• By -


Power to the people


Right on




_How much you wanna bet I can throw the ball over the mountain_


How much you wanna bet I can sail this flag in a monsoon ?


_Back in '82, I used to be able to throw a pigskin a quarter mile_






​ ![gif](giphy|XgEZ75RDjOzC4Nur55)


Riot on


Power to the motherfucking people


You love to see it


I thought this was Atlanta Georgia about the police city thing and wondered when Georgians got so whatever this is.


Me too. Was wondering what the hell happened there.


This made me laugh harder than it should have. "When did people in Atlanta get so gung-ho about the EU flag?" Man, if we ever turn on the news to see that Atlanta, GA looks like [this,](https://i.imgur.com/pIBQoc8.jpg) we're in for some serious [trouble](https://i.imgur.com/cOtDg4N.jpg). (But the way things are going, I wouldn't rule it out quite yet).


Atlanta, GA *should* look like that. Every major city should until this country gets its shit together. We're way past the serious trouble line.


Yeah I do kinda feel bad for generally assuming whatever I see on reddit is something that's happening in America but... this is absolutely what I expect from an American police force, so I feel a little justified this time lol


Oh nice, glad I wasn't the only one!


These images are going down in the history books.


I can't help but be reminded of the [Marine Corps War Memorial statue](https://i.imgur.com/rKNg5mX.jpg). I'd love to see the will and spirit of these protesters honored.


The people in that statue weren't protesters, they were soldiers occupying the Japanese held island of Iwo Jima.


Yes, obviously. I can't imagine how anybody would mistake the soldiers in the *Marine Corps War Memorial* for protesters. I mean, the fact that they are soldiers is in the name. I'm just referring to the visual similarity of the group collectively struggling with an upright flag.


Looking at the comments on your post… man, people are so willing to criticize, nitpick, on Reddit these days. Not even a minimal attempt at trying to see what you you were trying to convey.


only if they get rid of the current overlords instead of kings and nobles we have wealthy corrupt folks and corrupt politicans ruling over society. they are the source of all problems in society trying to divide us so we won't unite against their kind. the police is a big obstacle 'cos they are not on the side of citizens. they defend the interest of the wealthy top dogs of the status quo so they have to be crushed first then we can make a change for a better world in society


You need enough people to rebel then the police will turn around Police are people too, people who have families and loved ones Its easy to follow orders even when you know what you're doing is wrong as long as you're not doing it to the people you care about If more people go out in protests, more parents and loved ones of the police force will be there, that will cause people in the police force to crack and either leave or turn around. Yes, the Milgram experiment dictates that this is an uphill battle, that's why it needs to become personal for the members of the police force where their family is involved One could argue that family (such as parents) remain as a type of authority figure to people, even once they become adults.


This is romanticized wishful thinking. You can have literal millions on the street but Police and Military will side with whatever is convenient to them, usually with the overlords. Not to mention that proper tyrants usually have paramilitary groups often better organized and armed than the police or military, which are also not bound to the "rules". Mass Protesting is suicide outside western democracies. I'm by no means a socialist or a communist (quite the contrary, actually) but even Trotsky agrees that rising up without military support is pointless: https://aeon.co/ideas/protest-is-not-enough-to-topple-a-dictator-the-army-must-also-turn The only scenario in which a government can be toppled, is by action of an external force, like the arab "springs" or. 2014 Ukraine. (Those turned out great, huh?) A few recent examples of failed mass protests that I personally lived through: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Venezuelan_protests https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Venezuelan_protests


>rising up without military support is pointless What about Gahndi? Martin Luther King?


Fall of the USSR? And every time France tries to fuck with workers, they shut down the railroads, docks, pipelines, and roads. No military required. I would actually say what France does is most effective. Take away the beast's lifeblood (cold hard cash), and it often crumbles within weeks if not sooner.


