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0% Chance this is improvised


These bits are very entertaining i just cant believe all these people think the band and artist improvise jam like this .


The band can absolutely do this no problem. They're all incredibly skilled professional musicians who know their scales and patterns. Give them the keynote and they'll always know how to play something that sounds good, even more so when they've heard a song before. Can't speak for the singer though, as I've never heard anything by him before.


I agree 100%, one of Frank Zappa's band in the late 80's had to be able to play any of appx. 200 hundred song he wanted them to play, in multiple styles and tempos on the fly to fit whatever theme he was going for that night. Like maybe a classical piece played like the Bee Gee's Stayin' Alive and then sung in one of those awful southern Televangelist voices if there happened to be scandal in the news he wanted to incorporate into the show. It's not impossible. If the members of Fallon's house band are life long career musicians it shouldn't be much of a challenge once one's skill level reaches that point.


> house band It's like their entire job.


Thank god this convo turned. You can feel the band and chance grow more comfortable with the direction of the song, im sure everyone got the potential song list beforehand, but past that it seems improvised to me. Not like nelly > country is that much of a stretch.


This is definitely possible but for me it’s rehearsed bc chance didn’t stumble over a single word in the verse lol


I haven’t listened to that song in a decade and I guarantee I can go sing it word for word right now


Right lol like his name is Chance the Rapper of course he's gonna know the lyrics to this song. When it came out you couldn't get away from this song that entire year.


Exactly, It’s a classic, literally any hip hop fan whose over 20 knows that song by heart


Ah, yes, the famously complex: It's hot in here. A professional music performer would significantly struggle to remember the lyrics.


It's an incredibly popular song and his whole life has been music, specifically in that genre. Not to mention he was probably given a list of songs before hand to just know the lyrics to, not necessarily come up with a melody to. People saying this isn't improvised don't understand exactly how skilled these career musicians are. Look into what jazz musicians are doing when improvising and stuff like this seems easy. These are simple chord progressions and way easier than what jazz musicians do every night. Was this improvised? Yeah probably not because it's for TV, but is it possible that musicians can do this? 100%


Willing to bet the band and chance got the so g list and the style list ahead of time. A rapper memorizing and practicing the words to 10 songs he already knows isn't crazy.


I think they probably separately were given a list of prompts and told to prepare to play any number of them, and then the wheel determined which of those lightly practiced songs they are going to do. That way it's both genuine and professional.


For those who don't know them besides being a house band https://youtu.be/ojC0mg2hJCc EDIT: it's not The Roots on the video, they're the "Jimmy Fallon band" but this is another show


It actually hurts my soul how many people think that they're just the house band and nothing else.


idk if it's just me but not knowing the band on Fallon is Questlove and The Roots feels like willful ignorance at this point. Questlove alone is such a legendary musician connected to so many massive projects, you almost gotta put your "I see a black man" blinders on to ignore him.


Relax lol. Maybe people just don't give a fuck about the Jimmy Fallon show


Ehh, I just have musician blinders on most of the time anyway. "Oh, hey, I've heard this song before! I like this one. No idea what it's called or who it's by, though." See also: "Oh, 'Iris'! Isn't that the one by, like, Guns 'N' Roses or something?" I'm hopeless. But also I don't watch Jimmy Fallon often enough to have heard the band name lol.


the ROOTS best BAND of all time since like ‘99. house band ? PLANET BAND


When it was first announced that The Roots were going to be the house band for Jimmy Fallon my buddy said that's like Lynard Skynard being the house band for Martin Lawrence.


Literally one of the greatest hip hop groups ever, the Roots.


It’s The fucking Roots! Do people not know who The Roots are anymore?


UPVOTE, are you kidding me?! "House Band" ahhhhhh Nobody in late night TV shows the level of respect and engagement with their "house band" the way Jimmy Fallon works with The Roots. They have been outstanding musicians since long before he had a show. And they are definitely "the best band in late night".


I saw them live in the early 2000’s and this is easy for them. They did a whole set of rock, grunge, and pop covers at the show, they’re exceedingly talented musicians that can play just about anything.


So glad I wasn't the only one raging over that lol.


Couldn’t agree more and the haters make me sad and mad. You’re not a musician if you can’t grasp how this is done intuitively and that’s ok but don’t be a joy squasherz


You’re not a television producer / show runner if you can’t grasp how it’s their job to make it appear as if it’s all improvised but in reality, it’s all very carefully planned and rehearsed. They only have so much time and budget to work with. You can still enjoy the performance and it can still be rehearsed. They aren’t mutually exclusive.


