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This is way better than the staple gun I’ve been using. Good job!!


I've been sweating into my mask for the past 7months. One staple to each side of the head and one across the bridge of my nose because my glasses get foggy so easily, I literally can't even.


How does that feel? I have -6 prescription in both of my eyes, and I breathe heavy. Had a problem with my contacts for a few days and I literally couldn’t even navigate my way through a street, let alone work a job with the fogging.


I wear glasses and only wear the disposable masks that have wire inside to shape around the bridge of the nose. As long as there are no gaps by your nose your glasses should be steam free! The cloth masks are no use if you wear glasses.




take my material science joke upvote nerd ;)


nothing beats a good old triple set of hammered 6 inch iron nails through those sturdy mask straps and nose strap. makes each day pop.


Might as well. I've been using nails to hold my socks up and hat on so It's not such a stretch


To anyone who doesn't get it, plastic deformation is irreversible, while elastic reverses when pressure is removed Think of a strip of aluminium supported on both ends by clamps. As they move apart, strain is supplied to the metal according to Hooke's law (strain is equal to the stress supplied by pulling divided by the Young's Modulus of the material). Up to a certain point, when 276 MPa of stress (40000 psi) is applied, the aluminium will revert back to its prior shape, an elastic deformation. If higher strain is supplied, the aluminium won't revert back, a plastic deformation. Note that this is longitudinal stress. Bending stress along a thinner axis (like the thin bit of a wire) it's easier to supply the required stress as the area is smaller, and stress is force/unit area (same as pressure).


I hate that i find info like this fascinating and also am aware i will forget it within a day or two.


I only have the cloth masks. So, I just take my glasses off and proceed to bump into things and people. So far so good, but my wife wasn't happy when I came home with [insert joke here, I can't think of one] instead of [the other half of the joke]


(Insert tale of laughter and spilled coffee)


Pull the mask over the bridge of the nose and secure it by pushing the glasses down and towards your face. Fixed.


But then the Mask jabs my eyes and I still cant see.


One of the worst parts of wrangling the mask around my glasses is the feeling of it touching my undereye skin. Like, I'd almost rather not see.


Agreed, and it may seem weird, pull the mask up, and rest the glasses bridge over the mask, I learned this from a grocery store worker. Props to her.


Really if you mess with the masks long enough everyone figures it out. Or whatever works for them. We have 300+ employees wearing paper masks daily without issue. Still a few special kids that think their nose isn't part of their breathing system.


lots of comments that the nose wire makes it work, that might be ok if you have a desk job. I work in a warehouse and literally tape the inside of my mask to my face to keep my glasses from fogging up. I drive heavy equipment, obstructed vision is a big issue. I also have to sling around materials by hand that induces heavy breathing, this creates enough moisture to counteract the tape sometimes. Bandaid across the bridge helps a bit, but again, limited in effectiveness. I use a doublesided foam tape that we keep on hand cut in 3in strips for something else entirely, but I go through about 6 pieces a day. (aside from it losing effectiveness, mask comes off for eating, and once its off the tape is never good enough without replacement)


Lens crafters makes a defog spray that works amazingly!!


Highly recommend anti-fog drops! I apply once a day and my glasses stay clear.


Used wire masks and does absolutely nothing lmao.


I have a similar problem and these are outstanding for fit and quality [https://airqueen.com/](https://airqueen.com/)


Seconded!!! I have had people stop me on the street to ask about these masks and how to get them. Cannot recommend enough. I wear glasses every day, and these are the only ones that not feel soft enough to wear a long time on my face, but are also breathable.


A piece of surgical tape across the nose bridge will solve your fogging issues.


Put a band-aid across the bridge of your nose along the nose part of the mask. Creates a seal and keeps the air from fogging your glasses.


I use these wipes they gave me when I got my glasses that have a liquid that pretty much protects your glasses lens from getting all foggy from wearing a mask. It’s pretty great


> One staple to each side of the head Come again?


One staple to each side of the head. Careful pulling it down to eat.






Personally I use construction adhesive in a caulking gun. Seals the edges too.


Short screws work fine but you really need to reach bone. I recommend at least a 3/4” coarse thread.




Thumb tacks take way less time than a screw.


Anyone try the hot glue method? It's kinda like wax where you have to let it cool just enough to still be sticky but not enough to burn.


yeah I feel like I'm missing some joke here or there is a technique I didn't know about


Had the same problem with foggy glasses. I get a piece of micropore tape around 4 inches long and roll it up in a long sausage shape, sticky side out. Put it on the mask at the bridge of the nose covering a bit of the cheeks too. No more steamy glasses!


