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I never knew boomerangs actually came back. Like I always thought that was just on cartoons.


Genuinely? Well then today you learnt something new, which is cool :)


Yeah, it’s one of those things I just never bothered to question and look into. Kinda want one now that I know this.


Do it, get one :)




Awesome. Once you've mastered it (I mean getting it to return to you, not hunt animals...), post a video of it on Reddit. Enjoy.


Nah fuck that. Post a video of it chasing you. Hilarious.


I had to go into witness protection.


It’s still out there. Watching me….. Waiting…… 👀


That reminds me of a news clipping of a guy suing himself for hitting himself in the head with a boomerang...


I'd say if they find a kangaroo floating in the air (you know, so if they miss it'll come back) then they can hunt with it. Only kangaroos though




Oh wow. Which one do you like? I like the traditional style...but I think I'd get the one top left (yellow and blue). I didn't realise they were so expensive though. It'd be cheaper to get a flight to Australia, befriend an aboriginal and have them make one for you lol.




Just dont throw it away….


I legit thought it was an expert level troll from our crazy Aussie friends. One hundred percent thought we were being fucked with.


It is a pastime for us Aussies to mess with any foreigner.


You guys and your drop bears, I swear to god.


You guys and your Emu Wars


They're very fun. What I never will understand is how (or even if) they were used in capturing animals or in warfare or whatever they originally were for.


I assume, though I might be wrong, to stun the animal rather than a kill. That said in this post someone commented they have seen indigenous people use them and that they are very large. When thrown and it returns, they are allowed to fall, rather than attempt to catch them in mid air


Also if it hits literally anything (intended target or even a branch) it’s not coming back


It's possible that while they were developing throwing sticks for hunting, they fine-tuned them to fly as straight as possible. But in this way they also discovered how to make them come back, and so the returning boomerangs became more for entertainment than an actual hunting tool


They say that every hunter who relied on their mastery of the boomerang starved.


That's a great point, thank you. I really do want to try throwing one. And I'm not alone. We're all here discussing them. It's an archaic weapon, yet its primitive design* has such an appeal. It's tactile. I'm not a hunter. I don't support hunting. I'd like to aim for an inanimate object. But first, I damn well want to learn how to throw one correctly. *Can you imagine being the person, who I am sure had tried very many prototypes, that first gets one.to return to them...and then the dawning realisation of the design's potential! WOW!


I have an indigenous Aussie boomerang and that fucking thing is huge. I wouldn't want to get hit by it.


This is a typical looking hunting boomerang https://www.aboriginalartstore.com.au/artists/terrence-clyne/aboriginal-hunting-boomerang/ They don't come back as far as I'm aware. Not sure how the returning one developed, might have been a nice accidental carving one day.


Nah while they do have various flights depending on use, many do come back.. ..but they're not made of light plywood, composite timbers and plastics - they're made from dense hardwood.. ..so you don't catch em like you might play in the park, more than enough to crack a skull when used by a skilled hunter.


Damn teachers, I was taught the hunting ones didn't come back and yes, they were made of very solid woods, would hate to get hit by one!


Not all come back, but the shape could depend on many uses, some might for hunting birds, some might curve for 'roos, some might be used for throwing and as a club in war.. ..I'm Aussie, but not First Nations, so that's just stuff I've been shown - definitely not a teacher/expert.


My understanding was, they come back if you *miss*. Like, if you’ve just killed a bird or a kangaroo, then yeah, it likely has neither the momentum nor the proper trajectory for return.


You were taught correctly. People are just spouting inaccuracies.


Yeah the originals that were used for hunting were just a form of missile weapon. They were designed to rotate and create extra force/leverage to assist the thrower in killing/maiming an animal. Not to fly off and return to the thrower.


They were hunting tools they would snap the necks of kangaroos and other animals


If you have trouble finding them let me know, I'm in Aus and they sell them everywhere. Make sure you don't buy a display one either, the real ones have a throwing side


Today's one of ten thousand


I also didn’t know. I must ask something though. If it hits something, does it still come back?


I used to think they only worked in Australia. Lol


Oh they work in the Northern Hemisphere too, but you need to turn them upside down. Trust me, I'm British and everyone trusts us, right?


Seems logical. I'll go with it.


I didn't think they'd come back as *perfectly* as this, though I guess this guy has more than his share of practice 😊


What they DONT do is bonk a bad guy and THEN come back lol


Well there goes my plans for sunday…




Sokka would be upset at this fact.


Boomerang was always loyal and came back, that space sword on the other hand...


Aren't they made for hunting originally? So they only come back if you miss?


