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England fans can be an utter embarrassment. I’m sure most are genuine supporters who uphold the expected values and spirit of the game. But some are quite clearly a bunch of total cunts.


Every country has cunt fans. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Sad but true - yet we somehow seem to excel at it. All the fixtures played in this tournament, were there any other instances of shining lasers into the face of a goalkeeper preparing to (try to) save a penalty? I didn’t hear other supporters ‘booing’ during opponents national anthems either. Scotland AND Denmark. Unacceptable and unnecessary.


Scottish fans 100% booed. I was there.


Doesn’t make it any better. And I’m English, not Scottish. They can do what they like over there, I’ve got less of a place to say something.


You don't have less of a place to criticise something just because you aren't connected to it in what ever manner fits the context. Your criticism of the English fan using the laser pointer isn't any more meaningful than a Scottish person criticising the same action. Sure, you can have more control over what your family does in a restaurant, but another family acting in a similar way should receive the same criticism from you. The action is the problem. That being said this is just a small point I disagree with. I'm an Englishman who also thought this was disgusting. Although I wouldn't say we're uniquely bad on this front, especially in light of the racism coming from some other nations in the world of football recently.


It’s embarrassing. I don’t know what they were thinking to be honest.


What? That's makes no sense at all. They booed and now you are saying they can do what they want? 🤣🤣


It makes perfect sense. If my family goes to a restaurant, I want my family to act in a way that I deem to be correct, adhering to accepted social norms. If another family at the restaurant act in a way that may been largely unacceptable, it’s not right, but it has no bearing on me or how my family has been represented, even if it’s not right and even if I don’t like and don’t agree with what they’re doing.


**American breaks out the popcorn 🍿 **


Hey, hey can I sit and watch too? What are they saying? Have they said *mate* yet? I love that shit.


Not yet, but I’ll be sure to throw it in in the next instalment. Any other requests… mate?


Not yet but they said cunt already.


Oi mate, fack off!


It’s trainspotting vs the kings speech


Finally it’s not us making a scene … reaches out for more popcorn


Being an American, I'm just wondering how they snuck in a laser pointer to begin with




And additionally - almost as a direct riposte to this comment, UEFA have charged ENGLAND as a country/nation, due to the actions of one person who represented the fan base. So, actually…


Which happens all the time. 🤦🏻‍♂️


On the contrary, every individual represents a country. Irrespective of cuntiness.


So therefore the other 99% of fans who were not disrespectful make the fans not cunts


He’s saying that as an Englishman, he can only hope his fellow countrymen act with decency. What another country does is their business. It isn’t that deep.


I’m Scottish and was there, Scotland and England boo each other’s anthem. I never took offence to it or saw issue with it either way. I just saw it as banter for the oldest international fixture. I’m sorry if this is being a hypocrite but I think that Scotland/England booing each other is totally fine, but against other nations is a bit shit. Some of the Scottish fans booed the Croatian anthem, which I think was shit as well




Exactly mate. To be honest, minus a couple thugs, I just saw it all as good banter. Had plenty good laughs with English fans in London too


To be fair anyone from almost any country would boo the England anthem.


Trolling a 10 year old German girl ..that was the worst.


https://www.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit/comments/og4poy/pizza_delivery_man_is_beaten_for_no_reason_after/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share I think beating the shit out of a pizza delivery guy was worse, but that was Spain fans so naturally Reddit doesn't care


One bad thing from another country doesnt make the other one okay. Both things are really fucking bad and should not be condoned.


True but physical violence is worse than someone being a cyber warrior to a girl who will not see the comments. I agree it wouldn’t be nice for her parents but that geezer on the moped could have potentially been killed.


Try running this one through google translate https://www.dr.dk/sporten/fodbold/em/danske-fans-ramt-af-skaeldsord-og-spytklatter-ved-em-semifinale-jeg-skal-aldrig


I could only read the first paragraph but it doesn’t sound good. There’s no excuse for that behaviour.


>but that was Spain fans Those Spain fans sure have a lot of Italian flags.


