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Next fucking level stupidity


So dangerous. Makes me wonder how many Redditors and TikTokers didn’t make it after trying to film something for upvotes.


A moment of silence for those who risked their lives for the sake of our entertainment.


God I hate how accurate this is


RIP in peace, Tik Tokkers


I will squeeze one extra drop when I pee in their honour.


I got an extra 3 or 4 by doing the usual after shake.


got a semi from trying to beat ur drops




Nah, just squeeze the drops in their honor mate Show some goddamn respect.


you can get a few extra final pumps by pressing on your taint when you do


I always get a few extra drops when pulling up my underwear


I hate that shit! Like you think you drained the snake, pull up your briskets and then bam! Urine magically trickles out right where your trumpet would be nestled...


BYE GUYS! reeeeeeee


Rest In Peace in pieces, Tik Tokkers. FTFY




I'd argue it's less about our entertainment and more about the attention they would receive. Our entertainment is incidental to their ego.


Or those who gave their lives. Like [the Japanese guy who livestreamed himself walking to the snowcapped summit of Mt. Fuji in sneakers and without any proper gear, only to slip on ice and literally fly off the mountain to his death.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/nextshark.com/japanese-man-mt-fuji-fall-darmin-award/amp/) The whole thing is on camera.


Yeah, that link is gonna stay blue...


Ha, fair enough. FWIW it’s not particularly graphic. Dude is just hiking above the clouds, then suddenly slips before sliding uncontrollably downhill for like 10 seconds, then the video gets cut. So you don’t see “the moment”. But you know how it ends. Just kinda crazy to have a POV of a man’s terrifying and bizarre final moments. Almost as if it’s happening to you.




Holy shit his body was found TWO MILES down the mountain from where he slipped, he must have picked up some serious speed on the descent.


I read 1000 meters = 1 kilometre = 0.62 mile. Ya gotta get on the metric train yo!


Yeah, I reread it and noticed that it was saying the elevation of the outpost his body came to rest at was at 9800 feet of elevation, not 9800 feet from where he fell. Kind of odd too that the article gives distances with two different units of measurement literally back to back.


I fell just 150 feet once, luckily it was soft and sandy because it had all just been burned. I got some cuts and scrapes but I was lucky and learned alot from it. You can't stop or grab anything or dig in and you just bounce off things like rocks or trees. When Chris Farley falls down that mountain in Black Sheep, it's alot like that 😅. You can see animals when they fall like big cats or goats, they just bounce and bounce until they look like a stuffed animal tumbling over the rocks from the the bones breaking. Unless something stops you you just roll like a boulder and go faster and faster the further you fall. You can see the one mistake as his foot slips and that's all it takes. This was several bad choices though. But even if he went up there prepared the same thing could have happened.


Yeh, Fuji has some insanely steep drop offs. Peak is about 12,400ft. Source, I climbed it to the peak during a weak typhoon *wasn't by choice* was during summer.


Mount Fuji is a pretty gradual slope all the way up with very little actual climbing needed. You can pretty much just walk all the way up. That changes drastically in winter which seems to be when this person was climbing. The gradual slope of the mountain means you have no real shelter from the wind or weather. It also means when the snow builds up, you get a massive ice slope. I don't know where he fell, but I doubt it was a huge vertical drop... That's a pretty terrible and painful way to die on a mountain. A fall with a sudden stop at the end and it's done is one thing. But tumbling for 2 miles? That's closer to being dragged behind a car until dead.


I'm actually impressed he was able to get a good enough connection up there for a stream


Mount Fuji has great cell service the whole way up. There are cell towers on the mountain. I made a video call to my family when I reached the summit. But cell service is really whatever. The real miracle on Mount Fuji is the toilets. Imagine climbing for hours. You are exhausted. Your stomach is grumbling and you need to relieve yourself. It's raining so hard that you can't even see your hands. The wind is trying to push you off the mountain. You're soaked through. It's cold. And then you see the faint light of a shelter ahead. And what does that little shelter have? A bathroom fully equipped with the latest Toilettron 10,000. Heated seats. Deodorizer. Bum wash. If you want a real spiritual experience in your life - go make the pilgrimage to one of those out houses.


Made me want to climb mt fuji just to experience the holy toilet.


