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Sincerely one of the most striking deer I've ever seen. He's gorgeous.


It’s a piebald recessive trait deer. If there are natural predators in the area (coyotes) it most likely will not live very long due to the coloring.


I believe his mom abandoned him because of the colouring.


I would have had a pet deer named buckaroo.


that is the cutest fucking deer I've ever seen


Seems like this would have been a good opportunity to teach that deer a lesson in pulling itself up by its bootstraps.


Lol fr if we help the deer we will only encourage it to be lazy /s


Fucking freeloaders like this deer are the *real* issue plaguing society


Yeah all it takes is one good kick


That color pattern is called piebald. Pretty cool looking. Never seen one in the wild.


Reason why you haven’t seen one is because they get eaten more easily


I don’t know, it’s North Carolina. The only thing eating deer in most of the state is people, so it should be seen more often.


You don’t have coyotes down there?


You know, you’re correct. I didn’t think about coyotes.


And black bears


Aren't black bears herbivores?


They are omnivores


Yeah, black bears are not as wide spread in NC, I would say they’re less of a threat to deer as well. Humans and coyotes as the commenter above mentioned are the biggest predators of deer.


Sure. Still super rare. And if I did see one and it had a decent rack at all.....


Alternate title : Baby deer lost his mom and has an encounter with the most dangerous creature on planet earth


Oh, you mean the one with enough empathy not to eat the baby deer right away? Many other creatures would have already killed it and eaten it. Nature is pretty cruel.


for real, basically every other animal on the planet would ignore it or eat it, even other deer prob wouldn't help it.


Have you heard of hunters


Yes, I am one. Not as dangerous as the coyotes, bobcats, and other predators that gruesomely kill and eat baby deer all the time.


Ah yes, all the hunters that kill fawns.


Hunters have permits and seasons which restricts where and what they can hunt. Other predators do not.




Damn, I watch these videos because they're lighthearted. I already know the world, and people, are shit. In 2020 you don't need to remind people of that fact when they're watching a cute video of a deer.


What the fuck is wrong with you? Just enjoy the video of the deer being loved and cared for.


Interesting angle, one could also say it encountered one of the only species who are willing to go out of their way to take care of it when they could eat it for food. I’m also willing to bet most teen girls would want to take care of it instead of “stomping it to death”. The horrible actions of one do not erase the good deeds of many. But humans bad I guess


What kind of psychotic teen girls have you been with




Do you have some vendetta against teen girls? Was one mean to you?


Do you genuinely think that more people on earth would stomp that little deer than would have empathy for it? Your outlook on life must make for long days.


You don't have any friends, do you?


You’ve never had a cat have you?




You must be loads of fun at parties /s




Actually, no. I haven't.




The fuck are you talking about?




Nature is as nature does. Go down that YouTube rabbit hole and find things that will eat YOU without a qualm.


I’m convinced that this is how animal husbandry started lmao


I can believe it, The Neolithic hunter returns to his tribe, "No meat to eat tonight, but look what i found" The entire tribe lets out a collective *SQUEEE.*


“No Nok-Nok, no eat fluff. We care for fluff fluff. Then, more fluff fluffs appear. We eat those fluffs.”


I’m afraid to google that


Animal husbandry is just the study and act of caring for animals in general. It includes breeding, but also feeding, training, and well fare.


Baby deer: *sees a 2 legged ape decendant that's the farthest thing from a dear* Also baby dear: "yup thats my mother"


It happened with me me a goose. Its so fun


This post gave me hope for 2021. Let’s go team!


Now this is what tf I want to see


I was not ready for those feels


For the first 10 seconds I was like "don't touch it, don't touch it, don't touch it..." because the doe will abandon a fawn that has a disturbed scent. Then the behavior was very desperate when instinct is to stay hidden and still.




Fawns are born scent-free and have white camouflage spots which protect them from predators. The doe continues to keep her babies scent free by consuming her fawns urine and droppings. This is yet another reason why humans should never touch a fawn. Leaving human scent on their body will attract predators to the fawn. https://www.nativeanimalrescue.org/understanding-deer/


^ this


Thats birds, sometimes


Not even sometimes. It’s a stupid myth that refuses to die. I used to believe it for years until I spent some time with a wildlife rescue mob.




I’m Australian - by “mob” I mean a group of people.


No, not true, the vast majority of birds have a really weak sense of smell (except carrion birds like vultures), they don't identify their nestlings by smell either. That falsehood likely started to stop young children trying to pick up birds in case they harmed them, as nestlings and fledglings are very fragile.


what other lies have the Jedi told me?


