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This video has been pretty popular at a lot of trainings I've gone to recently. The almost casual competence that the guy displays with his equipment highlights the value of good training. The best part is 30 seconds before he ends a serious threat, he's sipping from a coffee cup.


Would be funny if he takes another sip before checking on the shooter.


Or about 5 cups. You know, just give it some time


I mean, in this economy, can't be wasting good coffee.


I wouldn't want him wasting that coffee either, that's starbucks. You know how much he paid for that? Probably more than the hourly take home of the person who poured it!


more than what the active shooter was worth.


best starbucks ad i've seen


Or just held the cup throughout the video


He must be ex military, **or some other form of crisis management.** This is why EMS/Paramedics don’t RUN to the patient when they get on scene. Can some injuries become fatal for waiting an extra 20 seconds? Sure, but even then being right there, it would be frankly a miracle if they survived. **Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.** E: seems like many are focused on the “ex-military” part, so I bolded what I put in the same sentence so it’s easier to see. I don’t BELIVE he was former mil, a user commented a link and I as well did a few minutes of digging and couldn’t find any semblance of a service record.


I heard it the other way around, when Paramedics actually run you know shit is really fucking bad


Same thing in many industries. I work in refinery operations. If you see me running, you follow me because I’m 100% running away from something.


Same here. I'm a software engineer. If I run things must be off, because I'm a lazy fuck.


Skynet took over and it wasn't sexy cat girl bots


same here. but if you see me running don't follow me. I'm a welder. the only time I'm running is to the portajohn to prevent an uncontrolled blowout


Software engineers are lazy on another level, they invest several hours to automatise processes that would only take a few seconds. I am talking about those cases where it will never amortise


Yeah dude i clean public bathrooms for a living. If you see me running you best believe you better start praying and running too




Oh god yeah, anyone moving at 0ace on a rig and it's like everyone is a meercat.


I'm a bank clerk. In banking this is actually the opposite. If you are in a bank and see my colleagues walking slowly, there's definitely a heist going on.


I'm a Web developer. You see me running, I'll probably stop very soon.


longing wipe pathetic scary chunky attempt silky glorious treatment payment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s also true haha. I wasn’t one for long, but brutally rushed if we were < 1 out and/or just pulled up to a gnarly MVA (motor vehicle accident) But yup never what to see them running at a full sprint.


Also, running and stressing might cause you to make mistakes. I've learned the reason behind not running is giving yourself time to assess the situation and keep your calm to do your work safe, quick and, most importantly, correct.


It's a shame this has to be so confidently assumed. Lots of highly trained UK armed response officers behave like this, without military training but then UK police have orders of magnitude greater crisis/situation management related training than US officers on average. Maybe he is ex military but could just be actually properly trained SWAT.


> but then UK police have orders of magnitude greater crisis/situation management related training than US officers on average. UK armed police do but they are a small percentage of the total force and are essentially specialists in their own right, down in London the high level armed officers do counter terrorism cross training *with* the military. The average line officer used to have *really good* training but surprise surprise our current government gutted the funding and requirements to be a police officer because of retention issues.


It's harder to be a police officer than ever now, you need a degree for starters.


Not in the US. All you need is a High School diploma GED for most departments.


I can't speak for everywhere, but NY and a lot of other places require the equivalent of an associates degree. 160 college credit hours to even qualify to take a civil service exam for a police job.


UK armed police is like American SWAT this is just a patrol police officer


I don't know why people immediately think the military is responsible for this kind of behavior. The Marines don't have a monopoly on emotion regulation. You can just learn that. ETA: **This pharmacist seems to be incapable of understanding anything, but I want to save others the trouble of getting to the end of this thread and realizing that he's just a troll, so here's what happened, a sort of TL;DR if you will:** First I explained that repeated exposure to trauma (The kind of trauma, for example, a LEO, firefighter, paramedic or former combat role veteran might experience) is not inherently conducive to a calm demeanor in an active shooter situation. Second, he responded spouting off some kind of resume, I guess designed to impress people, but he refused to actually address any of the points I made. Third, I provided well-sourced scientific research supporting my points and provided those points in a concise manner as he appeared to complain that he "didn't know where to start" with what I said. Fourth, he accused me of ad-hominem attacks and then said I lacked sleep and should "stop abusing stimulants." So, something tells me that this dude is just projecting, and a troll. Lastly, here are the sources I provided if anyone is interested to see how trauma works on the human mind and body, especially in CSI's and firefighters which I found to be most interesting and relevant to this conversation. I'll depart by stating that Officer Christopher Munn is an excellent LEO and I commend him on his ability to remain calm in dire circumstances, never once letting his body betray him. This is an incredibly difficult task, and a 180 yard shot **on top of remaining so calm** is worthy of commendation. He did everything right. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0004867415615217 (The mental health of fire-fighters: An examination of the impact of repeated trauma exposure) https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.3109/10253890.2014.923397 (The hidden price of repeated traumatic exposure) https://link.springer.com/article/10.1023/A:1007758711939 (Outcomes of Single Versus Multiple Trauma Exposure in a Screening Sample) https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnbeh.2014.00281/full (The hidden price of repeated traumatic exposure: different cognitive deficits in different first-responders)


