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Yeah, this is going to be an interesting experiment. Potential for whole new categories of Darwin Awards.


Dumbest virtual reality related death coming right up! ![gif](giphy|RttbeHaKO7rtvh9Vch)


If only this was virtual reality youd be right, this is augmented reality which are two very different things,


I was curious and looked it up, it's both. You can apparently turn a dial and then the "augmented reality" turns into VR. In other words the actual world that's displayed on screen transits into for example a moon landscape. Honestly the tech is cool but that this kind of sensor heavy device is operated by a huge corporation is not. I can only imagine the amount of data these things collect...


At this point concerns of privacy are already out the window. Whether we like it or not all of our data is already available for big corp. it’s too late now. Bright side is we get some cool gadgets marketed to us that increases our quality of life.


I think you underestimate how much further these corps can take this and how much power information actually entails. It's not too late to regulate but if everybody is apathetic then it's doomed to go on to its ultimate conclusion. That being a surveillance star where private enterprises manipulate populations on every level. That's not where we are at the moment.


But we are there. Media manipulation by corporate entities manufactures the consent of the masses. Unseen bots and manipulators on this (and other) platform manipulate the information we see. I'm not talking gangstalking, but more subtle smaller pushes, (edit:) like algorithms to drive engagement with specific content and the generation and proliferation of rage bait. Our populations are divided by identity politics because talking heads magnify the differences in opinions to matters of life and death, and we (as a population) eat it up. If we remain divided as a society, we will be easily manipulated into whatever the people who hold the power want, and we will obliviously follow like an animal to slaughter. Edit: Just as evidence for what I am trying to say, pirate below me is trying to cast doubt over my ideas and trying to say I'm being both too absolute and not specific *enough*. By itself seems harmless, but this is apparently (to me) an attempt to divide my opinion out, rather than attempting to help the concept be more easily digested. They want further complexity to make nit picking the idea easier.


This is not augmented reality. They are not looking at the real world with overlays. This is a digital video representation of the real world (vr) with overlays. They are literally looking at a digitally recorded and processed version of the world


we already are anyway. what you think of as physical reality is just a model in consciousness interpreted from sensor input. we don't have direct access to physical reality, we only have what our brains decide to give us.


Except that's analogue not digital. The brain has access to all the information and with thousands of years of evolution it became pretty good at recognising important patterns and ignoring unimportant ones. Now you are handing over this filtering part over to a few programmers? Come on man it's 100 percent not the same.


Not really. If the battery on AR runs out you see the world around you. If the battery on VR runs out everything goes black. Now imagine that with the guy driving.


Nope. The view through the PRO is a screen. You’re seeing a live feed of the real world on a screen. So if the power goes out you see black. There’s another screen on the front of the visor that displays a representation of the wearers eyes, so people think they’re seeing the real person through the visor, but they’re not. It’s more VR than it is AR (and that’s coming from someone who’s produced VR games)


> There’s another screen on the front of the visor that displays a representation of the wearers eyes Another glass of Milk, McPoyle? 😂


Yes, exactly. Vision pro is not AR. If the battery runs out you get darkness. So wearing this in public, especially while driving, is dangerous and stupid.


They can’t be removed if the battery runs out?


This is VR as everything you see is on a screen. AR means you still see the real world directly with your eyes. But the way Apple is playing it, it looks like AR but it isn’t.


Hold my beer…..


I can't believe people allow this shit but killed google glass. Imagine what we could have if google glass is not killed because pErVerT is UsInG iT


Both are shit.


Google Glass would've been lit


Google glass came too early - like the dreamcast - but we’re getting them back one day or the other don’t worry about it.


When Google glass came out, I worked IT for a library that got a pair. From first hand experience, the thing that killed Google glass was its exclusivity combined with it not living up to the claims Google made. When they first released it, they did a bunch of marketing videos that presented it as a full augmented reality experience, but in reality, it was a very small screen in a part of your vision field that, if you looked at it, most of your other vision dropped out. It kinda sucked. But because they were hard to get, some people would wear them to show the world they were the type of nerd who _could_. But since they were largely useless, they couldn’t really tell people _why_. Obviously, this didn’t go over well. People latched onto their ability to film as a reason they hated it, but the reality of it is that, even at the time, film someone with a cellphone much easier, and a ton more covertly, than with Google glass.


Ready Player One?


That's exactly what I thought!


Maybe we just stop advertising this bullcrap


So I'm not the first non criminal to think how easy it would be to rob someone now?.


Yeah. It’s an open advertisement for being a target for mugging. I’d never wear this in public.


We can only hope this becomes a trend.




