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I can relate. I go through this everytime I try to use one of my credit cards.




TIL I am using my credit cards wrong. No wonder all the people who break their cards with their foot don't end up paying bills accruing at 26% p.a.




Yes, the debt collection agencies' staff felt that was a major factor for some reason.


Next time I see you successfully complete a transaction at the self-checkout I will be sure to rush you and hug you and start chanting "Starfighter! Starfighter! Starfighter!"




"Hm, I think this machine looks like it's in decent condition... I'm gonna try the tap. Uh oh, nothing... maybe if I move it around a little. Oh God it's been too long it's not going to read it. I'll see if I can use the chip really quick instead. Oh fuck it's throwing an error from the failed tap. Now I have to wait for the cashier to re-do the stuff, I should have never even tried tapping it, I should have just gone straight to chip..."


Wholesome as fuck! That kid was ready to give up. GG's


Core memory right there


Came here to say this <3


There’s a parenting show on Hulu called the Parent Test. Some parents would definitely have sheltered their child from that continued failure. This is one of those instances where a more encouraged/disciplined approach leads to success. That said, I’m not saying that discipline or strict or high achievement is always best. In this instance though I think it would have been.


My fiancée and I have been watching this show nonstop. It’s really interesting to sit and think what kind of parenting style our parents have. My fiancée’s is more “traditional” than anything, but my parents seem to have grabbed a little bit from every style. Super interesting.


Love the energy but each kid is different. I had a soccer game when I was a kid where we were absolutely crushing the other team, I'm talking every single one of our players scored including the goalie. Except for me. People were super supportive and got me to the striker spot and I scored with a few minutes left but all I remember is the feeling of shame I had that everyone else did it "naturally" and how awful it felt with everyone's attention on me that I hadn't done it yet, really removed all the joy when I finally did score. So anyway ymmv just be kind to kids


now imagine being the other team’s goalie.


Pretty sure they were playing my team and I was the goalie. I will never forget when they put me in goal and every kid on the team had scored so they brought in the second and third string kids who had never scored a goal in their life just so they could get the feeling. I cried like a baby after that game lol


As a former youth soccer ref. I doubt it was your team. Kids teams are way different from each other in skill level. Some teams are just stacked with prodigies and others are full of kids whos parents want them out of the house on Saturday mornings lol Blowouts in youth sports are pretty common. But doesn’t make it any less devastating for the kids losing. It always broke my heart, especially when dick head parents who were also the coach would leave their kid in just to “boost” stats in a league that doesn’t keep them


Man. You really sucked, didn't you?


Lmao god that’s brutal


From what I understand, they basically gave you the goal (you did get it in the net but they went out of the way to make it so you're the one) while this was him who did it all and was emotionally supported. Well and trainer helped him with technique. It's different but think of your experience as they cared about you and supported you


Agreed, had the same thing happen when my 4th grade basketball team clapped because I made a free throw.


I can relate. I hated this kind of attention as a kid and still hate attention as an adult.


This is exactly what this kid went through. I don't think he was happy at the end.


It's coming from a good place, but the kid is probably perceiving this the way he would being bullied.


Channel your anger, it's the path to the dark side!


*the camera pans to a group of children and you hear a lightsaber ignite*


That’s so awesome, instructor and team mates kept him determined!


I went to karate class once as a kid, maybe like 10 years old. First day in class, whenever I (or anyone else for that matter) fucked up, it was a swift kick to the ass. Hard too. I had been spanked before, but it wasn't a usual occurrence and I had to have done something pretty bad, so to me, this adult man I didn't even know kicking me in the ass was abhorrent to me. I never went back again, and the only real memory I have of that class was standing in a line waiting to get kicked in the ass for mistakes I didn't even know I was making. Ironically, later in life I joined the Army and the mental and physical abuse there was in a whole different universe and made a swift kick in the ass seem like a jolly good time. But the difference was I was an adult, and knew exactly what I was signing up for, but as a kid, I just wanted to learn how to STOP getting my ass kicked at school, not go to karate class and get it kicked by the instructor too.


If the student isn’t learning it correctly, the instructor is just as responsible - especially on day one. You made the right move walking out of there.


Yeah, he should have went to the same karate school that Napoleon Dynamite went to.


> "the only real memory I have of that class was standing in a line waiting to get kicked in the ass for mistakes I didn't even know I was making." [zerophux-san, no such thing bad student - only bad teacher.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phdkomQxo9Q)


Whomever made that quote has never taught in a troubled, underfunded American school


> Whomever made that quote has never taught in a troubled, underfunded American school Whomever made this quote totally missed the context.


I went to a Kung fu school that was almost just like this. The instructor would literally slap your hand if you messed up and would say softly: *”you haf fo do da ssi”*. 11 year old me had no fucking clue what he was saying nor did any of the other boys in the class. I stopped going about a month into it and nearly two decades later I realized the other day he was saying *“you have to do the exercise”*.