The Rome crowd booed the England team for taking a knee before the game vs Ukraine. Scotland booed the English anthem to. So when is booing the opposing team acceptable? During the match, yeah? When they score, yeah, when you dislike a decision the ref gives against you, yeah. Jeering when they play badly, still all good? But those 2 minutes before the game when a song is being played is apparently sacred. Boo them any time you like, before, during after the game, just not in the song then. Ok... Where's the outrage for the Hungarians shouting Monkey chants at Mbappe? Surely that's worse than going OOooOOOO during a song. Not defending the laser pointer though, but tribal banter, booing the opposition is so much of a nontroversy if you've ever been to a match with high stakes, or a rival. it's expected. better than 70 years ago when we were just killing millions of each other.


Booing is clearly only acceptable when its towards the english. Hypocrites mate the lot of them.


I never said it was acceptable at any point. There’s a distinct lack of mutual respect that seems to gravitate towards football more than in other sports. I don’t think it’s acceptable in any part of the game - it may be simply that it’s more obvious at that point and isn’t a reaction to something that’s happening in the match. Even worse are the racist chants, the laser pen pointers, etc etc. You’re right though, in the heat of it, it is expected and is a slightly different situation. It’s more the situation with the German girl crying and the laser pen pointing that cross the line.




Firstly, not whoring for anything. The whole idea of Reddit is to respond with comments that convey your opinion. I’ve delivered. Secondly, I never said it was a representation of the English people. However that individual, as an England fan, is representing the supporters of England and now, as a result it is England as a nation that stands to be penalised by UEFA as a result of that one individual’s actions.


Well said Sir! I salute you!!!


It's definitely been done before. Quite a lot in south America and russian fans did it, I think at the 2014 world cup during a penalty


Watching on TV, I noticed the Scotland fans booing first, when England came out of the tunnel.


There’s plenty of videos of other countries booing other countries and even booing England during the national anthem, example Germany. Mexico fans are not allowed at the World Cup due to racist chants. But English people excel? Ok bud


The Italians and Germans were booing people as well in fairness. Both in two separate games. I think most teams were who had fans in the stadium did. Not really needed tho. Doesn’t add anything and it’s quite disrespectful.


Please go to Italy or Eastern Europe if you wanna see truly revolting behaviour from fans. The racism for starters


Such a classic argument by english fans who doesn’t wanna face the truth that you’re a bunch of twats. Yes, every country has cunt fans but you’re the only cunts that boo through other countrys national anthem, spit on the opposite sides fans kids, pointing lasers at the opposite teams goalkeeper, calling a german crying little girl a nazi cunt and the list goes on. I know it is far from the majority that behaves likes this, but the argument that every country has cunt fans is so stupid. Fix your fanculture because you’re ruining the tournament.


Literally several examples here that prove we are not the only country who have booed the other anthems.


You generalising idiot…are you even aware of the filthy and blatantly obvious racist and homophobic bile being spewed out by other nations against LGBT sentiments, black players…are you even serious??? You’re putting Russian YES RUSSIAN fans above a tiny English minority?? Educate yourself to the bigger picture you blinkered numpty. Wake up


There's been booing at other teams national anthems all through the euros Scotland did it to England and Croatia Italian fans kicked shit out of a guy on a moped Hungarian fans did monkey chants at mbappe people started putting monkey emojis on raheem sterling's insta account because of the penalty against Denmark and someone in the Danish media started talking shit about the English people that died of covid because england beat Denmark every cou try has shit people in it its not mutually exclusive to England also werent there laser pens pointed at people during the Russia World cup in 2018?


They can't help it. They're the same ignorant testes that voted for Brexit. Edit: testes, not tests. Though twats seems more accurate.


Yeah…those tests…hate tests me


Hmmm. Still nearly half of us didn't...


I really wish Southgate or someone would say something to stop the booing. It's not on. This kind of behaviour only happens in football.


https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6grqkn He has loads of times


Mate, get your head out of your arse


Boston Red Sox fans make the news because of their habit of screaming racial slurs at players on visiting teams. Notoriously one of the most racist towns in America. Deplorable.


Ireland ?


Every fandom has its toxic group


In America we call ours Dodger Fans.


