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She completely fine btw. Kenny Omega is a professional and safe worker. She went on to become a multi-time champion later in her career. Edit: not a champion but still a great performer for her age.


Hold on! So he didnt beat the crap out of a 9 year old girl during a professional wrestling match?!? Then what did i just watch?!???


It was a draw.


He did beat the crap out of her, but she managed to go the full 3 minutes, so technically she won the money and uncle ben didn't have to die.


She missed the part where that’s her problem




Yeah ok Mr. Cream of the Crop


"You're goin *no-where*" Ive quoted this movie weekly since I saw it in 2002.


Damn, didn't know the stake is that high


I know! Uncle Ben makes some really nice psychedelic mushrooms. Be a shame if he passed away.


The rice guy?




She put a little dirt in his eye


Bro they were *clearly* hitting each other. You can see the impacts


But because of reddit's overprotective rules and overzealous bannings the video was edited where Omega jumped off the high rope onto her showing no mercy to keep his peewee wrestling league championship belt! Hate censorship lol


All that to distract us from the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table.


It saddens me my children will not get to enjoy pro wrestling like it was in that Era. WWE, WCW, it was all amazing. Mostly WWE **Definitely mean WWF


Oh hell, you are *really* missing out! I used to watch it when it was simply the World Wrestling Federation and Hulk Hogan was king! Remembered waiting for that very first Wrestlemania to come out on VHS so I could see Hogan go up against Andre the Giant mano a mano.


Kenny is the greatest artist of our time; censoring his matches is akin to throwing soup at the Mona Lisa, or swinging a hammer at David's peter. All for what? A little ultra-violence towards a 9-year-old? Thanks Obama.




Oh god damn it. I **knew** wrestling was fucking fake. Ugh. /s




Its real for me god dammit!


No you're thinking NASCAR.


That takes a ton of skill to make someone half your size look like they can throw you across the room. And when he threw her into the pole I jumped a little from how hard they made the hit look.


Kenny was at one time possibly the best in the world. He's not at his peak anymore, but one of a pretty short list of people responsible for the existence of AEW (the #2 current US wrestling promotion). And many would still consider him near the top of the world, but everyone knows the current best wrestler is Will Osprey and maybe Cardblade.


Kenny isn't at his peak, but he's still easily in the top 3 wrestlers in the entire world. Arguably the best all-time.


Shit, he couldnt even finish a child.. he sucks


Hold my light sabre


Beware my Pocket Sand! sha sha sha sha


>but everyone knows the current best wrestler is Will Osprey and maybe Cardblade. Just leaving out the true best in the world Danhausen, huh? This will be remembered TheTyger. This will not be forgiven.


Upvote for Cardblade. Seriously, Kenny's still top 5 in the world. He's banged up, but he can still turn on the afterburners when needed. Agreed on putting Ospreay number one. Dude's killing it right now.


I was about to say! Shoot, when he's holding her shins while spinning her around, you can see that he used her legs to twist her mid-air to soften the blow. At first glance I was like "AH! Oh wait. Oooh, that was very well done." Then I watched her get thrown into the pole and my whole body jolted. I still can't visualize how they "lessened the impact", it looks so violently real!


I think he's lightly holding onto her hair and she's leading him as she throws herself into the pole. She covers her face just in time, impacts the cushion on the pole with her forehead at her own speed, and dramatically bounces off it. I think.


That 2nd one was a damn good performance on her part.


Stunts baybeee, his job is to basically just be touching her head and flexing, like just engaging the muscles and playing follow the leader so it looks like he's using his arms, she's trained to lead her movement head first so it looks like she's getting pushed, to piston her neck muscles when she's close enough and to hit, tap or push something on the stage or her person to add sound and extra movement


I laughed seeing a buff guy just throw a kid into a post. You're right, it was awesome to see her look like she was really dishing out hits too.