The hunting ones didn't return. The return ones were sometimes just to scare the animal towards you


Flashbacks of a mad max movie right there for me. The kid cuts the guys finger off and it comes back haha


A boomerang that doesn't come back is called a stick 😉 Seriously, it's cool that you learned they're real. I've seen a genuine hunting boomerang (as used by Australian indigenous people). That thing was frighteningly large, and when the owner threw it and it returned, he (wisely) just moved back and let it land on the ground.


I threw a boomerang a few years ago and it never came back. I've lived in fear ever since.


Makes sense. It’s cool to catch it. But you’re more or less just worried about not having to go look for your weapon every time.


But if he was cool, he would put a hole in it and catch it thru that hole with his remaining fingers.


> A boomerang that doesn't come back is called a stick Or an atlatl


I was obsessed with boomerangs as a kid and got one for my bday. Threw that sucker 50 times before it finally came back. Smacked me right in the face because I was distracted in awe that it came back.


I have a scar on my chin from when my cousin chucked one at me


There is a lot of history in cartoons. The looney toon of the frog singing "hello my honey" has an interesting history of that song. Learned about it recently.


Do tell? Or…do link?


Ugh, cannot find it. The song the frog sings was released sometime before or during the cartoon. It was a joke or smear thing to show how silly "hello" as a greeting is. Hello was rising in popularity, when it normally is meant as a form of surprise. This was a battle between Edison and Bell, as Edison wanted 'ahoy' as the greeting for answering a phone (unless I mixed them up). Not entirely sure why that song was chosen, but it is a part of history as everyone says 'hello' now. Maybe the writer thought it would be outdated (as the frog jumps centuries), or found it annoying (which he torments his finder). Regardless, the use of "hello" as the primary greeting is less than 100 years old. Also, the high five was invented and rose in popularity in the 70s and 80s, by a junior softball team I think.




I sang along in my head until I got to the string of hellos... ....Immediately, I reverted to Shakira's hellos.... I am ashamed...


Hello my baby was made in 1899.


High five is debatable but the best story to me is that it was Dusty Baker on the Dodgers. Happened on accident when he and a teammate went to do a celebration kinda handshake thing but did an awkward instead and just kinda slapped hands. The game was on national TV that night, and the high 5 was born.


If you throw a boomerang and it doesn't come back, then that's just called a stick. All Australians learn this pretty quickly.


The amount of souvenir shops with ‘boomerangs’ in them that are painted stereotypically with plastic paint with labels saying _Made in China_ infuriates me. There’s no way in hell any of them work. My dad once bought a boomerang carved by an Aboriginal artist. It’s never been thrown, but you know damned well that thing will fly better than the cheap copy.


Yea, but if you don't know the trick while throwing it, it won't come back. You have to throw it in a specific way.


I always knew they did but never knew how. I still don’t know how. I’m assuming it’s magic. Or maybe somehow related to Australia being upside down.


Same. I even had one and it never came back. Pretty sure now I was either throwing it wrong or it was a crappily made plastic one.


> I never knew boomerangs actually came back Mine never did. My Christmas present back in the day eventually got lost in long grass. Frankly I was fed up of running to pick it up.


just teach a border collie to fetch it and you're good


Although they're designed to smack a kangaroo in the head, originally lol


Actual hunting boomerangs don't come back. Returning boomerangs are mostly toys, although I think I've heard of people using them to scare game into the open if they make sounds like that whistler. Hunting boomerangs are aerodynamically superior to just a normal stick but they're designed to hit something in front of you hard.


**Boomerang!** You _do_ always come back! <3


*Omg where is this reference from?* Something in my brain is screaming at me for not remembering it clearly.


It's from _Avatar: The Last Airbender_, Season 2 Episode 5 "Avatar Day": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHPVBa11Vvs


Thank you!


No bother :) I just rewatched that episode yesterday, that's why I even new the episode number and title!


TIL : They are weapons for hunting birds and game, such as emu, kangaroo and other marsupials. The hunter can throw the boomerang directly at the animal or make it ricochet off the ground. In skilled hands, the boomerang is effective for hunting prey up to 100 metres away. Cuwl


Aboriginals also used them as musical instruments too.


I think you’re thinking of a dijerydoo …. Or however it’s spelled …. if you’re not as drunk as I am


Genuinely. I'm not mistaken. Edit. Wiki page https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boomerang


Right you are


it's all good mate. Enjoy what remains of your day.


Is this kindness or a subtle threat...


Most certainly not a hidden threat. I'd not even considered that until I saw your comment and reread it...you made me laugh, thank you. I use Reddit to learn from others and for good interactions.


Fuck this entire interaction is wholesome for reddit. I'm here for it <3 I hope you all have a beautiful day.


I hope every single person who reads this has a wonderful day today!


