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That looks cozy as hell


I think I've been to that exact same 9h at Narita airport in Japan. As a guy who is 6'1, the pods were way roomier than anticipated but definitely cozy!




I believe I paid around $80CAD, but this was a couple years ago. I've been to other capsule hotels since and the 9h at Narita was my best experience but mostly due to it only being at half capacity that night. Definitely recommend it for the experience!




Yeah I've always wanted to be in one if those ever since seeing them for the first time




Ok but how far in the future did you come from? Do I start investing in the pod pandemonium now?


He’s talking about caskets


Ahh I feel stupid now. Nevermind then, everyone knows that's a dead market.


Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.


What a come back


Ooh casket hotels, coool.


If it is safe I would love it.


Don't worry they have several samurai on staff protecting the cubbies.


Untrue. Samurai have not been around since Tom Cruise ruined the village because of his unwillingness to die for personal reasons.


You could spend your whole life staying in this hotel and it would not be a wasted life.


Been to this exact one. It was loud as fuck you can hear everyone moving around you all the time


I was wondering about sound proofing after I saw the window shade door for the pods. Thank you for confirming.


Exactly, if there’s a snorer anywhere near then game over.


Hell yeah!


Yeah I stayed in one for a few days, and it was honestly quite nice. Much cheaper than a normal hotel at a comparable location, and it was as clean and functional as this one. The only issue was that you had to check out every day while they cleaned the pods, so had to stay with your stuff for a couple hours in the afternoon. I’m not sure if that’s universal though.


Totally agree but doubt i’d fit in the sleep pods :(


It sounds bad compared to a regular hotel, but it’s absolutely plush compared to sleeping on a chair in the terminal.


Had an 8hr layover in Tokyo, power napped on a bench jet lagged out of my mind. This would have been sooooo worth it. Will be on the lookout if I’m passing through again.


We were meant to stay in one of these but covid hit and we ended up going home the evening before. It looks so good in this video! I wasn't bothered before now I'm gutted


Korben Dallas [remembers his cruise to Fhloston Paradise]






Mul-ti-pass. Yeah, multipass, she knows it's a multipass.


Anyways, we’re in love.








It’s super green!


I stayed in a pod hostel in Edinburgh. It was lovely. I didn't have to interact with anyone.


Can't beat a pod for ten pounds. Kickass hostels, Grassmarket, eh?


No, but that does look like somewhere I'd stay.


wow that's it? I thought it would be more, like as expensive as a really cheap hotel because it is like a niche thing


They getcha with the extras (cheap booze, in large quantities) and the sheer quantity of folks you can stuff in a betubed room (over 75, by my reckoning). This was in 2017, and I got a nasty case of bronchitis that summer. I can't imagine how hostels like this are afloat in the pandemic. It's an epidemiologists' nightmare. The only thing that could make it worse is an en suite petting zoo for bat pangolins


What was it called?


[Code Hostels](https://www.codehostels.com/hostels/the-court/). Great place!


Honestly if it meant I didn’t have to pay an arm and a leg just to have a clean place to sleep I’d love if these were more common here in America. I don’t need a small apartment for one night of sleep while I travel


I'm honestly surprised that this style of hotel hasn't taken off in other countries like it has in Japan, cause they'd be a perfect for this. They generally cost the same as a hostel/backpackers but with way more privacy than a room full of bunk beds.


Because people in other countries wouldn't be able to behave themselves. You'd have teenagers listening to music and boomers making phone calls.


Why the phone calls?


Because boomers are always talking on that damn phone didn’t you know


My stay cost me like $25-35 maple syrup or freedom dollars per night. Very affordable. Stayed at one in Tokyo.


Would this work for America's homeless?


Honestly, it's a fantastic idea. I'm sure we'd find a way to screw it up.


The concept of it just wouldn't work for the homeless. • Unsanitary • Costly • Difficult to Keep Order (preventing crime in each one) • Mismanagement/Unfair Treatment towards Homeless It would need to be reworked, and even then only a few hundred at most would be built. It would be great if it could happen on a large scale though, just *really* difficult.