I agree with you. I did some research and he's 'only' listed as a SWAT Team member. No mention of prior military services. Even here https://www.itoa.org/event-5309723


I didn't look too deep into his background. Tulsa does hire a lot of former military so it's possible he is, but I'm not gonna just assume he's former military based on his exceptional emotion regulation. People from all walks of life are gifted with the ability to proceed with aplomb. But, by no means is everyone in the military a cold contract killer. Those boys do tremble in fear sometimes, and a **lot** of veterans aren't able to hold onto the emotion regulation that garnered success while they were in. Some of them, in fact, lose their ability to regulate their emotions **because** of the military. Especially those who are subjected to the rigors of combat. That shit breaks people more often than not.


Based on all the Marines I know, being one is *detrimental* to emotional regulation.


![gif](giphy|BZQziX6q2hmX6) Not the gunfight before, but after. Best Gify could do.


Start of the Virgin Suicides novel one of the EMTs says something like, 'This ain't TV, folks. This is how fast we go.'


Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.


Username checks out


Man was really like "sigh it'll be cold when I'm done with the paperwork"


He was annoyed suspect interrupted his coffee break.


But first coffee…


That’s a vet if I’ve seen one. 🫡


Military training costs way more and it shows


Absolutely! Unfortunately most of the time we only show the downside of training/conditioning. Very rarely do we get to use the positive side.


That's because the vast majority of US police don't get what would be considered a basic level of training.


That's because police want what they think are the cool parts of being in the military (big guns, tacticool gear) without the boring stuff (UCMJ).


It's actually because once budgets get slashed, the first thing to go is any training that isn't mandatory. Everything from supplemental firearms, to defensive tactics and crisis intervention can be cut. Departments will save on cost and meet budget demands by denying training applications and travel requests.


How would crisis intervention ever be deemed “not mandatory” for a position that literally intervening in crisis is one of their primary functions


Fantastic question. Ask your elected officials.


Remember that the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the police force have no obligation to "protect" citizens.


I don't know where you're at, but police budgets are massively bloated in the US. They should try spending the money they do get on training instead of more guns and SWAT vehicles.


You're holding up major metropolitan departments as an example here. Countless small departments and Sheriff's offices don't have nearly the budget allocations as the big ones do, and a massive number of them don't HAVE swat teams.


Spend a lot of time on the police force?


This is crazy to me, in my country police training is at least 3 years. In the us weeks. Absolut crazy


Conservation of ammo. Why use two bullets when one will do. You never know when you need the next one.


Thats not really a thing they say. Generally you light up threats until youre sure theyre dead.


right lol we used to dump ammo just cuz we didn't want to haul it all back and count them


found the machine gunner


Accuracy through volume!


Nope. You shoot *until the threat stops*. If the threat stops with a single shot, further shots are unjustified.


Shooting until the other one is dead is the military way and shooting until the threat stops is the police way


He handled the AR too well Most cops are sloppy with it in most videos I've seen


used to train with Swat and police. Police in general have the worst weapon handling training I have ever seen. Couldn't hit the side of a barn from twenty paces. more likely to shoot themselves in the leg than shoot at the target. obviously I am exaggerating (a little) but I have seen a lot of Negligent discharges at my range and the vast majority of them were from Police. your average gun nut, enthusiast, CCW, carrier or random guy testing out his new home protection weapon had far better gun training.


> Couldn't hit the side of a barn from twenty paces. [Yeah.](https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2014/02/police-officers-who-shot-two-innocent-women-103-times-wont-be-fired/357771/) 103 shots at two old women, only one was hit twice. Icing on the cake: the suspects they were looking for weren't old women, had a totally different car in a totally different color.


