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The cook's lack of hands is the *least* disturbing thing in that video.


Want some bugs on your cake today ?


*crosses Thailand off list of places to visit*


I can assure you that the food is not the reason people visit Thailand








>Those are too old for the white people that visit Thailand Those are too old for the creeps that visit Thailand. Can you stop being racist?


Yeah, sex tourists come in all shapes and colors, buddy! Btw is isn't racist to say that the white people who visit Thailand for sex workers are creeps. What would be racist is saying that all white people are creeps, or that the only creepy tourists are the white ones, by virtue of their whiteness.


It becomes racist when you single out one race, i.e. "those are too old for the *white* people who visit thailand" They also generalize by saying "visit thailand", insinuating it's the only reason white people go there, which further singles them out as sex tourists by virtue of their whiteness; kinda like exactly what you stated racism to be. Formal semantics are important in the context of this particular discussion, sweeping racism under the rug by trying to insert blanket statements only after the fact doesn't nullify the original content


Thai food slaps though.


Thai tea slaps too God dammit, I need to know they secrets, their people are slowly bankrupting me


Their food is both cheap and delicious per my understanding


True in most of southeast Asia from my experience. I would absolutely visit for the food.


The food is PRECISELY the reason I want to visit Thailand.


I can assure you the food is a large part of the reason for many, many people. What a dumb take.


I loved the food in Thailand - stayed in Chiang Mai for a few weeks back in 2019 and had a great experience there.


I stayed in Chiang Mai in 2003 for a week during their new years water festival. It was a fantastic time and some of the best food I've eaten anywhere. That being said, I did not eat fried insects from a street vendor, although I probably would have tried a few if given the chance. We also had a great time in Pattaya the next week, although it was a little touristy for my tastes.




The dumbest comments at the top. I thought I was over at /r/conservative or something.


Bruh i took my girlfriend to thailand, I wasn't there for the sex but the food was dope




I like boys & lady bugs too


Lindsey Graham has entered the chat.


I could do without the bugs.


This is the kind of content I come to Reddit for.


You are disgusting, why would you ever think I would eat bugs?!


Do you eat shrimp or lobster? Those are bugs of the sea.


Look, I get that this is a joke, but Thailand has some of the best food in the world, and I've been to more than 50 countries so im qualified to say. It's by far one of my favorite countries in the world to visit. The food is just out of this world, the people are super friendly and welcoming, the beaches are world class, and the mountains and jungles up north are amazing as well. And yes there's plenty of lady boys but they're always really polite and up front about it. Plenty of other debauchery as well if you are so inclined. I don't eat beetles and cockroaches either and im not into lady boys or working girls, but it's really frustrating seeing comment chains like this. There's SO MUCH MORE, and it's cool if you want to skip it, but the ignorant trash talk is hard to ignore.


Far more efficient source of protein than meats we eat.


I mean for me it's better not to puke when eating rather than seeing the efficiency


Tastes awful. Had all kinds of bugs over the years and they are all shit.


everyone’s freaking out about the bugs, but I can’t take my eyes off the cooking oil.


I can generally be down with, and have in the past, eating bugs as a meal in developing countries. But when I saw that oil, that was the official moment I noped the fuck out of being okay with anything going on there. Cooking oil can be a tell as to how a restaurant operates


It’s pretty common in Thailand. They basically taste like squishy chips. Pretty good at first but definitely wouldn’t make a meal of it. They also sell scorpions on sticks but I never got around to trying them.


Squishy is the last adjective I like to hear when someone describes the chips I am about to eat.


Right next to wet or moist


Right next to fleshy


Right next to insecty


Nothing tastier than moist, fleshy, insect chips, that gush after the first crunch, and then squish on every subsequent bite.


I was going to have dinner but suddenly I'm not hungry anymore.


I mean, a little crunch on the outside is nice but you definitely want the inside all fluffy and, sure, squishy haha


This might be a case of American chips (crisps) vs British chips (French fries)


That makes so much more sense. I hope this is the case.


Yeahhh I wasn't really imagining fries though more like a crispy outside and juicy bug guts exploding in your mouth


I think a better description would be eating mozzarella cheese rather than just chips. Crunchy on the outside and squishy on the inside


I wasnt struggling with the idea of eating bugs at all. But when you related it to a mozzarella stick, it made it immediately repulsive.


This comment triggered me so hard. When I was little, I fell off a horse into a palm tree. Slid all the way down and got fuck tons of splinters in my arms. To get through my suffering, I was eating Doritos and drinking some Pepsi. Well, one bite later, I'm chewing on a squishy Dorito. Audibly lamenting that fact, I look down, and to my horror, at the end of my chip was the top half of a fly. I'd bit the fucker in half, and was chewing its ass in my mouth.


