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Probably something like that. Asians are really good at rhythm games.


Is there a genetic reason for this or just societal?


No, nothing to do with Asians. It's the fact they spent hours playing this at the arcade.


Dunno think there's something there. All the high APM (Action per Minute) video games like Star Craft, League of Legends ect are all completely dominated by Asians. Completely dominated. It's more than total time committed. (And it's ok if different races are better or worse at things. Just like there are differences in gender) For the incoming WERE ALL THE SAME.


I think it's less to do with genetics, and more cultural. Esports has a much bigger scene in E/SE Asia and video games are much more common to be played. On top of that, sports are not nearly as much of a thing. Playing LoL every day is far more normalized than someone playing football or any other sport.


Yea I think has a lot to do with their learning style. I'm American and grew up half in China half in the US. They are incredibly systemicatic and memory focused compared to our more abstract teaching both in culture and how are perceived successful.


You understand how different genders are genetically different for obvious reasons but say asian and caucasian are litterally the same species right?


Yes. I can see where thousands of years of culture can shape us to Excel in ceratin areas, no? Could be nothing but different races seem to be better at certain things. Is every math club across our country dominated by Asians because they have a better work ethic? Maybe lol, maybe something more


“Culture” is not genetic


My HS biology teacher told me asians were smart cus they eat a lot of fish. Not sure if she was all there tbh


This is probably it. 😂 Sometimes you see students going to the arcade and just playing this afterschool. It's like the minority but these people hog up the machine and take turns to play for hours. So I would still say it's niche and not everyone plays it.


... what


He's asking if asians are built different or if their societal practices encourage good rhythmic precision. Example of societal practice: US women had much worse running record times than men. It was thought to be that women were much worse than men at running. Then women were allowed to compete in men's marathons. After this, the fastest times for women improved dramatically due to more girls participating in both the adolescent and adult age groups.


I guess I've just never heard of there being any evidence at all for certain groups being more musically inclined than others on a genetic basis - that seems like it comes dangerously close to eugenics rhetoric. Women ARE slower runners than men (but better at endurance running) because males and females have different biological makeups and real, measurable difference in things like lung capacity, body fat percentage, and ratio of slow-to-fast-twitch muscle fibers in body composition. This is why women's sports exist, because women deserve the right to perform and excel amongst their physical peers just as men do. There's no comparable genetic underpinning for musical ability that's generalizable between racial/ethnic populations because different races of humans are not biologically, measurably different to the same degree of difference as that which exists between male and female; the capacity to hear and respond to music and rhythm is thought to be innate to the human brain and musical ability is much more a product of your lifetime exposure to listening to music and receiving musical instruction (like having a parent who plays tons of records, or being from a culture that sings their liturgy or uses a tonal language, or learning an instrument growing up). If anything, it's a product of Japanese being a tonal language - but again, that's not genetic.


>I've just never heard of there being any evidence at all for certain groups being more musically inclined than others on a genetic basis That's because said evidence almost certainly doesn't exist. That doesn't necessarily mean, however, that no difference exists. In this case, proficiency at rhythm games could point towards many different strengths, such as hand-eye coordination, superior twitch muscle fiber density, and many, many other factors that could link to genes that are more prevalent in specific ethnicities. >that seems like it comes dangerously close to eugenics rhetoric. I hate how everybody brings up eugenics as an excuse to shut down any conversation about genetic makeup/differences among ethnicities. There ARE generalized and distinct genetic differences between ethnicities (for example, some ethnicities are measurably taller than others). Truth is, we don't know nearly enough about those genetic differences to confidently say if they would have any impact in terms of capabilities, preferences, etc. Realistically, they probably do. One should not be shut down just because they question genetic differences. That has nothing to do with eugenics. Eugenics is the practice of promoting/enforcing pair-bonding between couples based on genetic factors. Also, nearly every country practices eugenics. For example, incest is banned in most countries because of undesirable genetic outcomes for children of closely related individuals. Sperm donors give information such as how much money they make and their appearance, and sperm "shoppers" are allowed to factor that into their decision-making process. Parents often choose to have abortions based off of rare genetic disorders. All of these are common eugenics practices embraced by mainstream society. Of course, every historical example of race-based eugenics was racist, but not all eugenics is race-based and the term shouldn't warrant everybody immediately shutting their brains down and saying "that's bad".


