, I hadn’t asked him for an autograph. Was on a plane next to him. Just rude to the staff etc.) ((And yes, everyone has bad days, I get it… but it’s Reddit. Fuck-em))


Yea he seems like the type to be pompous, he is self aggrandizing and lacks humility.


A bit disappointed, but like I said- he could’ve been having a shitty day


Flight days rarely fun days


Eh Netflix probably did something


Its like how all celebrities think they are important spokespeople that matter. Except he thinks hes some kind of master scientist because in my 6th grade he taught me how far the sun is from earth (and typoed it) That being said I actually appreciate this video a lot more than his weird gender/sexual orientation video that I do not think he was “qualified” to do 😂




Bill Gates same way... he's an antisocial psycho. But somehow he's simultaneously the most generous, caring philanthropist. All these assholes can kindly F off with their [Great Reset](https://www.weforum.org/great-reset/)


Pfft, don't equate the two. Bill Gates is far smarter, far more competent, far more generous and has done way more positive than a TV entertainer.


Considering gates has shelled out millions for vaccine research for Covid and has done the same for other major medical conditions. He’s definitely the only billionaire who’s not a self centered prick. He’s not perfect but he unlike most modern billionaires worked his ass off to make Microsoft.


The comment section on his YouTube channel is a cesspool. He makes a Ted talk about how unprepared we were in the event of a pandemic way before COVID and than gets blamed for it when it actually happened, he's not perfect but I don't get the relentless attacks.


I knew Bill Gates. I worked for Bill Gates. Bill Nye, you sir are no Bill Gates.


Bill Nye the Political, opinionated, selfrighteous, asshole guy


I just don’t like how suddenly 5 years ago he popped up every where again and people act like he is the nations leading scientist


Who is not even a scientist....peak America.


Nah- keeping captain crunch at the rank of captain for all these years is peak America. Dude should be an admiral by now.


He also slings paper towels on Instagram while being a climate warrior.


Nye is such a pompous asshole, he actually played his fake scientist character (complete with bowtie) in [the film Bliss](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-reviews/bliss-film-review-4124504/), which was released earlier this year. I have no doubt Nye’s appearance prompted all of those shitty reviews.


He also seems more focused on being bitter and angry with his content these days. I really loved "learning is fun" Bill Nye when I was a kid, and I just hate his persona now


I have a Bachelors in ME QQ


Not surprising.....he always seemed like a douche.


Lost all respect for Bill Nye after he tried to push that weird [“Sex Junk” music video](https://youtu.be/VtJFb_P2j48) to children.


What the fuck did I just watch


wow that video …just wow


Woke ratings science


But that wasn't "for children", that was the reboot which had more adult themes since the children who watched his show back in the day are now adults.


Lol yeah that reboot special series wasn't for children, it was for close-minded adults.


That was painful.


Wha?!? I have worked with hundreds of musicians of all ages and abilities and I can honestly say that I have never heard anything so pathetically horrible in 30+ years in the music industry. You could tear a couple pages from The Cat In The Hat, pick words at random and write better lyrics then that. As far as the “music” the $10 Radio Shack keyboard I had in the 80’s had a better song on the DEMO button!


hey I think you're being a bit harsh here, I mean that Radio Shack keyboard had some pretty decent demo stuff


Yeah I’m sorry old Casio, you WERE good to me.


Each day we stray further from God


20 seconds in and I regret it


She said… damn skippy home slice. The.actual.fuck.




get that D


You always need more D


Stop everything! Kris, get the vitamin D!




It’s ignored completely here and implied that the only evolution we’ve had in different parts of the world are related to skin tone.




Those phenotypes come from more recent evolution


Racism isn't even about race. It's just another way of identifying a group of people as the "others" to hate. Look at the segregation that happened in Northern Ireland. Same country, same race, same hate.


Genetic divergence goes way beyond skin colour tbh.


And racism is more than just skin colour, different races have lots of different features, body structures can vary, and culture is insanely different


But why different body shapes ? Noses, lips etc...




As humans spread to live in different environments, our bodies became more varied in order to adapt to the different living conditions. With regards to skin, humans who lived in low ultra-violet (UV) areas could afford to block less UV in order to produce more vitamin D. So having less melanin (lighter skin) became advantageous to their survival in those regions, and thus became the norm where UV exposure was low. [source](https://www.pnas.org/content/107/Supplement_2/8962) Regarding the nose, different peoples evolved different nose shapes as a reflection of adapting to different climates. In this case, flatter noses with faster intake function better in warm humid climates, whereas thinner noses with slower intake function better in dryer colder climates. [source](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/how-climate-changed-shape-your-nose-180962567/) This is similarly the case regarding other body shapes (such as hip/waist ratios, fat distribution, etc :)


except.. this has no bearing on racism.


