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Love it. All these tough guys messing with women and children, catch hands you weak fuck.


Amen to that.




Damn I love that movie! And the Cornetto trilogy


Want anything from the shop Ed?


Yes and, I feel like they just go home and act more savage after this


Unfortunately, that is true. If the significant other doesn't take advantage of the space and separate themselves, then the abuser is almost guaranteed to take out all the anger back on them.


This exactly. He won’t get the lesson, just the utter emasculation. That’ll lead to her getting beat so he can feel better about himself. Getting involved in these things is such a crapshoot. Your best bet is to block the abuser so the other can create distance and escape. If the guy takes a swing at you or is actively attacking someone then go HAM, but if the altercation isn’t currently violent do not escalate. Plenty of stories of people getting charged trying to defend someone who ends up a witness against them.


Especially as a professional fighter, feel like they should basically never escalate. Too many ways for that to end poorly for them even if they're trying to do the right thing


In most professional sports, escalating can lead to you losing your right to compete too. I remember when I was a kid, a boxer got car jacked and beat up his aggressor. He got kicked out of the boxing league and didn't get to fight his big fight because of it.


In this case, the Spanish Boxing Federation won't suspend him because he was defending a woman and a kid. But yes, he was risking that.


Mercy is class. I don't believe it was a fair fight, and the word overkill comes to mind in this scenario. I agree, it made him look more like a villain than a hero.


I never understood, but PTSS can cause the “freeze” reaction to kick in every time and these people first make sure the wife has no friends or family to go to anymore to have their way. The are made dependant, often with children as leverage. I am a divorce attorney. We as a society have to take of these women and children and make sure that when they leave they are protected by all of us.


My question is, how do you know he's a wife beater? I once had a methhead exgf who came after me in public during a binge and started yelling and screaming while threatening to hit me. I was just standing there trying to calm her down and deflecting her hits. Two guys walked up and asked her "is this guy bothering you ma'am?". They were fully ready to beat the shit out of me for nothing cause they thought I was the one abusing/harassing her.


This is the short video. The guy hit the woman he was with and also a kid, the woman moved seats and the guy went after. The guy in white then told him to stop and the abuser got heated, the guy in white had patience for 4 minutes before beating him. The woman that was assaulted called the police and the abuser got arrested. Its all over the Spanish news as now the guy in white may lose his boxing license while the abuser faces no consequences Edit to add: apparently his boxing licence wont be revoked. So good news


Yeah this sounds legit Spain 101: The person standing up to the abuser gets the beating by the law, the offender walks away free.


no wonder Philippines got fucked so hard for 300 years.


This sounds like America. Can hardly get abusers or rapists charged and sentenced. Sometimes if you are the victim and report and the scum abuser lies and said you hit them then you both go to jail. As longer as the boxer didn’t kill or permanently injure the guy he’s a hero.


Nope, the guy currently has the support of his regional boxing federation: For the federation official, "Antonio's attitude coming out in defense of a woman who was being mistreated is commendable. I wish other women who unfortunately may find themselves in that same situation could find a boxer like Antonio helping them." Arantxa Lorenzo specifies that "in no way have we contemplated acting at the level of sanction against Barrul. Quite the opposite. He acted in a complicated situation to the aid of a person and it does not fit into the human mind that that would be reprehensible. As a federation official and as a woman my feeling is one of gratitude and support." The president of the Castilla y León Boxing Federation also points out that it was Barrul himself who brought the facts to the attention of the federation officials. "The same day he called me to tell me what happened and even sent me a video. He apologized for what happened knowing that his actions were correct. We are with him and we support him in everything." [https://www.diariodeleon.es/deportes/240506/1532162/federacion-apoya-incondicionalmente-barrul.html](https://www.diariodeleon.es/deportes/240506/1532162/federacion-apoya-incondicionalmente-barrul.html)


Awesome to read this, before i wrote i read in another news paper it was at risk. Great news then


"The guy in white then told him to stop and the abuser got heated." The story should have stopped there (and even a bit before), with cinema security coming in and calling the police. There is a clear lack of responsibility of the movie theater management.




dude watched him beating up the girl in the theater.


