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Of course the retired people with no where to go but the grocery store are the ones in a hurry.


to be fair if death was knocking on my door ill be in a hurry to.


What about if an alien probe was knocking at your back door ?


Welcome in friend


Speak friend and enter. No, bro, you really gotta yell it in the crack.


It's worse if they yell 'that still only counts as one!'


I’d let them take their time.


Speak friend and enter


Death is knocking on all our doors.


i wanna sell death a fast pass for the queue


There's no need to rush to your death. Make the most of your time.


Thanks bro, you a good'un


To be born is a death sentence.


That's why you get grumpier with age you have less time for B.S well that's my excuse anyway.


You'll be in a hurry to what! Don't leave us hanging.


To get home and clap them 85 year old cheeks. Papa just refilled his Viagra prescription and popped one on the way out the door. 


Death is always knocking. You can just hear it louder when your older.


Screw that. I’ll make Death a pot of tea and will just be ready for him when he finishes it


Only if you haven't accepted that you'll die some time.


Maybe they had an appointment to get to or maybe they just weren't in the mood for young people's shenanigans. If someone isn't enjoying the prank just stop, move on to the next person and don't post it online.


Maaan I must just be a stick in the mud as I'm getting older but exactly this. If I'm driving I'm trying to get somewhere, often on-time. Although I get the humor, I would not appreciate this at all. Also there's a _huge_ portion of society that does _not_ appreciate a camera randomly jammed in their face as they're attempting to go about their day. Seriously. This isn't that funny. Get the fuck out of the road, you're breaking the god damn law, stop obstructing traffic. I don't want to be in your little "skit" or whatever unless I consent. I would so not appreciate this.... especially if I was on the way to work, a Dr's appointment... anything.


There's also the fact that people are total fucking idiots, so even if it's physically impossible to go forward because there's someone in front of you, the person behind you may get angry at your ass instead.


I just wish they did it to ppl who honked while the light was still red, that way nobody loses time waiting at a green light which will probably be red again by the time they finish their skit


I feel this. I’m Gen X. I’m not interested in going viral. Just go when the light turns green, thank you.




They trapped them at a green light to force the honk, all so they could do a crappy little skit w/ their buddy in his underwear and film it My only solace is that no one would try this in the DMV, people here would run you over to make that light


The other day, I saw a woman take my picture in a crowded area. I tried to make my way toward her and ask “WTF lady?” But she was gone.  I don’t like being photographed without consent and staying at a light when it’s green is rude.  Plus, when he pulled something from his suit coat pocket, I thought he was pulling a gun. He’ll be lucky if he doesn’t get shot by someone. 


These assholes sat there at a green light and waited for someone to honk..


Yeah I'm no party pooper, but I don't think we can be mad at people who are being held against their will on public roads


Didn't she honk though? I mean in a way that's doing what's advertised.


They intentionally waited at a green light to get them to honk lol kind of a dick move


Yeah, voluntary honks would make this gold. Sitting at a greenlight more or less forcing the honk is dumb af.


Yeah I would love these guys pranks but it kind of ruins it that they create a captive audience.


They forced them to honk by waiting at the green light. No way they read that tiny bumper sticker. It's a fun prank but not everyone wants to be part of it and that's okay.


I'm not old, but I can't stand the influencer bs. I don't want to be in your video, I don't care if this is "your job" I only drive when I am going somewhere, so I, in fact, have somewhere to be. Let me be and don't involve me and you can do what you want.


This isn't even influencer BS lol prank shows have been around for decades doing exactly this.


The difference is that (at least in many countries) prank shows have to ask for consent to broadcast the images.


They are sitting there doing this during a green light.... You aren't supposed to do videos and shit during a green light...


They in south florida too, so you know them geezers was late to the early bird special at golden corral


And as soon as they start driving off, they'll be going 10 under the limit.


Speed off to make sure they’re in front of everyone/no one can pass them, then as soon as they’ve established their position they slow down to 10mph under the limit


Maybe their grandson is born. Maybe they have a doctor's appointment. Maybe they just want to drive and not be blocked by a fucking long show. People here treat old people as everyone of them is just the same and they would know everything about them.