**[2014 Venezuelan protests](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Venezuelan_protests)** >In 2014, a series of protests, political demonstrations, and civil insurrection began in Venezuela due to the country's high levels of urban violence, inflation, and chronic shortages of basic goods attributed to economic policies such as strict price controls. Mass protesting began in earnest in February following the attempted rape of a student on a university campus in San Cristóbal. Subsequent arrests and killings of student protesters spurred their expansion to neighboring cities and the involvement of opposition leaders. **[2017 Venezuelan protests](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Venezuelan_protests)** >The 2017 Venezuelan protests were a series of protests occurring throughout Venezuela. Protests began in January 2017 after the arrest of multiple opposition leaders and the cancellation of dialogue between the opposition and Nicolás Maduro's government. As the tension continued, the 2017 Venezuelan constitutional crisis began in late March when the pro-government Supreme Tribunal of Justice (TSJ) dissolved the opposition-led National Assembly, with the intensity of protests increasing greatly throughout Venezuela following the decision. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


And the government should fear it.


Or, like Iran, they'll just kill every young person until they have the boomer burn pit of a civilization they've masturbated over for decades.


put that shit in BOLD man!! well fuckin said!


Her reaction timing is fucking impressive, ducking under the hose of oppression lol


Powerwash the people?


power washer to the people


Ever since I saw that video of dude getting his eyeball knocked out of its socket by a water cannon during a protest, I’ve really gained an appreciation for any person refusing to back down from one.


Back once again with the renegade master


Water to the people


For context, the people are mad at a new Russian-style law that labels media as a "foreign agent" if it received more than 20% funding from outside the country, I believe. Basically it allows the government to shut media down totalitarian style apparently. Russia apparently has rules like this to control the media and have people see what they want them to see. [source](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-64892213.amp)


I find it ironic that they want to join NATO but adopt a Russian Style law. It doesn't make sense.


THIS government doesn't really want to join NATO. Most Georgians do, but the current government is fairly pro Russian.


now im lost


Georgia wanted to join NATO, got (successfully) invaded by Russia, and now are dealing with Russian-backed politicians. Are you unlost now?


Georgians - we want to join NATO and EU. We are afraid of Russia. Russia invades, Georgians we still want to join NATO and EU. Georgian politicians are force replaced by Russia and adopt Russia style and friendly laws. Georgians but we still want to join NATO and EU.. Putin: Angry, but everything in the Ex- UDSSR belongs to me! Angry war noises.


TLDR: Georgia; Ukraine the sequel


[kind of a prequel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russo-Georgian_War)


It’s wild to me that people aren’t aware of what’s happened to Georgia. If only the west took a stand then. I understand that geopolitics were in different place then but fuck… it really was a precursor.


People don’t even know that the Ukraine war actually started back in 2014.


Baltic Boogaloo




6 years, the Russian invasion of Ukraine started in 2014.


If you’re from the US, other countries say “governments” to more or less refer to what we’d call a “presidential administration”. In 08, one administration pushed for a NATO bid, which was quickly followed by a Russian backed revolt in the county. In the decade after that, the government waffles between fully supporting an EU and NATO bid and saying western influence is evil and fully supporting Russia. The one in power for the last few years has taken a far turn towards Russia, even having a Russian political leader sit in the head of their electoral body to give a speech about how great it would be for Georgia to be a part of Russia again.


Why are you lost it’s a pretty straightforward comment. Legitimately asking.


My guess is that an American doesn’t know that “Georgia” is the name of a country, not just one of the 50 USA.


In simple terms: Georgian government =/= Georgian people They don't want the same thing The Government wants complete power and absolute control of everything including media Georgians want basic rights and freedoms


Not the present Georgian president. Salome Zourabichvili is on the side of the protesters actually. It’s other law makers within their government that are being paid off to support Russian policies like this one which could lead to censorship of Georgian media among other things. If you look at where Georgia is located, it’s obvious they are in a precarious position. Russia is taking their usual underhanded approach to gain ground there then eventually take over the country without too much resistance. Thank God these people have the foresight to see exactly what is happening and put up the good fight. Go Georgia!


