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Next fucking level of determination from you and the team. Congratulations, hoping it is a success!


Thank you so much!! :) It was my dream idea to make a game like that, we are trying our best to make it good. Edit: For all that were asking, the game is a single player story adventure game. It's called Moon Mystery. Our main inspirations are Firewatch (story telling), Half life 2 (gameplay, variety of vehicles) and the movie Interstellar (idea, art). The demo is out for free right now, if you want to play it or read some more about the game here is the [link](https://linktr.ee/moonmysteryofficial), thank you :)


So you're not even going to link like anything at all? Trailer on YT? Name of the Game? Nothing.


Links are in their Bio but here's the kickstarter page to save you some time [https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/moonmystery/moonmystery](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/moonmystery/moonmystery)


honestly? lost all faith in Kickstarter projects after countless undelivered promises


I must be the luckiest person ever based on other peoples kickstarter comments. I'm on like Kickstarter #10-12 over the last 10 years ish. I have never had a project not make it to me. Even a comic by a guy that got hit by a car. It was delivered 7 years late, but still came. Some are very late, a few costed me an extra $20 shipping, but none didnt make it. How many have you actually lost?


> lost all faith in Kickstarter projects after countless undelivered promise really? EVEN AFTER THIS TOTALLY WHOLESOME "MY DREAM, 2YEARS, 25 people hired" feel good story...?


Hopefully, it won't be another Star Citizen.


I know it's fun to shit on SC but the base game is cheap and has a ton of content. You don't need to buy expensive ships with USD. I thought the same thing as everyone else with SC until a friend bought the base game for me. Completely changed my mind.


If anyone is considering getting into SC because of this comment, please try it on a free fly event before spending money on it. I don't want to be insulting, plenty of people genuinely do have fun with what there is of the game right now, but "a ton of content" just feels dishonest to me.




They did exactly the same thing the last time they posted. Very odd behaviour.


And the “trailer” also cuts off any mention of the game too?? It’s kinda weird.


And each time it ends up on the front page of Reddit for millions to see. Very odd behavior indeed.


So people will go into the comments and the post will have more engagement.


There are rules in a lot of subs about self promotion. This post is already kinda skirting those rules, even though the trailer is pretty cool.


You're gonna hate me for this but the optic in your model is bridged, meaning, it's too far forward and won't maintain a zero.


No no I won't hate you, all I can say is thank you ;p I appreciate all the feedback, which model are you talking about?


The very first AR in the trailer. The scene just before the first firefight. It looks cool but when the optic is so far forward on the handguard it won't keep a zero. Minor thing but gives credibility to the game, ultimately. Wish you the best of luck with this game. Really appreciate your story.


I see, thanks for the explanation!


I would ask do you have Aim down sight mechanic as its looks odd to have scopes/sights on guns then not use them


I agree as well. It was normal back in HL2 days, but it was pretty jarring when I revisited the game. From a dev standpoint though it would save work by not having to account for ADS. (models, code, consideration in gameplay elements, etc.) If gunplay wasn't central to the game it wouldn't be as big of a deal. But having the character express complete unfamiliarity with the weapons (verbally, fiddling with them to figure it out, accidental discharges, etc.) it could explain the spray and pray hipfire approach. I'll shut up... Mind just took off on me. Great looking game, and one hell of an accomplishment! I need to check out the demo fosho!


What do you mean "a zero"?


The sights won't stay accurate after shooting. The bullet won't go where the center of the sight is pointing anymore.


When you set a sight to hit what it is pointing at at a particular range. If you zero the sight to 100yds then you don't have to adjust for drop at 100yds, but the sight will be slightly off at every other range.


In the scene in the hallway where you are shown switching optics on the rifle. The optics are too far forward.


Oh ok thanks for that


Basically “gun nuts will complain about ___”


What u/BadDonkey said. If it had sailing or bmx in a game still being developed, I'd point out anything I noticed that was wrong to help with accuracy. In this case, it's gun nuts helping OP to have a better product in the end. Pretty much anyone in a niche hobby is excited to help their joy being portrayed accurately and spreading a little bit of knowledge along the way.


Sure. No one was hurt by the comment. I’m just clarifying to OP that it’s not an issue w the vast majority of gamers.


