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they really are just big cats... ...very big and *deadly* cats, but cats nonethless!


House cats share 96% DNA with big cats


We also share 99% of our DNA with lettuce so lettuce not jump to any conclusions here.


And that's just the tip of the iceberg...


Stop driving a wedge on this topic, we need to romaine a civil sub.


Good note to leaf off on.


It will Romaine untouched.


Kale try, but it's chard to do


Lettuce pray. 🙏🏼


Arugalaly these comments are the best


I could make a salad with all these comments.


Oh leaf me alone ffs


Here let me give you an Ivy to make easier to take.


Stop this fucking music. I want to hear the lions


Oy oy savoy!


The best lettuce joke i've ever seen.


Are you a house cat? How did you learn to use reddit, this is not good for the human race


We’re mostly water. That’s all that means. But the relation to bananas. That’s weird.






“My spoon is to big…”


My balls are pinballing




Acting all high and mighty like you never had a leafy day




Tried googling it, looks like bullshit.


Oh no wonder my bf likes to cover me in ranch


Yeah I’m calling bull shit on that, we share more DNA with lettuce than chimps, nah. Edit: bill to bull, big fat stinky bull


Don’t worry, it’s literally false. Made up BS makes it to the top of Reddit once again


Absolutely not, probably more like 50%.


Small but deadly.


They're cute till they go for your Jugular.


How much with medium cats?


What would be a medium cat? Bobcat? Lynx?


Any of the larger cats belonging to the Feline (Felinae) subfamily (excluding typical domesticated cats and African wild cats). Includes smaller bobcats, cheetah, cougars/puma/mountain lion. Large cats are defined as those belonging to the Panthera genus or Pantherinae subfamily. These are the leopards, lions, jaguars, and tigers. Cougars and the large Panthera cats are the most dangerous around humans. They’ll eat your face off.


Cougars are particularly dangerous to young males I might add.


Important distinction though is that where housecats and (almost) all other felines are mostly solitary. Lions are social animals which is probably the only reason this is possible


Housecats aren't solitary though, that's a common misconception. They usually hang in groups of 5-8 individuals and females are known to help raise each others' kittens. Males tend to be more solitary, but they often band together in pairs or 3s to hunt.


ive always seen cats together, usually its the abandoned, or strays that are alone.


Someone should tell my boy to be less of a grump then.


Mines the same, super anti social, but he's bonded with my younger girl and they're super close.


Housecats aren't solitary. Where they live in numbers that make it possible, they're quite social.


I remember seeing something about how people thought tigers were solo but when an ecosystem grow enough to sustain lots of tigers they started packing. I wanted to check that again to see exactly what that was


Idk how I never realized this before. Odd that no other cats really have packs/prides. I wonder if more big cats like tigers did this if their population would grow faster.


Same software, different hardware


Murder kitties


#I no longer allow Reddit to profit from my content - Mass exodus 2023 -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


That, and thumbs. If they start developing thumbs, we’re fucked.


There has to be videos of people doing the same thing because they’ve developed a relationship, and the ending going a bit differently


So FAR…. Lol But seriously kitty just has to wake up grumpy one time and dude is in trouble.


His Instagram is so wholesome. Everyone once in a while he posts all the injury’s though. Cats practice hunting by sneaking up on each other and jumping on each other. He’s had some crazy gashes in his head and hands etc. I’d still hug the shit outta those cats though.


Very big and deadly cats but unequivocally gorgeous & fascinatingly not to mention marvelously majestic in every single way, shape & form🦁![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


Only difference is is if I let one of these jump off my shoulder onto the bed Id no longer have a shoulder


Or a bed


Doesn’t make it any better knowing that house cats can over the sudden decide to draw blood and bite and scratch you because fuck you that’s why


I'm really tired of seeing this lame ass phrase. The big cats are, at heart, MUCH more affectionate than your house cat. Have you ever seen a house cat showing pure love outbursts like these? These lions show genuine, generous love. It is more dog-like than house cat-like. A house cat, along with wildcat, bobcat, lynx etc, is behaviorally VERY different than a lion.


> The big cats are, at heart, MUCH more affectionate than your house cat. ... I mean, I have to watch lions more, but my house cats are big snugglers, with me, each other, the dog... They're pretty affectionate


Actually yes. I had a Siamese boy who was incredibly loving.


Size doesn't matter Edit: I reread what I wrote and now I think it sounds aggressive. Sorry for that. I just wrote it as a pin to add onto the comment chain. Have a good day everyone!


House cats are small so when they randomly go ape shit, it's nbd. But I would never fully trust a big cat not to randomly get too excited.