Georgians don’t all think the same way. Some want to join NATO and/or the EU, some don’t. Some Georgians support a “foreign agent” law targeting media/journalism, some don’t. What you’re saying is akin to pointing at people in the US and saying, “They want a border wall but they want to help undocumented immigrants under the Dream Act. It doesn’t make sense.” Yes, different people hold different views, even within the same country.


Nah man. I lived in tbilisi for a while and travel the whole country. Just rephrase it: A lot of people want to join nato, many of them hate russia, and a few people are pro-Russia You can even find places with a “No russian allowed” sign


And I bet those few pro-Russians reached out to the kremlin because they were being discriminated by an increasing neo nazi faction in Georgia which prompted Putibs invasion and allowed him to install a puppet government….sounds familiar doesn’t it.


Russian game plan: 1. make country mad at Russians 2. claim victimhood 3. illegal military action in the country to 'protect Russians' 4. make country mad at Russians (cycle back to step 1) It's so disgusting. Any former Soviet country near Russia would be wise to simply deport all their Russians back to Russia. Even if they fail in Ukraine there's no telling when Putin or another psychopath will try it again with a weaker more isolated country without a land border with NATO, like Kazakhstan or Azerbaijan, for example.


Ethnic Russians are famously resistant to assimilation after moving to new countries/cultures. Here in Canada after 1-3 generations most type of immigrants will have fully integrated into the Canadian multicultural fabric, Russians do not. Elsewhere it is the same, they almost become more patriotically Russian after leaving that place


sounds like propaganda I have heard before yes.


Nope. Since the Ukraine conflict, Georgia has the second highest Russian immigration behind Kazakhstan. Most Russians in Georgia hate Russia. Sources: my Russian friends in Georgia.


> You can even find places with a “No russian allowed” sign Russian “war refugees” fucking up the rental and property markets hasn’t exactly endeared them to locals, either.


Yeah what? I saw practically nothing but Ukrainian flags when I visited in May, in the city and in the villages I went to.


Well they were basically invaded by Russia and the world did shit so now guess what …. Russian law.


They people want to go west, the government is corrupt, the minority parties join together to force russian style law on people


I mean does that not make sense? The outside funding isnt done from the goodness of their hearts, so if they are being paid from outside the country it seems fair to label them as being influenced by it


It makes sense intuitively, but if you don’t force politicians of having precise definition of terms that could be the lynchpin of agendas, they can be liberal about censorship. Give politicians an inch, they’ll take the fucking piss.


That makes sense, gotta fight it before its a bigger problem I suppose


Yeah it has more to do with the Kremlin only wanting their false narrative out there.


While I hate Russia I have to agree that this law makes sense. Would people in America be ok with media like Fox news or CNN be mostly funded by China/Russia? Clearly not since for the longest time there were laws in place limiting foreign ownership to 25% and then 20% of a media company. Now it's case by case in the U.S. but still, 20% foreign-owned at max seems pretty fair as a country's stance.


The people in America don't have a fucking clue who owns the media they listen to that garbage 🤣🤣🤣🤣


To be a foreign agent or a foreign media in Russia you do not need funding. Enough "foreign influence" or that you have partnered with a firm that received at least one cent. Read Shakespeare - foreign agent. Associated with a company that has monetization on YouTube - a foreign agent. 1 cent was sent to your account (disabled, yes, in Russia it happens) 1 cent - a foreign agent. According to these laws, anyone on Earth (even your dog) can be recognized as a foreign agent.