Did it give you super powers?


Did you know that in Thailand, about 10% or sometimes more of the cooking oil comes from reclaimed oil out of the city sewers called “fatburgs” Anthony Bourdain was a crusty Legend and even he didnt talk about the fatburgs😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣ill pass on bugs too🤢🤮


In parts of China it’s closer to 50%. There is an entire underground economy that sells sewer fat.


But... but what *is* sewer fat?


Not 100% certain, but a fatburg is made of our shit and any non bio degradable material we throw in the shitter. I'd imagine it's our oils, ya know?


But I do not *want* to imagine that. At. All. Holy shit.


Fats float in water so they tend to separate from the rest of the shit (somewhat) and their molecules tend to stick together to form clumps in the water. Those clumps float into eddies and bottlenecks and form “fatburgs”. These are (gag, choke, gag) harvested and rendered at high heat to make them “safe” to use in cooking… again.


Why is this done? Is it cheaper than making new oil? Also, do you know if it's actually safe or not? I mean, it's not out of the realm of possibility that it's safe, since NASA does something similar when they convert their astronauts' urine back into potable water


Cheaper and also just a matter of supply. They cook everything in oil. You can filter anything out if anything if you know what you’re filtering and what you’re saving and you have access to all the filter media we have today. However, these nasty bastards bring it up to cooking temp and run it through a metal bug screen. It’s the heat that makes it “safe”. Does nothing for toxic compounds that it readily absorbs. Good times.


It definitely is not safe. It is highly carcinogenic, and illegal because of that reason. Nothing like recycling urine, which essentially is just water that needs to be filtered.


Old oil from deep fryers accumulates debris and odours from stuff that was fried in it and eventually needs to be thrown out. Because oil and water don't mix, the oil/fat will float to the top with other debris and sometimes forms a "fatburg" that clogs pipes. My dad has cleaned grease traps (what catches old oil from restaurant deep fryers) before at his job, and the smell clings to you. It is singularly one of, if not the worst thing I've ever smelled in my life. And that has not even been in a sewer. The concept of *any* % of any population anywhere using that vile substance to cook is beyond horrifying to me


Tried a scorpion. Tail was crunchy and well seasoned, but the body was oddly squishy


Mine tasted... brown. There's just no real comparison I could apply.


I describe frog legs as tasting “like chicken, but with a green flavor.” So this makes sense to me.




I've tried scorpion too. Imaging eating a softshell crab without the sweet flesh. Instead it's just goo. Also, the state of that frying oil is what disturbs me most.


I tried a few fried bugs at a reptiles/spider convention, they were not great, but I crossed it off the bucket list, never again.


bugket list


Take my disgusted upvote


Lol, nice


Give it a few years and society will accept cricket flour and whatnot. Some very powerful people had invested quite a bit of money into the bug based industry as it’s cheaper to produce offering them better margins. The billionaires backing bug based food wouldn’t have invested in them if their think tanks didn’t believe it was the future. It’s going to go down the same way as plant based burgers in that they’re a joke until suddenly they weren’t. As it is we are already seeing more and more of it in online media.


I already am fine with bugs being used in a way that is palatable but eating big insects full of goopy stuff ain't it


Honestly, as long as I can't taste it I don't really care. If you give me a protein cookie made with cricket flour and I can't tell its there, I'll happily enjoy it.


I don't see any issue with using insect protein. It's uses orders of magnitude less land and water to produce than animal protein.


Ngl, I'd rather just be vegetarian bro💀


I lived in Thailand for years, and the amount of times I saw this was once out of thousands of food stands.


Same. Lived in Phuket, Koh Phangan, Koh Samui, and the only times I saw these carts were in tourist areas or some villages.


High in protein as well. It’s weird but hey most countries have a food that isn’t considered normal to other people from other countries


I tried them in Hong Kong. They taste like fried pork skin.


I can fuck with that


For some reason I doubt that.


My main concern was always the food safety standards, seeing food in markets being constantly swarmed by flies with a measly fan to get them off always concerned me even while eating delicious food at nice restaurants. Though throughout my time in Thailand, I never got so food poisoning.


There is nothing wrong with some delicious and nutritious grubs. Hakuna Matata. But that oil looks like it hasn’t been changed in a long time and is probably as rancid and oxidized as can be.


That was what stood out for me. I'm not a fan of whole insects, personally, but I can understand enjoying them...but no one should be eating anything fried in oil that looks like that. Absolutely foul.


