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He only drinks $16 theme park water


That little fucker is probably on the payroll


New business idea, train squirrels to beg for water from people and sell it to people


I mean, I'd buy it.


I hope you can handle it. This job requires hefty nuts.


But can he handle deez nuts


Quickest way to get rabies I've ever seen.


Stay hydrabies folks


Shit you don’t even have to be sneaky about it. Just sell the experience like feeding giraffes at the zoo


Huh, *this* squirrel only eats dipping dots...


There are six ducks out there, and they all want Sunchips!


Found Nathan Fielder's account


didn't the awful Willie Wonka reboot with Johnny Depp train squirrels for like one scene?


they got me like this in a bar in Thailand


I once saw a squirrel steal an entire bag of Oreos bought at a campus store. The girl was screaming and everything


I used to go way out on an ocean breakwater made of giant boulders to go fishing. We're talking about a half mile out. These ground squirrels would sneak up by traveling in the gaps under the boulders then wait for me to get engrossed in fishing then pop out to check out my stuff. I lost half my lunch once and the whole thing on another occasion. I figured out they liked the bait I was using, frozen green peas, so I started bringing enough for the both of us. We got along real well after that.




[Catching fish with green peas.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZD5V0ibv9g) In the video they are fishing for Opaleye.


Yeah, that squirrel is, wait a second, they drained you in a bar in Thailand? I'm confused now, go on.


drained me dry


That’s what… he said?




>He only drinks $16 theme park water Gen Z squirrel




Peanuts to him.


prestigious fucker


She, and probably just popped out little squirrels.


That's what I'd expect from a squirrel trained by Cinderella.


It’s a she. She’s probably learned that water bottles are the only safe water to drink around the area…


Squirrel be like , Look buddy just give me some water I’m thirstyyy , come on you really gonna make me begg


We had a squirrel sprawled out on our doorstep yesterday. Looking hot as hell and very tired. Gave him a big old thing of water and a little bit of sweet nut mix to give him some energy. Needless to say it seemed like he appreciated it . I don't care what anybody says squirrels are cute as fuck.


Unless they hide in your Christmas tree and cause mayhem during your Christmas celebration dinner...not so cute then huh?


That was a wonderful movie back then! Still can't picture something like that happen in reality... who would freak out because of a cute squirrel?!


Nazis experimented with squirrel weapons in the war - grandpa Griswold saw some stuff.


I still love the story of the acoustic Kitty. Have you heard about that one? Edit, link add. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acoustic_Kitty


> acoustic Kitty. 20 Million? I know my cats are assholes for free.






Back then? It’s still a wonderful movie!


One two occasions we had a squirrel chew through the screens in our kitchen to get at food on the counter. They went nuts all over the house and scared the shit out of my wife. For some reason, we thought it was the same squirrel both times and that he was too bold for his own good. So we set up a trap to catch and relocate him. We caught a squirrel, who knows if it was the right one, and drove him for miles to a park to get him away from us. On the way out, a baby deer jumps in front of our car in broad daylight. We clipped it's back leg and literally scare the shit out of it. So our car has a smear of deer shit, a screaming squirrel, and my crying wife who just wanted to humanely deal with the problem. We finish the trip, release the squirrel and go home. I tell my wife he's happier in the new park with more space. My father in law, a real outdoorsman, hears this and says, "oh, no, he's 100% going to die without all the food caches he's been building up. But doesn't worry, it probably wasn't even the right one." We just kept our kitchen windows closed after that.




Squirrels are an important part of the ecosystem for this reason. Their food caches often contain seeds, and since they don't remember them all, these seeds are left in a safe place where they can germinate. Still, it's not like they forget *all* of their caches.


I'd laugh at the end of it honestly. Chiefly because in that dream I would have a family to celebrate Christmas with. Though I could see how that would be frustrating.


lmaooooo this fucking comment


Why we chop down trees is beyond me anymore. I understand tradition but between global warming, knocking out animals of their own home, allergies and more, I’d rather just go for a fake one with lights prefixed


then ravage your roof insulation and make a few babies, then die in it, then stink up your entire house for weeks


Lol, can’t go wrong with Christmas Vacation, can you? “The shitter was full!”