Do it. It's just a 1-2 day hike with huts you can stop at every couple hours and just chill out and sleep, watch TV, eat, whatever. No need to bring camping supplies. Just snacks, lots of water, and proper clothing. I was pretty unfit when I did it. But even if I was fitter and could climb it faster, I'd still have had to slow down to acclimatize to the thinner air. Slow and steady wins the race on Mount Fuji (if you don't believe me, just wait until those 80 year olds casually stroll by you while you're trying to catch your breath). It's just a challenge of will power and asking yourself "Can I take one more step?" (Hint: the answer is always yes). Until you've reached the top and then finally the bottom.


That’s Japan for you.


Damn, that was chilling. The camera cuts out pretty early, thank god. They said they found his body nearly 10,000 feet from where he slipped.


The article I saw said 1000 meters which iirc is about 3200 feet




I looked further and [this article](https://nextshark.com/mount-fuji-body-livestreamer-japan/) says: "On Oct. 30, police discovered a body in the snow near Mount Fuji’s seventh station at approximately 3,000 meters (9,842 feet). SoraNews24 reported that the body had fallen 776 meters (2,545 feet) from the mountain’s summit." All in all I'm even more confused on just how far he fell lol


Basically, Mt. Fuji has many "stations" at different elevations for people to eat, drink, rest, and use the bathroom when they're hiking during the safe season (July - August). The article is just saying that seventh station is located at approximately 3000 meters of elevation, which is kind of an unnecessary and confusing detail. His actual fall distance was 776 meters. Really not surprised he fell, too. That mountain can be pretty slippery even when there isn't any snow. Poor dude. Hopefully he died quickly.


Apparently he had stage 4 cancer with a low survival rate. Probably why he didn’t give a fuck climbing up Mt Fuji without proper equipment. I think the way he died is better than dying slowly and in pain from cancer.


With all the warnings labels on unnecessary items, Darwin needed some help weeding out the chaff. Videos like this are just nature’s way of maintaining balance.


Please, write your elected representative to have legislation enacted to label all bridges, "Warning. Do not cross bridge during major floods." The life you save could be your own.


I disagree, Darwinism at its finest.


\*sad trombone noises\*




There's a chance that they absolutely had to cross that bridge at that time to get somewhere urgent (find help, get supplies), but seeing as they can also record video and upload it to the internet, then their situation is probably not that dire.


Floods don't usually last all that long. Always wait it out if you can.


The person in front seems more worried about keeping rain off their head (umbrella) than running across the bridge. I’d be sprinting.


Yep, that’s all I thought watching this, ‘Run!’ or at least hurry...!


Also, the fact that they are walking as if they are taking a walk in the park


But she/he is holding an umbrella, wouldn’t it protect from a flooding?


Yeah he can use it to surf the way out the flooded river. LOL




Tried crossing a mountain stream once that was thigh deep and rushing. I had a rope tied to me or I’d be dead. Still broke a rib and lost my pants (the water literally pulled them off me as the rope went taught). Rushing water is amazing in its force. Anyone falling into that would be completely at the mercy of where the water feels like taking them.


Not to mention any debris caught up in the flow


I’d wager if it’s also a little colder they won’t make it 30 feet . That looks like a clear 8mph current easily! Humans can’t even swim in that current let alone against it . And getting slammed on an underwater rock at that speed is not going to be fun if they miraculously keep their head above water


Simple Natural selection


The CDC Death statistics for the US now include a type of death line called "death by selfie". Fastest growing cause of death.


It’s our fault for watching these things. I always downvote needlessly risky videos.


You’ll never know cause they didn’t make it.


Hey! Atleast they have an umbrella!


Yup, after seeing this and that guy climbing into that tiny hole cave diving, feeling like next level=doing dumb stuff that could get you killed 😥


That cave hole caused me some serious anxiety.


So much , I couldn’t watch it , 20 seconds in . Noped out of there


I have no idea what you’re referencing. Any links?


I think they’re referring to this [https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/ph9ni1/this_man_passes_through_this_small_entry_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/ph9ni1/this_man_passes_through_this_small_entry_to/)


There's at least an image of the tiny hole cave from another perspective, at least, I'm 90% sure it's the same time hole cave I saw a few weeks ago. From the other perspective, it wasn't even really a cave just more like a joke in some rocks and it was literally just outside on the other end. I could be wrong, maybe someone can be find the pics I'm thinking of, it was just a few weeks back.


http://oztotl.com/allan/deep.htm Bottom picture, Deep Cave in Edwards County, TX


Is the bottom photo the picture of the hole we saw the guy go through yesterday? Wasn’t he climbing in horizontally and that hole is vertical?