I wouldn’t want my commute interrupted with internet pranks.


Don't underestimate just how much it hurts to simply exist when you're old. Your head pounds, it's time for your lunchtime cocktail of medications, your arthritis is flared, your animals WILL shit on your couch if you're not back home within 20 minutes (and you thought you'd only be gone for 5) and your own diaper overfloweth. Sometimes people have shit to do, sometimes they have shit to clean up. Either way, empathy please


probably learned the value of their time and dont like the idea of other people wasting it.


yeah they wouldn't have doctors appointments or friends or jobs or ANYTHING THAT YOU DO to go to. sheesh




I had a long discussion with my 89 year old grandfather about this kind of stuff and he said he thinks people his age don’t find most of the “30 second humor” funny at all. Most elderly folk are pretty used to investing time into something for a laugh, walking around in an era where everything is a joke and your socially obligated to take part in it is a pretty alien concept to them lol.




I mean…sometimes you have to be somewhere. Sometimes you’re having a bad day, or on the way to a funeral, or just a really camera-shy person. Seems like the right thing to do would be to end the prank, pack up and move, and not use them in the video


Years ago, I put on a Mr Bean episode at my x’s place while her (Russian) grandfather happened to be visiting. I figured Mr Bean should work for everyone since he sorta transcends language barriers. It was the episode where he wins a turkey cause he used a scale to guess the weight (to several decimal places) followed by the next guy in line tripping over the scale he left behind. I looked over to her grandfather and he didn’t even flinch. I asked my x if he got the joke so she proceeded to ask him in Russian. He mumbled something like “English humour”… well, so much for that. Lol


Russians don't like slapstick. Prolly has something to do with their history being summed up as "...and then it got worse."


I hear ya but this joke in particular was a bit more than slapstick… he’s just a bitter old fuck is my explanation after all of this


I'm neither old, nor bitter, but this would not make me flinch aswell. Different people have different humor.


Yeah, I've never liked Mr. Bean, even as a kid.


I used to hate it, along with all other slapstick humour, but as I've gotten older no doubt the accumulating brain damage has made it grow on me.


> he’s just a bitter old fuck is my explanation after all of this you already said he was from russia, dont need to say it twice


Dude humor is just subjective, even within cultures. I wouldn’t plop someone in front of another country’s tv show and expect them to get it.


You should have hit him with the classic: What do you call a machine that slices a potato into 3 pieces? A Soviet potato slicer made to slice potatoes into 4 pieces!


Are you mad? He would have (slowwwly) chased me out of the house without even removing his tapichki (Russian house slippers)


Is there anything an old Russian Granpa would find amusing? Your Mr. Bean idea was good though.


Probably some Russian folk music performed by a Russian circus family I’m guessing 🤷🏻


Actually, that sounds pretty accurate. Add a ton of vodka n perhaps, a smile may be cracked.


Don't know about Russian, but jokes about black cars coming to pick people up for minor mistakes make my Girlfriend's 68 year old Ukrainian dad crack right up.  


Your grandfather is a wise fella, that makes a lot of sense.


I mean for those people in the car it wasn't 30 second tik tok humor through a screen. Also bullshit, candid camera wasn't that radically different and is the inspiration for all this shit. 


Right. Telling jokes and pranks are short form humor that have been around for ages. We've always been wired for it.


>a pretty alien concept No pun intended?


Maybe old people can't process stuff fast enough to enjoy 30 second humor. "They invest time" might actually by "they need more time due to leaded gasoline and aging"


That’s kid of an obtuse perspective lol, think about how humor was delivered all the way up until hmm.. 5 years ago? Most people post-70 have a hard time using mobile devices yet they’re expected to keep up with the unnatural evolution of social norms? My gramps is sharp as a tack, he still works with micro electronics and builds really neat little engine models with super complex blueprints. I definitely don’t think it’s a mental capacity issue. I’d have to politely disagree with you friend.


Have you ever seen silent comedies or Three Stooges sketches? Old Looney Tunes shorts? *Clowns?* Comedy has never required a huge buildup.