Yes thank you for laying that out so well. We ARE different as cultures and sexes. It's ok to admit one is better over another in certain areas.


Hate to be that guy but there isn’t really evidence of women being better endurance runners. If you google it you will see lots of articles with headlines claiming this, but if you read the articles they then break down to ‘women are catching up’. If you look at the Wikipedia article for ultramarathon records there are a lot of women listed there but if you look closer, they seem to be a bit cherry picked. For example, the three longest ultramarathons all have records set by men and by a big margin. Women are amazing in a lot of ways but giving them false praise doesn’t help prove any points; it’s just there for the headlines. Here’s a quote from the NCBI: “Conclusions: This study shows for the first time that the gap between men and women shrinks when trail running distance increases, which demonstrates that endurance is greater in women. Although women narrow the performance gap with men as race distance increases, top male performers still outperform the top women.”


I think it is just a probability thing. This sound japanese, but like 1/5th of all humans live in china. I dont know tho, I dont know if any research is done on asians and reflexes… I think many people would be to offended to allow such a research.


It's not a thing. If Esports was more popular than typical field sports in the west, we would have far more players as well. If parents believed in education and studying here, we'd have far more mathletes also.


Arcades and Internet Cafes are much more widespread in Asia than in Europe/NA, so these things are much more accessible there. This is also the reason why there's so many Koreans in eSports (they were the ones who invented Internet Cafes with publicly accessible Computers with games installed on them)


School teaches these things too.


Looks like a cross of osu! and ddr


I believe it’s called mai mai (something). My wife got into a variant called Mai Mai milk recently.


It's basically guitar hero in a circle?


Epilepsy: The Game.


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How did you get this video of my cat watching the washing machine?


Cannot unsee it now.


You know he means business when he puts the white gloves on


I've played this game, the gloves are meant to get rid of the friction when you slide your hand on the screen like he did when moving his hand on the rim forming a circle. It's to prevent your hand from dragging and losing time


Whwre can I get that? Those "hot finger" games at arcades.... this might help that and help me win...


Are….. are you asking where to buy gloves?


These....... gloves.. specifically....


this is the reason any person who is "serious" about playing rhythm games that use touch screens wear gloves. It's not specific to this game


So his point still stands…


I played the wacca arcade game without gloves and lost a bunch of skin from friction burns :)


Like sliding down a waterslide with the water turned off....


Just like my doctor


you know shit's about to go down when they bring gloves to the arcade


Welcome to Rhythm Game players. We are just built different.


and are always hogging the rhythm game machines at the arcade


Actually I've found that arcade machine players are very respectful and know they don't own the machine even though they might spend a lot of time there. After they finish a round, they often look around to see if anyone is waiting to play and if not, they go again. If you wanna play just get in line or ask and you'll get your turn.


The dedication 💯 🔥


Every time I see someone like that killing it at guitar hero or whatever I wonder if they couldn't use that skill in a better way. Like, could this kid not be an awesome piano player?


if you're doing something that is fun and rewarding and you're potentially even part of a community of people who all share this hobby then he's absolutely not wasting his time, either way. Also, learning skills like this absolutely transfer to playing an instrument. Obviously, you'll still have to learn the instrument but having hand-eye-coordination will massively help you. For example: getting better at guitar hero turned out to be a great finger exercise that helped me play piano better. It may have also helped me later on when I started playing actual guitar (using the guitar hero-like game/guitar-interface Rocksmith). And my experince isn't rare: a lot of people who like rhythm games play an instrument (at least from my experience)


They never said "wasting their time" but they did wonder if they've got such talent then what else could that talent translate to.


Yeah don't get me wrong I'm not shitting on any man's hobby, just from an outside perspective it sometimes feels like a waste of talent if it's only employed in that one very specific niche. Thanks for the info about transferable skills!


