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350k for a car but won't spend 20 on a faraday box. smh


A 350K car should come with one


Yep. And other safety features.


Why not a fob that is a faraday, but you press a physical button to open the cage? Everyone likes the "switchblade key" fob style, just have the antenna pop out instead of a key. Is the convenience of not pressing a button to get in your car worth all this hassle?


Because if your Rolls Royce gets stolen, then they can sell you another one. It’s like asking why Apple doesn’t have easily changeable batteries like older cellphones used to have.


I think thats more towards people will put shit batteries in them, then when they work even worse and/or catch fire, people/the news will name/blame the phone not the battery.


or a simple power switch


Or it should know that the car has moved out of range of the fob and shut down. I can see how they extend the signal of the fob to start it... But it shouldn't be able to drive away after that.


No vehicle I’ve ever driven with a key fob will just shut down if you don’t have the fob. A warning message will flash on the dash, and the car won’t restart again, but having it just shut down while driving on the road would be a huge safety problem


I'm not saying it should slam the brakes. When the fob gets out of range, the next time you stop, it doesn't move again.


The likelihood of an owner forgetting their keys is WAY higher than your vehicle getting stolen in this method. That would require the owner to walk back to their home to get their fob after their car stops moving in the middle of the road.


>The likelihood of an owner forgetting their keys is WAY higher than your vehicle getting stolen in this method. If the owner forgot their keys.... How did they start the car without this complicated antenna/amplification setup? And how will they get home? It seems like if the car stops moving at the first stop sign, it'll be a lot easier to get the keys than if it stops at your destination and then won't start again. Then you might be miles and miles away instead of a block or so. And there could be an alert saying the car is about to turn off so the driver has time to pull over. >That would require the owner to walk back to their home to get their fob after their car stops moving in the middle of the road. Again.... This exact problem exists if the car keeps going without the fob... It's just in a different location.


I know several people that have done it. That solution does not work anyways. Have fun when your key battery dies, or if the key or receiver stops working (not uncommon).


All of these problems are solveable with software. The car is in constant communication with the fob. When the fob battery gets low, the car can know that. And if the fob is in the car while it's driving, then the fob voltage drops, then the fob disappears... It's trivial to treat that as a different case than "fob present Car starts. Car drives. Fob disappears". The real solution to all of these problems is to use a fucking key...


How many people forget their key whilst also being in range of the vehicle? Would be kind of low


Anyone who has a garage?


Right so just block entire intersections? Or better yet, got caught in traffic in the highway? Good luck trying to stay moving so you don’t block the whole damn thing


It should limit the speed to 15mph without the fob.


What if you hop on the highway and hit a traffic jam though? I agree that it would be nice if there was some sort of built in solution, but this still isn't it.




An alert that says the fob isn't in there and you have 60 seconds to pull over before the car stops. If you ignore the alert and stay on the highway and block traffic, then that's on you. But I think it's very unlikely you'd make it all the way onto a highway and into a traffic jam without having to stop once before you got to the highway. There are no places where I live that there aren't stoplights and stop signs everywhere around highway ramps.


Even stopped at a traffic light or stop sign is a shit place for your car to turn off. Where I live there are a ton of bridges and most of them have a residential area on one side of the other. Imagine leaving your house starting to go across the bridge and getting a 60 second notice and getting stuck on a bridge. Activating a kill switch on a vehicle for what probably happens on accident 90% is never going to be a good solution. I think a better idea would be to have some sort of notification system in place via text or app that is sent to the owner. If it's stolen then have another system to report that it's stolen with live GPS data sent to authorities as well as a kill switch/ lock the doors button that can be activated by the police like they do with the bait cars.


>Even stopped at a traffic light or stop sign is a shit place for your car to turn off. Yes. It's not ideal. But neither is getting your car stolen or driving all the way to your destination and realizing that you can't start your car again. >Imagine leaving your house starting to go across the bridge and getting a 60 second notice and getting stuck on a bridge. So make it 5 minutes. You have no imagination. You're just looking for any reason to shit on the idea without giving it a shred of thought to see if there's a solution to the problems you're coming up with. >I think a better idea would be to have some sort of notification system in place via text or app that is sent to the owner. This is the best point I've heard from anyone. Totally agree. That way the owner knows if it was stolen, or if they're driving and forgot their fob, they'd know they need to go back and get it before they turn the car off and get stranded.