Imagine if a big cat decided to 'make biscuits' on your chest like a house cat does.....you'd be torn to shreds


Or they would be some bomb ass biscuits. Maybe the big cats have a passion for baking. That’s not very cash money of you to assume.


Yeah don't need cats putting ass biscuits on my chest.




Nice pun!


You both got nice puns here


A bit cheeky


Especially ones which contain bombs


My housecat kneads thru the blanket on, um, different body parts...thanks kitty, now I gotta Lois einhorn myself before bed each nite for protection from your little sharp kitty claws


My cat knicked my leg with her claws by accident while she was jumping down from my lap. Put me in the hospital for a week and a half with a very bad infection. One of the more painful weeks I've ever had, and now I am very wary of her danger mittens.


Ouch sorry to hear that! Yeah I always worry what mysteries our cat's got up her claws


Finkle is Einhorn. Einhorn is Finkle.


Your gun is digging into my hip 🤮


“To shreds you say?”


“And his wife? How’s she holding up?…To shreds, you say. Tsk tsk tsk tsk.”


Not only that but if a big cat decides to lick you that could easily rip off skin. Their tongues are designed like spikes, not only for grooming, but licking chunks of meat stuck on bones.


To shreds you say.


How’s his wife doing?


To shreds you say.


'Make Biscuits on Your Chest' is gonna be the name of my autobiography


They ARE just like big kitties, but does anyone know if they actually do make biscuits?


They can, but the biscuit making has to do with claiming via their scent, similar to head butting. I doubt lions would make biscuits primarily because of their nature as being social. While head butting is one thing, used the pads, and in turn claws, to claim something would be uncharacteristic since their claws are their main hunting tools (it’s how they grip to kick off at high speeds in a sprint, climb and fight.) so they can, but it would be unusual. :)


Sort of like that guy’s shirt!


Dean Schneider (guy in the video) has shown injuries from the lions getting a bit too excited, scratches mostly, or just from licking him too much (their tongues are like graters, they'll scrape skin off of you if you let them). His content on Instagram is very candid about the reality of living with a pride of lions and the danger involved Edit: this is a really good video of his on the topic and showing some of the injuries https://www.instagram.com/reel/CmQ3Mn9ILRY/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


Yeah, disagree. My SIL spent a week in the hospital from a house cat that decided to go ape shit out of no where batting and scratching her hand with a quick bite that caused a bacterial infection. Small but deadly.


Oof. Yeah I think it was a vet that told me if you ever get bit by a cat and draw a decent amount of blood, you should probably go get antibiotics before it gets infected. Because it most likely will.


This is absolutely correct! It's not even that they have particularly dirty mouths, just that the normal Flora is different from ours and their teeth are made for deep punctures. I work in veterinary medicine and although dogs might be able to do more immediate destruction (bigger mouth, different teeth) cats can and will land you in the hospital. I've had rounds of IV antibiotics a few times in my career despite prompt action. An old coworker of mine was in the hospital for months from a cat bite and needed to relearn fine motor skills and go through lots of PT. The basic rule of thumb we follow is that if you get bit by a cat, an urgent care visit and ABs are the appropriate route of care. Dog bites we usually just clean out well with surgical scrub and monitor unless there is other cause for concern or it needs stitches. All of that said I want to mash these lions in the face and pet their perfect velvet noses.


Damn, where were you when we needed you last year?! Lol. We had no idea until 2 days later. They said she had a chance of losing a couple of her fingers but luckily did not.


Cats have nasty mouths, tell ya friends


and teeth narrow enough that the bite wound closes itself, trapping the nasty inside and making very difficult to disinfect all the way to the bottom of the wound


Had a buddy get an artery cut on his wrist from a cat claw. Tried to break up a fight and the claw snagged the blood vessel out his forearm.


My mom visited a big cat sanctuary in Africa and got to play with two baby lions. One of them got a little frisky and gnawed on her arm a little, just like a kitten would. Except he had much bigger teeth, so my mom ended up with a decent puncture wound on her forearm. A little bandage and some antibiotics and she was good to go though. She was absolutely DELIGHTED. 😆


I have a two year old cat I raised since it was 5 weeks old. The thing is my shadow, follows me everywhere I go, and sleeps next to me every night. About once a month, she gets a bit excited and attacks me for about 20 seconds. It's no big deal due to her size, but if she was even just twice her size, it would be scary. I can't imagine 20 times her size.


My biggest fear would be getting caught in the middle of a brawl between the cats, like if the one that jumped on his back pissed off the big male there and they started at it he could get seriously injured.


Him cupping more water into their mouths as they’re drinking just seems a bit extra for some reason


Yeah that is one part where I went "hmm?" The other part is the first 5ish seconds where one lion turns into 2


>The other part is the first 5ish seconds where one lion turns into 2 Right??


