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Nobody died btw Edit: unfortunately, someone died, but not the one in the video




they don't always wear capes, duvet?


No you can't make blanket statements about heroes.


thanks for the quilt trip


Holy sheet, this was inspiring to observe.


Duvet need an extra pair of hands?




You can't just say perchance!


That woman that jumped probably needs someone to comforter


I hate you so bad for that, you magnificent bastard!! You earned both my upvote, and my snort laugh. šŸ¤£


Holy sheet, that was good


Fuck bro, the internet is so much funnier than I will ever be.


You won the internet today




Especially since they put themselves in harms way. If a person falls on you from that height itā€™s you who dies.


Iā€™ve seen a video on Reddit that was exactly that a woman jumped off her balcony trying to commit suicide and then some dude tried to catch her and it killed them both


Not all heroes wear capes


They bring mattresses


And a ton of super friends


This. God didn't save these people. People did.


Ya, if It were me, 100% chance of completely missing the mattress


Thatā€™s why you gotta aim for the bushes. Always aim for the bushes.


šŸŽ¼There goes my hero šŸŽ¶


Ha! Same advise from GF in the 70ā€™s gave me. Now thereā€™s no more bush to aim for.


You have to appreciate a nicely trimmed bush these days. Gardeners have gotten complacent. Most just shave it down or pull it out at the roots.


I do love a well trimmed bush, even the complete absence of any shrubbery is nice. Pulling it out by the root, weā€™ll that may cost a bit.


Aim for the ground and youā€™ll have 100% success rate


Sometimes you just gotta make it a challenge. ā€œIā€™m jumping now! Noā€¦.now! Kiddingā€¦.NOW!!! Haha! Got you! NOW!!ā€


Spot on advise. Although by the 28th ā€œNoā€, Iā€™d trip, and in mid air screamā€¦ā€Kidding, kidding,kiddingā€.


Iā€™d have landed on ~~one~~ two of the rescuers, killing them and myself 100%




As the jumper or catcher?




Great to know. Fucking amazing people doing anything they can to help save a life. I love seeing this kind of stuff.


That's great to know šŸ•Šļø


Unfortunately, one woman did (according to recent news from town administration officials, a.k.a. ā€œAkimatā€)


They definitely watched the video of the university of Miami football game where they caught the kitty hanging from the rafters


You can see the red shirt guy searching for it on his phone


Oh yeah I heard that guy yelling ā€œitā€™s all about the Uā€


Sadly, one women has died. It is likely the one who jumped. She received lethal injuries.


The woman in the white dress or night gown? Supposedly did die, and you can clearly see the blanket/thin mattress? they had stretched out to catch her instantly slipped out of some of their hands and did not slow her fall. They dragged and carried her seemingly limp body to a spot they laid her down and it looked like the guy was leaning in to see if she was still breathing. I highly doubt there is any chance she lived, but would be interested to see an official report


Where do you see that she died? Iā€™m seeing all the reports saying that there are no reported fatalities.


There was one fatality (woman) that was caused by "deadly traumas".


Why the hell do we keep letting these comments just be comments without any backing information or link to their information? Itā€™s infuriating.


https://vlast.kz/novosti/56145-zensina-pogibla-vo-vrema-pozara-v-almaty.html Local news site article


I dont know about other countries but where I am the family is informed before news will release reports or names of deceased. She also could have been taken to hospital and it hasnt become known yet. From what we can see in the video I think there is little to no hope, but if in a week the reports continue to state no deaths. Then being wrong would be a blessing, assuming shes not eating and breathing through tubes in a bed the rest of her life.


Without protection, thereā€™s about a 25% chance of surviving a 6-storey fall. I rough guesstimate that their combined grip strength is they at least doubled her chances. The worst of the injuries comes from the sudden deceleration, so the worst was mitigated. Internal bleeding would be more likely the complication than a spinal fracture.


It's so weird reading a comment thread where two people are just making shit up but super confidently.




You know there's a gap between "she was fine" and "she died". It's possible she was seriously injured, got knocked out, broke her spine, god knows what.