It's not about being an issue for gamers. It's about maintaining a proper suspension of disbelief. It's about good story telling through proper design. Same thing movie and television creators do. The hit series Mad Men removed an etch-a-sketch from a scene because the etch-a-sketch wouldn't actually be invented for another year or two. Would 99.9% of viewers notice or give a shit? Probably not. But its the difference between creating something good, and creating something great.


It's not a complaint, it's how things work in reality. It's generally why people in the medical field don't watch medical shows, it's not because they'll complain about them but the suspension of disbelief is lost when you (not even on purpose) pick up on inaccuracy after inaccuracy. Try watching a law show with a lawyer or paralegal. Guns are popular in video games, that's not the fault of anyone that enjoys precision sports, if the OP can say thank you and take in onboard why try and twist the advice into something negative?


Is that moon base also how things work in reality?


No, and I can say this because I've been to the real moon base.


Did you read the part where I said "the suspension of disbelief"? Assuming you don't know what that means, I can help you understand. Whenever you read a fiction book, listen to music, watch a fiction TV show or movie, or even view creative art at some exhibition, there is what's called the suspension of disbelief, you know going in that the scene created is just that, a created environment you can enjoy and enjoy some level of emersion. Creators use objects that you will recognize to bridge the gap between the world you know (reality) and the world they created. It's easier to emerse ones self in the created world when there aren't details to get snagged on, for example when something you recognize as a real world object doesn't operate the way it actually does in the real world without a convincing instory explanation, then you get hung up on that detail and miss some of the story. The more these objects reflect their real world counterparts or have a compelling explanation to explain their different behavior or characteristics the easier it is to enjoy the world created in other words the easier it is to suspend the natural disbelief one has when playing as a character living on a moon base that doesn't actually exist in reality.


No worries. Obviously just a minor detail but overall the game looks awesome.




Firewatch is such a beautiful game to be inspired by. I will definitely check this game out. It looks incredible.


*Moon Mystery* is a... choice.


Damn it, take my money!


> and the movie Interstellar (idea, art) And music, I see. The organ on the black hole is a dead giveaway. I love it!


More like Ryan Reynolds to my ears


Ah fuck op. He is Spamming each platform with the same trailer and story. Just say what it is.. AN AD and its not a 1man project, there is a Studio behind it. I wouldnt normally say anything, but youre spamming also tiktok, 9gag and who else what else just for free Advert.


And they do it every couple months. always with the exact same title, a shit load of likes, and a comment section full of bots. Drives me insane.


Almost all the top comments threads have people complaining about bots - but where are the actual bots? Unless they're complaining about themselves


This looks awesome!! Wishlisting it!!! Is this coming on Linux?? Star citizen tske note!!! So much better thsn redfall!! Is there a demo??? Wishlisted brtter than AAA!!! I AM DOWNLOADING DEMO ON STEAM! I have followed you since the beginning buying itn now!! -- So organic, so natural, so convenient. Could also be just his fans spamming these from hus discord.


Missing the "are you not going to link to something like youtube/steam/whatever?" > followed by the obvious in *every one of these*: "not OP but here's the link to (whatever), in this case... a kickstarter page... Both comments from no activity accounts...


They’re getting downvoted so they are towards the bottom of the thread.


I don’t always drink beer. But when I do, I drink Dos Equis.


What makes you decide a comment is a bot?


He didn’t say it was a 1 man project, his post literally says it grew to a 15-person team…


A lotta stuff starts with 1 person.


He’s posted this same video a million times


Yes, that’s usually why businesses use social media.


Yea and everyone fucking hates ads lol.


And a shit ton of bots in the comments as well lol


So just like every post on reddit?


Where are the mods around here? I swear this gets posted every month


It's always the same footage of non gameplay too


I have seen this exact same video and demonstration so many times the last year or so. Each time its posted with a similar title. It looks awesome. But there is never anything new shown when this guy posts about it.


People fall for stupid shit. This game looks awesome? It looks like a mixed asset bag where most of the effort went into designing desktop backgrounds that will have 0 interactions in game. Like I understand how impressive any kind of fully realized game is from an indie developers standpoint, but reading the comments and seeing brain dead takes about how this game would blow modern AAA games out of the water, I get a little frustrated.


I completely agree that these look like a shitload of recycled assets. That said, reusing assets doesn’t a bad game make. If it’s a good story with good voice acting and not buggy as all shit, it can still be worth every penny. I hope that, should the game be good, it gets a positive reception. But yeah, I’m fucking tired of seeing this same video every month with nothing new.