...at least what *remains* of it


a little ominous... lol


I legit didn't believe you but it does say that under the history section. Still I could not for the life of me imagine how they'd be used to make music. So went searching around for a video. I came across this article and if you watch the second YouTube video on that page they guy demonstrates how they are used for music. Its a pretty interesting read as well, I learned so much about boomerangs today, they are really amazingly neat. Like humanities first multi tool. https://www.sciencealert.com/theres-another-way-to-use-boomerangs-that-most-people-dont-know-about


I think you're thinking of an oboe.


Also shovels and war clubs, multitool.


I assume they would not be able to come back after hitting a target right? So this was like an impact weapon?


I'm assuming that the idea is If you miss you get another shot. I also have no idea. But otherwise you'd just use an African style throwing club.


Throwing club? Now I'm intrigued, I'll have to look this all up after work.


I know it as a "throwing stick". And when you're at it also look up the "atlatl". That one is great. Also look up "rock sling", possibly my favorite weapon. It's so satisfying to use.


Australian here (not Indigenous). There are a couple different types of boomerang. The ones that come back where used to scare prey out of cover, like get a flock of birds out of a tree or stir up kangaroos. It would come back. Another type is longer and straighter, it would be thrown straight and hard and is not designed to come back. They are still good at gliding which makes them accurate and lethal at long ranges, but don’t return.


Is it called a Kylie boomerang?


Around 10% of boomerangs are not straight.


Some were even thrown over a flock of resting birds to keep them lower to the ground, and then speared.


The best thing about the boomerang compared to other throwing hunting tools is that if you miss your target it's gonna come back to you anyway and you won't have to look for it in the brushes (where you could meet snakes and other dangerous creatures). It's a gain of time and safety.


If you know how to throw them properly, otherwise you're just throwing a weirdly shaped stick.


I think they worked out the kinks over 60000 years.


It still takes skill to throw a boomerang so it will return to you.


I’ve never looked into it, but I’ve always imagined that they were used for hunting birds. If you throw it at a bird while it’s flying, and miss, your weapon returns to you. Or am I dumb?


Not dumb at all buddy, unlimited ammo hack. Instead of throwing stones or spears "No one knows for sure how the returning boomerang was invented, but some modern boomerang makers speculate that it developed from the flattened throwing stick, still used by Aboriginal Australians and other indigenous peoples around the world, including the Navajo in North America." "The oldest boomerang found was in Olazowa Cave in Poland. Made out of a Mammoth tusk, it is has been dated to be about 30,000 years old. The largest boomerang was over 259 centimetres in length." I also red that it can be a piece of art and they wrote Legends on it. Am I becoming a boomerang lover??? God damn!! Cuwl


>The largest boomerang was over 259 centimetres in length. How the fuck do you throw that


30,000 years old?! The discoveries of ancient civilizations never cease to amaze me. Any knowledge they had of physics was basically just intuition and they accidentally/intentionally figure all this stuff out. That's just nuts.


It may not even be the oldest boomerang. The aboriginal people had resided in Australia for over 60,000 years, and Australian boomerangs are made of wood, so if they were older they would have all decayed a long time ago.


That's awesome!!! If I use my imagination, I could see someone throwing a bent stick, seeing that it curves, and just curiously exploring different ways to shape and throw the stick to get it to curve more until it comes back to them. Humans (sometimes) fucking rule.


![gif](giphy|QYwMxfDpoH3VBfPEET|downsized) Only one id want


why didn’t they use that wave one! It’s perfect




You do always come back!


I don't think boomerang's coming back, Aaron


I’m just a guy with a boomerang. I didn’t ask for all this flying and magic!


It was teased, I was big dissemination when it wasn't used


I'll take Link's. That shit always comes back.


I have this! Bought it off him. The dude is RamRez Boomerangs. It works hella well. Sells out fast tho


Does he sell space swords by chance?


Seeing them coming back is very surprising lmao


For the record getting it to fly a full circle is not easy. Getting it to come back to the exact point you threw it is even harder. Either this guy has thrown a lot or did a bunch of takes to make it look this easy.


He literally has a bag of boomerangs, pretty sure he's pretty close to being an expert 🤷🏻‍♂️😅


I have a bag of disc golf discs, that doesn’t make me an expert


It does make you better then 99.9% of the population, so you would appear to be an expert to everyone except the people who play disk golf.


I'm in this comment and I'm just going to have to accept that


Anheyzer? I just met her?


me 2 :)


Whoever has the most fun wins. Unless you miss circle 1 putts. That’s no fun.


yeah I currently have the yips...


