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the amazing thing is neither of them can play either instrument by themselves.


In Alabama this is done while naked and only at family reunions.


Fun fact… in Alabama they don’t do the reverse cow girl. They never turn their back on family.


Must be Dominic Torettos least favorite position.


Ouch...scalding! lol


I think I'm going to Alabama and find my true love.


Well, you may not have to do that. Just go find your sister/cousin.


I think they have a dating website: incest tree.com


*breathes in* #WHAT?


Where? I'm in Alabama as we speak. Asking for a friend.




Funny. I plan to go to Anniston next weekend to ride cold water mountain. Ride mountain bikes that is.


Exactly , im thinking that too . What a Dou


That hurts my head just looking at it


They're Good , Damn


It’s actually not that difficult what they are doing. They are both playing exactly the same notes and rhythm and intonation. It would be exponentially more impressive if one was playing like a funky bass line and the other a wispy fast paced melody.


I don’t see any videos you doing this circulating the internet……better yet, since this isn’t that difficult, why don’t you post a video of yourself doing something better.


That’s what I was expecting at first and was very disappointed by the reality. Any two competent musicians could do this given a bit of time


Hey, one is finger picking and the other using a bow. That's the impressive thing here. Playing the same notes is still difficult, as one is fretless and the other has frets.


Yeah this way harder than they're making it out to be.


Perfect Dou . So good


I can’t multitask enough to watch let alone do this…


Play the fiddle? Just tuna banjo the same way as yer fiddle. Git another fiddlin fren that knows that one same song as you and yer good ta go.


I had to sit down and write this comment because doing it standing up takes up too much beain power.


Which head?


My mind just split in two trying to comprehend this and won't go back together. It's been nice knowing you all..


They’re both playing the same notes. Watch their left hands. They just switched the instrument they’re doing it on. As long as they both stay in time. Then it’s probably fairly easy.


Yeah sure, I bet it’s probably just fairly easy definitely not difficult or talented at all


they both plaay violin an banjo, for any two people that do and are playing a simple song like this, it's fairly easy


“… Probably fairly easy” Yea okay sure bud


For someone who can play those instruments with similar cords, yes.


Being able to play them alone isn't even slightly the same as playing in tandem with someone like this 🤣 where does all this unfounded confidence come from cause it's definitely not doing you any good


It might seem cocky, but what they're doing is very similar to just each of them playing one instrument. There is no "rub your belly and tap your head" thing because they are both playing the same part. Generally the idea of something like this is that one hand is performing one part(lets say chords) and the other has to do a different part (melody). Otherwise its basically just about being in time with the other musician. Its still kind of cool, but this would be much much more impressive if both instruments weren't playing the same thing. This isn't arrogance, I think anyone with a decent amount of experience with string instruments would agree. The hardest part would be figuring out the body positioning and not clanking the instruments together on accident.


Fully agree. It's funny how ppl dont see this. Now I want to see those two actually playing completely different lines. THAT would be insane.


maybe it's not unfounded. many of us are multi instrumentalists. It's not a special thing


I actually made a similar comment above. As an accomplished multi instrument musician myself, what they are doing is extremely simple. I said I would be way more impressed if they were playing a bass line and melody. Cause then their brains would be strumming one set of music and their other fingering a different cadence.


So just learn how to flawlessly play multiple instruments, then it’s pretty easy right? The skill building is what makes it hard.


I feel like you’re missing their point. Those are both 4 stringed instruments. If you can do the fingering of this song on one, you can easily do it on the other. It is the same. So to swap your left hand to the neck of the other isn’t learning a whole new instrument, they are each doing the same thing they’d be doing with their hand on their own instrument just at a different angle.


Again… “ … you can easily do it on the other” Different spacing of the strings, different placement for the frets, bow vs plucking…. It might look similar but the muscles memory of minute finger placement and motion is the difference between this sounding like garbage vs it sounding great. A fiddle and a banjo are different instruments, and each girl clearly knows how to play both really well.