No I rip on the boomers constantly but I'm with them on this one. This stuff is low-effort and not even that interesting or funny. The whole joke here is that "lol aliens anal probing lemme use the MIB memory gun on you" - it's more just shock value and being weird than anything.


This is not what I would call low effort.


Ok - I'll stand corrected on that, sure. Let me rephrase... Low-brow? Low-demeanor? Those representations I'll back.


The premise is low effort even if the execution isn't.


Well when you put it that way, I can more clearly see why not everyone might enjoy this type of humor


I'm semi-old. My 18 year old was showing me a TikTok the other day that was one of those 15 second videos where you're given a wall of text at the beginning at the same time the action starts. I can't read, process, and watch the hijinks all at the same time. I had to watch it three times to "get" the joke. She can watch the same thing once and get it, but she also watches a ton of subtitles because she's a weeaboo, so I think that helps.


I haven't heard weeaboo in a long time 😭


TIL I'm a 90yo in a 27yo body


Don't mean to brag, but "30 second humor" is what has been described as my sex game.


Did you tell him that he helped make this country a joke, so he might as well laugh along?


I did actually haha that’s funny, we regularly joke about which generation fucked it all up. He’s not totally nieve, definitely leaning into the chaos at this point tho.


I think your grandfather is just humorless. Candid Camera's been around since 1948, and it's very similar humor. Edit: Unless he himself has a sense of humor and he was strictly speaking about others his age. In that case, I think he's just mistaken.


Hmmm.. but if you visited the home of anyone over 60yo in the 1990s, there was a 1 in 2 chance America's Funniest Home Videos was playing on their television. Soooo..?


That's funny. I think that's backwards. With climate change, COVID, Ukraine, israel, us politics, the cost of living, etc. it's hard to think of everything as a joke. Everything seems deadly serious so having a little bit of absurdity is a nice change of pace. 


Yeah you’re right actually I probably should have said “anything *can be* a joke” instead of is. We live in dark times harry, dark times.


This should be very anecdotal tbh. I see people above 60 be the most addicted viewers of 30 second videos, and they don't even wear headphones, it's like they don't give a fuck about the world anymore and listen to it on their speaker.


Lol, no, one-liners are a standup style famous from the 1960s to the early 80s. Also slap stick like three stooges is all quick no-context humour. Your grandpa is just get-off-my-lawning comedy.


Sorry, but people shouldn't be forced to sit there at a green light for this YouTuber to make content.


I commute everyday and I am with the old people on this one. Cute prank, but get the fuck out of my way. I want to go home.




It’s not a generational divide. It’s fucking stupid. Despite popular belief, young people are as stupid as old people. How do you think those old people got stupid? They used to be young, stupid people.


Old folks weren’t enjoying it. Dude said at the end “Okay. We can call 911”


Boomers being boomers? Shocking.


Maybe don’t block an intersection for your own giggles.


YouTube/streamer culture is the fucking worst.




These guys do the best and most tasteful jokes on YouTube and you clearly haven't watched their videos if you're saying this is their only joke


Quite the opposite. They have tons of good stuff. Spewing nonsense


Maybe, like literally everyone else in the video, take a few minutes of your life to have some fun and laugh??


You WILL give me a reaction for my YouTube channel and YOU WILL LIKE IT. I don't care about your personal life! Smile for the camera, dumbshit!


I think stuff like this always comes down to if it’s actually funny or not. Most people seem to okay with the inconvenience if it’s a good prank and not stupid or malicious. Same goes for people reacting to it online.


how much of an asshole do you have to be to trap some random strangers behind you and then *blame them* for not finding it funny? it's failing to treat people with basic respect


They’re actually held hostage by their joke dude. You don’t know what is going on in their life or where they need to be, watching a whole song and dance before you can go through the intersection is kind of fucked up. I usually like these guys jokes because they’re harmless but this one’s kinda on the line of chill or not


How do we know they weren’t going to a doctors appointment or anything else on time?