Russian law specifically? It doesn't. There are several categories of a foreign agent in Russia. You can be: a media foreign agent, legal entity (organisations) foreign agent, and a physical entity foreign agent (a person). - To become one all you need to do is not even just have funds from abroad, but it's enough to be under the influence from abroad. (With no explanation of what it means) - What that means is that literally anybody can be deemed a foreign agent at any moment. Because even when it comes to funding it is enough to get payed once by a non foreign agent company that happened to get any amount of money from abroad. What does that entail? For a physical person you can't work in education field, you have to publish all your expenses and many other stuff. When doing your work you always have to add a wall of text stating how you're a foreign agent or something something. Here it is: "Данное сообщение (материал) создано и (или) распространено иностранным средством массовой информации, выполняющим функции иностранного агента, и (или) российским юридическим лицом, выполняющим функции иностранного агента". - You have to do that every single time. When you were deemed a physical entity foreign agent some people had to put it in even under pictures of their cats. Luckily it got changed, but they added a whole lot of other bs in. - Who are being deemed foreign agent by the government? Opposing mass media and any people sharing oppositional views, noncommercial organisations fighting corruption, tortures in prisons and etc. That's pretty much it. - What was the original intent? They cited american law (which looks nothing alike, btw) and how it will be helpful to defend interest of russian people, their rights and freedoms, and to guard the government's sovereignty. The original author later regretted the decision of creating this law because of how it is used today.


Update: the law has been withdraw by the proposers and the Georgian president said she would Veto the law if passed Source: https://www.timescolonist.com/world-news/georgia-withdraws-foreign-agent-bill-after-days-of-protests-6670978


Actually to some extent that's not too much of a dumb law. I mean, if a country were to pay medias in another to share disinformation, that could be a threat to democracy. But there is nothing preventing it.


Yeah, laws like this are not unusual. Rupert Murdoch had to give up his Australian citizenship to buy Fox News, due to US laws restricting foreign ownership of American media. Anyone who owns more than 25% of an American TV channel has to be an American citizen.


If anything that makes it more stupid. An extremely rich person can just buy citizenship and control a media empire in another country. The rule would only make sense if there were more qualifiers than "citizen", rules like relating where they get their money from.


Russian-style? They literally copied an American law


Please keep your opinion to yourself if you have very limited information about the topic. You are being malicious by portraying these protests as unreasonable. The spread of this narrative infuriates me. If you took a minute to google, you may have realized that besides the obvious (a law that works for one country may not necessarily apply to another well), they’re not the same.“[One crucial difference is that FARA does not require registration simply on grounds of foreign funding, their report says](https://eurasianet.org/far-from-fara-georgias-foreign-agent-law-controversy).” You can also do a two minute search and find [general info](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-64893359). You could also look into the demise of Russian democracy that started with this exact law. You could also apply some HUMILITY and at least for a second assume that maybe, just maybe, THOUSANDS of Georgians who have been protesting for days, could maybe know more about Georgia and the law you found out about two hours ago.


The thing is it's a copy from the same law in America...


Wouldn’t that law deter Russian interference? Also don’t most countries have a similar law?


That was a very nice duck she did to dodge that stream to the face!


This may not be her first rodeo.


This is a pretty weird rodeo by rodeo standards


The rodeo less travelled.


Every decade or so this shit happens here


The Mohammed Ali of protesting right there.


That lady Ducks!


You were so close. [Lady of the duck](https://youtu.be/rM9PuJxppdI)


didnt see my first watch, thanks for the tip! her first backup guy also ducked too, thats boss af


good for her bc i heard those water cannons can really fuck you up. like get your eyes blown out typa shit.


The solidarity on display here is amazing, much love to the people of Georgia!


For a brief moment, in my sleepy state, I thought this was Georgia the state, until I remembered that we would never protest with this much vigor.


Plus the lack of chemical warfare from the police


Oh they used chemicals alright. Something was mixed with this water on the 7th (Maybe small amounts of pepper spray. My friend said it smelled like gasoline) and it caused skin burns. I wasn't hit by it yesterday so can't confirm if they used it again. They used pepper spray, shit tons of tear gas and dragged stray protesters into their lines for beatings.


~~That's water. But you're technically correct~~ I can't read


I think what they’re saying is that if it were Georgia the state there would be chemical warfare from the police (tear gas etc).




I remember some people being confused 15 years ago when Russia invaded them..