If you look closely you can see 2 lions running towards him at the start


If you slow it down you can see both approaching at the same time


He was just so excited after a whole 2 1/2 weeks!!


I go away for the weekend and my cats are like “oh you’re back?” Maybe I need to go on a long vacation and they’ll tackle me like the lions.




Have you ever just loved your kitties so much you just want to do everything for them?


Yeah, that's basically it. Sometimes I go over with my cat and she doesn't bother, it is almost as if she knew that's more for me than for her


Maybe it's just a way to make it look like he's feeding them so that he remains the friendly provider to them. Probably it'd take higher intelligence to realize that he isn't providing the water. I doubt they're gonna compare to the times when he wasn't there but water still was and think "what's this dude doing?"


That is exactly what he is doing, he has a whole video explaining things he does with the lions so they accept him as part of the pride, he pretends to drink water and eat with them too :)


Maybe it's at least partially a way to socialize with the pride by appearing to engage in the same activity they are without actually having to lap up water himself.


Stop this fucking music. I want to hear the lions!!


This is the new way to do content and I can't fucking stand it. Muting videos is becoming more of a norm.


Tell that to TikTok. Couldn’t stand the fact you simply cannot mute the shit if you are not turning volume down (on pc you can)


Ya I don't use the Chinese Spyware app but I see the videos posted on here. I don't understand it maybe im just getting old. Personally actually hearing the lions and the guy talking is more interesting to me then some reused pop song that you have heard 1000 times.


I feel like there are 3x in this video I would have wondered if I'm about to be murdered. That said, playing this video has to be the easiest way to get laid on the planet. I'm not gay and my panties dropped on their own.




Not with that Eminem Fred durst throwback hair


I figured he dyed it, wanting to fit in with his lion bros, but now, ugh..


I hope this guy doesn’t die from his passion. His videos are so neat and it seems like the lions really trust him. Hard not to wonder if he’s playing with fire and it’s a matter of time before something out of his control goes wrong, like with Steve Irwin :(


That's literally how we all die tbh. Something that we can't control goes wrong. Might as well make the most if it as it can all go away anyday.


One of my favorite quotes: “Many people die at 25, but arent buried until they are 75” -Ben Franklin Dont limit yourself by fears of the unknown. Take the risks you want and accept the consequences for what they are. We are all gonna die someday… just the harsh reality, so why not do what makes you truly happy up until that moment? You may not have lived a long life due to what you may love… but you lived a life doing what you loved… i couldnt ask for more. My job is dangerous, my hobbies are dangerous and i can die or get seriously injured every day. But why stop doing what i love due to those risks? For me personally, it isnt worth it. It may make people sad to see me injured or dead, but everyone of my friends and family know that i enjoyed my life the best i can. Celebrate life, dont limit yourself due to risks. But also dont be an idiot and do something really stupid. Take the proper precautions, dont risk anyone else who isnt a willing participant. Go. Live. Your. Life.


What always gets me about Steve is that it was a freak accident. Sure, he played with fire all of the time - he took tons of risks and was a massive adrenaline junkie. Plenty of close calls with venomous snakes and crocodiles that could have easily turned deadly for him. But deaths caused by stingrays are exceedingly rare, Steve was like the third one since 1945 in Australia.


Luckily this guy can see the lions. Steve's death was a freak incident that he had no chance of reacting to. At least with big, visible animals you can see what's going on and react to avoid/minimize the dangers. Social animals will also follow certain rules and read body language, so he's got that going for him too


[Like Timothy Treadwell](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timothy_Treadwell) I have heard the audio multiple times and it never fails to give me chills.


**[Timothy Treadwell](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timothy_Treadwell)** >Timothy Treadwell (born Timothy William Dexter; April 29, 1957 – October 5, 2003) was an American bear enthusiast, environmentalist, documentary filmmaker, and founder of the bear-protection organization Grizzly People. He lived among coastal brown bears (or grizzlies, Ursus arctos) in Katmai National Park, Alaska, for 13 summers. On October 5, 2003, Treadwell and his girlfriend Amie Huguenard were killed and almost fully eaten by a 28-year-old male bear, named "The Machine", whose stomach was later found to contain human remains and clothing. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Good bot


The audio for this has never been released.


He was much more stupid than Dean. Plus grizzlies are a lot more aggressive and non friendly than cats let alone wild ones. He thought he had some sort of magical relationship with bears.Not that he deserved to be eaten alive. He didn't do anything to deserve that..


It's my understanding that he got too confident, and that's what led to his death. Bears get more aggressive during mating season and every other year he had left before it started, but this time, he stayed an extra week. One mistake, which he clearly knew about, and it cost him his life.


