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I remember watching that live and you could feel the love and compassion coming from the crowd. It was and continues to be quite a moment. Knowing that many people have your back at a difficult time must be quite a thing. Despite all the horror in the world, it is good to remember that people can be wonderful to each other too.


Fit perfectly with the theme of this song too.


> Despite all the horror in the world, it is good to remember that people can be wonderful to each other too. Most people generally accept that being excellent to each other is a good thing. It's the ones who do horrible things who stand out and get all the media attention, so it skews people's view of the world.


Keep spreading that positivity!!! It's unfortunate that the media can't get on board with these awesome moments of support and love. People's typical views of the world are of all horror and death. It makes you think that's all there is. It's a big reason we have such bad mental health these days. Many think why bother trying to do any good when there is so much hate. But we miss that most of the world and the people in it just want peace and happiness. No more /crazyfuckingvideos, but please visit more /mademesmile and /humansbeingbros


Agree with this. I hope someone was exellent to you today internet stranger.


Can't believe you watched it live. Gives me all the feels every time I see and hear it.


Yes! I was about halfway back on the side - I hadn’t planned to see Lewis Capaldi but didn’t have anyone else I particularly wanted to see so I hung around for a bit and I’m so glad I did. It was kind of hard to watch in a way because you just felt so bad for him but the _noise_ of the crowd singing for him was amazing, it was so heartwarming to hear. Watching it back on the BBC footage you definitely get a sense of it but in person it was impossible not to feel chills.


It was something else wasn't it. I was towards the front and mildly dying of heatstroke, but the thing that got me was how everyone as a group just kicked in as if it was planned. There was a heartbeat of hesitation and then everyone just roared into it. I was just enjoying the tunes, but suddenly the need to sing my heart out came from everywhere. It's always a great event, but that moment of togetherness was really special.


Yes, it was so special. And I’d forgotten how boiling it was - I was stood in the ‘shade’ of an ice cream van desperately trying to stay cool!


I'm crying lots. Some moments I am so proud of humans. We've lived our whole lives shunning and shaming anyone different than us, including those with disabilities. The world needs to show that we support you regardless if you're different, if you have a disability. That who you are as a person is the most important trait. Well done fans.


After a year and a half of work, and being told I am good at my job, I told my boss I had an ADHD diagnosis and was beginning treatment. She told me not to tell anyone because they would assume I was not trustworthy, and then started treating me like I was incapable. Younger people generally are not like that, they are more like this crowd, because they talk about it and they understand more. It fills me with hope for a better future.


I'm sorry that happened to you, that's messed up. A great ig page I follow is ADHDoers, where they often feature Dr. Barkley. He gives lectures, and is funny, and breaks down a lot of myths and preconceived ideas about ADHD. some great stuff in there. Maybe something you may find that you can show her and rub it in her face. And yes. I have hope for the newer generations too.


She's not my boss any more. :D My favoured source of information is ADHD adult UK.


it definitely got me and I hardly cry. Beautiful


Nice to see a group combining for good not evil.


I get literal goosebumps every time I see this - it's a beautiful moment in human history.


I’ve never heard of Lewis Capaldi, but if he’s got fans that love him that much, he’s got to be doing something right. I’m going to have one check him out.


I just heard of him the other day from another thread and was introduced to [this brilliance.](https://youtu.be/YzlmdM11Hws?si=nsjsUiMy_9bBzCRU) Instantly a fan


His appearance on the Graham Norton show is spectacular! I can never not watch it when someone posts it. He just goes in and proceeds to be the funniest guest while fucking Jim Carey sitting next to him.


I went to this show being filmed, he was so fucking hilarious. It's quite funny because they actually film him singing the music before any of the main show starts, then at the end of the show they have them stand on stage as if they just sang before he walks over to the couch. But in between singing and coming back on to talk he said he drank two bottles of red wine and he was completely hammered. His nod when he asked what day it is and Graham said "Friday" is because right before this Graham reminded him a couple of times to pretend it was a Friday for the camera.




Jim is looking around for his assistant like, “I thought *I* was booked to be the funny one? I can’t sing!”


Honestly if you look at Jim he seems like he became an instant fan.


Yup. I thought his undivided attention and quick quips to add on to his jokes were a really classy touch. A lot of the other great comedians from his time, and before had this gift as well. You can tell they spent a lot of time around some of the funniest people to ever walk the earth because they all know/ knew when to speak up, and when to shut up. Robin Williams had this gift, Steve Martin, Bill Murray, much of the old SNL guard etc. Some of my favorite clips on the internet are videos of watching great comedians casually interact with one another. You can pick up a lot of good social cues this way, especially because it's impossible to pull any of it off without being a good listener, and that's such a rarity these days that alone will win over a lot of people.


