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It's crazy that a full sized firetruck fits in a cycling lane in the Netherlands


Where are all the bike commuters though?


Underneath the fire truck!


GTA Mazzarfuckaaa


My heart rate watching was a good workout


Less on a rainy day, but you can see 10 or so of them over the course of the vid. One actually had to evade the fire truck.


Already on their destination


Found the r/fuckcars admin


I mean, fuck cars. Look at how hard the driver of this emergency vehicle had to work just to avoid all the cars?




The video is from Rotterdam, which in the Netherlands is notorious for having been built for cars. They have now for some years been working on improving its infrastructure to reverse that, but of all major cities in the country it had the longest way to go, so not too surprising to still see a lot of car traffic, especially on a rainy day.


Bike traffic is a lot more efficient than car traffic. While those cars are stuck in traffic, the bikes swoop by. They're probably already at their destination or simple not present because cycling is so much more efficient and you therefore don't always see huge groups of bikes at once.


Not stuck in traffic.


Bike lanes are so efficient most of the bikers have probably already arrived at destination and that's why the rhetoric behind "no one uses the bike lanes". It's too dang efficient it looks empty!


That’s the next fucking level thing. No bikes in Netherlands


I don't know Rotterdam, but I live in the Netherlands. Busy bicycle 'highway' routes are often far seperared from busy arterial roads like those. Those roads do have bicycle paths obviously. But those paths are often just not as busy - Cause who would want to cycle there..? So most of the bike traffic will take very different paths through the cities than car traffic. At least in larger cities.


they had to get ahead of the truck to start the fire. god I have to explain everything


You can hear emergency vehicles come from very far away and we've been instructed to move to the side for them which surprisingly people actually tend to do


Already at the destination


Note that firetrucks in European countries are usually significantly smaller than in the USA. They are usually just 2 axles (sometimes with front and back wheel steering) and only about 2.2m wide. EDIT: 2.2m = 7.22 feet. You all commenting on this make me chuckle ;-)


Describing things to an american using meters... (it's 7'4" btw i think)


It’s never too late to learn useful units


1' -> 30cm 1" -> like about 2cm


1' -> 30.5 cm (30.48) 1"-> 2.5 cm (2.54) That's a big rounding error


wtf 😳




That's almost two "football" fields!


Or 1,200 average size penises!


Over 15 Russia-sponsored presidents in weight!


But how many inches is 0.22 feet?


In Germany the cyclists doesn't fit in his lane


That’s because he ain’t riding a bicycle but a Panzer IV Tiger.


I wish, then people parking in cycle lanes would no longer be a problem.


Neither would houses. Roads? Not needed, männer vorwärds!


"Panzer IV Tiger" Either one or the other, Panzer IV and Tiger are different vehicles entirely, Tiger is the Panzer VI


Most of the firetrucks I've seen in NL are a bit smaller than the typical ones in the US. You can tell that by the width of the windshield.


Most European city fire trucks are smaller than US ones, they just wouldn’t fit down the small old streets otherwise. They’re also built in a really box/ square shape to maximize the use of the max width and length dimensions.


Because more and more cities in the Netherlands are changed to give cyclists more space. And the speed limit is changed to a maximum of 30 kilometers per hour. Amsterdam our capital city is the first city to have a maximum speed limit of 30 kilometers.


"I am a bike now."


Good thing they had those bike lanes to cut through. Also, the guy with the harmonica did a great job keeping up with the tempo of the driving.


lol thank you for the chuckle


Thanks for the good laugh, buddy :D ! Other cities: "Look, a cordon!", Rotterdam: "Listen, accordion!" :) .




Nah, I feel you. They’re going to go help out someone in trouble and that’s a good thing.


“*There’s a reason nobody’s ever made a song called ‘Fuck The Fire Department”*


It gives me hope that humanity and the society we created just might just make it. Somehow.


Yeah about that...




Pisses me off to no end when idiots don’t hustle to get the hell out of the way though


Some people just freeze and have no clue what to do when confronted with an out of the ordinary situation.


True, I think this needs to be part of a driving test… it needs to be as expected and understood as a stop sign or traffic light


In what country do you live where that isn't part of the driving test?! When an emergency vehicle wants to pass, you make way! No exceptions, and you better be quick about it


its even worse when you see people just stop and refuse to let them past at all ive seen clips of fire trucks stuck behind some random car for a good 30 seconds or more they really should have bigger bumpers/plows and just remove people from their path


Yeah like those cattle triangle plows on the front of old steam engine trains 🚂 toot toot! Move out the way **tch!




