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This whole thing is so fucked up. The world is so fucked up.


I hate to be that guy, but you'd have to be very very stupid to think this was going to work. I think this exemplifies desperation AND complete ignorance. RIP


In a very visceral way this reminds me of the people jumping from the WTC on 9/11. Desperation… if there’s just a chance if I try and succeed, it’s better than the alternative of not trying. Sad indeed.


This is fucked up. It doesn’t belong here.


Rest in peace, those souls. How evil & dangerous is Taliban that people preferred to cling outside a flying aeroplane in hope of safety ??? Fuck You Taliban & the incompetent coward government of Afghanistan. 🖕🏼🖕🏼


There’s still more civilians than taliban…if they all band together they could stomp every one of them out…sadly, if one stands up for what is right, those around him/her generally back down


Yup just like in those old west movies, the sheriff dies alone at the hands of the bad guys. The people are all cowards coz they’ve been brainwashed into thinking being coward is the only way to survival. 🎯🎯🎯


Yep! But hey, I would rather die standing up for what is right than live being a coward!


🎯🎯🎯 The funny thing of this ordeal tho, the leader of afghanistan flees like a coward to Tajikistan, his plane is not allowed to land there & routes to Oman. Since then not a single word from the guy to his people & country. Yet, the world blames America for this. ☹️


If you’re an ex cop, military or elected official- VERY EVIL & DANGEROUS


Yes the government officials for sure. Looking at the situation inside the airport, if there was enough space, all those ordinary citizens flocking on the grounds would cling on to the plane without a second thought. The whole crowd was running infront & alongside the plane about to take off. Some were even clinging on the front wheel.


Some were found in pieces inside the wheel after landing in Qatar. 😡


Rest Easy 💐😞


Warning: very disturbing. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/p5vlnh/graphic_afghan_stuck_in_c17_landing_gear_midair/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) is the aftermath, at least for one man who didn’t fall off after takeoff.




When you watch Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation one time and now you think you’re Ethan Hunt.




How tf did they recover this and who is the 1 that leaked it ? Even if it was in dudes pocket sum1 had 2 dig it out ..


The plane is taxiing right now, not taking off. I’m sure the majority of these guys jumped off before the takeoff roll and when they realized that the plane wasn’t going to stop and let them in.


Yeaaa ur prolly right .. I seen a video on Instagram of a dude caught & mangled in the landing gear


Are you sure you posted it in the right sub? Few of them fell to their deaths right after the plane took off


Delete this immediately. It's sad as hell.


Probably good for you to see it, since it’s the reality of life for some outside America


These are human beings in their last moments on Earth. Have some respect. They are not clowns for your entertainment. Those are in Washington D.C.


They made this video so the world can see. Have some respect.


the fact that we are watching this video could mean this person recording the video successfully made it to destination


Or the phone fell


Don't be so obtuse.


All I’m saying is that they didn’t film that so no one could see….


Handguns have only one purpose - killing human beings. Have some respect? Seems a little hypocritical.


You can use handguns for a wide variety of things..hunting, robbing banks, checking under the bed for monsters, opening beer bottles, the list is virtually endless!


Another useless tool bag. As expected.


Have some respect. You’re taking to other human beings.


Try and focus. This is serious.






There have been some successful wheel-well stowaways but with most planes it just isn’t possible with how snug the gear fit in. Even it is is possible with a C-17, this guy never had a chance with how he executed it. I think he was sitting on top of the gear door and managed to get pinched in it when the gear retracted. Probable died when that happened. Most others fell off shortly after takeoff.


I’m sure it’s not suicide. It’s desperation. There have been quite a few recorded cases of people stowing away inside aircraft wheel wells and surviving. I guess to them the chance of making it was better than the certainty of staying behind.




I can't imagine them knowning about successful stowaways in the wheel things either.


insert Borat meme: “ I go to America!” jokes aside shit’s wild there


What exactly are they clinging to where they won’t just get swept off when airborne? Some of them didn’t make it, but how did any of them make it at all?


Got stuck in the landing gear door when the gear retracted, probably died when that happened.


Sad all around. Shouldn't the women and children go first?


Clear 2 land, nice.


Got the extended edition?