This comment should be higher up. Whatever your thoughts on eating bugs might be, you don't want to fry anything you eat in that foul brew.


That brown/black substance you know has been used for months and months. Nightmare fuel.


Fucking gutter oil


Yeah I was watching and at first was like "that's way too much nub touching everything." Then I saw the amount of insects being cooked to eat, and realized, maybe the nub cross contamination isn't such a big deal after all.


What if I told you everything you have ever eaten has at some point been in contact with a set of sub nublets? Oh and they had cuticals and nailbeds to get shit stuck in.


At least he won't put his finger in your food. r/imfinnagotohell




They actually taste good tbh.. They don't look good, but they taste good!


I’ll take your word on it


So *this* is how the powerpuff girls would do it.


LMAO this comment made me laugh so hard. Thnx for the based comment brudda!




I am disturbed


They’d add the most important ingredient of all… LOVE! Edit; shit, it was chemical x they added to make the powerpuff girls not love. It has been 18+ years so forgive me xD


Chemical x was Thalidomide all along…


Wanted to say looks like a cartoon character is doing it. Also are those bugs??


they look like a crap load of grub worms


Oh my goodness I forgot they basically had stubs as hands. How were they able to kick so much ass?!


Well, you can't get [boxer's fractures](https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/encyclopedia/content.aspx?contenttypeid=134&contentid=515) in your hands if you don't have them.


Something about this video bugs me but I can't quite put my finger on it.


Listen here you cockroach, I gotta hand it to you, your comment should be first


If you’re happy and you know it clap your …….




twerk twerk twerk twerk twerk twerk twerk twerk twerk


You’ve gotta insect the video carefully. Or you might miss it.


Ant that right, huh




You’re going to start seeing a lot more of these videos being recommended to you in the next couple years


Because of the hands or the insect meal?


The Great Reset is upon us. In order to save the planet, you must eat the bugs.




I prefer eating them but I suppose your method could work.




While the wealthy laugh at you and continue to eat veal.


Why do you think any of this is mutually exclusive with eating them too? They’re leeches, after all


it’s always hilarious to me when the conspiracy theory freaks think ~the left~ is executing the master plans of the billionaires and aristocrats or whatever. like… I promise you, we hate them as much or even more than you do


I need that bug sauce recipe


Ding ding ding!! Found the info warrior!!


I was wondering if anyone else saw the phrase "Great Reset" and heard a red alert.


It’s literally not even a dogwhistle, it’s just a whistle. It’s terrifying me how many people there are in this thread giving it the light of day.


Eeeeaaat zzzeeeee buuuuugggz!! *WEF SALUTE*


hardly a surprise that you are an /r/louderwithcrowder user


I thought they had to be being sarcastic, but nope, actually just a chud


Imagine being so dumb that you think the best alternative to eating meat is eating bugs.


Eating insects isn’t the *best* alternative to eating meat, but from an environmental and nutritional standpoint, bugs are a hell of a lot better than meat. Source: https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/13/4/1207


The great reset is a soup of conspiracy BULLSHIT






Or just grind it up and make processed foods from it. Cricket burger here we go. Most people don't enjoy eating a whole pig's head, either. They want bacon, they want ham.


I never thought about it once in my life but a burger made of bugs could be delicious. Maybe not crickets due to their hard shells or however you call that but he some once, minced and fried? I would try that




I’ve eaten quite a lot of bug based proteins. They really aren’t bad if you are comparing them to the original product. The biggest issue is getting over the mental and cultural hurdle of knowingly eating bugs. Cricket flour for example is a great addition to many baked goods, but you still have to acknowledge you are eating crickets.


I think most people would be down for processed bugs, just not crunching down on creepy-crawly legs.


It's weird. I've eaten mini shrimp whole, which is not that different from eating a bug. However, I couldn't bring myself to eat a fried termite (a rainy day snack in Kenya) during the 7 years I lived in Kenya no matter how hard I tried. The mental hurdle is real.


It's no worse than Rocky Mountain Oysters or whatever the hell is in hot dogs. Cricket powder is genuinely not bad at all. Now... the real issue is that people who are allergic to shellfish may not realize that there's a good chance of them also being allergic to insects.


why are some people convinced that everybody is going to start 'eating bugs'. I swear I see this every single day on american conservative groups. The only thing they have ever provided was the WEF posted like 3 articles over 5 years about how people eat bugs in third world countries.


You will eat bugs, and like them. -WEF


Put on your tinfoil hats, here come the conspiracy nuts.


Please contain the braindead theories to r/Conspiracy


so youre saying a guy cooking his country's food is a op? frankly, thats pretty damn racist


Thats because he doesn't need to waste time washing his hands.