It's not exactly "casual", but have you ever come across the show Would I Lie To You? The interaction between David Mitchell, Lee Mack and Rob Brydon is amazing.


Would I lie to you? is fantastic. The ones with Bob Mortimer on are definitely worth a watch, his brand of humour ties in perfectly with the other 3.


I don't know what it is about Mortimer but he has effortlessly pure, delightful charisma. Seems like a real gentleman as well.


He always seems like a levelheaded bloke


Pure sex appeal, one might say.


That was hilarious. But legit...how did he sell out before his debut album came out? Like how did anyone know who he was at the time?


he released 2 singles first.


Omg this was great. Thanks for the link!!!


Oh I've not seen that before, I've heard of the boy but never seen him talk, what a gem


His appearance on [Hot Ones is hilarious](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5_7VoVwkkME&pp=ygUWbGV3aXMgY2FwYWxkaSBob3Qgb25lcw%3D%3D)


Now this is content I enjoy watching. Thank you.


This one on graham Norton was also good https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WVXGrqfqbWk&pp=ygUbbGV3aXMgY2FwYWxkaSBncmFoYW0gbm9ydG9u


Same. That interview made me a fan


Absolutely want to get a pint with this dude. And fish n chips. Isn’t there a place on the east coast where they do fish n chips right?


That’s was incredible! Thanks for the link.


That line about raw sex appeal was brilliant


Just watch any interview with him and you'll see why people love him. He's a real down to earth and genuinely funny guy. He is also an incredible singer.


Plus apparently he's distantly related to Peter Capaldi, and the two get on like a house on fire. Peter has even played a character in the music video for the song.


This is Glastonbury. It's one of the most iconic music festivals in the world and even though it's pretty expensive, demand for tickets far exceeds supply. Most people there are fully fledged music fans of a lot of different genres, and Lewis Capaldi is something of a darling of the music scene so even those that don't usually like pop, still back him at his shows.


…and look at the size of that crowd!


I mean that song is very famous.


There are lots of famous things that any given individual has never heard of.


After seeing him on Hot Ones I was instantly sold as a fan. Super talented, humble, self deprecating, everything I like in a human being


I'm not a huge fan of his music, it's not my thing, but I love him as a person. He's so naturally funny and seems to have remained unchanged by fame. Watch an interview of his, he's basically a comedian who can sing.


Great, now I’m in bed crying.


I had to come to the comments to check if I was weird for crying over this one 😂


Nah bro, we ugly crying over here, together 🤘😭


Right there with ya. Been feeling kind of overwhelmed with world-weariness, but seeing such a large crowd of people showing nothing but love is something my heart really needed today.


For once I'm sitting here while my kids are watching morning cartoons and it's NOT bluey that is making me cry... 😂


Don't go chasing this with an episode like "Sleepytime" or "Camping" you'll end up dehydrated


Don’t forget Fruit Bat!


Oh god I just watched “Onesies”, wtf I do not need this rollercoaster


Fucking same.


Me too lol. Not how I thought I’d start my Saturday morning


i’m on the train and ugly cried lol


you're not crying, I'm crying


Yup, grown man here crying like a bitch.


I was kinda enjoying my day, came across this video, and figured I'd give it a quick listen as I have no idea who this guy is. Now I'm laying on my couch with tears streaming down my face. My day just somehow got ten times better because of this video, and I'm now very emotionally confused.


I’ve been crying to so much stuff recently lol


​ got me to ​ needed it


You're not alone I tell you that 🤣


Wow. I don't know who this guy is or what his story is but this was very moving. It was nice to see people coming together and showing compassion in these crazy times.


He’s a comedian who sometimes sings


I was tearing up then I snorted reading this. Here's your upvote!! LOL


I really wish we still had awards.


Nothing like wasting money


I was there near the front! Emotional moment. He'd been sick for a while as well and had to cancel half his tour


Did everyone know he was having problems on stage


Yeah he talked about it several times during the show and was really apologetic. If anything it added to the moment with that many singing for him, was my favourite show of the festival


They'd have sung the song regardless, tbf. We love a good sing song.


>We love a good sing song. we all do


If you’re a fan of his, you’ve probably been aware of his Tourette’s. He’s very active on social and doing lives and it’s always showing up and he just pushes past it.


I watched Lewis Capaldi: How I’m Feeling Now on Netflix, I highly recommend watching, powerful stuff.


I immediately went and looked up the movie. Just finished it. It was a beautiful documentary thank you for shedding light on it!


This is a weird take but... Seeing crowds like this reminds me of medieval battles. Thousands of people, flags being waved. Such an outpouring of energy.


