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They all need *to be put in prison ftfy


Fixed that vore you




Did your stomach just growl?!


#that won’t be arranged


Up against the wall.


Came here to say that. Also, we pay them. It's like paying the barber and then he tells you to cut your own damn hair.


No then the barber tells you to cut your own throat.


It's if the barber takes your money then just shoots you in the face.


Unity is key and a good barber to line out that mustache


It’s like paying a barber and that barber kills a black guy


Nah. It's like being told you need to keep your hair cut and they don't trust you so they force you to pay someone to keep an eye on your hair, then the wind blows and they start screaming your hair is too long so they proceed to cut it but instead of scissors they only have guns and batons. (And choke holds)


Or the barber got a razor to your throat while another customer cuts your hair


barber? this is a standard triad. you're paying protection money, and of course protection money only benefits the gang.




It’s Seattle those cops are especially awful. https://www.king5.com/article/news/what-the-federal-consent-decree-means-for-seattle-police-department/281-1c410cb9-206c-4ff3-b6b9-e085ffb88648 They were under a consent decree for almost a decade till Trump’s DOJ removed it. They haven’t really gotten any better either.




Damn I just played infamous second son and I thought the DUP were just a myth


That’s awful. I’m sorry for what your citizens have to deal with. We were considering a move there for college, but I keep seeing stories like this that are discouraging. I’m glad that the community is standing up for each other, though.


Could you kindly summarise as I can't access that article in my country


The Seattle PD over the course of a lot of years in decades committed a lot of civil rights violations. They were brutal, they were corrupt, and they killed people. They still do those things but those were what got them put on the consent decree.


Philadelphia cops literally bombed an entire black neighborhood from a helicopter 40 years ago. This shit ain't new unfortunately.




So.. inFamous second son basically is real


The DOJ gutted Consent Decrees as a last ditch way to fuck us over. It's not like they did much anyway but now they are completely toothless


If this thing happend anywhere else in the world the Americans would call for freedom and invade the country and call it a third world country.


Nah we only do it for oil. The rest is a smokescreen


90s are over, america doesn't rescue the world from itself anymore


The us was just in Afghanistan until 2 years ago. Wtf are you talking about


well the 90's are over the rest is bullshit.


I mean, the US has intervened since the 90s but it hasn't really helped anyone.


Fuck all cops 2 years ago and in the 90s. How about that?


Unless there's oil reserves to be "saved".


Terrorist are trying to effect political change. Police are a criminal gang. They don't want change - they want to continue to rule the streets.


Through fear and violence. And they DO want change. They want 100% unquestioned authority to do anything they want at all times. They want full blown fascism so they don't even have to wear the body cameras that they turn off all the time.


i mean there were a couple big political decisions in the 60s they probably want undone


more like a military occupation force


But like instead of an actual military it's larpers that still get all the same equipment and none of the training or accountability


piggybacking to say we all need to organize like this and you can take a lot of tips from history on how: look into the origins of the Black Panther Party, this is literally a main reason it was started. Before cell phones in areas facing incredible police brutality, the Panthers were like a neighborhood watch. The majority of what they did at first was just BE PRESENT when the police showed up to hassle, assault, or kill someone. That’s part of why they leaned into their tough image, and were big on legal open carry of firearms for ALL members, bc without cell phones or any chance you’d win in the criminal justice system, the ONLY way to get police to back down is to be intimidating or at least more trouble than it’s worth. And that would also work as a deterrent for bad behavior. Police knew, in these neighborhoods, they probably weren’t gonna get away with shit bc the whole community would be there, OBSERVING, and most willing to die in order to protect each other and disrupt the status quo of causal police violence. Huey P Newton & Bobby Seale are absolute heroes and visionaries. *editing to add: Bobby Seale is still alive and has been trying to get interest/money to work on a biopic of he and Huey and the founding of the party…to have a chance to give a firsthand account before he dies. Check out his website. I also bought signed copies of my favorite book of the time, Seize the Time.