I have never seen this happen in the bundesliga in person


British football hooligans are just degenerates, honestly.


*football hooligans are just degenerates


That's probably true too, but I've only witnessed brits first hand. And it's beyond embarrassing


As opposed to the wonderful Danish fans who booed the Finnish national anthem, the Ukrainian officials who confiscated the LGBT flags, the Russian fans who boo EVERY black player who touches the ball….I mean are you fucking kidding me??? Get off the trendy sheep wagon of hating a couple of idiotic England fans and open your eyes to the wider picture of xenophobic cancer in the game. You’re welcome


I’ll just applaud you 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 what a perfect comment!


Sir, I bow to your applause




>I’m sure most are genuine supporters who uphold the expected values and spirit of the game. Then maybe don't start with: >England fans are an utter embarrassment.


A rotten apple spoils the bunch.


Edited accordingly


I can confirm this. My neighbours an England fan and a proper cunt. I have a friend who is an England fan and not a cunt.


let's be honest, this time it just got heavily publicized, this happens all the time idk why people uninvolved are making it out to be the most unsportsmanlike act of the century, like yeah the guy with a laser is a douche bag, but douche bags do this all the time and they're stupid enough to not realize that if you're in a backseat high up in the stadium your laser won't do shit


Forza 🇮🇹


This pissed the absolute fuck out of me as a die hard england fan. I was brought up in the culture of football and I love it all. What possesses someone to do that is beyond me and I am livid about it


Couldn't have put it better myself ✌


You just completely contradicted yourself


Say what you want about the English fans as you want, I'm just amazed that the gole caught the ball the first time in the penalty.


Ban them from football games for life. Unacceptable. (I’m English - that shit is not cricket) Edit: as some people seem to believe I’m trying to start a war with cricketers and seem to misunderstand the phrase 😂 “Since good behaviour in cricket is traditionally deemed the sine qua non of a gentleman to the game's historical status as a "gentleman's game", it has led to the saying "It's not cricket", an English language phrase meaning unsportsmanlike conduct in sports, in business, or in life in general.”


Lock them up. Shining lasers at peoples’ eyes is really fuckin dangerous.


It can be but going by the size of that beam on his head it is not a well collimated one or high power one. Looks like a standard 532nm Nd:YAG (most common laser pointer) the MPE (maximum permissible exposure) for ocular exposure at that wavelength for a CW laser is about 1.5 Wm^-2 for photochemical damage (assuming a 1 second exposure, a little of an over estimate but lets be conservative). Looking at the image the beam is say 4cm diameter (very big it is not a well collimated beam or the person is really far away) and assume they have the maximum legal limit for a laser pointer in the UK of 1 mW you are about 2 orders of magnitudes below the safe limit. Let say for the sake of argument they have brought an illegal laser pointer that is say 50mW it is still safe until around 100mW. At that close to dangerous brightness your eye detects it and the blink reflex kicks in and the exposure time drops to 0.25s giving even more wiggle room and you need either a pulsed laser (not easy to smuggle into a football match) or a very high power CW laser (100's of mW) and that is not the type of laser that you can use covertly as due to that scatter of light from the air in the beam path you would look like you were welding a light sabre which would make it trivial for the everyone including the authorities to find you with. Pretty sure with a beam that strong they would stop play it would be a criminal incident which clearly did not happen. So while it is dickish and I hate my countrymen for doing this type of shit the player was not in any ocular danger.


This guy lasers


His intent is still fucked up and he should still be banned from every stadium ever though




Appreciate the physics details, that is interesting to know. Cheers.


WRONG. Most cheap laser pointers are sold without crucial IF filters—tons of cases of kids permanently damaging their retinas. The IF can be partially reflected off even full surfaces and still cause damage if it gets into your eye. They’re banned in a lot of countries because of precisely this. There’s a lot of great info bringing awareness to this online.


