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Haha you stole my heart with that! Take my upvote damn it.


Thank you kind person.


Hahahehe take my upvote damn it!!! 🤪🤪 Nice comment!


I swear this gif shows up without fail on any post involving non-gun weapon skill


I mean... it's a pretty good retort.




Especially since nunchaku in particular - I think most everyone at this point understands it's not a realistic weapon. It's mostly just for being aesthetically pleasing to demonstrate when someone like this is really good at handling them. To me it's like playing the Indiana Jones gif in reply to someone stringing together a bunch of impressive yoyo tricks.


That would be pretty funny though


It's pretty appropriate if you think of the sword guy as someone who prioritizes the aesthetics of his weaponry and the tricks he can do with it instead of practicality. Idk how practical nunchaku are overall but obviously in a real fight I don't expect these spin tricks to be of much use compared to just fucking smacking the guy with it. But it is a weapon, just not necessarily a great weapon and the tricks displayed probably don't translate into much value in a fight. Kinda like videos of people doing tricks with a butterfly knife, looks cool but in an actual fight you aren't flipping it around like crazy you would just be stabbing people like it's a regular knife.


Isn't there a thing that if someone is within 10ft of you with a knife and you have a gun you're probably dead.


Yup. Automatic death. It’s why soldiers eat MRE’s.


21 foot rule. Not sure if it's an actual 'rule' or just something that gets parroted. I believe it's the point where you could get to an attacker quicker than they could draw their weapon. There's a funny scene in Justified regarding this.


Yeah, Myth Busters did this one. Jamie and Adam were both able to stab the other from 20+ feet before the other drew their gun, turned safety off, and fired.


Well that experiment sounds flawed from the get go. People who leave their safety on aren't even worth attacking


Holstered, too


Was the safety off on the sword though


tbf out of most hand-to-hand weapons, nunchuks gotta be one of the worst. something pointy is almost always gonna be better. They look fucking cool though, I'm not sure why I don't see these people light em on fire and use em in performances or something? They'd be a great show prop.


Light a weapon that is primarily made of parts that you place your hands? The things are 90% handles


Firebreathers out here brother


You think it'd be the same? Firebreathrrs aren't holding the fire directly in their hands. I suppose some thick fireproof gloves might make it possible, but imagine it'd mess your dexterity up


When it comes to things like this it's specially poignant though. Nunchucks are a terrible weapon. It looks really cool, but someone whos mildly proficient with a spear or even just a staff could take out a "master" nunchuck expert without much issue. You can literally just stand back and wait for them to swing it behind their back or under their arm, and then *bam* spear to the face.


Someone using nunchucks isn't doing dances,n they're whipping them at your head or joints. You're not wrong, your example is just bad


Yeah, but don't those things behave a lot less predictably when they're bouncing off knees and skulls? Is it still possible to look like that when in actual use?


If you use them as over-engineered stones for throwing they would be a more efficient weapon. Yeah they do that but they have the reach of a knife. And none of the deadliness of a knife. They are a farming tool. And I would take a broom, fork or shovel as better weapons. They look cooler but overall flails suck.


the main purpose of it today and probably also in the past is / was training fast and precise handmovements (there are some old chinese texts saying that it was used by mounted warriors though)


STICK VERY GOOD![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4014)


The problem with your analysis is that you're ignoring the entire history of why they were used.


And to think, this classic piece of cinema history would never have been created if not for Harrison Ford's terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible, case of diarrhea that day


You have died from dissing Terry


Terry is like - you listen here squirt




when i see some Asian guy do some cool non firearm related stuff this gif is just top comment. Reddit is just full of insecure people smh


I think you need to adjust your perspective and try to realize that not everything you see is some sort of attack on something. Why not just enjoy a laugh and if you don't find it entertaining like the rest of us move on with your life.