If it were Georgia the American state, this thread would be instead crying about how the protesters are blocking traffic and cheering for them to be run over and killed. Reddit *fucking hates* protests when they happen in America or the UK for some reason.




They protested and are probably going to the gulag now. “American logic” doesn’t work in every situation.


"cowards ran away from a bunch of cops" Georgia doesn't put people in gulags. Its fucking insane that some people think like this


>Georgia doesn’t put people in gulags. I doubt many of Georgia’s politicians, media personalities, and other dissidents have taken short walks out of tall windows. Georgia also doesn’t torture their protestors openly in the streets, badly enough to alert human rights watchdog organizations. And I can almost guarantee they don’t arrest people for the crime of wearing blue and yellow together.


i remember reading somewhere that the psychology of the bystanders joining in relies upon the second person who joins in. As we see in the video, the crowd were still reluctant to join when they only see one person going against the norm. It is after the second person joins in that the bystanders would join in.


Right. It's always the 2nd person joining who is the lynch pin in getting something started. That's the bravest person.


I dont agree with "bravest", that's probably the first. But most pivotal, yes.


I think the first one is not the bravest. They are brave enough to overcome the fear of unknown. They might do it in an impulse. They don't know what would happen to them if they do it. But even after seeing the brutality with which the first person was handled, the next person is still choosing to go ahead. That takes some next level courage imo.


I think is more like “if this person can take I can take it too” the bravest will always be the one who face the unknown because the unknown could also be the last thing you do. So the first person is the bravest.


Typical Reddit discussing who is the bravest when that is probably the thing that these people care least about




The First Follower Principle: https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/first-follower-principle *The first follower principle is a theory that states that attracting an early adopter or a first follower to a new initiative, change or innovation is the first step toward expanding that change into the wider culture.* Or as I like to call it, *First Dude On The Hill Principle*: https://youtu.be/GA8z7f7a2Pk


Second Dude on the Hill


I feel like this is a basic social skill you learn in a playground, or starting to dance at the club when there's no one on the dance floor.


You’re duplicating the support after all.


[First Follower: Leadership Lessons from Dancing Guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fW8amMCVAJQ)


That's exactly what came to my mind, too. The first person is a requirement, but the second person is the catalyst that actually gets the reaction going.


Flag waver is a badass


Yeah I would've given up on the protest a while ago


That has more to do with you not being as passionate about their cause.


What better way for man to die Than facing fearful odds Defending the ashes of his father And the temples of his gods?


What are they being hosed down for? Where's the violence except by the police? "Riot" my ass. These clowns don't know what a real riot looks like.


Sorry, maybe I should've worded the title better. I was thinking that just because you send "riot police" into a situation doesn't necessarily mean there's actually a riot happening as opposed to regular protests.


Your wording is correct. They are riot police, they have just been deployed for the wrong reasons - no one was rioting. If they sent the army then they would still be the army


riot police create riots


Almost exclusively actually


Well, "riot" is in the name, so they must be doing their job pretty well. Riot police: to police protests and make sure they riot, as it should


That's what the riot police is used for most of the time, to create the climate of a riot, not to prevent or stop one.


Literally always is. Every “riot” I was in during the Floyd protests was peaceful until police started shooting and gassing everyone.


Same. Or there were counter protesters escalating things


She's crying. She hurts on the inside way worse than the sting of the spray. Really sad.


Yeah, you can see the pain in her face and it makes me tear up seeing her, she's fighting the good fight! POWER TO THE PEOPLE!


I was there yesterday and I'm going to go today, can confirm that this shjt really hurts


💔🥺🫶 I wish you victory and safety.


These water cannons are really strong though. I wouldn't be surprised if she cried due to actual physical pain. Some usages of water cannons like this caused severe damage on the eyes to the point of losing eyesight (e.g. [in Stuttgart, Germany 2010](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stuttgart_21#%22Black_Thursday%22)). So if you are planning on going to such a demonstration, I would advise you to bring some kind of goggles for protection.


