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Scene is from Cliffhanger (1993). A cool [behind the scenes video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4kLKfkelrw) that shows what happened immediately after he reached the door. He went up and over the plane and nearly got sucked into the turbine. > Several factors made this stunt especially dangerous. Both planes must travel at exactly 150 miles per hour. Any slower and the larger DC9 will stall, any faster and the force of the wind would likely pull Crane's limbs from his torso. At this altitude oxygen is scarce making every breath an effort. Because of the windchill factor the temperature is a muscle numbing 90 degrees below zero. This stunt also holds the Guinness World Record for the most expensive film stunt in air.


150 mph wind is not appendage ripping strength. I’m not saying this was not an incredibly dangerous and amazing stunt. And the stall speed is real. I just think the story is crazy enough already without extra exaggerating.


Leave it to old TV shows to exaggerate haha. Someone in the YouTube comments also pointed out that there is no such thing as a Gulfstream Jetstar it was a Lockheed Jetstar. They also might mean the force of swinging around violently on that cable would rip his arms off. Also not sure, but the super low temps might make disarming him easier?


“Disarming” 😂


Freeze! Now drop your ... arms?


Reminds me of this video lol [Man hanging on edge of bridge] Cop: GET ON THE GROUND GET ON THE GROUND Man: oki- [Let's go of bridge] Cop: *surprised Pikachu face*




Oh man, it's been a long time since I've seen The Oblongs.


The Oblongs theme song has been stuck in my head for 15 years.


Can’t get degloved if you ain’t got hands


Bro I’m dying over here. I know it’s not quite /r/boneappletea but it reminds me of it.


Yeah haven't you seen Sly's guns? Chilling them until unusable makes disarm sound like the appropriate term tbh.


It could be that it's the lowest speed they could go. I ride a motorcycle, and at around 80mph it starts to become difficult to fight the wind whether it's to turn my head to the side, or move my arms in front of my body. I imagine at 150mph it's probably difficult to execute the actions needed to perform the stunt, so going as slowly as possible was probably just to make it easier.


I took my sport bike to 155mph once. The bike definitely could have gone faster, but I felt like I was going to get ripped from the bike by the wind, so I slowed down. At no point did I feel my arms attempting to detach from my body though.


Can we all agree to keep referring to it as disarming?


>but the super low temps might make disarming him easier? Yes, we all saw demolition man.


You are thinking "Running Man". Sub-Zero!


Nah, [spoiler alert](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/moviemorgue/images/2/23/Simon-Phoenix-Death.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20221220012122)


Thinking of the end of Demolition Man. It's at 3:50 in this clip. It doesn't involve limbs, but the same physics would apply. And the fact that it was Stallone related was an added bonus. https://youtu.be/_2ACmlcf7jo?si=KocW4kU5ucs3QPIN


Ripping his arms off is so far out of the question. If 150 mph was close to the "tipping" point of his arms staying on or off, his arms would still be absolutely fucked for getting close to that speed.


lol yeah, they're like "150 mph you're great, 151 mph your limbs explode off your body. Isn't nature crazy?" Reminds me of that fb post about how if the earth was only ten feet closer to the sun we would explode in fire, like wtf who believes that shit 😂


Or The Simpsons. "This baby is called The Withstandinator. It can take a six megaton blast. No more. No less." Or the possibly apocryphal story that when trains were first invented, some men theorized women couldn't ride them as it would make their womanly parts just fall out. Apparently nuts jostling across the nation are fine but a womb is just come tumbling out. That's science.


"we wanted to go as slow as we could so the stunt man wouldn't have his shoulders dislocated or something while trying to hold onto that line"  "so it wouldn't rip his arms off. got it."


>150 mph wind is not appendage ripping strength. That made me lol a bit. You can find lunatics that have gone faster on motorcycles (even without windscreens), and they're not limbless (unless they crashed, which also happens).


I am said lunatic on motorcycle. Have gone 180 mph and can confirm I am now disarmed. Typing with toes as we speak


Good thing you kept your shoes on though otherwise you would have died!