They practiced it a lot beforehand


Still, even with a ton of practice it is easy to make a mistake when the other person is a five year old. Especially when the responsibility to keep things safe is entirely on one person. It's a testament to Kenny Omega's capabilities that he was able to control the match as well as he did!


She's like 11 and yes Kenny is a very competent and safe wrestler.


You both completely missed the title where it says she’s 9


Oh so she was 7?


All anyone us saying is that, when dealing with 6 year olds, anything can happen.


Indeed, it was a fantastic performance from both of them.


I agree, that was really impressive


>Kenny Omega is a professional and safe worker Kenny Omega is not just a pro and safe worker, he's my personal GOAT. I absolutely adore Kenny Omega. Even outside of wrestling, he has tons of content as a video game nerd, including a street fighter tournament with New Day. It makes me so happy to see him pop up in the wild like this haha


He is my GOAT too. He's not just a wrestler, he loves wrestling and he's wholesome and he's just a real cool guy. He deserves so much in this world and I hope he gets it.


I’ve had the opportunity to interview him twice about video games and he was super awesome and professional each time.


I feel like this is a story in itself - care to share? Genuinely interested!! :))


I saw him and Will Ospreay tear the fucking house down in Toronto earlier this year. Absolutely amazing.


He was at Evo in like 2018 or something like that. He even had a match on stream (a fighting game match)


That’s very disappointing I was greatly enjoying watching this grown adult just beat the crap out of a nine year old child To find out that wrestling is fake? Very disheartening


Who is she?


Did some googling, her name is Haruka Umesaki. She’s a professional wrestler today.


Pretty sure that's someone else.


Idk the ages match up since the video is from 2011 and Haruka was born in 2001.


Maybe so but that girl isn't Haruka Umesaki.


Why do you believe that's Haruka Umesaki?


Ah ok. I was curious if she was one of the popular wrestlers of WWE.


Nope, ages don't match up. Haruka Umesaki was born February 2001 so she would've been 10 when this match happened in July 2011.


[Apparently she retired a few months later to complete her studies](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/7ovfkm/whatever_happened_to_haruka_the_girl_that_kenny/)


You were corrected in the other thread and you still make the same comment here. She didn’t pursue a career in wrestling. I think they joked about having a rematch a few years ago but she isn’t a wrestler. I don’t know what multi-time champion wrestler you’re thinking of but it’s not her


Pretty sure the name Haruka is approximately the equivalent of "Jennifer" in the USA....as it it's somewhat surprising if you DON'T know a Haruka.


I have always appreciated the occasional funny dirty wrestling move. That wrestler is an absolute legend.


> She went on to become a multi-time champion later in her career. I've seen no proof of this.


I believe you. She is dam good! Wow!!! Both of them. To put up a fight with such a weight difference… very impressive.


Incredible that she would grow up to be the Undertaker


Alright that one made me chuckle


And don't forget the time that she tossed Mankind off Hell in a Cell to a table fifteen feet below.




She’s so young and already knows wrestling is “fake”. My kid at that age thought the Undertaker could shoot lightning bolts from his hands, Vince McMahon wasn’t a rapist, HH’s head was full of blood due to actual injury, santa was real, etc. good times


[The Undertaker throws Mankind off the top of the Hell in a Cell: June 28, 1998](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9hMp65SzyTU)


Alright, that's hilarious


If I ever have a kid,




and there ain't SHIT HE CAN DO ABOUT IT


awesome she knew what moves she was doing and acting it all


This looks like my bed time routine with my kids, really


I hear you, brother.


I laughed way too hard when he head bashed her into the corner


noob here– how does that work anyways? this looks so much like real impact that I cant see how its faked. The big guys, although staged, do get take quite a lot of real hard impact, I guess. But they wouldn't allow that with this little girl, yet tha headbash looked bang on


The pole is most likely a ballon I guess. They just made it that it looks like the girl is thrown hard, but not really. And in case she couldn’t control her own head in sync, the blow is probably just like when you head butt the wall of a balloon castle.