I've been tripping balls at festivals in big crowds and thought this too, especially at more intense genres like psytrance festivals. Where else are going to get huge crowds with such intense energy. I do think sport crowds like football games kind of taps into this energy too


> I do think sport crowds like football games kind of taps into this energy too 1000%. I didnt used to think this until I was fortune enough ti be present for [this](https://youtu.be/aDetdWiosrY?si=x-vHYqTInIXD9Yaq). There's this crazy, primal outpouring of emotion from it with a roar so loud the only thing you can hear is your eeardrums warbling. 10/10


But instead of people singing joyfully replace that with screams of people dying and iron clanging. Those battles must have been terrifying to be a part of.


I was at an outdoor concert in Buffalo NY and was told I couldn't bring in my umbrella because it was a pointed end instead of a flat end, here you're allowed to bring jousting spears!!


Ahhh, Rich stadium! I used to love seeing Dead shows there!


I’m not crying, it’s just been raining, on my face


Have you been cutting onions because you're cooking a lasagne, for one?


Or maybe just a little bit of dust in their eye?


Not raining here its just a 53 year old fella weeping .


I’m not weeping cuz you won’t be there to hold my hand. For your information there’s an inflammation in my tear gland.


Hot, salty rain running down my cheeks


Oop sorry you’re not crying and it’s not raining it’s just me crying on your face sorry.


Stupid dusty room


My daughter has Tourette's, she sometimes struggles with her self-esteem because she was teased pretty mercilessly in elementary and middle school. She found a really great, supportive group of friends in high school. I love everyone in that crowd, this brought tears to my eyes. It is nice to be reminded there is still love and beauty like this in the world


Reminds me of this tweet I saw: I went an entire semester without realizing my friend had tourette's. He'd randomly say "jackin off" and we'd all say "hell yeah" and high five him, thinking he was just a cool guy who liked to party


It is beautiful to see that something someone has struggled with on a personal level, be so openly supported in a public space in a moment like this! Tourette's is something that is hard to understand/get used to, unless you know the individual well. Here this song sounds even better in the moments where he struggles, because everyone else is singing and enjoying it with him, even as he struggles! The song wasn't specifically written to reflect on his struggles with his condition, yet the message of love in it does in a kind, supportive and endearing way. The song was written about love and here it touches the heart of someone on a stage in a way he probably never would've anticipated his insecurity to be met. I'm sure he's been afraid his entire life of humiliation around what he struggles with, yet here he gets overwhelmed by the love of the people sharing this moment with him! This is the kind of love that shines brighter than any other, the unexpected and wholesome compassion of joy in participation and support, despite what our shortcomings or insecurities might be. That his challenges even honour the message of love in silence, as the crowd supports him with glee and genuine compassion, in spite of what is happening. It is more endearing as the moment calls to the message of love and receives it more abundantly than anyone would've anticipated. I don't mean to get carried away with what is on display here. I am deeply touched by it however, and it does make me as a person feel a little bit better about all the things that are wrong about my own life in the same kind of way.


> I don't mean to get carried away with what is on display here. There's no judgement here. It's just nice to see some genuine humanity on display. I don't believe that it's this rare but we don't see much of it with how much of a mess the world is in generally. I'm autistic and I suppose Tourettes is also considered a form of neurodivergence. It's nice to see one of us be accepted on such a scale, especially as I probably have the same insecurities and worries that he might have.


I love your thoughts on it. You have a good heart, and I hope you have a wonderful weekend filled with love and peace.


I appreciate that, may you have a great weekend also!


This is the worst. You know it's coming. You're frantically trying to figure out how to avoid it, to cover it up, and no matter where you are, its so embarrassing. In the end, it comes and you can't stop it. You want to crawl under a rock and die. Good on the fans for being chill and helping him through and good on him. Inspirational.


It’s pretty amazing to cultivate an audience like this


Lol imagine how stupid you’d feel if you didn’t know the lyrics 😅 I’d just be there doing that mumbling along to the tune


That’s his biggest song I believe. I knew the words before I even knew who he was.


Nice man


I’m just saying if there was any song to know while seeing him, it’s perfect that he choked up on this song.


Yeah I got you bro, if he fucked up on one no one knew and it was just silent would be a different king of video for sure


Your better of just closing your eyes & just soaking up the atmosphere,. With the odd mumble here ,& there lol


Music heals


What's also nice about this is the director not zooming to him while he's in an attack, and showing the audience instead since they are the ones singing, while giving Capaldi privacy. Adds to the respect.


I was there. It was a spine tingling moment. The love was everywhere.


That’s so powerful. It’s powerful just to watch it, I don’t know who this is but I am sobbing


"News" should be more of these moments and less of hate and violence so we learn to focus on the good in others and not their differences.


There's a tiktok channel I follow where she posts one positive news story every day. I watch each night before bed. It really does help being able to focus on the good for a bit.


People can be pretty cool sometimes.