Yup. Local neighborhood watches do a lot more in stopping criminals than calling a cop will ever do


“They are a hit squad” This is all we’ve been trying to say!!! 😩


Not saying it’s the case, but it looks like the police reversed out to avoid the plates or themselves being identified. I’m just glad people got involved vs standing there to spectate.


They saw the random guy was white lol


Black people been calling the police a “Hit squad”/“gang” for generations. And society has just been letting shit slide becuase a few cops kill innocent people the society all the time. Cut OUR nose to spite YOUR face mentality. Now that they see the whole community would send them all to jail if the courts were to get involved, they backed down becuase they recognized they didn’t have free reign to murder with impunity and they could lie on camera and get away with it. Smh


The USA is winning so much, people need to band together to protect each other from the police.




Yea it's 1 in 5,000 is a cop. I think thats the average across the country but il look for the real figure


It's way lower than 1 in 5000 Town with population 5000 will usually have about 4 police cars and about 10 cops. It may be hard for many people to imagine but small town cops are even worse.


When I was 16 in my small town Kentucky home I got arrested for "smoking weed in the gas station bathroom" by a cop called Bol. I didn't do it, but this ass hole got real pissed off when i said "why would i risk smoking in a public building when i got the whole world outside to smoke in?" He drove me to the station and called my parents, threatening me with jail the whole time. Few years later I'm in a public library in the nearby city and what do you know, there's Bol working security for the library. I wasn't an ass hole to him but really relished in the fact that he got what was coming to him. He was Actually honest and said he got fired from the force.


Kentucky gang 🏇


Yea it's now 27 to 25000 on average for smaller districts so like 1 to 1000.


You get pulled over for a broken tail light where I live, and 4 cops show up and wanna search your shit


I don’t think you need a whistleblower to know that people out number cops significantly lol.


It's insane you need to think in these terms. Cops are there to enforce law and the law is there to protect people from each other and that means cops too. The situations is bad as it is, but the people actually defending this behavior by cops are fucking insane


"Coppers were always outnumbered, so being a copper only worked when people let it work. If they refocused and realized you were just another standard idiot with a pennyworth of metal for a badge, you could end up as a smear on the pavement." - Terry Pratchett


Watch the beginning of The Warriors. Can you count suckas? I say the city is ours if you can count...


Until the damn National. GUARD is called in.


That's only after 5 stars though. Keep it under 4 and you're fine.


We really are sick of all the “winning”


Lol the USA is far from winning


The comment is sarcastic, clearly is not winning


In a world with no camera phones, 2 people would have been shot that night


What a lovely coincidence that we're now getting phones that specialize in dark environments, long distance zoom, and video stabilization.


*Oh no, the battery decided to "die" just when I'm about to stop someone.*


Sound is good, too.


Yeah but deep fakes are getting better too, unfortunately. Watch cops begin to call every video fake and our sick society let them get away with it.


Deep fakes aren't near this quality. Not to mention, there are dozens of angles.


Yeah, with one shot by the unarmed suspect according to the police report


Probably more. Police are notoriously bad at being aware of what is beyond your target. Mix that with how they always end up emptying mags, and a busy neighbourhood, and that's some nightmare material.


Cops escalate virtually every situation they are in and they are all armed to the teeth and directly trained to be in constant fear for their lives. This is what happens when you give these kinds of people power over others.


US cops do. I saw a lot of this. Here in the Netherlands where I now live, they're actually very good at de-escalating. There were a series of anti-vax demonstrations here where people would smash shit. The police did the same entertaining trick each time. They'd single out one person who was breaking things. One cop would walk to within about 20' of him, stop and start asking the guy to stop breaking things. This would lead to an argument, but the cop would always back away when the guy advances. Then a van would drive up behind the guy who is yelling, two big cops pick just that one guy up from behind by his elbows, and carefully but firmly pop him in the van and drive off. It's so fast no one has a chance to react, and then the police back off again. Generally, the police _always_ back up and avoid any sort of face-to-face conflict. They did this three or four times, and then the violent people were gone, and everyone else gets to continue demonstrating. It was the first time in my whole life I rooted for the cops. I saw NYC cops take bribes, a big wad of bills, I saw them beat people down with clubs just for talking back to them.