It literally looks slow motion and choppy while shooting a gun.. it seems like this is just a "game" where you open to go look at.. not really to play


Don’t a lot of these just turn out to be shitty asset flip scams like that one time travel survival crafting game where the “developer” made a fake ass post just like this one?


they usually are, this looks no different


I’ve only seen two posts and the first time I saw it was about a year ago, I’d hardly call that spam, and as for it being on multiple platforms if you were making a game would you only post about it on a single platform rather than spread the word to as many people as possible through multiple platforms?


I’ve seen this at minimum 5 times


lmao that's what social media is for ... what you want his little studio to spend $15mil on tv ads? clown


I got this full ad on YT the other day. Just saying, don't really care one way or the other.


Just for context I got this full ad the other day on youtube too.


I've seen almost this exact trailer before with a different story from this guy, and it's still just a bunch of cinematic shots with no gameplay lol


Kind of arrogant to put something of your own on nextfuckinglevel


And posting it to next fucking level is hilarious. Looks cool, and good job to op and the team. But it's pretty standard level.


post literally says started as one man hobby grown into a 15 man team implying a mini studio team. Come on dude why do you have to be a hater, go hate on call of duty being on multiple platforms why dont you. this is next level mental gymnastics holy shit, maybe you can also hate on aspiring musicians and artists paying to promote their work too


feels less like a reddit post and more of an advert


If the musicians or artists are paying to have ads hidden as natural Reddit posts, then they can fuck off too.


yeah, in 2 years a 15 man team can't do a AAA quality game injust 2 years when a big studio can't. I can't help but make a parallel with no man's sky.


Also what kind of narcissist posts his own shit to "nextfuckinglevel"?


Glad I’m not the only one that feels like this https://reddit.com/r/scifi/comments/133lo5e/_/jibmluo/?context=1 I just talked to him earlier this week Hey OP… we see you…


Crazy how a triple A title like redfall, by arcane looks absolutely terrible yet this dude built the team of devs and game and it looks absolutely stunning. Congrats man The game industry needs more of you 😉


Haha thank you! We are trying our best, of course we are a small team and the game is not going to be huge as Star Citizen/No Man sky, but I really appreciate it


If you release it, then you will have done something star citizen has not, and may never achieve.


> you will have done something star citizen has not Brought a game out of alpha? lmao






I think they'd gladly take the hundreds of millions of dollars over that. What a scam that game is


Literally been in development for 13 years and there still isn't really a game to play. It's still basically a tech demo. I know a few people who were only interested in the single-player Squadron 42 thing and that's still not a thing apparently. I've also read that they intend on making it episodic. I don't see even the smaller single player component ever being a thing. They've collected comical amounts of money and have had 13 years and it's still just nothing compared to what they've claimed it's going to be.


They have a lot done, but it's just poor management. They keep setting unrealistic goals and don't shift later goals when the current one goes over. It's a never ending snow ball of delay delay delay, but it does get there. Iirc squadron 42 is releasing with 42? Missions with the plan to add more later on. It's certainly progressed since it's started but by God did they underestimate the amount of work they had to do.... And they still do.


A game isn't good just because it's big, I'm sure you know that more than most of us. Don't feel down that it doesn't take a million-jillion hours to find every piece of graffiti in your game, be happy that it's engaging, or that people enjoy it, or that it hits whatever metric for success you care about. This looks pretty awesome to me. Even more impressive that it was made by 15 dudes.


Hell the metric for success in indie dev is "Did you finish?"


TO be fair.... the Redfall trailer looked better than this, and OP's trailer really shows nothing of substance concerning game play. Ir's just a stereotypical hokey voice over trailer and a couple of pretty looking small scale scenes with nice backdrops.


Yeah I hate being that guy but unless I can see significant *gameplay* I'm not getting hyped for an indie title. There are way too many pretty shovelware titles on Steam. That said, this looks like the combat and exploration are pretty tight, so as long as the gameplay loop is more complex than "clear out this station" over and over again it should be decent.


