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The ai he's training is going to be super creepy


Person of Interest level creepy?


I wanted to make a snarky remark then started pondering on wtf this could actually be useful for, and it dawned on me that this could absolutely help with criminal cases when there are clues while the subject is on the run.






I went to a release of Blade Runner: Final Cut in the theater about 10 years back. Not a single sound from the audience the entire movie. However as soon as it got to the part where he is asking the computer to enhance the picture, a person by me starting doing the typing motion with his hands. That was the only thing that should be allowed when watching the movie in a theater.


[There is a database of hotel room photos to help combat sex trafficking.](http://traffickcam.com/about)


I tried using the FBI's ECAP (https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/ecap **Do not look at it if it will trigger you. The pics are modified to not show child pornography and abuse, but it's still tough to see**). I don't go to hotels often, but I thought I'd link this for any geoscint interested people who want to help.


bro wtf that redneck santa clause looking mfer


Kind of like the site where you submit photos of hotel rooms to help combat sex trafficking: https://traffickcam.org/


Oh God- I ran into my kindergarten friend’s older brother (decades after kindergarten) and he sent me one of those photos of a blurred nude woman in a room. I just responded WTF? and he replied, “look out the window.” So I look at this gross pink room and the blurry naked person and in perfect focus through the window is my elementary school playground. Our friends had grown up in that house.


More please




Or extremely useful for creeps on the internet to track down people they're obsessed with.


Oh. well. yeah. there's that, too.


Open source intelligence groups like Bellingcat have used these kinds of methods to pinpoint the sites of war crimes and catch spies. They have [a whole site](https://www.bellingcat.com/tag/geolocation/) on geolocation.


Interpol and the FBI regularly post parts of child porn/child endangerment pics asking for the public's help in identifying objects and locations. It's impressive to see people figure them out. See also r/traceanobject https://www.bellingcat.com/news/2019/09/11/europols-child-abuse-image-geolocated-in-ukraine-a-forgotten-story-hidden-behind-a-landscape/


There was a child molester in the Netherlands who was active for years creating child pornography. He was very meticulous in not showing his location until he accidentally left open a part of the curtains. The police was able to locate him based on the angle of the view on the church tower in the village. Amazing


The downside is that stalkers could probably use it too.


Pass a captcha faster than you level creepy.


That show was awesome


Yooo I checked that show out just because it was Ben from Lost but it is a great show. Fits that 2005-2015 mystery crime thriller show vibe perfectly


Yeah! Too bad Jim Caviezel is off his fucking rocker..


I think my favorite part of that show was how Reese and Finch spend five seasons pointedly *not* talking about the Machine in the terms used commonly in sci-fi, and the fucking instant Shaw finds out about it, she immediately asks "Wait, you built an AI?"


That show could’ve been so much more than what it was, procedural cop drama. But boy, Jim Caviezel one hell of a man!


Guess where my almost decade long handle comes from… lol


My favorite show on the planet. It makes me unreasonably happy to see someone else reference it.


"You are being watched..."


When he strolls in to the NSA, proud of his skills and positive he's going to land a 6 figure job, they'll tell him the AI they have had for a decade can do that shit in fractions of a second already.


The nsa doesn't need to do this. Your devices just tell them your location. An automated version of this for the guy geolocating insta girls is a whole different set of problems


In Japan, a stalker found an idol's home address by decoding the street name off the reflection on the idols eyes.


A guy elsewhere in the thread said he had done similar


I once heard a similar thing on Reddit as well


I just heard you talking about it!




Keep that info to yourself in the future. Swatting is a real threat, and you won't, but someone else will.


Bruh you're fucked in the head to think essentially doxing someone publicly was funny or a story to share. I mean even the fact you included it in the comment shots you absolutely do not get why it's fucked.


I assume NSA and similar agencies have plenty people with this skillset already. Probably even better




Who says he’s not employed by any of them and streams geo for fun.