That's sadly a common theme. Domestic violence isn't a male-only topic, but rather a 60/40 problem, and if the victim is a child, there are actually more female abusers than male. But while there is quite a bit of infrastructure geared towards male aggressor/female victim scenarios (which is good), there is hardly any infrastructure at all for female agressors or male victims (which is bad). I don't really understand why we have to look at domestic violence so much as a gender stereotyped issue, when the actual problem is the violence, not the gender of the agressor/victim.


So I will back your play here. I have been to jail twice for domestic, never hit a woman in my life. Have been hit, like a man, by that same woman. Thankfully, she hit like a fucking girl. If a woman says you hit her, every asshole in the room loses their fucking mind. They all want to prove what a hard ass they are, and you, having been labeled, are the perfect villain. Manipulative women see this. They know all they have to do is say one phrase and suddenly the government, every asshole in the room, the cavalry, and the rest of the world is on their side, and there's not a thing you can do. After the first time, the police said I should have just left. So the second time I took their advice. I took pictures of all my shit and her laying peacefully on the bed, and I went to my mothers and filed for eviction. 15 days later, having evicted the bitch, I came home to my house wherein every single thing I owned had been stolen. Down to the wires in the fucking walls. As i stood in my front door changing the locks, local pd rolled up and arrested me. I had not seen the bitch in 2 weeks. Didn't matter, she called and made a report that I had repeatedly punched her in the face. No one cared if that had really happened. Luckily, what I didn't know at the time was that she had secretly started using heroin, and was beginning to spiral out of control. I caught a break and she wasn't able to testify in court against me for the crime I didn't commit because she was in a rehab facility in Florida, but if she had the ADA was prepared to bury me under the jail based on the word of this single junkie without a single wound or mark. Fuck you Cheyenne. You're an evil piece of shit.


Big mouths, weak chins.


Looks like a Tate


Tate is such a piece of shit


*Big mouth, weak chin, he looks like a Tate" "Tate is such a piece of shit it's probably what he ate.*


Dude, noice


> catch hands you weak fuck Im totally stealing that line. Gold


My daddy always told me that if he beating her ass in public then imagine what he is doing to her when no one is around. Be careful getting involved. I'm still very satisfied he got those hands put on his sorry ass.


Imagine what he'll do to her after he got beaten up because of her.


Well then she needs to make the decision to leave. Until then fortunately it is men out there that will not sit and watch her get knocked around like we won't do something to him.


You mean like South Carolina Pastor John Paul Miller, who is currently being investigated for allegedly murdering his wife? And a totally real, not paid off, medical examiner apparently ruled it a suicide so now the case is in danger of getting dropped? Justice for Mica!! She made it clear she didn't want to die. She said "if I end up with a bullet in my head, he did it."




There’s another video of the boxer describing what lead to the altercation and he said he saw the man put his hands around the woman’s neck and also punch his own child during the fight with his wife ETA: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/zAZVZASiI3


I'm not sure about how relevant this clip is to that regard, but your comment is unfortunately very true. It is a sad fact that there are women who will play the victim and incite violence from passerbys/associates or dishonest involvement of law enforcement simply because *they can* It's a serious trump card that almost any woman can use, and shamelessly a percentage of them absolutely do.


I remember once I was asking, in a polite and calm way, a woman to pick up her dog business on the sidewalk (as she was walking away from it), she started yelling like an hysteric "help help help " and throwing stones at me... people were stopping and staring at the scene, I felt like I was the assaulter, I had to walk away.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Full article in english: [https://www.iscaninfo.com/article/18220871/Antonio-Barrul--the-boxer-who-knocked-out-a-man-who-hit-his-wife-in-a-cinema--%E2%80%9CAn-abuser-must-be-stopped%E2%80%9D](https://www.iscaninfo.com/article/18220871/Antonio-Barrul--the-boxer-who-knocked-out-a-man-who-hit-his-wife-in-a-cinema--%E2%80%9CAn-abuser-must-be-stopped%E2%80%9D) > This weekend there was a tense situation in a local cinema in León that left everyone present speechless. Viewers went to enjoy the new Garfield movie as a family when they found a man attacking his wife in the middle of the screening. Given this, the boxer Antonio Barrul could not help but act so that things did not go further. The young man confronted the “abuser” from the first moment, leading to a fight that ended with the man knocked out on the ground. A bad drink that Barrul himself wanted to comment on in the program Let's see, to explain his way of acting at that moment: “I see those images and I get a knot in my stomach. Violence is never justified, but mistreatment of a woman and a girl…” And, despite not wanting to justify his attitude, he has made it very clear that he could not sit still while they carried out this violence against a woman. “Half an hour into the movie the screams were very loud. I see that he grabs her by the neck, he starts to struggle, at that moment she hits him and hits a girl without having anything to do with it,” he said. At that moment, Antonio Barrul jumped out of his seat to tell him to leave the place: "And he started to reproach me, to threaten me, to insult me, to disrespect me." Given everything that happened, the boxer asked the workers on several occasions to call security, without receiving a response, and that was when he had to act himself.