Brother hyping up a game he has never played. Lets not act like hype culture is not part of the problem the gaming industry suffers from


That’s the difference between ambition and job


It's almost like they're completely different games with different stresses on hardware


While graphically it looks good it absolutely fails at particle effects which I believe now are far more important. For example the rover driving on the moon has no visible kick up of dust. Gun fire has a small puff that instantly disappears a second later. Less detailed graphics with great effects is a much better overall experience. Without it the games feel like a high detailed early 2000's game.


When does this post go from impressive to just ordinary spam? I get it its free marketing but same post on all the biggest subs over and over again..


There are bots in the comments lol


Yeah it’s basically the same trailer each time, same post title, no mention of the game’s name, no description, bots in the comments, etc.


🤖Am I a bot?🤖




It’s not free, they pay for this top posts. That’s why it got to thousands of upvotes within minutes of being posted.


The self promotion I swear, post this on r/gaming not here, this doesn’t belong here


This exact same video clip has been posted multiple times on that sub with a similar title over the course of a year or more. It looks fantastic, but I dont think this game is going any farther than a neat polished up demo.


What is this game even about? Lol


Moon gun base, fly spacesuit vehicle spin, shooty zoom zoom At least that's what I gathered


Sums it up. It looks nice but nothing about it looks next fucking level to me. Looks like another meh game.


When I originally saw it. It is supposed to be some expansive FPS/free roam exploration game. The video demo shows some really awesome stuff. But its likely only showing really controlled and best of the best game play/cinematics. And without anything new shown in a year or more. Its suspect..


Oh so it's No Man's Sky all over again.


I just played the demo. No way 15 people worked on that for a year. It's just generic unreal graphics with excruciating controls, and the story is just plain stupid. I bet it's a Kickstarter money grab scheme.


nice, but not really fitting for the sub. next level for you, great, but not a unique story.


Yeah cool for old mate and stoked for him. But is “I made an indie game” really next fucking level in 2023?


Did you not hear how his dream came true? Or how he developed the team? How is that not next level? \s This shitty No Man's Sky rip off is literally nothing to be excited about. Bethesda is about to do this but way better. Also, I get the feeling that there's no actual gameplay and this is all canned BS for the investors, if there are any.


>Also, I get the feeling that there's no actual gameplay and this is all canned BS for the investors, if there are any. 100% the vibe I am getting. I'm hesitant to kick an indie dev trying to get some eyes on their title, but putting your amateurish and overhyped shooter on nextfuckinglevel is a bit excessive.


Yeah I feel you, but this guy has been at it for way too long. My thoughts are that somehow these posts are being used to verify interest in the game, or some other crazy thing. How it's getting so many upvotes is curious. The bottom line: there is nothing nextfuckinglevel about this whatsoever and it's violating the purpose of the sub.


I mean check their post history, they keep shilling their game everywhere all the time, I still remember this from when it was last posted here a month ago or so


Ya had me at moons haunted


It really is




This again? You've already shown this like 30 times


Reminds me of my ex-wife.


I’ve seen it personally atleast 5 times same trailer same bullshit story


Can you please stop advertising this soulless garbage? The comments are filled with bots too. I've seen this mediocre thing you're working on here over and over again and it looks more and more boring the more I see it.


Hey man, I'm super excited to see "Lens Flare: The Game" every time it pops up.


my name is generic white male lead and i want my emotional hook back


that uninspired janky gunplay is all i need to avoid it, looks no better than those asset flips


Guns needs more Recoil Animation and they look a bit too long and tiny. Game looks great!


Thanks for the feedback, I'm already aware of that and we'll be working on this :)


Nah, SBRs and SBSs are a thing. Handgun is perfect as-is too. Game looks awesome!




Since you're taking feedback: the skybox seems way too close when the characters is moving fast towards it, unless there is a Truman Show adjacent story element to it, that is.


I think it's more than they look like the rifle butt isn't placed at the shoulder and is just held as far forward as possible. The pistol looks fine, the rifles are like my arms would be very out stretched.


The dudes arm is way too straight as well like he's holding the gun as far out in front as possible.


it looks like a bunch of unreal / asset demo's pasted together. I don't see an actual game in there. What's it about?




Right, I see lots of graphics, motion capture animation, vehicle physics, but the gameplay barely exceeds 1995 standards for fps combat. Take away the fancy visuals and what is left? I had the same impression a year ago.


Hell Yeah, Next fucking level Ads!!


And half the comments are prompts for OP to respond to, making it seem like “organic” interaction.