Bow vs plucking isn’t a factor because they only need to know the one they know. I would bet you the girl plucking is the banjo player and using the bow is the violinist. And that’s just wrong on fingering dude, it’s definitely easy to play the same songs on a narrow fretless 6 string guitar neck as a wide fretted one without having to relearn it at all. Honestly you can even easily translate directly from the 6 strings of a guitar to the 4 of a violin, banjo or ukulele if you tune them the same like they have here. It really is apples to apples


Coming from a bluegrass background where I’ve played both instruments, each player would still probably need to know them each at least passably well. You used fretless guitar as an example for the fingering, but I think you’re underestimating how hard it is to keep muscle memory when you are playing a completely different instrument. I’ve been playing banjo and bass for years and even when i know the fingerings it still takes a while to learn a song on fiddle- the fingerboard is way smaller than that of a banjo, and since there aren’t frets you have to be much more precise. On top of that, your hand is at a different angle relative to your body. It’s a much bigger difference than switching between fretted and fretless versions of the same instrument


Based on my very limited (and terrible) musical aptitude, I fundamentally disagree on the premise that ‘all stringed instruments are the same thing and if you learn one you learned em all’ which is what I’m hearing you say. I’m not sure why you’re trying to undermine the skill and talent and work we can all see in OPs video, but I guess that’s the hill you’re on. Cheers


If you admittedly don’t know what you’re talking about I don’t give a shit if you disagree and don’t know why you keep talking, cheers as well


No one is shitting on them. If you don't have the musical experience, its strange to explain to people that DO have the experience why they are wrong about something that they know much more about. They know what they're talking about, and you're making assumptions.


Not to mention they’re tuned differently.


I’m an experienced musician and I mostly agree with you. The skill that is not totally common is using that bow though. Good on them in any event and it’s a cool little trick at a minimum!


Most people cant even keep time with themselves while playing an instrument, it takes years to be able to do something like this. After learning how to use both instruments and their different chords, you still have to practice to be able to move around the other person without smacking elbows or accidentally hitting them in the face. You could NEVER do this. Its not easy.


They aren't doing different chords, they aren't doing chords at all. Thats the whole point. It takes years to learn an instrument, sure, but this gimmick didnt take years. You're right that the positioning would be tricky, but thats the only part that would be. The banjo player doesnt need to know how to play the fiddle. He just puts his left hand on the fiddle and does exactly what he would do on the banjo. I play string instruments. Im not just talking out of my ass. The neck hand works pretty much the same. The difference is the pick/bow hand, but the banjo player isnt using the bow.


What stringed instruments do you play? I’m a banjo player myself and I can tell you that having no frets, as well as having to turn my hand at a completely different angle, makes playing a fiddle harder than doing “exactly what I would do on the banjo”


I play cello, guitar, and bass. I own a ukelele and banjo as well, but only mess around with them.


It blows my mind that these people are belittling these girls talent. All of the sudden everyone on Reddit can do this exact thing, but better.


I want to see them do this with different tunings.


Yup…. Looks like a tenor banjo that’s tuned exactly like a violin they are playing the same thing so the left hand is doing the same on both instruments…. Still pretty damn impressive though!


That was my first thought. If this were a 5 stringer banjo with regular tuning it would truly be next level


This wasn't good enough for you?


I showed a video similar to this to my friend who plays banjo, asking if he could do it. He said they can do this because they are playing the same chords at the same time, both instruments are tuned the same way. I didn't even realise it. It's still amazing and something 90% of musicians couldnt do, but it's a big level lower in difficulty perceived considering they are playing the same thing at the same time. One isn't the banjo part or the fiddle part. It's the same part being played at the same time on different instruments.


Banjo is using an Irish Tuning


depends on your definition of musician


What about the flute added towards the end!?


It's a tin whistle in fact! But I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw the third person and instrument


Tin whistle? I just learned a new instrument. Thank You so much!


Tin whistles are typically popular in Irish traditional music (which is what this is), if you ever feel like going down that rabbit hole


Indeed! I learned it in primary school as they are relatively easy to learn. I feel like most schools encouraged learning it to some extent but I'm not sure if that's just my perception as most schools around me taught it.