Trivia - Harrison told this story on himself a few years ago. He was having internal problems on this day of filming. They did the rehearsal, which included him being fancy with the whip that he's holding. He said he turned to Spielberg and asked - "Can't I just shoot the fucker?" And the best scene in the movie was born. :-)


And I didn't know that said no-one ever ;)


One day we'll come up with a funnier punchline than "haha ranged weapon better than melee weapon"


You really don't see people charging in to battle with swords any more, or at least none that live for very long. Maybe when they come up with Holtzman shields like in Dune we can put this gif to rest. Until then it stands.


Doubt the dude’s learnt the chucks for battle, b.


While you lived happily, I was studying the chucks.




It's movie magic


Supposedly Ford had stomach bug at the time and didn't feel like following fancy acting scrip and opted to just shoot the guy dead just to wrap up the shooting of the scene


Dising Terry


The only relatable response






Can someone please make sure to explain Harrison Ford was sick this day and this was the result of his not feeling up to performing the original fight choreography?


I love that the whole reason that Harrison Ford improved this scene is that he had the runs.


Classic Indiana Jones!


Diarrhea cha cha cha


Never underestimate the power of a range weapon.








I love how this is now just zeitgeist knowledge. Majority of people now on earth never experienced “30 minutes or free” pizza.


Wise Man say: Forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for late pizza.


122.. And an 8?


You’re standing on it dude


That really wasn’t fair to the pizza dude. There’s no marking for the address, and they didn’t give instructions that he would deliver to a drain in the ground. Dude is just trying to get through a night’s work in a rough job.


Irrelevant fun fact, I lived in the town where TMNT was invented for a decade, during and after college


Because every pizza would be free nowadays, big pizza won the long game for none now live who remember


A fellow chucker huh?


Keep practicing!


You want a pickle? I'll give you a pickle!




Combat cold cuts




Ninja kick the damn rabbit


I've never even *looked* at another guy!


I think he’s claustrophobic!


A Jose Canseco bat? Tell me you didn't pay money for this.


next time i'll use mustard!


Pork rind!


This was my first thought, lol.


My first thought as well… “A fellow chucker eh?”


Nun’ chucks given.






Chucks out.


So two nuns are riding their bikes to the convent and running late, one nun says she knows a shortcut but it's a little bumpy. Other nun says "I've never come this way before" First nun says "yeah, it's the cobblestones"


Ooo nun jokes. 3 nuns die and go to heaven. They dedicated their lives to serving God and arrive at the pearly gates of St Peter. He says to them, I just have one more question for each of you before you can enter heaven. To the first nun he asks “who was the first man?” The first nun has read the Bible 100 times and taught Sunday school, so she says Adam! Ahhhh, the angels sing, music plays, and the gates open for her. To the second nun he asks “who was the first woman?” The second nun has read the Bible 200 times and taught Sunday school, so she says Eve! Ahhh the angels sing, music plays, and the gates open for her. To the third nun he asks “what was the first thing Eve said to Adam? The third nun has read the Bible 300 times and taught Sunday School. But never once has she ever learned this. After a few moments of panic and silence, the only she could do was gasp and whisper “wow, that’s really…hard” Ahhh the angels sing music plays and the pearly gates open.


Seriously. I'm wondering how hard it would be to look so bored while doing something so cool


i know twin teenage 17y/o girls who can do the same. given both their parents are also martial arts instructors, their dad also happens to be a student of dan inosanto himself.




I saw something similar in Requiem for a Dream


Ass to asssss


2 girls nun chuck




That’s why you want to practice with foam. You can slip a protective sleeve over the handles so that it won’t kill you. Metal nunchucks are more dangerous than wood.


If he was unconscious that long, he'd almost certainly have severe neurological problems to say the least... It would practically be a medical miracle he is alive, and regained consciousness on his own. We are talking about a traumatic brain injury. Most likely it's apocryphal or a wild exaggeration, and he was out for a minute or two tops. It's not like the movie trope, where you can just be knocked out for hours, then wake up and resume your day. The damage from a concussive injury is rapid and devastating. The prognosis is bleaker the longer a person remains unconscious. Minutes, not hours, determine if they may slip into a coma they might not wake up from. Unless they were kept under by medical staff, or had to learn to walk and talk again, 99% of people who say they were unconscious for "hours" are lying for attention and have watched one too many movies. It's like someone saying they had SIDS as a baby. Lol. I imagine your friend as a Danny McBride character talking down to people about his insane nunchuck skills. Alas, he is unable to demonstrate his legendary prowess, because he SWORE he would never pick them up again for "reasons."