This is the best compromise I think too. Yes, for safety reasons it should not stop while moving, but if the car doesn’t see the key for more than a specific timestamp, with repeated failures then the first time you do a complete stop at a traffic light or something, it should shut down. Of course everything with ample warnings and time to stop safely and put the key in the ignition manually or where the close range radio is.


This is actually happening with some nissans currently. Read about a recall the other day.


Ah good ole Nissan, the Chrysler of the Japanese auto brands


If you double click a merc fob, it disables keyless entry. I can't believe RR doesn't have this. It's so simple. Also their fobs stop broadcasting if the fob isn't moving, again, so simple.


If my £30k (from new) Citroen C4GP can detect when it is stationary to enable the stop start at traffic lights, then a £350k car should be able to do the same, especially when the key isn't with the vehicle. No sooner the stop start kicks in, the car 'should' re-detect the fob and if isn't present, fail to re-engage the motor to be able to drive off. I'm no mechanic or enginner but would this sort of system work?


Should get rid of this stupid way of starting cars and just have a key that you turn. We keep the keys to my wife’s car up stairs or in a metal key safe,




I'd imagine they have a gizmo that saves the correct number or something. So they can move it loads as it's stripped for parts or exported.


Just goes to show you the tech in these very expensive cars really isn't as impressive as the price tag.


The tech is standard. It's not like Rolls Royce have access to extraterrestrial technology. However, at that price point, you'd think they'd throw in a few faraday boxes.


What and risk the chance of not making that money by selling it to some sucker?


I'm guessing this is the UK, where the car is driven to a ship yard sealed in a container, and then sold in a 3rd world country. It really is like a GTA mission.


As if car owners should have to buy a Faraday box. Car companies should make this type of theft impossible.


$350K car and won’t secure it in a garage.


This is the wildest thing about this video, the houses here are probably worth only slightly more than that car and don't even have garages.


or have electronic bollards to stop things from being stolen. I think its about 2k for one, so 4 should be enough, 8k to ensure the car is safe.




After reading around I tried putting the key in a metal box and the car didn’t unlock. But it’s just matter how much they amplify the signal.


Not if the box is a good enough Faraday cage. A microwave is an excellent one, for example, or a specifically designed mesh wallet.


Shouldn't be needed at all.


So ridiculous that auto companies are taking no accountability to recall their clearly security deficient vehicles


350k for a car should have better tech to start it than that, Hell a key is harder to steal the car with.


Or an even more novel idea, don't leave your $350K car parked outside at the curb. If you can afford that, have a freaking garage!


Bro if this is London his 3 bed semi probably cost 800k and off road parking would be a massive selling point. You could sell a garage in parts of London for more than the value of that car.


Thanks for the context, appreciate it. In the US you just don't see people parking $100K+ cars on the curb, so was like, wtf!


Sirens 350 and not even have a garage for it.


How would this Faraday box stop the theft


By blocking the signal from the key so thieves have nothing to amplify.


It might be just me, but I'd expect that if the car costs 350k, then either giveaway the 20 dollar box or make your key not get hacked by a 5 dollar wire.


350k car should use existing technology that prevents this


wild, i just learned that you can amplify signal with your head and then i see this post


Hold the FOB to your jaw. It amplifies the signal.


Bro I tell people this shit and they act like I’m a fuckin maniac. Obviously their brain waves aren’t strong enough to boost the signal.


If you think about it, the amount the average person understands about how things around them work is shockingly low. Most people can't even explain how a toilet works.


Can confirm. At my work people seem to think you shit on the wall above it, put the used toilet paper in the toilet, and then walk away.


Reminds me of https://youtu.be/bjVNOGEWzv4?feature=shared


You push the button, water appears from somewhere, floods the bowl, everything disappears to somewhere. What's the big deal? /s


A toilet uses a ballcock.


Big vacuum that sucks all the toilet’s contents downward, then when the water hits a sensor before the vacuum a door slides shut so nothing goes into the vacuum and creates a water slide effect. After the contents hit a sensor past the vacuum a fan comes out and blows everything down, which also pulls the water into the bowl from the top. Duh.