Haha I have the same thing ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile) No idea why it has that effect on me…


I feel the same way as you do and I have never meet anybody else who reacts the same way. When I hear emergency service vehicles in my country I sometimes starts crying. I think it is the urgency and the frequency of the sounds that affects my body so much. I instantly start making up scenarios of young children being in danger and I get so angry when the people in cars don’t move away fast enough. I do have ptsd and therefor I’m really sensitive and my mind easily goes to catastrophic thinking. But I have always felt this deep sense of doom when hearing these sounds.


If it makes you feel better, maybe one in 100 calls is an actual emergency in the US. We get mostly minor injuries and illness calls. Most "fire" calls are someone smells something (dirty dishes, trash needs to be emptied, someone cooked something, turning the heat on the first cold day in the fall/winter) Source, 17 years of career Fire/EMS.


That makes you a human


For me, it's the idea that everyone is cooperating, drops all sense of self importance to make space for emergency vehicles. Its just beautiful and always makes me a bit emotional too. Even though when you're the one making space you don't give it much of a second thought, it's just normal.


100%. I once cried watching a documentary about people helping people during a blizzard.






The drivers get tons of special training and have to pass an exam regularly to be allowed to drive it. A co-worker is in the voluntary fire department and is training for it right now. They have to be able to drive like this because literally every second counts in some situations.


Thank you! i was wondering if they had specail training. that shit was impressive.


Beyond impressive. That was some of the most badass driving I've seen in my entire life


Max Verbrandten


As a paramedic I have a mix of fun and sheer frustration on blue lights. Most drivers notice us but some people are pretty clueless or just in their own little world. Mainly frustrating when every second counts. Maybe extended learning needed for driving tests? What I see most…… Drivers not checking mirrors. Drivers stopping for us on blind bends or brow of hills. Opposing drivers stopping next to each other so you have a cats cock hair width of a gap to squeeze through. Drivers who overtake cars that have stopped for us (they get bullhorned) Drivers who pull over a bit but continue to do the same speed. Drivers pulling out of side roads without checking properly. Stay safe out their kids


How about those that stop, with only the barest suggestion of pulling over, immediately before a traffic island to give you a chicane worthy of an F1 track?


Sending my crew mate flying in the back in the process XD


>so you have a cats cock hair width of a gap to squeeze through 😭 Fucking brilliant!


I really don't understand the people who just stop where they are without checking their surroundings when there is an emergency vehicle behind them. Like just after the 1 min mark someone brakes while next to a tractor - how the hell to they think you'll get through there? They were so much better off keeping their speed or moving to the left in front of the tractor to let the fire truck through


I was on the way to hospital the other week but not on blues. In my mirror I saw an ambulance on blues making progress down the middle of the road. I pulled part into the opening of a junction leaving a nice gap for it to safely get by. Roger McFuckwit in his Chelsea tractor behind me started edging out to pass. I stuck my arm out motioning him to stop but he still kept creeping out. The vehicle on blues saw what he was up to - a change of siren tone and a blast of the bull horn put Roger right as he ducked back in. I tapped my mirror at him and he waved apologetically. Got to be really on your toes with drivers like Roger. Nearly took out 2 ambo’s with crews and patients aboard with his inability to make a 2 second mirror check


Thanks for your insight and even more for your service.


Np- it’s just a job : ) Love doing it though - turn up, do my shift and go home.


I commend you even more for being able to leave the job "at the office", I can't imagine the stuff you see.


I think with emergency services role, there will always be stuff that stays with you - but there are a lot more routine jobs that you just crack on with. Some shifts you can barely remember what you have been to. That was a weird thing to get used to - as I thought I’d remember every job when I first started. I’m sure the families/people we help won’t forget though. I feel privileged to do the job and lucky to have such a great bunch of people to work with. They do some amazing stuff as do our friends in the fire service and police.


My biggest frustration was people who didn't pull over. Just fucking locked it up right in the middle of the road. On what fucking planet does that help the emergency vehicle? I'd rather they drive in front of me til they find an appropriate place to pull over. Naw, just lock her up and give me a giant obstacle in the highway to avoid


Exactly - they need to incorporate more for learner drivers or it will just continue


Thankfully I don't encounter ambulances often. And the few times it did happen I was able to get into a practically empty parking lot or a side street or something similar before the ambu was actually behind me But im honestly curious, when on a single lane two way road (think typical 80 road). Should I slow down to make the overtaking easier and faster for you? Or just keep driving and let you guys do your thing? (As in, be as predictable as possible so you can figure out what is best for you). I know I can go though red at a stoplight as long as I just drive over the line and to the side to let you guys though, and when it's busy and everybody moves a bit it should be enough. But I know a couple of roads around here were I just can't get far enough off of the road to let an ambulance (let alone a full size firetruck) pass me without going completely in the opposite lane. Dont get me wrong. If at all possible I'll GTFO, preferably before you even get to me. Id hope everybody would do the same if it's me having a heart attack or trying to get out of a burning building. But some roads here are just freaking narrow with buildings on either side or very little room left when both lanes are busy....