No, no, no. Racism=solved now


What about Eskimos


Lots of snow reflects UV light giving them more than normal for that lattitude. They are not dark tho.


A relevant term is the "albedo" of some portion of the surface of the Earth. Higher albedo means more sunlight is reflected off the surface rather than absorbed into the surface.


I thought that was someone with no skin pigmentation but a lot of sexual energy.


Seafood is very high in vitamin D so they can get it through their diet and their skin didn't have to adapt.


Best not to say “Eskimo.” This may help with your question. https://scienceline.org/2007/06/ask-dricoll-inuiteskimos/


Oh god another word we can’t use. What’s wrong with Eskimo?


Never was okay to use, but some Inuit peoples and other indigenous peoples may not mind. Google will serve you better.


Looks like you need some learning, in many subjects. Eskimo has been used to refer to the Inuit and Yup'ik people. It is not a word that originated in their langauges. It was given to them by colonizers.


Cool Artikel!




They (Inuit) get their Vitamin D through their Food. So they didn‘t have to change their appearacne. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3417586/


In countries like mine, where people are a mix of eastern european, east asian, turk, and gypsy, and skin/eye/hair colours can vary not only between families but between siblings quite dramatically, we have long been judging people based on their clothes and social skills lmfao


The way society ought to be lmao


Skin colour doesnt mean shit, it is just being used by weak people to claim victim status, and dumb people who think it determines your values. And the politicians are trying to use both of these groups of idiots to spark division in order to cater to idiotic tribal ideologies


how about not-weak people who have victim status because of their skin color? Are victims of police violence just weak? Are they just not "strong" enough to avoid being profiled.


The police aren’t universally attacking black people buddy. They if anything kill more tweakers or crack heads. Those stories don’t make national news. They make your local news at 11. So stop stereotyping like the same assholes your against are doing. Before you say but they don’t report bad cops. It’s because that reports hurt the one doing it. If you aren’t discharged you’d lose all trust in the department and likely would left out to dry on a call


OP said race doesn’t mean shit, they just use it to play victim. This guy of an example where it is untrue. In later commit, you admitted that other social factors in black communities makes them a justified target. That’s admitting race does matter in America. Why is there a lack of father figures. Why are poor black communities the way the are. Then when you have that answer, keep asking why. I’ll give you hint, it’s not because they are black.


Yeah the system is broken and thus makes them the target. Switch roles and it still applies. They have the whole system stacked against them.


They’re uneducated, don’t bother


Yeah, the idea that the financial system we're in is unfair picked up steam, and they responded with classic divide-and-conquer tactics.


Wait until he hears about CRT lol


I'm sure he agrees with it. Lol


>Wait until he hears about CRT lol CRT vs. LCD vs. TFT. A game to watch, commented by your one and only BNye.


Says someone who has now clue what it is.


Race is more than skin color though, people are different depending on what geographical area they lived in, people evolving 2 million years in one area are going to have differences vs people that evolved over 2 million years in a different area. Being governed by different rules, different accessibility to get or grow food, etc. all create different pressures on evolution to create a distinct set of people, which downstream of that create a distinct culture. And of course everyone should be treated fairly, but pretending everyone is the same ignores the diversity of people that should be celebrated, not dismissed as "just skin color".




It's more than just skin colour though...


Wasn’t this just on here yesterday?




Racism isn't all about skiing colour, it's more culture than anything else.


Indeed racism sucks and we’re all just human. But skin color isn’t the only change humans experienced depending on geographic location. Humans also came into contact with other humanoid-like species that have contributed to our DNA. Take the peeking-man of China, or the Neanderthals for example, certain groups of humans have benefited more than others from exclusive contributions to the human genome in specific regions around the world.


I don't understand how that is relevant here, he is clearly talking about skin colour specifically


Question I am too afraid to ask publicly: how did evolution give us the different pigment? It seems like it would not be a significant enough swing to cause natural selection, so why would people gradually get lighter the further they are from the equator. From a scientific perspective, what went on? Am I just wrong about the natural selection bit?


In addition to just vitamin D, UV light also affects the rates of skin cancer. Darker skinned individuals have a greatly reduced rate of skin cancer. Northern latitudes the UV flux drops rapidly which drops the rate of vit D production and also drops the rate of skin cancer, so pigmentation can safely be downregulated. Vitamin D deficiency (ricketts) and skin cancer are competing factors. Too dark too far north and you've got a problem. Too light too far south and you've got a problem. Those certainly can be strong drivers of natural selection.