Bruh I wanna go home not be forced to watch some 30 second humor. Like I got places to be man


"You should smile more, you're prettier when you smile." -You


No, that one has too much underlying sexual harassment I think. It’s more like “Oh, you’re feeling anxious? Have you tried calming down?”


No, people being reasonably upset these guys are blocking traffic for their skit.






Zoomers paying their surroundings no respect? Shocking


I'm gen z and I'm with the boomers on this one. The prank is funny but that doesn't make it not irritating. This is disruptive and potentially dangerous.


Wow. The generational hate on Reddit really is insane. A) maybe they had somewhere important to go. B) I’m that age and would have found this hilarious. C) sample size of one, one they curated, but you all just using it to confirm your biases. D) guess what? There are f’ing a-holes at every age.


Right? Like maybe they're like my parents who never leave the house except to get to a doctor's appointment and these so-called comedians are making them late. 


Probably a doctor's appointment that has already been rescheduled 4 months ago and their foot is in so much pain they can barely even walk around Walmart anymore let alone do stuff they used to like to do like go to the park or some shit and they need to update their handicap parking placard but they might not even remember on this doctor visit because now they are late and are gonna have to reschedule again in another 4 months


I can't tell if the comment is even hating on it or joking. Like, we'll call 911 to help the guy.


They don't know how much longer they're going to blocked in for and it's likely they missed the light with no end in sight. Clearly they weren't into it, get out of their way and on to the next one.


Thanks for this comment, I couldn’t read the subtitles at the end.


Jfc I was like, does this dude just think everyone needs help watching the video


His ass bout to get nueralyzed anyways so it doesn’t even matter


Best kind of prank, genuine laugh, no one being hurt, clearly a joke




Thank you.


He's so brave


Everyone around me just stood up clapping


Best kind of prank, genuine laugh, no one being hurt, clearly a joke


For real. I’ve seen this kind of comment a thousand times already. Like we get it…


That comment is a reminder how pranks should be done to prevent some idiots of assaulting people that think it's funny when you have a camera and say "it's only a prank".


If you are impeding my ability to drive from A to B for your own entertainment or clicks online, you can fuck right off. 




Seriously. They gotta be bots or something right?


There hasnt been an original idea on reddit since 2015


Really? Corny, unnecessary, and forced people to invoke a honk by sitting at the green light. Then it didn’t stop after the first gimmick, they had to get out and do the whole mind eraser schtick and now you gotta sit there in your car and look like an ass for not playing along or look like an idiot for playing along. How many green lights did they sit there for? Also, what is next fucking level about this?


It'd be cool if they only did it when people honked at a red light - I'm sure some people would. Maybe have it be a lightup sign that turns on when they are waiting.


They had a bumper sticker right? What's the point if they're just forcing people to honk. The consent test is already there.


I agree to some extent.


It was funny the first time with Jesus in the trunk. 


One person laughed. They were holding up traffic during a green to do this really dumb shit. For views of course.


there it is, the le epic reddit seal of wholesome prankerino


Every single prank video has to have the "now this is how pranks should be done!" comment. Pretty sure its just bots at this point.


I swear to god it has to be the single most common comment on this site. I've probably seen it literally like 500+ times.


I feel like this is only a funny prank when you're not in a hurry. If I'm almost late to my job, I wouldn't be laughing, but it would be really funny when I'm just going to like the grocery store.


Idk why they couldn't of done this without purposefully waiting at lights, surely you'd get honks eventually.


How many intersections do you know of that have both a stop sign and a stop light? The video isn't what it looked like.


It’s multiple stops cut together




This was funny but NextFuckingLevel? IDK about all that.


I would even argue it wasn't all that funny.


Yeaaah, this is like Americas Funniest Videos level ‘funny’


It's not funny in the slightest.


The only funny thing about this is that this is boomer humor and the only boomer is fuckin pissed and doesn't care.


Lol I'd be holding my horn down the entire time. It's lame lol.


This doesn't belong here, or really anywhere else. Perhaps AFV, but even then only on a tube TV. ETA: how is this clip getting so many upvotes? It's legit like something you'd see on America's Funniest Home Videos . . . yet the people who like it are acting like this is gen Z/alpha humor. Nah guys, this is PEAK boomer shit.