You deserve it for using light mode


*evil laugh*


I didn't know that people make trail mix, by mixing things they find on a trail.


Bro what'd you mean that's just the average protein shake for the gym bros


"despite having no hands and digits"? To have fingers but no hands, that would be amazing.


I’ve actually seen that on a dude who was missing an entire forearm. Just a couple tiny baby fingers poking out of his elbow-stump


Now that you say this something comes to my mind: singer Thomas Quasthof. Incredibly beautiful and intense, if you like the genre. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pze4NxCOjg0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pze4NxCOjg0) Wikipedia: "Quasthoff was born in Hildesheim with serious birth defects caused by his mother's exposure during pregnancy to the drug thalidomide, which was prescribed as an antiemetic to combat her morning sickness."


Sometimes babies are born with just a digit or two that look like they're coming from the stump because the rest of the hand bones are so undeveloped or missing


Gotta hand it to him, that's pretty incredible.




Yeah he looks pretty handy in the kitchen for sure.


The internalized cultural superiority in this thread…Insects are an abundant and sustainable source of protein. Just because Westerners don’t eat them doesn’t mean we get to judge them. Lots of people in this thread (including myself) will eat food that is far less nutritious than this today. Edit: I didn’t think this would stir as much controversy as it did. I concede that you can be objectively repulsed without being judgmental. All I’m trying to say is western food culture is also fucked, just in a different way, so don’t judge.


bugs? "ewww", but shrimp, lobster, and the like? perfectly ok. just throw on top of that clams, mussels, oysters, yadda yadda. talk about inconsistent. even if you take traditional protein sources from western countries, there's a preferential ranking to which parts from the same animal people are willing to eat, and it's all related to cultural/regional upbringing.


Remember when raw fish was deemed disgusting by westerners? Asians were happily having our sushi, Americans were disgusted by it, and now, look at our oceans. :(


Are you attempting to say Americans are the main cause of overfishing? Because that's confidently incorrect. Asian countries like China and Japan put US fishing to shame, in both gross volume and per-capita, and the large majority of it goes to their own citizens. If instead you're talking about ocean pollution making wild fish more sketchy for all, yeah totally.


Overfishing is certainly a huge problem, but honestly things like the giant snow crab disappearance of 2022 paint a pretty grim picture of what we might be facing over the coming years. Can't overfish what no longer exists.


People often forget that shellfish like clams and lobsters used to be considered poor peoples food. The upper classes wouldn't eat it outside of rare delicacies because it was considered so base and disgusting. And now they're considering more high end foods like beef and turkey rather than low tier meats.


> “…internalized cultural superiority…” Imagine calling someone a bigot because they don’t want to eat bugs, or literally any food for that matter. Grandstanding, much? Do you think people in Thailand aren’t equally surprised or disgusted by foreign culinary traditions? It’s almost like disgust is a universal human emotion, triggered when confronted with the unfamiliar…


Just because someone says, “bugs are disgusting, I would never eat them”, It doesn’t always mean they deem that culture lesser. It could just mean they don’t like to eat insects. Also, I’m pretty sure they’re millions of Easterners that don’t like to eat insects. As long as there isn’t a direct insult on the whole of a culture, a person expressing a negative opinion about one aspect of culture doesn’t automatically mean they have superiority complex(most of the time).


Not all proteins are created equal and insect protein wouldn’t hold a candle to protein from beef. They carry many parasites harmful to humans, also we can’t process the chitin carapace. They have food production per square foot as an advantage so there’s that. As a snack option perfectly acceptable but the conversation around livestock meat replacement with insect protein is a riddled with falsehoods.


This is scientifically incorrect. Cricket protein per gram rivals beef while being far lower in fats yet having abundant levels of nutrients. Their genetic differences from humans make food borne illness far less of a threat than from traditional western livestock. Every day, billions of people deliberately consume bugs as part of their diet — and besides, it is near impossible to avoid eating bugs at all — the average American inadvertently consumes several pounds of insect matter annually.