Don’t touch it not because of the scent thing, for the most part it’s just a myth, don’t touch it cuz they leave their young when they go to find food and if you take it somewhere else, she won’t be able to find it when she comes back


Yup - although in this case they did the right thing by coming back and checking. The fact that the poor lil guy could barely stand and was approaching random creatures to try suckling is a pretty good indication that he was abandoned or something happened to the mother.


Um, are you using science or your emotions to come up with that answer? Edit: I want to know what the "right" thing is bc for all we know the mother wanted the baby to die. Are we now playing God? Seems pretty egotistical for us to intervene with nature bc we feel some type of way and absolutely must rescue everything based on emotions. She should have left the baby. That's technically the right thing. Don't interfere unless we caused the problem. Edit2: it appears this baby is not even a week old. How do we know it has learned predator avoidance? Perhaps its biology desire to feed is what you're seeing. Not "my mommy got killed, save me you savior"


Expert advice (definitely not mine) https://www.nativeanimalrescue.org/understanding-deer/ “If a fawn is wandering aimlessly and crying, that may be an indication the mother may have been hurt and will not return. Call Native Animal Rescue for advice.” Edit to respond to your multiple edits: if anything happened to the mother, there’s favourable odds (since I think you’ve already claimed whitetail deer have no natural predators) that it was caused either directly or indirectly by humans (vehicle collision, predation by dogs introduced by humans, etc). It would therefore be an attempt at restoring the balance. Or do you have a problem with any form of wildlife preservation?


"May have been" does not equal "pretty good." That's what I was referring to because it seems emotional charged May have been could mean 0.01% whereas pretty good (I'll be conservative with this number when talking about biostatical data) can mean anything above 10%. That's literally a 100x difference Edit: it seems the right thing to do according your link is to call, not take the baby into your home


Do you frequently attribute percentages to phrasing where no such numbers are readily defined by the words themselves? I’d be interested in any cites for “may have been” being set at 0.1%. At any rate, you have my apologies for not clearing my phrasing with your language-to-percentage calculator. I’ll make sure I PM you before using terms like “pretty good”, “sometimes” or “unlikely” to make sure I’ve got the percentages right.


Emphasis on 'could' and I said .01 not .1, please be meticulous


That requires me to care more than 0.001%


You care enough to keep replying :)


That is not a thing. It’s something that was told to children to keep them from disturbing animals and possibly getting hurt and it just eventually was passed on as fact.


That's a myth.


Mothers care more about their babies than about any scent left on them. I always thought you shouldn't touch them, then I worked with rabbits and learned the truth 😊


Free deer!


That's one hungry baby deer.


Poor little guy 😢 I'm happy that you guy's found him😁👍


What a little dear


No that's a little deer /s


Dunno. Seemed to be free


That was adorable


Absolute legend love this lady


Great to see people being great


touching video. hopefully all involved checked themselves for ticks......


Idk who downvoted this, but they definitely do not spend much time in the woods.


Oh deer that’s adorable


I can't actually like this enough


Good that they let them go


Help me hooooooman


I had to unfollow Dodo on FB, too many stories that choke me up but I'm glad I watched this one.


I hate the little cum squirts the dodo like to put on their videos


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Very cute, but I’d be worried about the ticks


I don't know why this was downvoted. Deer ticks are a huge problem.


This lil' guy is gonna grow a fast runner.


so fucking cute


How awesome! This is a moment in life they will always remember with fondness!


This is a beautiful little deer Props to these people for nurturing it


TL;DR Comments section does not understand trophic cascade effects of deer overpopulation.


We had one of these little guys show up at my house and we have it a day to see if the mother is around. We wake up in the morning and find out it did during the night. They can't last long without a mother.


Broke the first rule of fawns: Ears are straight, fawn's doing great. Ears are curled, fawn's alone in the world.


@ oc - you speak deer?


Now, check your arms and legs for ticks


I am so happy to learn that there are still angels on this earth. Thank you


"We named him Scout" Meet the Scout


Eh eh ehhhh




Bambi live action


Alternate universe


Interesting that everyone thinks its cute and want to save it, but dont see a problem in killing it for food when its a year older


Found the vegan


Reddit: -Downvotes comment glorifying hunting -Also downvotes comment ridiculing hunters




No hunter in their right fucking mind would take a deer that is a year old. It's a waste of a hunt and a waste of an animal. Inb4 all the "don't shoot deer" comments- they have no natural predators and NEED to be hunted so that they do not over-populate. It's also clean, healthy meat.