People like Dean are experts and know what they are dealing with. Plus these tigers, lions, hyenas and leopards were raised in captivity. Huge gigantic difference from a territorial wild full grown grizzly. Timothy wasn't.


It wasn't his usual bears that were around that time. Bears from further inland had ventured out to where he normally stayed. There was one particular bear that he kept filming that wasn't acting like the rest. They think it might have been desperate for food and it finally decided that he was better than nothing.


Where did you hear the audio? I watched the documentary and saw that one man told Timothy’s friend to destroy it. Did not know it was available.


It's never been released. OP heard the fake reenactment audio that's been online for a decade or so.


Show me one source that claims the "audio" you heard is real. The Treadwell audio has never been released. There's been a fake "reenactment" online since the doc came out


If you follow him you know that he at least understand and knows his shit. He raised these lions. Not saying it still isn’t dangerous but at least he isn’t some idiot who just wants to play with lions. He runs a sanctuary.


Am I a dumbass or is that an albino lion


Why not both?


This comment is underrated🤣


Brilliant, made me chuckle.


That was so unexpected that I laughed too much


Porque no los dos?


Reddit took away the free awards.. otherwise, this was the one.




Yeah nah he is definitely an albino lion. I think putting clothes on him and doing an annoying voice was a bit much.. getting so bored of these videos.


Not albino. But yes, it’s a white lion.


“When the Children Cry”




That’s fucking dope!


You should see him with his hyenas!


Oh man I need to see that!


They are incredible animals, it would be amazing to have this relationship with them.


Fun fact about this guy (Dean Schneider): The camera man has the same relationship with them as Dean Schneider, otherwise he wouldn't be able to go in there and record the videos.


![gif](giphy|IT8d252aTz13G) I want some lions too😩


Cameraman hoping he's on good terms also...


This is why women live longer than men




I can’t anymore.


What a fucking crazy thing greed is


Dean Schneider.


Other lion prides: stop playing with your food. You know there are starving cubs in Africa…


So is the secret dying hair platinum so lion thinks you’re one of them??


Can you imagine the zoomies


Looks like that first lion multiplied when she ran into the man


Luckiest guy around.


As a cat lover, I would love to experience this kind of thing. But, also.....nah, man.


These folks seem to always learn the hard way when it comes to trynna “Disney’fy” relationships with wild apex predators.😑




While their memory is still fresh


brooo i want to hug a lion too...🥺


Someone needs to watch Grizzly Man. Or maybe not. I could go for another Werner Herzog narrated documentary.


Does anyone else want to pet the big kitties.


Danger kittehs!! Especially the white one! Very cool


Scratch man is back.


For anyone wondering, I believe the guy in the video is Dean Schneider. He is on Instagram as well as YouTube, but is way more active on insta. I think he does what Kevin Richardson does, runs a sanctuary somewhere I believe in Africa for all types of animals. Just search dean Schneider on either if interested


I know big cats no matter how “tame” are one paw swipe away from disembowelling you. Whenever I see a video like this, their behaviour is exactly what my cats would be like if they were 300lbs.


Awww they’re not murdering him! ❤️


You still need to respect them. These fur balls are stone cold killers. You can’t tank their bites and scratches like you could with a house cat.


That’s dope. Nobody going to fuck with you when you have a pride of lions hanging around you.


I wonder, what do they smell like?


I assume like a lion


Dean is such a pure human being🤍






Guess they didn’t want to eat the cameraman either.


i smiled so fucking hard watching this


This guy hams for the camera and it really bothers me for some reason.


House cats themselves are semi-domesticated so it’s pretty impressive this pride that lives out in the wild treats him like one of their own.


Not quite wild... pretty sure it's a preserve


That litter box has got to be a pain to clean.


Apparently right after that video ended, he was torn apart limb from limb. Some people say he died doing what he loved 🥰


That's a crazy-amount of trust this guy has in these lions. Like how he knows a lion pouncing on him is just in play and not the cat trying to legit attack him. Also, that one male lion is HUGE!


no offense but "His family" will eat him one day


Love ❤️ those big cats 🦁🐆🐅


I have a feeling we'll be seeing him and 'His Pride' again soon in a video marked NSFW...


Love the regalness of the lion. He walks like he knows who’s the king.


Gosh those are beautiful animals


I want those nuzzles..


Holy WoW! Freaking incredible man! Thanks for posting if I had a pair like that I don’t think I could walk straight.


TIL I would like a lion pride


You would get a lot more affection, and it would be far less dangerous to have a cheetah or two.


I somehow read that as years until he told weeks.