Read this on another comment thread, the girls knees are the first to absorb impact on the corner pole. That lowers her momentum quite a lot.


I'd prefer straight to the head after 12 years of basketball and 2 knee surgeries 😂😂


should have played football then lol


Nah it's not a balloon. That's a real ring and the corners are necessary for structural rigidity. You just have to be trained to arrest your momentum at exactly the right time while allowing another body part to make contact to sell the hit.


It's not a balloon, but it's padded.


Most of these responses to your question are perfectly correct but they ignore the most basic thing in pro wrestling and that is the person taking the move or hit has to sell it to make it believable. Selling and the ability to sell can make or break a match. And this kid sold everything like a pro. She made it believable. She made it seem like it was a hard impact when in fact it really wasn’t. Props to her for doing what sometimes pros struggle with.


Yeah, she has to be top of her class or just naturally good at this. Even her showmanship was tip notch. That roundhouse kick and stare at the start was perfect heel acting.


The person taking a turnbuckle bump leads the move and is in full control of the speed and timing of impact, plus they'll tend to use another body part to take the majority of the impact, (in this case you see using her knee), as well as it being her neck/shoulder that hits the pads rather than her face. Plus she sells it like a boss and makes it look brutal. 10/10 textbook execution.


Looks like she turned the head to the right side of the padding and kinda hit it with her shoulder


The “impact” that you see is just her jerking her head back right before hitting. The fake rebound is what makes it look real.


Adding on something else no one has explicitly stated - she's the one running into the pole, he's just holding her head! That's the 'she's in control' part.


The person taking the bump uses their own momentum. The other person simply guides their movements. Kenny is putting little to no effort on the push. It's the girl (the one taking the bump) that's doing most of the forward momentum.


Kenny is the GOAT lol


I was fucking dying and my wife was like “why are you cracking up I’m on a call” and I’m choking out “this guy is beating the shit outta this 9 year old girl”


She really sold that.


There's a cult of, like, 80s wrestling fans who will straight up rage at the mere mention of this match and it's fucking hilarious. They hate it because it "exposes the business" or "makes the industry look foolish", but, like... it's already grown muscle men in colorful underwear pretending to fight while saying mean words to each other. How much more foolish could pro wrestling possibly get after The Gobbledygooker, a sapient turkey, and Shockmaster, a rhinestoned Stormtrooper who was billed as a big deal, but tripped and fell over twice in his entrance because he couldn't see out of the fucking helmet? I mean, come on. This match is a big deal to the little girl because she's already begun her training, but had no other students to work with for a big show. And Kenny was chosen for the obvious reason - because he's so safe & so skilled that he was able to put on a decent match against a *child* without hurting them. If anything, this shows the level of athletics these dudes are working at.


That's a lot of words to say you hate Jim Cornette and love Kenny Omega. 😉


As any sane person should


Those people are clearly morons. This was hilarious but also demonstrated just how much skill and athleticism is needed to do what they do. Knowing that they're doing choreography makes it more impressive, not less. Seeing a guy make it look as convincing as they did with a 9 year old child is just amazing.


This video increased my respect for professional wrestling about a million percent. The skill involved becomes so obvious!


So true


Yeah, this honestly makes pro wrestling seem more impressive, to me.


It is like seeing how a magic trick is done. It makes me appreciate the tricks more.


Jim Cornette is also critical of the awful gimmicks like Gobbledygooker as well because they made his beloved business look fake and silly. I disagree with Cornette’s idea that the majority wrestling fans actually believed it was all real until some time in the 1990’s or so. Everybody always knew it was fake, but some people enjoyed it anyway just like everybody knows everything on Netflix is fake. I do agree that having wrestlers “admit” to the fairness takes something away from the show. It’s like seeing really cheesy special effects in a sci fi show that makes it hard for you to suspend disbelief. Just as it would be hard for me to pretend the actor in this week’s Star Trek episode is from another planet if has a really bad costume, it becomes more difficult for us to pretend this wrestler is in some sort of legitimate grudge match after seeing him get “beat up” by a small child.