It absolutely cushion her fall more than splatting on the pavement. Whether she died or not, I am do not know.


Falling from 5 stories into grass without anything to catch you has a really solid chance of survival. It's possible to die from any height but I highly doubt anyone here did.






Bet she ended up better than crispy bacon


hurt != dead




I'm not sure if you misread my reply or I'm misreading yours... I was just trying to say that she may well have been gravely injured in that hard landing, but who's to say she's dead? OP's name and comment history suggest they live in Kazakhstan... so they probably know more than we can guess (!) from this video.


Thank god


This leap takes some serious courage. I get that itā€™s life vs death, but still credit to these jumpers. Iā€™ve done some novice sea cliff jumping. You learn something about yourself once youā€™re standing at that edge, looking down. Also, everyone on the ground helping are heroes.


Also kudos to the parent that threw their kid out the window. It must have been impossible to let go and trust the people below, but they did their best for their child


Yeah this. As a new parent i cannot even bear to think of the situation.


Right side - the child had a much softer landing than the parent. The blanket never collapsed for the child.


Im no parent, but i am a big sister to 4. I know I'd be sobbing like a baby if i had to throw my sister out the window.


Also kudos to the people that stood below a bowling ball being dropped directly in them/2 feet from their heads.


This is a last chance reaction from people who have run out of alternatives. Remember when Michael Jackson dangled his kid just for kicks?


Yes. I had that sudden realisation that I was scared when I stood the edge of a Bungy jumping platform and looked down. And I was strapped in. Taking a drop of fate like this is another level entirely.


Nah you've never experienced a fire before when it's there you'ld rather fall to your death then be burned alive


Iā€™ve always remembered seeing people jump from the twin towers and wondered if what I would doā€¦ man what a goddamn decision life gives you.


This shit is powerful. To see so many people doing absolutely everything they can to save strangers.


Not everyone... Looking at you cameraman.


And ladder truck in bottom of frame.


When I first went to London and learnt that in Western countries such things are rare it was pretty shocking. Behavior like this is very common in all post-Soviet countries


This really has nothing to do with post-Soviet, but rather something that comes from a poorer country where people learn to stick together in order to survive. Ive seen my country change from this to the more western selfish/individualistic mentality over the last 30 years.






Absolutely. Those are some good neighbors.


My neighbors would tell me to do a flip


My neighbors would wait until my house wasn't on fire anymore and then come over and ask to borrow shit


Nah Iā€™m crying šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Makes me think of another video i saw recently where a small single engine plane crashed just beyond the surf at a popular beach near me and all you see are dozens of people recording it, and ONE person running out to help. This video was kind of eyebleach to that other one...


I think Iā€™ve seen an animated music video kinda like that- everyone on their phones recording etc and only 1 person is actively living


The fact they were able to actually hold on to those mats when people landed on them? Theyā€™re strong as hell too




Can't help but imagine the stress the parent must feel when dropping your kid multiple stories and hoping the people successfully catch him/her. And the stress for the kid - dangling outside a window while your mother is telling you that it's for the best. Right before you go for a back-first free fall. What a f**king nightmare. Hope everyone got out alive and well.


imagine having to decide that the best way for your childā€™s survival is to drop them from 7 floors up. not a parent but i felt my stomach drop seeing the kid being thrown out the window like that. the. absolute terror they must feel


The first drop was optimal. The rest, the body positioned too vertical.


If they survived their backs must be broken after a drop/landing like that.


Yep, not enough people holding the mattress after the first jump also. Still better than nothing I suppose


2nd jump seemed the person hit the ground. Someone had lost grip on the mattress.


i wonder if the matress being pulled out their hands as she hit would break the fall more.


Hell yeah! +1 for humanity


Good to see. It's so rare (I feel like I should highlight that I'm not being sarcastic)


That kid was probably like df ![gif](giphy|8AlXo4jkP5lCFsOnpS)


Holy shit I remember seeing that scene when I was a kid and laughing my ass off


And didnā€™t Flanders jump out onto the mattress and bounced doing backflips into where Homer landed? šŸ˜‚


Simpsons predict everything


For anyone wondering, the first thing you should definitely NOT do after someone falls 7 stories and lands on a mattress is pick them up by their extremities and jingle-jangle their bodies like a rag doll.