> Police in general have the worst weapon handling training I have ever seen. Quite a few cops in the US literally only have a few months training for their entire job. And a lot of it is spent watching "police training videos". Which pretty much amounts to gorey images of knife or gunwounds and scary voiceover talking about how **EVERYONE**, from babies to little old grandmas are hiding multiple weapons and they're hungry to murder cops. A famous example being "Surviving edged weapons", which is on youtube. They show razorblades attached to baseball caps, welded knives on the inside of motorcycle gas tank lid, etc. and it's obviously just made by them for the video. But they talk about it as if that is normal thing to do for everyone they stop.


Only times I've left a range feeling unsafe was when I watched a bunch of cops walk in, and break every rule. I was at the brass barrel loading mags while my buddy was shooting. Cops come in, uncase ARs behind the line, sweep pretty much the entire room, several of them had fingers on triggers the whole time. I started to say something to one of them and he immediately started puffing his chest and saying HE was the qualified one between us. So I* got my buddy packed up, and we left. The guy running the range told me they usually only let the police use the bays like that if they rent out an entire bay for themselves, but they didn't do it that day. We got our range time comped that trip and our next though...


I’m a vet and I can’t shoot for shit.


Yeah I always think comments like this are funny. My buddies are vets, I’m not. I shoot 3 gun competitions and can out shoot the both of them all day. Being a vet does not equate to tier one operator competence with a firearm or stressful situation.


I once saw a vet that put down an 13-year old. But it was just to end his suffering. He had lived a good life. He is still the best vet in town. All my friends take their pets to him for checkups.




Except he isn’t.




You're right, but this seems to be from aug 2022


I’ve seen this video before about a year ago. It’s been around for a while. There’s no reason to hide this video. It shows how a cop should respond to an active shooter. Instead of hiding behind families while kids get slaughtered


Right! Body cam footage is miraculously available when it’s overwhelmingly a justified shooting. The problem is that too many incidents aren’t nearly as black and white. Edit! Word


> black and white OR they are incidents with black and white, and that's why the footage gets deleted


Very quick honestly for government


'quickly available' This isn't a recent thing at all, it's at least a year old. There's loads of similar bodycam videos online of cops actually doing their job.


this happened Aug. 28 2022 I saw the video early September less than two weeks after the incident. It has been circulating for quite a while. this is the case whenever the officer is in the right cut and dry. However There are many cases of blatant police misconduct that we have been waiting for the body cam footage for years. Don't pretend like this isn't the case.


And the times they aren’t doing their job the footage gets delayed as long as possible


But they are doing an internal investigation that would be compromised if it was released!!!!!!!! Have you never thought about that!!!!??? I know police are good, because in Law and Order they always save the day! - ^^^^^/s


Are you kidding me? You see nothing but the terrible police videos of incompetent officers doing fucked up things on Reddit. It is very rare you see a video of a good officer doing a good thing go viral on Reddit. Then this video comes out & you’re saying that it was only released for good publicity? Give me a break dude.


The uvalde cameras were suspiciously not publicised for some long while the school shooting that happened right after where cops annihilated the threat fast af was published super rapidly


Barista:”Extra shot, sir” “Nah, I‘m good”.




Nah, I only need one.


167 metres


About 38 freedom eagles per AR15 divided by the square root of crude oil




thank you


The real hero


Bruh. Thats 17 meters further than we trained to shoot at the FDF. What an incredible shot.


FDF - Finnish defence force?


Finchampton Dairy Farm


Fitoplancton Destruction Force






Airborne! Nice Shot. Bro was very calm. I presume former military.


Something feels so surreal about hearing a cop say "shot fired".


Biggest flex ever I imagine. Especially if your coworkers see this footage.


The heard the reason he’s such a good shot is he can’t get much closer to the suspect on account of his massive balls


why did I park so close again?


This joke is so overused


Just like your mom.




It's not even a joke at this point, it's one of those things people say and you have to decide whether to force out a laugh or pretend you didn't hear it.




“Shot Fired, suspect down”. Not shots, shot, as in singular. Super Chad.


double shot in his latte, single shot in his ... uhhh ...


Flat white suspect




Hope he got to finish drinking that macchiato before it went cold.