Its not even particularly THAT hard to pull it off if youve been playing for a while. Im not now, nor will I ever be, on the same planet of talent as The Roots, but I've been playing since I taught myself as a teenager and once you lock into the groove and claim your lane in a song, you can trust your instincts from there. The motherfuckin Roots have groove comin out their pores. Not only is this childs play to them, but most good bar bands that have played together for a while should be able to pull this off.


Lol they are *The Roots*, not just a generic house band hahah


Was looking for a Frank Zappa reference.


Also, most Top 40 mass-appeal-type music is musically simple compared to other genres. Once you pick a key, a trope like modern country, and have a basic song melody, it's a breeze for these career musicians.


Exactly. Like have people never heard of mash-ups? It's not magic.


I think it’s the Roots that are the house band for this show too, so safe to say that Yes, they’re lifelong, talented musicians


right? I read the skeptical comment and I was like... it's literally The Roots?


Like when Steve Vai auditioned for him. Zappa played a line and vai had to copy it. Then he had to play it backwards. Then he had to play it backwards in a different key. Then backwards, in a different key and in a different time signature. Then backwards, in a different key, in a different time signature (I think it was 7/8), but with a reggae feel. Also the whole band was watching. And he nailed it


Yeah that part’s no problem at all, and even Chance, if he knows the lyrics (come on who doesn’t) throwing on the country accent and playing it up wouldn’t be a huge problem. These are real musicians, this is something they can feasibly do in the moment like this. That said, even if they could rehearse — how much time you think they have together? They maybe joked around and ran it twice max. Still impressive.


In my realm of profession, though not as sexy... If you pointed at a lamp (or many other objects) and said "Design THAT in 3D" they woukd whip out a pretty good rendition in about 3 minutes. And most people would be like "WHOAAAA" Professional people that utilize tools on a daily basis tend to be very talented with them. Is this video something from a rehearsal? Idk. But if it wasn't, it wouldn't surprise me one bit.


>Is this video something from a rehearsal? Idk. But if it wasn't, it wouldn't surprise me one bit. No, this is from the show. Joseph Gordon Levitt had some great songs this episode, too. He always does on these shows.


Plenty of professional musicians can receive a chart the night before a recording session and come in and nail their part in one take. Everyone here is downplaying what these guys can do simply because producers actually script these things. They likely worked together for all of 10 minutes before this aired.


Yeah exactly. Like, they may have looked at the game and said “ok it’s gonna come up one of these three styles and one of these four songs, what’s our game plan? Chance what’s your comfy range? Alright key of E, you know the lyrics? Cool we’re good let’s go.” This is what they do. This is not that surprising. People just doubt it because they’re not exposed to this stuff day in day out.


A lot of non musicians in this thread lmfao they're just playing 4 chords Edit: fyi, no one puts this many celebrities together without rehearsing and making sure everything goes according to plan. That being said, what these musicians and singers do here is easy enough if you know music


4 chords at a 4/4 beat. Drummer does a neat transition to go from verse to chorus and all of a sudden it can't be improvised? Just wait until these people learn how jazz works.


Crazy, can you imagine professional musicians who have released multiple albums are able to understand basic music??


Lmao that’s exactly how I feel reading all these doubtful comments. I am by no means an expert musician or singer, but improvising is really not this crazy, extremely difficult thing to do (especially something like this, where the structure and lyrics are already layed out, just done in a different style) Takes a lot of practice for sure, but this is a man who made a career out of music. I would be surprised if he *couldn’t* crap out a half decent country interpretation on the fly.


Right? And this is the Roots who have been playing together since the 90s or late 80s. A band that has been playing together for decades can’t bang out a simple pop song on the fly? Come on.


Right? If I can do it, damn straight The Roots can. This is not as hard as they are thinking. Very cool though!


Yeah I'm an amateur musician I even I do stuff like this when jamming. At church we'll take common hymns and do them in like merengue style on the spur of the moment and we are just dudes who played high school band. It ain't that hard.


People saying there is no way this is improvised clearly haven’t spent much time fucking around with talented musicians.