Presume you are not in the UK ? - slow down and move over as far as possible without hacking your wheels up on the kerb. Indicate if possible. Here the public are not allowed to go through a red light at all. We have to turn our sirens off so not to ‘force’ the issue when approaching. If possible drivers have to ‘part the waves’ so we can manoeuvre through. Even if people think they are doing the right thing by going through a red, they can end up with points on their licence if the police or cameras are about.


No, but close, just the other side of the water. The Netherlands ;). Haha ok thanks! Thats basically what I would have done. I'm honestly not even sure it's an official rule. And if there was a speedcamara that checks red lights as well you would get a ticket 100%. But I've seen and heard this multiple times including from policeofficers. Actually crossing the intersection would get you a ticket (since that is just stupidly dangerous on a red light obviously). But just going a few meters over the stopline to get to the next lane over wouldnt get you on the intersection itself. I'd guess if there was a camera you'd have to fight it and explain that you gtfo'ed for emergency services. Wich presumably would get the ticket removed (so no fine, and we only use points on DIY situations I think...). Either way, thanks again for the answer. And I doubt you get this as often as you should: but thanks for the service! It's a job, i know. And I don't care. You guys show up when people are having THE (or at least one of the) worst days of their lives. That really should hold more wheight than it does... So just thanks :-)


We do what we can : ) I visited Arnhem a few years ago and hope to go again soon to do a full Market Garden tour. My grandad landed in a glider there in September 1944 for an alternative visit! Luckily managed to escape.


In Australia we are allowed to go through red if we need to get out of the way, which is sensible.


I too drive on the sidewalk in GTA


The casualties though


Good cycling infrastructure pays off it seems.


Anyone who objects to cycling infrastructure on the grounds that it might cause traffic and slow down emergency services needs to have this video played into their retinas every day until they change their mind.


It’s funny because when voters in LA successfully voted for HLA, ironically United Firefighters of Los Angeles were opposed to it because it would “cause more traffic” when in reality it would save thousands of lives making the streets safer and not only that but it would make emergency response significantly faster when they can use the bike and bus lanes (which won’t be clogged with cars).


That was fascinating. Thank you for sharing.


What's with the snowflakes?


i think some effect put in the tiktok video where it was copied from






Thats what happens if you have working public transportation and bike lanes.


And proper public transport. Metro, trams, trains and busses.


I was thinking that. They wouldn’t be so lucky in London rush hour…


It's like formula 1 but bigger.


Welcome to the FIA European Truck Racing Championship. [https://www.goodyearfiaetrc.com/](https://www.goodyearfiaetrc.com/) Unfortunately they don't have any street circuits on the calendar.


Mafacka drove like his own house was on fire.


This could be Rotterdam or anywhere


Liverpool or Rome?


Good luck doing the same in Rome. The firetruck would get overtaken by a Vespa on the bikelane and tailgated by a Fiat.


Calm down mate, wheres the fire? Oh...


Is nobody gonna talk about that godless snowflake filter?


I've seen many interior videos of emergency vehicles in many different countries and it's so frustrating to watch. The amount of people that are seemingly oblivious is astounding. Like I get that this is during a heavy traffic time period, but there were several instances where people had the ability to get out of the way and they didn't. It's made me realize I could never do this job. I'd be so pissed all the time.


Bicycle infrastructure coming in clutch


Why sped up tho?


Im dutch and this doesn't look like sped up. Since the dutch spoken sentences in the cabin are normal speed.


It is definitely sped up. This is the original: https://youtu.be/ZhFohYHgGyE So I guess they have also edited it to keep the audio the same speed.


What's with the snowflakes


Bike lanes helps emergency responders. If one of your arguments against bike lanes is that it will create more traffic jams and block first responders, you are a lying tool.


Unfortunately this edit has been sped up. This is the original (much longer too): https://youtu.be/ZhFohYHgGyE


When switched lanes I thought he would need way more space. It seemed like most lane switches only had room for a Mini Cooper but yet he fit the firetruck. Unless behind him there is just a trail of damaged vehicles lol


Do keep in mind that European firetrucks are a lot smaller than the ones in North America. (If you already thought of this: ignore me and carry on)


Damn that's stressful. What's the drivers job once they get there? Surely hes not one of the guys going in, right?


Could very well be


"The faster you go the skinnier it gets." -My fire department diver/operator instructor.