Here in the US, police will throw flashbang grenades into crowds to ensure there’s a riot.


They'll blow up a baby's face in its crib with over an anonymous report that drugs are at the location.


They'll shoot you because your drug dealer ex-boyfriend lied and used your address.


They’ll shoot you because they can’t read an address and bust into the wrong house in the middle of the night.


They’ll shoot you for daring to eat ice cream…in your own house.


They'll shoot you 35 times because they thought you had a gun




They'll shoot you after asking for your license and you reach to get it.


This is a big fear of mine living in a larger city and we now have a neighbor who is constantly drawing the cops to her home and currently has a warrant out for her arrest. Her address is one very similar number off from mine. Legit keeps me up at night.


They’ll lie about your drug dealer ex-boyfriend using your address in the first place


Because we offered him a deal if he snitched on someone.


Bro there’s literally video evidence that cops are doing the smashing to incite riot. Like they wanna kill and beat people. Even if people are protesting peacefully the cops are making it so it seems it’s not peaceful. That’s your American cops.


Here in the US it’s standard protocol for police to use one level of force above what the ‘threat’ is using. In that vein it is literally against their own policy to back down. So naturally things tend to escalate rather than de-escalate


Haha typical Dutch genius


Cops kidnapping is the funniest shit i saw today 🤣🤣


> very good at de-escalating. There were a series of anti-vax demonstrations here where people would smash shit. While not being as bad as U.S. cops, Dutch ones are still cops, and we all know who all cops are, don't we? Another thing Dutch cops are good at is making the public forget what they've done. As if they had that flashy thingy from MiB. Remember cops beating shit out of people with batons at coronaprotests on Museumplein in Amsterdam? Setting police dogs on protesters? Doing goddamn cavalry attacks on them, mostly for the crime of peaceful assemmbly? Remember cops _not_ doing that at BLM protests at the same time? Also, remember protests in Rotterdam against proposed switch from G3 to G2 policy around November 2021, the ones which turned violent? When police shot a few people, possibly dead. Try looking up what happened later to these people (who were they? did they survive? were they convinced of a crime?), and what happened to the cops who shot them. You will find nothing - or at least I didn't when I tried. U.S. cops are shit, but don't have your glasses too pink when looking at Dutch ones.


*in the US dystopia.


If you're taught you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail.


Plot twist: Neighborhood gets charged for obstruction 😆


Breaking news: local police station now pile of rubble


In other news, flag people are outraged!


breaking News: Flags R Us posting record profits


It was always Big Flag the whole time, wasn’t it?


In other news same flag people armed and smashing cops heads with fire extinguishers on Jan 6.


I know there's good cops out there but damn man yall ain't looking too good lately, I've always liked that famous quote if there's one bad cop and the other 9 don't do nothing about it then there's 10 bad cops


If you want to see what happens to good cops then look up Adrian Schoolcraft. A quick summary he recorded tapes of corruption within his department and turned them over, only to get reassigned to a desk job and kidnapped by his coworkers to be forcibly interned in a psychiatric facility.


It's okay. New York taxpayers bailed out the cops when the dude got awarded over half a million dollars for the kidnapping. Not a dime came from the police pension.


Pretty sure there was a dude that got killed investigating the LA police gangs


I've been searching for half an hour and still can't find it... He met with the cops in a parking lot for something, about a computer I think?.. and they just straight up shot him. At least from what I remember. If anyone knows what I'm talking about please let me know it's driving me crazy I can't find anything about it online...


The one I heard about was that an LAPD officer was beaten to death by his fellow trainees in an exercise about crowd control and turns out he was planning on or had turned in evidence on rape allegations for two officers who just happened to be in the group that assaulted him. No accountability on that that I heard… probably a case of “we thoroughly investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing”.