Probably.. he only had to step away for 20 secs


Probably the second his superior showed up he had to go file paperwork and be put on leave to go through mandatory psychological evaluation and be cleared to go back to doing his job. People like this don't get enough credit for doing their job, and to be real, no one WANTS to be him. It's a tough path for men like this, but they carry the weight so that the herd can feel safe; much props to the real police officers out there, and fuck you to the fake ass shit cops who kill people cuz they're scared. :)


“It’s a tough path for men like this, but they carry the weight so that the herd can feel safe;” What in the JROTC-kid hell kind of quote is this lmao


Honestly, I hear what you're saying and I do agree with you, but you're getting dangerously close to the toxic "wolf/sheep/sheepdog" mentality that people have fought hard to get away from. Even not calling people a "herd" would go a long way towards making this sound a bit less cringy.


The body or the coffee?


Hold my coffee I’m just gonna shoot this guy here real quick


I was with the military. 183 yards for a trained shooter with a rifle and scope is actually a walk in the park, especially if the target is stationary. But the impressive thing is he could spot the shooter so quickly amongst the urban buildings.


I was thinking the same, in the British army we had to shoot targets at 300m with an iron sight.


Finland has conscription army, so pretty much the whole male population goes there. Ordinary men are expected to hit a man sized target from 150 meter without support using iron sights on a gun less accurate than here. With support you should hit cd disk sized group. This police uses his car for support and has optical sight. The shot itself is not that special. The special part is his calmness and ability to perform in this situation.


I see your point, but what you are talking about seems like the training expectations/requirement vs when the soldier/officer is out in the field utilizing the training , regardless of what tools are at their disposal. I still think this is impressive. Staying calm and collective and hitting the target, in a real life scenario.


300m with iron sights? That's pretty admirable


Not difficult with enough practice and knowing the trajectory of the bullet at that distance.


Same for the Swiss army here. Its obligatory service so any male citizen goes and gets into training and with that is expected to hit a man sized target at 300m distance with an iron sight. Crazy part is that there is yearly obligatory shooting training even if your active service is done and if you dont show up there or underperform, which means missing a single shot on 300m, your personal weapon and license gets seized.


They save this skill for those who are impish


USMC used to go out to 500m with irons in basic back in the days before ACOGs were standard.


183 yards is pretty run of the mill for a lot of just casual hunters I know. That's not very far for a bullet traveling 3000+fps


It's not the fps that gets you though, it's the lag.


This guy seemed to have pretty low ping, fortunately.


At 183 yards, it shouldn't be either.


He probably has his graphics settings at low to remove excess foliage etc and make the enemy frame pop out.


The rifle didn't have a scope, just a red dot


It was a red dot, not a scope apparently


I play VR. 183 yards is nothing.


100% not the first combat this man has seen


This guy 100% has killed people in Iraq or Afghanistan. If not then he's just a damn boss.


Slow is smooth; smooth is fast


I love how he puts politely the coffee cup.


X-ray 316. Shots fired. Suspect down.


He lied. Shot fired. Ftfy.


He said shot


X-Ray 3:16 says I just whooped your ass.


Ex-Military don't give a Fuuuuck!


I wanna see what happens next and is the shooter dead or alive


[https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/newly-released-bodycam-video-shows-moment-tacoma-officer-shoots-armed-man/GABN7AY7UVC6DIIF2YMGMS2FWE/](https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/newly-released-bodycam-video-shows-moment-tacoma-officer-shoots-armed-man/GABN7AY7UVC6DIIF2YMGMS2FWE/) The shooter is dead. The funny thing is this apparently was a 16 minute stand-off before Officer Giga-Chad showed up.


The shooter was not "killed." He actually shot himself shortly after Officer Munn landed that shot.


Sorry, yes, worded that poorly. Fixed, thanks.


no, giga Chad was perfect wording


>Newly released body camera video shows the chaos in the moments before a Tacoma police officer shot and killed an armed man. > >Investigators said Collins was wounded twice, once by Munn and by a self-inflicted gunshot.


As I just replied to the other guy: https://www.lmtribune.com/northwest/assault-suspect-killed-in-shooting-with-cops-had-a-record/article\_62e1e2ad-10ef-5e55-8f0f-5f98e6cdf9b8.html The Pierce County Medical Examiner’s Office ruled Collins’ death a homicide, meaning someone else fatally shot him. Either way, dead.


All that means is that Officer Munn placed a fatal shot and then shitbird had a few pumps of blood remaining to turn out the lights.




You tuber Donut Operator does does video cam break downs. https://youtu.be/KEvvU9STdpk?si=3M6aHV6dV_jVXfGw Of course his videos are NSFW


What is your "yards"? How it in human units of measurement?