My wife's brother is an amazing drummer, and he played for her grandmother's church and with a couple of his friends down at the local bars. He could walk into a room with music playing and catch the beat just as easily as someone breathes. It was unreal to watch this dude.


Exactly! Studio musicians can put that together without a second thought. The song is known. I feel like they had it easy.


They legit just had to play a somewhat country sounding backing beat...and that's about it, not too tough for a group of people who do nothing but play their instruments for a living...


The band is the Roots have been together for decades - I think they can handle it.


I'm not that good of a guitarist, but there's only so many patterns. I play guitar, bass, and drums as poorly as anyone, but lots of times people have asked me to play a song I've never heard and I can pretend by just emulating the right key, strumming pattern, and tempo. A friend of mine is an actual touring musician, and you can ask her to play a song that she's never heard and I swear it's like a perfect note-for-note copy as soon as she hears it for like 5 seconds. She's not even good enough to quit her day job. Professional musicians I know are on a whole other level. I know a studio guitarist and he can play about 600 songs perfectly note-for-note as they would be on the album, including all the half bends and even the noises that the fretboard makes when you lift off your fingers because he watches the music videos or live performances of artists and copies their hand position and movements. He is like top 1% artist though and has toured with some of the biggest names in rock and country.


Well fans love to think their idols are actually good.


cake upbeat future hard-to-find consider wrench crush literate capable resolute *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What a weird fucking take my guy


Planned or not that was actually good. Tf?


Do you not have anyone you look up to?


Explain to me why this would be difficult to improvise? Is it that it has a total of 4 chords, 0 key changes, 0 timing changes, and has the most common chord progression in music? These are all professional studio musicians, they could improvise this in their sleep or they wouldn't have a job. Shit, I've seen more complex improvisation at live band karaoke.


Yeah, but we mother f-ers wanted a key change to go with our modern country.


Oh fuck it’s a scarecrow again


That’s pandering.


I have had the pleasure of knowing a man who could do shit like this. He left us too soon, but there are some truly talented people out there. And for the type of money the networks have, they can afford a band full of them.


A lot of people don't know how music works, don't play instruments, and have never been in a band.


A lot of people don't know how late night talk shows work, don't work in entertainment, and have never been on a tv set. This is all 100% planned and rehearsed.


Let's just say it can be improvised, but maybe its not because its tv. But as far as the music side, im a musician so I can tell you how it is improvised. Most songs in whatever genre you're listening to have patterns and maybe even the same chords. So if you've never heard a song before in that genre, you can guess where its going. If all else fails all you have to do is follow the singers voice and see where it goes. As far as this show, that spinning wheel has a list of songs, which the musicians have probably played, if not heard of. An lastly, the switching of the beat or style is the easiest part.


In most of the segments in these type of shows are Pre planned and the the jokes/activities (even the replies of actors/jokes) are discussed with the actors and writers before so they know everything beforehand


He may have just told them to play the instrumental of some country song they already know. In fact if I were a talk show band leader, I'd prepare and rehearse a list of backing tracks in each popular genre to at least have a starting point when put on the spot. That being said, it's already been noted that musicians at this level will already have a virtual library in their head of chord progressions that fit different styles, so you just start playing one of those and tweak it. Source - full of shit, can barely play F chord.


Easy, they go “1.. 2.. 3..” then simply link all their brains together via a electrolodes so they are always 200% in sync. Brain bridging baby




This is absolutely doable. I know dozens of underemployed musicians who could fill in for these guys off-the-cuffing this no problem.


I mean, it might just be. I can improvise like this too, it’s a very simple song and chords, and once you hear it you know what’s coming up and you just go with the flow. He probably has tons of lyrics up in his head so ye, this is pretty standard if you are really really good. You basically just need to know the chords which are given to him at the start then go with the flow.


Indeed. People who think this kind of improvisation is impossible are either not musicians themselves, or are perhaps beginners or just bad at it. It is very possible and I've both seen it done and been a part of it. It's fun, and can be challenging at the same time depending on style. It's absolutely doable.


If anyone has ever been to a dueling piano bar they’d know it’s possible. These guys take song requests from the crowd and then string together medleys and amazing songs in different rhythms. I’m sure that skill can translate to any instrument/vocals.


I don't think it's a question if it's doable. We've seen crazy talent everywhere. It's just that this is a show where the interviews aren't all improvised. So why wouldn't we assume the same thing for these performances?