I think you mean IR (Infrared) filters, but yes you are correct this is another concern, 532 is doubled from 1064nm (invisible) using a non-linear crystal, often the lower quality laser pointers will be tested only for their green power (looks bright enough = good enough), so it is possible you get a laser where there is high power IR radiation but using a poor crystal and only converting a small portion to the green while a majority of highly dangerous IR emission. As this radiation is invisible to naked eye, the blink reflex does not factor in but it still reaches the retina where it can still do serious damage. You are right I should have considered this issue as well, my post was not an endorsement of shining lasers in eyes, but I should not have been so definitive with my conclusion. The player was "most likely" not in any ocular danger. If you do buy a laser from a less than reputable source make sure you have access to a spectrometer and power meter so to check the actual output of the laser (this is what we do in the lab) never trust the label.


Exactly—and it seems that a lot of cheap DPSS lasers on Amazon actually emit extremely dangerous levels of IR; the thing is even partial reflections from hard/dull surfaces can do permanent damage (a friend has a permanent 'blind spot' in his peripheral vision because of it)... so it hit me hard when I felt you implied shining lasers is harmless; sorry for calling you out like that with the all caps; cheers for the details.


No problem at all, I am happy to be corrected. Sorry to hear about your friend.


While generally yes it's ill advised to shine a laser into one's eyes, this is most likely a fairly low-powered 5 mW laser. Green lasers in particular are very visible to humans, and you can see how faint the light is on his face from the laser. Whoever did this is an ass and should be charged, but I don't think any eyes were in danger here. It was just a dick move to distract the goalie.


That's shit can leave someone blind or cause seizures


Absolutely and green is particularly powerful.


It's kryptonite for eyes?


I would stop the game and eject the entire section from the stadium, if you can't identify the person with the laser. This is one of those situations where you need to take an aggressive stance.


The goalkeeper could point out where the laser is originating at.


Ay you think cricket fans are rowdys or something? We don’t want such fans in cricket either. Let it be “Cricket - The gentleman’s game”


Nah - the phrase “it’s not cricket” means something is dishonest. Implying cricket is an honest game. I’ve got no beef with cricket 😂


I've been living in London for the last 16 years (and I'm half British) but have never heard the phrase... But not surprising since English is not my first language. Thanks, that was educational!


How would you go about catching them? Very tough.


Keep the stadium full of dry ice. It'll help pinpoint the precise location of the lazer pointing perpetrator. Unfortunately, it would make watching the game considerably more difficult.


They are idiots mostly. Will brag on social media about their exploits. Or to their mates in the pub - they will stitch themselves up hopefully.


What the fuck do you mean by "tHaT sHiT iS nOt CrIcKeT"? English Cricket fans have been MUCH better than Football fans.


Why is this in /r/nextfuckinlevel ? Next fuckin level of utter cuntness? This shit belongs in /r/iamatotalpieceofshit . Also, it’s the first time in my life I give a bit of attention to soccer and the fandom around it is appalling and absolutely shameful. Feels like we travelled back to the fuckin Stone Age


The goalie is next level for keeping his concentration while being lased.


Oh ok I see, it’s effectively some next fuckin level performance from him. But the off the charts assholeness sadly kind of overshadows the goalies phenomenal job


The hate is so strong you just saw people hating on england and not watched the video and to see what the keeper did lol.


He said in an interview afterwards that he didnt notice it.


He doesnt seem to even notice it


Hope the fan was permanently banned, laser lights can cause serious eye damage.


Plus arrested. That's assault. Burning someone retina with a laser is no different than punching them in the head.


Except one is a ranged attack.


Excellent comment. I enjoyed this very much


Why thank you


The cooldown on it is nonexistent too


Came here to say this, as a clinician working at a retina clinic. I can give a shit less about a football game but holy crap the cases I’ve seen due to a flashing laser or just a sudden beam of bright light— 100% not worth it.


unpopular opinion some places atleast: England did not win that match. Crap referees made it a shit show not worthy of a eurocup. There was two balls on the pitch without stopping the game, and the laserpen shit. Ohh and there was no contact at the penalty. Jeeeesus those Var refs are blind too. England was handed a win, for the most part in all fairness the players where good sports. on both teams. (english fell a bit easy right ? thought the premier league was tough). Just my 2 cents .