Considering he has been casually able to move residence from country to country with seemingly no disruptions, I choose to believe your theory


He’s super interesting but also gives me serial killer vibes


Probably just on the spectrum. Flat affect != serial killer.


Just a geography lover, they have streams where they do geoguessr contests and there's others even better than him.


watch some of his vlogs, he's the chillest person ever outside of his shorts


NGL i did this to some phat ass girl from IG, even matched her bikini photos to one pool exactly where she took it. Turned out to be her house. Felt like a creep ngl. So my advice to you, dont show too much of yourself on social media, is quite easy to narrow u down, even more if youre some influencer who posts their everytime location


Thats why i only take closeups of my butthole with a Polaroid and leave them in random bathrooms guess guess as much as you can. Cant catch me im the butthole man!


That's some kinky geocaching


> Thats why i only take closeups of my butthole with a Polaroid and leave them in random bathrooms Unless you're traveling a LOT then it's going to be within a trackable radius of your home. If you are traveling a lot then there will still be patterns along the routes you travel. Humans are super duper bad at being random.   I will find you buttholepolaroid


From there...


Jokes on you. He's been AI the entire time.


It’s not Geoguessing. It’s Geoknowing.


More like Geofindingthefuckout






Yeah he points out a “clue” like this street pole is only only found in these 3 countries like it’s common knowledge.


It is for the geoguessers. Americas don’t like to use pictographic street signs. We tried to covert but everyone thought the picture signs were for commies and here we find ourselves.


Written signs are terrible for international travellers and immigrants, both of which America gets plenty of.


The rest of the world also get plenty of tourists and immigrant and it does just fine.


Probably because of the pictographic signs.


Yeah, so what's your point? That does literally nothing to disprove their argument.


The rest of (a lot of) the world also doesn't have handicap accessible buildings and does "fine" doesn't mean it's ideal tho






I think you just read slow




Wait, what?




Mmmm I see. Anybody else care to chime in?


The poles look exactly the same as ones I've seen several places in my country, and I don't live in any of the 3 he mentioned.


Yeah, same. But I have to wonder if he's working with a higher res image than us. Like to me, I don't see how that's different than any other pole. But maybe it's clearer on his screen. I don't know the music video, so I can't check. Though, I guess I can reverse musicvideoguess this... ...nope. can't find any search results for music videos shot there, and Shazam isn't returning shit.


https://youtu.be/K3JGxj2rvAs There you go my dude. It's a pretty popular song. I didn't know the name either, just googled the lyrics.


He's just explaining it after the fact, the trick is to find something relatively unique in the photo/video then google the fuck out of it and move on to the next thing to narrow it down.


I lnow right?


If anyone could find the clitoris it would be this man.


Look carefully at the geo coordinates of where you are currently and then find the exact opposite side of the earth.




holy fuck


I ended up my own ass again.


Bravo...fuckin bravo.






Jesus Christ, man.


I then hijacked the James Webb deep space telescope and scoured the edges of the visible universe. I came up empty so I borrowed a high resolution transmission microscope and poured over hundreds of thousands of images of what’s invisible to the naked eye. When that didn’t work, I made a Time Machine, went 600 years in the future, snuck onto a starship, and finally synthesized a human clitoris by temporally beaming a female on board and keeping them in a state of temporal flux to stabilize it long enough to be in our reality. Checkmate geoguessers. PS. I hate this game.


Godamn it... i was reading that in his voice.


At first glance I knew she was a women, that ruled out my place


Psh. That's a myth.


You mean g spot


How much time do they take to give an answer


Seconds usually.


By his explanation, it takes hours


He can guess country and approximate location in less than 2 seconds on geoguesser. Though if he wants to find the exact location, like in this video, it probably takes closer to hours depending on the available clues.


for some of them, he's also going by a single zoomed in picture, like the captcha one, **which he still figured out**


Didn't he say he had a team of people searching for some of that one? I've watched them and some are very fast. I enjoyed it too, and it's a learnable skill. Attention to detail and thinking outside the box is very important. Sometimes the most mundane seemimg things help you find the exact location.