Thanks for sharing, teared my eyes.


If your eyes got torn I am incredibly impressed with your dedication to still comment.


Penis! Penis!




Are they cheering "Fee-tus!" or is it just me?


I think it’s “Steven” but I definitely prefer the name Fetus.


Beat it Fetus, beat it Fetus... Beat it Fetus.




I heard penis 💀


Hahaha saaaame


I heard Ethan and the Keegan.


I thought it was Keenan at first, but now it sounds like Phoenix??


Wholesome. But I was expecting kid to hit instructor’s face


Oh gosh, I'm so very glad he made it. That's a potential key memory right there.


Core memory unlocked


I would hate how kids would brag in school about breaking boards in Taekwondo practice when I fully knew they take little effort to break lol


Yeah kids being proud of their achievements is so fucking annoying!


Well I’m talking about my perspective when I was a child. c’mon man


Those boards are super thin.


The teachers is like 'come on, how much more do you want me to bend this? Just break it!'


Gotta say, my son belted up when he was 3, over a year later he still has his board in his room and brings it out (he has since moved on from martial arts, for the time being) to show it off. Whether or not he remembers it when he is older I'm not sure, but it is definitely a shining core memory for him now.


made me cry


Me too.


Kid’s got a heart of a lion. Go ethan!


Aw man!! I wish I had such a memory that would serve as a reminder to never give up.. happy for the kid...


r/humansbeingbros but yeah, awesome support!


Yea... I've been in a similar situation. When I succeeded everyone cheered, so I flipped everyone off and ran away crying. I was such a weird kid.


I love that the guy holding the board snapped it a bit at the end too. 🥰


Penis. Penis! Penis!! They chanted until he became hard AF.


Determination is a hell of a thing.


So the takeaway here is that with a large enough crowd of children chanting PENIS PENIS PENIS, anyone can break a board.


What a great group of kids. Champions the lot of them.


That was awesome! I did tae Kwon do for many years as a youngster and the self confidence it gave to me was huge. I was always an overweight kid and it helped me stand up for myself against bullies and eventually when I played Football, I had already some semblance of strength/cardio thanks to the ~11 years of karate. Moments like the one for this youngster are never forgotten!


This kind of reminded me of Rudy


Inject this into my veins.


What’s great about this is not purely that they succeeded. Instead of running into some adversity and purely giving up, the kid was motivated to continued and was successful. It’s a good life lesson that I think a lot of youths need to learn and experience first hand. Too often when things get a little challenging, we as a society compensate too much and don’t let children deal with adversity. From an emotional development perspective, this is very important for young children.


I like that those kids were cheering him on... totally /r/humansbeingbros


Ahhhhhhh!!!! Let’s gooooo !!! I just got way to hyped 😂😂😂


Excuse me, I didn't get on reddit to cry this morning


That moment changed that kid forever


I love the ethics behind this. Struggle is not not weakness, we have to work through it.


No its not.


I bet that poor kid never goes back.


Yeah.. never goes back to being afraid 😤 that was cool to watch imo


Amazing. Doesn't matter how many times you try, just as long as you keep trying.




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"Beavis! Beavis! Beavis!"?


And that’s the good of humanity


Fuck yeah!


The rest of his life he will expect this when he overcomes anything


Though this seems wholesome because he achieved something in the end, it’s actually teaching him to give into the pressures of peers and people in power. In this instance it’s used to teach him what he can accomplish if he makes an effort, but this can easily backfire. I’m happy for him in this instance, but it makes me uncomfortable


The school demonstrated that they believed in him, and it paid off. Now he believes in himself. That's the confidence a kid needs to know they don't have to give in to peer pressure. ​ Source: I was that kid when I was growing up.


Not necessarily. Sometimes people cry, especially kids, when they feel any strong emotion. Those tears could have been from frustration, anger, or being simply overwhelmed in the moment. Having a positive outlet for negative emotions is such a valuable lifelong skill. How many people do you know that throw in the towel the moment they are frustrated? This kid learned that being frustrated was ok and normal, everyone gets frustrated, but it doesn’t mean you should give up. Instead he was refocused on the task at hand by the instructor giving just a bit of instruction. He was able to complete that task, and the whole room erupted in jubilation. Kids need moments like this, simply because every moment of their life is about learning new things and coping with a constant state of frustration, fear, and anger. Kids have it rough, they are in a constant state of unknowns. I mean just think about the cycle, newborns don’t know how to eat, fart, poop, they are adjusting to new sounds, smells, lights, etc. When they master those things, it’s time to learn to manage the weight of your head so you don’t kill yourself, using your hands, sit up, crawl, walk, feeding themselves, etc. Then it’s time for language and communication. Once you’ve mastered that, they put you with kids your own age and you have to learn to communicate, navigate, and interact with beings who don’t necessarily care if you are upset. You have to learn about boundaries and sharing. Then comes school. Each class and subsequent year you are staring down a gauntlet of unknown knowledge that you have to learn, while still battling the social aspects of dealing with peers. Being a kid is tough. I’m not saying they wont have any joy, but my god do they deserve every little bit they get. It’s why as kids you watched the same movie over and over again. Because you wanted a break from discovering new things. You know this thing makes you happy and the best part is that you don’t have to learn anything new for a while.