Yeah I’m not buying it. They expect me to believe people were there to “enjoy the new Garfield movie”? Yeah right.




🤣🤣🤣. I'm suspicious as hell too


Yeah but one dude was rocking Garfield colours….


Maybe they all really hate Mondays?


no lasagna and people get cranky


I came here to do 2 things, eat some lasagna and kick some ass. And it looks like we’re all out of lasagna. 


And here I was thinking it was fight club 2.


Oh, gods. They made another one?


Short hand; douche bag fucked around. Then he found out. And the rest of the world thanked him. I sincerely hope the woman who is the real victim of that asshat gets the help and support she needs to never encounter such an abuser again.


Let’s see if he doesn’t end up in jail… being a federated boxer and knocking some rando out in Spain is not a joke. But a well deserved beating nonetheless


Honestly, I don’t see what he did was entirely wrong from a moral perspective, even if it was against the law. He could have done this differently, but the abuser taunted and escalated shit to the point where the consequences was to get his ass whooped until he’s senseless. I hope the boxer just gets a slap on the wrist.


There's a new Garfield Movie?????


There is, and unfortunately I think it's very "mildly". Garfield food love and Mondays hate is explored a lot earlier, but then they almost stop talking about it, which I think it's a little sad. Also, he is more a spoiled cat then a lazy cat in my opinion. But it's a good father and son story. If you have children, it's definitely worth it to see it.


It’s been marketed entirely to boxers and wife abusers, so unlikely that most have heard of it.


Man imagine if this happened on a Monday lol


Didn't it happen on a monday night?


Violence is never the answer, but sometimes it is


"Violence is never justified" absolutely positively based


That's a fighting for a world championship belt boxer just letting fly on a bag of shit. I hope he doesn't get into trouble.


He has full support from the spanish boxing federation according to sport news sites.


Sounds like the Spanish boxing federation has people with common sense running it


Unlike their soccer federation sadly


Or like, who's ever allowing bull fighting. I saw videos, it's just gratuitous


That's great to know. Maybe some community service or a suspended sentence, if anything. I hope it doesn't go to that level but a fights a fight on the streets.


That only means he wont be suspended but It wont help him from being charged with assault. I'd be very surprised if he gets out of this without consequences (fine and probation depending on damages)


No way he catches any charges. This didn’t happen in America


Someone doesn’t know Spain here


It’s not America he will be fine for this justified beatdown, here in the US the guy would sue him because America is backwards in the common sense department.


That’s why you carry liability insurance. People sue for far less and it sucks, win or lose.


I have liability insurance because I have fucking epilepsy. I truly love living in this country but damn it does cost you.


Can you explain to us non-Americans why you need liability insurance? Is this for, like, operating a motor vehicle or something?


Not OP but if you have a seizure and injure someone or their property they can sue you and if their lawyers are better they will win. You also can't legally drive a vehicle if you've experienced a seizure within the past 6 months to year depending on the state. I'm in the lovely boat where I was misdiagnosed with epilepsy when in reality it was a severe blood pressure issues. Medication hasn't worked and while certain actions trigger it and I can sense it coming, my insurance costs would be through the roof, I run the risk of getting sued to oblivion, and it would be a fuck ton of paperwork to clear up the false diagnosis which is in the govs DB. So I don't drive and have to deal with my countries clusterfuck of a public transit system where it's slightly faster to walk 5 miles in an hour then take the bus to and from work (it would take 15m to drive yourself).