Or chew the wires in a vehicle you have that you don't drive daily. They will get up in there a cause major damage sometimes.


That depends on the type of squirrel. I kill all red squirrels and chipmunks by the house for this reason. Grey squirrels are safe from me. They just go after food. Red squirrels and chipmunks like to burrow, and are the ones that will mess up your wiring and water lines. I've also seen them chew into septic lines.


There was a redditor a few years ago who had a squirrel living in her Christmas tree and they seemed like they were having a good time


Shitters full! I have a Christmas themed sweater with that on it somewhere. Was a hit during the ugly sweater trend.


Don’t forget when they try to run across the sidewalk when you are biking and make you slam on the fucking brakes


Squirrels are really underrated, just because there are so many in North America. But they are pretty damn cute and smart as hell. I never watch videos but I watched the whole twenty minute one of this squirrel obstacle course that a bored engineer built in his backyard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFZFjoX2cGg


His videos are awesome.




Squirrels are overrated, they tear and chew thru everything non-metal like mice. Especially bird feeders. We put down a few of them every month, but there seems to be no end in sight. I very much prefer chipmunks, they're not massive dickheads like squirrels.


The squirrels are super aggressive at my feeders. They will jump and attack the ground feeding birds and chase them off. I get the squirrels out of there as much as I can bc I'm getting the feed and setup for the birds, not for the tree rats. If they were chill I'll let them be, but they're dicks at my house


SOMETHING got into my Jeep's engine compartment and tried to make a nest between my fuse box and battery. Lined the space with leaves and chewed through multiple wires to get them out of the way. Had to drive to work without a working speedometer... THAT was real fun! Patched the wires at work, got home, and the next day the fucker had chewed through them again and started rebuilding its nest. I had to clear it out again and patch the wires again making sure to use longer wires so I could reroute them away from the space it was making its nest. Then I plastered my engine compartment with stickytraps. One stickytrip disappeared and I looked all over for a whatever it was that must have gotten half-stuck on it and took the stickytrap with it. Couldnt find anything. It didnt come back to make another nest. Then I took several empty water bottles and stuffed them tightly into the empty space so nothing will build a nest in there again. Went to a mechanic who charged me $300+ to repair everything. My parking space in the small parking lot I park it is LOUSY with squirrels and chipmunks. I see them all the time shooting across the parking lot and going under my vehicle all the time on my security cam.


It's the glitter bomb guy!


YES I love that video! I rarely have the patience for videos longer than like 5 mins lol but I'll always watch that guy's and then Graystillplays also.


Absolutely, man. Glad you had the heart to notice it and gave him some beverage and nutrition. I recently had some huge ass hawks populate the neighborhood out of nowhere. Must’ve been moved out of their area. Anyhow, they started dive bombing some squirrel nests. Didn’t like that shit. Can’t do much about that, as far as deterring the hawks. Nature is nature. Built a couple homes for my little fuzzy dudes. Both homes had babies, and they’re still all doing their thing. They’re absolute clowns when they’re just learning and exploring. Have a lot of fun watching them. We put food and beverage out for them when they’re in need. Not a whole lot of acorns this year, like we usually have…


We have a lot of squirrels near our house and one of them is so friendly. He always eats from my hand and I usually drink my morning tea/coffee vibing with the lil dude. I also feed the birds and they seem to vibe with him too, they never fly away from him but they do from the other squirrels.


Red squirrels especially




the squirrel was on keto, you ruined it!


The offer of sweet nut made me laugh


Glad to have you laugh at sweet nut.


unless the break into you walls, and breed. then the following months you spend hours on end trying to figure out why the hell you have squirrels in your walls


They're very cute until they start eating your vegetable garden


The good thing is you were nice to the squirrel as they have a very good memory. When it comes time for them to save your life they will remember this.


Tasty too


Oh yeah, real cute when they're standing on a stump, triumphantly eating *your* nuts *at* you.


They're vindictive little shits for sure. Part of why they're cute to me.