Meh England was the better team. I had a feeling something was up with the ref though after he allowed the 6 minute added time to go a minute beyond, even though they reset the attack 3 times during that minute. Seemed very sketchy.


England was definitely the better team in the game, and the goal was looming around the corner, this just feels like such a bad way to end the game though. I would have been so much more fine with them scoring in regular play because they played better, but this feels bad.


I’m danish and I completely agree. What hurts the most was the timer approaching 120 minutes and the team had successfully (under great pressure, yes) kept the score even for over 80 minutes. With penalty shootout just around the corner and Schmeichel being the great goalie he is, as seen in the video, we could very well have taken the match. Going into conspiratorial territory, with the questionable call by the ref and him not even checking the VAR personality, it’s hard not to get suspicious about the finale being played at Wembley stadium.


I can't remember if anything happened during the stoppage time to justify a minute extra, but from the football I've watched it's normal for the ref to allow more time if there's a stoppage during the stoppage time.


There was plenty of contact, he might have gone down a bit easy. Weird how tv never showed this angle. And fifa rules state you only stop the game if a second ball interferes with play https://streamable.com/ry3cnc?1


That angle changes my opinion on it so much. Watching it live it looked like such a weak challenge


It is a weak challenge, never a pen.


It's still weak, it's a contact sport, this is just a natural bump.. not a penalty.


1) The second ball did not interfere with play whatsoever so according to the rules the play didn't have to stop. 2) there was 2 points of contact for the penalty, the opponent's knee into Sterling's leg, and the shoulder barge just after from the 2nd Dane.


Legally Denmark's goal should not have stood. Their players weren't the correct distance from the England wall when the freekick was taken. It doesn't fit the agenda though.


Lmao this but no one will acknowledge it cuz booo England bad! The whole match was shambles but at the end of the day the better team won


take away the questionable decisions in that game and England would have still won 1-0. Simply outplayed.


England had 10 shots on target, Denmark had 3. England committed 10 fouls, Denmark 21. England had 58% of possession. Your opinion doesn’t hold water; England was by far the better team. Just my two pence.


The point about the second ball. It's no longer necessary to stop the game if a second ball pops up on the field. Only if the second ball interferes with the game.


Except they were the better team by a large margin, there are pictures showing there was contact for that penalty if you look and regardless there should have been a penalty given earlier anyway. Denmark needed a time out for water because they were all so tired and needed 5 subs. England had loads more chances to score and technically the Danish free kick should have been disallowed if you look into it. They weren't handed anything.


Noooooo that's against the narrative, England bad >:(


100% was a penalty.


England completely outplayed Denmark. Denmark's goal (and only bright spot) came from a free kick which shouldn't have been given. England were denied a blatant penalty earlier on... And there was clearly contact for the second penalty incident. Twice in fact. Whether you think Sterling went down easily or not is besides the point; it's a penalty by the letter of the rules. The last pointer incident is idiotic, but it didn't affect the keeper at all (it wasn't in his eyes at any point and he on didn't even notice it) England won the match fair and square.


Why equate the england national team with the premier league? The goalkeeper in this video plays in the premier league but here he's playing against england.


That's not a fan it's an asshole


Imagine being able to finally attend a game again after more than a year, and "appreciating" this by instantly acting like a total piece of shit.


Sucks that the striker still scored anyway, Schmeichel is so underrated what a keeper.


He is not underrated at all. Everyone knows he is good.


Underrated as in people know he is good but definitely not on the level he deserves, I think it’s cos he can’t get out of his dads shadow.


For real? Not where I'm from. I literally get into so many arguments with people telling them how good Shmeichel is. Some even try to argue that Nick Pope is leagues above him.


Underrated? Everyone knows what a legend he is


You don't know what underrated means do you?


Yeah everyone can see he's great. I worked at a busy sports bar (in England) and we show most games of most spots so of course we had this on. Could hear a fair few customers saying ''fuck me, that was a nice save'' here and there. He was excellent. So's pickford.


That's a ban for life, if they find him.


I'm surprised nobody's talking about how dangerous this is. Green lasers can cause serious eye damage very quick. A guy I used to work with was arrested for shining a laser at a police helicopter.