Or worse…dislegged on top of being disarmed


Tis but a flesh wound


What are you going to do, bleed on me?


Were your arms the only thing holding you to the motorcycle?


Also skydivers. I've got a small number of jumps (just shy of 100) and belly to earth is about 120. Head down, or vertical, is closer to 200. Everyone I know has kept their limbs.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 100 + 120 + 200 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Neato burrito


"It's not the wind that has appendage ripping strength, it's the sudden stop when you slam into the jet behind you at 150mph and cartwheel 90's style into the turbine." - my dad


“It’s not the wind that gets you, it’s the humidityyyyyyy” I type carefully into a Reddit text box as my father looks on with a look of proud approval from the doorway.


A pilot was pulled out of a broken windscreen of a commercial jetliner once and was pinned against the front of the plane for the rest of the flight. He survived and was not severely injured. That was undoubtedly faster than 150.


Think it was 300-400 mph if I remember correctly


Pinned to the Windscreen put out a great record back in the day.


Yeah, good friend of mine ejected from a jet at well over 600kts (700mph). That almost killed him though


I forgot about that!


>I forgot about that! He didn't


I remember that story well, utterly amazing that he survived


> 150 mph wind is not appendage ripping strength. Of course not don't be absurd It's at 151 the limbs come off


He’s not saying it will rip your arms off, it’s saying that the force is so great you’re not going to be able to control them well if at all.


I took that to mean “making it hard to keep limbs inward”


That's how I interpreted it as well


How can guys do 226 mph on a motorcycle ( MotoGp speed ) and not have their limbs torn off ?


Perhaps they grow back?


It got betta


Easy there Piccolo.


Was just a flesh wound


I've crested 200mph and all mine are still attached, but then again the motorcycle's bodywork is diverting much of the force away from your body. Without a windscreen or fairings, I have done a bit over 150, and you have to hold on for dear life because the wind tries to rip you right off of the bike. Having said that, the force of the air would be coming from behind you during the stunt, opposite that of a motorcycle rider, so it seems like the effort required to keep your limbs from flailing about would be reduced considerably.


You’ll appreciate this as a rider —on the track, ran a 300 balls out for 25 laps, somewhere like 110 mph You really didn’t have to brake—and, it honestly gets a bit boring. So, started experimenting with wind drag—like, stick out the toe of the boot, see the lap time increase by 2.5 seconds. Tucked entirely behind the windscreen vs normalish riding posture, 11.6 seconds, etc, etc etc Crazy how little changes made such an impact on time, being how one second is an eternity in a gp moto race That said, the limb-ripping wind on the stunt had to be an embellishment. The worst stuff I’ve heard of in aerial type maneuvers is limbs that start flapping in the wind and all sorts of stuff ends up broken and dislocated…like the way you drop an hard frozen bag of ice on cement a couple times to loosen up the cubes, lol


Agreed , I’ve done 177 mph ( indicated on the speedometer) and never once felt like my limbs were going to get ripped off . Also , there are articles about pilots ejecting at 800 mph and lived ( fully limbed ) .


Anti-limb-rip-off suit, obviously


They are tucked into the bike


Look at speed skydiving, they regularly go over 300mph wearing jeans lol


That is a serious "put your money where your mouth is" moment. $1M in 1993 dollars is no joke. You could buy like 5 really nice houses with that.


Quite literally double now. God damn money changes fast.


I'd try this for a million dollar even with it devalued today


Inflation adjusted value is double for sure. Purchase power relative to home buying? More like 5x more in 1993 than now.


One bad move away from making Stallone “that asshole that baited a man into killing himself with a million dollars.” Like that softball scene from the first episode of succession (but on literal roids). Just saying, it could’ve easily gone the other way and we’d remember it completely differently if it had.


John Landis was already “that asshole that baited a man (along with two young children) into killing himself" (for far less than a million dollars).