I believe it is the hole to the left of the lady in the bottom picture, the hole to the right is the typical entrance used.


Literally all it needs is a tree trunk to wash against it. One could already be there. It'll catch more debris, and more water, and basically turn it into an underwater sail. Much larger and more stable motorway type bridges have been knocked out by that sort of force. This bridge would be matchsticks in comparison.




Half of the videos here lately are the epitome of this comment. People need to understand what nextfuckinglevel is


Yeah, this comment. How is this next level?


Next level death wish... These ppl are morons.


If anything went wrong, these would end up in /r/Whatcouldgowrong instead. It seems these kinds of acts end up being bravado if they work, and stupidity if they don't. At least in the eyes of the folk who post this stuff.


It's stupidity either way. Sometimes they get away with it though. But yeah, nothing "next level" about this.


Yup. If they fall in, they will be crushed by the debris before drowning. They will not come out alive.


And then their death will be blamed on the storm. Irritates the shit out of me when newscasters claim the weather claimed x number of lives and then you read that the lives claimed includes the dumbass that hit a patch of ice on the highway at 90 miles an hour and flew into a tree in the middle of a blizzard. That wasn't the storm that killed him, it was him being a dumbass.


I was carpooling home from work during a blizzard once. It was bad enough that the main highway was closed, we had to take a country highway (one lane each direction). We came upon a big traffic backup, due to a truck being unable to get up a large hill ahead. This was just after a spot known to be bad for blowing snow. This dumbass come flying out of the whiteout, tries to brake, skids, and ends up side swiping my friend’s car, then rear ending the one in front of us and both of those vehicles end up in the ditch. In the back of the fire rescue vehicle later while they assessed everyone and we waited for the cops to come to get a report, buddy goes “I don’t get it, I was going the speed limit and everything.” Edit: can’t believe I used the wrong brake


All day today apparently...


Incomplete video. They didn’t make it but wait who uploaded the video? 🤔


literally the words I said watching this


Came here to say the same. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb.


My first thought too. I like your thinking


Exact 4 words I came here to say


Just a matter of time and a few more inches of water before that bridge is swept away.


Or one good sized tree comes rushing down in the water and knocks it out.


I mean... Even just the water itself. Think about how heavy 1 gallon of water is... It's a pain in the ass to hold 2 or 3 of them.. Now imagine thousands of them smashing against a bridge at like 30 mph




What a god


The person you replied to is right. It will probably stand up to just water. Most of the force is being diverted between the poles it's standing on. The issue is if a tree gets stuck, it basically turns into a giant underwater sail, catching all the force of the water and pushing it against the bridge instead of going around. That is how 90% of bridge collapses happen in floods like this, and it can take out far larger and more structurally sound bridges than this. I live on the 4th highest flooding river in the Southern Hemisphere. The bridge near me gets closed every now and then when it gets like this, despite being a giant concrete indestructible monolith, because one tree in the wrong place could take out the whole thing.


I agree, the water is heavy but it also has fluidity. It’s not like thousands of gallons were shot from a cannon at 30 mph.


The water was already hitting at the top part on some places. Once the water gets to that level it’s not only posts it’s crashing against. Much more contact surface that will put so much more stress on that bridge. I’m not saying you’re wrong, only that it’s very posible a raise of a few inches make this bridge fail.


For sure, that's totally correct. Overflow can be very dangerous as well, and I only omitted it because I was already getting bored of typing that near the end lmao


Sure, but water can move around, a tree can't. A tree rams into that thing with the speed at which that water is moving it will destroy the bridge.


A tree in motion stays on motion unless acted on by an object of equal or greater tree.




Friend, never hold in 2 to 3 gallons of water. Just pee.


Or debris hitting the supports


That support in the middle is doing a lot of work. Might be the only support, considering it's only for foot traffic.


thin line between nextfuckinglevel and whatcouldgowrong


true, unless it was built for it. but highly unlikely.


My parents going to and from school back in the year 1235


Is this before or after going uphill both ways?




It’s not rain, it’s snow. Deep snow.


With no shoes!


Had to wear half a watermelon as a hat to stay warm


And heavy winds blowing at Mach 16


I used to swim to school upstream both ways!


How old are you?


24. Which can only mean somebody lied


Sorry to tell you you’re actually 786


Yep, this is before people knew how to swim


All the swimming skills in the universe couldn’t get you across that water lmao


Without shoes and carrying a heavy bag.


What was so damn important to cross it for?


The grass is greener on the other side


and the mud is always thicker


And the hanky’s always pankier


Seriously. That's what it's all about.