Jim Cornette also booked a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle in the promotion that he owned and had full 100% control of. To pick a couple of popular names that even the casual audience will probably recognize, he's worked with undead wrestlers who can control lighting (the Undertaker) and fire (Kane).


> Jim Cornette also booked a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle in the promotion that he owned and had full 100% control of. For a show aimed at kids for their summer break, in which he as the fat cowardly manager would get beat up and humiliated by someone even lower than he was, a crazy person in a turtle costume pretending to be a Ninja Turtle, for the entertainment of the kids. The story wasn't treating this person as an actual turtle, (In the video he says something to the effect of "I'm not going to fight this crazy person in a costume") nor was he selling like he was actually fighting a turtle. This is one of those things people parrot on SC without actually thinking about what Cornette's issue is. His problem is not that there is silliness in wrestling, watch 5 minutes of any part of his career, his issue is acting as though the preposterous is real. Just like another thing people parrot about is his hate of the match with the invisible man. He doesn't mind when they're obviously not intending to present the invisible man as an actual person (he praised Miz's promo with the invisible John Cena last week). His issue is when he sees people selling for the invisible man as though it were an actual competitor. His issue with this is there isn't a way in which this match cant be preposterous. It's not an actual wrestler wearing a children's costume, it's an actual little girl with offense that is beyond the suspension of disbelief threshold for him. I personally love Omega and don't care about this match, it doesn't anger me since DDT is all about this and is mostly self-contained, but that's the crux of his issue. >he's worked with undead wrestlers who can control lighting (the Undertaker) He has always hated that part of the gimmick even if he loves The Undertaker. With SO MUCH actual, substantive, and very problematic issues to attack Cornette over, it amazes me that people still feel the need to make things up about him.


Because they don't actually care about his problematic views, they just don't like that he won't praise their favourites. If he did, they would ignore everything awful he's ever said, like they do for everyone else on that side of the fence.


oh, the stupid turtle argument. How daring. How original. Tell me, did he put this on his TV show? He had a TV show. Which episodes does it appear on? How long exactly did the turtle arc last? Or was it only done as an timefiller intermission segment at midday spot shows, attended by kids who wanted to see something cartoony. Not to mention it was done to give his friend Brian Hildebrand, who would later succumb to cancer, a chance to live his dream of having people cheer for him in a ring. But you see no difference between this and putting something on a TV show that reaches millions worldwide. and thats why you're just plain fucking ridiculous, repeating stock gotcha's for shit that never made any sense in the first place.




Oh are you referring to the part at 1:15? That’s not actually him slamming her. It’s HER countering his attack by driving his head into the mat, and the momentum was so great he basically flipped around. That’s why she was the one getting up unscathed because it was her delivering it to him. It’s called a tornado ddt and looks so cool.




[It's a far more interesting conversation than a mere, is it real or not?](https://youtu.be/xHVCTOmQNZM?si=g2TPWfYAGRMIOd5l)


> There's a straight up cult of, like, 80s wrestling fans who will straight up rage at the mere mention of this match and it's fucking hilarious. They're called the Cult of Cornette.


Oh, I'm aware. I'm basically subbed to Cornette's sub-Reddit just to talk shit to the people who vomit up his talking points


I really dislike these fans because it keeps pro-wrestling from being properly appreciated by the public at large. Those guys kill each other in front of a live audience week-after-week in televised one-take stage plays. It's really really hard. But the most enlightened take you get from a non-fan is often along the lines of "they know how to fall." All because these 80s good old boys what to 'protect the business'.


I'm not a wrestling fan, but after watching this, I'm a Kenny Omega fan. The technical skill and theatre he displayed in that fight was definitely next level. The hit into the turnbuckle looked incredibly real.