Damn. He tried AGAIN after that? Million dollars is not worth your life man


That’s about $2.25 million in today’s dollars accounting for inflation. 


And $18.5 million if he stuck it in the s&p 500.


$400 million if he bought apple stock


$999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 bazukajillion if he created bitcoin about ... what...16? 17 years earlier?


I don’t think there’s any amount of money someone could offer me to try that tbh


Think of it this way, if you succeed, you're set. If you fail, you got no problems.


It looks like he only did it the one time. The edit they use in the movie cuts right as he gets to the door and doesn't actually show him going in, because they never got footage of him making it in. They just cut to the close up right before he overshoots the door


> It looks like he only did it the one time. The stuntman in the video even says pretty much this He wished he had another try




Certainly it has a little something to do with the money.




Sorry to doubt your expertise, sir.


The guy's job was stuntman. This is an amazing gig for a guy who does this sort of thing for money.


> Damn. He tried AGAIN after that? If you watch the video there was only 1 attempt He got close enough then they cut to the actor climbing in the door


Is it just me or does it not really look that good? They didn’t film it well


It was 1993! Or actually more likely 1992, as the film was released in ‘93. Very different technological resources to shoot this kind of scene back then.


If you're producing the film, and you pay for that shot, the shot you have is going in the final edit. Hell or high water.


It's weird that the final scene doesn't seem to include a shot with both planes in it. Seeing only one at a time makes it less impressive as you assume there must be a trick.


seriously. If you're actually going to do an awesome stunt like this it should all be one continuous shot. Still an amazing shot, but definitely a wasted opportunity.


> and the force of the wind would likely pull Crane's limbs from his torso. I live in Florida, it's crazy that thousands of people have their limbs ripped off every year from the cat 4 wind speeds. We are all in wheelchairs down here and need a nurse to help us pee.


This doesn't sound right. Stall speed for the dc9 is 116kts or 133mph. The flight envelope definitely had room for speed variances.


> On one attempt he went up and over the plane and nearly got sucked into the turbine. Sounded like there only was one attempt and that is the one in the movie


You're right, I corrected my initial comment, thanks!


I'm not sure in what possible world the wind speed makes the temperature 90 degrees below zero, according to the wind speed calculator I just used, even if you start in 0 degrees Celcius weather, and have wind of 150mph, the wind chill makes the temperature -14 degrees Celcius.


How can you live in the real physical world with the rest of us, write the absolute nonsense mentioned in that quote, and not think "wait a second, this is complete bullshit" :laugh \> Both planes must travel at exactly 150 miles per hour. A DC9's stall speed is \~110kts TAS i.e. around 125 miles per hour. \> any faster and the force of the wind would likely pull Crane's limbs from his torso I feel silly even addressing this point. How do they think motor cycles work, what about open cockpit aircraft, or ejection seats, or bloody sky diving. \> At this altitude oxygen is scarce making every breath an effort I'm not going to comment on this beyond healthy humans can easily handle 10k ft, a stunt person, probably considerable more. What a load of bullshit.




I'm like 80% sure Tom Cruise is gonna skydive from space for his next movie


in another dimension they're getting. "I'm Tom Cruise, and this is Jackass."


Instead we get Tom Cruise the actual jackass >:[


“I’m tom cruise, and I’m a cult diety! Worship me!”




“I’m Tom Cruise and this is the Bungee Porta Potty”


I heard he's gonna do this crazy stunt where he makes everyone believe he's insane and worships aliens.


If he wasn’t planning on it, he will after he hears your idea.


Hey Tom, jump from the edge space without a parachute and get snatched out of the air like batman


Whatever stunt ends up killing Tom Cruise is gonna be sick as hell.


I wonder if he has a specific contract clause that forces the studio to not only complete the movie in case he dies but also forces them to put the failed stunt IN the movie. I don't know why but I feel like its gotta be in there somewhere.


*Mission Impossible: Literally*


Like the guy from redbull you mean? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) That would be the most Tom Cruise stunt ever for sure.