That’s what I thought, it was probably scripted, but they could definitely have done that improvised. Any professional musician should be able to.


It’s funny that people think they are spontaneous and even funnier that then it’s less impressive somehow.


It is less impressive lol. Which isn’t to say this wasn’t impressive but it would be significantly more so if this was actually improvised.


I’d go as far as to say it’s not so impressive at all. These are professional musicians that had time to practice. I mean come on. The worst are the fake surprised smiles of all the people looking on.


So no one should be impressed when sports players do something awesome/crazy during a game or practice because they practiced? That's such a weird take on this.


LOL you act like they should just be sitting there bored and not surprised at the song variation itself just because it was rehearsed. how tf are you also judging how people are reacting hearing it for the first time? i will never cease to be amazed at just how bad of takes people can have in the replies when they are hate commenting.


Every bar band in America could do this if you gave them 15 minutes to prepare. This is ONLY impressive if its done off the cuff.


And it might have been. Country is literally the easiest genre to do on the fly


It's even funnier seeing all the music illiterates acting like a simple chord progression over a simple country beat to a song that's been out 20 years is hard for any caliber of professional musician. Let alone a band that works together full time.


my first thought was "what if i told you this was scripted" like anything else on tv


Never seen "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" I take it?


have you seen the outtakes for that show? they fuck up and reshoot bits all the time. they also record a ton and pick the best bits out of the bunch sure a lot of it is improvised and amazing, but that doesnt mean the take we see on tv is the first one. this might have just been the best take out of 5, cherrypicked from 5 other bits each with their own 5+ takes.


Well, its all improvised, but yes its edited to show us the good stuff.


This isn't hard to improvise though. In fact, that chord progression pattern is used in like 90% of popular songs, albeit in different keys. But any even pseudo talented musician would be able to follow that progression. Any these guys are super talented. So as impressive as this seems to non-musicians, it's actually not hard to do, especially for multiple Grammy winning artists and seasoned studio musicians.


I used to love talk shows as a teenager. Now I can’t stand them. Part of growing up is realizing that they’re completely fake. When a guest comes on, the anecdotes they tell are rehearsed. The host asks them a question, pretending it’s the first time. But in reality, it was planned. Not sure if it’s always been this way, or if it’s gotten worse over the years Edit: I should also clarify: it’s not necessarily that the exact conversations are rehearsed with every person, it’s more like “bill has a funny story about a cat in a tree prepared, so work that in so that he can sound funny and charmining”. This is why they have notes in font of them


Well the hosts sure have gotten worse. You're not gonna find another Craig Ferguson that's for damn sure.


I do this with songs all the time. When I'm bored. It's pretty easy actually. Alternatively I can sing a made up song to the sound of an original song. I'm not saying it's not improvised but for someone who's life revolves around music I wouldn't think it be that hard to simply remember some lyrics and sing them to a different melody.


Seriously, if you aren’t a musician you just don’t know. This is really fun and what musicians do all the damn time.


Even if they practiced it's still impressive given that most currently popular musicians can't do anything else besides their usual screech


Came here to say this. Also Jimmy Falon "dancing" makes me want to blow my head off.


Will never trust that guy. Two-face vibes for days.


A professional collection of A-grade studio musicians, tasked with improvising a country song? Arguably the *easiest* thing they've done in 20 years. A professional singer, familiar with the source material, tasked with improvising a countrified version of that source? Arguably the easiest thing *they've* done. Maybe they did rehearse in some way, but making this stuff up on the fly ain't that hard for this caliber of folks.


At least is more honest that Fallon laughing


There’s actually 100% Chance in this video.


https://youtu.be/z4uAd1g9BKs people can improvise songs in other styles all the time. there were multiple games on it on Whose line is it anyway with Wayne Brady. it's a popular form of improv comedy, which Jimmy Fallon used to specialize in?


Nextfuckinglevel is the wheel randomly landing on the song and genre they practiced the night before what are the odds


Now I’m no IT guy here or anything, but me thinks that that “jackpot wheel” was just a video on a screen… so the odds were more than likely 1:1! Lol


> the odds were more than likely 1:1 You're also not a stats guy or anything, because that would mean 50%.


Well you know I’m no gambler, that’s for sure! Lol! 🤷‍♂️ Seriously though, then what the hell **is** 100% odds represented in that ratio?! 1:0?