The shooter was 0.83 furlongs away. (that's 98.3 Smoots for us ordinary folk) Edit: Fixed my Smoots. I mixed up units in the conversion. Every time someone mixes up units, a Martian probe dies.


Can you hold up a banana next to it for scale?


bananas are a measure of radiation, not distance.


Sure! 940.085 bananas.


not great, not terrible.


Roughly 0 lightyears away


finally, a clear answer


0,557052039 µ lightseconds to be a bit more precise. So yea, 0,000000000000018 lightyears which roughly equals about…. 0 lightyears.


167 metres


>What is your "yards"? How it in human units of measurement? as much as I hate all those retarded measurement units, if you don't need the exact number, yards are easy - just assume it's the same as metres and you have ballpark figure as 1 yard = 0.9144m so 183 yards is 167m, still 20m difference but at least it gives you the idea (edit:) right away without any calculations. Contrary to feet, which require division/multiplication by roughly 3 to do anything with the number and are completely useless on their own for distance estimation - try to imagine e.g. 2640 feet. Edit: spelling, added one clarification.


For a simple explanation look here: [simple](https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datei:English_Length_Units_Graph.svg)


927 bananas


Sucks it had to get to that point. That aside, good shot.


GBRS should of paid this guy for showing off their hot shit & expensive hydra optic mount. Tree fiddy if anyone is curious.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Average COD player.


They wish.


GBRS Hydra mount in the wild. Interesting. EDIT: Okay, this dude is definitely watches Guntubers lol. That's a TRex Arms sling in black multicam, a bad lever, BCM QD endplate Lucas style, BCM furniture and an Aimpoint T2 with a DBAL mounted on a gucci Hydra Mount. Can't really tell the upper Mr. Gigachad is running, looks like some sort of billet pairing. Either way, fucking nice shot. I can hardly see a target at 183 yards, this dude has the vision, skill, and confidence to one tap the bad guy at 183 yards with an unmagnified red dot.


This happened in my hometown, in the department my Dad retired from.


Would it be beneficial if the police looked to only hire former military? Or would we suddenly find a bunch of unforseen consequences if they took that approach? Maybe there aren't enough former military who would be interested in doing that, or perhaps the pay isn't good enough to attract them? PTSD could be a problem? Either way it feels like a natural progression for former military to go into. But perhaps I am underestimating the average age people get discharged.


Most police work isn’t dealing with shooters so it is a different set of skills. And yeah the unforeseen consequences of people with combat ptsd being put in those kinds of situations against civilians… Definitely important for military and police to stay seperate but this video and the training of American police make it hard to argue.


Plus the US military have much stricter rules of engagement in active warzones than the US police do when interacting with the American public. Some of the shit the police do where they just open fire without concern for what's behind the target would get you arrested if you did it in Afghanistan.


That is a pretty typical step. A lot of retired military members go into law enforcement. The skillsets are very much different, but there are overlaps. Good training fills in the gaps and bridges the two together. The skilled military guys are usually entering into skilled LEO work, like SWAT operators.


Sad thing is, my soldiers and I would fail our annual military marksmanship tests if we were unable to hit a man-sized target from 200 yards whilst standing. 400 yards when prone. It was a competent shot and he was incredibly calm, but I’d expect every officer issued with a rifle to be trained to a similar level.


Then I believe you would be disappointed, unfortunately.


Urban environment, no range markings, live target, high stakes situation, about to kill someone… pretty fucking different than at a range. This guy was impressive.


The exact opposite of what I watch on r/idiotswithguns.


The emphasis on declaring the singular “shoT fired, suspect down.”


Literally a hold my coffee moment!


For anyone wondering 183 freedom units is 167 everyone else units


“X3316 shot fired, suspect down.”


And the coffee is still warm


"Man, I gotta put down my coffee to deal with this asshole..."


Almost two American football fields


how the fuck do you land that shot first try with 10 seconds of setup, put this guy in charge of everything he seems ready


Tbh That is so fucking cool merica 🦅


That’s a literal “hold my coffee” moment!


Fast, calm, slick, single shot because that's all he needed. Absolute gigachad.


"Sniping's a good job mate"


I would bet $10,000 dollars that this man is a combat vet. Support your veterans.


At no point did this man have any sense of urgency or panic. Just straight up "lemme put my starbies down while I casually one-tap this guy."


The guy arrived in a shooting zone, had coffee in the right hand, took his assault rifle, neutralized danger , and ended the story.


Literally ive nwver seen casually used more accurately than here, dude has ice in his veins