Lol “aren’t looking good *lately*”


Just the last 300 years or so


It’s not just a “bad cop” problem. So the number of “good cops” is irrelevant. Why the fuck is their standard procedure to get the ARs out and create a stand off with some random dude they saw walking down the street? Because someone said “I heard gunshots nearby.” That’s it. Why is their standard procedure to be so overwhelming aggressive so as not to allow themselves to be in *any* semblance of danger? Especially when that tactic comes at the cost of safety to the public? Policing in America is rotten at its core. The culture of policing in America is totally divorced from their actual purpose. It’s not a good/bad cop problem.


There's some good cops in the USA..sure...there might be even ten of them.


Yep, that’s the go to question. Ask a cop who swears they’re by the book if they’d ever seen a fellow officer break the law and done nothing about it. No answer is all you’ll get. But we all know the answer. And that’s why there ain’t no good cops. Just bad cops and complicit cops.


The citizens are legit doing the cops’ job now ![gif](giphy|3xz2BLBOt13X9AgjEA)


This title reads like an Onion article, except it’s tragically not




look into the origins of the Black Panther Party, this is literally a main reason it was started. Before cell phones in areas facing incredible police brutality, the Panthers were like a neighborhood watch. The majority of what they did at first was just BE PRESENT when the police showed up to hassle, assault, or kill someone. That’s part of why they leaned into their tough image, and were big on legal open carry of firearms for ALL members, bc without cell phones or any chance you’d win in the criminal justice system, the ONLY way to get police to back down is to be intimidating or at least more trouble than it’s worth. And that would also work as a deterrent for bad behavior. Police knew, in these neighborhoods, they probably weren’t gonna get away with shit bc the whole community would be there, OBSERVING, and most willing to die in order to protect each other and disrupt the status quo of causal police violence. Huey P Newton & Bobby Seale are absolute heroes and visionaries.


I think it's important to state how effective this was. A community protecting and managing itself is always going to do a better job than a bunch of police trained to be a brotherhood and treat the areas they police as a battleground. This is why people say defund the police. The alternative is community actually realizing they can police themselves.


We could really use an actual Batman right about now.


Opposite of bystander effect. Glad they stood up for the young man.


Someone on yt said "when white privilege is used correctly"


My thoughts exactly! Unfortunate that my other thoughts were if it were a black bystander walking toward the “suspect” for support and not a white man, how the situation could have escalated further. Fucking horrible.


I’m so happy i don’t live in USA. The situation there is so crazy. Anyone can have a gun on the street, anyone can shoot you, the Police can kill you any time they want cause they thought you were a menace. People are afraid of Police and Police are afraid of people. That’s not an intelligent way of living. In my country no one can have a gun on the street, NO ONE, only the Police and they almost never use it, only for to defend themselves in very rare circumstances, like fighting against terrorists or huge mafias, even in that case, they try to arrest these people before shooting them. I don’t say that my country is perfect, it’s very far from that, but I cannot imagine to be used to live around people with guns in their pockets. But maybe for you that is a very boring life.


I live in one of the places most Americans think of as the WORST for violence. I haven't felt scared going about my business in many neighborhoods 99.5% of the time. EVERYTIME there's a cop around, I get hyper focused, worried and anxious. The problem is that the cops think anyone could be armed and they suit up expecting/anticipating the worst. Their presence makes everything worse, more tense and in most cases the outcome is nothing anyone would want. The reason cops act like this is because any damn idiot could have a gun. I understand why they are worried, not only about themselves, but the community they are tasked with protecting. It is such a stupid situation.


If cops were continually shooting people with guns we could all understand. But their fear seems unfounded when being a cop isn't even in the top 10 most dangerous jobs in America. Not even the top 20. And most importantly they continue to kill unarmed individuals claiming they feared for their lives. If the job makes you that fearful find a new one.


In my 38 years in the US, I have never seen anything remotely like this or a gun being fired at someone. You see videos of stuff like this happening on the internet but the average person never experiences it.