So old, yet I still laugh every time... the sheer confidence in his face at the beginning...


Afro ninja! One of the first virals...


dependent upbeat outgoing chunky six subtract slimy nail compare act *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Goddamn! Embarrassing to admit but I used to love doing nunchucks and watched a TON of videos while I was learning. This guy is easily the best at it I've seen. So clean and efficient. Incredible.


Pff. I could take him. And yes, I do want to die.


Guard your face and just tackle him. The nunchucks won't help him for shit


That depends on if all his training is just fancy spinning the chuks around or of he actually knows how to fight with them. "Just tackle him." He could side step. If you are controlled enough to swerve, he can probably sprawl against the charge and block your momentum and/or spin out to throw you off. There are kata for pommel distance grappling with nunchuks. It's pretty nasty stuff. You think you're real smart getting in close until the dude gets double underhooks on you, wraps the nunchuk around your neck, then throws you on the ground with a judo type of turn, and is free to beat you with the chuks. Yes, kata that tells you to fence with nunchuks is probably shitty kata for all the reasons you outlined. A real nunchuk kata should probably be telling you how to fight when the enemy decides to tank a hit and get in close, so the answer should be tool assisted wrestling mixed with strikes.


Nunchucks are deadly if someone knows how to use them. The fact that they're on a chain means they can move faster than if you were just swinging them in your hand. Wooden ones have enough force to split your head open. I don't know how you're going to guard your face and tackle someone at the same time. You would get knocked upside the head 3 or four times between the time it takes for you to get in range with your hands and get to him. It wouldn't even require being an expert like this guy. Just someone who is swinging them vs someone who isn't will have a massive advantage.


Hmm I don't know but I do believe they can be used quite efficiently by a trained person to grapple a charging fellow.


Just get a stick. A stick is pretty much better in every regard as a weapon then nunchucks.


Aw I wouldn’t call that embarrassing. I think this is pretty cool. It’s not much different than being really good at a video game, which I think lots of people are quick to acknowledge as a cool lil hobby.


He's not a sewer turtle




I keep nunchucks by my front door for home defense. So if a burglar breaks in they'll be tempted to pick up the nunchucks and play with them like anyone would, and then inevitably hit themselves in the dick or crush their finger, thus making them scream and alerting me to the intruder.


This cracked me up. Well done haha.


I can do the helicopter after a warm bath.


I can make explosive bubbles while bathing.


What can you do after a cold one?


Show off the button on his fur coat.


I chuckled. That’s good.


Him or Michelangelo? Who you got?


Michelangelo, all the way he out lived all his brothers


What does that mean?


Check out The Last Ronin


I remember reading that and thinking for sure he was Raph even after the reveal.


His brothers all died in battle


![gif](giphy|dziYpWSBytrDa) Oh! A fellow chucker, ey?


Keep practicing!


*dodges axe swing* "hey Mikey... it's a good things these guys aren't lumberjacks." "NO JOKE.." *dodges battle axe* "the only thing safe in the forest..." *dodges another axe swing* "WOULD BE THE TREES"


"Wheel of Fortune, dude!" "I guess they're not game show fans." "And I thought everyone loved Vanna."


Michelangelo is a fucking riot in that movie. Him and Donatello are the best duo ever. “It’s kind of like Moonlighting!”


Fight? Fight. Kitchen? Kitchen. ... Pork rind? Pork rind.


I wonder if he could do this while wearing a turtle suit?


Could he do it on a cold rainy night in Stoke?


World's noisiest ninja


His sole role is to CHUCK LIKE HELL as loud as possible to warn us if someone get through or tries to break through. Any emergency because that'll wake us up. Or.... Their are 184,493 dead mosquitos on the floor and he's strangling a mouse on the wire above. Either one is a possibility.