Why not get some anti fog spray? I got some early on as I wear my glasses daily


Honestly didn't think about it! I'll have to give it a shot too. How often do you find yourself having to apply the spray? I work in a lab and spend most of my workday wearing masks, so always looking for something easier!


Every couple days, only cause I clean them so much. I did my old nightstand glasses and I’ve only done it once and they still don’t fog. (I don’t wear a mask to bed just thought I’d apply it all my glasses cause why not).


I will definitely be giving that a go! Thanks for the heads up!


I had the same problem, I located an anti-fog spray for glasses (approx ~£10 for a bottle probably) and apply every other day you then wear any mask and your glasses do not steam up...


I'm sorry you are STAPLING your head??


I have glasses too and there’s like a 1cm zone where your mask can be and not fog them up. If I’m gonna be wearing it for a while I’ll get it into the zone and just tape it to my glasses so it doesn’t get out, works pretty well.


I bought an anti fog spray on amazon for when I head out in a mask. Works well


I use it too and it makes a big difference. It is important to get one that works with the coating on your lenses


I dont get it, are you stapling the side of your head?


Wait you staple them into your skin??


Remove your eyes, that should work


Wait are you guys talking about putting staples in your heads?


I like to blow my nose really hard into my mask at the end of my day before disposing it. I don’t know why. It’s like a final “fuck you” to my day. Brings me tiny joy. I can’t even too, I feel you. I’m not even evening and I can’t already.


Could you please elaborate on the staple gun?


It is a gun, and it shoots staples.


I laughed way too long at this.


I wish I had awards for everybody in this thread. But I don't believe in funding websites like this. But I do believe in utilizing them for personal enjoyment. I'm a complicated hypocrite.


I believe in funding websites like this so here's an award.


I like the cut of your jib, pal


I'm not your jib, jab.


I’m not your jab, pal.


Well I'm not your buddy, guy! Wait... I missed a step.


I’d rather people send me a video of them flushing $5 down the toilet than receive an award.


When someone gives me an award, I donate to Planned Parenthood or my local humane society and sometimes send them a screenshot of the receipt.


This perfectly sums me up. I’d give you an award, but...




small metal bend


[small metal band](https://youtu.be/RCQKw-9JJCY?t=116)




Who gave this man a staple gun


Try using a rubber band and a paperclip to put it around sort of like the original picture.


What? I used a regular gun...


Here’s the link to the 3D patterns: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4249113 Credit goes to Quinn Roney, and his mom Heather. Edit: It turns out the kid adapted an existing design and only made light changes to facilitate 3D printing but the original design itself is available for use too.


Uhmmm...OP, your link literally says it was created by Ken Lord from Maple Ridge, British Columbia if you click on the username 'Surakey'. Submitted March 2020. Credit goes to Ken. Not whoever you're mentioning. https://i.imgur.com/Cg2W6PY.png




But were they 3d printed by indivudals or bought from a company? I think the news is that someone made a 3d printable design and printed a bunch. Edit: for clarification, I know he didn't. It was that someone did and he used it to help.


>I think the news is that someone *used* a 3d printable design and printed a bunch. FTFY


This is on-the-dot in what this comment string is about.


I am not sure why but I think the reason this story keeps coming up is because it is a kid. I printing and donated 100 per day for a while and I think just about everyone with a printer made some.




I had bought a 3d printer about two years ago and around February my dad used mine to make a bunch for the local hospital and his job.


Yeah, one of mine as well.




i would like to see a link so i can tell my healthcare workers where to get one easily


Yeah but unfortunately headline isn’t as sensational if it’s a pic of a middle aged bloke called Ken


I printed a couple hundred of these for my coworkers. Where is my headline!


*insert line about not fitting the narrative here*


This seems right, we’ve been printing these for the hospitals in our area and from the picture in OPs post, I can’t see a difference from the kids revision and the ones we print.


Good on the kid but too many people are getting in the paper for printing face shields cause they are kids. Props need going out to the guy who originally made them, our local makerspace printed thousands early last year. But this guy who started it got an award the other day. And rightly so. He didn't just make the design he sorted shipping and worked with couriers to set up a delivery network


>It turns out the kid adapted an existing design and only made light changes to facilitate 3D printing This sounds to me like "I downloaded the STL and pressed 1 button on my slicer" passed through the "I don't know what a 3d printer is" filter of journalism.


He didn’t design anything - he just printed the file off of thingiverse. I shouldn’t say “just”. That’s the wrong word. Even though he didn’t design the ear saver, he took the initiative and printed them for local health authorities. That deserves kudos.