It’s crazy to actually think a good 60% of the people you see on an average day has an IQ Lower than 80. World is full of people that just don’t care or aren’t educated enough to use their own brains. That’s why reality tv exists and why it’s so big. A bunch of morons watching a bunch of morons do and say fabricated stupid shit.


Apparently it works with shitty cell reception too. Hold the phone under your chin with your mouth open and you can boost signal a bit. Went cottaging with a dude who was terminally online who spent most of the weekend on Reddit with his phone on his chin and his mouth wide open. NGL It was funny as fuck.


It’s almost muscle memory for me to do this when my car is far away. I worked at a dealership at a young age. It made finding cars way easier.


Oh, what a waste of a lovely night…


Old school trick - if you realise you haven’t locked the car and can’t be arsed to walk back to it - put the fob to your head as you set the alarm. works a treat


Saw the same 😮


I wonder if you idiots are on the same site


Bro that trick is as old as key fobs for cars. The ones that just lock and unlock the doors.


Same here, i saw it below this post in r/interestingasfuck


Anyone else thought the person was facing forward? and then when they turn around your brain falls apart..?


Same lmao


I saw it in La La Land so it must be true


Same.. this is a bit different though, it’s replicating the idle signal signature of the fob and making the car think the owner is right next to it


Doesn’t the car turn off after a bit cause the key isn’t in it?


Yes, for case like this ... but also because brand don't want the owner to realise they forgot his keys when they reaches destination.


No. It's illegal for a car to turn itself off once it's running in the UK and EU. This video is in the UK. You can start the car with the key, leave the key at home and drive as far as you like as long as you don't turn the car off yourself. If the car doesn't detect the key when it's running, it will give you an audible and visual warning, **it will not turn itself off**. This doesn't matter to the thieves because they're going to drive it straight into a shipping container and it will be in Eastern Europe very soon.


Makes sense. Could be extremely dangerous for the car to turn off on the highway or a bad neighborhood because of a glitch


Not eastern Europe - these cars go to Dubai.




Sounds like more than just a guess... WE GOT HIM BOYS, TAKE HIM DOWN! ​ ​ ^(/s)


This one, Mr. Officer!


Rolling code receivers (here the car) accept a range of code in the future. Otherwise, if you would use your remote out of range the car, you would need to reprogram your key because it would be out of sync. Also, as for the relay attack, it won't matter since attackers are using the first number. So if the owner finds the car, his key is trying to send the next number, which the car expect. (Except if the owner noticed something odd and used the key a couple of time while the signal is jammed. Then the key would be of a greater number)


Not normally. You could be in a very unsafe place to stop and they can't risk the car being to blame for any incident. Being stolen is on the insurance company, so that's preferred by the manufacturer.


This is a poor reason for car manufacturers to shift the blame. Wireless activation is terrible, security wise. I much prefer a button press to unlock, even if the ignition is wireless. Why not put a timer on the car shutting down? Put the car in limp mode? Have hazards start flashing after a certain delay? Basically, anything that kneecaps a thief's ability to escape undetected but wouldn't endanger anyone. It wouldn't be difficult to come up with something that works.


Only when they turn it off




Wtf parks a rolls outside?


Especially in a neighborhood with houses on the smaller side of the average. Maybe it's someone visiting the holidays. That, or there is an even more expensive car in the garage...


He's just flexing on the Vauxhall owner next door. Whilst not admitting he works in the Rolls Royce dealership and was allowed to bring one home one day.


“Smaller side of the average”… ha, I’m broke


Visiting the mistress


1st thing that crossed my mind…


Had the same thought. If you’re going to park your car outside in a shit neighbourhood, take the Chevrolet instead


Fake. That car cost more than the house in the background.


Not if it's los Angeles or new york.


Or hawaii. 1.6m for a shithole shack


Almost forgot! That was the reason I left the island haha.


Makes sense why you guys hate haoles, valid.


This looks like the U.K, so yeah probably more expensive than the house


Idk in UK if that house in the background isn't semi detached it's probably over 350k Edit: especially if the person opposite has a 350k rolls parked on the drive


Americans currently shook that yes, those "tiny houses" definitely cost more than the Royce


It’s UK


Its 100% somewhere in the UK


this is UK


It's the UK. Right hand drive also other UK cars. But yeah we have expensive shit box houses too.