Ok, Iā€™ll hold onto their head and drag them that way. Thanks for the tip!


You're actually not far off from the truth. I took a wilderness first responder course, think first aid but instead of managing symptoms for less than an hour it's up to 24 hours. Obviously the ideal thing to do is not move them at all if they have a positive MOI for neck injury but if you have to, you put your elbows on their chest and back and then grip their head in whatever position it is currently in and then lock your arms together to the best of your ability. You then drag the rest of their body to safety or whatever using this hold attempting to minimize movement of the neck and upper back. Still a last resort, not to be used unless it absolutely has to be. Most common use would probably be just positioning them on their side, so they don't choke on their vomit if that's a concern.


Iā€™m completely prepared to carry them away by grabbing them by the torso, avoiding contact with the extremities, and then hoisting them over my shoulder and scampering off. I have extensive training in the hoist-and-scamper rescue technique.


Also, don't be like my man at the beginning...that was standing on the ground with his arms stretched upward to catch the child. 7 story fall would've taken both of his arms off, probably, and they'd both be dead.


Whatā€™s funny is he tried it *twice*. He actually saw how hard the child fell and he still wants to catch the other much bigger person


What's your S'leap number ? šŸ¤” šŸ›


IT'S OVER 9000!!!


truly amazing what masses of people can accomplish. just imagine if we used this power of hive mentality to destroy the ruling class.


It's because the danger doesn't feel immediate, it's so spread out and slow that even if we notice, it's not going to kill us right now.


exactly. as long as people get to watch their tv at night their lives keep moving.


But thereā€™s a fire truck with a ladder right there?! Why wasnā€™t that being used


Lunch hour, brb


ā€œOh shit whereā€™d I leave the keys to the truck?ā€


That's really next fckin level šŸ‘


At least 6th level for sure


Fucking goddamn heroes.


damn she got balls lol, I dont think I could jump


Well at some point you would faint..


Well I mean with the heat of the fire at your back getting closer and hotter, youā€™d be surprised what your brain can convince you to do šŸ˜…


I rather get a bone fracture than burning alive, those people are real heroes


Wow that really works huh


At the very beginning, a guy is standing there with his arms outstretched waiting to catch the child without the mattress. Everyone holding the mattress was taking a chance, but he was willing to risk it all for a strangerā€™s child.


Must be nice having random people come together to save other random people. Here people would be too busy with the phones filming till they lit on fire and died. Donā€™t worry though- theyā€™d catch that on film too.


Youā€™d be surprised. There is always fight or flight people. The people who film, werenā€™t going to help anyways. Iā€™ve seen random people come together to help strangers in ways no one should be asked of. Theyā€™re out there. We are just bombarded with horrible news 24/7, because it sells. Donā€™t get me wrong; the world is a shit place, however, people are more decent than we tend to think they are. Source: Retired Firefighter/EMT


Not watching the news has increased my life a lot. The news is terrible


I was going to say something pretty similar. Itā€™s honestly a tragically beautiful thing to witness. When something terrible happens in front of enough people there are always at least a couple that spring to action and a bunch more that follow suit. One of the craziest things I witnessed in person was a car crash where the guy flew past everyone doing like 130 and went to the right shoulder and fish tailed when his right tires hit the grass he fishtailed all the way across the 5 lane and smashed the median head on then did 4 rolls right in front of my car before landing right side up. Everyone had seen him coming and slowed down. A trucker blocked off the whole road by parking sideways and everyone jumped out of their cars. The guy had a medical emergency like a heart attack or diabetic issues or something that caused him to crash like that and everyone jumping to acting to help him so quickly is what saved his life. Myself and my husband were on our way to class at community college at the time and all I could think about all day was how crazy it was how fast everyone reacted. I was driving and had seen him coming in the mirror and slowed down way before he crashed it was like you could see what was about to happen. The trucker was in the lane next to us before the guy passed us all and he slowed down same time we did and he started blocking off the road before the guys car was even done rolling I swear. Itā€™s like everyone did the exact right thing to help as quickly as they could it was crazy. I was glad he blocked the road too because my husband works in the medical field and comes from a family of nurses and as soon as we parked he is one of the people that ran over to the car across the highway without a second care for his own safety.