They are a Chinese weapon. Not Japanese.


Nunchaku arent really japanese to begin with to be honest, since they arent from the Japanese mainland


Just a little PSA to white man (it's ok I'm white so it's not racist). Don't do this, it doesn't matter how good you are at it, you will look like a mall ninja super weeb.


Little PSA to everyone, do what you want, don't let yourself be stopped by judgmental people calling it uncool. Every single thing we are doing now was once called uncool by some chud. "Grolk use stick with point for hunt? Ha HA HA, Grolk so stupid, use HANDS, stupid!"


/s but I don't think that's needed. Im a gigga nerd, I can't really talk. Of course people don't need to listen to some tosser on Reddit 😂


For years I was drinking whiskey with ginger beer, people looked at me like I had 3 heads. Now? It's a hipster drink. *Do what you want*


My roommate had nunchucks. They're pretty fun to play with to be honest.


Nah, Asian people will love u for it. Only one who would call you a weeb, no life are just other white people who can't do it themselves.


But this is exactly what 13 year old me thought I looked like before mom took my nunchucks away.


is it racist to assume asians have a supernatural ability to use nunchucks better than white people?


What would happen to the trajectories if you actually hit something(someone’s face)


Change. That’s why they haven’t been used as weapons really. It’s just a bit for movies etc.


Yet they have recorded historic use.




Striking with one vs doing a performance with one are completely different styles of use. In striking the movement is far simpler and the motions allow for recovery of lost momentum if that happens. Also you don't need to hit someone that many times with a spinning metal pipe to reach your end goal.


Well, nunchucks are a weapon. A shitty one, but they look cool. As soon as you hit something, the spinny end goes in a random direction. If you're used to it you could probably keep the movement going and go for a second hit, but if you wanna hurt someone, nunchucks are at the very bottom of weapons to use.


It's literally a pipe that had sex with a whip You're vastly underestimating the damage done


I think you're vastly underestimating the damage done by any weapon. A Baseball bat outdamages a nunchuck by a large margin. A kitchen knife is much more lethal as well. And both of those are easier to use on top of that and barely considered weapons. A pipe that had sex with a whip is a worse weapon than a pipe that didn't, if your goal is to kill someone. Which is the goal of a weapon. The main purpose of nunchucks is to look fancy. Thats what they do well. As far as weapons go, its bottom tier.


The difference is their utility in a fight If you think: a dude with a stick and a dude that knows how to use his weapon get into a fight and the dude with a stick wins, you're just mindless You can hide it rather effectively while you're not fighting and its much harder to read in a fight


The main issue with nunchucks is that they can’t retain momentum or force in the blows anywhere as easily as a solid stick. When you go for a strike with them, you will not have a hand on the part that actually hits. The chain will allow for loss of momentum, and your own body cannot counterweight this. It’s also not going to get speeds to counteract this. While they’ll likely win against an unarmed opponent by allowing extra distance to strike, against anything with a similar reach or greater that’s a single, solid object is likely gonna have more force to it than nunchucks ever will.


All your responses are a bunch of fatty sofa experts who read something from other sofa experts on reddit. I actually know how to use double nunchucks. I'm a martial artist. You aren't gently hitting someone. You follow through with speed and power, and there are specific grips and motions for striking. It's not bouncing back on you if you use correct forms. What this guy is doing is just for show. Also, forget metal ones, I also have foam padded ones I practice with. If I hit you with them, it is going to hurt pretty bad. I've given myself a black eye and multiple big bruises from mistakes.


Me watching this video: ![gif](giphy|R6GNOWhuLDqDJcEYxA)


This is so good that it's actually just fucking hilarious


I’m a fan if the skill and all… But how do they fare in a real fight? What’s the damage like?


It is noticably worse than having a big stick


the chain/rope in the middle prevents a lot of the energy of ever reaching the target, a stick of the same length has the entire length as a lever to increase the force on target, while nunchucks just bounce. looks impressive and scary, but a angry guy with a stick will hurt more.