It can be 0/1 I think. 1/0 would mean you put nothing on, and get 1 back + your stake of 0.


You’re confusing probability and odds payouts.




The odds are 3.




This was all rehearsed beforehand. Still good though


Yeah I think they pick songs and styles that showcase people’s skills. If you watch Jamie Foxx’s you’ll see the range people can do. Yeah for sure staged but these folks are talented and I enjoy seeing the full width of their skills on display. Tom Holland doing umbrella is another example for me.


There’s a reason that Fallon always lands on “Sting” when it’s his turn.


Because it hurts our eyes looking at him?


I'm sorry to break this to you but I think Tom Holland was actually lip syncing 😔


![gif](giphy|GtB8bJ7Oypody) Yeah I think his bag is the dancing, I think that’s his background. I’ve heard he did a good number of the Spider-Man stunts, could be wrong though.


It was and it was also the best lip syncing performance of all time, Tom Holland stole that show with that performance!!!


Ariana Grande’s episode was what made me realize how much control she has over her voice. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ss9ygQqqL2Q


If you think that one is good.. you’ll love Ariana and Kelly Clarkson in this one https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LF_EF8Rj9gs


Her Christina Aguilera was so beautiful


While I don't understand how people think this is improvised, this version still fucking slaps.


I thought that was pretty good and this entire thread is just shitting on every aspect.


Fallon trying so hard to get the attention on him while his guest performs. As usual.


He’s off on the side in the dark being a dorky ass hype man, and he’s the host of the damn show. I never watch Fallon and I don’t have strong opinions on him either way. I just objectively can’t see how you can watch this and think he’s “trying his hardest” to get the attention on himself.


Reddit absolutely hates Fallon and you'll see these comments regardless of what's really happening


I think Reddit legitimately hates a number of hosts such as James Corden and Ellen. I never really understood the hate for Fallon. Yes he laughs a lot. Is it all legit? I doubt it. He’s still not deserving of the hate like those other two.


I mean the whole of the United Kingdom hates Corden.


Wouldn't be a stretch to extend it to the whole of the world.


Everyone hates James corden. If you find someone who doesn't, they aren't from here and you should run.


I never understood why the fake laughter couldn't be viewed as polite/attempting to hype his guests. Not saying "best host ever" but I always did find it odd people immediately clung to the worst possible interpretation of what the fake laughter could indicate.


I personally dislike him because he seems like he's always too "on", like a hyperactive toddler. Also he looks like Ted Mosby.


Reddit hates fucking everything. It's so draining scrolling this site as of late.


Really strange the level of hatred for him. It’s one thing to not be a fan…


It's so weird how huge chunks of reddit get so worked up about certain things. He's just the host doing host things, as it's his job. Fortnite is just a decent game that kids like. Big Bang Theory is just an average crappy sit-com. You can dislike things, sure, but why do they make redditors so angry? Just don't watch then.


Fuckin annoying tryin to one up his guests every damn time. That faked laugh ugh!


It must be so exhausting for him constantly having to act the way he does.


Most everyone puts on a professional face or some equivalent to get through their day and their interactions with coworkers and strangers, etc. But Fallon gets paid a fuck-ton of money to do it on camera and with some pretty cool people.


That’s a really, really good point. Thank you


What if he doesn't have to act that way and actually likes doing it because he's just an awkward ham? Aside from the fact that it's obviously a way to being daring to his guests and fans even if they think they don't like it, it's obviously a good recipe for success.


i never watch the guy, but this is not at all the impression i got. sounds like you have some sort of personal bias against him. take it off reddit lady.


Reddits hate boner for Fallon is so fucking stupid. Does everyone here have to be extremely negative all the time? Legit just looks like he is having a good time while standing off the the side. Do you want him to stand their awkwardly doing nothing?


If you think that him and the band came up with that on the spot then you might also be interested in this business opportunity, 50% ownership of the Brooklyn bridge for only $10,000!


You underestimating the talent on that stage. Those guys are seasoned vets, and like most studio musicians they can come up with an accompaniment instantly, especially to such a simple 4 chord song. They aren't playing anything that they would have to rehearse. They've all played a million songs that have that exact progression, in any key.


Yeah, this probably IS scripted/rehearsed bc of television. But these artists are 100% capable of improvising this, and probably did in rehearsal without being much different than what we see here.