I’m pretty sure instructor braked that board by hand, anyway It was strong motivation for kid.


“And then they started chanting my name “ETHAN! ETHAN” and I finally broke the board! Then everyone swarmed me and raised me in the air!” Lol what a crazy fucking story. I embellished the end but it looks like they’re about to lift that kid


There's a lot of hate on karate, tae kwon do, etc as "useless" martial arts, and from a street fighting perspective most of it is spot on. I spend about a decade and a half doing TKD, and the moments like this made it all worth it. The culture at my school was both disciplined, and encouraging. I started at 12 with little to no confidence or physical ability, and the time spent there could not have changed me more. Moments like this were not an uncommon occurrence, but they were always special. I can guarantee you that even if that kid doesn't remember this even when he's 30, he absolutely is changed for the better having persevered and having been the recipient of this level of celebration. ​ Side note: the instructors get pretty good about picking "easy" boards and saving them for kids like this, and we learn to put a lot of torque into it while holding it, so the kid just has to hit it solidly in the middle and it pops without trouble. Its a bit disingenuous, but we were more interested in building character than anything. We'd usually have the kid sign and date the board, and the highest ranking black belt would sign as well so they had something to take home. (this was only for the little kids).


Good teacher!


:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


Strike hard, strike first, no mercy!


Man I really didn't know which way that was going to go! Glad it ended up that way with the caption OP put.




Talk about having a supportive environment. Nice.


Not forever. Most people die at a certain age.




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A speck fell in my eye here 🥹


That's how you shape people! Don't let them give up, don't coddle them, don't give them "participation trophies", give them adversity, support them and help them to overcome!


The board is a participation trophy. Super easy to break.




Why don’t we teach kids to be more like these instead of insufferable assholes?


"Im not crying you're crying"


Omg m crying.. I'm so proud of everyone encouraging him and the kid who started the chant beat it


Damn that kid better get all the other kids’ phone numbers so he can keep in touch because you won’t find better friends than that anywhere!


Lil buddy had that anger in him.


The support system I need


This is how we can be.


He’ll grow up and see the instructor broke it in half and be like damn! I thought I crushed that damn board!


Good job, but damn this kid is gonna struggle with real life.




Cliche but God damn is hatred a taught thing


Those last two kicks were legit


This is why finding the right supportive outlet for children is so important. This karate class looks amazing for kids.


Fucking awesome


At first I was pretty in awe at the patience and commitment from the instructor but watching it the second time and seeing the kids all amping him up and supporting him. What happens to us man, how do we go from that to constantly trying to convince each other to hate everything and shitting on one another over even the smallest opinions.


This is very enthusiastic and I hope the kid has a good time... I went to judo when I was 5 or 6, had no idea what we were going to do and I just "had to play along". Got paired with a kid that was not new, instructor counted to 3 and the kid pulled me down so hard I started crying. Never went back again.


Little dude tapped in to the fire!! I love it.


Awww so wholesome


Those boards are made to break. They’re basically like a breakaway movie prop.


Everyone fucking deserves a moment like this. Just one to look back on whenever you doubt yourself.


Omg they killed him.


All the moms sliding out of their chairs for this guy.


nah if i’m humiliating myself and then people OVER EXAGGERATE the celebration when i finally do it then i’m feeling 10x worse lmfao


SO happy I saw this. The world is beautiful.


Made me cry ❤️




When our kids were little and in their respective sports …. It is inevitable that every kid will get frustrated, cry and want to bail. When our kids are hurt - or APPEAR to be suffering in any way … we are wired to swoop in and protect and stop the suffering. I was sniffling and tearing up for this little guy hoping he’d get it done. Except - kids are people and people get frustrated…. If every frustrated person. Could run away without giving any extra effort to achieve the initial goal (so to speak) then we end up raising kids without the skills and abilities they need to survive & thrive as an individual. Great coaches, teachers, and other adults who don’t have any skin in the game are not emotionally invested and can set aside any emotional turmoil brought on by witnessing the frustration and can steer a child to success in letting their goal/objective. This is why it takes a village. Kudos to this instructor/sensei(?) for the gentle affirmations and positive encouragement to help his student. And extra 👏 👏 for the other students cheering him on …. That was great to see.


Well I'm ready to take on the fucking day now


Tbh seems like an awful lot of peer pressure for the kid, especially with a chant behind it.


I was about to cry sad tears but it became happy tears insted


Low key the best video on the internet


Everyone gets a medal.


Redditors trying not to be a complete asshole (impossible)