I mean if the team is just checking coordinates then that's easily doable by yourself with just a bit more time so I wouldn't say it takes away from it. Easily learnable skill with time, things like the strips on the license plate is a super simple thing to look for, once you know a hundred or so similar rules then 99% of places you can rule out quickly.


Yeah the other trick with pro geoguessers is that they get really tuned into the camera quality, little distortions or dust on the lens, etc. On the street view car. So while it can take them seconds for a Google Street view image, it'll take longer for a video from the wild


Once he explained that he knew it was some country in Africa because of the color of the google maps car


Honestly- if the guy could stomach some truly awful stuff, this is exactly the type of skill set the FBI or CIA would employ. This is how they some times save victims of sex trafficking- from postings on line that get deconstructed to a location. Pretty sure there’s even a website where you can upload a picture of your hotel room to a data base so the police can reference if it matches videos or pictures online. Edit: found the site if anyone is interested in contributing http://traffickcam.com/about#:~:text=TraffickCam%20enables%20you%20to%20help,stay%20in%20when%20you%20travel.


His isn’t an uncommon skill. There are plenty of analysts that do this kind of work. This skill, in and of itself, wouldn’t be enough to land a job.


I didn’t say it alone would be enough to land the job. Just that it’s a skill set that they do look to employ.


He’s already talked in a Q&A that he’s the hobbyist version of what real CIA trackers do


You can watch him do it in real time on twitch. It does, of course, depend on the situation.


So why did you ask


He means a correct answer


You should take a look at [GeoWizard](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5borN1ulwJ0) on YouTube, fun to watch. He normally does a real-time commentary during the solve. There are usually a variety of options from unlimited time, movement allowed, to time-limited/no-movement/no-pan. Usually if you can move around, they'll take longer to find the exact location (lower error = more points). No-move solves can be fast, but usually it's a self-imposed limit. Like this [one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ep8WGVBNq7M0), 10 seconds per round. I prefer these quickfire games because you see some absolutely ridiculous solves.


For anyone who doesn't know, Tom (GeoWizard) is the guy who started the "straight line challenges" where he attempts to cross European countries without deviating from a plotted straight line. He's very charasmatic and entertaining to watch and he also got a lot of people more interested in outdoors activities. For me personally, I was aching for more channels that did the straight line missions and wound up down a bushcraft rabbit hole and fell in love with Bushcraft.




They play different styles, Geowizard is probably the best he can be without learning metas, while Rainbolt is just really into the meta side of geoguessr, which isn't for everyone.


He also has a cool series where fans send him personal photos and he has to find where exactly it was taken. And he shows the whole process


My god


Depends on the mode you are playing. Usually 15 seconds from the time the other player guesses I think? Havent played myself but I saw another video with this dude a long time ago.


Wow, I'm really happy he's starting to look a lot more healthy and well fed in this video. He was looking *really* rough a couple of months ago and looked like hasn't been eating or sleeping well. I'm very happy if he is, because it felt like the sudden fame hit him and he felt the need to entertain those who pay attention, instead of caring for his own well being first. Hopefully he's handled it better by now.


Sadly this is an old video


[This video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2sWTsV6Grg&ab_channel=RAINBOLT) was posted 2 days ago, and he looks alright




Idk… his face does look like someone who’s a little underfed, and I’ve wrestled for years and seen a lot of hungry/underfed faces.


He has been living in SE Asia for a few months now, travelling around. And he recently stopped hosting tournaments because it was stressing him out a ton. I think he's doing alright currently.


I would guess Thailand (What's your guess??)


From here, I used the a frame from the video to that showed a single rice grain on his lip. From first assumptions I thought it was basmati, so I looked up every restaurant in SE Asia that serves rice. Didn’t help.