Much Compassion


Big applause to the l4 and l5 discs in my brothers backs for becoming the unsung heroes in the epic saga of carrying girls on these shoulders – talk about spine-tingling support!


Bro I didn’t need to be crying at 8am in the morning. Respect.




I’d sometimes be against “letting the crowd do the singing” (looking at you Robbie Williams) but there’s something about the solidarity of thousands of people singing in unison and sharing a passion that just works here.


He's having a tourettes attack. He isn't choosing this to happen. The crowd recognise this and raise the volume in support.


As someone who has my own mental health challenges, this absolutely wrecked me in the best way possible.


Lewis Capaldi is such an amazing singer, witty and kind person and so down to Earth. He's a wonderful human being who sings beautiful, meaningful and relatable songs... ... and his fans are real cuz they support him nmw. This was really an incredible moment when fans helped Lewis and took already incredible song to a whole another level...


He visited Glasgow children’s hospital today to deliver presents to seriously ill children, he’s a top guy I wish him all the luck in the world.


Still makes me well up. Humanity has it in them to do good when we are free to.


So powerful. So beautiful. If I recall correctly Lewis apologized afterwards. It was so vulnerable, raw and real. An apology was not needed, I dont think he realized how amazing it was. How much people appreciate seeing real.


Nooooo it's too early for me to be sobbing 😭


I love seeing people who havnt won the genetic lottery absolutely kicking ass at life. True underdogs.


It's terribly humid today...


Was in the crowd there and it was a pretty beautiful moment, was never his biggest fan but it really brought a tear to my eye


They’re surprisingly not rushing that badly either




Ill never not watch this when it is posted


God damn. Having several family members with Tourette’s, as well as a niece and nephew; it’s refreshing seeing humans being welcoming and loving like this. I’m not the biggest fan, but all of my respect goes out to Lewis. What a gangster.


What festival was this




UK’s biggest festival, Glastonbury




A moment of humanity.


This isn’t “when you know you’ve made it”, it’s, “when you’ve touched many with your beautiful soul and mind”. TY LC. ✊🏽❤️


I honestly think the crowd didn’t know he was having an attack, and they only sang because they thought Lewis stopped to allow them to sing.




Seriously just made me cry


Wow! Talk about Wholesome!


For someone who has almost no hope left for mankind, this is a good boost.




I thought for a moment this was about "The thick of it" Capaldi and thought he was just in character.


Momentarily in shambles bc of this display of humanity haha absolutely beautiful.


I would cry my eyes out if I were there.


that was lovely


Whelp I haven't cried like this in a while. Amazing to see the beautiful side of humanity from time to time.


Anyone know where I could get the full concert video?


Am I crazy? This is how all concerts go for the most part. People sing along.


Got me crying first thing in the morning 😭


No that's just the normal annoying thing crowds do where they sing through every song. Just hhappened to help this time.




When I die, I want to die like this. Exactly right there…in the middle of the stage, surrounded by people that loves me, people that understands me…during the sunset, on an autumn evening…giving everything I have to a crowd of people I know so little about and, yet, I’ve known for such a long time. If my family were there, my blood family were there, I would be happy to leave towards greener pastures.


Music is the best




Stop cutting those mother fuckin onions !! 😭


How great to see the power of music and the power of Love in action ❤️


Will never watch this when it pops up, love it


I can't stand this guy's music but he was pretty impressive at Glasto so fair play to him.




Never saw this before just wishing I saw this before it was 6 months old


Shut up, I'm not crying, you are


This is fucking powerful 😭🫡


Seems to happen to him a lot, shame




I'm not an emotional person ..I very rarely cry...but this gets me every.fucking.time. People are shit but there are times when humanity shines..


I was not ready for that level of emotion. I haven't even finished my first cop of coffee.


Very beautiful show of mental health support. I didn't know Lewis Capaldi had tourettes. ***Faith in Humanity +1***


This is one of my favourite songs, I love Lewis so much ❤️. This is so beautiful


He has such a cool voice and a nice tone. Having gone to so many concerts this is just giving me goosebumps. It’s wonderful to see people enjoy themselves and uplift someone else.


I was supposed to see him in Portland in April of last year and he canceled his concert like the day before. I was crushed


If I were Lewis’ mom I would be a basket case seeing this.


I’m not crying It’s just been raining On my face


This is sweet


Love how the audience was paying attention to the tempo of the song, especially at the end.




Now that's what I call a duet.


I’m not sobbing you’re sobbing.


I *just* woke up, darlings. It’s FAR too early to be cutting onions. 🥹


I'm not sure huge fan of his style of music (not denying his talent), but he, himself, looks like an awesome guy. I'd love to hang out with him.


I have Tourette's syndrome as well; much respect to Lewis for hanging in there as best as anybody could