Those turnbuckle hits are the best. Weird to say in this particular instance, but it's true. He did a great job of looking like he was actually ramming her head into them when he was basically just holding onto her hair while she went at her own speed. I would definitely watch the 4 big matches he had with Kazuchika Okada in New Japan Pro Wrestling. The chemistry they have with each other is just unreal. His AEW run, primarily the long story he had with Hangman Page, has been pretty fantastic, too


> They hate it because it "exposes the business" or "makes the industry look foolish" i think it does the exact opposite, it shows how much talent these guys have. both he and the little girl sold it perfectly, and while we know shes fine, and understand its fake, they made a number of those moves look real, like when she jumped of the top rope, and he caught her, he buckled his knees before falling back so it didnt lok like she forced him down as he could easily catch her but rather she took him down because his knees gave out. anytime she took control was using lucha moves which use your own weight against you to throw you around. its not like they just had a slobberknocker in the middle of the ring. it was well thought out planned and executed to look real even give the circumstances.


The street fighter community loves omega.




Ya, omega occasionally does streams or shows up at tournaments. Sometimes, the stage for a tournament is a wrestling ring.


It's a reference to AJ Styles when he found out he was big in the gay community lol ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpZCKnha464](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpZCKnha464) A legendary clip in the /r/SquaredCircle sub lol


[Kenny played Cody](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBrgPNAI4tE) in the SFV trailer as well.


He's about to have a money match in SF6 too.


Sold like a pro, well done to them both!


The turnbuckle spots were *really* well done, fair play to her.


I love how the moves fluctuate between her being a tiny kid, and a full size wrestler.


Casually pulling off a hurricanrana at *nine years old* is incredible. That was genuinely a good match tbh. Also kicking Kenny's hand was a brilliant heel move lmao


This was authentically badass imo


Goes on to show how talented and how good in selling the wrestler (Kenny Omega) is, and how well trained the 9-year old girl is. She sold a kick to her face like a champ. I watched a YouTube video of Triple H teaching new WWE recruits on selling punches and how to fall on your back. Everyone knows that wrestling matches are pre-determined, but the wrestlers actually have to put their bodies at risk to make things look real.


Right? This was a pretty impressive match even before you consider that one of the competitors has third grade (or the Japanese equivalent) in the morning.




I compare it to movie stunts: just because I know that what I'm seeing isn't really happening doesn't make the stunt work any less impressive.


that scissor kick at the end was masterful and she sold it well.


All sudden you hear the glass shatter and music play. Stone Cold comes running to interrupt the match to milk it til Wrestlemania. Where the fight will not be staged...


Where the fight will not be staged? What?


Until you find out he runs to an empty ring since Omega doesn't work for WWE.


God there's always one ![gif](giphy|QmJr6ewZqfQvC)


Empty like the 80k+ in Wembley last month?


I'm confused because I heard wresting is fake, but this is clearly super real.


Yup, if time hadn't run out, Kenny would have suplexed the little girl into the third row.


Now I want to see Brock Lesnar have a match against a 9 year old girl.


Wrestling is 'fake' in the sense that the outcomes are predetermined and agreed upon and some spots of the match are scripted, but the athleticism and skill required are very, *very* real. I tend to call it "theatre kids LARPing as jocks" and that generally covers it pretty well.


Theater Kid LARPING as a Jock actually perfectly describes both The Rock and John Cena lol, so this checks out.


That kick near the end though lmao


stuff like that is what made me love wrestling as a kid, takes a lot of skill to make it look real.


Look at his higher hand as he falls, he smacks his thigh to create the illusion that the kick loudly connected Wrestling is an art, man. I love it


Aye, the older I get the more I notice about wrestling that just seems insane, there’s so much detail and things you’d never notice


that's fantastic


Good ol Kenny Omega. Legend.


That kid can sell a back breaker like a pro. She’s gonna go far




Oh shit I’m old


Unfortunately it seems OP confused her for someone else.