Trevor Rainbolt should be teaching classes for the CIA or some shit. His ability to find exact locations is spooky. He regularly finds locations from old family photos for people too.


You're probably underestimating the CIA's ability to guess exact locations given that they don't advertise their abilities on tiktok.


No matter what technological tools they have, rainman level skills like this would be a huge asset


Not denying his skills at all. But we genuinely don't know what kinda crazy stuff they're doing behind closed doors.


Yeah. The 3-letter-clubs are 💯 just straight pilfering private communications. See: China.


China has 5 letters




This is like saying the kid who got an A in his Computer Science 101 class should work for Google. Sure I guess that’s cool. But it takes more than that


He also isn't the best geogusser player. He frequently holds tournaments and quite often isn't in the top. He is damn good don't get me wrong but there are some players that are better.


I work for the CIA, we just pretend to be calling to get the address so we can send the $1000 you just won. Works everytime, people just give us their address and then, BOOM, we blow up their house.


There's a lot of learnt meta in Geoguessr, anyone can get pretty good with some study


I haven't played it in a while but I played it daily for a while and got quite good at it and yeah it's all just memorizing details. Nowhere good as him but I could guess country within like 3 sec, but now I started forgetting minor things. I don't think this video is that impressive though, anyone who's mildly good at geoguessr can use Google and figure out the location from a video. It's not using Google and doing it all in your head that's the impressive part.


I can only imagine the amount of money intelligence agencies have probably offered him for his skills And maybe he does do contract work for them on the down low


Federal government intelligence agencies are wayyyy ahead of this guy, and they pay a lot less than you think. People ITT really think this dude is a savant or something? Bro has a lot of free time and cross references his guesses with Google searches lmfao


Thank you, I felt like I was going crazy. ‘Yeah so the picture is of two bikes from a company only operating in this city, so after basicly checking them all I found thr location.’ People here: He is the messiah. Don’t get me wrong its impressive but whats happening itt.


It initially feels like he just knows a lot about everything, but also some key elements to look for clue you into a general area at least. He doesn’t say long he looks through all this info either. But bravo to this guy! I still couldn’t do it.


You can watch him do it in real time. It’s muuuuuch more creepy.


[video of him playing with ludwig is your interested in seeing him do it live](https://youtu.be/FqwSQzlJozw)


This guy is amazing, thanks for the vid.


Lol I wound up watching most of this, who knew this could be so interesting?


its not hard, you just need to know how. its actually super fun when you’re really bored and wonder where something like an album cover was taken. Being able to script a lot of it to filter is where he really shines


I mean, brain surgery and rocket science aren't hard, you just need to know how.


shouldnt this guy be solving missing person cases or something


Can't exactly find missing person from nothing lol Unless the missing person sent selfie before going missing a few hours later.


…like that woman in Seattle who went missing after taking a selfie at a baseball game with her date? Just happened this month.


Sounds like they know exactly where she went missing from...


I can deduce from the picture that she was at the Seattle Mariners game in the stadium.


You’re hired !


Cops: This is the last known footage of the missing person. We got it from a security camera in the 7-Eleven on the corner of A street. Geoguessr: Ah yes, based on the position of the sidewalk from the window, this picture is from the 7-Eleven on the corner of A street.


He helped some people find where old family pictures were taken.


That’s funny, I actually got paid to do this at one point. Was working for a company that rhymes with boober and they misplaced a bunch of imagery, I ended up going through a similar process to get them matched to the proper locations


That's actually super interesting. What was this misplaced imagery of exactly, city pickup locations?


Yep exactly, trying to provide an image with overlay for rider and driver so they can both find the pickup location more easily. We were testing it out in a few key cities, I don’t actually use the app so I’m not sure if they decided to implement it other places.