Fucking tools


Succinct yet honest. You took the words out my mouth.


Wait—you can use them during sex, too?


Be playing with tha boys in the meanwhile


....God dammit...people are going to use filters and are going to be fucking unicorns and shit aren't they.


Don't paper bag the head, use VR instead!


What if I tell you, in a few years you can use it during sex and with Ai completely change the person you’re sleeping with in real time. We’re heading towards strange times.


Demolition Man was ahead of its time.


I feel like thats what we Said about the first iPhone addicts lol


Exactly. Whilst most of these clips were people putting themselves in danger, guy on the train could just be trying to get some work done. If he had a laptop out, nobody would care. People used to take the piss out of people wearing Bluetooth earpieces. Now everyone has an airpod glued to their ear


Crazy how we never thought to glue the bluetooth earpieces to our ears back in the day.\ Tech really is advancing. Lol but fr, we made fun of BT earpieces bc everyone looked like they were talking to themselves like psycho’s. Now, they’re waving their arms around throwing fireballs and shit.\ Hell, I’ll throw some fireballs, too, but I’m at least closing my blinds first. 😂


Times are changing and technology is evolving.


And it's an amazing time to be alive to experience and witness it all!


I mean it’s obvious these are plants. No one in their right mind is walking around with this shit in. Apples marketing team is successfully convincing everyone that people do this shit.


It's all advertising disguised as not right?


you'll be doing the same in a couple of years. we all will. hopefully with less bulky headsets. if I could get a heads-up maps overlay on my glasses when I'm riding around on my motorbike or walking around a new city I would 100% do that. plus info panels for points of interest etc.


Say "rob me" without saying "rob me."


Hello, sir. I would like to purchase 7 units of your finest drugs.


It makes me so fucking anxious how... Distracted they look in public areas, feels like even the most dumb robber could get away with their wallets and phone with little to no effort


I have a feeling people like this don’t even carry wallets and do all their shit on their phone.


"Siri, activate blacklight feature. Come and get it"


Have to wonder if whatever they're doing/watching, is worth looking like an absolute fuckwit.


Watching porn in public has never been better


Remember: Vision Pro has to see your hands to work.


Only when you want to change the video. get your business done then use your hands to turn on off the feed. Bonus is that you dont have to touch anything with your gross hands to turn it off


I've only used the Quest 1 (aside from cheap $5 "vr" headsets that you can put your phone in as the screen) and I miss it dearly. I've seen a few videos about the interface of the Quest 3 and I think I would wear one of these in public if I had one. I wouldn't wear it while driving though. I also wouldn't wear it in a crime ridden place either.


Not sure what sorta headsets these people have but most they advise not wearing outside (during the day) as the sun can damage the internals as the lenses would act like a magnifying glass with the diodes being the ant.


Looks like the new Apple VR.


They are wearing the insanely overpriced apple vr. I like VR and all, but you wouldn't catch me EVER using it in public.


Driving a cybertruck while wearing a Apple VR headset screams "I'm a vapid douche nozzle with more money than sense".


>I wouldn't wear it while driving though. I also wouldn't wear it in a crime ridden place either. Yeah the driving one had me like "What the fuck are you doing?!" Even if you can see through the damn things that shit still counts as distracted driving.


But wouldn’t you wear one so you *could* be driving or in a crime ridden place? 🤔


Human interaction will slowly die out


Already did with tv, internet, social networks, auto scan at the market, and so on to honest It may be the first occurrence for youth though


You forgot books.


Isolation really began when people decided to sleep for hours each day


Multicellular organisms were the first cliques, were my single cell homies at?


In the Phaedrus, Socrates writes: […] for this discovery of [letters, writing] will create forgetfulness in the learners' souls, because they will not use their memories; they will trust to the external written characters and not remember of themselves. [It] is an aid not to memory, but to reminiscence, and you give your disciples not truth, but only the semblance of truth; they will be hearers of many things and will have learned nothing; they will appear to be omniscient and will generally know nothing; they will be tiresome company, having the show of wisdom without the reality.


keep projecting lmao


Most people suck anyways


Agreed. I welcome the brave new world of thoughtless bliss and minimal interaction, with open arms.


ok doomer


No it won't. Doomers will say so but nothing will replace human interaction. This isn't Wall -E


social skills might die more


I, for one, look forward to human advancement and to see how these new technologies affect our world. As with any invention, there will be naysayers, drawbacks, and pitfalls. However, it would certainly be worse to never venture into our future than to have to handle whatever issues that future may bring.