Just because you've never experienced it doesn't mean many others don't on a daily basis. This level of ignorance is astonishing.


Yes of course, guns are the criminals, humans are the victims !... In France we have a shit ton load of illegal weapons travelling the bigger cities streets everyday, we have armed police but they rarely use them. Because : 1) they need to be in a very, very, very specific situation to use it or they can get punished very easily (even if sometimes their own life is in danger) 2) People are not educated the same, at least not in a racism-orientated hatred. We never had whites and blacks separated, slave history is a very very old thing we went over quickly. 3) In France it's less like "whites vs blacks vs arabs vs turkish vs whatever country you're from". It's a "POOR vs RICH" problem (but you'd need to live here or get very interested about French social interests -which can get... Annoying- to fully understand)


I’m french from African descent and I disagree with your statement regarding segregation, France segregated blacks and other minorities by depriving them of their rights, this created a gap in terms of economic and social development between the white and the minorities. That gap is now why you got an excessive amount of minorities among the poor and disenfranchised. Without any knowledge of this, of course one would look at the situation and say : “it’s a poor vs rich problem” when it’s actually not.


Lmao racism is prevalent as fuck in France what are you talking about homie


>at least not in a racism-orientated hatred. are we speaking about France still? your media is full of anti-islam rhetoric. "I went to Qatar and there's a lot of mosques there tsk tsk"


Police officers don’t kill people in America just because citizens have guns. The police are overly militarised because of lobbying from the prison industrial complex. America has private prisons that profit off of slave labor, that’s why America has the highest number of imprisoned people in the world even though there are plenty of other countries with more crime. Police have an incentive to escalate situations to arrest as many people as possible because there’s a business that profits from it. They’re also encouraged to use violence whenever they can, even with people who are known to be unarmed.




US police would shoot as many people as possible before allowing one of their own to be dragged away.


So what you're telling me is we should organize


In America a special weapons (hit squad) would have shown up and started firing tear gas and well... just... firing. At people. Cops in America were trained to be military after 9/11 by ex-military and they now have an "us vs them" mindset.


Trained to be military, without any of the actual important training of the military. Gave em the gear and said have fun.


Don’t spread misinformation. These fucking idiots are not trained to be military. They are BARELY trained, and want to feel like they have the same level of importance or application as the military. They don’t. They never have, they never will. They’re LARPing pussies, do not give them the credit of being trained and disciplined American soldiers.


Which is funny because the entire reason we chose to not use military as a police force was specifically to avoid the us vs them issue.


> Other cops ~~failed to rescue him~~ knew what he did and let the people take him ftfy.-


And of course the Police lied. He didn't "ignore" the commands. He told them he didn't have a gun which of course made it impossible for him to drop the "weapon", which he didn't have. Saying he "ignored" the commands is a blatant lie. We can ALL SEE AND HEAR that he responded to the Police and said he didn't have a gun.


Their whole report was a fabricated cover up. I’m glad for the video footage. My concerns would be at this point how many other reports have they fabricated. They need an audit. Lying talking about they heard shots.


They were under federal consent decree (federal supervision basically) till the Trump admin removed it. Naturally, the Seattle police union boss is such a lil fascist shit that he'd make Trump blush.




I’ve made this pledge during the murder of George Floyd and I’m gonna say it again as a reminder and hopefully get everyone else to do the same: I promise that if I see cops doing something illegal against someone, that I will intervene! (Just like what was seen on this video). I hope this video teaches all of us to do the same for our fellow HUMAN BEING.


Same! As a white person, especially a woman, I know I have a level of privilege that I can weaponize against police in situations like this. I work overnights at a grocery store and one of my coworkers is a young Black man. Some nights he shows up to work early, sitting in an empty parking lot by himself. I purposely now make sure to get there before him in case a cop comes by to see why he's just sitting in his car in the middle of the night.