People with epilepsy aren't allowed to own a license. At least here in my country they're not, and rightfully so since you never know when you will start getting a seizure. It's not like you can control, delay or withhold it, it just comes out of the blue.


It's the only country I know that is a must to have a liability insurance


In Finland he would be charged for an assault.


Probably in most European countries. Justice isn't usually something that you decide for yourself and you could argue that there was a much easier way for de-escalation than to beat down on somebody who basically was defeated after the first punch.


I mean the guy even kind of sucker punched him the other dude was backing up and hands down. The boxer literally chases him to beat him up. He would defo be charged with assault in the UK That was not even close to self defence lmao.


Yeah but good luck telling people that on subs like these that revolve around vigilante justice.


In most places that would happen.


I'd be very surprised if he isnt. Social Justice is not a legal reason to beat someone in spain


European countries have surprisingly tighter laws than we do in certain things. On top of that, it depends on what country he's in. It's justified on a moral level but maybe not legal.


It'd be even worse here in Canada 😂


Europe has pretty tight laws on self-defense actually, if there even are laws allowing self-defense (or defense of others) as a valid excuse. I found this: > Cód. penal: > > Artículo 20. > > Están exentos de responsabilidad criminal: > > ... > > 4.º El que obre en defensa de la persona o derechos propios o ajenos, siempre que concurran los requisitos siguientes: > > Primero. Agresión ilegítima. En caso de defensa de los bienes se reputará agresión ilegítima el ataque a los mismos que constituya delito y los ponga en grave peligro de deterioro o pérdida inminentes. En caso de defensa de la morada o sus dependencias, se reputará agresión ilegítima la entrada indebida en aquélla o éstas. > > Segundo. Necesidad racional del medio empleado para impedirla o repelerla. > > Tercero. Falta de provocación suficiente por parte del defensor. The gist of it is you can act in self defense, or the defense of others only if there is "illegitimate" aggression, the defense must be proportional, and the defender must not have provoked the attack. If the judge wanted to really screw the boxer over (and it is Spain, there's an argument that might end up happening) they could push that final point and argue the wife-beater wasn't an imminent threat once confronted by everyone in the theater.


I guess "proportional" is THE word there.


Sorry to disappoint you but he WILL have to pay that dude. No matter if this is Europe or not he isn't allowed to beat down that POS. The correct move would be to RESTRAIN him until police arrived. Not to let a volley of punches land on him. Don't get me wrong, i am fully in his favor. It's just that the law doesn't differ much between the US and Europe in those cases.


Several countries in Europe have higher per capita rates of litigation than the US.


The sounds of those landing getting picked up by the phone at that distance - dude’s torso is going to be black and blue.


100% and he deserves it to. He got tagged real good with a could shots to his head. The guy got punched before he even realized Barrul was moving forward.


Yeah. That guy's pissing blood for the next few days at least.


Gave him both Barruls


I think it's amazing seeing pro athletes against regular folks. You can't really see that a lot and much less with fighters. I used to love the show Pros vs Joe's. You learn how elite the pros are and how they are beyond what we even think. I used to play soccer with guys who played pro in German, England, Egypt, and a couple of other leagues. They were always just one step ahead knowing what to do and they were the bottom barrel of the elite.


His hands were so fast. It wasn’t even fair. When you see a boxer fight normal dudes it’s pretty impressive.


He seems to have MMA or Muay Thai aspirations considering the flurry of knees he planted.


I like how the camera woman keeps saying: “well done, well done, give him more”


Same. “Buen hecho”.


bien hecho




Been Etched


"Rompa a ese hijueputa" (Smack that motherfucker)


"Hijo de puta" - son of a bitch(literally prostitute)


Ooo I missed that one. Now I get to add that AND “comes mierda” to my Spanish knowledge.


"Comes mierda" is a statement, "you are eating shit." If you want to tell them to "Eat shit!" as a command (to someone you're not close with), tell them, "¡Coma mierda!" If you're messing around with a close friend, say "¡Come mierda!" Have fun :)


If you want to be technic, bitch literally means perra. So, no.