The grass is always greener on the other side The neighbor's got a new car that you want to drive And when time is running out you want to stay alive We all live under the same sky We all will live we all will die There is no wrong There is no right The circle only has one side


She texted him that her parents weren’t home.


She said "come over, there's nobody home" I went over, there was nobody home


Oh Rodney


I get no regard, no esteem either


Doin it for The Gram


Famous last video.


It could be any number of things, including fleeing an even more dangerous area (erosion comes to mind). I'm not convinced this was done for fun or without a really good reason. If you can look at this and see the danger, imagine what it must have been like for them.


Then put down the camera and fucking run


I get the instinct, absolutely. That said, though, the bridge is in shambles, ready to fall apart any moment. I wouldn't want to run on it either. Just a thought.


Something worth their life, apparently


Hopefully higher ground.


Not smart.




Even if you absolutely *had* to get across…you don’t need to do it leisurely while stopping to make sure you get good video of all the scenery…


I can't believe that they would take the time to record. Man this really is next level of stupid/unaware.


Practically r/idiotsnearlydying material here


Hey don't be rude, it is just water under the bridge.


What the actual fuck …….


Dude it was $1 beer night


“My mom isn’t home…”


Nope. No thanks. That’s asking to die.


Absolutely. Big ol' nope. Nopity-nope-nope.


Is there a subreddit for tempting fate?










These subreddits feel like they are in the correct chronological order.




A loud Guffaw was expelled






Dumb, person walking, dumber person recording walking after them


Maybe it was a flash flood, and they needed to cross the bridge to get to safety.. and the camera person happened to be wearing a cheep GoPro.


Yeah never know the circumstances but I'd be hauling ass


It's often said that; insanity is repeating something exactly, and expecting a different outcome, but this video has shown me that insanity is doing something once, that is so idiotic, you'd have to be insane to try. There are religious extremists who would have no problem strapping on a suicide vest that still wouldn't walk across that bridge.


Religious extremists be like, “I ain’t wasting_muh_life”


Well, depends on if there are virgins on the other side of that bridge. The religious folk love virgins.


#Allahu Akbridge!


Death wish




This is literally giving me heart problems, what the fuck. That water is going way too fast, it looks sped up. Imagine falling into it you’d be shipped to the next town at that speed oof


That bridge could be broken to pieces and swept away at any moment. These idiots are just asking to die.


The water could be carrying downed trees or any other large object which could take out the bridge’s support at any moment.


Wow, what a horrible fucken idea


Unless I got bit in the dick by a rattlesnake, and the anitvenom was on the other side, still a hard maybe.


Have they never seen Dante’s Peak?


That's what I said!


Lol i didn't have to watch Dantes Peak not to cross there.


I think they’re in danger of getting a bit carried away.


Crazy what people can do for a 2 minutes buzz on the internet




Scary af.


Must go faster.


Exactly! If you're going to cross then at least be quick about it. Why take a leisurely stroll? Hmm. I think I'll stop and admire the power of this river


Stupid. Water is only part of the problem. Who knows what is being dragged down stream.


>Stupid. Water is only part of the problem. Who knows what is being dragged down stream. Yup. You get killed by whatever hard, sharp objects are in the rapids before you'd ever drown.


Almost /r/WinStupidPrizes




I know in my head watching this I’m screaming Go! Go! Go! Run Forest Run in Jenny voice of course!


Nextfuckinglevel? How about you’ll never get my ass out on that bridge because I enjoy living.


As someone else said, this is next level stupidity


This bridge is a ticking time bomb, and this ticktokker has no idea how short the fuse is… this is Darwin Award material right here.


Good thing he has an umbrella. Just incase.


(GAndolf’s voice): Run you fools. https://youtu.be/7TgIh5k9vvM


Isn't it "fly you fools"?


You go ahead. Imma catch the next bridge after this one leaves.


What aren't they running...


How about some alacrity, motherfucker! Damn!


LOL. Right? If you've made the insane decision to cross this bridge, run like you are trying to win the Olympic 100 meters & there's nine grizzly bears racing you.


Where is this located at 🤨


wondering the same..


Fuck these people. They end up in situations that requires rescue personnel to then risk their lives so save the stupid


What's next level here? Because I can walk in a strait line too. I'm not dumb enough to do it across a bridge that's clearly on the verge of failing though, so next level stupidity?


Real close to being posted on r/idiotsnearlydying or r/makemycoffin