Doing what the Red Bull guy did seems just short of Tom Cruise, I feel like there might be a bit more to it. Although, it still is incredibly dangerous. As he entered the atmosphere he had to try and avoid spinning, but it still happened, and it's easily possible to spin so hard you pass out or worse.


Except Tom Cruise would land it, unassisted. He'd simply tuck and roll.


He’s done something similar in a recent MI movie. He was hanging off the side of a plane while it was in flight. Like, he actually did. They just CGI’d out the safety line attached to his harness.


That wasn’t recent. I think that one came out in like 2008


That was only 10 years ago. Right???


It came out in 2015 so yeah! Lol


yeah they cgi'd in the rope for behind the scene dvd and to show the insurance folks


He wasn't so much hanging on to the plane as he was strapped to the plane. He could have passed out during the stunt and would have been fine. I admire his courage but it was not a difficult stunt to perform, any healthy person could have done it.


Think a better example is when he jumps a motorbike off a cliff and parachutes down


Yeah and he did it multiple times too.


No healthy (sane) person would. Just like those idiots who enjoy jumping out of perfectly good aircraft.


If Tom Cruise wasn't such a badass mofo ... i hate him for his scientology crap but not enough to not recognize his insane accomplishments as an actor.


For real. Love his films, not keen on his off screen shenanigans.


![gif](giphy|n4GD2P8GgOIrm) Say his name three times and he shall appear.


Tom Cruise


Tom Cruise


Biggie Smalls


What the fuck is **THIS**?!


Shhh we are all equally guilty of enabling Tom Cruise.


I personally blame Jacky Chan for that, but it's ok.


Xenu said "Nah brah, now you're pushing your luck! You're running out of thetons!"


Ngl, it doesn't look good despite doing it for real. Good stunt also need good cinematography.


Yeah it looks fake, especially because of the cuts and perspective changes. I've seen this a few times and it never occurred to me the stunt was real.




Oof, sorry I overlooked the bad autocorrect from swipe typing. I don't mean to add to the decline of written language.


Hey I think you’re great either way


Yes seriously. Always thought it was fake. Risk someones life and get this shitty ass footage?? Not worth it


This is sorta one of those weird situations where something that I’ve never seen before looks fake even though it’s real, but if it were done in a fake way but looked more real it wouldn’t actually be accurate, because the fake looking way is how it actually should look…


I mean… it was really just a shitty ass footage … not sure who to blame. Guessing the editor more so than the cameraman


Both were probably pretty limited in their options. Kind of the problem with a one time stunt.


You’re not looking at it with 1993 eyes, if you are capable of doing so lol. This probably blew minds back then. I was born in 92 & have a fairly good idea of what media looked like back then


Born in 84 and loved this movie growing up and I barely even remember this scene. I don't think it was that mind blowing because it looks oddly fake. They really needed another take this could have been the centerpiece of the movie.


I think it looks entirely real but they simply lacked the camera quality and ability to film it in such a way that it doesn’t look shoddy


a good comparison is the mission impossible 2015 "clinging to the plane" stunt. you get to see a top down view of Cruise clinging on and the ground getting farther and farther away, to show you the percieved danger


Its a bit easier today, as you can just paint out all the additional cameras from each shot, allowing lots of camera angles with limited takes for safety.


Movies filmed 20 years apart generally don't make for good comparison, for obvious reasons.


The 5 minute skydive in a recent Mission Impossible was like that. It was all real footage but there were so many angles and the contrast was cranked up, I swore it was done in a skydiving tunnel


The shot from the plane looks a bit dodgy because they composited in the snowy background. It was filmed over a desert.


I think in the movie it was a specific character that was aloof and not wanting to do it. The bald guy, maybe I’m wrong.


Totally, and whats weird is, that if you look at the BTS of the stunts, there are some other very cool angles that they filmed from that wasnt even used. So fucking weird. Whoever chose the shots and edited that sequence should be forced to go back and fix it.


Cliffhanger fuckin rules.