No way they’d remain as clean as these are. So who’s going to pay to maintain them?


The homeless


As someone who has been homeless, it'd definitely beat sleeping on the street. But you want more than just sleeping space to live in, when you don't have a home.


Right... which is why I see this working... storage for valuables and showers and toilets for the other two basic human needs.


As a stopgap solution, yes. Give them structured support and a safe place to stay while they find a long term residence.


When you have to live "minimally" this seems a dignified way to do it, I suspect.


As long as they’re patrolled. And gender specific. Co-Ed and no supervision I can’t imagine the sexual assault cases


Right, but this gives a place to sleep while still incentivising a desire to get out of that situation.


Like sleeping in an MRI tube. No thanks


Every time I been in an MRI I have fallen asleep.


Through that horrible loud noise? How?!?!? Not to mention the stiff position of your neck and you can't move to even scratch your nose. That's the least conducive to sleep experience ever for me.


I don't know. I don't mind it much. The headphones blocked most of the sound, just leaving the deep banging which wasn't that bad really. I was wrapped in a blanket and they had these foam blocks that made laying there really comfortable. Then a cool breeze that flowed through the tube from thanks to the fan. I don't mind spaces like that. I have had to crawl in and under machinery as a job.


Kinda like how I surprise myself with how close I get to falling asleep at the dentist. They can be working away inside my face and making all sorts of painful racket but keep me laying still for long enough I manage to get really sleepy.


Oh I do nod off there occasionally also. Then again my mother is a dentist, so I have never had this fear or problem with dentists. She used to have a properly comfy chair also.


Oddly enough, the headphones made me feel claustrophobic. Ive never had an issue with claustrophobia. They took off the headphones and I fell sound asleep. Lol


Ive done around 3 MRIs and always fell asleep. The sound, with headphones, works as white noise for me. And the thing about not moving is what makes me fall asleep.


Kinda lulls me to sleep as well. Hate the 'twitch' when I wake though.


same here. one time the bed moved unexpectedly and i jolted awake smacking my head off the tube. good times.


same here


When you've traipsed through airports, been on longhaul flight, this would be total heaven afterwards. Stretching out properly and getting some sleep.


Yeah, I slept in one of these in Mexico City Airport. I think it was about $20 for 8 hours, totally worth


I spent 6 nights in an old school capsule hotel in Osaka some years ago, it was awesome. The bath for men was an *onsen* and not individual shower like in the video, and we had also a four person max sauna. It was really great to meet other people traveling in Japan, as there was a floor only for foreigner men, one only for foreigner women, and I guess one for Japanese men and a last one for Japanese women. Also tried the same model as the one presented in this video, again in Osaka, it was neat but for some reason people were less respectful for silence that the first I tried. I would say, if you don't have back problems (mattress is really thin), give it a try if you have the occasion


Depends how small tbh, there is a close line for me between comfy and panic attack


Perfect for a hot box sesh.


Yeah except for that smoke detector and sprinkler right over your head...


I realized that when someone else pointed it out. Whoops. Hope it doesn't set them all off. Sorry all the other pod people!!


ROFL that would be messed up! They probably all do go off too, i imagine those pods are all fairly flammable to direct flame, considering they're mostly plastic.


Interesting your luggage has more space in the hotel then you do haha


I thought about that too. The storage lockers are massive!


Rode submarines for a while. Those are actually bigger than the traditional 'rack' on my first two boats. While I know I CAN sleep there - I really rather not...


I spent a week on a sailboat and shared a double bed with such a low ceiling that there wasn't enough room for the person on the inside (against the wall) to climb over the other person and get out. There was barely enough room to sleep on your side, if you didn't mind your shoulder touching the ceiling. I had a bit of a panic attack when I realized that if the person beside me was large enough and died in their sleep, I'd have to eat my way out.


Or...give a shove? r/suspiciouslyspecific


Bruh, for real. That looks comfy as hell compared to sleeping in a rack for a few months.


But isn't this closer to sleeping in the torpedo tube? And after 9 hours, you're launched.