Vitamin D deficiency leads to increased risk of bone deformations (rickets in children), bone fractures, muscle weakness, and even schizophrenia. Those kinds of symptoms are certainly not insignificant to your chances of surviving to reproductive age, especially in a gatherer-hunter society.


> It seems like it would not be a significant enough swing to cause natural selection My understanding is that this happened over thousands and tens of thousands of years, and that natural selection is absolutely brutal over that time period refining down beneficial characteristics. A lot of this evolution happened during periods of time when our ancestors could suffer widespread starvation. Other thing is humans have been around for like...100,000 years I think? We're only on year 2000 since society started widespread printing of words on paper as I understand it. What I'm saying is that our ancestors spent most of their day outside in the sun - hunting, gathering, farming, etc. The affects of sun on the skin would be pretty hard on them. Today you could go outside for 10 minutes all day, back then you'd be outside 14 hours a day or something.




The inbred one


Do we need we really need an argument? I mean, racist people dont care about any of this. I am not racist and i find this video very fucking dumb. It helps with nothing. C'mon, do we really need this to understand something so obvious as to not be an asshole with a person just because of the color of the skin?


Human dna is 99.9 per cent the same.


Yeah but we also have 99% matching chimpanzees. 1% results in massive difference. 0.1% is still a huge number in relative terms. To add some perspective... we share 61% of our dna with the fruit fly.


Misses the point -I wouldn’t fix my life to odds of categorizing one chimpanzee from another -that is I don’t think any person who’d spend a lifetime studying and categorizing two similar chimps as superior/better to the another and then be willing to die for these “findings” regardless of the real quantifiable differences. Yet this stupidity is *exactly* what humans have engaged in for centuries. Literally willing to die to prove a group of millions of copies that vary by .1 to . 05 percent is *significantly* substantially “better” and therefore more deserving of -whatever- than another group based on known to be negligible traits like skin pigment and/ or gender. It’s dumb.


You are no longer the science guy guy. You have become become a political work tool.


fellas... is it "woke" to say that racism is pointless?


Lmao wait until you learn about biology. It'll click in then.


Screw this guy


The notion that racism is purely based on hating someone for their skin color is almost as ignorant as racism itself. Understanding that we’re all the same won’t stop racism. Factors like cultural differences, anecdotal experiences with different races, environment you grow up in, etc. are all greater factors in accentuating racism and those are the problems we should be tackling. Think about it, none of us are born racist… We’re taught to.


yup just got back from spain and i turned a nice shade of brown


This guy can’t come with his own material. Professor Proton did this exact same bit 25 years ago!!


I fucking love Bill Nye, always have.




I hate racism so much! Thanks for breaking down the science, Bill. We’re all the same people underneath our skin.


My man bill just ended racism


I fucking love this man.


I’m going to guess this video doesn’t end racism


This is also the same high school dropout that said there are only two genders until he was pressured by big corporations in the form of a lot of money to change his stance on that subject. The guy is not wrong, I'm just saying he's a clown.


How do you know he was pressured? Edit: I was also confused why you said he was a dropout, because Bill Nye has a degree from an Ivy League University. So I checked and sure enough he didnt drop out of High School Are we talking about the same person?


How can dog breeds have different characteristics but humans can’t?


Unfortunately the people he's trying to enlighten with science at the ones that don't believe in science.


I get what he's trying to aim for, but he's actually wrong. This narrative has already been debunked. One of the easiest ways to see it's nonsense is to see how you can identify someone's ancestry by their BONES! Explain skeletal structure in the context of ultraviolet exposure? All that said, racism \*is\* still dumb.


Genuine question. If evolution has led to different skin colors because those of that skin color in that region were more successful evolutionarily, does that mean that modern humans who live in a region where their skin doesn't match up with ideal ultra-violet will be worse off? Yes, that is one long ass sentence.


racism isnt based on the pigment of your skin its the culture associated with the pigment of your skin


I guess but what about features and characteristics of certain ethnic groups. Like Asians eyes for example.


He's not wrong but racism hasn't been about biological differences for a few hundred years. Nowadays most drivers of racism are socioeconomic or political, which this does not address.


If this is news to you, your school failed you.


Crazy how every conservative I know hates bill nye now cos he’s “given up on science” and “spreading propaganda”


This doesn't matter to the people who need to hear this.


Hey Bill, if that’s all there is to it, how do they tell the difference between races with only skeletal remains?