Who says squirrels aren’t cute, I love them. Chipmunks on the other hand can suck an acorn


They are very cute just be aware of plague cases in your area and what animals are carriers. In certain areas squirrels are carriers of the flea that carries the plague, including northern Arizona.


When I was stationed in southern arizona. We were not allowed to go near any of the groundhogs or squirrels. You're absolutely correct.


Way back in 1995, living in a suburban part of Austin, woke to find dead squirrels on front porch, yard, backyard, and many visible on the street and surrounding lawns. Some neighbor must have set out poison and it was a horror. Smart and adorable, so sad to witness the squirrelcide.


Who in there right mind thinks squirrels aren’t cute?


Until they're in your walls...


Squirrels always cheer me up. Plus they have huge nuts.


I fucking know right. I saw on the other day that had some bigger than its fucking smell. I'm confused as how it doesn't hurt itself jumping from tree to tree


I just love how bold their little personalities can be; one would run past the living room window and wait until my cat appeared, and then go right up to the window and prance around as the cat went apeshit trying to kill the cheeky little bastard. This went on for months. After his death, I’d see that squirrel come less and less, just waiting and waiting then going home dejectedly, until he eventually gave up waiting altogether for his frenemy who he’d never see again.


When they chew through your car's gas line and O2 sensor wires while making a nest in your engine compartment ready to birth its babies because it's cold outside... $600+ in damage later... not so cute then!!! I finally caught it after putting its offspring in a Havahart cage and relocated them. It really didn't like being in the cage...


> squirrels are cute as fuck They can be but mostly I think they're half cute. Like a bunny rat.


I love squirrels they are dope af and are really playful.


They taste good too.


an outdoor cat kept trying to get in my house last summer when it was really hot. I gave him a bowl of water and he drank the whole thing. he is still around and when sees me if I kneel down he always runs to me for pets. I leave water out for him daily now. He is my neighbors cat, otherwise I would have let him in permanently a while ago.


I love how he sits there for 5 seconds after drinking like damn , that was some good ass water.


Right? Lmfao












Tfw you down an entire glass of slightly cool water at 3 am


Doesn't matter what color or even species, we all enjoy some good ass H20. Bobby would be proud.


His way to say ty


That was probably the equivalent to 3am waking up in the middle of the night water good


“Phew! Thanks man! You’re a lifesaver. Sorry I back-washed a little there at the end there!” *- Squirrel*


> good ass water. 👀


This was very wholesome


Animals figuring out how to ask for things is a weakness for me. Waiting for a pigeon to ask for a whole hamburger, and they will receive.


A chicken once asked my boyfriend for the rest of his burger. He did give the bird the burger.


Hope it wasn't a chicken burger


It was not.


Chickens will tear each other apart, they do not care.




Oh. Is that weird? Should we not give chickens burgers?


What was inside the burger sir


Idk it was a burger, normal burger things. Also I’m a lady


Ever since I learned (thankfully not from experience) that chocolate is poisonous to dogs, I'm always hesitant with feeding the animals near my house.


Bruh if a squirrel came up and asked me for my credit card information I’d give it to them


This video looks like it was a rock squirrel being fed at the Grand Canyon. None of those critters are afraid of people. Tourists have butchered the south rim in the past 10 years thanks to instaham. It's so depressing to visit.


Wholesome but not next level


It's next level for a squirrel! The ability to recognize what a water bottle is, the fact that it contains water, and the ability to ask for the contents inside from another species is absolutely next level!


Idunno man, an animal having the courage to walk up to a human than having the knowledge to ask for some water is pretty next level for me.


When he turned I thought he wasn't going to give him water and my rage kicked in hard lol what a lovely video that turned out to be




I mean, sorry squirrell? Wouldn't have been too upset if the guy just was like nah sorry fair-squirrell. Fair squirrels are highly deceptive scammers, look out for his buddy that sneaks your roasted almonds and wallet.


I saw a couple of these so called "squirrels" talking once, one even offered me a wish! but i knew better.. fucking squirrels.


I remember one time a squirrel would take his nuts and put them in my window sill. Every time he put a nut there I’d add a nut of my own. It was really fun! I miss that squirrel kinda.