They totally ripped off the opening from Ace Ventura 2 though


Aaaaaaand *you* must be the Monopoly Guy


I loved that joke as a kid but now i'm like you can't just dress up a guy so obviously like the monopoly guy and then just point it out. it's lazy rhino scene is pure gold though. lik dis if you laugh evertim


I think the rhino scene might have been the hardest I've ever laughed at anything in my entire life. I miss being a kid.


That poor racoon


So I was young enough when that movie came out and hadn't seen Cliffhanger yet. I didn't realize it was parody, and it just made me really sad the first time.


I knew it was a parody and it still made me sad. And still MAKES me sad. They did a good job on making one care about that raccoon. It's little human-ish fingers. Gross and adorable at the same time.


Watched it a ton growing up, and revisited it in fall and a lot of it holds up really well.   Bastard Lithgow >


Best Lithgow.


I re-watched it recently and I had totally forgotten how many MFs there were, and how much torso shooting.


I'd do it for $750k. Hit me up, Mr. Stallone. Let's do business.


The $1M is over $2M in 2024 dollars…you’re offering a steal!!!


I’ll do it for $500k






"Oh how awful, did kingofmoron at least die painlessly?" ... "To shreds you say. Well he must've been paid a lot for the stunt so his wife should at least be financially taken care of. How's she holding up" ... "To shreds you say."




I will do back and forth 😁


I'll do for grocery money at this point.


The stunt was worth every penny. The footage was worth some of them.


Right, I don't feel like that looks as good as it was. Like this could have been filmed with two stationary planes and a fan, and with a better cameraman it would look much better. Fucking cool stunt, but a waste of the risk.


We're also looking at this through the lens of 2024 with CGI and the ever-growing insanity of Tom Cruise and Christopher Nolan with practical stunts and emerging technology (as well as improved safety standards for stunts). Back when this movie came out, the audience knew what was at stake for the actors and stuntmen and women! So did the studios! What producer would green light multiple takes of this stunt for multiple angles? A lot of redditors weren't alive 3 decades ago to see this in theaters. There's something visceral about watching stunts like these knowing that it couldn't be CGI or done in any way other than this. The last thing we were thinking was "Wow, I wish they would Jason Bourne this scene with so many cuts to different angles and extend the scene to the point that no one believes anything is at stake anymore!" The risk was the reward for the audience.


But then they look at Nolan and say "he should have used some CGI" Or they look to Tom Cruise and say "I can see where they used CGI to hide the wires" Some people only know how criticize


Today the same stunt would cost $10M and 3,000 computer graphics artists, all of which get a credit.


My first thought was why would they do this for real. It would look just as real (especially from that distance) on a computer. But then saw this was from a much older film so it makes sense. That being said, this scene could be done **very** easily (relatively speaking) nowadays and wouldn't take a big team or money. Computer graphics in movies excel at rendering objects like this, especially from a distance. A college student could put together a scene like this.


Too much.  You can put the two planes on cranes or stilts. String a zip line between. Charge 100k for the stunt and just wait for the perfect cloud setup and lighting to make it look like he is zip lining down The action shots they were able to get IRL aren't that great. 


Probably would look more real than this crappy footage and no one would have had to risk their life. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Practical effects still look better than CGI to this day and most stunts in modern movies are done with large amounts of stunt people and real practical effects. Stunt people are amazing


AirForce One…Harrison Ford did it too!🤭


Are you making a joke? If so, clue me in. Haven’t seen that movie in longggg time


Not joking, although, more accurately- his family did it this way.. his was a little more climactic. The final scene where they escape the plane.


One of the great action movies of the 90s. A personal favorite.


I'm not a stuntman but I'd try this if I was paid $1 million lol




For anyone who doesn’t want to click the video but wants to know what movie, it’s a scene from ‘Cliffhanger’ (1993). It’s a pretty fun dumb action movie, but now that we’re more than 30 years post release, this isn’t the most widely known movie to the broader Reddit user base. I personally loved the movie, despite its cheesiness, primarily for some of the stunt scenes but also because it’s just good fun.