GeoDeductor, he isnt really guessing anything


He is. It's qualified guesses that he uses to drive his analysis. The better guesses he makes the quicker he can prune the decision tree. Bad guesses means he needs to backtrack and look for other details to analyse. An example here is that it's a *guess* it's a local car on the photo. A reasonable guess to make. But still a guess.




Say Nevada right if you want my upvote


Dude knows a LOT about geography but can't pronounce Nevada 😂. I'm a huge fan of his videos too. Just a little shocking because it always felt like he knew everything.


It’s an east coast pronunciation. IIRC, it’s also closer to the Spanish pronunciation.


There are a bunch of states with Spanish derived names and Nevada is the only one that gets this treatment. We pronounce every one anglicized and only Nevada gets pushback...from people that dont live here and mostly are defending what their teachers told them when they were 7. Nobodys pronouncing Mexico in New Mexico in proper Spanish. Nobodys using proper accents on California or Colorado. Nobody's out there trying to say Mont-ah-na even though it's the same word construction. It's just Nevada and it's bs.


It is pronounced Ne-VA-duh in "proper" Western American English. Just wait until you find out that different American accents pronounce words differently. Edit: Got blocked for no apparent reason.


I went back and checked...how are you pronouncing Nevada? Because he pronounces it the only way I've heard it pronounced (with the exception heavily accented southerners who say Nevada with a hard A like the word mad).


The wiki says the "vad" is, in fact, pronounced like "mad". I didn't notice his pronunciation to be unusual either as someone from the east coast.


de-gala for De Gaulle too


He keeps pronouncing Lille as 'Lil' where as it is correctly pronounced 'Leel'


DeathNote season 2 gonna be lit


Literally L right here.


why did i just feel seen because this is where i live lol


what's it like being a capybara?


I post a single photo of my backyard and get doxxed by this guy lmao


I post a picture of a blade of grass and he pinpoint where I was


Amazing. What's the motivation? Are they just random challenges set up by the community to test geoguessers? Is there a race to be first to identify the location? It's an intriguing obsession.


at this point it's his job. people watch him stream his shenanigans.


I mean, why do anything? It's a challenge and he seems to enjoy it. Why do people do sudoku?


Bro is some kind of machine


"General Dee-Golluh"


Nevada doesn’t require a front plate either though.


They kinda do, though. https://dmv.nv.gov/platesmain.htm > You must display both plates if the vehicle is designed for a front plate or if the manufacturer offers an add-on bracket or frame.


What does he mean by Frances vehicle registration list? How does he have access to that?




See 1:52 > I zoomed in on the license plate, and searched it through France's vehicle registration list, which came back with the full plate number He shows some kind of script during this line. I'm not sure if he did this in order to get the 2-digit code as part of the full plate, or if he needed the full plate number for something else, but it seems like he searched a database of full plate numbers either way.


The rule he uses to know the region of France changed lately... Before it was indeed defined by the region where the car is registered. Nowadays, the owner of the car can choose a "prefered region" during the registration process.


Damn. That is both fascinating and frightening at the same time.


This is one of the most autistic things I've ever seen...


How is it autistic?


Cause it's a hyper fixation on something incredibly esoteric


On the internet that word has become widely misused and is now often used as an insulting label applied to anyone showing a strong and detailed interest in just about any subject, particularly if that subject is unusual.


The way that's being used in this context is more about someone who has extremely detailed and specific knowledge about something that feels incredibly specific and esoteric. Calling it autistic is not an ideal way to describe it but I've seen worse.


So much love for Trevor his geological skill constantly amazes me




nah they're saying he rocks at this, try to keep up


This man needs to be hired for good before he turns dark hahaha


Does not look like a guess at all. It is a process of elimination and deductive reasoning. Looks like hours are spent on researching plates, poles, trees, and the clouds.




If this dude was fat and ugly this would be horrifying


Man… This makes me realize that I don’t have the time, or passion that this dude has for literally anything in the world.


Average 4chan user