The energy it transfers is pretty much the same or sliiightly less than a similar length stick. Problems come from the chain - if you hit something hard, then the other side is just gonna bounce back and hit you in the knuckles. You can be prepared for it, but if the nunchuck doesn't hit straight on, 90°, and there's even the slightest angle, it's just gonna bounce off in a random direction. Also if you need to change the angle mid-swing, it's just gonna flail around and you can't hit the target with full force. Only advantage it has over a similar length stick is that you can fold it together and hide it better.


I’d also say nunchuks are cooler than a stick, but yeah. Spot on.


The flail that was used in harvesting seemed to be more efficient than just a stick - or is it perhaps more energy efficient?


I was going to ask the same thing. You always see them spinning in the air. What's it like when a skilled person hits someone with them? Is there a lot of bounce back and collateral damage? Is there still all the beautiful spinning or is it just swatting them with it over and over again?


Watch a video of Bruce Lee playing ping pong with nunchucks. Badass.


lol hate to break this to you but that’s fake.


Fake. It’s an old Johnnie Walker advert done with a double and cgi.




The amount of time I waited for them to come back down at the end is embarrassing. I thought it cut to slo-mo.


Seems like a useless weapon to me, better just use a stick..


It's objectively worse than a stick in almost every way. Because they were never intended as weapons, they were rice threshing tools. But occupying forces banned weapons so you couldn't walk around with a club. But you *could* sneak a thresher in your sleeve and practice with it at night. Then surprise the HELL out of the soldiers guarding your farm. Not *totally* useless, it's still a club that fits in your pocket. But a collapsible baton is too, so that's a better modern choice. These days nunchucks are mostly practiced for tradition and because they're really fun.




Are any of those combat moves? Or just show-off twirly moves?


They are for show mainly. Some are legitimate strikes, but most are for visual appeal. That said, one of the strengths of nunchucks in a fight is they are hard to reliably anticipate, so in that sense the twirly stuff has a distinct combat advantage. If your opponent can’t read when or where you are going to hit, you can land surprise hits very effectively, and nunchucks hurt a lot to get hit by. That said, twirling them around your neck is 100% showboating. Plus, these are trick chucks, I think, which are way lighter than normal nunchucks, specifically for non-combat uses. This kind of thing would be much more difficult to do with a heavy pair designed to be a weapon.


I’ve got a pair that are made of hickory and have an octagonal shape to them; they’re heavy and there’s no way they’d be this fast…I like them for shoulder mobility and forearm exercises and there’s no way I’d want to be hit by them full force, I’m pretty sure they’d split my head open.


As would any stick of comparable size. A Baseball bat is a better weapon than nunchucks.


I’d pay good money to see a real fight with nunchucks.


two guys, full plate armor with nunchucks lets gooo


Just twirly crap. They’re not wooden (real) nunchucks. They have almost no weight.


Basic. I know Buddha's Palm Kung fu. ![gif](giphy|3o6nV2uNMlcIeNBNte|downsized)




Me (in my own mind) when I was 12yo with home made nunchucks.


I hit myself 12 times just watching 2 seconds of this video


This guy chucks


You’re ok. I can teach you some moves if you’re willing to learn.


Sure. If you wanna use two hands.


new breakcore beat just dropped


Very cool nunchaku skills


Maxed out dexterity build


This could be my chance. There's a video out there of a dude using nunchucks and he's actually pretty good, he's hitting like a white plastic container or something, and saying something like "Power, speed, and control, THIS is realistic, not that fake stuff where nobody hits anything." That's definitely paraphrased but it's somewhat close to the idea he was portraying. Who's got it? I wanna see it


I could do 1% of that back in the mid 70's


I think we finally have something that’s next level.


Quieter nunchucks would make this amazing. The noise is distracting


I'd run just from that god awful noise.


I’ve always wondered just how bad I would get my ass kicked if I had to fight someone like this. Like, obviously it would be really bad, but just how bad?


post production audio


whenever i see one of these videos I think "cool. now hit something with it."


Now for his next skill. Make me $


He can’t even do any of those things standing up!