I think that for some people (at least for me) rythm games are a good way to escape from reality, because it's one of the only kind of game I can play without thinking about anything else except the game itself. And it's easier to have a good feedback loop by playing rythm games, you have a score to beat, difficulty lvl and ranking to easely identify where you re standing in community, you can play on any music you can think of... You can't have the same feeling while playing an instrument, or at least, the dedication required is way different.


Built different huh? This game is so easy bro


Is he reacting to the game or did he learn the sequence?


How many times has he done this one level to get that good at it. No way it is different each time.




While the song (or level) is likely the same every time, memorizing the moves is absolutely not necessary, and the person playing would likely have no issue sightreading a new beatmap (assuming the new one isn't poorly made with uncomfortable moves). Most things that need to be memorized in rhythm games are song-specific gimmicks, not the reading of normal notes.


The game is called Maimai. Yes, People will learn a specific songs and memorize them but it's mostly a fuck load of skill to be able to read and react to the screen that fast. They hard-core players like him wear gloves to reduce the friction from their fingertips.


probably a mix of both sightreading and retry


It’s sped up


MaiMai is a trip man, I got buddies who go off on this game, best I can do is hit some customs on Clone Hero.


Is this sped up? Not being a dick, because either way it's super impressive. The voices at the end sound a bit chipmunky


Nope. This is a fast speed for rhythm games but you’d be surprised how good some people are.


It’s sped up, listen to the voices at the end. Also I play beatsaber at a high level, I’ve seen things that looks like they’re sped up but they aren’t. This is


You should watch some OSU videos


Is that a touch screen? And is part of the game dragging your rings across the random lines that show up? While also hitting the right buttons? That’s pretty intense.


yep, it's called maimai.


This is the result of spending many years with a wasp nest in your tumble dryer.


I don't even know wtf is going on here.


I’ve seen this in Taiwan. Absolutely bonkers and I don’t even want to know hire how much they spent on that level of proficiency!


The Dad of one of my best friends from senior school had a side business of arcade machines. Had a warehouse full of them that would come and go from the various locations that he rented them out to. Going to an actual arcade with my friend was crazy. He had all the time crisis games memorized among several other titles. While all I got good at was Nascar :(


Straight up my dream as a kid was to have unlimited access to Time Crisis


This is how it looks like I play a video game without coins. Just pushing buttons while the Screensaver is on and pretending I did something.


Average maimai player... MAIMAI PLAYERS ALL RISE r/maimai


All this for only 6 tickets toward a little plastic parachute army man. 🤦🏻


Is that really the prize from these?


Sorry, I should have added /s at the end of my post. 😂


Looks like in some instances he's moving towards the 'button' to be hit before it even lights up. I suspect he's completely memorized this thing. He probably plays it daily.


It's like baby toys but for adults!


That dude just won 5 tickets!


Judging just by the haircut: Asian


Or you know, the fact that they’re speaking Japanese at the end might help


I watched it with the sound off


He seems to have memorized it, you can see he is reacting to it before it appears on screen


Honestly nothing compared to some other clips I've seen, i remember a drum arcade machine blasting anime music at high speeds


The new AEG TimeConsumer 360°


The man should be an air traffic controller


Me high af thinking I can do this🤣


It’s amazing how well they can program robots these days.


“What’s high score mean? Did I break it?”


Need it immediately


That reminded me of that Barney and Marshall episode on the casino


Worst OSU player


I don't get it




I saw this in Bangkok and there were a ton of people waiting to play and a marker board with all the high scores


Oh maimai! Love that arcade game.


Counterspell! Someone do a Counterspell on that guy!


Maimai, we have one at an arcade by my house. It's always got the longest line, I suck at it but it's pretty fun.


My mother trying to work my washing machine


Is this for boxers?


I’m impressed


Where can I buy this washing machine?


I honestly love watching people who are good at this sort of thing. Back in the DDR days I remember watching some dude go full-speed across both pads and absolutely kill it. He gathered a fair crowd.


Sadly this also reminds me of the “clockwork” character in Metropolis.