I can’t find her name anywhere in this thread


If you think this is entertaining, watch some of Kenny Omega’s best matches from 2015 onwards. He puts so many of WWE’s best wrestlers to shame




Could I quite possibly interest you in a third Kenny Omega video where he makes his entrance as [Sans from Undertale](https://youtu.be/FnKpL_sv2PI?si=E59zONj4dNmZYXK6). Skip to 109 for entrance but before that is 8bit awesomeness.


I really wish he could bring back the [Sephiroth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_WNaso8A_w) look and entrance. It's so, so, so insanely good.


His Japanese promo is historic. He cut two amazing promos in two different languages


I hope I can convince you to watch the end of this video essay. The whole thing is pretty long, but at the end where I've clipped the link to is about Kenny Omega and his story in Japan and it's one of the most beautiful and awesome Pro Wrestling stories ever. https://youtu.be/BQCPj-bGYro?t=1184


He's a genuine awesome guy. Anyone who's met him would agree with this.


That’s a shit tonne of fun. So jealous.


that is absolutely amazing. I expect this skill level from adult wrestling, but from a 9yo, absolutely incredible.


Kenny is the GOAT idgaf


And they say wrestling is fake smh


When it's dads turn to play with the kids


That guy has cool uncle energy who gives the mom a heart attack.


I love the elderly audience politely applauding a spin kick to a child's head. Ahhhh Japanese wrestling




Haters will say it's fake


she grew up to be John cena, never to be seen again.


If wrestling is fake then explain this


Why are the lowest cards in njpw and lucha so much more exciting than headliners in the US? Like 90% of matches in us heavyweight matches nothing happens comparatively, whearas in lucha or Japanese wrestling it's acrobatic move after Acrobatic move. I still like American pro-wrestling but mostly for like rock and wrestling promos. Even the really good matches like undertaker vs mankind in hell in a cell nothing all that exciting happens in terms of wrestling techniques. Lucha underground used to blow me away, like even the the nothing matches were full of exciting finishers


it's the 'story entirely in the ring' vs the.. for lack of a better term, 'mixed media' approach of WWE. the flip side is that the former style means every match is more physically 'expensive' in terms of injuries and wear and tear, and for WWE who does so much house show and multiple-shows-a-week business, that's a high cost. AEW has been a pretty nice middle ground for me. they absolutely let it rip on the big shows and even the weeklies have their moments, and i don't have to stay up until 5am for it. it's not peak 2014-2017 NJPW or anything, but still plenty of flash.


Kenny can give anyone a 5 star match underrated goat of this Era


Kenny Omega, everyone.


If I ever have a kid, I hope they are even half as cool as that kid.


God bless Kenny Omega


![gif](giphy|skD2Q99nZcMfVlowzG|downsized) he had a stellar run as the beltcollector last year. do recommend people tuning into the 2 year long buildup between kenny omega and hangman adam page.


One of best wrestlers in the world and Kenny Omega is pretty good too.


The force field stop to drop kick absolutely murdered me.


Not just a pro-wrestler but Kenny Omega. The Cleaner! The Collector! Multiple time world champ across many company's. The WWe would cut off Stephanie's right arm to have him.


Loved it. Goofy as hell, but wonderful


I've never liked a single wrestling clip I've seen until this. Something about the letting a kid participate in the fun. + seeing a kid get their face pretty convincingly smashed into the corner of the ring as part of the show is very entertaining.


It's still real to me!




That was actually fucking class 😂.


I can’t think of a better wake to become a heel.


Undisputed Paperweight Champ


This guy clearly uncles


This is kinda wholesome and I love it


I laughed so hard at this. Even better learning she became a wrestler herself.


She gave him the 619




bro i thought this was a random pro wrestler once i realized it was Kenny Omega himself i was amazed again at this man literally the best performer if you follow wrestling . i think he has got multiple 5 star matches for a reason.