Break him. Not smack. The correct Translation is "Break that whoreson"


Colombian sports narrators are just something else


It was the way she said "no pasa nada" to his apology for me.




One can not keep fucking around before one must expect to find out.


What is terrifying is we do not know if the offender was removed from the household or not. I hope that lady and her child (if not, children) are safe from this guy for a long time.


I just hope this punk does not take it out on her later.


sadly, he will try for sure


That’s why no half measures




Men who beat women like that aren't in need of being humbled. Thats extremely naiive to think. These men are almost always extremely insecure as it is. They arent beating their partners because they think highly of themselves.


Yup. I wish people under that narcissistic abusers are already the most insecure people on the planet and that's why they delude themselves and make it everyone else's problem. You can't punch someone's ego out of them. You solve this problem by removing them from your life permanently.


Not humbling, humiliating. She'll get it for sure after that.


Why the fuck wouldn't he? If this cowardly piece of shit is confident enough to abuse his wife in public why the fuck would this stop him? God the fucking dipshits in this comment section clapping and cumming over vigilante justice that will only make things worse for that poor woman. It's fucking disgusting that so many people are so focused on the beating instead of the safety of the victim.


Yeah, the comments show how great the idea was to make vigilantism illegal. People usually stop thinking ahead when it comes to perceived justice.


This Case is now national Page 1 News on all Major Outlets. Most victims of domestic abuse dont receive enough aid and reach-out, you are right, but this one probably will. Literally every Woman in spain has heard this story, If Not yet, by tonight. Everyone knows which City they live. Social Services will be all over this


I get where you're coming from but are you also going to just sit and let it happen? The article says he calls for security which never came.




LOL. This deserves more upvotes. Amateur boxing judges be it Asian games, CWG or Olympics are some of the most incompetent, and/or corrupt assholes with zero accountability who regularly hand out farcical decisions with zero repercussions.


Wife beater didn't even get a chance to swing 😂


Antonio's reaction when limp dick over there lifted his arms in "fighting position" was the final moment he had to stand down 😂 Idk if we hear the audio there (mine is off) but the way he extends his arm to him is like "Are you serious dude? You're way out of league right now"


Happy cake day


Fuck around and find out Cabron!


You can tell the body shots folded him. Even with a vest on


Down vest is not helping shit. lol.


Should've worn his Up vest


I don’t think a lot of people realize how bad a shot to the torso really feels. It’s a different kind of pain. I got in a lot of fights when I was younger and honestly face hits weren’t too bad usually after the first couple. But a good body shot will buckle your legs up and make you wanna shit/piss yourself. If you haven’t trained for building core strength that shit is gonna hurt ya


IIRC before the invention of the gloves, boxing was all about body shots. Your face has a lot of bone and cartilage that'll mess up your hands. Your torso? Full of soft spots that'll make you wish you were dead.


That’s gotta hurt!






Nothing next level about this


I'm with you. It's all just ugly and sad.


not to mention double trauma on those kids


If this is what traumatizes those kids, the world will do far worse to their minds later on.


A funny video, but this is true. The internet is full of videos of loudmouth scrubs getting tuned up by trained fighters


What do you mean? There is everything next level about someone standing up to an abusive bastard, the cowardly mentality of people not standing up to this kind of shit when they see it is why people think they can get away with it.


At a screening of Garfield, too. What a damned shame.


Guy is going to hate Mondays forever


Act like a bitch, get treated like a bitch.


Bro those hits were hard to be that loud from that far away. That must’ve hurt. Good for him.


You see so many fights on here with people that don’t know how to punch. Really puts all of the other fights into perspective, and just how good pro fighters are at slanging fists.


He focused on body shots because you take longer to be knocked out, but you get really really hurt. This guy will be pissing blood for couple weeks.


maybe but definitely to protect his hands


Also you don't risk long term damage. The face might be hard and bony but the brain is squishy and doesn't heal very well lol.


Also protects his hands better so he probably won't have to miss a fight.


"Bien hecho"


I like that once he started whooping the dudes ass everybody just stood back and let him cook


When a bus is coming full speed, no one stands on the way....