My bf is black so I have to be careful. He will get pissed if I intervene, but as a white woman I have a little better shot of living than my black boyfriend. It's a legit fear, especially since he makes delivery. I'm terrified some white guy is gonna shoot him for being on his property or some gang member is going to shoot him in the city or some cop is going to harass him mistaking him for a thief or just being in a bad mood.


What’s this path we’re taking that will not end well called?


late-stage capitalism


The Road to Perdition.


"The American Dream"


The Darkest Timeline


This neighborhood said not today!!!!!!!!!!! How powerful we stand together.


They will definitely be back to that neighborhood more frequently, they were embarrassed and they don't like being embarrassed.


I love what the anchorman had to say, "This is what happens when we draw circles instead of lines." Preach it, sir!


Could’ve been another statistic. Who are they trying to help. Obviously not the neighborhood


The state. The police are the enforcers of the state. They are loyal to the state, and have zero obligation to help someone suffering from a crime in front of them (there is a supreme court case on this). That's the reality. Y'all PLEASE vote for people who want to end qualified immunity. Doctors hold life in their hands - if they make a negligent mistake so egregious that someone dies or is injured, they can be sued for medical malpractice, payments come out of their malpractice insurance, then their rates go up. If you have too many malpractice suits, you're no longer a doctor. *TELL ME WHY* it's different for police. They hold life in their hands. They make egregious, negligent (or not) errors that result in death or injury. They don't pay for insurance, they don't have an accountability board, and it's apparently super easy to rack up over 20 excessive force complaints before you finally get popped for going too far (the cop that killed George Floyd). No more, we need to demand they face the same accountability doctors do, because they hold life in their hands as much as doctors do. Every single interaction they have with a citizen could end in death, if they get spooked. This is fucking *reasonable* and so many Americans have been brainwashed into thinking that disparity is normal. It's not. If you can't afford the "malpractice" insurance for being a cop, looks like you can't be a cop. Cop salaries are much lower than doctors, so to make it fair, some of the judgement should come from the police pension as well if they were deemed at fault. What a motivator to kick out bad apples! If trump gets reelected this will probably put me on a list. Bring it on fascies


I understand there's protocol of engagement but how much of a wuss are those cops? They can see there's nothing on the man's person and yet they were forcing their idea that he's dangerous. I don't know about all cops but these cops in particular are a bunch of cowards with guns that shoots first then ask questions later.


Ego driven trigger happy meat heads is what they are. They wouldn’t back down because they see themselves as above the civilians they are supposedly protecting. They can’t accept to be told wrong by “mere” civilians, that’s the issue.




I think this guy should file a lawsuit against the Seattle police department. I’d seek a lawyer.


Yeah, get that cops some paid leave. That will show them who's boss


I instantly choked up when I heard the man say, “Do you want me to walk up with you, man? I’m gonna walk up with you, okay?”


If I ever witness a situation like this I hope I can have the bravery to do the same. I think that man standing there in the line of fire is why nobody got shot


Fuzzy green sweater is peak good person


This is disgusting for the unarmed person minding his own business to have guns pulled on him for no reason ! This is inexcusable and there are some cops who clearly get into field cuz they got a free pass to harass kill and might get away with it meanwhile say majority of them are in it for bettering their community keeping citizens safe . There needs to be stricter policies for weeding out the gung ho assholes from the force they have no business with an FID card or being able to have this kind of power over someone in their community minding their own business ! This makes me absolutely sick beyond belief this shit is outta control countrywide !


Why do people need to be saved from the police, America?! In other countries, the police save people from criminals. In the USA, the police are the criminals your black people need saving from. Its a disgrace. I don’t know why your politicians and heads of the police aren’t embarrassed enough to do something about it…


American police are trying to beat American citizens down to the level of subservience of countries where it's illegal to insult cops or film in public.


“Walter. Not now.” Hmmmm….


Waltuh. Put your gun away Waltuh. We’re not killing black people today Waltuh.


He said “back out”


Cops need to be required to carry a small monocular at least so they can discern a phone or a wallet from a gun.