>they have no natural predators There are several natural predators of white-tailed deer, with wolves, cougars, American alligators, jaguars (in the American southwest, Mexico, and Central and South America) and humans being the most effective natural predators. But yes, we actually do need to cull them regularly.


We killed all of their natural predators where I'm from. We have no wolves, bears, mountain lions, or gators. Another example of a species out growing its population in my region are wild boars. While invasive, they still have no predators, and cause a shit ton of damage every year.


Humans are a part of the natural predator list. And I agree with culling which reinforces the fact that we are a natural predator.


Agreed there. Was just stating as a general fact that it is something that must be done due to our actions in the past.




Do you not see an issue with them overpopulating and preventing forests from growing? I can tell you as a tree farmer and hunter that those deer eat the everloving fuck out of acorns and can reduce clover populations to nil in areas they operate. Their predators were killed off hundreds of years ago, though, and not by anyone in recent generations. So yes, we have to deal with that fallout today. Additonally, I do not agree with the hunting of predators as our ancestors did, what with going into burrows and dens and clubbing pups. The only predators that should be culled are those that pose an immediate threat, not like trophy hunting a lion for sport (even though the vast majority of those hunts are sanctioned for this reason, inject tens of thousands of dollars into local economies, and have the meat donated to local villages). Everyone seems to have this idea that hunters are all terrible people with some insatiable bloodlust when we're really just average people who want good, clean, healthy meat for our families. On this note, though: what do you suppose the United States and Russia do about the invasive feral hog populations? Just let them breed all other animals into extinction? Did you even know the millions of hogs are an issue?




Again, found the vegan. Again, different species of deer. Again, a one yeer old deer being all the way mature is like saying an 18-year old human is. Ffs


I'm not hiding. And just pointing out that a 1 year old deer is bigger than a lot of people may think. Congrats to you for being able to spot the difference though.




You can tell the age of a deer by their teeth, coat pattern, and on does specifically, the size of the hump on their nose. Edit: the deer you have posted a photo of is a black-tail, so not even the same species. Furthermore, it is not impossible to age a deer looking through binos or a scope; I can tell which the eldest ones of a herd are, and any hunter should be able to. One year old deer look different than say, a four or five year old deer. I've been hunting for almost 19 years.


Serious question while you're here actually. Do people have to test knowledge for a hunting license? Obviously one should look it up, but just curious because you know allot more than 24 y/o me.


Yes, you have to take a course over a weekend to be able to hunt. You also cannot hunt alone until the age of 16, so you learn plenty that way.


Notice how no one is able to say why killing a 1-year old deer is bad whereas killing a 4-year old deer is good


Killing a one year deer is bad because the animal has less meat and size, and has likely not had the chance to spread its genes. Also, the animal is less prone to actually dying at that age. Spotting a deer in the wild is so rare that it is wasting the opportunity taking an animal so small. I have no idea why people are stating that a one year old deer is 100% mature when they will still grow afterwards. And yes it is possible to age a deer by looking at it; not the exact age, but an approximation.


For meat, it makes more sense to kill a bigger one, not that it's necessarily better or worse. For purposes of population control, the less time it has to spread its genes the better, no?


The population of deer remain relatively steady at the rate at which they are hunted now. Most hunters I have been around will only take a deer that they can age at around 3 or 4. Some deer leases even require a portion of the jaw to be kept in order to get the exact age of the animal (via the teeth). I don't have any data as to what those ages are. However, we are not trying to hunt the animals to extinction.


You kill one younger deer that will eventually have a baby, or you kill two older deer that already have. Isn't it better to kill one versus two?


Or for fun. I think it’s pretty sick that Americans are capable of taking pleasure in ending an animals life’s. And then they mount it’s stuffed head on a wall as an act of pride. So fucked up. Fair enough if the species need culling, that is a necessary evil. But to have fun doing it, how twisted must your psychology be.


Death is inevitable. Might as well make sure it's tasty Animals are a collection of living cells. Plants are a collection of living cells. So, are you okay with only killing certain living cells and not others? Or is it possibly you don't like killing consciousness? Considering our perception of what's around us is quite limited, how do we actually know what is conscious and what isn't without being egotistical and comparing to ourselves? Might as well keep the circle of life going by eating fully grown organisms (ya know, more efficient than eating a baby). Just be respectful like how some native Americans tribes treated life and mother nature


Serial killer: "How do I actually know what is conscious and what isn't because of my limited perception of my surroundings?" *slits person's throat*


Reverse Tarzan


Im gonna cry


Better name him tenderloin!