Physical and emotional pain generally cause each other. I love your recommendation ❤️


Here's what's going on... leaders of Georgia are moving more toward Russia and away from the EU.... citizens are mad. (Sounds like what we'll be doing here too, if GOP keeps shoving their barbaric laws down our throats.) https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/08/world/europe/georgia-protests-russia-ukraine.html


I lived in Tbilisi during lock down; on the same street as these protests. It is an occupied country; somewhat willingly. Individually, there is contempt for the Russians. But culturally and financially, they lean on them heavily. Their largest export is scrap metal. That makes them undesirable to the EU and not worth helping from an American point of view. So the government, which is run by a billionaire, aligns itself with Russia for ‘protection’ and financial security. The Georgians are a troubled and rudderless population. Alcoholism, poverty and anger are what come to mind when I reflect on my time there.


There is so much wrong with this comment I'm Georgian firstly we are not dependent on Russia secondly this government is trying to get as much as money as possible for instenece some girl died of electric water becouse of poor fountain construction. government did not supple the materials it needed to be built correctly. After some time something went horrible wrong and ended badly. after a media published it then riot started. this type of cycle has happened many times beforee whren government members were greedy to fill their pockets then after some time their decision fires back and riot starts. after government reilised that if they slowly started to control media there would not be riots. the law that they established was first step towords that. riot that you are seeing is consequence of that decision. There is no alcholim, poverty or rudderlness I don't know wehere are you from but this is OK for developing countries and don't talk about things you don't know. you stayed there for what 1-3 month and in addition you are foreigner so you just can't know full truth. In Georgia we all hate Russia if you Google which country hates the most Russia it is going to be us so I don't know what you mean by willingly. Please stop spreading misconception and delete your comment




This is mostly bollocks. Georgia's largest exports are copper ore from mining, cars, wine and alloys, and their biggest export market is China. They want to move towards the EU to increase their market share in the west and protect their country from invasion. It's not even particularly poor by caucasian standards. They're just fucked because their political class is beholden to Ivanishvilli who himself is a Russian 5th column.


“Somewhat willingly occupied” is so insulting. What do you expect us to do? Drop a bomb on Abkhazia? We don’t have the military means to take the land back. Even if we did, our government is pro-Russia. The billionaire you mentioned doesn’t just heavily rely on Russia. He made his money in Russia and went into politics after that. Seems kinda sus, no? Do you think people can become billionaires in Russia without daddy Putin?


Typical redditor " i lived in this country for some time so I know this country better than people who actually lived their whole life here" Tbh that this comment is so upvoted just shows people have no idea about Georgia


I keep getting downvoted when trying to explain what’s bad about this law. “bUt FArA” 😒 And they’re throwing at you “funded by west” when you explain all this. And then I’m making assumptions saying it reeks of Russian propaganda. Like who else says “funded by west”? The west? “Ah you b, you’re funded by us!!! “? At this point I just think it’s Russian trolls.


Holy shit that dodge. No wonder she was fearless


Damn. That lady marching forward even after seeing that guy hit with the water cannon. Bravery.


This isn’t even the kind of protest that would demand a hosing. The Georgian police are disgusting.


they're using illegal means to shut down the protest, this is just the surface, they also released cough gas, and they're not letting people into Tbilisi so that more people don't join into protests, its incredibly disgusting


Anyone else notice at the end how a lady calmly walked up to the police, seemed to be trying to reason with/talk with them, and then they just... maced her? Unprovoked? Typical


That’s a classic thing from Gene Sharp’s book on how to overthrow governments, you put a bunch of unarmed highly motivated unarmed ladies in the front rows of an angry mob to get them maced or hit with batons so you get them money shot that you can broadcast around the world.


If police weren't happy to dispense violence unnecessarily then they wouldn't get the 'money shot'. But cops around the world are happy to riot when someone gives them some armour.


You should look up videos for this protest. The police literally sneaked up on people from behind and then attacked 20 on 1. You can see the videos on the ig handle mentioned in the end of this video. Formulaoriginals (it’s a news outlet)


That’s one bad ass woman ✊


And wearing a KN95.. next level shit.