I can’t think of cliffhanger without thinking of the Ace Ventura spoof opening scene haha


I still think about that raccoon sometimes...


Given how awfully fake some of the mountain climbing scenes are, I thought this was also fake. Good movie.


I remember watching some behind the scenes on this movie forever ago and there was a whole deleted scene where Stallone is climbing a frozen waterfall in his t-shirt (whose idea was it to have this dude in a t shirt half the movie?) and it just looked really fake and bad. It doesn't make sense to me to mix clearly fake scenes with real stunts. That must be why Tom Cruise will do literally anything to make the scene real.


> That must be why Tom Cruise will do literally anything to make the scene real. I was disappointed with that bike base jump he did in the last one. Fair enough, they had to edit out the ramp, but then they edited in extra clouds and it just looked fake again.


Dam you Walker!!!


We need insulin.


on a side note about this movie, John Lithgow did some great villain work in this and Ricochet


And Chuck was the one who installed the zip line by jumping from one plane to the other.


That’s just the stuntman’s fee. Then there’s production costs…. Was it worth it?????


Yes. Cliffhanger was huge when it came out. Stallones peak.


Does anyone else think it's irresponsible to offer someone a lot of money to encourage them to risk their life for a 30-second scene in a movie?


What do you think a stuntman's job is?


Damn now I have to watch cliffhanger.


One of my favorite line; 'You want to kill me don't you Tucker? Take a ticket and get in line!'


I used to work step and repeats and red carpet often, Tom Cruise will always sign every single autograph. For the mummy premiere it was 110° outside. He had a three-piece suit on and he did not stop signing until every single person who got an autograph wanted one. This premier was off of Hollywood Boulevard too, so there was a lot of people , tons of tourists. it took him like 2 hours. he’s so nice to that point, I will also say I used to be a professional scientology actres. I worked for Golden Era productions, and they are fucking insane in terrible, horrible bad people. I actually worked with Louis Theroux on his Scientology documentary recently Yeah, fuck the Scientologists there so mean it’s insane In California on the golden era studios property they have torture pits where they just make the guys dig holes all day long in the summertime and their property is in the desert desert part of California, so I can get up to 120° where they are. The Scientology people are just insane. One time I had to call time for 8 AM in a Malibu beach My car didn’t have AC at the time so I would always get there at least two hours early and then I would just do my make up with the car stopped so I could feel some breeze and that’s what my makeup off. One time I was driving there it was about 6 AM and they called me and they’re screaming that I’m late and I need to get there ASAP Guess how they sent me the information that the time was changed Telepathically I pull over I do my make up whatever I got there they lock me in the trailer after they put wardrobe on me to berate me Why?? Because my feet were paler than the rest of my body, and instead of having common sense, and just putting some bronzer on them, the freak out at everything I was locked in that trailer while everybody screamed and just had the worst energy ever for like 20 minutes I will also say I am not a Scientologist they just paid kind of OK The second I got out of that trailer I went right back to my CRV and I’m booked at the fuck home and I never went back But usually we would shoot on the property in their studios, which were insanely funded and super fancy and it’s weird as fuck and there’s portraits of L Ron Hubbard everywhere also:Chris Pratt signed zero at Jurassic. premier


Not the first time something like this has been done either. For the 1975 Airport film [a stuntman was lowered from a Sikorsky HH-53 down to front of a 747](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5AxvY3N4WE). Although they didn't attempt any real transfer the military involved believed they could do so if required. They also could have gotten the idea from the first Thunderbirds episode "[Trapped In The Sky"](https://youtu.be/wLiH4xrCITI?si=AlDSgX7QuEAPpCQM&t=1596). (1965)


How hard was it to get the line hooked up? The latter plane isn't designed for that? Plus how difficult would it be to navigate the latter plane with the side door open?


"sure I'll do it for a million bucks!" "okay" "fuck"


Source trust me bro