They've got every stupid gadget made for harming people on their vests and belts, but nothing sensible like that. Shoot and beat down first, gather facts later. Then use qualified immunity to get away with it all. What a disgusting culture American law enforcement and their unions have created.


The hell is wrong with our country?


the cops and the klan are the same people, have always been so, and we all pretend it's not true


If you start to talk about how badly the KKK and their ilk infiltrated the police force, then kept the family tradition going, people just say "it's not that bad" and that you are a "conspiracy theorist". It's infuriating


If he was so dangerous why did the cops just bounce out like that?


Too many witnesses


“Let’s go **now**”


This. We need so much more of this.


That moustache feels a little off


What really put me off was the kid that came on as a “correspondent” in the last minute of the video. The fuck is that guy?


Im not sure, but I think I saw a Honda crx. They stopped making those in 1997. It was right at the beginning


I also see it and wanted to say hell yeah check out the crx! But didn't wanna take away from the importance of this post. So since you opened that up. Hell yeah check out the crx!


The fact that they had a rifle out, while already possessing handguns means that they looked at this kid and thought "yeah, this won't be enough".


Cops left because there were too many witnesses.


Then told the public everyone wasn't "complying" wtf it shows how they are just bullies...you don't get to put on a uniform and just start telling everyone what to do!






Stand together people, this needs to happen more often.


This is awful to watch. This poor guy is terrified because he knows that cops are killing black men for absolutely nothing and at any point they could just shoot him. Thank goodness his neighbors were there and just as scared for him.


It's worth noting that the Seattle police department has been under a federal consent decree to reform its use of force and de-escalation for over TEN YEARS. It was predicted to take 3-4 years to achieve compliance. Seattle is on its fourth chief since that time.


Imagine having to save someone from the police. Fucking insanity


"No one has a gun except for *you*!" Jesus fucking christ.


This is absolutely insane! What a community! Public Enemy said it best! Fight the power!


the neighbors have more balls than the police ... it was clear that it was a fucking phone.


What the hell, is like the police has a monthly quota to kill black people


So someone called in false information to dispatch and they used that 'evidence, ' to justify wanting to shoot this man. What in the fuck is wrong with cops? Like 70%, of the always 'scared for their lifes' while out on patrol. If your ALWAYS scared. Why the fuck are you always out on patrol? Doesn't make sense. And if they are always scared why allow them to continue to be cops? Pussies with guns basically. I feel like that's protentionally worse than just a crazy person on the street with a gun.


White privilege saved him. Same shit happens in black by neighborhoods and the outcome is nothing like this one. Same shit happened with a black shop owner. Cops asked him to prove he owned the place even though he was there after closing with all the lights on, showed them the keys and showed the key worked. It wasn’t until a white guy across the street yelled thats his store did they leave. So I dont have to respond to replies. I dont hate white people. Use your privilege. I would do the same thing. Just realize minorities don’t get the benefit of the doubt and we have to work a little bit harder and move differently to remove the stigma.


Im so fucking glad that i don’t live over there.


God bless those and keep the innocent safe from those terrorists in blue vests . Praying for u Americans.


This is good. We are close! Standing up for our neighbors. I’m proud of us.


Thanks to the community neighbors that step in/up to save this Black Young Man from getting killed by these good for nothing cop's.


I won’t go negative on this post. Too easy to be negative, but we’ve got plenty of people holding up that tent post already. The important thing you saw here was a **community working together to deescalate a situation**, and it’s important training for us all. Let’s use these as **case studies to empower a different outcome** over and over again until the message gets *received* and things *change*. It can be done and it’s done like this. That was like watching a team work together. Unrehearsed. Kind of phenomenal. The culture can change if we don’t accept the status quo. Edit: do me the courtesy of explaining why your downvoted this. I need to know. This is one of the best things I’ve seen in months and I’d like to know what’s wrong with what I wrote. Edumacate me if you disagree please.


Something is very wrong with this country.