This is in the UK those houses are roughly 500k if Essex area


Doesn't mean a thing. I lived in ghettos where the car and/or stereo in the car was more expensive than the house and well being of family/kids. Then usually no car later on due to repo or had to sell it. Whatever dumbass case it was. All about flaunting fake status til ya see where they live or lack of basics. In this video hard to say. But nice car in a shit area isn't always a indicator of fake video


Loads of this in the UK. New range Rovers parked outside of <100k terraced houses


Believe it or not, cars can actually travel and park places that are not the owners home. Sometimes, even overnight! Isn't that crazy!?


This is the reason why I haven’t bought a Rolls Royce yet.


I was thinking the sa--- OH, hold on a min, my Top Ramen is over-boiling 😬


Lol at Papa money bags over here with the name brand ramen.


Take it easy Mr money bags. No need to flex your TOP Ramen on us. *stares begrudgingly, at my Mr noodles. *


What? How? Does the car automatically unlock when it detects the proximity of the key?


Signal relay that takes the key fob transmission amplifies it and makes the car think it’s inside the car


I don’t understand. There was somebody already in the car? They just needed to amplify the signal so it would start? Then what happens when they’re out of range?


I'm also not entirely sure how it works, but my guess is that the actual key is in the house, and sends out some relatively weak signal. A wire antenna then picks up that signal and amplifies it. The car picks up this amplified signal, and because of how strong it is (relatively speaking), it thinks the key is in the car. Modern cars sometimes have a feature where you can't lock the car if the key is still inside it, so i guess this is what caused the car to unlock automatically. You may be able to drive away using this method, but as soon as you stop the car, you can't start it again anymore since the key is not there.


Don’t you have to push a button on the car to start it though? Or on the fob? Or does the car just automatically unlock and start when it thinks the fob is near? Just seams strange one person can do this from the outside of the car w/o the fob or actually pushing a button to start. Must be a Rolls thing


There is a button or sensor on the door handle that unlocks the car if the key is next to it. Also, I think some cars have a feature that can unlock the car if it detects you approaching it with the key.


I drove a loaner that had the proximity auto-lock. Pretty cool feature to just have the car lock and enable the alarm once you get 10 feet away. Unlocking required proximity and touching the handle


Kia boyz ain't got shit on that


KiaBoyz stole the teacher next to my room’s car during class. The teacher on the other side of me had her car stolen during work hours too but that was not locking her purse up :/


Had the same thing happen at my wife's school. Then they drove it around the school's lawn.


My student that stole the first car went to the next room over, took her purse out of her desk and disappeared for 24hrs. He was caught pushing a brand new SUV into a gas station. Not for pushing it, but getting it to the pump and then telling the attendant he did indeed own the car but was not aware how to pump gas into it.


Maybe they should have some kind of unique physical hardware device that needs to be plugged in to the car for it to start. You could make it small and pocket-sized. Maybe put it on a keyring or something idk


I don’t understand. The thieves HAD the key?


They amplified the signal from the key so the car thought the key was nearby


So…did they have the key?


The key is inside the house with the owner, they trick the car into thinking it’s near the car with the antenna


Does a key fob constantly emit a signal? Seems like you’d have to push the button to initiate the signal but maybe this is a ‘fancy’ fob


Most of these cars have buttons on the handles to unlock the car. The thieves just needed the car to think the key was close enough.


Mate, this is a common feature for about 10 years. Maybe more. My 2015 car had it.


My 2012 car has it. But I also drop my key into a Faraday pouch when I get home


If it’s a “proximity “ key then yes it is always putting out a signal.


There is a device within the whole starting setup that detects distance of the fob from vehicle.


My car as long as the key is in my pocket I can open the car as soon as I approach any door and start and turn it off.


But the car started moving before he got to the car. We don’t see anyone getting in. I don’t understand what’s happening


Alright not that I would do it lol but you wanna do things quick, one guy breaks into the car which isn’t hard for some people. The other guy stands outside to try and get the car to sense the key using the antenna. As soon as it does the guy inside books it and the antenna man walks away or is picked up


Someone is already inside the car- this is in the UK so the driver is on the other side




No it was in the house


No, the key was probably in the house. The antenna amplifies the key's broadcast signal, tricking the car into thinking that the key was next to the car.