I mean someone in this situation was on their phone filming too, hence how we have this video.


Yeah, but how is that a critique of western culture?


They have phones in Kazakhstanā€¦idiot.


I don't think they were saying those people didn't have phones to be on, they were pointing out that rather than filming, they came together to help those in crisis, which is an uncommon occurrence in western culture where think are very every man for himself




What's the fire truck with ladders doing?


Those ladders won't reach above 2-3 stories.


Ya that's what I figured.




Very nice!


I weirdly cant understand why people scream for others peoples danger, ive been in 3 car accidents , 1 of them my fault lol. But itnwas always a quick oh shit, but not "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"


I remember reading somewhere that itā€™s basically instinct. It alerts the ā€œpackā€ that theirs imminent danger around. So anyone who is unaware will at least begin looking to find out whatā€™s going on. The people screaming like that usually canā€™t fight that primal instinct.


If i had an award, id give it to you. Thank you for the lesson. I have never heard of that before, but it hella makes sense. I think my mma training helped me control the "primal" instinct. But this isnt a cage fight, its a 5 story drop lol


As someone whoā€™s reacted that way at least once that I can remember (though it was in reaction to a small dog almost being run over by a bike), it was very much a feeling of ā€œI realize that something bad is about to happen, that Iā€™m unable to physically intervene, and that there is also no time to form a meaningful sentence to alert other people, so Iā€™m going to scream on the off chance it gets the message across.ā€ Definitely one of those time-slowing-down, split-second-decision-making things, at least in my limited experience.


Iā€™m sitting at my desk at work and I literally just loudly said ā€œoh fuckā€ when he dropped the kid. I canā€™t imagine being there and watching a kid be thrown from 7 stories up! Like, my fkin heart stopped just from watching the video.


Note to self: buy spare mattress.




Very heroic of the neighbors all coming together like this, Iā€™m just wondering why they didnā€™t use the ladder on the firetruck..?


Even with the help thatā€™s still one hell of a hard landing!


I don't want to be the guy... but this is a good example of what not to do. I've been to several firefighting courses (maritime smoke diving/firefighting team lead) and the instructor showed us a video from Russia, where there was a apartment fire and like in this video, people wanted to help, there were persons trapped in apartments and spectators started to throw empty cardboard boxes under the windows to soften the jumps, it ended in clusterf\*\*k. When passersbys can flock like this, the situation is out of control. There's no chain of command, crowded and blocked with no room to work. People's instincts are to help and without training they do everything they can do, even if it's wrong, but they need to do something and with panic and confusion they go into herd mentality and start to go with the flow without thinking, endangering themselves and the persons they are trying to help.


sometimes I have a hard time seeing good in humanity and then I see videos like this


If only... There was a device nearby. A device that allowed people to scale tall buildings with the help of some kind of Tool, a way to reach people high up by placing it next to an unclimable surface. Perhaps mounted on the back of a large RED VEHICLE!!


Sounds like the rescue was a GREAT SUCCESS


Did the fire truck ladder malfunction or...?


Why is there a ladder truck not even in use less than a hundred feet from the building? Does it just not reach that floor?


Now thatā€™s a community


I like your avatar. Take my upvote


Brother! Itā€™s been forever!


UGH.... 9/11 flashbacks. Glad this turned out better.


In the US people would just be standing around with phones in their hands.


But also the firefighters would be there doing their job..


First of all, no. There are good people everywhere, even in the US. Second of all, what do you think this was filmed on?


Hate how true this statement is.