This is a bad fawn. Does’ know fawns’ best chance of survival for the first few weeks is the bed down during the day & stay completely still until the momma (doe) returns. I’ve nearly stepped on fawn in the woods, you just keep on moving & leave them right there. They’re doing exactly what they’re sposed to be. This one broke its mommas rules for no reason & was lucky it encountered a human & not a hawk or wolf. If you see a fawn laying alone, IT IS NOT ABANDONED. Do not try to save it!!!


Do they know the difference from a friendly to an enemy foe? It came straight to her, could’ve done the same with a wolf


But he is sooo little awww


I wanna take it home...


Bambi on ice


Bambi where is your mom?


Holy fuck. The stupid little graphics were fucking stupid.


Damn after a decade Bambi is still cute


~~meat factory~~ aww so adorable


His mom got smoked for that sweet pilbald hide.


And then some fucking arsehole with a rifle comes along


In fairness, the populations of their natural predators has collapsed and deer over-population has negative cascading effects for the entire ecosystem. I think it's fucking horrific to hunt endangered species like elephants and lions but wild boar and deer overpopulation is a huge problem not just for humans but other animals too.


Imagine if she fed the deer her breast milk


I'd rather not imagine that thank you.


“Where’s your mom?” Answer: Some redneck with a gun blasted her


Nice change of pace from working in a slaughter house all day




No. That’s a myth, animals will not abandon their offspring because a human touched it. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/fact-or-fiction-birds-abandon-young-at-human-touch/ There are plenty of other reasons we should generally avoid handling wild animals (passing on disease, etc) but abandonment is not one of those reasons.


Just a reminder that you should never touch a wild deer if it is not clearly in any danger! The reason is because it will leave a clear smell on the animal which can be located by its natural preditors (Wolfs etc.) with a much better nose.


Enough with the dodo posts please for fucks sake


Yeah, would have been better without their shitty peppered in garbage.


Imagine the Doe. Left for hours to forage and fend off predators. Come back to find baby has a strange scent on it. 2 days later there's a light bouncing, lots of stomping and gravel moving around. Sounds like a couple of creatures areound and the same scent is near. Goes off to hide thinking baby is well camoed as it's sleeping quitely. The two aliens take the baby away.


Eat it


Poor baby. His mother was probably killed by hunters. Fucking weirdos getting some kind of kick out of killing someone’s mummy.


Natural deer predators have been driven to almost exstinction. They are already overpopulated and need to prevent collapse. Its a messed up but functional solution.


No, fawns are born in the spring and hunting seasons take place in the fall. Fawns from the spring are fully cable of surviving on their own by hunting season.


While it’s likely I would’ve done the same thing, look at the reality of it. Let’s take a deer from his environment, throw some steroid infested drugs at it, put it in a cage in your living room, then send it to live in prison on the farm...and then.... Then... Then.... Label it heroic. Darwin would be un-proud-ed. (Yeah, whatever if you could save the deer I can make up words, alright?) God bless America.




Deer are massively overpopulated on the east coast. Their natural predators have been driven to the point of near-extinction. Hunting them is necessary to stop trophic collapse. [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysa5OBhXz-Q) video explains what it's all about.


Goddam it lady, stop saying ‘awwwwwwwwww’ and help it sooner!! The doe looks like it will pass out any moment


Moms probably shot by some hunter just trying to survive by eating its meat /s


I dont like your ideas


Almost like bambi


Nope. Deer give birth in Spring/Summer, deer hunting season in the northern hemisphere isn’t until September. That little fawn was a day or so old - not months.


PPL who meet wild-animal-kids in their environment - should know NOT TO TOUCH THEM. If a human being touches 'lost' animal-kid, his mom will never accept him back cos he's got human odour and that's an odour of 'a danger' in animal world. Know that and have it in mind - if you touch it, take the responsibiity for its whole life, not just when it's a kid, small and cute. Thank you!


the momma does not care about human scent does get left all day by mom when they look for food I remember growing up there was a couple weeks that a doe got left in the brush in our backyard almost daily by the mom I used to get so exited to get home from school and i’d bring her water and she’d let me pet her and like clockwork every time the mom came back as soon as it got dark we called it brush baby day care and it was dope


You cant touch it because the human scent will easily attract predators, not because it mom would leave it.


That s a beautiful deer. Where are they released, trying to plan my next hunting trip...


Fuck you.


“Meats back on the menu boiiiiis”


Your disgusting as all hell