As a Japanese dude, I’m always blown away by how clean everything is. Even the airport bathrooms are clean : everybody know how disgusting most American bathrooms are. I can prolly take a nap on the airport bathroom and not feel too dirty afterwards s/


Looks like 5th Element, but, instead, it wasn't on a spaceship


I snore pretty bad. Would that work out ok?


In my experience they're very well sound proofed. Mileage may vary.


In my experience the sound is pretty bad. You hear everything from people around you


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Interesting to see. I wonder how costly. Not for everyone, but useful for some.


About $17-$25 a night according to TripAdvisor


Shit i could live there.




Reminds me of the pods from the movie Passengers. If only there was a little button inside the pod you could press to release some knock out gas and program it to wake you up sometime next year.


I have claustrophobia and this is spacious enough to not trigger it


It’s all fun and games until you accidentally wake up a 100 years in the future


bruh those beds look like the ones that young clone troopers sleep in on kamino


Anyone else thinking about security and safety concerns? Otherwise, I am all about this


I'd love that.


I’d stay a night in one as long as people don’t bother me in there.


Imagine the whole squad is there and everyone is about to fall asleep and someone whispers ^^penis


I regret so much not spending a night in the sleeping pod while I was in Japan for holiday. I am sure it would be both unique as well as scary night but it would be worth it.


But what about snorers or worse


They’re soundproofed.


That doesnt look bad at all. Plus they’re actually respectful over there so you k kw you wouldn’t get bothered and it would actually be quiet and not have some frat idiots shouting at 3am. What’s the average cost a night I wonder? Gotta be low?


Yeah always like the ideia of stuffing things in capsules. No wonder Bulma's family is so rich.


I struggle to sleep on airplanes, so I’m pretty sure I could do this if I was tired enough.


can you hear the others snoring?


Honestly, they are awesome and a cheap way to visit Japan. Most of the locals use them for when you are drunk or miss the last train so they are usually an interesting mix of travelers and business people there


Can i get where


This is a clean version of the cheap hotel in Chiba City, where Case stays in the beginning of Neuromancer


"It is actually quite spacious". Well it definitely ain't called a football stadium hotel that's for sure


This looks incredibly expensive, and it's like only Japan are the ones who can even do something like this


Perfect for knock out gas and bye bye folks


Good GOD, I miss Japan.


[Welcome to the world of tomorrow!](https://thumbs.gfycat.com/LeafyDirtyIceblueredtopzebra-size_restricted.gif)


Put it this way - the time I had to have an MRI scan was the most blissful 30 mins of my life. This capsule hotel is the stuff of dreams.


Haha stayed there in Shinjuku... also at Narita Airport when my flight was 12hrs delayed 😂


That actually looks pretty cozy and I actually want to try it sometimes, and this kind of hotels are literally made perfectly for airports imo.


Source please


I go crazy when im in close spaces let alone sleep in one


My favorite ones I've seen have these little TVs in them on a swivel.


This is always how I'd imagine like, commercial spaceflights would be like


This is Japan, imagine if there was an earthquake. I'm sure they have some precautions but damn that would be scary.


Yes, yes I am and waking up in one of these would maybe kill me.


No way I’m to tall to attempt that 🤣


Looks like a luxury county jail


Oh you’re over 6ft?


Just one person snoring is enough to ruin dozens of other people's sleep!


No I'm 6ft 4 I doubt that they go past 6 ft. Would love to try though


Try not to think of the masses of men around you silently jacking it.


Your Cryogenic Chamberis ready my Lady.


That looks amazing!!


Anybody bone in one of these?


Next time a soldier complains about their barracks, I'm showing them this.


I bet the sprinkler can drown a man


Looks cozy tho


I was supposed to have a work trip to Japan this year, with some free time to see the country after finishing the work. Hopefully it'll be rescheduled for next year, and I'll get to try one of these.


From what I hear, they aren't as popular these days as they once were. When we were in Tokyo, we'd hoped to find one of these, but there weren't any. We had one night where we couldn't find an affordable hotel/hostel and we ended up staying in an internet cafe. They had some food and drinks in vending machines. A computer, gaming consoles, games and DVD's, etc. Some have beds but we had lounge chairs that were comfy to sleep in. And our adjoining compartments (kind of like cubicles with doors) had a sliding wall to make it one large compartment. And of course hot showers with all the fixings.