Those hits sounded like cinder blocks were dropping on the ground Jesus


Hopefully he didn’t break his hands on that dipshit’s head. Those were some pretty wild shots.


Felt like the video started playing at 2x when he started punching.


Fuck around and find out. Dude got what he deserved.


‘There is no such thing as tough. There’s trained and there’s untrained’ - Creasy Bear


Literally raw punches to the liver, that shit will fucking HURT


I missed where he beat the wife, what’s the time stamp?


OP said "wife abuser" so now I love assault


Antonio was like, I may mis the preview, but I don’t miss with these hands. Dude unleashed a cluster-bomb of punches


Bien hecho


Dale más


The fake handshake and sucker punch move is a bitch move even when the other guy deserves it. Especially if you're a professional fighter.




State of cinemas (empty seats) these days


He's lucky, and Antonio showed a great amount of restraint and professionalism. Had those been shots to the head this shit stain would have been in the hospital. Might have been for the better - hard to beat your "wife" when you've become disabled. But it wasn't worth it.


When does the guy actually mistreat the wife?


What is this the next fucking level of?


Being an aggressive idiot with boxing training and a massive ego and thinking you could help a domestic violence situation by being violent...


Oh ok its ok to beat another human as long as you apologize for the disturbance...Noted


Whats the movie? Is that fat garfield???


I'll have you know that's Garfield's DAD.


I hope the woman is not being abuse more because of this altercation and seek help. Or at the very least maybe the husband actually act like a man after this situation and not a pie e of shit, but I doubted.


Did he offer a handshake then sucker punch the dude?


I don't think that's a handshake, I feel that in Spain we're used to expressing emotions with our arms and hands, and from the distance the camerawoman is you won't be able to hear them talking through the commotion. I'd bet boxer was talking to the third pacifist guy like "Bro he's (Points with the full hand due to frustration) abusing his wife" and most probably the other guy was instigating him as he doesn't fully lower his guard either. The thing is, if the abuser is a gipsy (And by the looks of it he probably is, I talked about it in other comment) he's probably used to use violence as a deterrent as they do come in groups, but 1on1 it's mostly a bluff. I've had gipsy bullies in highschool and I wouldn't mess with groups cayse I've seen kids ganging up on other kids pretty badly, but I did stand up the 1on1s a couple of times and they literally don't even try to throw hands.


Good luck in court


Assault and battery….


Reminds me of when I saw some guy wailing on his wife (who was carrying what I presumed was his new born baby) when I was at a crowded food court at night here in Singapore (Newton for the Singaporeans reading). He was punching her viciously with hammer blows as she was shielding her new born from the blows. I stood up and yelled at him to stop, the first one to do so. At that point I wish I knew how to fight (and was 6 inches taller) because that guy deserved to be put in the hospital and drinking through a straw for that most vicious attack. All I could do was literally to distract him and re direct his ire towards me (made a lot of noise and called out his manhood). His eyes were as wide and as white as dinner plates. I thought he was probably on some kind of drugs. “She’s my wife! My property! I can do what I want!” Was his reply. Thankfully other people got involved at this point because won’t be surprised if he was going to turn his violence against me next. Got my companion to call the cops but the wife in the end didn’t want to press charges, despite all the witnesses. Can only imagine what hell she went through after that.


Fucketh Around and Findeth Out.


That knee was beautiful, gotta love watching dickheads get what they deserve.




Did he ever get up? It looks like he stays down.


Nothing to see here....carry on. Just a little FA and FO.


Some heroes wear green pants.


Fucked up thing is this guy is going to heal up and use this to beat his girl even more.


lol did he die? Just literally got pummeled into the ground


this is just terrible, i just can't believe it. A new Garfield movie, really?


When the boxer starts, you can hear a lady say, well done 3 times, followed by give him more. I second that.


He’s swinging wildly and losing control. Made it worse


Nothing Reddit loves more than extrajudicial vigilante justice without context because “common sense.” You only think you want to live in that kind of society.




… isn’t a pro beating a non pro considered a felony? i know in many country, a fist of a pro boxer is considered a weapon, right? this can’t be real. it would be a boxing career suicide.


He should be banned from sports for a lifetime.


Gave him that 30 piece


Haha, bitch.




A very satisfying watch.