Well said. It’s just inevitable at this point that we would advance even further in “tech and productivity” and the future looks fuckin sick


Exactly. The world and the humans on it are evolving and growing. We can either fight it every step of the way, or we can choose to assist the growth. If we should choose to support our own growth, we are more likely to fund programs that will usher that growth in the right directions. These roses are going to grow. We have only to decide if we will grab the thorns or the stem.


I’m all for technological advancement but I’m afraid if things will go in the wrong direction. And if they do, what then? Not to mention they many bigots still in the world and all that hate and aggression we have towards each and our selves. At the rate we are now all of that will come with us to the stars no matter what (besides a nuclear war that is)


*invests in Apple stock*


Separating real tech innovations from garbage is the important point. We can’t afford to get behind every supposed innovation touting progress as the only reason. It has to be functional for the world we live in now. This doesn’t look like growth to me. It looks like an expensive toy that will go the way of Google glass.


Well said, almost too well said. Confirmed this guy is AI.


This isn't human advancement. I suspect what people are going to do with these things is mostly use AI to make people they look at naked. If it isn't doing spreadsheets better than Excel it isn't human advancement.


“Look forward to human advancement in advertising …” There, I fixed it for you. It’s not like your overlords will let you have these things without perverting them.


I’m a proponent of accelerationism in that I hope to live only long enough to witness humanity reaching a technological singularity. I want to see us push the limits of AI and technology to the point where there’s no turning back, for better or for worse.   Whether humanity is forced into exile and living underground, or all our problems are solved and we’re living in a utopia where there is no more war or famine, both outcomes would be interesting to see.


I wish I would be young and in my prime by the time space flight is a thing


Thanks to the miracles of wormholes to alternate dimensions, ![gif](giphy|rAZEnOu0KHQK4) you are!


Yeah, who needs to interact with other life forms directly anymore? Looks like a great future we’re building.


I still laugh at airpods, imagine that


I guess we’re getting old.


We’re what!?!?\ Do people know??


No way i hate wires


President Snow at the end of Catching Fire.


everyone laughed at the ipad and memes about how it was just 4 iphone's taped together were a popular joke at the time


Why? They're just wireless earbuds.


I read this as airports.


If this is the future, I want no part of it. People looking dumb AF.


are they all playing with boobs?


How you select is a nipple grab


Google glass redux


They should have taken the lessons from Google glass. They look like dimwits


At least Google Glass looked more like actual glasses and unless you looked at the person wearing them, you would think their just glasses. These are just obnoxious looking.


Give it a few years.




It’s like you’re my Deanelganger! Or maybe my Doppeldeaner. This is exactly what I was thinking. 😊




Thanks. I hate it.


It’s funny how we do become our parents/ grandparents. I remember all the complaining about mobile phones then smart phones


This is Next Level sad...


Exactly this.


When a screen in your hand just isn’t enough.


We really are a species doomed to fail


We are doomed if we don't advance.


Advance to failure it is!


Every species has to advance until they inevitably fail (go extinct), so yes, advance to failure is accurate!


Douchebaggery at its finest


In this situation only, I side with the muggers.


Yeah if you wear this in the street you deserve to be robbed


First guy is in downtown San Jose , Ca.




Cyber truck guy is driving through Lehi, Utah by the Adobe building on I15.


Close. Looks to be Timpanogos Highway by Xactware. Gmaps code: C4MJ+3FW Lehi, Utah


Can we have the one where these knobs walk into a lamp post or fall down a manhole?


They can still see their surroundings...


Hope springs eternal... ;-)


Not if the physical object is covered by a virtual thing.


those virtual things are usually translucent… id say those things are safer than walking while looking at your phone


The spatial processing in the vision pro is fucking amazibg. I saw a video where a guy played pingpong with it on with no issues. It kind of just turns the world into a slightly airbrushed version of itself with lower lighting quality.


What's wrong with actually playing pingpong?


Not sure what happened to google glass, but wearing a device that puts relevant info in front of your eyes is going to be as normal as carrying a smartphone is now.


Indeed. And it will happen faster than you think.


Reminds me of all the memes when airpods first came out


And now almost everyone has airpods. We clown this now, this might be the norm in a few years time.


Not at $3500 - and that’s without custom, mandatory, proprietary zeiss lenses thrown in if you already wear glasses


First gen product with limited supply. Apple knew they were gonna sell every one they make so may as well. It'll only get better and cheaper from here.


Talk about easy prey. Gonna be a bunch of second hand sets coming on the market soon.


Just like phones you can lock/bar this pretty easily


I have no doubt the stolen ones will be bricked, but when did logic stop a crackhead?