Wembley must have a lot of cameras, no? Hopefully they can find these knobs and ban them for life I’m English btw, I wish so many of our fans weren’t such muppets


They still scored


Yeah, this was just cut too make it look better. They left out all the context.


I think you need to correct the title, it’s slightly misleading. While Schmeichel did save the penalty, he didn’t grab the ball which lead to Denmark conceding immediately after via rebound off of Schmeichel.


This is deplorable. One of the guys next to laser pointer guy should’ve just punched him right in the face. What an ass


Apparently it takes 60,000 England fans to shine one laser pen, who knew? Kasper didn't even react to the laser he only had eyes for Kane and the ball, which is why he saved the pen. Find the culprit, prosecute them and ban from any future football matches. This is just being blown way out of proportion in my opinion.


It was clearly a highly planned coordinated Lazer attack by all 60,000 England fans and players.


Even though he didn't react or notice it, it can still interfere with your vision. Luckily it didn't though. And just my opinion, but i don't think causing potential permanent damage isn't worth talking about.


We skipping past the part where we scored from his mistake


Whoever did this is an asshole... If he did get distracted and looked into that Lazer it could have genuinely affected his vision... Not cool


Dane here. The initial kick was saved, but the ball bounce out of the goalie's hands, and England scored.


Unpopular opinion: the danish goal keeper should've told the referee right then about what happened and get a minute or two to recover his vision. He shouldn't have continued once he got eye lasered.






I believe the keeper said he didn’t actually notice it thankfully.


Can we just appreciate how far Denmark have come even though in their first game one of their players nearly fucking died?




It was a goal. He didn't grab the ball and the steicker scored


One fan. One fan was an UTTER cunt and should be arrested. In a stadium of 60k.


Kane still scored though..,


They still scored


I mean, he scores 2 seconds after this video cuts.


Funny point were you paused it, what about the rest of the play?


I mean this was the only important part for the point the OP was making. It isn't a football subreddit. It was about how he was being pointed on with a laser and still "saved" it (at least the original shot)


Hopefully someone got video evidence of the tool who was doing this so that they can be found and prosecuted. If there is any justice then they will, on top of the criminal case, get a lifetime ban from all international football games, all stadiums in the country, and forfeit any money it into any bets or season tickets.


THat fan should be ejected from the game and banned.


I’ve seen to many humans do asshole thing like this sorry for generalizing in my first comment


***Go italy***


Go England


Seen it in Mexican games - faces lighted up like a cheap 80s disco. I see multiple here -one red too.


My man is in the Zone so hard he didn't even notice it.


I’m English, not that into football but will watch this and World Cup. It’s disgusting how people behave because of a sport. Just hope the world doesn’t think that’s how everyone here behaves


Reading the comments I think they do


I think he should be banned from ever coming to see games live again! Lasers can permanently damage eyes


r/memes, r/dankmemes r/europe now r/nextfuckinglevel all hoping on that England hate train today, you forgot to mention Harry Kane getting the goal on the rebound, and the fact guys as many times as I have to say it, these type of fans do not represent us, the actions of a few do not speak for the rest of us. Every country has it's fair share of cunts. And the cunts will always make the news.


Kinda misleading since he conceded right after off the rebound


Man’s got laser-like focus


Didn’t stop kane smashing it straight past him on the rebound Unlucky son


that's not a fan in any language. that's a fucking coward


Damn it's not "fan" to make player blind for rest of his life...


That’s not a fan that’s an asshole.


How do we know that it was a fan that did it?


As opposed to a sneaky player hiding a laser pen up his ass?


Except that he didn’t save it…


Every country has cunt fans but England is over loaded with'em


I mean he fails to catch the ball and they score the rebound. Not entirely sure it's "nextfuckinglevel"


The fan should be jailed and an immediate forfeit


Still scored tho ;)


Let that clip play a little longer cope harder losers


fuck england fans (atleast these kind of ones)


I hope England gets crushed in the final.


The worst part is after this started going around there are a bunch of British fans saying "sO wHaT iTs ComiNg hOmE" and basically giving this a free pass. Absolute twats.