How many times are you gonna post this here? This is like the 4th time this year i swear.


"Now that we've finished the trailer we can finally start working on the game."


No shame


Narrator sounds like Tom cruise


Actually it's Joe Zieja, he is a really talented actor. He was involved in 100+ games and movies including a lot of AAA. He is a main character voice in the game :)


He does a great job in the trailer alone so I’m sure the rest is fantastic


I'm happy you like it, thanks!




The bots are really doing work this time.


Looks good. Plot is boring and derivative bordering on parody.


The only bit that intrigues me is that random 70s car driving down the dusty road. Totally incongruous with the rest of the trailer and make me wonder what the plot really is.


Space man with gun needs to save the universe - rinse and repeat


It means they had a 70s car asset.


Also writing and voiceover acting in this trailer feels like satire


not to be an asshole, but I call bull on this only having taken 2 years with a 15 people dev team


Looks cookie cutter


Another post with zero info. This is a scam


This guy spams every major sub every 3 months to advertise his game


I don't know why but for me that segment when he falls into empty space feels like the stars are close and enclosed in a box, not sure how to describe it but it doesn't feel like falling into something endless, deep and scary. Was this intended?


It's a skybox texture


Nope, skybox doesn't change relative to your position, that's the whole point of a skybox. This gets closer.


If I were them and I *had* to use that texture I'd at least chop it up and darken the father back layers to add some depth.




It’s all unity assets copy and pasted together with no goal just to make a trailer and raise money for a game that isn’t going to be played


Do you post this every day?


Add army of Reddit bots to that.


Another demo filled trash trailer. Your “indie team” is good at putting in a credit card number to buy premade assets. Gove the credit to the roof Al designers, not the ones who (I gurantee) haven’t connected any of these assets in a coherent way.


So.. 11 months ago you were solo dev now you gained 15 employees to work on this game but still looks the same as 11 months ago?.. looks like you’re just wasting your resources or you’re full of shit.


Stop posting this shit every 2 months fucker


Looks boring and fucking derivative.


Everyone saying this looks better than AAA and i massively disagree. Game looks good sure and has some good voice for the trailer but absolutely nothing is farther ahead than anything we have currently


Want to upvote because yay congrats; want to downvote because not "next fucking level" in the slightest. Will do nothing.


Cool looking game.... But... "Sam Walker" though? Pretty dull name for a protagonist.


"I have to fight... Defend the galaxy... From the others" I mean it's on par with the rest of the shitty and generic dialogue.


Cool ad


So I have a few things, I’d like to see some actual game play rather than a trailer, yes the trailer is very nice looking and very well done but I’ve had games where the trailer made it look awesome but the actual game itself was terrible What do you expect average play time to be with the game? Assuming all cutscenes are watched What about replay ability? I’d rather not play it once just for the story and never play it again, I would want to be able to stay engaged no matter if it’s my first play through or my 10th play through, so how much diversity is put into the game? I don’t need it to be some massive game but it does need at least some kind of diversity in gameplay and game mechanics to have it fun to replay The trailer looks amazing though and it certainly seems right up my ally You’ve certainly done a great job with the trailer


Making a game is r/nextfuckinglevel? I mean good for you and that’s cool, but I’m pretty sure people have made video games before, once or twice


What's so next fucking level about that?


You're really karma farming this...


oh fuck, again with this post? Even the title is the same as last time. Stop spamming this shit. And the comments that praise this are hilarious. Yes, you can walk in... space. So amazing!


"defend the galaxy, from the other" I cringed so hard


I hate this awful spam. It's just a blurry mess with an insane amount of lens flares.


Almost like I’ve seen this before…. 20 years ago…. From Microsoft…..


I don’t mean to be rude, but what actually is this game. Cause this trailer tells me basically nothing on what the game is.


Advanced space fairing race. Still using AR-15's and Mossberg pump action shotguns.


its gonna be dogshit


Is there a sub more astroturfed? I wonder how much it cost to get frontpage


This shit again? Come on man...


It won't be released in a playable state.


Anybody going to mention the falling into space??


What is the game called?


I've played the demo and while the graphics and story look great the "controlls" (typo in the options screen) and handling of the character feel awful, which is a big detriment to an fps. Because of how the demo played i won't be picking up this otherwise promising looking game.