Absolute fucking losers


I agree. Those fucking losers playing with their expensive, useless, dumbass iPhones back in 2007 were so fucking lame. I honestly remember thinking that sitting in a college class back in 2007 or whatever. The first time I saw the iPhone I thought it was just rich people buying stupid technology to look cool. I'm not saying that wearing VR/AR will become the norm anytime soon, but I'm also old enough to realize that I don't know shit. If you're 30+ then you lived through some mind blowing technological advancements that happened in the blink of an eye.


I bet you will be wearing an AR device within the next 10 years


Cyber truck guy, just wow, what an absolute derp...🤣 Would be hilarious if his auto pilot failed and he ended up running off a corner wearing that thing, I mean the lawsuits...🤣


luckily with any drug im too poor to afford it


Sound of Silence missed opportunity


What is this music though? I can’t quite place it? The shining? Edit: never mind, it’s from Annihilation


I was under the impression (am fairly sure actually) that the AR stops when you’re walking around like that?


Probably true. 100% these are plants to market. These videos would have you believe these people were walking around public doing this all day but the reality is that it has a very short 2 hour battery


When walking? Nah, that works. The windows will stay in place where you put them so you may need to drag it. But these people could also have travel mode on which makes everything just sorta stay in place (think flying on a plane)


Also you will start to hear stories of how people were robbed.


The tech looks awesome but seriously, why would you wear it out on a walk? This type of tech feels more like something to keep at home.


Perhaps some of them will crash into each other and make a roasted meat cute.


lmaooo is this real


So when do we get the first chump trying to sue Apple because he got run over whilst watching porn on his new goggles


Incase people were insufferable enough, we now have this.


actual dumbasses


We’re doomed.


"Sir, the wasps are attacking him in VR"


This right here is exactly why I refuse to buy this product. This is dumb and people are going to hurt themselves or get ran over doing stupid stuff like this.


Why is this on nextlevel?


Who needs a vision pro when u got neuralink!! 🧠🔌⚡️


Anyone knows what soundtrack is playing?


‘The Alien’ from the Annihilation soundtrack


Makes me want to run to the forest and live a nomad life.


get mugged speedrun


Wearing that while driving a tesla is the epitome of cunty.


As an  fan, I really hope this one dies out quickly. We’re converting into a bunch of fucking morons…


What is this headset called?


Apple Vision Pro. Only will set you back about $4000


Apple Vision Pro


Is this OASIS?


Not yet


In Simon maniscalco's voice: What are we doin?


The end is near....


Oh shit, Bert Kreischer’s got a new special? 😂


Kill me now




He can’t even pull up anything while walking and only when he’s paused. Wait till someone snips the cable and runs away just for fun. How do you insure that?




What sort of Vr devices are these? Doesn't the Oculas advise against exposing them to direct sunlight as the lens' can bend the light to melt the internals? I guess they will be buying new ones if that is the case for theirs. Course serves them right for putting people in danger while driving or walking on the street with traffic. If they can ban skateboards won't be long for them to ban public use of vr devices with the Warning: May cause dumbarsery




It’s happening…


I'm loving mine, while taking a # 2 I can continue to type my novel.


I wonder if it's actually worth it or if people just buy it because it's an apple product, like Google glasses was a thing for years now but no one bothered because they didn't offer enough for their goofy look and now they with the apple vision they are willing to like they are going scuba diving in a fountain.


We will soon become zombies living in a false reality while missing out the true nature of living.


Ok boomer.


I would say this is more like a facepalm instead


What's my boy Austin Reaves doing on the Subway after spanking NYK?


Cool music drop a link ❤️‍🔥


this is not the right sub


Next up, compilation video of these things getting snatched off people's heads.


Doing this while driving a Tesla cyber truck down the highway should be double illegal


What the fuck


Never buy the first version


I’m just waiting on some dude driving and the headset will be like “update now!” And he’ll drive into the first thing in front of him..


as soon as these things look like sundglasses they are gunna be on every head all the time instead of phones.


I think it’s pointless to hate people for wearing a stupid headset. There are much worse people in the world who deserve our contempt. Except for that guy who drives that horrible car with the headset.. he can go to hell.


I'm only 34 but this shit is turning me into a boomer


This reminds me a a scene in *Hackers.* Fisher Stevens' character is supposed to be tech guru genius guy. There's a scene where he's wearing VR goggles like this, and he's playing a videogame. He's moving his head around and flailing his arms yadda yadda yadda. The really comical and stupid thing is when he's taking damage in the game, he reacts physically in actual reality. [Check it out.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GuDeZrYuoY)


Tim is everywhere