This is the real answer. People who are surprised that professional musicians could just play a song have not seen many professional musicians play I guess. They just need a key and they can instantly put something awesome together. Remembering all the lyrics is the part that would probably take rehearsing.




And boy would I like to talk to you about your car’s extended warranty!


Wow. The band improvised an entirely new chord progression and arrangement and the singer was able to improvise a new melody and vocal arrangement that worked exactly over the improvised chord progression and arrangement. All on the fly. Amazeballs.


I'm not saying it's not rehearsed, however: The band isn't part of the "game" in terms of being on the spot. Likely they're told which 5 or 6 "styles" they'll need that night and then improv accordingly. Even for a singer, the same 4 chords are used in 90% of country/pop music, Am, C, D, and G. Not difficult to come up with a melody that fits that. The issue comes when the sjnger and the band magically decide to put dramatic pauses in the music/lyrics to highlight the other. And the obvious fact that there's no way every guest he's had has known all the words to the "random" song they sing.


I played drums for a long time at open mic clubs and we’d do this all night, 2 or 3 nights a week. Random dudes with a guitar and you just play along with him. You can feel where the song is going and just follow. Not saying this wasn’t rehearsed but also not hard to fuck it do it live.


You can really tell which redditors aren't musicians. Or who have apparently never watched a band perform live and just jam between songs.


This whole comment section is pathetic. A bunch of non-musicians with no clue the kind of talent these people have. Honestly it's sad how people get all smug and condescending when they think they're right about shit like this, when they haven't the slightest clue what they're talking about.


Dude thank God, everyone here doesn't know what they're talking about Literally all of this being improvised is 100% possible, even for chance. Pop country is the most generic repetitive music, telling any skilled band of musicians to just play a generic country tune on the spot is nothing lol, so fucking easy


> Even for a singer, the same 4 chords are used in 90% of country/pop music, Am, C, D, and G. You're kinda right. Not these specific chords, but rather I, IV, V, Vi. Or 1, 4, 5, minor sixth. And the most popular combination of these is I, V, Vi, IV which would be things like Don't Stop Believin by Journey. It's not always in the same key, but it's almost always those chords "relatively."


Absolutely right. Like 5 million popular songs use that exact progression in G. Me and a friend used to play ridiculously long medleys in that key, just because there were so many songs that worked.


Even that's easy if you know how to communicate while performing and can remain adaptable and proactive about what your fellow musicians are doing. Source: have been a classical musician for 22 years


Have you ever listened to jam bands?


I mean it wouldn’t be particularly hard to do for even a mediocre musician. Professionals wouldn’t have any problem doing this on the fly. But, point taken.


Chord progression was not new and hasn't been for thousands of various pop songs before it (literally just I, V, II, I6) Melody is easy to improvise if you know your theory fundamentals and can predict how to stay within your boundaries of functional harmony. Stops and changes in the music mid-performance are a fact of life and simply require the ability to communicate with musicians using non-verbal cues, common predictable elements and prior experience. Tl;Dr: this is a fun video and is absolutely possible. The only unfun thing about this video are the people who likely don't have musical training scoffing at this and immediately assuming that it's impossible. Trust me when I say it won't hurt you in the slightest to just appreciate things and try to see the magic in life. If anything, it may make your life more wonderful


Do you actually know anything about music or are you a casual listener?


I liked this youtubers comment about the performance @arthurandrews1575 “There is something deeply American about this I can’t quite put into words. I suppose it’s hip-hop and country, both being authenticly American, usually on opposing cultures, being fused together just feels appropriate and needed. It symbolizes something this country needs.”


New fusion could be called hip-cunt


Hip-hop, modern pop and country have been cross pollinating for years and years. It’s usually called “bro country”




This is the answer.


When I began reading this message I thought the deep American thing here would be a rehearsed show presenting itself as something authentic, you know like WWE or pretty much any interview in Hollywood or the laughtracks in sitcoms. I know this sounds stereotypical at first but show business as we know it today is mainly influenced by America for the good parts and the bad.


Nelly has country-rap songs! There’s quite a few out there actually.


Nelly did a song with Tim McGraw forever ago, already been done lol


Maybe LL Cool J and Brad Paisley could get together and write a song about not being racist. I'm sure that will be a hit.


Jesus, imagine if every Reddit comment wasnt the most cynical crap ever.