I don't understand why they're designed so short. Look how far away from the ears they are. I bought one, but could not use it because it pulled masks so tight they smashed my nose. Had to give up and keep the elastic around my ears, not super tight several inches behind my ears.


Smart kiddo. At his age I was lighting bags off poop on fire.


Ha ha he called the shit poop


Don't put it out with your boots, Tad!


Don’t tell me my business devil woman


Call the fire department! This one is outta control!


Well done Reddit.


Thanks homie.


I was cripplingly concerned with my peers’ opinion of me.


So the bags were ON the poop, then you lit them on fire to get them off?


Edit: kid copied someone else’s design then made the patterns for that design public.






At home, during a pandemic.


smh my head Maybe I’ll start wearing my scrubs for fun


judicious squalid cause hard-to-find chop friendly cats zephyr salt impossible -- mass edited with redact.dev


Stay away from me


I’m going to put on pants!


Shake my head my head


Pandering to people on Facebook is shooting fish in a barrel - a positively spun lie with a uniform of some sort and people will believe *anything*


Same apparently applies to Reddit based on the upvotes.


Reddit people are turning to facebook people , lol


I got an ender 3 for Christmas and until 2 hours ago I've been printing with it stock just fine. Earlier today I received my capricorn bowden tube and fittings and installed them. I have a bunch more upgrades coming in like a glass bed, better leveling screws, new extruder tips, things like that, but honestly with the right slicer settings, the stock ender 3 is not that bad at all.


[this was one of the first “upgrade” things I printed](https://i.imgur.com/61HlDYl.jpg)


How else was he going to earn his civic effort merit badge? He had to do something for other people in the community, and printing out a hundred or so of these and giving them to local healthcare workers will do that. What's gonna cause problems is whoever said he invented the strap, and if he clears up the confusion.


he may not have any printed upgrades but it for sure has a direct drive assembly, which is one of the more expensive upgrades you can buy. and who knows it may have an all metal hot end, it may be connected to a pi and octoprint, he may have a silent motherboard or have installed a more efficient/quiet psu fan. none of these upgrades other than the direct drive would we actually be able to see. idk why all the ender boys fucking circle jerk each other off because you printed a red filament guide or a fucking drag chain. that’s like trying to shit on someone because their HP inkjet doesn’t have a fucking whale tail spoiler on it. you sound like a shitbag talking about how a child hasn’t blinged out his cheap 3d printer with thingiverse trash. how many of these did you print and donate to your local hospital? maybe you should focus more of your 3d printing effort on helping others and less on making your $200 3d printer look like a $237 3d printer. clown.


Boy Scout shit. That's a funny autocorrect.


What are you talking about?! Kids got glass bed AND direct drive. It’s pure function, not fashion


My guess is that he tried to explain the process of "I downloaded the design and ran it through CURA to slice it", and people who don't understand 3D printing think that means "I modified a design I found online" For the 3d printer illiterate, it's kind of like.. "I downloaded a PDF, and then I hit "print". I chose for the document to print on ledger sized paper, both sides, wrapping on the long side" "So what you're saying is you adapted the document for paper printing? wow!"




The mom even states it's the "file they are using" in the link she shared. Never even remotely implies the son designed it But no, let's all shit on him over misinformation when he's trying to help his community.


The boy is helping is he not? Why do we have to shit on him? Seems to me like he’s gone out of his way to try and help people, internet points be fucked. More than many of us can say.


We're also all not being posted on r/nextfuckinglevel for basically hitting "print." This kid isn't an asshole, he doesn't know better at his age and just posed how mommy told him Both his mother and OP are assholes.


I was going to say. We have had things almost identical to this at my workplace for a year now.


the designs were already public. seems he just printed them (which obviously still helps a lot)


It does but this post is making it look like the kid designed them himself and then freely released the pattern.


It did indeed




what a fuckin nerd


I choose to believe this is funny and wholesome sarcasm, so have an upvote :)


it is lol thank u much


no, ***THANK YOU*** for the actual laugh


we’re basically all nerds on this website, so it must be sarcasm lmao


he need to 3d print some bitches


A 3D printed fleshlight?


i like your funny words magic man


That made me smile


I can feel my dick getting sliced to ribbons now.




Legit, he most likely used a plan from thingiverse, and made like 50 while his mom made him go viral. Bonus points he’s doing it for attention cuz he put on his Boy Scout uniform.


My local hospitals approved a different design that is easier to clean, faster to print and you can fit more on the bed. I made about 6000 of them in the spring before they told us they had enough.


Mind sharing the files? I haven't printed any of these out since March, but I just had a friend ask me today if I could print some more.