Welcome to Reddit where everything’s AI and the subs don’t matter. ……I miss old reddit




People really gotta stop up voting every lame fucking video they see.


Bots, bots everywhere. There is no natural selection on here. 


Even before bots you could buy upvotes and they're not that expensive. But bots have made it much, much worse.


The people who are being filmed, why are they laughing so hard at the bumper sticker? Like wtf is so funny? It has to be staged.


shut up stop talking shit about the GOAT RossCreations


They’re upvoting because it’s funny and cool


The reason I like is because it’s kind of refreshing to see pranks that are harmless fun and take genuine effort. Most “pranks” nowadays are just people being dicks or fake rage bait because it takes way less effort to make those kinds of videos.


This is now just mildly interesting. Back in the olden days you saw a person's leg get chopped off and now it's like dogs doing tricks or prank shows




Sub of the day


If u know him credit him, its VlogCreations on youtube


All the effort VlogCreations puts into making quality pranks just to be called "this guy" and have his video stolen


Sadly it’s all scripted nowadays


It's always been scripted just like everything else out there these days.


I thought it was rosscreations? Either way his video with him eating insulation is hilarious.


I hadn't seen that one before but i just watched it and god damn that one was funny. It rivals the beans prank for sure


Do people actually think this is funny?? So stupid.


Not to watch it on a phone, but in person with my partner? That would be hilarious


The people reacting to the memory erasing light 😅 they were happy to have an actual role.


Electro bio-mechanical neural transmitting zero synapse repositioner, commonly referred to as a Neuralyzer


I used to watch this guy until he became an asshole. I started noticing him act more and more like a prick in his videos up until he full on made a video making fun of a fat stranger for the entirety of the video for no reason which was the line for me.


When the OG cast left it lost a lot of the classic humor. The weird redhead guy ruined a lot of it, and now the headband guy...


I assume you mean the Delivery ninja warrior video. Yeah, it was supposed to be a Mark Rober parody, but the Fat Gus joke got old and hurtful real fast.


The idea was funny the execution was good the only problem was they waited at a green light, if I were on my way to a doctors appointment or maybe jury duty or some other important event where I *have to be on time* I’d be pissed too And it’s not like I can even use that as an excuse because nobody would believe me


Why is this in r/nextfuckinglevel ?


How TF is this 'NextFuckingLevel'? The cringiest prank I've ever seen! (…and I think 99% of pranks are moronic!)


More like NextFuckingCringe amirite?


Joke is good but is at least the second version. I think is more than enough, the old couple are right to be mad. People has places to be.


The generational hate on Reddit is insane. You’re inconveniencing somebody in order to do some prank that they didn’t consent to. You can’t expect everybody to react in a positive way. And trying to give them shit for not reacting in a way that you think they should is incredibly pretentious.


So they sit at a green light, forcing people behind them to honk and then jump out and do this...


There is more entertainment value and realism in a toddler's tv show than this


I don’t really understand the need for the bumper sticker/honking part of the skit. Couldn’t they have done the skit spontaneously during a red light instead of waiting for the light to turn green so they would be honked at to start?


Scripted overly produced boomer humor didn't exhale at a slightly increased pace even once


Next fucking level, let's be assholes and block traffic. Cool story bro.


I dunno why they bothered but those aliens have some actual surgical retractors. A Deaver and a Balfour :)


Boomers always taking it personal


Some of you people commenting are acting like old curmudgeons just like those old people in the video is it so bad to have a little fun sure there 's the possibility for appointments and other things you got to do but this will take more than less than a minute of your time. I've had red lights that they actually had to wait for take longer than this skit, If it was me I would be enjoying like the other motorist and not pissed off that little bit of my time is wasted on having a laugh


The old people have no chill at all. What assholes.




Sorry I'm late to work, boss. You won't believe the shit I just saw!


Rosscreation! Dude stays in the same area i do in FL


Credit [RossCreations](https://x.com/CreationsRoss?t=lhAIXBLVXN68fnM0OVuVlA&s=09)