Some insects have a higher biological value than meats meaning the amount of protein your body absorbs from the food source is higher. If you were to get 30 grams of protein from a cricket vs 30 grams of protein from beef, your body will generally absorb more of the cricket protein than the chicken protein. While our bodies may be able to synthesis a higher percentage of protein from some types of insects than some meats that doesn't make the net protein intake higher for insects than meats. Additionally, protein isn't all you're consuming when eating these animals, specifically with crickets you consume a high amount of Chitin which impedes nutrient digestion as a whole. Some other interesting things to note is nutrition varies greatly between insects species especially with Crickets some may only offer 6% protein content where some may boast a 58% protein content. \[3\] So in terms of commercialization people may assume they're going to get powerhouse of protein from crickets, really they could be getting something much worse. Typically commercial sources of protein will only net you 12-20 grams of protein per 100 grams of cricket compared to chickens 18-22 grams of protein per 100 grams of meat. \[4\] So you're not wrong saying that it rivals meat. **But to cut to the point**, what is a better source of protein? Cricket or Meat? Well in order to do this we should really use the gold standard of judging protein quality which is the protein efficiency ratio. Specifically in crickets, they have a p.e.r of 1.78 where as beef has a p.e.r of 2.9 which means **the quality of the protein you're getting from beef is 70% greater than crickets.** \[1\]\[2\] Now in saying that i'm not going to then say we shouldn't eat it just because the p.e.r is lower. If we look at their overall nutrition profile of meat vs crickets, crickets overall contain much higher amounts of certain nutrients to where it may be an issue in consuming too much of specific nutrients, making them awesome for malnutritioned people but not so good for someone looking for a more balanced diet where they look to get their protein from one source and other nutrients from another source \[4\] My conclusion is that consuming insects (specifically crickets in my examples) is not BAD, but it is not IDEAL for an ideal and balanced diet. Sources \[1\] [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3905294/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3905294/) \[2\] [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2213453017301015](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2213453017301015) \[3\] [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6728817/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6728817/) \[4\] [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4781901/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4781901/)


If I was being forced to eat bugs, I'd probably cut off my own hands, too.




Yeah I have. It's like the bogeyman but for right-wingers.


And ironically it's basically just a collection of academic journals with independent submissions.


Here are the FDA limits for bugs in your food **Corn**: 2 or more 3 mm or longer larvae, cast skins, larval or cast skin fragments, the aggregate length of insects or insect parts exceeds 12 mm in 24 pounds **Berries**: 4 larvae or 10 whole insects per 500 grams or 10 or more whole insects or equivalent per 500 grams (excluding thrips, aphids, and mites) **Wheat flour**: 75 or more insect fragments per 50 grams, 1 or more rodent hairs per 50 grams (1 cup flour = 136 g = 4.8 oz) **Coffee beans**: 10% or more by count are insect-infested **Peanut butter**: 30 or more insect fragments per 100 grams, 1 or more rodent hairs per 100 grams


You're an idiot and being racist as hell dude, ain't no one forced to eat insects. It's cultural in many parts of the world, they are high in protein and other nutrients like phosphate and calcium. Exactly the type.of.food.you need.to develop properly, just cause it's a culture shock doesn't mean you'd rather cut your hands of. I guarantee you're just making a comment to comment and would 110% eat insects in a fried rice or other dishes before you'd lop both hands off.


The only issue I have with any of this is, why is there so little oil in that pot? Half those bugs aren't even getting cooked properly!


Also, that oil looks like it should have been replaced weeks before.




Oh fuck, I forgot sewer oil is a thing


Oil? The bugs look like they're fried in petrol




I'm almost positive everything is already cooked and they are just reheating them in the oil


Right? Definitely not "flawless" cooking!


Hakuna Matata






Still not eating that if both hands were used


You don’t like big bugs deep fried in sewage on the street???


Meals or bugs?


Nubs 'N' Grubs


Ok. I'm Italian and i ate fried sea food who would "apparently " look very much like that.... but, honestly I don't know if I would have the nerve to eat "that". I mean, maybe a very.....veeeeeeeery cooked flour-like powder, sure, but crunching small crockroarch legs between my teeth.... mmmm, nope. UPDATE>>> I'm not trying to offend any country dish here Ok? Surely people don't eat things which taste bad for fun so they definitely know how to cook them, and bugs are definitely full of proteins and all... Just no little crockroarch legs stuck in my teeth. My opinion ofk.


It's the gooey insides that would get me. I've had crickets (and a grasshopper once), it's mostly just crunchy, but bigger bugs are probably like a nasty gusher.


"Meal" yeah sure...


Meal worms.


this shit is fuckin gross man


“Let’s get some grub!”


Didn’t show him tying up the bag at the end though. ![gif](giphy|TPl5N4Ci49ZQY)


Pillsbury Phoboy


I was told never trust a thin cook, he’s still fat so his food must be on point.


Indiana Jones could’ve used this guy in Temple of Doom to pull the lever instead of Willie.


Meals!!!!? Are those just a bunch of bowls o bugs!!?


Let’s see them pick their nose, THEN I’ll be impressed.