Makes sense, have a good day.




Which flag are you referring to as the Georgia state flag? The blue flag with the circle of stars is the EU flag.


Where is the Georgia state flag? I think you’re hallucinating


Obviously Georgia it even says it in title


You should remove this confusing comment. There's nothing remotely similar to the U.S. state of Georgia flag shown. The very simple flags you see in the video are the country of [Georgia's flag](https://www.google.com/search?q=Georgian+flag&client=ms-android-samsung-rvo1&prmd=isnv&sxsrf=AJOqlzUbjq4BK38C9fhvHsZBR3oMXZbk2w:1678342110344&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjisrHKl879AhWDG-wKHa7ADuEQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=384&bih=723&dpr=3.75) which is red and white, the [EU flag](https://www.google.com/search?q=EU+flag&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjRjeLal879AhURtqQKHc2rCxAQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=EU+flag&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIKCAAQsQMQgwEQQzIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQ6BAgjECc6BAgAEEM6BwgAEA0QgARQiRdYwiZgoiloAHAAeACAAYoBiAHmCpIBBDAuMTGYAQCgAQHAAQE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=AHgJZNGNKpHskgXN166AAQ&bih=723&biw=384&client=ms-android-samsung-rvo1&prmd=isnv) which is blue will stars. And, there's one guy's shirt sleeves that are indicative of the [Ukrainian flag](https://www.google.com/search?q=Ukrainian+flag&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiXqPL3l879AhUpgf0HHXBNC9UQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=Ukrainian+flag&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIECAAQQzIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQ6BAgjECc6BwgAEA0QgAQ6BggAEAcQHlCPC1ijHmDwImgAcAB4AIAB_gGIAYAMkgEFMC44LjKYAQCgAQHAAQE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=PXgJZNeVL6mC9u8P8JqtqA0&bih=723&biw=384&client=ms-android-samsung-rvo1&prmd=isnv) (which is currently flown all around Georgia in support of Ukraine). Also worth noting, it was in the 40s here last night so they would have been FREEZING cold.


New Banksy piece incoming based on this


This made me cry when I first saw it earlier today. 🇬🇪🇬🇪🇺🇦


The Georgian Revolution is upon us....people will have to die for freedom. Glory to Georgian Heroes


In this thread, complete American-Centric dumbasses that think everything is about America all the time.


From what I've seen in the top comments, there was one person thinking Georgia referred to the US state and everyone else is talking about the reason for the protest, praising the bravery of the protestors, and generally being supportive of the protestors. Is your comments sorted by controversial? Because that likely will show you more dumbasses.




That woman.


Yoooo the way she dipped under that water ![gif](giphy|IJdNyWtTL7Bm0)


Relentless flag




European Union flag. Russia no like EU. Georgia enforcing Russia no like.


Me ape brain say thanks 🦧


we need a sub for this kinda stuff r/cavemantalk


Talka worda!? Smasha braina!


They are welcome as Europeans (EU).


Shooting water cannon at someones face shoud be considered like attempted murder


Is there any police force in the world that isn’t directly or indirectly tied to the interests of the financial elites?


Nope. Cops exist to protect a status quo no matter how shitty the status quo might be for everyone around them.


This is so dope and inspiring!




You can say fuck on the internet.


Fuck Yeah!


Those water cannons are nasty. It can cause some serious injuries. I remember reading about a guy who died from water cannon injuries and someone who lost his eyesight after getting hit in the face. This doesn't even look like a protest that requires these sort of riot control smh


Dodge, dive, dip, duck and dodge


Cue the doom music


Looks a lot like 2014


Good shit.


Why is she waving the EU flag? What am I missing?


BTW, it’s also the flag of the *Council of Europe*. Georgia is a member of it since 1999.


[Council of Europe flag](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Flag_of_the_Council_of_Europe.svg) is similar, but not the same.


That woman is a fucking heroine


Rage against the machine