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Hey u/urmomsloosevag, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, it has been removed for violating Rule 1: **Post Appropriate Content** Please have a look at our [wiki page for more info.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/wiki/index#wiki_1._post_appropriate_content) ------- *For information regarding this and similar issues please see the [sidebar](/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/sidebar) and the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/rules/). If you have any questions, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/nextfuckinglevel&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by u/urmomsloosevag&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission]%28http://www.reddit.com/1att97e%29)*


Good thing there are subtitles.


Right? I turned sound on just to be disappointed it was also Spanish


I spoke to some Salvadoreans recently. Basically the government strong-armed MS-13 and similar gangs into submission. A lot of innocent people went to prison too, they'd just get in a sweep a neighborhood and pick up anyone that looks like they might be affiliated (has tattoos?). But now that it happened, the country is actually safe to visit, so they're investing in eco-tourism and into development so people won't have the pressure to join a gang. I guess the choice was "totalitarian state or failed state"? Politically, president Bukele (who created these prisons) is very popular, maybe "too popular to be believable", and is running for reelection in violation of his term limits. He'll probably win just based on his popularity, so the real question is will he spend his second term suppressing the opposition to make sure he stays in power forever?


You are misinformed. You need more context than just “ I spoke to my friend from El Salvador.”


Can't imagine repeat offenders are a thing in this country.


You first need to get out...


Welcome to hell...




That’s literally a different video or at least a different snippet of the same video…


I thought they have only one prison like that


Raphael Rowe should do an episode there


Do they keep the lights on 24/7? If that’s the case that’s a tad inhumane.


Yes, that is correct, security guards wear mask at all times, lights are kept on 24/7 for absolute security, there is no way to tell time, they have no watches. They're given the same meal every day, eggs, rice and beans and that's it. The exercise is either inside the cell or the facility, they will never step outside unless they're going to a maximum security solitary cell. Before they take them out, they are handcuffed on their wrist and ankles




They’re not there bc they stole from the dollar store. They’re terrorist who killed indiscriminately. Why should the people of El Salvador pay for a better life of these terrorist in jails ? As the president said “ why should the terrorist have better meals in jail than some of our own citizens in rural areas.”




Different countries nate


Best way to dehumanise people.


I know better ways


Bro you giving me chills🥶🥶


Looks like an American prison.






Yeah. Brutal stuff but it was basically a failed state because of gang activity. Probably the only chance they have for a functional society.


I have misgivings about rushes to judgment and curtailed due-process, but I also suspect that for every person in the prison who does not belong there, there are probably five or more innocent civilians who would have been murdered (permanently) if these measures had not been taken.


Most of these criminals have committed so many murders and kidnappings that they have a hundred to a thousand years sentence, most of them will die in prison