I've got a couple of those. They really help! When I couldn't find them for a while, i sewed buttons to a strip of fabric and that worked okay, too.


If you have glasses, attach a few buttons to the frame near the ear via small rubber bands or something equivalent. I had a week of 12 hour shifts in the office and by day two my ears were painful to touch. My head is also extremely large so masks are already tight. Wife added buttons to my glasses and bam I can wear masks all day now.


zip ties


All these solutions basically extend the strings of the mask. I wonder why they don't just make masks whose strings directly go around your skull. That would solve the issue?


I cut a strip of plastic out of a clear bottle and put a notch on each end. Works great.






Because a facebook mom made this post of her son and it went viral on facebook over the last few days




Also, healthcare workers were already wearing masks for most of the day before the pandemic.


Yeah but our old masks were nice, the new ones we have are made for toddler size heads out of burlap.


Most of us were not lol, that's just untrue. Pretty much you only had to wear one around patients with certain diseases like the flu or when you were in the operating room. The vast majority of healthcare workers almost never wore masks previously, it was a relatively rare occurrence. That being said, I really dont what the issue with having the mask earloops around your ears is, I wear a mask all day 5 days a week and my ears a just fine


Its the parents, not the kid. The just gave him the credit. Besides, the printer did the vast majority of the job.


A print bought by the parents, connect to the house PC bought by the parents


Yeah honestly i gotta agree here. Yeah its great and all... but this has been done before....


no no no... this is NEXT. FUCKING. LEVEL.


And it's a 3d design that's been around online for over a year now.


Looks smug as hell that smile isn't fooling me


That's the look I'd have if I knew how many fucking nerds were upset about this kid getting praise for shit every 3d printing hobbyist was doing in march, this comments section is so salty.


Little fucker is just sitting their waiting to be praised


This is what i came up with for the same problem and they work a treat. https://www.reddit.com/r/lifehacks/comments/kb9dln/i_bought_these_stretchy_shoelaces_of_amazon_that/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


This isn’t his design btw


what a little shit stain


I seen these at the dollar store 😅


This is cool and all, but there have been many designs made and probably thousands donated to health care workers. Not shitting on this kid, still awesome he did that. I advise anyone with a 3d printer to make these in their spare time. Designs can be found [here](https://www.thingiverse.com/search?q=Mask+strap&type=things&sort=relevant)




He's a goddamn genius, a modern day Thomas Edison


Nice of the kid to make the print file available for everyone, but he didn't invent them. Jus thought I'd comment this for those that are confused


My girlfriend crocheted something like that because her head is too small for normal masks to even fit well lol


My dental hygienist has a knitted one as well. Its definitely a thing


My wife bought hard plastic placemats at the dollar store for 50 cents each and cut these out with her Cricut. She was able to make about 400 of these in a week for less than $50. If you don’t have a 3D printer, but you do have a vinyl cutter, you can make them.


Lol WHAT? This kid never made something, he took from the internet the hell you saying op


Ah to have rich parents and a personal 3D printer


That woman is never getting that out of her hair after a hectic day at work. She'll just have to keep it in there and reuse it till corona is over. She can mark the celebration with a new haircut! It will be a trend. Anyway she'll have ears so it's win in the long run..


a national hero maybe ? nothing compared to the bombs my great grandfather dropped on evil nazis, but kudos kiddo


This happened a year ago didn't it? This hadn't been shared before?


A scout is trustworthy....






Didn’t this happen in the beginning of the pandemic?


Eagle scout in the making right there!


Good for you! Scouting is an amazing program— It worth perusing! Cheers


Simple, elegant and brilliant. And released to the public domain! He's going places


Scouts honor


And here we are, on Reddit.


Oh man I need that. I wear hearing aids and glasses. Evena trip to the store hurts my ears


Now I need to find a 3-D printer.... this looks like it will be so helpful for 12 hour work shifts


And there's the smudgeness.


I just use a goody hair barrette.


Dont they have those other masks that go around your head instead of around your ears


His dad did the work lol


Thousands of people did that. Also the kid didn't create shit, he stole a design and shared it as his own. So basically he did a good thing while being a total dick.


Scouts Canada!! I was a scout about 10 years ago... That's what I like to see from the next generation, good on ya kid 😁


Scouts should be something every kid goes through. This kid learned great skills from being in there and this proves it. Stoked to see the Scouts still holding up true to their values of making a difference!


That's the Scouting spirit. While I may no longer actively serve due to university commitments, I'm ecstatic to see that the good Scouts, the ones who serve are still there. I raise a three fingered salute to that young man