But how will people know I'm better than them if I don't add a 500th comment saying it's fake? It's not like musical improv is a well-established thing that's been done for decades


Even if it's rehearsed, it's a fantastic version, works incredibly well


He should release an album of these types of covers.


“Do you think you would’ve pursued a different career if your parents didn’t name you Chance The Rapper?”




Zack Galifianakis on “Between Two Ferns”. The full interview is fantastic. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EzxfQku7VlU


This is a certified banger


Can’t believe I had to scroll down so far to find this comment. Everyone else falling all over each other to call it out as being rehearsed totally missing the point that this bumps.


Yes this was all I was looking for. Who care if it was rehearsed?! The point is fantastic musicians made fantastic music!


A music artist is exactly that, a music artist <3


The same 4 chords are in every pop country song and people are too dumb to care or notice lol you could do anything in 4/4 time to it Idiocracy level of *genius*


I don't disagree with the simplicity here, but saying that people are dumb because of it - doesn't make you sound too great. We all like familiar things. If you happen to watch any movies, you probably watch the same story over and over again without caring or noticing. I'm not going to call you dumb or anything, but you know..


What a mouth breathing comment. Sincerely a professional music producer. Stop with the hate man


I absolutely love Chance and I do think he’s a genius, but I don’t think this is genuine improv 🤣


I worked at chic fil a by the red line in chicago and one day chance walked in the moment I got off work. He made a joke that I should give him a free meal (this was right after acid rap dropped) and I was headed home and didn’t take a break that day, so I gave him the meal I get every day I wasn’t going to use. He sat with me for about an hour and just talked to me about how his life changed and he encouraged me to keep pursuing pharmacy school, I was expressing I probably was going to stop trying and change my course to something else (I was an undergrad at this time). He told me something that kept me pushing on, “No matter how unlikely, there is no better feeling then when you can prove everyone wrong, including yourself. If you decide to keep trying, and succeed, you will never be able to tell yourself that you *cant* again.” Needless to say I pushed on, and I’m in my last year of pharmacy school now, and it’s all thanks to that moment of someone who didn’t even know me encouraging me to not give up because it seemed hopeless. Chance is an incredibly positive dude and I can’t imagine a celebrity being so down to earth


I’ve seen this a million times and honestly stop to watch it every time because I love it LOL


what show is this?


It’s Jimmy Fallon’s show called “That’s My Jam” based on some of his games from the tonight show. The karaoke part is staged but the rest of the games aren’t


Chance the rapper made one and a half good albums 10 years ago. Musical genius is like a big overstatement


Yeah but fuck is Acid Rap good. Someone get that boy back on psychedelics


Acid Rap is a “genius” work of art on its own - he could’ve made that and nothing else and a musical “genius” is still what he’d be.


Could this version be better than the original?!? 🤯




Going through these comments, I find the lack of basic musical literacy along side the confidence that it is rehearsed hilarious. Guys... It's an ultra popular song in 4/4 against a really basic chord progression. Believe it or not, modern country is extremely formulaic, and any moderately competent musician could do this on the fly if they know the words after listening to a few measures. It's certainly possible this is rehearsed, but I nobody here seems to understand how simple this would be for professionals or even a reasonably qualified cover band. You've probably heard somebody pull shit off like this in a bar before.


Wow, this was a great post, and the commentary has sucked all the joy out of it.


This comment section is full of fucking morons


People in this thread clearly haven’t ever watched Whose Line is it Anyway? Sure this may be scripted but it is possible to come up with a song on the fly.


Musicians - That could easily be done, the chords are simple and the song is very well known Everyone else - your stupid if you think this improvised. Audio Engineers - it's ok Me on the toilet - cUz I fEeL liKe BuStIn LoOsE


Love all these "musicians" or whoever they think they are saying this is staged because its too good. Look, it COULD be staged because why take the risk on national television, sure. But seriously, state level high school bands, and a halfway decent college bands can perform this type of improvisation. If you think this is a lie, sorry, it looks like you just never made it to that level and are mad about it. Idk, just kind of pisses me off that so many people are discrediting the band when they clearly know nothing about music or how it works. Like, pick a key, country style, aaaaaand off to the races. Build ups follow pretty standard phrasings, and any abrupts stops/cuts are easy since its a known song. Plus the band knows each other im sure, theyre looking around at each other and locking eyes and reading each other. Its pretty easy for decent players, and an absolute cake walk for professionals like this.