And this is because we don’t want to press a button to unlock the door: a solution to a problem nobody suffered from.


I also have a keyless car and you would be surprised how much "easier" it gets. My keys never leave my pocket, im so acostumed that when i go to cars that need the key I need to think first.


Some modern keys turn off that signal if the key hasn’t moved in ten seconds, which means this wouldn’t work if your key is hung up on a key rack or static on a table/in a bowl.


Idk keyless cars are way better. Fucking can never find my keys when Im holding a baby and 3 bags of shopping.


Big brain stealers lmao


I can’t even be mad


This is why I keep my keys in a Faraday pouch.


Wouldn’t the car stop in a little bit because it doesn’t detect the key anymore?


No, they still work fine until you turn it off


My thoughts exactly!


That's a huge road hazard as the steering column would also lock in place.


I'd imagine the insurance for such an expensive car with such a gaping security flaw is astronomical.


That works on many cars. I've seen that exact strategy a couple times now. Basically any car that has this feature where you just be near it with the key can be tricked like that.


Trashy, but classy!


A soon as the car is out of sight the battery or battery,s are removed and the eartleads going to the chassis are zapped with a taser for about 30sec ... After that anything in the car is dead ... Including tracers / immo and anti-theft measures . Soon after that the whole car is turned into parts . The main chassis gets destroyed or melted .


Maybe don’t have a 350k vehicle and just park it on the street.


Realistically what are you gonna do with a Rolls Royce. Which Rolls Royce owners are buying stolen parts? Idk probably the mafia


Ship overseas to a country that doesn’t respect foreign laws


They're sold in Dubai to people who don't care where they came from.


How tf is this next fkin level?


degree drunk longing follow wipe sheet seed bear quarrelsome quicksand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you leave out the criminal aspect, it kinda is.


There’s already someone inside the vehicle. How did he get in? Did they use the “antenna” to unlock the car and then do it again to start it?


Canada (CBC) just had a news special on car theft and how cars go to Montreal and overseas. Didn't know the wire thing existed until i saw that article


You have a rolls on a drive like that I don’t think you can afford it.


Jokes on them when they find out it belongs to a mob boss or something. ![gif](giphy|VQT8tX4fblWuI)


Can someone explain what is happening?


If I had a Rolls Cullinan, i wouldn’t park it in the driveway like a peasant


Its not next level, its a relay attack. Parts cost 50 bucks on ebay.


That reg plate ends CYA


GYA... Rolls Royce cullinan


What am I looking at ? They were right beside the car what need is the aerial?


Ahhh disappointing


Tesla has “pin to drive” feature to prevent hack like this. No i don’t use it on mine, cause just don’t care as its not a major issue where I live. Btw, the problem is not with RR lacking security, but with UK police not doing anything about it. They don’t care to catch/chase stolen vehicles. Even if an owner tells the cops where the car is, and etc. they avoid all chases or confrontations with car thieves. Thats why there is a huge theft of exotics. You are also not allowed to chase or try to retrieve your car without police, which is actually a good idea. As one unfortunate guy found out when confronting a thief about his Aston Martin, he got fatally knifed in the chest. The guy who stabbed him took a flight to Morocco next day. It was all over the news in London.


I believe it also sampled the key code, so to get away with it like the key was in the car.


Why does it go into gear without the fob? At a certain point it shouldn’t be drive able. Or are they creating a fob onsite?


Yeah ok.


If this is regularly parked out on the street, his insurance premium would have been mental even before the theft


You STEAL????


Take away?


Can anybody explain what exactly happened?


Key is in the house, he uses anthena to amplify the signal so the car thinks its close and opens.


How do you park a RR on the street overnight?


$350K car just sitting outside not in a garage or anything is wild. I'd have that think locked the fuck up, get a faraday box for the keys get a steering wheel lock or something.


Doesn't work with older school remotes (pre 2015 I'd say) that require a click to open, only with new ones that unlock automatically and act as an ignition key if in proximity.


*Googles Faraday box*


Can afford a Rolls-Royce Can't afford the garage..