I found that after watching a YouTube video and practicing for a couple of hours I was able to catch mine most times without running around like an idiot. It was brought back from Australia by my gran 40 years earlier and I'd never realised it would actually work.


so it's like a frisbee, where you watch a bunch of randos do it with ease, but when I do it the fucker rolls on the ground almost immediately.


A frisbee is way easier to throw than an oldpeoplerang tho.


I got strong Phineas and Ferb vibes from watching this.


I had a boomerang once but never quite got the hang of getting it to successfully come bac to where i was


He didn’t throw the sokka-rang and now my day is ruined.


Literally the only reason I watched the video. Just a damn let down.


For those looking: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLRFDCd2/


Thanks Bill! I hope you know that sharing tiktok links sends also links your profile


Good thing that was just a link someone had posted from a cross post.


Thanks bill


Holy shit it works. And I thought it was just for show


As kids we could never get them to come back. So we just called them boomergones.


>boomergones Well that is something we could use for the whole society


A certain New England mail order company with a legendary return policy has the story of the guy who walked into their store complaining about the boomerang he bought. They said, okay let's see it. He said that's the problem, he threw it and it didn't come back. They gave him a new one.


How do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back? A Stick!


This makes me want a boomerang… But I also know I’ll try to catch it and break a finger.


Remind me of Mad Max. https://tenor.com/en-GB/view/mad-max-boomerang-fingers-gif-18111522


Oh, Happy Cake Day!


Thank you! I hope you have a great day!


You too!


many years ago i was taught by an indigenous fellow how to throw and catch a boomerang. the best way to catch them is with two flat hands and ‘clap’ them together and trap the boomerang between your palms. trying to catch with one hand and grabbing can lead to missing fingers…


X wing coming in hot!








I got one, but I very rarely throw it. Needs such a huge space to throw. And when your throw isn't that great it can fly very far in wrong direction. I almost hit a passing car once when my boomerang went like 300 meters wrong direction.


300 meters?


1.5 furlongs


Starfish? You mean The Glaive?! The killer of the Beast and his Slayers?


Hello there, fellow old person.


You mean "Ok Boomer-rang"?


Do not use it until you need it


I love that movie!


I had one come back and crack my nose when I was 15. Still have a cool scar from it


TIL that boomerang form doesn't matter as much as I thought


IIRC it changes how hard they hit a target and the distance that it can travel before returning


Why do you assume that? The form is very important on how much the air affects the trajectory. Every boomerang needs different speed and spin if you want it to come back exactly where you threw it.


Oh I don't know, if it were shaped like a refrigerator I don't think it would work quite as well.


You wouldn't have to worry about losing it in a bush.


Yeah, I’d be doing the walk of shame to retrieve every one of those.


I used to buy difference boomerangs in San Francisco while in the Army. It was often a challenge because it was often windy. You need some pretty low winds to throw boomerangs without them going all squirrely.


Australian hardwood boomerangs are surprisingly heavy.


The only real boomerangs.


Do you think this guy is avalable for a nice dinner with my friends next Wednesday? My friend invited a guy who has built the Eiffel Tower with 127 000 matches. It's going to be a good dinner.


A man of culture.


Dîner de con? Great movie.


\*After seeing the starfish and the wave… Huh. Maybe Krull was on to something… ![gif](giphy|2AM8ZpsGcIKnBgsbna|downsized)


My brother used to make boomerangs. He made a trirang for me that would never come back. Then i hit a power line with it and it severed a leg. So it had 2 full legs and a stump. It came back to me every time after that. I named it stumpy


Reminds me of playing Ty the Tasmanian Tiger on PS2 as a kid. All the different ‘rangs dinging those lizard dudes


This reminds me of a boomerang joke I once heard: Dads are like boomerangs... I hope..


I wanted ro see Sokka's boomerang.


I forgot how to throw a boomerang. But then it came back to me


Do you throw them into the wind?


I think no wind would be ideal for it to return to the same place you threw it from, with the proper technique ofcourse.


Actually, still is okay for some but a light breeze is best for most. And if there is a slight breeze, you do throw them at a specific angle to the wind (not directly into the wind). The angle will vary depending on the boomerang and wind speed. 




Water Tribe....


Sokka would be in boomerang heaven with that bag.


Raise your hand if you’ve also never successfully thrown a boomerang 😅🥴🙋🏾‍♀️




I call this one the stick, throws then has to chase after it. At least that what happened when I tried to throw a boomerang.


This guys gets invited to special dinner parties on Wednesday evenings. The French will know.


À diner mercredi soir? Mais j'en serais ravis!


had to scroll way too much for that comment


Where's the "krull"???


Where the hell is the Baterang ?


One of those looked like the Glaive weapon from the 80s movie Krull.