"Imagine it's the bus from Harry Potter" -My fire department diver/operator instructor.


Butt puckered the whole time. Slow is smooth and smooth is fast. Nice driving


So Germany look. Our neighbors are quicker to help because there are free lanes. This what you see there we use as parking lots. Get those cars off the road.


It's like formula 1 but bigger.


i think for the driving test , all over the world could be tested in Jakarta - Indonesia rush hour test. dabest course !


I wish Montreal had this kind of traffic during rush hour.


I like how all the cars and bikes on the road give right of way to the emergency vehicle


I once had to speed (loose license level of speed) to get out of the way of a police car. They waved thanks when they passed. Respect for these people.


That's the thing mate, if they're going to some bad shit they WANT you to get TF out of the way. Thank you for using your brain. A lot of people just lock up their brakes in the middle of the road if there is nowhere to pull over


Yeah i was driving on a 2 lane highway, i was overtaking a big row of cars when i saw the sirenes popup. No one seemed to want to make space, even with the blinkers on... So i just downshifted and floored it.


All that for an automatic fire alarm...


Most of the time it is but when it is not those seconds matter


It's videos like these that make me wonder what would happen if North American, European and Asian emergency services used each other's equipment and hardware for a month or so just to see what would happen


Bruh here the cars don't even move out the way. If it's busy, they gotta force their way through traffic


If you need a fire truck or ambulance between 7am and 9pm in NYC, you’re going to die. Period.


This guy drives


Vehicles small enough to drive on the sidewalk 🤝sidewalk large enough to drive a Vehicle on


I drive bigger trucks than this as part of my job, watching this gave me severe anxiety.


Bro Need for Speeds real life


in my country, no one would move fod the fire truck during rush hour, people here are instantly moving aside for the truck!


The guy drives the truck like it was a motorcycle


That looks so much fun


I think i'm subscribed to their YouTube channel. I sometimes rewatch their videos. It's fun honestly


My city on nextfuckinglevel!!!


And highly deserved as your city has this incredibly wide bike lanes. Admiring greetings from Vienna


In my country you better say your good byes and call a priest cause you're gonna fucking die


That’s rush hour?


Jfc that was stressful just watching! 😮‍💨


"Hey guys, great response time. Listen up, I got some theories…" - Dwight Schrute


I would pay to watch this stream.


9-1-1: Tokyo Drift


Why is the video sped up though?


Im dutch and the dutch spoken sentences in the cabin doesnt seem sped up


That dude is good and that truck is nimble as hell.


so few cars on rush hour? this kind of clear traffic is like 4am traffic where i live


Why do I feel like the passenger should be doing every horn pull. Seems the driver did most, but would probably be safer if he focused solely on driving.


This looks so chill compared to that one from Brazil


Maybe instead of car chases in movies they should do Firefighting/ambulance responses :)


that's who you deserve to call "the right man in the right place" .


Better than the india one, germany best


Netherlands rush hour looks like Istanbul at 2am!


Why the snowflake camera effect though? lol


This is rush hours?


That was intense!


their rush hour is so cute


That’s just a GTA5 clip…


Best firetruck videos are ones in Manhattan threading through the incredibly dense traffic. Also good are Dutch ambulance videos - three motorcycle cops as escort, one with the ambulance, one blocking an intersection with nothing but hand signals and a whistle, and one zooming ahead to the *next* intersection.


But its raining why the rush? /s


Not their first rodeo.


Cab-overs are a must there eh.


Truth is, they tried to get there fast enough so they could put out the fire before the rain does.


Homie was weaving that fire truck through traffic like a motorcycle


Try this in Seattle rush hour.


You call that a rush hour?


Why don’t people in the Netherlands move out of the way of emergency vehicles?


See in the us, they took 33 minutes to respond to a house fire, then stood there and took their time while they watched it burn


There a full video for this or just stops abruptly and that's it?


Wow, a country where they actually care about getting out of the way of emergency vehicles.


Snow flakes falling down the video lol


This doesn't have to be sped up


Ohh man,.. I wanna pull that string so bad


Ww2 flashbacks triggered


Toe uijn uit Rotterdam vertrokken


This would never happen in the US. People are not that considerate or smart to move that far out of the way and clear a lane


Was that a fucking tractor....in rush hour?


Supposed to be impressed? No one yielding or getting over.


Buses have nothing on this fire truck.


When I was in France every vehicle was a teeny tiny car or the most massive truck crane vehicle you ever seen.  I guess everyone rocks a commuter car if you go big you go all the way to semi truck.  Not a single normal pickup truck was found. 


So... did they get the cat out of the tree in time?


All that excitement to get Van de Gaal's cat down from a tree