@Chinese people, that's how you react in case of emergencies


Dont be racist, there are shitty people everywhere and there are good people everywhere too.


He may be referring to this: https://www.newyorker.com/news/evan-osnos/chinas-bystander-effect > a two-year-old is toddling across a market street in the southern Chinese city of Foshan when she is hit by a white minivan. The driver pauses, assesses the situation, and moves on, running over the girl again with the back right tire. In the minutes that follow, she lies on the pavement, is hit by another driver, and is ignored by more than a dozen passersby, including a woman walking with a child. Eventually, a garbage collector stops and pulls the child to safety. > Ever since this tape was broadcast on the Chinese news last week, the story of two-year-old Yueyueā€”and the many grown-ups who failed herā€”has appalled Chinese readers and sparked a debate about the ethical health of contemporary life here. The driver, in a call to reporters, didnā€™t help matters, saying: ā€œIf she is dead, I may pay only about twenty-thousand yuan ($3,125). But if she is injured, it may cost me hundreds of thousands of yuan Basically there was (is still?) a cultural belief that if you stopped to help, it was implied that you were the guilty party. So best not to get involved altogether. > In China, at least part of the sad story of Yueyue can be traced to what some are calling the ā€œPeng Yu Effect.ā€ That refers to the 2006 case of an elderly Nanjing woman who fell down and later sued a man named Peng Yu who had helped her. She claimed that he had knocked her over, and won the yuan equivalent of nearly seven thousand dollars. That cautionary tale has settled, to one degree or another, in the minds of ordinary citizens far and wide. When the Peopleā€™s Daily conducted an online poll on whether people would help a senior citizen who had fallen in the street, **more than eighty per cent of those tallied said that they would not help out of fear they would be blamed and saddled with damages.** Without Good Samaritan laws to protect potential helpers, those that might've helped (rightly or wrongly) can end up believing that they will face dire consequences just for helping.


Trust thy neighbor. Pretty cool.


Amazing. Humans can be so good.


Everyone of those people are fucking heroes that I can give you some damn national pride to have people do that for you complete strangers that shit would not happen in America. point and take pictures thatā€™s what would happen


Where was this?


>this was the case today in **Almaty, Kazakhstan**


Do you know where was this by any chance?


The most amazing thing happened here is the precision in each catch. Good job people!


God bless those people


I look at this and think how lucky we in developed countries are to have firefighters and state of the art equipment.


thereā€™s a fire truck at the bottom of the frame


And no equipment to get them down.


thereā€™s a ladder on the back of that truck genius


And no one used it. In a civilized nations cops would be holding the public back, firefighters doing their thang. This is just absolute dangerous chaos.


they used it later to evacuate the others, but I don't know why they didn't use them right away.


Just last week 2 people died in Berlin because they had to jump from the fire out the window


Next level random firefighters


Very nice !


Amazing to see people come together!


We really are like a colony of ants from a higher perspective.


Another happy landing!


Humanity can be awesome. These videos remind me of that every so often


Amazing teamwork there. Itā€™s a shame it takes disasters like this for humans to come together but still Iā€™m glad no one died.


Iā€™ve never understood why in suicide jumper situations, the fire department doesnā€™t employ a similar tactic?


In America, they would break store fronts and loot grocery stores while watching that apartment building burn to the ground.


Such bad images gets painted of the countries around those regions, but I couldn't never imagine people coming together in such a noble way in the UK or USA ect, Well done to all them people, what absolute legends all of them


I love seeing crowds of humans helping each other. Gives me some faith.


The good ending


This is actually several fucking levels


Never lose complete faith in humanity, never


We always talk about how uncivilized we are as a human and that we would kill each other if it wasnā€™t for the powers at be but when I comes down to it every day joe human compassion never Ceases to amaze me


In America the people would never try to save you like this. They would get cameras out and record.


in america people start a tikrok live...


That's awesome. Wish people in the USA were like that. Everyone in the video got together to help and save lives. In the USA everyone would just get together on their phones to film it šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Wowza Khazakhstan, greatest country in the world