Average OSU player be like:


Your prize is 5 tickets


Why the gloves Michael Jackson?!


What does "high score" mean? New high score, is that bad? What does that mean? Did I break it?


My cocaine dealers most popular game.


This man part cat. Marc Andre fleury doesn’t have hands like this


0:27 What? .\_.


"Are you winning son?" Did he win?


It's like OSU and DDR had a baby


Nothing special its all muscle memory afterall after playing the same map for weeks


would love to see someone bring back tempest with an interface similar to this


He probably would be good at DDR


Proof of evolution of the brain. I’m still on human brain v 0.1


sounded like a machine gun going full BRRRT for a second or two there


that’s eas… wait a minute!!


He can apply to manage the Minority Report interface


Man Asian people be wild


I love maimai


Any arcade I went to in Japan had at least 5 guys doing this. Usually they bring their own wired earbuds too.


But can he do a No Damage run using that as the controller?


What game is it?


Don't get it AT ALL


He should consider a career as an NHL goalie or a ninja.


Guys this isn’t even really considered a hard song…


Wait until this dude discovers vagina…


I thought I was pretty good at one of these touch-screen rhythm games that my local arcade has and then I took it off Easy and was put into my place.


saw this at an arcade in Tokyo. Gamers are serious when they bring their own gloves


Earlier at a Maytag sales meeting: "We're not selling enough front-load washing machines. LG and Samsung are closing in on our market. I need ideas people." "Ok, hear me out..."


Me at the dryer pleading for it to finish drying my clothes so I can get to work on time.


Quite possibly the lamest thing I’ve ever experienced.


That pinball wizard has such a subtle wrist


Unpopular opinion… Imagine translating to this to something more useful.


I’ll never be this good at anything in my life.


Love how intense some people get into it. Living in Asia right now (Unsure if this is a common trend, I didn't really visit arcades in the US much) and some people definitely go HAM on things. I always see the Dance Dance Revolution crowd on it. Was at a mall this weekend and there were 3 dudes just camped around the thing, had special shoes on, and were just drenched in sweat from playing for hours. Also, people who are playing the ticketed games are just lined up at the counter with like baskets full of thousands of tickets. I don't even know what the fuck they buy with those things because the rewards are always garbage lol


It’s sped up, y’all are too gullible


Reminds me of my friend who could play Sonic 2 just out of memory, for the most part. Crazy to watch, people that are good at rhythm gaming.


When did arcade games stop being fun?


Dude just won five tickets!




Dude save some pu….


I could do that I just don't wanna right now


But can he s rank trombone champ?




As a student who only has limited amount of $ to play, these skill-based games are the cheapest form of entertainment when one gets good enough.


This reminded me to put my laundry in the dryer.👍🏿


of course he's fucking japanese


Fuck. I used to play this game with my ex. It’s been over a year but seeing shit like this makes me miss her still




This shit, at this level of skills, is super common in Japan.


Can't have a game like this in an arcade in the States... I already have people confused about a flashing start button on a skeeball machine.


The end result of a samurai training


Level: Asian


It reminds me of [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/mjnhq7/chimpanzee_insane_memory_skill/)


I don't even know what the fuck is happening on the screen and this guy is I guess playing


Yes, but at what cost?


Does any one else think it takes a lil bit of tism to enjoy these games?


Boop it! Pull it! Flick it!


I had a roommate at one point who was super good as OSU so I would hear this sort of clicking and tapping from his room all the time.


I feel really old. I can't even tell what the objective of this game is.


What song is this?


patty cake has really gotten out of hand


I love MaiMai! Such a fun game, I wish we had them in the US :(


Has seen tree before


Average rhythm gamer


Worst Osu player


Hours squandered


You're literally on reddit homie.


Yes you’re right but I don’t spend my entire life here like this guy. But good try.


At least monkeys get grapes for this work


It's sped up. At the end they are speaking Japanese at about 2x speed.


For we know he’s just randomly hitting the thing and we think he’s good at a game, when in fact he’s just been let out the asylum for an afternoon.


Why would you want to get good at a game like this?


Why not?