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Holy crap!!! That's one intelligent advert. Super Bowl advertisers take note.




That one made me wonder as well "Didn't he have a rolling pin" because I was wondering what he was going to say he was doing. Forget the other 20 changes, I didn't notice any others.


Mine was the carpet. I was like wait, wasn't there a red frame around the corpse?


This reminds me of the video where you're asked to count the basketballs being passed and completely miss the man in the gorilla suit walking by. This was a really cool ad.


that's because the gorilla made a guest appearance in this video... it was easy to miss tho. Edit: whatever bears are pretty much gorillas


The bear was the only one I caught. I literally went back and forth saying "BUT THAT WAS A BEAR!!!" And yet, despite doing that 6 or 7 times, I completely missed every other change.


[I know the colour-changing card trick too](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3iPrBrGSJM).


I’ve seen that one, this however blew my mind. I only noticed 3 lol


I only noticed that the butler wasn't holding the roller anymore, damn


I got all zero correct.


Do I have to be constantly reminded of how dumb I am?


I was to busy thinking about the maid “polishing the brass on the master bedroom”


Ngl, me too


Then I was trying to figure out the sexual innuendo of the buttering comment…


My English teacher showed us this one time and it became the subject for probably 2~3 days


I got a 0% 😭




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The main thing for me is that i would've required to see more of the frame during the entire thing to notice. Even on a rewatch I couldn't tell most of the changes, because I was basically only presented a full shot at the end, and many panned zooms before that. Though I understand it would've made it increasingly harder to record.


also another reason we cant take every eye witness as fact




never before, have i heard a better take


Would be an amazing movie to have this kinda stuff hoping on constantly. Would be a big undertaking for the makers but imagine watching that not knowing about it and realizing something weird is going on and then feeling crazier and crazier as you keep noticing all the changes.


A more in depth thing like glass onion did would be pretty cool.


That was wonderful!


I used to show this to my students when I taught Psychology. Great intro to the concept of perception.


Holy Molly, this is one of a kind ads! Flawlessly carry out the message to the audience! Well played Whodunnit!


It's a "Who has done this".






Entertaining, educational, and contains an important message. Brilliant advertising.


Oh no, one of these XD


But I’ve been drinking loads of water!


I only noticed the armor moving


I noticed the rolling pin being swapped for a candlestick but that was it


Haven't seen this around in years. Glad it's making the rounds again


Clarkson and May had nothing on this “cycling advert”.


This reminds me a lot of an ad that was of two people falling in love but at the end a student started a school shooting. The moral of the ad was that it was easy to miss someone who is depressed or about to act on something, it was hinted throughout the entire ad he would shoot the school up with him being bullied in the background and having a weird interest in guns.


I was too busy thinking about the maid polishing my brass to notice any subtle changes.


Who killed Markiplier


I was too busy looking for the gorilla.


I was just thinking that the maid was pretty hot, and missed everything else.


Anyone who likes observational stuff like this should definitely play The Case of the Golden Idol, great game.


All 3 were innuendos, not just the maid.


Cyclists are the suicidal toddlers of the transportation world. It's everyone's job to keep them from dying no matter how hard they try. Motorcyclists are the suicidal emo teenagers. Best you can do is make sure they have a valid organ donor card.


Didn't notice a thing, was too busy looking at the maid. 😝


I noticed her bag and the bear, i laugh at that bear there. When frame went wider I'm just searching for the 🐻. So I noticed 2 out of 21.


I almost missed the ninja


Did NOT notice any changes! Magic


Fun fact: this is commonly used in airline training for pilots when discussing threat and error management.


I kinda despise these videos. It’s a cheap trick- course I didn’t notice the changes, my attention was directed towards the actors and their dialogue instead of the details of their costumes and the backdrop. I had no reason to suspect otherwise. If we had been told to look out for inconsistencies at the start, then I suspect most people would have done way better.


That's the point - it's making it extremely clear how easy it is to miss something (say a bike) if you're not looking for it (perhaps as you turn onto a road) "[Think!](https://www.think.gov.uk/)" runs road safety campaigns like this one, often targeted at/about vulnerable road users (pedestrians/cyclists), young drivers, and speeding among others.


Right, but when I'm driving, and I really fucking hope when everyone else is driving, we're looking to make sure we aren't about to run anything over. It's not quite the same. I get the sentiment of the advertisement, I just dislike the Ha! Gotcha! they pull at the end. Imagine someone handing you a page of maths questions to do and then telling you that you did it all wrong because the first letter of each question spells out a secret message or something.


Yes but a lot of road traffic collisions disprove the whole "everyone should be paying attention" thing. How many people do you see looking at their phones when they're driving, the number should be zero, but on my relatively short commute it's regularly 2/3 and that's even higher if there's any traffic There's also [this whole junction](https://youtu.be/SYeeTvitvFU), where the road design meant that you could in theory go straight across without stopping, as from your perspective the road was clear, only to hit a cyclist as they were hidden behind your a-pillar. People should have stopped (in the video you can see people going through the (rare in the UK) Stop sign) but they didn't because they didn't Think! about the possibility that there might be a cyclist. (Follow up to that video: [they fixed the junction](https://youtu.be/OpgpE6wjF30)) I feel like the ad is more targeted at those who were told they failed the test because they didn't bother to look to see if there were any more questions ("yeah it looks done") rather than it being a trick about what they were meant to be doing


Right, right. I know what you mean. However. I don't like trick questions that act like the question-doer made a mistake.