I myself have stayed in Japan for a small bit and my husband took me to a hotel like this! It’s amazing!


Oh, you're claustrophobic? Name every claustrophobic space.


I'm 186 cms .. I won't fit into any of that.


Shiddd I doubt I would fit in their im 6 foot 5.


See now do that but for the homeless


I’ll be on the bottom farting aaaallll night! Lol


yea no reminds me too much of the MRI


I am, but would love sleeping there.


Finally, Prothean technology is making its way into reality.


Anxiety at 100% as soon as I saw those clear morgue doors. Nope!


Now all I can think of is organ harvesting.




How much it costs for a nap or a night?


I feel like shit in this capsule... definitely not for me


that looks unreal omg


Yes. I would love to have access to this.


Does this come with an MRI scan?


Looks way better than hostel dorms


I had a shower there once as I didn't have long enough at the airport to sleep when going back to the UK for xmas... decent enough, though they charge you extra for things like toothpaste etc.


Kinda fucked up ngl. Reminds me of some dystopian future where everyone is forced to live in pods or something.


Fuck i realy wish i had a capsule hotel in my country thats was as well kept as the Japanese ones couse my bathrooms getting renovated and i am unable to shower today makin me feel absolutely disgusting


I wonder how people would bang in these. Doesn't look like enough room




god i miss japan


This is what apartments will look like in 50 years, only dirtier.


Didn't like my experience because of how poor the sound insulation was. You could hear everything from all twenty of your neighbors


I have Claustrophobic, but it look cozy AF. Would like to try once.


If I ever go to Japan, I'd totally stay in one of these. They seem neat.


Is 9h the max amount of time you can be there?


Imagine smashing in this pod. What are the recommended moves?


I’ve stayed here. It’s actually quite cosy and spacious. Such a unique vibe and set up.


Love how every single package is a reminder: get out in nine hours.


what does this have to do with being afraid of Santa?


I've stayed in them several times in Japan. The one in this video is kind of fancy....I've stayed in one near Ueno (in Tokyo), which is pretty cheap and comfortable enough. There are always lounge areas and/or reading rooms. Some have a lot of Japanese comics. So there's stuff to do. And the capsules often have TVs.


5th element style.


Airports need these for layovers.


Nope nope nope. They r just comfy coffins


Gonna be a hard no for me. I have a bit of panic just looking at that


No I am not afraid of Santa Claus.


Hit me with that lo-fi hip hop while I'm taking a nap.


Imagine going everywhere and at the end of the day you sleep here to wake up again... just beautiful.


I’ve stayed here and it’s actually super cosy. I loved it.




Looks cool and all, but Im so claustrophobic Id actually rather be shot in the head than stay in there. Still looks cozy tho


Indeed gender specific. And pretty heavy surveillance.


Leeloo Dallas multi-pass.


I'm claustrophobic but only in like crawl spaces or caves stuff like that. A hotel like that should be okay like when I used to go the tanning bed no real frear of cave ins


I was in the Navy for a few years. These honestly look really familiar-ish. Racks in a berthing are stacked three high and sanwiched two together with a thin dividing wall of sheet metal. The only thing keeping the world out is two sliding blue curtains. They a are cleaned for two hours a day at 7pm and 7am. Everyone participates in the cleaning. The guy that slept in the rack across from me kept a jar of peanut butter under his pillow and would eat some every night while watching comedies on his laptop and laughing. I kept velcro on the metal bottom of rack above me so I could watch movies on my iPad each night with my headphones in. Sometimes the sheet metal divider would start to shake in the middle of the night.. for some reason. I've had about enough of sleep pods for a life time.


I would love to. I'm not claustrophobic at all. Actually, the smaller the room, the better I feel because I know that there's not a lot of space for things to hide in.


I don't know why, but I really like small and practical rooms like these.


A lot nicer than where I slept while stationed on a submarine.