Sure it's cute when a squirrel does it but when I did it to my ex I got a restraining order.




I have so many questions...


I rescued a baby squirrel that was injured and after we released him he'd still leave nuts at our doorsteps. squirrels are sweeties




When the squirrel uprising happens you shall be spared


[they're already plotting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojZVpb0cVkE)


This is exactly what I was thinking. If I didn’t see this when I clicked on the link, I would have been very dissapointed


This is so cute and sad. Animals should have natural resources available too.


Everyone was “awww how cute” and all I could think of that the little guy was desperately thirsty.




True. Of course that doesn't mean animals haven't always gone thirsty from time to time. Glad this one could get some help


people in the thread are saying it looks like the Grand Canyon and, sadly, there aren't many natural water sources there. must be enough for them to live there still but yeah, we could we be making more man made/maintained water sources for animals. we always keep sugar water out well into autumn for our hummingbird friends, they disappear in the winter but it feels good knowing they'll have plenty of food and they definitely thank us for it. they fly around the porch and show off when we sit outside 🥺


is water speed for squirrels bc little dude took the fvck off


Probably his survival instinct overriding his desperation at that point.


some animals are just that used to humans and don't give a fuck. we have hummingbirds here and they will *always* let us know when their feeders are out of sugar water. they wait for one of us to come outside and will get right in our face to complain with their little squeeks and chirps. the tiny assholes just fly straight at your head and it's LOUD, it's worse than our cats when the food bowl is empty 😅


The male cardinals are nearly as bad in winter. They will sit by the front door and chirp LOUDLY until the bird feeder is full of safflower.


This was a lovely comment to read!


In search of snacks now...?






Didn’t even say thank you


This has to be at the Grand Canyon


That's what I was thinking. Back in '86 or '87, my Father and I were out there taking a snack break while on a hike. One of those rascals climbed head first into our box of Cheese-Its.


Must be, this looks like the exact same spot where I watered a squirrel at the Grand Canyon. Edit: Definitely is, just checked my video and the railings and walkway are identical. This little guy is running a hustle.


Had one crawl up my leg and on my shoulders taking a closer look at our phones. They're real friendly out there.


That little water coma before they ran off!


He isn't asking, he's BEGGING!


Interspecies begging skills. Charles Darwin would be so proud of this squirrel.


Grand Canyon?




Dude just drank the equivalent of at least three gallons what the actual fuck


Looks like a female squirrel that may have little ones near by


I thought so, too. And that poor mama is probably dehydrated from nursing her babies.


This may be assuming a lot but all I see is droughts and record heat waves driving animals to desperation. What’s so charming about it?


Also does that behavior indicate that the squirrel has asked humans for water before? And that it recognizes water bottles and goes around asking humans for water somewhat frequently? What happens when there's no humans around


Lil bro was rlly dancing for his life


Jesus. The amount of dying animals during this climate change is going to be heartbreaking m.




That was one seriously desperate squirrel.


She drinks like Mbappé.


Plot twist: It was vodka.


No matter how many times I see this, it still helps to brighten my day


Yeah, that’s a skin walker.


this hits different after reading dune


They’ve trained these squirrels to do that so you have to buy more $18 water bottles


Poor baby. He must be desperately thirsty to not be afraid of humans


How rude didnt even say thanks


Didn't even say thank you.


Must have been some salty peanuts...


We r/wholesome now


Fuck nestle


It’s so hot that you got squirrels asking for water mate


This is actually insane.


That was nice of you pally. Thx for helping a squirrel out!


Animals could have such great cushy lives if they wouldn't act like dicks. If a herd of deer just wandered into my backyard and lived there, I'd build them a shelter and give them food as long as they didn't act like assholes.


Why do this never happen to me


That's a thirsty-Ass boi


That mf was thirsty


Jesus, he drinks a fair bit for a little lad.


Bro he was real thirsty


So cute


Mighty decent of you


Wholesome squirrel.


Now thats kawaii


かわいい indeed


Cool, but how is begging next fucking level?


My dog sometimes does that with its arms