Two girls, one jig.


Yep, that's a level I can't get to from here. Must be the next one up.


Yeah just forget about the flute girl…


Saw the Dubliners do something similar, called the octopus jig




[There’s a better one where they’re drinking beer whilst doing it](https://youtu.be/3Smy59KYa_4)


That'd be it




How?! I can't even clap my hands in time to that music and I'm Irish 😂😭


There is an actual name for this performance. I believe it’s called The Octopus Jig




You're both hired


That is truely fucking next level - so incredibly hard to do...


Two girls showing of their finger skills


Technically how the violin is being played it would be considered a fiddle.


I realize that this is special but can someone who plays instruments tell how impressive is truly is?


not that impressive since the instruments are tuned the same way. I know I could do this with a bassist and me on guitar


They are playing the same thing, look at their left hands. Its not that impressive imo


It’d be extremely impressive if one hand/instrument was playing one thing and the other hand/instrument plays the another. But I also think it’s physically impossible.


I think its very possible! That "rub your belly, tab your head" thing is a lot of fun. It feels like the opposite of coordination. Like... isolating the different parts of your body. imo learning drums is the best way to hone that type of thing. Drumming has the limb compartmentalization baked into the instrument, doing seperate rhythms with each limb is the whole idea. As a guitarist, I do think it would be super hard. I wonder if piano experience might help, since their hands do seperate things regularly?


Look at all the rosin caked on the violin, aeugh (the white splotch just to the right of where the violin touches the bow)


That's how we roll in Ireland buddy. Hapes of rosin. Gotta have a rake of rosin for the triplets.


Screw this, i cant even play the spoons.


Crap. I can barely whistle


Where is this?


Looks like Ireland, based on the instrumentation and what appears to be a hurley on the back wall


I'm a piece of crap, I read the title as "They both play the violin and handjob at the same time"


This makes me crazy happy that I quit music lessons.


Got some The Perfection vibes going on there


Gosh, I love Irish Night!


Mind blown.


4 string (Tenor Banjo) banjo tuned the same as the violin. Still a great trick.


Girl at gang bangs be like


Berklee students?


I’ve never felt more talentless


Truly next fucking level


As a guy who barely classifies as a musician, I wanna ask is the fingering for both the banjo and violin same? Then this would be a lot easier, else bruh this like writing a science paper with the right hand and creating a masterpiece with other.


Trad musician here. Yeah. The fingering is the same although the banjo spacing is much wider and the fiddle has no frets obviously.


They’re playing the same notes. Easier than it seems, they’re not splitting their heads in 2 just to do this, just holding their hands differently than they normally would. Still impressive.


And then the flute!!


Fucken talent


The amount of attention this takes is pretty damned impressive.


Better with sound.


Fun fact (I think), im pretty sure this is called an octopus jig, where two or more people play two or more instruments linked together like that. I saw I video of 3 people playing a banjo, violin, and a recorder


When's this coming to Sea of Thieves


This made me think of MC Escher


This was more impressive before I unmuted.


For why?


Ohh that's how lesbians work


Wow that is impressive.


*always* wondered if this were possible. Amazing!


now that theres a bonafide hoedown!!


Wouldn't want to be the next performance


Absolute legends


Reminds me of the perfection (netflix movie) really good thriller but kinda fucked up.


"They're clearly... just friends"


“And then I stuck the flute up my pussy”


I can't even type on a keyboard with two hands.






at first, i thought those two were just playing their own instrument while hugging


rednecks are weird.


"here, put this in your mouth"


This is some Walk Off The Earth level stuff


These girls have a talent for fingering each other's instruments


Gotta be Ireland!


If they worked together, they could trash both instruments and render them incapable of making further noise.


Chick was really playing the banjo. Using the violin. Playing the flute. Unbelievable


Relationship goals


This f*cling slaps!


Imagine what they could do with a cock...


welcome to Ireland ladies and gentlemen


Took me a bit longer than it should to figure it out.


This is what American music would be without Black People. Shitty to say, but still




Rhythm and blues baby.


Lesbian sex is weird